2005/8/31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39366 Activity:moderate |
8/30 So martial law has been declared in parts of Louisiana. What I want to know is where is the bitching, moaning and wringing of hands about \_ I don't see anything natural about it. -John this? You know, like the bitching about similar things in Iraq. -- ilyas \_ Yeah, because the situations are so similar. -John \_ Oh, I think comparing Bush to a natural disaster is fair. \_ They're arguably both Acts of God. -geordan \_ I don't see anything natural about it. -John \_ Ilyas, how about your bitching and moaning about being forced AT GUNPOINT to help bail out insurance companies, and other ways federal tax dollars are being used in Louisiana? -meyers \_ Maybe because libertarians love welfare, as long as it's rich people or corporations who are getting the help. \_ so true \_ You want we should bomb parts of Louisiana? What can we do there that Katrina did not? \_ There has been plenty of rioting and looting in Berkeley over the years but only the Telegraph shop keepers and their insurance companies were upset about that. \_ There is no such thing as "martial law" in state law. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=46073 |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:39372 Activity:nil |
8/31 Anyone here use ruby? Is it worth learning (say for someone who mostly programs in perl/c)? \_ You don't say what your intended use is. For what? For personal pleasure because you're a language geek? For work? For a big team project? For one off throw away code? What? \_ I've been hearing a lot about it from co-workers and I wanted to know if I should spend some time to learn it b/c it is one of those things that any reasonable unix person is expected to know. Also it is pretty nice, I'd like to re-write some of my personal perl programs so I can ditch perl. \_ Yeah, it's worth learning, why? Because it's not perl. I'd suggest learning Python over Ruby (probably bigger base). Scripting in perl just plain sucks, especially if you have to come back to it in a couple of months and update the crap. \_ If you write crap code in ruby, it will still be crap code months from now. Don't blame the language if you're a shitty programmer. \_ I started on it. I read all the online intro/how-to/beginner docs but since I'm already proficient with perl I just couldn't find a real excuse to write anything in ruby. Same thing happened to me with python. Yes, there are some things that might be somewhat easier in one language over the others, but not so much better that I saw value in climbing the learning curve for the rest of it. \_ So, all the "small clean code" fans I know swear by it, including my boss. They usually say it's got the best of Perl and Python, plus some new features. \_ Getting paid to write in it is different than choosing to because you like it. If my boss swore by it I'd be over that pesky little learning curve. :-) \_ I use ruby for scripting, primarily because I know Smalltalk and I don't know perl. Ruby has a bit of kitchen-sink syndrome (let's throw in another language construct / feature!), but all-in-all it's decent. If you can already do everything you need to in perl, there's probably no need to learn ruby, but, I think ruby programs are usually easier to read and ruby has some features like continuations that are good to know for general programming knowledge. - ciyer \_ I've started to use it. A buddy of mine who was a bigtime coldfusion programmer says that Ruby on Rails is prob one of the coolest things out now for web app dev. see: http://www.michaelbuffington.com and search for ruby. - vallard \_ Ruby is probably the most fun language I've ever coded in. It makes writing everything as beautiful little OO jewels beautifully easy. It also lets you do lots of "cool hacks" that probably don't lead to good, maintainable code, but they're a hell of a lot of fun to write. That being said, it has some issues: * it's the slowest modern language i've ever used * dynamic typing + no sigils (perl's @foo, $foo, %foo things to sort of indicate type) = lots of runtime errors, for me. supposedly if you're a better programmer this doesn't happen, but I'm just weak. --dbushong \_ Yeah this is what I'd say. Well, the slowness part. The lack of sigils is a benefit I think... if it's a problem I think you might try using naming conventions. But mainly I've only played around with it for fun because nobody at work knows about it, it's slower, and the smaller userbase and "stuff" out there for it compared to Perl. Perl's OO blows so hard though. \_ I think one thing Perl is teaching me is that it's important to give pretty names to stupid things. 'Sigil' sounds so much better than 'declare-with-every-use.' -- ilyas \_ I like perl, being a slow learner I have a hard time learning yet another new language. I think what you get with The use of ruby on rails is nice; Active Record, MVC (CRUD w/ scaffolding), AJAX 'api', testing and debug builtin, reflection (MINIMAL schema configuration), etc. Check out the intro videos on. http://www.rubyonrails.org |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Reference/Tax] UID:39373 Activity:nil |
