8/27 There are 3000 pro-war anti-Sheehan protestors on tour, with lots
of television broadcasts paid for by moveamericaforward. So, where
are Cindy's ads? Poor liberals can't afford expensive broadcasts?
Secondly Cindy's campaign seems so disorganized, with no clear
financial backers. The first link to her web site says "Donate."
This is sad. We fucking liberals are apathetic and pathetic need to
get out and counter moveamericaforward's mega Cindy-bashing campaign.
\_ Nonsense. She's got a catered camp funded by http://moveon.org and the
rest of the usual suspects. Go STFW for 5 seconds to find out
who is funding her.
\_ The Swifties are going to try and character assassinate her, too.
\_ Cindy was camping out in a ditch for the first week before people
started to organize around her. No one is "funding" Cindy. If
there were no one else there, she would still be.
\_ The Swifties are going to try and assassinate her, too.
\_ The Swifties are going to try and character assassinate her, too.
Let's see if that works out for them. So far, it has not:
\_ Honestly, what's there left to assassinate with Ms. We Are
Waging Nuclear War In Iraq? She's her own worst enemy, imo.
-- ilyas
\_ And so is our ilyas, but we still lurve him so!
\_ People tend to see in her what they want to see:
You are pro-War, right?
\_ I am pro-yermom. I think the characterization of that lady
as a nut is pretty spot on. This 'people see what they
want to see' line is weak. She is a nut. Do I get to
call you a liberal nut apologist now, ausman? -- ilyas
\_ Sure. Liberal nut apologist is a fair
characterization of me. -ausman
characterization of me. Did you even read the
Freeper article? -ausman
\_ I think you should give it a rest. I remember you
were calling Cato right-wing big business lackeys
due to their funding sources. Since people's agendas
are fully determined by their funding (according to
you), we have all we need to know about Sheehan just
from that, right? Except you seem strangely
silent about Sheehan's funding, preferring to talk
about public opinion being split. I mean if you
want to know the reasons people aren't even-handed
or 'see what they want to see,' I don't think you
have very far to look. My characterization of
Sheehan is that she is a nut exploiting her son's
death for political ends, who in turn is being
exploited for political ends. For the record, I had
not a single bad thing to say about Sheehan until
she finally opened her mouth. -- ilyas
\_ Ilya, she's been in the media since at least May.
She spoke to Conyer's meeting on the Downing St.
memos. You've complained about a couple of
passages. If you think that's the sum total of
what she has said, you're jumping the gun.
\_ In the political world, I think it's usually
pretty telling where the money comes from,
especially when its origin is from large,
politically charged entities. To be in denial of
this is to be in denial about the realities of
how politics work in this country. Of course,
I think you probably aren't in denial, but you
seem a little hasty in your accusation of ausman's
how politics work in this country. Of course, I
don't think you are in denial, but you seem a
little hasty in your accusation of ausman's
hypocrisy wrt bringing up sources of funding.
(in Sheehan's case, it's so blindingly obvious
In Sheehan's case, it's so blindingly obvious
where her political bias is, I have a hard
time seeing why any sane person would need
confirmation via her monetary backing. -mice
\_ To tell you the truth, I have not really bothered
bothered to do any serious research on Sheehan's
positions. All I really know about her is that
she lost a son in Iraq and is now protesting the
War outside of Bush's ranch. Which is a perfectly
legal and acceptable thing to do. If she starts
to write something of serious intellectual note,
say in the New Yorker or The National Review,
I will read it and decide what I think of her ideas
As far as I can tell, you think anyone opposed to
the Iraq war is a "nut" which means about 2/3
of the populace now. Sure, she is supported
by http://moveon.org and Michael Moore, they are on
the same page politically, at least with regard
to the War in Iraq. Is everyone supported by
http://moveon.org a "nut" in your book? John Kerry,
for example? And how the heck is she being
"exploited for political ends"? Who is exploiting
her? If you willingly work with someone else
for the same political end, you are not being
exploited, you are forming political coalitions.
One further thing and why I will not "give it a
rest." If you disagree with Sheehan then attack
her positions. Do not follow the tried and true
Right Wing tactic of character assassination.
