Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2005:September:17 Saturday <Friday, Sunday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2005/9/17-20 [Uncategorized] UID:39718 Activity:nil
9/17    Oldboy rules!  What are some other crazy fucked up Korean movies that
        I should see?
        \_ Jigureul Jikyeora - danh
2005/9/17-19 [Recreation/Pets] UID:39719 Activity:nil
9/17    Moscow Cats Theater, in New York (NY Times)
        \_ There's also an exhibit of Russian art there now called "Russia!"
           (I forget where they're having it) with a lot of really cool stuff
           from the Tretyakov.  A lot of these you don't see in Europe/the US.
           I highly recommend it, the paintings are fantastic.  -John
2005/9/17-19 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:39720 Activity:nil
9/16    Where the hell is XF86Setup for Fedora Core 3?
        \_ xorg.conf . Red Hat switched from XFree86.
           \_ Eh? I'm using Fedora Core 3 and I have a fully functional
              /etc/XF86Config. It is the setup program that I'm looking for.
              \_ xf86cfg. Man, XF86Setup was outmoded about 4 years ago.
                 Where have you been living, under a rock?
                 \_ file not found in my Fedora Core 3. FYI FC3!=RH.
                    \_ Okay, you're telling us two things which are
                       mutually exclusive.
                       If you are using FC3, there should NOT be an
                       XF86Config at all because FC3 uses xorg. You didn't
                       tell us if you did something weird like dump your
                       old XF86Config file from your old setup, but
                       XF86Setup hasn't been around for years. It's been
                       upgraded to xf86cfg or sometimes the CLI version
                       (which is essentially a shell script) is called
                       xf86config. If you can't find that then run
                       X --config manually. Anyway, you shouldn't have
                       this because FC3 is xorg only. If you can't
                       find xf86cfg then you either didn't install
                       XF86 correctly you (more likely) you're running
                       xorg. If that's the case then you need to use
                       xorgconfig. If you have neither config programs
                       then your path is screwed up somehow, you didn't
                       install X correctly in the distro, you somehow
                       deleted it, or you installed it somewhere
                       weird. Also, FYI, it's not recommended that you
                       upgrade an RH box to FC3.
                    \_ Yes and no. RedHat still provides a lot of input to the
                       Fedora project. My FC3 install at work uses the xorg
                       implementation, not XFree86. If you upgraded to FC3,
                       particularly from RH9 or something of similar vintage,
                       you may still have XFree86; I was in this situation for
                       a while, but I upgraded because of the dependency mess it
                       created. I think xorg will fall back to using XF86Config
                       if it can't find xorg.conf.
                       For configuring xorg, I've always used the -configure
                       option to Xorg to get it to run its detections stuff and
                       dump a config file, then manually tweaked the config, but
                       there are config tools. I seem to have something called
                       pyxf86config partly installed; this claims to be a Python
                       frontend to Xorg's configuration library. You might give
                       that a try if xorg.conf/XF86Config is too deep for you.
                       Good luck. -gm
2005/9/17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39721 Activity:nil
9/15    WTF?  Why is Karl Rove in charge of the reconstruction effort? (
        \_ Because about 15 minutes after the levees broke, this became a
           politcal issue.  And Rove is a political master.  Oh, and screw
           Biloxi and other cities that have been wiped out--they don't have
           enough black people or media coverage.  The national parties are
           worthless and the media are complicit.
           \_ Part of it is to soften his image, most of it is to redistribute
              patronage. There is a LOT of money to be handed out and many of
              the suggestions put forth by Bush's speech are pro-business,
              less social engineering. New Orleans is the blank canvas which
              the economic conservatives will be allowed to paint upon.
              \_ OH MY FUCKING GOD.  Wasn't Iraq supposed to be the blank
                 canvas too?!  Do it the conservative way, fine, because there
                 doesn't seem to be any way to prevent it, but at least do
                 it competently.
                 \_ Just give lots of $$$ to Halliburton and forget about it!
                 \_ This will be a lot better. No insurgents, better
                    accountants to hide things, and they own the local
2005/9/17-20 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:39722 Activity:nil
9/17    While using eMule, after some hours, it loses the internet
        connection, sort of.  eMule continues to work fine.  If I have an
        open ssh connection to csua, that's working fine.  But I can no
        longer go to any web pages, open any new ssh connections, and some
        of the IM programs lose their connection and won't reconnect.  The
        only solution I've found is to reboot.  Is there any other way?
2005/9/17 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:39723 Activity:high
9/17    Toyota to go 100% hybrid:
        \_ They're going hybrid with the Highlanders, and competitors to
           follow. GREAT! I can't wait to get my Chevy Suburban or Hummer
           hybrids so that I can drive in style for the mere gasoline cost
           of a traditional Honda Accord.
           \_ Sport Utility Vehicles have gotten a lot of bad press lately,
              but they're manufactured for one reason: to transport today's
              modern genetic super breed of wives, kids, and dogs which can
              weigh in excess of 250lbs each.
              \_ Holy shit.  When did everyone upgrade to Marmaduke?