8/31 Dubya to release oil from strategic petroleum reserves. Yay! \_ Too bad he can't release our strategic refineries. \_ It's a stupid idea that will accomplish nothing. \_ Psychological effect. \_ "Many other refineries are struggling to cope with shortfalls of crude caused by the closure of major port terminals and pipelines from evacuated and missing rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. " \_ Slapping a $2 tax on gasoline temporarily would probably fix the problem. \_ no tax is ever temporary. taxes don't fix problems. |
2005/8/31 [Industry/Jobs] UID:39375 Activity:nil |
8/31 What does: "We want someone with less experience" mean? \_ "We want someone we can pay less." \_ "You're not good enough, but we're too nice to tell you that." \_ "The old-timers are afraid you'll get promoted over them." \_ "I'm the PHB" \_ "We want someone we can mold and shape", "we're afraid you're going to get bored and leave" (hiring someone costs money), "we don't want you questioning the boss' authority" -John \_ "We don't want promiscuous women to be our wives." \_ Either they don't want to pay you what you should be paid or they don't think you are goign to be interested in the job because a lot of it is boring scutt work and senior engineers tend to get bored when all they do is scutt work. |
2005/8/31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:39376 Activity:nil |
8/31 Looking for an XML parser for Perl, preferably one that doesn't require installation (something already built in). If it's not already built in, I prefer something that doesn't require C compilation, and that I can just stick the *.pm to use. I'm looking for portability, not performance. Thanks. \_ What's wrong with using CPAN? \_ Sometimes it's nice to be able to just give someone a self-contained tar-ball and say "here, run this" without expecting them to debug the various CPAN error messages that might crop up. I've always found CPAN to be a slight PITA. \_ Huh? CPAN simply automates the compile for you. It's not like you can simply tell someone to tar xzf foobar.tgz without doing a perl Makefile.pl and then doing a make on it for the majority of modules. Given that you aren't guarenteed where the site modules for perl reside on any given distribution, your safest bet in terms of portability is to utilize make. In the majority of cases, it usually just simply dumps the pm files in the correct place. If you have problems with CPAN, then you most likely will have problems with installation of perl modules anyway. The only way you can really ensure no make, no brain portability is if you have the same setup on all your distribution machines and then do a straight tar off of it. If you're that paranoid about it, you can simply wrap CPAN into a script... \_ By searching for XML Parser on CPAN I got like over 1000 results. I never know whech CPAN modules are the best to use and end up wasting time experimenting them. Let me give you an example. Someone put up XML::Parser. The name is good but the format they use is completely fucked up (hard to use). Someone else put up XML::Parser::EasyTree, which is much easier to use. By the time I figured out which one has the least bugs or problematic or easiest to use, I've already wasted 2-3 hours. \_ I've been using XML::Simple... I'm only doing basic stuff. \_ Interesting! Unlike shitty XML::Parser, according to XML::Simple the following two cases are actually equivalent! case 1: <tag1 field=value>HELLO</tag1> case 2: <tag1><field>value</field>HELLO</tag1> Do you ever run into problems? I think this is perfectly acceptable for my cases and actually makes my life a lot easier. THANK YOU MOTD, YOU ARE GREAT. \_ Four problems w/ XML::Simple: 1) if you're trying to _output_ XML to conform to a specific schema/DTD, it's very hard 2) unless you turn off some of the behavior that makes it easy to use, a different file of the same schema can produce a different data structure in perl; not always what you want 3) at least when I used it, it caused mod_perl to die horribly 4) It reads the whole file into memory. If you have a huge file you should use something like XML::Twig --dbushong |
