2005/9/7-9 [Computer/HW/Display, Computer/Companies/Apple] UID:39539 Activity:nil |
9/7 I'm looking for a usb 2.0 pci card that allows a G5 to "deep sleep". Does anyone have any recommendations? |
2005/9/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39540 Activity:nil |
9/7 ~90% of the Democrats think the religious right provides a negative influence on American culture, while ~90% of the Republicans think it provides a positive influence: http://pollingpoint.com/results_071305.html \_ What about independents? \_ In related news, 90% of cats think birds are a tasty treat, while 90% of birds hate cats. \_ Oddly, the 10% dissenting birds are hawks. |
2005/9/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39541 Activity:nil |
9/7 Article from National Geographic Oct. 2004 discussing the causes and likely aftermath of a devastating hurricane in NOLA http://tinyurl.com/dwmdm |
2005/9/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:39542 Activity:nil |
9/7 Olbermann to the rescue: http://media.putfile.com/OlbermannSwings (Windows Media, Worksafe) \_ Liberal rant alert! Liberal rant alert! After watching this trash in its entirety I need to watch Fox News for an hour to cleanse my mind. \_ s/trash/truth/ ; s/cleanse/pollute/ \_ For the most part he's completely right. We haven't seen this much coordinated spinning in ages. What else is going to save Dubya's ass? |
2005/9/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:39543 Activity:nil |
9/7 Express your opinion on gender-neutral marriage to Ahnold: The gender-neutral marriage bill in CA just made it through the legislature intact and is now heading to the Governor. It's bill AB 849. If enough people call to support it, hopefully we can get it to go through. (If you oppose it, well, you can call, too, to express your opinion. Mine, obviously is in favor of passage.) Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 916-445-2841 Fax: 916-445-4633 It's easy to voice support through the voicemail system - the buttons in order to show support are 2 - 1 - 1. (and if you want to oppose it, the options would be 2 - 1 - 2. So don't go flaming me for posting one-sided info) You can also use the form at http://www.govmail.ca.gov (be sure to use the dropdown to choose AB849 and click the SUPPORTING (or opposing, if you must) button before you submit the form. \_ Come on, just call it gay marriage -moderate/liberal \_ there is quite the busy signal on that number, but that's what the Governator's phone system calls it. --Jon \_ Arnold has to hate this bill. He's probably pro-gay marriage, but I doubt he wants to alienate a chunk of his base by signing it. Not to meantion, it's over ruling a proposition. (Arnie loves the props) Plus he's got other things he's far more worried about. I don't doubt that he will sign or veto the bill entirely based on this poll. \_ don't forget pissing off Maria who 100% knows what the future is going to be (anti-gay-marriage laws are unconstitutional) \_ Which constitution (state or fed)? If the answer is state - note that the state constitution will probably be amended in almost every state. If the answer is federal - I'd like to hear your constitutional argument. \_ The citizens of California already overwhelming expressed their opinion in Proposition 22. You would think the left would have learned their lessons in 2004. \_ We'll see which one is ruled unconstitutional, then. And, funny thing, the left doesn't look at preventing people from their due civil rights as a lesson. |
2005/9/7-9 [Science/Electric] UID:39544 Activity:nil |
9/7 Tell us about the stars, ilyas: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=re6qxnz1 \_ Can somebody explain what the "electrical model of the universe" people are on about? Maybe it's valid but they sound something in tone like a guy in Sproul Plaza preaching to nobody about trilateral commission conspiracy theories. The article above starts normally enough and then..Stonehenge?? -- this one goes to 11. |
2005/9/7 [Uncategorized] UID:39545 Activity:nil |
9/7 Prediction: 80 years from now, Computer Archaeology will be a popular profession. |
2005/9/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:39546 Activity:nil |
9/7 Does Soda support WebDAV for uploading files to a website? |
2005/9/7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39547 Activity:nil |
9/7 What does the Bush administration think firefighters should do in Lousiana: 1) Hand out FEMA flyers: http://www.sltrib.com/utah/ci_3004197 2) Be props to show that Bush is "working": http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2005/9/6/233139/2154 |
