2005/9/20 [Uncategorized] UID:39760 Activity:nil |
9/20 awall, do you wall? Do you read the motd? \_ just filter out his emails if you don't like him |
2005/9/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39761 Activity:low |
`9/20 Dubya is incompetent not racist http://csua.org/u/dfp (Wash Post columnist) \_ Maybe he is not, but that doesn't change the fact that his party leads racists. "...There was more than a little truth to this at one time. The GOP, after all, became a safe haven for Southern bigots who fled the Democratic Party in the civil rights era." \_ I'd also go with: "Dubya's incompetence fucked poor blacks. He let them down." (my own words) \_ when push comes to shove, there's probably a lot more racists in america then people are willing to admit \_ "than", not "then", you stupid immigrant! \_ Fun story on NPR where they went with Astrodome refugees offered 6 months free housing in Houston. Most rejected one spot because there were too many Mexicans. They wanted someplace where they felt "more comfortable." http://thislife.org \_ Are the ones rejecting the spot white? \_ Nope. \_ The president who freed the slaves was a Republican. The first African American Secretary of State is a Republican. The second African American Secretary of State is a Republican. \_ And more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than Democrats. \_ These two comments are so abysmally stupid it makes me want to cry. \_ Care to elaborate? \_ When did you stop beating your wife? \_ I agree with that. Bush/Republicans don't really care about your skin color as long as you're rich and/or powerful, preferably both. If it happens to be that the poor people aren't white, then it just looks like racism when he screws them over. \_ That's just plain stupid. Bush/Republicans /do/ care about you irrespective of color/income. From the article: "in his first presidential campaign, I traveled with him and tried, as he might say, to look into his heart. Conveniently enough, he sometimes wears it on his sleeve -- never more so, as I discovered, than when he talks about poor kids and racial and ethnic minorities. His feelings for them -- especially for poor kids -- are genuine." Of course, I'm no longer a Republican so I guess you're not talking about me, right? -emarkp \_ When did you shift and why? \_ When did you shit and why? \_ Bush/Republicans believe the best way to help the poor is by making the rich richer. This will grow the economy and give everyone a job and then everyone will be happy. They screw the poor over not because they don't like the poor but because this doesn't work. \_ Sure it worked. It worked from the glorious days of Reaganomics when the super tax cut for the super rich shifted our economy into 6th gear and saw the housing and economic boom we have never seen since the 50s and ultimately caused the demise of the evil Soviet Union. Why do you hate Reagan? \_ "Yoda, why you gotta be a playa hatuh?" \_ We'll see how an economy built on suburban sprawl and financed by equity cash-out loans deals with the end of the era of cheap energy. \_ Reagan didn't cause the suburban sprawl and the rising cost of energy. Why do you hate the man? \_ Recently I reregistered as "no party affiliation" because the party system is as broken as unions. Basically the R's as a group are selling out the country instead of solving problems. Then again, so are the D's. -emarkp \_ Join the Green Party. We recycle, buy hybrids, and try to bike as often as we can. I just got a scooter last year. It's really cool. \_ you know scooter pollutes more than a car, right? \_ The main problem I have with Greens is that they tend to be very myopic and almost obsessively focused on a dangerously narrow set of issues. While I count myself as an environmentalist, I think there's a much bigger picture to be considered that doesn't jibe very well with the narrow Green body politic. -mice \_ I agree with some of the goals of the Greens, but I think too many are just nuts. -emarkp \_ I used to be a Democrat and now I feel exactly the same way you do. I hate both R and D. But there is nothing else left. \_ If all the decent rational people leave the two major parties, only winguts are left to vote in both major party primaries. It's self-perpetuating. It's important to pick a party and vote in its primary *especially* if you hate where the parties are going and want to see them go in different directions. \_ My goal of leaving the party was to remove a bias based on a letter. I want to work harder on focusing on what people say and do rather than a letter next to their names. -emarkp |
2005/9/20-21 [Health, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:39762 Activity:low |
9/20 Simon Wiesenthal, RIP -John \_ If you haven't read "Eichmann In Jerusalem" by Arendt, now is as good a time as any \_ So whatever happened to Gestapo chief Heinrich Muller and \_ They're living in my basement, trolling the motd. Auschwitz doctor Josef Mengele? \_ They're living in my basement, trolling the motd. \_ it's funny that many has strong feeling toward what Nazi has done to Jews, yet worship those in the Yasukuni Shrine. |