2005/8/31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39377 Activity:nil |
8/31 white people find things: http://redirx.com/?3h1a black people loot: http://redirx.com/?3h1f - danh \_ Note the difference in quantity. Also the 8-hour difference in the time of the photos (i.e. attitudes may have changed in that time). \_ Don't you think "finding bread and soda from a local grocery store" is pretty strange language, no matter what the quantity or timing is? -tom \_ Yes, but why the assumption that race makes the difference? Also, if the items were found outside of the store (floated out, etc.) what would you call it? \_ 1) Occam's Razor. 2) Looting. -tom \_ Didn't someone post this yesterday? In any case, note that the pictures and captions are from 2 different sources. There's no cigar until you have *one* source calling the white act "finding" and the same black act "looting". Ah yes, refer from below to http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/44689 . \_ Following up to myself, even within one agency, there are different photographers and different people writing captions to pictures. So, without being able to track down to one caption writer and similar circumstances (impossible to know from just looking at a picture), it's hard to make any logical conclusion of racism. I do wonder if this is the best time to throw up misleading racism canards though. \_ Ok, fine. So what do Asians, American Indians, and Mexicans do? You left us out. You're a fucking racist. -Asian \_ wouldn't you smarties have left town before the hurricane struck? \_ No, they put puzzled-looking gang members with rifles on grocery store roofs when they finally have to deliver something for all that protection money. Oh wait, sorry, that was in LA. -John \_ Asians ninja their shit ... \_ No, they put puzzled-looking gang members with rifles on grocery store roofs when they finally have to deliver something for all that protection money. Oh wait, sorry, that was in LA. -John |
2005/8/31 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:39378 Activity:nil |
8/31 Let's play a game on motd. Post the h077es+ azn you can find on Friendster. Hottest defined as attractive women who are over 22+: http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=2693650 http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=1978073 \_ Tiffany is lesbian? \_ neither of those are 25+ \_ Is it possible to be "over 22+"? |
2005/8/31 [Recreation/Computer] UID:39379 Activity:nil 57%like:39355 |
8/31 Post the cutest azn gurl you can find on Friendster. Cutest defined as having small or no boob ***and over 18***. I'll start: http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=12144925 http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=3663001 http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=1286225 http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=3111058 \_ Umm... does anyone else find this a little creepy? \_ Well, it's certainly less creepy than say, browsing for porn. At any rate it's safe for work (SFW). That's very important. \_ um, just a "little" creepy?? \_ Every woman I've talked to that has tried online dating or using such forums as Friendster to meet men has tons of stories about creepy guys trying to get in touch with them. Apparently being even a somewhat attractive woman on one of these services is an invitation to a deluge of requests. For instance, one girl I knew put a profile on Myspace and got 200 responses from men in the first *day*. You must be one of those creepy men. \_ Most of these women look like spammers. |
2005/8/31 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39380 Activity:high |
8/31 Ok, I thought blaming Bush for the levees breaking was stretching things a bit, then I run into this: "It appears that the money has been moved in the presidents budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose thats the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees cant be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us." Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana; New Orleans Times-Picayune, June 8, 2004 \_ Parish is a dissent and will be going to Guantanamo Bay soon. \_ Idiot! "Parish" is the Lousiana term for district/county; and "Jefferson" being the name of the Parish. \_ Hence further proof that Liberals are idiots. \_ Illogical. If you see a stupid American, does that mean all Americans are stupid? No. Your statement is proof however that _you_ are an idiot. \_ Mr. Parish is also "a dissent". |