2005/9/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39548 Activity:high |
9/7 "The three top jobs at the Federal Emergency Management Agency under President Bush went to political cronies with no apparent experience coping with catastrophes" http://www.nydailynews.com/news/wn_report/story/344004p-293718c.html \_ What no one here seems to understand is that FEMA has always been an idiotic and inept agency run by the cronies of whoever is in power at the time. It has never been different. I was shocked that so many other people were shocked at how poorly FEMA handled their duties until I realised that most people don't understand that FEMA has never been any different. \_ Then why did the (governor of Lousiana?) get the head of FEMA under Clinton to help out? \_ "FEMA has always been an idiotic and inept agency" \_ so, you think it is a good idea to install another cronies after 9/11 when entire US is under terrorist threat? you are very funny. \_ This is so much partisan bullshit I can't believe it. "FEMA has always been an idiotic and inept agency" Who the fuck are you, man? Who are you, man? http://www.fema.gov/about/history.shtm "In 1993, President Clinton nominated James L. Witt as the new FEMA director. Witt became the first agency director with experience as a state emergency manager." \_ exactly. thanks for making my point. so one time for one term this one agency had a director who became the *first* such directory with experience in the field. and you believe this somehow magically makes FEMA into a great and well functioning .org until the other party gets in power? Geeze, talk about partisan bullshit. Except I *can* believe it since this is the motd. I don't expect reason, logic, common sense. I do expect people with a political axe to grind, an agenda to push and an insanely deep faith in the perfection of the government (esp if it's federal level) followed by endless rants about evil and/or incompetence when something doesn't go right federally with excuses made for any local official as long as the local is from the same party as the ranter. \_ "He initiated sweeping reforms that streamlined disaster relief and recovery operations, insisted on a new emphasis regarding preparedness and mitigation, and focused agency employees on customer service." So, do you know what happened to the Veterans Administration after the appointment of an experienced leader? Your label of me as someone who has "an insanely deep faith in the perfection of the government" is even more incredible partisan bullshit. Let's get back to something concrete: Do you know what happened to the VA after the appointment of an experience leader? of an experience leader? -jblack \_ With very few exceptions all government agencies are very slow and mostly inept. FEMA is like the DMV of emergency management. That said, the group of people most responsible for this disaster are the citizens of NO that stayed in a below-sea-level bowl with an approaching category 5 hurricane (20 ft storm surge and 160+ mph winds). Certainly you have compassion on the small fraction of elderly that were incapable of leaving, but besides them, these morons of NO created a massive humanitarian disaster that the US taxpayer now has to pay to clean up. Next in the line of blame are the inept local and state officials. There is a very specific chain of command in disaster response which starts with local authorities. By law Federal government can only respond at the request of a state, \_ Are you just stupid? How many times to we have to tell you? The state DID put in a request for federal assistance. \_ Are you just stupid Justin? How many times to we have to tell you? The state DID put in a request for federal assistance. And it was clearly spelled out that state and local officials don't have sufficient resources to deal with the disaster. You can't blame them. When a category 4 hurricane wipes out your emergency services, you're kind of dependent on outside help. \_ A state of emergency was declared on Saturday August 27th by the President. FEMA rescue and medical squads were prepositioned then for the disaster. What you \_ FEMA squads were given 48 hours to get 1000 people there. That order came down on MONDAY AFTERNOON. Two days after the president's emergency declaration. Just to be exact on what you apparently meant by "then"... seem to miss is the FEMA/Fed is NOT a first responder. I had not heard of the destruction of ALL of LA's emergency services, national guard, and homeland security resources, what