2005/9/20-21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:39763 Activity:nil |
9/20 I've had a soda account since 1993. How come I've never received any e-mail from the CSUA mailing list until this month? I didn't even know such a list existed. Thanks. \_ Probably because until recently the mailing list was an opt-in list, which probably has been changed to an opt-out list. \_ Motd should also be an opt-out thing. It was for over 2 decades until an idiotic root guy changed it back because his gf on soda feels insulted by the trolls. \_ Wow, that was a total non-sequitur. |
2005/9/20-21 [Computer/Theory] UID:39764 Activity:nil |
9/20 UCB professors win 3 (of 25) MacArthur prizes: http://tinyurl.com/bgtq4 \_ I've always been impressed by Berkeley'd research and the brilliant people behind the research. Too bad most of them don't seem to give a damn about teaching or helping undergrads. Funny that great researchers aren't always great teachers. My experience shows quite the opposite. -grad student \_ This is not a coincidence. Tenure decisions are based mostly on research, and at some schools they're based 100% on research. Doing the quality of research that gets you tenure at a place like Berkeley simply does not leave any time to be a decent teacher or to care about undergrads. I know that my advisor is a great teacher from one-on-one situations where he is explaining stuff to grad students, but all the undergrads I've talked to say he totally sucks as a teacher. He shows up for his classes sleep-deprived and barely prepared, and copies his notes onto the board, with errors, then gives a couple really hard exams and calls it teaching. But he got tenure, and does outstanding research. Don't hate the player, hate the game. outstanding research. Don't hate the player, hate the gnome. \_ I agree. I had a professor in the Math Dept. who sucked when I took Math 50B. When I had him later in Math 185 the class was small and I was often the only one in office hours. He was much better then, although still a bit impatient. \_ My advisor tells me not to worry about TAing or teaching. Just concentrate on my research. Research gets you everything, teaching gets you nothing. This is coming out from a well respected guy in Berkeley. -anon grad \_ MacArthurs analyzed. http://www.slate.com/id/85794 \_ This is hilarious, THANK YOU. \_ BRILLANT! |
2005/9/20-21 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:39765 Activity:nil |
9/20 "Airlines to Test Cell-Phone Service" - Yahoo! News: http://csua.org/u/dfw "... its general release in 2007 for everywhere in the world but North America". Good! At least I can still sleep on domestic flights. \_ YO 'SUP DOG, I'M IN A PLANE \_ YO 'SUP DOG, I'M IN A PLANE |
2005/9/20-21 [Uncategorized] UID:39766 Activity:nil |
9/20 http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000003058917 Record keyboard sound, guess password with 90% accuracy. |
2005/9/20-21 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:39767 Activity:nil |
9/20 http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000870059426/#comments \_ "In Soviet Russia, the car drives YOU" -- Is that you ilyas? |
2005/9/20-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:39768 Activity:low |
9/20 Anti-war mother's speech cut short" ... "An organizer was arrested and charged with using a loudspeaker without a permit." So if the city wants to ban protests, just don't issue permit? I guess freedom of gathering in this country is not as free as I thought. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/09/20/sheehan.protest.ap/index.html \_ Feel free to gather, but your freedom to gather should not impinge on my freedom to have a quiet day at home away from peacenik numbnuts. There is no other country that protects individual freedoms to the extent that the USA does. None. \_ Are you 100% sure about that after the Patriot act? -- born in a country where gay marriage is legal, pot is legal, prostitution is legal, porn is freely displayed in stores, you have a right to die if you want, etc. \_ Yeah, but I bet you don't have a right to buy an enormous automobile and get cheap groceries at Walmart in whatever Communist hell you're from! |