2005/8/31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39381 Activity:moderate |
8/31 Along the lines of fundamentalist idiots saying that HIV is God's way of punishing gays, is Katrina God's way of punishing fundamentalist idiots who voted for Bush? \_ I think coastal urban areas vote democrat even in the South. I'm pretty sure New Orleans is overwhelmingly Democratic. And yes, I'm guessing that as with 9/11 we'll be hearing from the bible thumping pig fuckers about why this is happening. \_ We already have. Repent America says the hurricane hit LA (and MS and AL apparently. God's aim sucks.) because NO was having the Southern Decadence festival on Labor Day weekend. \_ No. It's God's Will. You heathens can't possibly fathom what that means. \_ What are you, a stupid liberal? Katrina is God's way of punishing U.S. for not kicking out all the gays and lesbians to Canada. Speaking of Canada they're gonna get it. -Christian Fundie \_ I thought this was God's way of punishing the insurance industry for the sin of greed. \_ Good one! \_ If that's the case, there should be earthquakes in CA instead of one of bush's states. hurricanes in one of bush's states. \_ Katrina is an omen to the housing market that is about to crash and trash like we never seen before. It is a punishment for you capitalists trying to gobble up precious resources in the name of "using money to make money", and as a result re-create Capitalist Monarchy and class hierarchy in the society. \_ The housing market is going crash in the southeastern states. \_ Apparently some read fundie groups are claiming it is God punishing New Orleans for being "sinful": http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/index.html?blog=/politics/war_room/2005/08/31/cause/index.html |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:39382 Activity:nil |
8/31 Christopher Hitchens - "A War To Be Proud Of" aka flamebait http://csua.org/u/d7h (weeklystandard.com) \_ I always find it humorous when people taunt Lefties for comparing the War with Iraq with Vietnam, but don't flinch an eye when comparing it to WWII, Hitler, et. al. <chuckle> comparing it to WWII, Hitler, et. al. <chuckle> I like to point out how the war on both fronts didn't end until the US/Allies decided to massively kill lots of civilians. \_ Um ... oh what's the use. \_ You were going to say CH is a lefty? CH is simply an idiot. \_ s/idiot/drunk/g \_ He _can_ be both. I'm a drunk. I'm not an idiot. |
2005/8/31 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:39383 Activity:kinda low |
8/31 Guess the highest cost for a barrel of crude oil this year. The closest person gets um... uh, to be praised on motd. I don't want explanation or anything. Just the price and your login. \_ $85 - anon01 \_ Why guess? Why not simply bet on it? http://www.tradesports.com/jsp/intrade/common/c_cd.jsp?conDetailID=228266&z=1125523096305 \_ $69 - yermom \_ $121 - gwbush |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Science/Disaster, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39384 Activity:nil |
8/31 Foamy Squirrel hurricane special: http://csua.org/u/d7k \_ http://csua.org is down. This is exactly why I prefer other superior sites like http://tinyurl.com. http://csua.org simply can't match the scalability and reliability of http://tinyurl.com. \_ Scalability of this type of application isn't really an issue. \_ http://tinyurl.com was down for ~ 3 hours 2 weeks ago in the middle of the day (that I noticed) \_ http://csua.org/u also has: * list of recent and popular links * lists of recent and popular links * rss feed of same * cached copies of HTML pages --dbushong \_ http://csua.org/u doesn't have: * ads \_ This appears to be something available on http://illwillpress.com Why bother with http://csua.org. |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Science/Disaster, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39385 Activity:moderate |