did they do station them on a Gulf beach to act as a sea wall? Its interesting that all of NO was essentially intact after Katrina came through and yet all of these resources were magically "wiped out". I restate my position: the state and local authorities criminally failed to execute their emergency response plans. \_ 1. It doesn't matter if the federal government declared or "pre-positioned" anything because in the end, they failed to act in a timely manner and did jack shit. 2. National Guard and Homeland Security are federal agencies 3. NOLA being the largest city in LA, a large enough portion of their emergency services were disabled to warrant outside help. What was left of LA's resources was insufficient. 4. Feds ARE the next responders when state/local services are incapacitated. 4. "all of NO was essentially intact"? Can I have some of whatever you're smoking? 5. Your position that local authorities acted criminally is a blatant attempt to mask the complete ineptitude of federal authorities who were specifically requested to help. You know, kind of like when you dial 911 during an emergency when you are in some way incapacitated and need help? You would expect someone to show up, not have them sit around their ass complaining that you haven't given yourself CPR. that you haven't given yourself CPR. -jblack \_ You've been trolled by jblack. Dumb ass. \_ but jblack is being serious isn't he? \_ Exactly what emergency services are you are referring to as 'destroyed'? The city was intact after Katrina. You do realize the levies did not break until the following morning, right? There were 140 school buses subsequently submerged under water 1 mile from the Superdome after the 1 mile from the Superdome after the flood. Don't you think maybe just maybe those kind of resources should have been mobilized and prepositioned for use in the case of flooding? Don't you think the disappearance of 1/3 of NO police force is suspect? The remaining police officers didn't even have enough ammunition. Isn't it possible that the city should have prepositioned MREs and water somewhere above sea level to feed people it sends to emergency shelters? What you have is negligence to put any plan whatsoever into action on the part of the local authorities and consequently the city descended into anarchy. The Feds showed up when they are supposed to and when they always have in the past - within 96 hours. Throwing up your hands, crying, running around like a headless chicken and accusing the CIA of trying to kill you ala Blanco and Nagin is not the execution of an emergency plan. the execution of an emergency plan. You are projecting responsibilities and authority to the Federal govt it was never legally assigned. The state and local authorities knew this and if they failed to prepare for a fairly obvious disaster scenario it is their fault. -jblack scenario it is their fault. FEMA is not a first-responder, and FEMA does not have any military police powers to put down an insurrection. The anarchy that erupted in the 1st 72 hrs falls squarely at the feet of Blanco and Nagin who criminally failed to execute their own emergency evacuation plans, as required by LA law. Lastly, the Federal government dropped the ball and should have recognized the scale of the impending disaster because of the incompetence of the local authorities. Moral of the story: people who rely of the government to rescue them from a telegraphed natural disaster are going to be disappointed. to be disappointed. -jblack \_ Your Honor, she deserved to be raped. She was asking for it. \_ I would rely on government to prevent 90% of New Orleans from being flooded with damage reportedly costing 4x over the 9/11 tragedy. Am I disappointed? Yes. Could both the federal and state government have done a better job (within reason)? Yes. I would also say FEMA was in charge pre-Dubya, and was arguably strong and effective under Clinton. Dubya weakened FEMA and transferred primary responsibility for natural disasters to the states. If a state can't hack it, then is it Dubya's fault for not ensuring a proper transition, or the state's fault for dropping the ball? I already know what your opinion is, as you do mine. \_ Let's get back to the original post: How experienced was the head of FEMA under Clinton? Under Dubya? \_ 1999 Hurricane Swamped Clinton's FEMA http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/9/7/134914.shtml How experienced was the head of FEMA under fucking Klinton? Under our great commander-in-chief, Dubya? -jblack \_ Experienced in doing FEMA stuff