2005/9/20-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:39769 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 Since people don't seem to have Clue(tm) about what is going on with csua@csua, let me explain: With the transition to the new mailman-managed lists, politburo made the decision that a requisite of having an account on soda is being subjected to knowing what is going on in the organization. Therefore we imported every user into the list. There was a mistake in that jobs@csua was pointing at csua@csua, so everyone was getting job spam. Well, maybe not a mistake, but a poor decision. It was therefore decided that jobs would be an opt-out email list seperate from csua@csua. You should all be getting much less csua@csua spam, and can opt-out of jobs@csua at your discretion. - jvarga \_ jvarga, how about turning off all alumni accounts? They're annoying as hell. We can talk about this at TC Gardens. My treat. \_ I'll take you up on free food, but I won't fry alumni accounts. I am, unfortunately, out on an internship for 8 months, so I'll take you up on this offer you have promised to me without putting conditions on it when I get back. - jvarga \_ I remember when I was young and could be bribed into doing a 150 project for this hot manipulative BITCH with a cheapo TC Garden lunch that she paid for because I thought she liked me. ARGH!!!!! \_ I almost got dragged into that kind of situation with 162. At the last second I came to my senses. At the last second I came to my senses -- but yeah -- that girl was put together right. I think she ended up doing *really* badly that semester since both of the people that she tried to manipulate into her group bailed on her. \_ Cal alumni tend to bitch a lot and contribute very little. Look at Stanford. They have so much idling Sun Ultras just waiting to be used or hacked. They've always had an abundance. Then look at Cal. 30 years later we're still bickering on the lack of resources. Sad. -1980s guy \_ What a waste of electricity and silicon. \_ Are you sure you're not just describing yourself or justifying your own shortcomings with "everyone else does it"? \_ Change begins at home. Why don't you contribute something to the CSUA instead of bitching? - alum who donates \_ So, a few alumni are annoying, at least by one person's definition. So now we should use that as reason to turn off all alumni accounts? It would seem to me that alumni contribute more than they are annoying. Some even contribute money. \_ and how will the newbie maggots get a job afterward without networking or getting input from the real world? \_ Like you would really help anyone besides yourself anyway? -mrauser \_ I had a longer response but someone stomped me. I've asked for job postings before and gotten them; I've seen jobs advertised here by grads for both grads and ugrads; I bet alot of the opportunities in the csua/jobs or wherever are from grads. -mice \_ I have hired several interns and at least 1 full time person into my group based on reponses to job postings on the motd or general csua contact. \_ Go go gadget mrauser networking skills! :-) -John \_ As was surmised, and for future reference (not that you or the politburo should care) when you do this you should send out an email explaining the above. \_ I think it got lost in the confusion because Seidl (sp?) did the actual mailman configuration. I agree it would be a good idea to send out notice next time (like I did with jobs@csua). -mrauser \_ Am I allowed to opt-out of csua@csua too? \_ No, thanks for playing. -mrauser As a side note, if you want to use the CSUA server, you at least have to pay some attention to CSUA events (or just be lame and nuke them in your procmail folder, but I'm watching you!). \_ Simple solution to a simple problem-- just nuke every single ungrateful alumni who never seem to be satisfied anyways. Why the hell are they still using UC resources anyways? \_ Opting-out a list reduces resource usage on /var/mail. \_ Does the current 'df' situation look like I care about resource usage on /var/mail or /home? - jvarga \_ the motd should be an opt-out thing too. Seriously!! \_ It already is. Just do "touch ~/.hushlogin". \_ Right now, MOTD is opt-in; new accounts have .hushlogin by default. -tom \_ And again this wasn't the case for 2 decades until a bitch convinced her bf p**** to disable motd because she was offended by trolls. |
2005/9/20-22 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:39770 Activity:low |
9/20 dear motd travel agent, My company is sending me to India for a few weeks in November. I will be in Bangalore but I plan to take weekends and some extra time off to do sightseeing. I've never been to India before and would love to hear any advice. Specifically I'm wondering if it's realistic to expect to be able to use the weekends to do sightseeing by taking flights within the country to see specific areas or if that's too crazy / wasteful. \- if you ask on the wall, i may be able to give you some help. --psb \_ Can't you just respond? There's a reason why motd works better \- this is simpler to answer in a two way conversation. otherwise you waste time on paths that may be subject to early pruning. \_ Hahahaha, "path" and "early pruning", this is so CS talk and so funny in this context.. \_ I can tell you that India is a huge country, and that flying between big cities isn't something that can easily be done in a weekend without you tiring yourself out after one trip. Try taking some extended time off (~5 days) to be able to spend some time once you're in the new city. Otherwise, with the hectic hell that is the airport in india, you will not want to fly again. BTW, go with Jet Air if you fly. \- india is a big country by rail but not by plane. when