8/31 Quick motd list. Hurricane Katrina related songs! I'll start: Led Zeppelin, "When The Levee Breaks" Simon and Garfunkel, "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" Scorpions, "Rock You Like A Hurricane" Bob Dylan, "Hurricane" Neil Young, "Like a Hurricane" Metallica, "The God That Failed" \_ Now it's more like Water Over Troubled Bridge. \_ It's more like Water Over Troubled Bridge now. Scorpions, "Rock You Like A Hurricane" Bob Dylan, "Rock You Like A Hurricane" Bob Dylan, "Hurricane" Neil Young, "Like a Hurricane" \_ We already have Repent America says the hurricane hit LA (and MS and AL apparently. God's aim sucks.) because NO was having the Southern Decadence festival on Labor Day weekend. Metallica, "The God That Failed" Tchaikovsky, The 1812 Overture \_ Why? Bob Dylan, "Like a Hurricane" Bob Dylan, "The God That Failed" Bob Dylan, "Blowing in the Wind" "Row, Row, Row Your Boat", the last line being "Life is but a dream". Peter Gabriel, "Here Comes the Flood" \_ Bob Dylan, right? \_ It's the kid song: "Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream." \_ Life is not a dream. -spock Bob Dylan, "Here Comes the Flood" Bob Dylan, "Down in the Flood" Elvis Costello, "Pouring Water on a Drowning Man" Bob Dylan, "Pouring Water on a Drowning Man" James Carville, "I am a very wet Cajun" \_ U2 "Summer Rain" \_ Bod Dylan, "Summer Rain" \_ Johnny Cash: "Three Feet High and Rising" Jars of Clay, "Flood" \_ Did this Bob Dylan guy have a bad childhood filled with bad weather or something? \_ Blob Dylan: Where the Street have no name |
2005/8/31 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:39386 Activity:nil |
8/31 Holy crap. Stampede in Baghdad when someone cries suicide bomber http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=1083227&page=1 |
2005/8/31 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:39387 Activity:nil |
8/31 Do any legitimate user-agents make HTTP requests without an HTTP Host: header these days? \_ Not since Netscape 1.1. -tom \_ What about search engine spiders? \_ They don't if they want to index correctly. \_ Thanks. When GoogleBot makes requests with HTTP/1.0 does it always send a Host header? \_ What about search engines spiders? |
2005/8/31 [Uncategorized] UID:39388 Activity:nil |
8/31 Were NO residents stupid to stay put? http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2005/08/31/national/a153752D54.DTL |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/Networking] UID:39389 Activity:nil |
8/31 Today I declare 802.11x the best thing in the world. Why? Because it gives me new freedom to do whatever I want. I'm a typical married guy with a kid. Occasionally I need privacy. I need time and space to myself, and pretty much the only time where I can be by myself is when I drive to/from work, and when I'm in the bathroom. Sometime I have an urge and it's kind of hard to relieve myself down there without help. However, it is very convenient to take my laptop to the bathroom and porn surf. It's a lot better than taking Hustler or something obvious into the bathroom. With the laptop, it looks like you're working hard, and indeed, you're working hard to get pleasure that you once had. I love 802.11x. It has given me freedom and a new life. It has increased my quality of life by 100X. I can't believe I didn't get it earlier. Get 802.11b/g/x!!! \_ Please please tell us you're not trying to surf porn and spank your monkey while driving to work. \_ Nah, he's just using the friendly neighborhood parking lot. Have you seen "Happiness?" Remember the scene with the dad, the magazine, and the parking lot? \_ moan if you want to ......moan around the world \_ Please please tell us your name so that we won't help debug stuff on your laptop. your laptop without gloves. \_ You don't need 802.11x to play adult CDs on your laptop. |
2005/8/31 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Women] UID:39390 Activity:nil |
8/31 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050831/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_safrica_rape Reminds me of childhood jokes about farmer and razor blades \_ It doesn't prevent anal rape. \_ Upcoming prison-issue version does |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39391 Activity:low |
8/31 Local New Orleans paper predicted this problem almost exactly about 3 years ago: http://www.nola.com/hurricane/index.ssf?/washingaway/harmsway_1.html \_ John McPhee predicted this back in 1989. Great Book: http://www.johnmcphee.com/controlofnature.htm \_ And who came along to cut the funding for the Army corps of eng. to work on it? \_ Bush, but it was Clinton's fault. \_ Just curious, but why do the Feds pay for this? Shouldn't the local tax base pay for it? Touching on the comment someone else made about CA tax dollars leaving the state, why should CA dollars be used to build a bridge in TN or a levy in LA? \_ If you believe that then you also believe we shouldn't have federal taxes higher than required to maintain a national military and little else. Is that so? \_ Sort of. I think there are other programs other than defense that deserve federal funding, but a lot of this should be handled at the state and local levels. \_ Sort of. I think there are programs other than defense that deserve federal funding, but a lot of this should be handled at the state and local levels. \_ Is this what Federalism means? I help myself and you help yourself? \_ Is that a rhetorical question? \_ And that is why the Kurds and the Sunnis want it. |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39392 Activity:high |