or experience with horses? \_ Spelling it "Klinton" is klever. \_ In September 1999, Hurricane Floyd -- a category 3 -- was bearing down on the Carolinas and Virginia. \_ In September 1999, Hurricane Floyd -- a category 3 -- was bearing down the Carolinas and Virginia. President Clinton was in Christchurch, New Zealand - meeting with President Jiang of China (you know, actually working). He made the proclamation that nly Presidents can make and declared the areas affected by Floyd "Federal Disaster Areas" so the National Guard and Military can begin to mobilize. Then he cut short his meetings overseas and flew home to coordinate the rescue efforts. This all one day BEFORE a Cat-3 hit the coast. That is how you do it. President Clinton was in Christchurch, New Zealand - meeting with President Jiang of China (you know, actually working). He made the proclamation that only Presidents can make and declared the areas affected by Floyd "Federal Disaster Areas" so the National Guard and Military can begin to mobilize. Then Military can begin to mobilize. Then he cut short his meetings overseas and flew home to coordinate the rescue efforts. This all one day BEFORE a Cat-3 hit the coast. That is how you do it. rescue efforts. This all one day BEFORE a Cat-3 hit the coast. That is how you do it. How about this dope's own father during Hurricane Andrew? Once again, President Bush (41) -- August, 1992 -- was in the midst of a bruta campain for re-election. Yet, he cut off his campaigning the day before and went to Washington where he maritaled the largest military operation on US soil in soil in history. He sent in 7,000 National Guard and 22,000 regular military personnel, and all the gear to begin the clean up within before and went to Washington where he martialed the largest military operation on US soil in history. He sent in 7,000 National Guard and 22,000 regular military personnel, and all the gear to begin the clean up within hours after Andrew passed through Florida. 'Cause, you know, those people and their stuff was actually where it belonged, rather than being used for insurgent target- practice halfway around the world in a vain effort to make Iraq safe for Iranian takeover. President Bush (41) -- August, 1992 -- was in the midst of a brutal campaign for re-election. Yet, he cut off his campaigning the day before and went to Washington where he martialed the largest military operation on US soil in history. He sent in 7,000 National Guard and 22,000 regular military personnel, and all the gear to begin the clean up within hours after Andrew passed through Florida. 'Cause, you know, those people and their stuff was those people and their stuff was actually where it belonged, rather than being used for insurgent target-practice halfway around the world in a vain effort to make Iraq safe for Iranian takeover. target-practice halfway around the world in a vain effort to make Iraq safe for Iranian takeover. In August of 1969 when Cat-5 Hurricane Camille hit roughly the same area as Katrina, President Nixon had already readied the National Guard and ordered all Gulf rescue vessels and equipment from Tampa and Houston to follow the Hurricane in. There were over 1,00 regular milirary with two dozen helicopters to assist the Coast Guard and National Guard within hours after the skies cleared. In August of 1969 when Cat-5 Hurricane Camille hit roughly the same area as Katrina, President Nixon had already readied the National Guard and ordered all Gulf rescue vessels and equipment from Tampa and Houston to follow the Hurricane in. There were over 1,000 regular military with two dozen helicopters to assist the Coast Guard and National Guard within hours after the skies cleared. National Guard and ordered all Gulf rescue vessels and equipment from Tampa and Houston to follow the Hurricane in. There were over 1,000 regular military with two dozen helicopters to assist the Coast Guard and National Guard within hours after the skies cleared. Bush 43 - August 2005 - Cat-5 Hurricane Katrina bears down on New Orleans and the Mississippi gulf. Both states are down nearly 8,000 National Guard troops because they are in Iraq -- with most of the rescue gear needed. Bush is on vacation. The day before Katrina makes landfall, Bush rides his bike for two hours. The day she hits, he goes to his Johnnie McCain's birthday party; and lies to old people about the multi-billion pharmaceutical company welfare boondoogle. 