it comes to travel, india offers a very pure choice between time an money. in general i would recemmend try to do a longer trip maybe at the end of your trip rather than try to do weekend stuff. although a weekend trip to kerela might be doable. but you have to pick whether you want to see ancient monumuents, mountains, relax at a beach resort etc. \_ Air travel is not exactly easy in India. Unless you are prepared to deal with flight cancelation and getting stranded, I would recommend that you stick to either bus tours or trains from B'lore. A day/weekend trip that is pretty safe is to travel to Mysore. It is about a 2 hr train ride and there are many trains each day. Mysore has some nice palaces and temples that you can visit. There is also KRS dam w/ fountains and a garden that is nice. Mysore is pretty laid back and should be safe for english only tourists. If you have some extra cash, you might be able to stay at the Laitha Mahal Palace for a couple of days. I agree w/ psb that a weekend trip to Kerela might be doable, but seeing as the train ride is nearly 1 day from B'lore it will be cutting it close. You might be able to fly to Cochin but that will be expensive and you should probably have a backup plan b/c there are only like 1 or 2 flights from B'lore to Cochin every day and the flights get canceled frequently. \- i suspect locals can tell you a reliable way to get to cochin etc. in my experience india guide books are often out of date or giving non-optimal advice. there are a lot of non-intuitive things about india travel that are "common knowledge" among locals. for example if you want to get from Kolkata to Varanasi, it is vastly superior to take the Howrah - Mughal Sarai Junction train than to take the direct train to Varanasi Cantonment. etc. more in mail. \- according to my india rail guide the Kaveri Express leaves B'lore around 7am gets to Mysore around 10ish and leave Mysore around 6pm to return to B'lore by ~9, so that may be a easy weekend, but locals can tell you if it would be smarter to hire a car if you have 2-4 people in your tour party. it is about 400mi to cochin and the b'lore - kanyakumai express [sic] goes via ernakulam but i am not sure if there is a better option. unless you count the really big destinations in india, india travel is often about the characters you meet on the journey and the "character building" that happens rather where you are going. i've always been surpised to hear people liked kolkata because there isnt much to see there and i am not sure what is interesting about the place if you dont speak bengali. |
2005/9/20-22 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:39771 Activity:low |
9/20 Hypothetical question. Let's say it is year 1930 again and you are Adolf Hitler II. You have a dream to dominate Europe and more in a mere decade or two. What would you have done that's the same as before, and more importantly what would you have done differently, be it politically, militarily, economically? Please don't delete this thread, I'm curious what motd historian buffs have to say. \- "I have a dream ..." \_ Stop interrupting you Bengali shit \_ not try to invade Russia until the rest of Europe was polished off \_ How about "don't invade Russia, period." Winter is so cold there that motoroil actually freezes, rendering your highly mechaniszed units useless. \_ Yeah... Hitler underestimated the size of the Soviet army. I wonder if he thought he would avoid war with the US. Or maybe he hoped to crush the Soviets really quickly. Anyway once that failed and US was involved it was over. In retrospect they needed to knock out Britain. But they screwed up the air war there. Knowing what we know now, different tactics might have allowed them to take out either Britain or USSR quickly. In the first place I think Hitler hoped to get Poland without the British war, which would have let him focus only on the east. And when Barbarossa began the "fortress Europe" had been established, USA wasn't at war, so Hitler probably felt safe with that. \_ Don't trust the Italians, they're utterly incompetent. \_ Forget about heavy water. Listen to the jews and go uranium instead. And don't piss them off by putting them in concentration camps until after they've invented the A-bomb. \_ HAHA my thoughts exactly. Rule #1 in business-- never treat people badly until they give you want you want. The Jews are smart. Treat them well at first, concentration camp later. \_ Are you sure this would have worked for Hitler? Part of Hitler's route to power was by scapegoating the Jews. Face it, persecuting and blaming a minority for all your problems is an effective way of getting power. --PM \_ I see. Was there another minority he could use as scapegoat at that moment? \_ He could have used the Poles. I mean, there are so many Polish jokes to tell and they don't seem to mind \_ He wouldn't have needed the whole anti-semitic shpiel. The krauts were falling apart at the seams politically and screaming for stability and strong leadership, and still bitter