8/31 Poll: Did you / are you going to donate more/same/less for the Katrina relief effort than what you donated for the South Asia Tsunami relief effort? More : Same : . Less : . Not decided yet : . 0 : . 0 in both cases : .. \_ I need to defend my reasoning. Donating after a disaster is like volunteering to serve food to starving people during Thanksgiving. While the gesture is noble, people need food the other 364 days. Just because you are nice one day, doesn't mean these people will have the means to survive later on. It is thus a shallow gesture, and doesn't solve the root of the problem. I don't believe in a one-time effort. I believe in a long term, consist solution to the root of the problem, like educating people to improve their lives, saving up national treasury for rainy days, or better yet, make the drastic move to turn US more like Denmark where there are no poor people to kill/starve themselves. Unfortunately the US government will never do anything. It has a history of irresponsively externalizing problems to someone or somewhere else. The US has this mentality that if something goes wrong with your life, it is always your fault. Well, that is just heartless, selfish, and wrong. Your problem is my problem, and my problem is your problem. my problem is your problem. Let's help each other out. Help me turn the profit oriented, corporate-run America into a nation that has more compassion for its people. Join my revolution and no one will ever have to worry trivial things like donations. Help me a little and everyone will be greatly rewarded. !che \_ This is stupid for many reasons, here are some: 1. The U.S. government has already allocated billions to save New Orleans. Since we all pay taxes, and since California gets only about 80 cents on the dollar for taxes sent to D.C., we are all already footing the bill. 2. Americans are amongst the highest, if not the highest, donors in the world. On a per capita basis, Americans will donate more to more causes than any other society on the face of the planet. 3. America is exceedingly diverse. Denmark isn't. You can't compare a dinky country like Denmark to the U.S. In fact, you can't really compare any country to the U.S. The U.S. is unique in terms of composition of its populace and its place in geopolitics. 4. The U.S. is also the most generous internationally. It gives out more aid to the world than any other country. \_ USA actually ranks close to last in aid on a per-capita basis. http://harpers.org/ExcerptTheChristianParadox.html \_ God, I can just feel my brain cells dying. -- ilyas \_ !che is pretty anti libertarian. Sorry ilyas, I'll be happy to see self-absorbed people like you die. \_ Almost everybody is self-absorbed including, most assuredly, yourself. The difference between you and me, is that I am willing to 'live and let live.' You, on the other hand, wish me dead. Now lecture me some more about my immorality. -- ilyas \_ Almost everybody is self-absorbed including, most assuredly, yourself. The difference between you and me, is that I am willing to 'live and let live.' You, on the other hand, wish me dead. Now lecture me some more about my immorality. -- ilyas \_ "Almost everyone is self absorbed" is a blatant generalization, and almost certainly false. \_ And calling me self-absorbed without knowing anything about my life is what? You make me laugh. -- ilyas \_ I wasn't the person that wants you to die. I want you to live! The motd would be a less entertaining place without you, ilyas. -pp \_ Can you please explain why there are so many people out there volunteering for nothing in return? \_ Because it makes them feel good. "But that's not what self-absorbed usually means!" you ll cry. My response: "how did the pp know I was self-absorbed in that sense?" -- ilyas \_ not the pp but I wish you were dead because you can't fucking conform to 80 columns. asshole. \_ You make me proud to call myself a nerd. \_ I believe in helping people in both cases dumbass. \- "live and let live" when actually "live and 'there is no and'" is just sloganeering. the point is that some people are not "and living" ... without help, the will have a signifiant probability of dying and almost no chance to improve their lot in life [nozick's idea of "life chances"]. i believe most of the poverty in this country is not, in jeffrey sachs poignant expression, "the poverty that kills". "live and let live" in the global context [as opposed to say discussions about say social agenda in the us ... drug legalization, assmaster marriage etc] is like saying "i believe in equality ... i am happy not giving medicine to the sick *and* the well". see e.g. A. K. Sen "equallity of what" essay/sppech. what" essay/speech. maybe you can change you slogan to "live and whatever". \_ Partha you don't strike me as particularly dumb, but when it comes to libertarian stuff it's like most of your brain just shuts off. 