8,000 National Guard troops because they are in Iraq -- with most of the rescue gear needed. Bush is on vacation. The day before Katrina makes landfall, Bush rides his bike for two hours. The day she hits, he goes to Johnnie McCain's birthday party; and lies to old people about the multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical company welfare boondoogle. People are dying, the largest port of entry in the United States (and fifth largest in the World) is under attack. Troops and supplies are desperately needed. The levees are cracking and the emergency 1-1/2 ton sandbags are ready, but there aren't enough helicopters or pilots to set them before the levees fail. The mayor of New Orleans begs for Federal coordination, but there is none, and the sandbagging never gets done. So Bush -- naturally -- goes to San Diego to play guitar with country singer and lie to the military about how Iraq is just exactly like WWII. The levees give way, filling New Orleans with water, sewage, oil and chemicals. Ten percent of all US exports, and 50% of all agricultural exports ordinarly go through this port. It is totally destroyed. Bush decides he'll end his vacation a couple of days early -- TOMORROW --BECAUSE HE HAS TICKETS TO A PADRES GAME! He goes back to the Fake Farm in Crawford, with every intention of doing something on WEDNESDAY about this vacation a couple of days early -- TOMORROW --BECAUSE HE HAS TICKETS TO A PADRES GAME! He goes back to the Fake Farm in Crawford, with every intention of doing something on WEDNESDAY about this disaster that happened starting last Sunday night. \_ not exactly objective, but it got a lot of facts. Thanks. Question: I thought HW Bush was being critized of handling of Andrews, no? Bush 43 - August 2005 - Cat-5 Hurricane Katrina bears down on New Orleans and the Mississippi gulf. Both states are down nearly 8,000 National Guard troops because they are in Iraq -- with most of the rescue gear needed. Bush is on vacation. The day before Katrina makes landfall, Bush rides his bike for two hours. The day she hits, he goes to Johnnie McCain's birthday party; and lies to old people about the multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical company welfare boondoggle. People are dying, the largest port of entry in the United States (and fifth largest in the World) is under attack. Troops and supplies are desperately needed. The levees are cracking and the emergency 1-1/2 ton sandbags are ready, but there aren't enough helicopters or pilots to set them before the levees fail. The mayor of New Orleans begs for Federal coordination, but there is none, and the sandbagging never gets done. So Bush -- naturally -- goes to San Diego to play guitar with country singer and lie to the military about how Iraq is just exactly like WWII. The levees give way, filling New Orleans with water, sewage, oil and chemicals. Ten percent of all US exports, and 50% of all agricultural exports ordinarly go through this port. It is totally destroyed. Bush decides he'll end his vacation a couple of days early -- TOMORROW --BECAUSE HE HAS TICKETS TO A PADRES GAME! He goes back to the Fake Farm in Crawford, with every intention of doing something on WEDNESDAY about this disaster that happened starting last Sunday night. \_ the best lies are mixed with facts. make it a long rant and it becomes difficult to tease apart truth from fiction and in a forum like the motd just not worth bothering. \_ reiffin, i challenge you to a DUEL. I am a COMMANDO. --ausman \_ they have no bread? Well, then, let them eat cake! \_ Thank you for the clear breakdown. This is exactly the issue. jblack, your crap about "this isn't the feds" responsibility is only true in your ugly little pipe dream world. Go buy an island and start your own country. Then you can pay as little tax as you want. |
2005/9/7-9 [Computer/SW/Security, Politics] UID:39549 Activity:nil |
9/7 Awesome, London's mayor thinks the bombers families should be allowed to attend the national memorial service for the victims. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4220836.stm \_ I think it's a good gesture. Or shall the sins of the father be visited upon the son, and his son, and further unto 5 generations? \_ Ob affirmative action. \_ It would be a nice gesture if the victim's families invited them (highly unlikely), not the frinkin' mayor. Inviting the murder's family to the victim's funeral is asking for trouble. \_ True, but it's suicide 'victims' too. |
2005/9/7-9 [Finance/Banking] UID:39550 Activity:nil |
9/7 Savings/money market account motd service: INGDirect = 3.30% CapitalOne = 3.45% EmigrantDirect = 3.50% \_ HSBC = 3.75% \_ good one. But HSBC is not advertising that much. \_ However, not all of them link easily to an existing account at another bank. \_ which ones? |