enough about being stomped on militarily during and diplo- matically after WWI that the nazis were a shoo-in to run the joint. Remember that WWII only came along after a pretty spectacular, virtually un- opposed run of aggression in the name of anti- communism and reuniting all Germans into one big happy fatherland. -John happy vatherland. -John \_ Apparently you flunked history. The Nazis were not "shoo-ins" to run the joint. They got into power with less than the majority vote. It was because Hindenburg was weak and the opposition was fragmented that lead to Hitler's appointment to be Chancellor in an attempt to create a coalition government. \_ That, and also the effects of the Great Depression which affected Germany as much, if not worse, than the US. \_ Rape and plunder doesn't work well for long periods. Treat the stinking Frenchmen and poor Poles nicer. Give them a sense that they belong to something of great importance instead of just beating the shit out of them. After they assimilated and contributed, THEN beat the shit out of them. Oh and don't screw around with French women, most of them have STDs and will incapacitate your Waffen-SS Wehrmacht. \_ Or join it... -John \_ ULTRA is compromised. \_ More to the point, if everything goes according to your expectations, it means they're feeding you bad intel; it does NOT mean you're a genius. \_ You misunderstand ULTRA. If the other side knows every major move you're making, it is harder for you to win. \_ On the contrary, I understand ULTRA very well. However, in order to keep Hitler from knowing that ULTRA was compromised, the Allies waged a campaign of misinformation that relied primarily on Hitler wanting to believe that his predictions of enemy movement would be accurate. Cf. Bodyguard of Lies by Anthony Cave Brown. \_ So communicating factually through a compromised system would be okay even if Hitler knew it was compromised and his predictions came true. That's even more occult belief than I want to deal with. \_ Sigh. Call me old-fashioned, but I'm trying to keep this within the realm of the knowledge that he might have gained under the circumstances. If he realized that things were running too impossibly close to his expectations, he might have realized that he was being played. He might also have been able to seed ULTRA with false intel while speeding up R&D of Enigma. Thank god he was a paranoid, megalomaniacal pillock. \_ Donate to Charles Lindberg's Presidential campaign and convince the Japs to hold off on Pearl Harbor until all the Carriers were back in port. I would have won the battle of Britain prior to opening the Russian front and then I would have got the Japs to help me take out Russia. Then I would send the Kreigsmarine to take out the US from the east coast while the Japs took out the US from the west coast. |
2005/9/20-21 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:39772 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 Is there a way to tell Emacs not to append an LF at the end of a C file if the last line doesn't end with an LF? Thanks. \- i dont undersand exactly what you mean [append when?] but emacs can certainly do anything in this area with the approprite hook (which should already exist for what youa re trying to do) calling an appropriate function (which you may have to write). if what want to do is reasonable, it is probably already solved. who are you? \_ Say I have a 7-byte file foo.c like this: 'F' 'O' 'O' <LF> 'B' 'A' 'R' i.e. the second line doesn't end with <LF>. \_ Found it: (setq require-final-newline nil). Thanks. -- OP |
2005/9/20-21 [Transportation/Car] UID:39773 Activity:nil |
9/20 Hey I just cancelled AAA automobile insurance today. I'm very very happy. They didn't know how to handle insurance claims I made last year and made a mess. My license was suspended due to multiple errors they wrote on the SR-1p form. Fuck AAA automobile insurance. BTW I just went to http://costco.com and got a new insurance w/ MORE coverage and LESS cost. Fuck AAA. \_ AAA cancelled my insurance when I got a fix-it ticket because they said I had some rate that was instantly invalid if I got any sort of infraction, then they charged me $50 for the privilege, then all sorts of other stupid shit happened. - danh \_ I'm the op. Here's what happened to me. Someone rear-ended me. The other side paid for repairs because she was at-fault. AAA said they'll take care of everything else, like sending in the SR-1p form to DMV. I drove happily for 10 months but one day got a call from AAA who said they're cancelling my renewal because I haven't had a valid driver's license for 8 months! I went to the DMV to see why and it turns out my license was suspended because DMV never got an SR-1p from AAA, so DMV made the assumption that I was driving without a valid insurance. I called AAA to ask them to resend again, and they said they'll take care of it. Sadly, AAA typed the SR-1p with the WRONG date, so 2 months later, without any notification, my license was STILL suspended. I also couldn't get