        \_ Toyota has a habit of doing what they say they will.  GM is sooo
           \_ Toyota is like, Microsoft. They can do whatever they want
              and force competitors to catch up. GM/Ford is like Sun Micro,
              they play stupid immature marketing games and come out with
              lamewares like StarOffice or something, and they play the
              number games very well but in the long run it's just fruitless
                \_ in Sun's defense, StarOffice was never meant to be a "real"
                   product.  it was acquired along with a Czech company and
                   for a long time had no support.  Also, one of those stupid
                   immature marketing games was called "Java."
                   \_ Has Sun made any money off of Java yet?
2005/9/17-19 [Consumer/GPS] UID:39724 Activity:nil
9/17    GPS Watch:
2005/9/17-19 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:39725 Activity:nil
9/17    OpenBSD 3.8 available for preorder:
2005/9/17-19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:39726 Activity:moderate
9/17    "To the Citizens of the United States of America: In light of your
        failure to elect a competent President of the USA thus to govern
        yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your
        independence, effective immediately." --John Cleese
        \_ This is BRILLIANT thank you whoever posted this.
        \_ old.  and who wants blair as our PM anyway?
           \_ Man, how far the standard for the word "brilliant" has
              fallen.  Has it been smoking crack recently or something?
              \_ Not brilliant.  Brillant.
          \_ it's not brilliant and it's not from john cleese either, dummies.
2005/9/17-18 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:39727 Activity:low
9/17    "A Japanese woman called in the police after a hitman she paid to
         kill her lover's wife failed to carry out the job."
        \_ Wow.  "Move over Germany!"
           \_ What the hell does this have anything to do with Germany?
              \_ Someone was claiming the Germans had the lock on odd, bizarrely
                 stupid behavior.
              \_ They're both defeated nations and breed insecurity within.
                 For example Siegfried and Roy were born from former Nazis
                 and after the defeat they became depressed drunkard, and
                 raised up psychologically fucked up gay/lesbian/shit eating
                 German children. Ditto with the Japanese.
                 \_ Wow, you think fucked up shit comes from only these two
                    nations, huh?
                    \_ Wow BRILLIANT where/how did you find these links?
        \_ In the same vein:
2005/9/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:39728 Activity:nil
9/17    Penny Arcade does MIT:
2005/9/17-19 [Recreation/Food] UID:39729 Activity:nil
9/17    Fish tongue eating insect:
        \_ That is sick.
2005/9/17-20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:39730 Activity:nil
9/17    NO congressman misuses rescue resources:
        \_ Look, Jefferson is Democrat and black.  This is a story for
           freerepublic, not motd.
           \_ Mmmm.. fuck you, troll.
           \_ Why does it matter which party he belongs to?
              \_ Or the color of his skin?
                 \_ Because anyone who criticizes anyone other than white
                    Republicans on the motd is ridiculed and/or harrassed.
                    \_ Yeah, I see lots of ridicule and harassment in
                       this thread.  -tom
                       \_ Right, and because it didn't happen in *this thread*
                          that means it's never happened and pp is a moron.
                    \_ Oh, I wouldn't say ridiculed and harrassed.  We just
                       have no interest in discussing the foibles of the good
                       guys.  We'd have pages of discussion if Jefferson were
                       a Republican.
                       \_ Horse shit.  If some Republican no one had ever
                          heard of did something marginally unethical,
                          it wouldn't even be posted to the MOTD.  If it
                          was Delay or Santorum, that's a different thing. -tom
                          \_ Horse shit yourself. If this was a Republican,
                             your panties would be in a bunch calling for his
                             resignation and you know it.
              \_ Ask UC administration why the color of someone's skin matters.
2005/9/17-19 [Finance, Finance/Investment] UID:39731 Activity:nil
9/17    Let's redistribute the wealth of rich universities to poor ones:
        \_ I totally agree. Let's do everything at once. School, tax, etc.
2005/9/17-20 [Uncategorized] UID:39732 Activity:nil
9/17    Does anyone subscribe to American Scientist? I was told that it
        was "better" than SciAm (which I have been reading for years),
        but I wanted to know if anyone here could give me a comparison
        (I haven't been able to find it locally in sj to read an issue
        for myself).
2005/9/17-20 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:39733 Activity:nil
9/17    Dear German John, do you have any more funny foreign videos to share,
        like that black German Gunther from MTV?  -bored & overweight sysadm
        \_ Dear Canadian fatso:  I vill check for you.  -John
           \_ Dear John, how did you know I'm a Canadian? I used ssh to
              hide my identity so there's no way you'd know. Do you have root?
              Dude, this is so UNCOOL. You're abusing root. Isn't this
              unethical, and a squishable offense? I feel violated. -op
              \_ The flapping head?
2005/9/17-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:39734 Activity:nil
9/17    Any comment on upgrading from Fedora Core 3 to Fedora Core 4?
        Pros, cons, new cool features, etc? ok thx.
                       guys.  We'd have pages of discussion if Jefferson were
                       a Republican.