2005/9/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:39551 Activity:high |
9/7 Can the liberal and conservative over-writers PLEASE stop doing it? Your scp/ftp-provided anonymity isn't that important to both of you is it? \_ use motdedit, right? \_ even if you don't use motdedit, even vi, jove, or emacs will stop you from an accidental overwrite \_ motdedit is a tool of the fascist/socialist overlord root masters to subjugate the masses under their iron root masters to subjugate the massess under their iron booted fists! motd anarchist overwriters of the world unite! you have nothing to loose but other ppls posts! \_ And proper spelling! \_ sp3lling is a t007 of the white male $indow$ overlord 0ppre550rz! que5t1on 4uthor17y! sp34k 1337! RUN L1NUX! R1D3 B1K3! Boredcast Message from 'tom': Wed Apr 14 20:47:08 1993 Nick, *just yesterday* I corrected you when you spelled it wrong twice in a row. It's not dyslexia, or typos, it's you being a thick-skulled dimwit. One O in 'lose' as it relates to the Bad News Bears. Two O's in 'loose' as it relates to your mom. \_ sp3lling is a t007 of the white male $indow$ overlord 0ppre550rz! que5t1on 4uthor17y! sp34k 1337! RUN L1NUX! R1D3 B1K3! PL4Y N377RE3K! 0ppre550rz! qu35t10n 4uthor17y! sp34k 1337! RUN L1NUX! R1D3 B1K3! PL4Y N3TTR3K! |
2005/9/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:39552 Activity:nil |
9/7 Whaddya mean the other Charleston? link:www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/12576927.htm |
2005/9/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:39553 Activity:nil |
9/7 Its about cats. in sinks. http://catsinsinks.com \_ I don't know how the owners resist turning on the water. \_ my friend used to do this with her kitty. mean mean person. \_ They value their arms? \_ http://www.stuffonmycat.com |
2005/9/7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:39554 Activity:nil |
9/7 With uncertainty over the return of evacuees to NOLA and indeed NOLA's future in general, would the better real estate bet be on places like Baton Rouge or Houston, where most displaced NOLA residents will end up? \_ in neighborhoods where the poor flood in, prices will plummet, white flight, etc. \_ baton rouge looks good: http://csua.org/u/dal (latimes.com) \_ In the short term, the huge population inflow from NOLA, flush with flood insurance money, should drive up real estate prices. Is growth around Baton Rouge naturally bounded by geography? In any case, it will be a few years before private real estate development catches up and public infrastructure may take even longer. |
2005/9/7-9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:39555 Activity:nil |
9/7 MOTD boob-man, I need more pictures! \_ Here is the biggest boob in America: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:George-W-Bush.jpeg \_ http://images.google.com/images?q=boobs&hl=en&btnG=Search+Images moron. \_ No no no, the true boob man only posts community webshots links. Long live motd boob-man! --boob man #1 fan \_ just look on http://bustywebshots.blogspot.com \_ http://ame78.com/live.php |
2005/9/7 [Uncategorized] UID:39556 Activity:nil |
9/7 Suck my balls jblack. |
2005/9/7-9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:39558 Activity:nil |
9/7 jblack, type "wall y" and then join with us for a deep discussion. Wall is like IRC group chat, except it's usually for elite sodan only. See you around. |
2005/9/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:39559 Activity:nil |
9/7 http://csua.org/u/db1 (governor.ca.gov) "[Schwarzenegger] believes gay couples are entitled to full protection under the law and should not be discriminated against based upon their relationship. He is proud that California provides the most rigorous protections in the nation for domestic partners. ... The Governor believes the matter should be determined not by legislative action -- which would be unconstitutional -- but by court decision or another vote of the people of our state. ... Out of respect for the will of the people, the governor will veto AB 849." -Margita Thompson, Press Secretary for Ahnold [fyi, I clipped out a couple sentences for brevity, but the "unconstitutional" part is the public voting no-gay-marriage and the legislature revoking it -- also keep in mind no-gay-marriage may also be unconstitutional. Not sure in both cases.] \_ More to the point: Wow. It's the governor's job to determine what's unconstitutional...OK. --scotsman \_ few points: 1. afaik it is not specified in either the ca state or or fed constitution that the executive cannot make a determination re constitutionality 2. the executive (state and fed) is a co-equal branch of gov w/ the legislature and the cts 3. it is a judicial decree (marbury v madison) that says that the scotus is the final arbiter re con- situtionality (fed). 