'Live and let live' is about applications of state power, not a statement about how one ought to live one's life morally. -- ilyas \_ It warms the cockles of my heart to know that somewhere a taxpayer is being forced at gunpoint to pay for ilyas to write these sentences for us all to see. \_ See, Eli, you don't understand selfish behavior. The libertarian answer to a non-libertarian society is to game it for all it's worth while pointing and laughing. -- ilyas \- i dont think that is true. i just dont fall for the artificial boundaries libertarians of moderate sophistication draw. first of all, a lot of these people will change their tune when they need the help [orange county bail out] and there really diffcult problems of "too big to fail" [what is the liberaltarian answer to LTCM?]. this thread began with the idea of resource allocation not political liberty, so i think my continuing to think in that mode is not unreasonable. i'm actually fairly libertarian when it comes to people playing on a level playing field except one has to distinguish between "if i were king" and "what do we do now" scenarios that take the the status quo as a given [like you can be opposed to the iraq war yet feel we cant leave now]. it may be an interesting academic discussion whether something like federal deposit insurance is a good or bad thing from a libertarian perspective, but i think the libertaian perspective has little to say about what to do about the hundreds of thousands of people dying of malaria. i dont really care if you want to throw terms like "state power" around ... when discussing charity, those are the types of questions that concerns me, not cancer research or school vouchers etc. anyway, i was not making abscract ethical statements like "do not lie" but my conception of "distributive justice". \_ Artificial boundaries my ass. Do you fall for artificial boundaries between moderate socialists and communists? Why are libertarians so different all of a sudden? If voluntary charity concerns you, libertarians have nothing to say about it (not being moral philosophers). Any other kind of charity falls under the rubric of 'state power.' -- ilyas \- i am not defending socialism, communism, anachists trostskiites, marxists, democrats xtian fruitcakes randroids, bolshvicks, mamuluks, baski bazouks or any other group in particular. there are a couple smart people i list [including the leading light of smart libertarians, nozick]. i am criticizing libertairians here because they are the "live and let live" party. if you want to have a thread on environmental legislation ot affirmative action or regulation of barbers or hollywood's role in diverting $ to pet medical projects i would probably attack some non-libertarian group. i have said before a lot of liberals operate with the assumetion "poor people are stupid" and get defensive when you call them on it. i think they shoudl acknowledge that as an operating assumeption but they cant have it both ways. libertarianism may have more theoretical parsimony but has some big empirical problems. for example if state A > B it not not necessarily true that C "near" A is better than A. see e.g. Cancun Fuck You. for the record, i think televanglists are worse than libertarians. BTW, are you controled in part by Sander Greenland in addition to Judah Pearl? --psb \_ While I am sure you have some choice words to say about certain Christians (perhaps on wall) all I see from you on the motd is libertarian bashing. Libertarians come across as your favorite political punching bag for some reason, which I find odd because they, as a group, are responsible for none of the things you find annoying (parasite CEOs, etc). In fact, as a party they are responsible for next to nothing, good or ill. Why do you care suddenly about my Sith Lords? I sat in on Greenland's class, and found him annoying. I couldn't exactly figure out why. It's 'Judea' btw. -- ilyas \- when i go to parties with communists in berkeley, then i attack them. i didnt