                       \_ Horse shit.  If some Republican no one had ever
                          heard of did something marginally unethical,
                          it wouldn't even be posted to the MOTD.  If it
                          was Delay or Santorum, that's a different thing. -tom
                          \_ Horse shit yourself. If this was a Republican,
                             your panties would be in a bunch calling for his
                             resignation and you know it.
              \_ Ask UC administration why the color of someone's skin matters.
2005/9/17-19 [Uncategorized] UID:39735 Activity:kinda low
9/17    It's pretty common for people to feel more comfortable to be seated
        with their back to a wall.  I'm left handed and I've noticed that given
        a corner, I feel more comfortable with walls on my back and right than
        on my back and left.  How do other people feel about this?
        I am most comftable with wall(s) on my:
        Back and dominant hand:
        Back and non-dominant hand: .
        \_ I feel most comfortable with my hand up a girl's ass.
        \_ I feel most comfortable with my head up a my ass.
        \_ A very smart waiter once told me that the proper place for your
           date is with her back to the wall, so that your attention is
           focused on her. So with a woman, I sit facing her, with her
           back to the wall.
           \_ A woman should be seated with her back to a wall because
              that's what etiquette demands.
              \_ I always thought it was so none of the other chicks has
                 a chance of plugging her in the back.  -John
                 \_ Rules of etiquette are created for often sensible reasons.
2005/9/17-19 [Science/GlobalWarming, Reference/Religion] UID:39736 Activity:nil 77%like:39751
9/17    Interesting article re the Dalia Lama's take the relationship btwn
        Science and Religion:
2005/9/17-20 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Recreation/Travel] UID:39737 Activity:nil
9/17    What's the best way to find lodging in Europe for a non-student type
        who still wants a casual, hostel-oriented tour?  Does it vary from
        country to country, or am I consigned entirely to the drudgery of
        hotels and B&Bs?  I'll soon be 26, my Cal ID still looks reasonably
        like me, and I make enough to pay for hotels-- it's just that I find
        travel a lot more interesting if I don't have to make reservations.
        \_ This is always good: or you could
           ask around.  It varies tremendously by where/when you want to go,
           what your budget is, and how much you want to see.  Don't knock
           B&Bs, there are some great ones around.  If you gave some more
           details, that would help.  -John
        \_ I second the Lonely Planet recommendation, though I've found it
           most useful to actually purchase a LP guide for the region, since
           that lists all the hostels. Hostelling International (HI) lets you
           book online. I know it's a bit of a pain to book ahead, but (from
           experience) it's a lot better than arriving at a city and either
           a) spending hours trekking around with a bag to find a place or
           b) sleeping in a campground with no tent because all the places
           are full.
           \_ Totally agree.  You should get an LP anyway (and always do your
              own research regardless.)  Their online forums are just very
              good to get other peoples' first-hand opinions.  -John
        \_ LP is great, but go to or if
           you want a list of all the hostel options.
2005/9/17-20 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:39738 Activity:kinda low
9/17    Toyota to go 100% hybrid:
        Related Update, Toyota to reduce the price of hybrids: (usatoday)
        (this was mentioned in the first article as well)
        \_ They're going hybrid with the Highlanders, and competitors to
           follow. GREAT! I can't wait to get my Chevy Suburban or Hummer
           hybrids so that I can drive in style for the mere gasoline cost
           of a traditional Honda Accord.
           \_ Sport Utility Vehicles have gotten a lot of bad press lately,
              but they're manufactured for one reason: to transport today's
              modern genetic super breed of wives, kids, and dogs which can
              weigh in excess of 250lbs each.
              \_ Holy shit.  When did everyone upgrade to Marmaduke?
        \_ Toyota has a habit of doing what they say they will.  GM is sooo
           \_ Toyota is like, Microsoft. They can do whatever they want
              and force competitors to catch up. GM/Ford is like Sun Micro,
              they play stupid immature marketing games and come out with
              lamewares like StarOffice or something, and they play the
              number games very well but in the long run it's just fruitless
                \_ in Sun's defense, StarOffice was never meant to be a "real"
                   product.  it was acquired along with a Czech company and
                   for a long time had no support.  Also, one of those stupid
                   immature marketing games was called "Java."
                   \_ Has Sun made any money off of Java yet?
                      \_ Last I heard, IBM made more money of Java than Sun
                         did. This drives the Sun people I know up the wall,
                         more because they dislike IBM than because they like
                         Java. -gm
                      \_ < 200 million last year, FYI.  If soffice
                         product marketing team let me play, I can get
                         a lot further than they got right now.  -sun guy
                         \_ soffice is a pos, I can't believe they make
                            us use it - also a sun guy
                            \_ Nweaver taught me to write in Postscript during
                               our lazy afternoons together.
                               the afternoon times. -sun tranny
                      \_ Java may be not making them money as much as letting
                         them survive, since if everyone used proprietary
                         Windows stuff to run web servers Sun would have been
                         toast a long time ago.
                      \_ They've monetized J2ME on cell phones. i.e. games
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2005:September:17 Saturday <Friday, Sunday>