4. one ought to be free to wonder why a co-equal br- anch, the executive, ought to accept this. \_ What I meant was, _if_ he really really for true wanted to sign this, then he should have signed it, and let the courts do their job. He's trying, lamely, to have it both ways. "My hands are tied, dear cahlifohniahns." BTW, mr. black, ordering your pointless points as bullets don't make you make any more sense. \_ The statement made above implied that the governor could not to determine whether a particular act was constitutional. My point is that there is no basis for this assertion. Neither the federal nor state constitutions preclude the executive from making determinations re constitutionality of legislative acts. At least on the federal level the ONLY authority for the supremacy of the judiciary over the executive re constitutional interpretation comes from the judiciary (see marbury). The question remains, WHY should the executive branch, which is co-eqaul w/ the judiciary and not precluded from constitutional interpretation, defer on these questions? BTW, Who is mr black? \_ Um.. Why not post a URL? \_ i first got the text from reg-required <DEAD>sjmercury.com<DEAD> |
2005/9/7-9 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:39560 Activity:low |
9/7 [fuck you, you motherfucker. Being a real estate speculator is parasitic enough without trying to feed off of disaster. Please please please die. P.S. Fuck you.] \_ I've bought a house in Santa Clara and a condo in Sunnyvale several years ago. I've also flipped one in San Jose, although I didn't make as much as my peers in Las Vegas. Unlike you I'm a true believer in the American Dream. My great parents came to the US with nothing, and now everyone in my family lives comfortably. How? Everyone believes in work ethics. We will keep working hard until we retire. Face it. Either you buy properties, or you're bought. It's a dog eat dog world. Do something about it instead of whining you lazy fuck. God Bless. Do something about it instead of whining you lazy fuck. Khuda Hafez. Do something about it instead of whining you lazy fuck. Khudah Hafez. \_ Ram it up your ass, you cocksucking son of a bitch. My family came here with nothing also, but they actually worked instead of becoming the landowning insect trash they fled europe to get away from. Fuck you, fuck all your fellow speculators, and fuck your mother. \_ 75% of the Americans own land. Why do you hate them? \_ Where did you get THAT stat? url? \_ Of course I don't hate them. My parents who actually work for a living are among them. Speculators are a parasitic minority among homeowners. Unlike fuckhead above, I believe that the American dream means *working* for your wealth so you can buy your own land, not playing a land casino to fuck everyone else, hoping there will always be a bigger fool. \_ Such is the nature of capitalism. Like anything else, you want to maximize return. Look at the history of steel, rail-road, oil, electricity, software, etc. Nothing stops or prevents people from amassing rare commodities, and using their power to gain more power. In fact, this is so much easier in the United States than any other country. Why single out land ownership when there are so many other things that also seem unfair? If anything else, you shouldn't blame the mindless drones from amassing properties. Instead, look at the system that allows and even encourages people to do all that you despise. \_ Spoken like a true Christian. \_ How do you know the pp is not a Muslim? \_ He didn't say "Allah." |
2005/9/7 [Uncategorized] UID:39561 Activity:nil |
9/7 Test123 |
2005/9/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:39562 Activity:nil |