new insurance with other companies because DMV tagged me as a bag driver due to the SR-1p. That's a WHOLE YEAR without a license. Finally after making countless calls, and having to contact managers at AAA, they typed up a good SR-1p form. DMV changed me license for $55 penalty, but I finally got my license back. People at AAA are very new, clueless, and the turnover rate is very very fast. FUCK AAA. \_ Just a different data point: I've had allstate for 15+ years. I got into an accident about 10 years ago (my fault) and almost totalled my car. Allstate was very good about taking care of everything, they were efficient, quick, and pleasant throughout the whole process. My car was even repaired to good as new even though it came within like $1 of being totalled. \_ From my point of view it's a bad thing that they repaired your car when it was so wrecked. I had a bad insurer once who paid $8K+ to repair my $13K car and the car has never been the same. OTOH, one of my cars now is worth $3.5K and I'd really prefer it fixed than taking the cash. It depends on the situation. Given a choice, assuming it's a nice $20-30K car, I want the cash. \_ It's not necessarily a good thing that they fixed your totalled car. \_ It was for me. I had a working car, which I had paid for with cash (2 paychecks worth). Excellent body shop. I'm on my third car now and I've yet to take out an auto loan. \_ If you have a beater it might be worth it. If you have a nice car it is not. Whether you have a loan or not is irrelevant. \- i've had my car stereo stolen something like 4 times. under AAA, i rec'd by far the largest settlement. i have also had allstate and they are ok too. swtiched from AAA when AAA prices went above allstate i think. i think the allstate agent was willing to engage in some "optimization" to reduce the cost ... like putting the car in my parent's zip code instead of my hood location etc. |
2005/9/20-22 [Computer/SW] UID:39774 Activity:nil |
9/20 I'm interested in incorporating a single member LLC. I work from home but I'd prefer not to have my home address listed for my business on the state website in the public record. Other than renting office space, what are my options? \_ What do you do? \_ computer services, web design etc. \_ I thought a PO box was sufficent. \_ That's what I do for domain names, banks, etc. \_ Apparently it isn't.. They need an office address to serve papers in case of a lawsuit.. I guess I can pay a company to be listed as the registered agent. \_ Regulation, schmegulation. If you don't plan on being served court papers, you can get a mailbox at The UPS Store or Mailboxes Etc, since they will provide you with a real street address and "suite number" (instead of PO Box #### from the Post Office) |
2005/9/20-22 [Finance/Investment] UID:39775 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 Two people on motd actually think Alan Greenspan's doing a good job. Why do you think he's done such a great job? \_ Why do you think he hasn't? It's partly because of his amazing balancing act that the country hasn't been in a deep depression so far. Maybe it's just buying time. History will show that. However, what could anyone have done better? \_ The crazy dot com lasted for several years, well passed the recession. It could have been controlled with a steady rise of interest rates. Greenspan instead did NOTHING till the last few years in a failed attempt to catch up. Now we're seeing the same thing. The housing boom is crazy, and has been crazy for the last few years. What did Greenspan do? Nothing. Now he's trying to catch up, once more. The man is old and his reaction is slow. This man fucked up TWICE and deserves no praise. \_ http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/26/business/26fed.html "But another key principle of the Greenspan Fed, which most experts have come to accept, is that the central bank should focus on economic fundamentals and not try to prematurely pop a market bubble in stock prices or real estate prices." Of course, you are entitled to your opinion. Unfortunately, it seems that the European Central Bank also disagrees with you. "For the ECB, the Maastricht treaty mandated that price stability would be the primary objective. The treaty also established that the ECB should support the general economic policies of the European Community, aiming at growth and employment but only insofar as price stability is not endangered." http://csua.org/u/dg6 But, again you are certainly entitled to hold your own opinion. But, again you are certainly entitled to hold your own opinion. \_ nytimes is charging for the article. Forget it \_ "While there are some negatives in the record, when the score is toted up, we think he [Greenspan] has a legitimate claim to being the greatest central banker who ever lived. His performance as chairman of the Fed has been impressive, encompassing, and overwhelmingly beneficial--to the nation, to the institution, and to the practice of monetary policy." "Understanding the Greenspan Standard", Alan Blinder