This is what they did to Clinton, Kerry, Schiavo's
husbande and now they (and you) are trying with
Sheehan. If her ideas are so weak, you should be able
to demolish them without resorting to questioning
her sanity. -ausman
husband and now they (and you) are trying with
Sheehan. If her ideas are so weak, you should be
able to demolish them without resorting to
questioning her sanity. -ausman
\_ No, I think someone who says we are waging a
nuclear war in Iraq is a nut. I actually have
no problem with her position per se (being
anti-war), I have a problem with _her_, more
specifically what she says. As I said, I had
no problems with her at all until she opened
her mouth. My position is similar to someone
who doesn't like freepers because they are nuts,
not because what they believe in is stupid
(freepers can hold perfectly defensible
positions on a number of issues). -- ilyas
\_ Okay, now that I think about it some more,
I can see that if you honestly think she
is insane, that it is obvious how she is
being exploited. I haven't read enough of
her to know if she is or not. Do you base
your assessment of her on extensive readings
of her ideas or on one out of context
quote on the motd? -ausman
\- believeing we are waging nukular war
in iraq as am epirical fact is about as
in iraq as an empirical fact is about as
insane as believing in changing water
into wine, transubstitution, astrology,
creationism, or fat reducing creams,
and is about as ignorant as not being
able to locate the pacific ocean on a
globe ... in fact know knowing the diff
globe ... in fact not knowing the diff
between DU bullets and nukular weapons is
probably more forgivable. so sheehan
is in a lot of company if not necessarily
quality company. pat roberson is who is
shocking, not cindy sheehan. --psb
\_ The people that generally refer to DU
use as nuclear warfare know the
difference. It may be a crudish over-
statement, but they've at least got
some research to back up their health
concerns over its use.
\_ This is not an excuse an english
speaking american could use, but
Al Jazeera reported that the U.S. had
used a nuke at one point in Iraq. It
was the same bullshit as typical lies
on foxnews: put it up long enough
for morons to believe, but take it
down in time to still make it look
like a mistake. I did not personally
see this, as I don't know arabic,but
it was pretty well documented at the
time(shortly after the initial
\_ I don't think everything lumped under
astrology is necessarily insane, the
influence of the moon on the biosphere
is pretty well documented. -- ilyas
\- and this needs no response. --psb
\_ Do we know Sheehan actually had DU
bullets in mind when she talked about
nuclear war? Do we cut her slack
nuclear war? Or do we cut her slack
because we are sympathetic to her
cause? Would we be as forgiving of
some freeper bogeyman or even jblack?
\- you can be too stupid to be put
to death by the state, but not
too stupid to vote or have a
right to free speech.
\_ The question is not whether one
can be too stupid to have a
right to free speech. The
question is whether one can be
too stupid to be taken
seriously. The question is also
whether we invent excuses for
Sheehan because we agree with
\- i dont think she is an
expert on middle east
policy. is she any more
clueless than the large
numbers who believe WMDs
were found or saddam and
osama sed to have pool parties
together? or is she any more
insane than the "a zygote
has a soul" crowd? i dont
think so. she is a figure
of pathos, not logos, to
put it in "greek" terms.--psb
\_ Are motd types apologists
for WMD-believers? For
Osama/Saddam theorists?
For soul zygote types?
Then why excuse Sheehan?
All animals are equal, but
some animals are more
equal than others?
\- the "excuse" isnt
categorical. i doubt
sheehan knows anything
about measure theory
but i have no problem
with her right or
inclination to sit at
the side of the road
ranting. micahel moore
probably isnt much of
a historian but as an
film maker he has a
certain talent as a
rhetorical terrorist.
i think the immediate
pullout view point is
dumb and unethical
but i think the ethical
position is to have
BUSHCO consigned to the
dustbin of history but
since that is not going
to happen, i'm not
displeased to see things
a little hot for BUSHCO
\_ Hey ilyas, don't tell us about
the stars.
\- "Various polls have shown that erosion of war support has been
faster in Iraq than during the Vietnam War in the 1960s."
What do you guys have to say about this? |