9/7 Want proof that Howard Dean is a left wing nut socialist? http://tinyurl.com/8hhws \_ If you ask a black person from New Orleans, what do you think they would say? Well, they must be wrong, then. Obviously. Black people are always screaming racism this racism that. And that means Dean is also nuts. \_ Why don't you just say, "Dubya treated the black people of New Orleans the same way that he would have treated his loyal base had disaster befallen them. Obviously. Therefore, Dean is a left wing nut socialist." Or how about, "Sure, race is a factor in everything. That's just the reality. But Dean is just stirring the pot for political gain, and that only divides America. Therefore, Dean is a left wing nut socialist." What sounds better to you? Yes, for some reason, I do appear to be helping your original post. \_ Big deal. John Edwards was preaching class warfare last week. \_ I love it when Republicans say stuff like "We give a big tax cut for dividends and the Democrats turn it into class warfare" \_ If nothing else, they are masters of pre-emptively taking away their opponents position so that all the other side can say is "Nuh uh, you are!" |
2005/9/7-10 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:39563 Activity:nil |
9/7 National Guard preventing media coverage of New Orleans aftermath. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8045532/#050907c \_ The National Guard is under the control of the LA Governor. Take this kind of story to freerepublic. \_ And I'll bet somehow, it's Clinton's fault. |
2005/9/7-10 [Uncategorized] UID:39564 Activity:kinda low |
9/7 Hi sodans. I have a question. My sewage line got backed up, I called the plumbers, but when they turned on their equipment, they were swarmed by bees and ran away. The bees are coming from my neighbor's rain gutter. Who should pay for bee removal? It costs money here since the bees are in a building structure. The bees don't bother anyone unless they use loud equipment. Thanks. \_ are you serious? Should I laugh or feel for you? \_ hey man, I downloaded some core files, and brown stuff overflowed to the tub drain when I flushed. i can't do a #2 until the sewage line gets cleared, can't do that until the neighbors get rid of the bee problem. \- um rather than see this as an abstract matter of law, it's possible there is some city rule about this. you might call "the city" to inquire. but it does sound like a legal hypothetical. except we would have something like a backhoe driver who was allergic to bees going into anaphylactic shock and cutting off somebody's internet connection who then suffered day trading losses while going through a divorce with a handicapped spouse. --psb through a divorce with a handicapped spouse. \_ sorry about that. I wasn't sure if you were serious. \_ What did your neighbor say when you told him you are being attacked his 'his' bees? I think it is his responsibility to pay. Did he refuse? \_ Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do? Release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark, they shoot bees at you? \_ Call the local beekeeper's association. Tell them you have a hive that needs to be moved. They will probably be able to have someone come and pick up the hive for free. Also trying to get your neighbor to pay is lame. Bees exist. These sorts of things are noones fault. \_ The bees are actually 15 feet above ground, flying out of the ~ 3" x 5" opening of his rain gutter . I suppose I can pay for half ... \_ It's not about fault. It's about responsibility. It's his property. You can't just do it. He needs to. You can offer to help pay, but legally it is the neighbor's problem. Like the person below says, they are a public nuisance. \_ Call your neighbor. If you get no action, call the city. Bees can be classified as a public nuisence. You'll need the city's permission to remove the hive if your neighbor is unwilling to to do anything about it. As for actual removal, see above or check Bee Removal in yellow pages/google. \- let slip the bees of war \_ A bee hive is worth money. Many bee removal places will do it for free. \_ If it is inside of a structure no one will do it for free. If you find someone who does then post the name. I've had bees several times. Even the county won't do it free if it's up high. \- #ifdef LIBERTARIAN_FRUITCAKE, you may wish to read "The fable of the bees." \_ bees are so cool. i wish i had bees. i got all the gear. but i'm not gonna tear up your neighbor's house for them, no way. the workers need to just chill and learn to live with bees crawling all over them! -jnat |
2005/9/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:39565 Activity:nil |
9/7 Tell us about your GPA, ilyas: http://csua.com/?entry=17980 \_ "The world would be a better place if we were all a little more like psb. This is truth: meditate upon it now." HAHAHAHAH \- dont drive like me. i changed lane 29 times crossing the bridge last time i drove from SF to Berkeley. I think if everybody did that, it would cause problems. i have to go now. |
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