realize i had to give equal time to who i "bash" on the wall/motd. maybe you can search the wall logs/kchang logs for my comments on ALGOR and BILLARY. it's not my fault hillary is no longer public enemy number one. did sander show you his large telescope? \_ You know, if he offered to show me his large telescope, I don't think I would have taken him up on it. Do you collect smart people you know like trophies? You know, collecting things is the economic prism through which a 'merchant soul' (Plato) views acquisition of knowledge. -- ilyas \- i know ander via the person who was \- i met sander via the person who was \- i know sander via the person who was hiding in the closet in a previous motd post. i think his house used to be owned by a sex cult or some \- i met sander via the chick who was hidining in the closet in a previous motd post/wall. i think his house use to be owned by a sex cult or some thing like that. that is where he keeps his large telescope. he also has a large skaeboard, which i thought was sort of pecular. hey ididnt know according to JP terry speed was involved in the OJ trial. libertarians have nothing to say about it. Any other kind of charity falls under the rubrik of 'state power.' -- ilyas figure out why. -- ilyas keeps his large telescope. involved in the OF trial. |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:39393 Activity:low |
8/31 20 Oil Rigs Missing in Gulf of Mexico. Do I hear an economy deflating somewhere? http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20050831/pl_afp/usweatheroilgulfrigs_050831213716 \_ Not for guys who build and repair oil rigs. \_ excellent point. Invest in these companies. \_ why such glee at the idea the us economy might tank? \_ I'm not the pp, but I'm happy the economy's going to deflate. Why? Because I'm a big believer in meritocracy, where hard honest working should in fact get more rewards than lazy people or people who simply got lucky. Right now, the economy is run on the Capitalist Monarchy principle. People who own investment houses, gobble up land that many others need and therefore become extremely wealthy, while those that didn't have much to begin with, continue to owe. Don't get me wrong, my father is turning 65 and he is about to hand me 2 rental properties worth well over millions and I should be happy about it. But I feel conflicted, because I didn't do anything to EARN IT. I feel like I cheated meritocracy, big time. I hope the crazy housing market stabilizes to give everyone an equal and honest opportunity to make money. \_ 1) Who told you this was a meritocracy? No country or culture has ever been what you desire. 2) Why do you think that an economic collapse would somehow magically lead to your never-before-seen meritocracy? Maybe you want total anarchy where "merit = force"? You seem conflicted and guilt ridden at being the child of wealthy people. You don't have to accept it. You can donate it if you feel that strongly about it. Why should other people suffer because you feel guilty that you have rich parents? Isn't that rather selfish? \_ Guess who the deflating economy is going to hurt the most? But don't worry, I am sure forcing every rich person in the US to pay Scandinavian taxes will make you feel less guilty. -- ilyas \- i'll be happy with criminal CEOs being assmastered in jail. LIVE AND LET LIVE. |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:39394 Activity:nil |
8/31 Google announces Google Purge: http://csua.org/u/d7t |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Transportation/Car] UID:39400 Activity:nil |
8/31 Exactly how deregulated is the gasoline industry? In the light of less gas due to Katrina, isn't it possible that they pull an Enron? \_ Why? There is no need to fake a crisis. |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39401 Activity:nil |
8/31 http://newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/8/31/233427.shtml Dems blaming Bush for Katrina. \_ In other news, statue of elvis found on Mars! |
2005/8/31-9/2 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39402 Activity:nil |
8/31 Yay humanity http://forums.corvetteforum.com/showthread.php?t=1174992&forum_id=26 \_ Where are the National Guards to protect the people? This is sad. Orlean libertarians everywhere, helping themselves. Shame. Shame. \- in fairness, these arent libertarians. although in extra fairness, most libertarians i've met arent libertarians either. \_ NO libertarians are the ones most likely to have guns, a working generator and food/water storage and least in need of help. |
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