and Ricardo Reis, Princeton University. link:csua.org/u/dg8 Of course, you are entitled to your own opinion and you are free to disagree. \_ I think this is one of those things that will only be correctly judged in at least a decade's time. --haven't made my mind \_ For greatest central banker who ever lived? Sure. Straight up good/bad job? I don't know of anyone serious who thinks this is controversial. Of course, MOTD knows better than most (or in this case all) professionals. I would love to read a serious claim from a credible source (say a paper published in a refereed journal) that that Greenspan has done an overall bad job. \_ green span is overrated. what's so hard about his job. read data, read news, decide whether to lower rate or raise rate, don't do anything drastic so he won't get blamed. that's about it. \_ There are 2 kinds of people who will tell you that something is trivial to do: someone who has never done it before, and someone who has done it many times. \_ it's similar to making a call on where the economy, market is going. Most investors have to make such calls many times in their investing career. in fact, an investor's job is probably harder, since he has to look forward, whereas, fed tends to make its decision based on what has already happened. it's his job important? yea. is it really hard? no. yea. is it really hard? no. kind of like an airplane pilot. \_ Like I said, there are two kinds of people. \_ He kept us from having a major recession after the dot com bubble collapsed. That was pretty impressive. |
2005/9/20-22 [Reference/Military] UID:39776 Activity:nil |
9/20 Gun people: this is a pretty interesting site to browse: http://www.theboxotruth.com/docs/theboxotruth.htm |
2005/9/20-21 [Uncategorized] UID:39777 Activity:nil |
9/20 Here comes another hurricane. |
2005/9/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:39778 Activity:nil |
9/20 Able Danger, if true, is the biggest story of the year. Pentagon Blocks Testimony at Senate Hearing on Terrorist More collective ass covering by Washington elite.... http://csua.org/u/dg7 -jblack \_ OF COURSE! HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND! CLINTON PROBABLY WAS CRANK CALLING NORAD ON SEP 11 AS WELL!!1 \_ I agree insofar as "why bury it if it's that harmless/irrelevant/ in the past". Weird. Anyway, Karl Rove (a political strategist) supervising Katrina reconstruction is the biggest story of the year. -moderate/liberal \_ Yeah, Katrina is SO yesterday. But Able Danger will pale next to rumors that that Hillary likes the occasional dirty Sanchez. \_ Why didn't Bush do anything about the Able Danger information? I have actually decided that the 9/11 Commission was probably mostly a coverup. The Democrats covered Clinton's ass and the GOP covered Bush's and neither side wanted to rock the boat. -ausman \_ Did you read the 911 comission report? I think there was the potential for plenty of boat rocking in the report, but that few people read it, and most people don't have the attention span to get worked up about it. I did read the 911CR, and I certainly felt there was plenty of blame placed on both Bush and Clinton there--people really just don't care or notice. \_ If it's a flash of a tit, people notice! \_ I read it selectively. Chapter 8 "The System Was Bliking Red" is pretty damning, I have to admit. -ausman |
2005/9/20 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39779 Activity:moderate |
9/20 http://tinyurl.com/bk4or (Yahoo news) Diversity (women, blacks, etc) changes the way justices see the world. Please don't delete this jblack. I already know what you think \_ never have deleted a thread, thanks. \_ I, on the other hand, have. Do I get freeper cookies? \_ I have never deleted a thread. |
2005/9/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:39780 Activity:nil |
9/21 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050921/ap_on_re_as/afghanistan Karzai actually demands an end to US-led operations. How dare he talk to us like that! Looks like we need to put in a new puppet ruler \_ just promise Karzai that we will not 1. interfere opium production and 2. demand to share profit derive from opium sales should be suffice. |
2005/9/20-22 [Uncategorized] UID:39781 Activity:nil |
9/20 recommendation for inexpensive driving school in east bay? \_ A.S.W.A.D.S. http://homepage.mac.com/gillian_tan/iMovieTheater33.html |
2005/9/20-21 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:39782 Activity:high |
9/20 what is 'fan service' in anime? \_ scantily clad female characters \_ It has more to do with very extraneous scenery that doesn't enhance plot, character, etc. Mostly yeah, it's little revealing clips (random upskirt shots, etc) but depending on the feature and subject "fan service" can refer to anything 'extra'. \_ I think wikipedia is pretty good here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_service \_ Wikipedia failed on the word BBFS, bare back full service \_ Go in and fix it! |
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