2005/8/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:39222 Activity:moderate |
8/23 It's Pat: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/08/23/robertson.chavez/index.html Pat Roberson calls to have Hugo Chavez assassinated. Gee, prominent public relig figure calling for "death to <head of state>" ... what does that remind you of? I like the line "This is in our sphere of influence, so we cant let this happen" ... gee, I wonder if people in Venezuala talk about "American Black Helecopters". And I wonder if Hugo Chavez is a bigger theat to America than activist judges". Any bets on who the next ambassador to Venezuala might be? \_ Jesus for Oil.. \_ I'm willing to make that trade. \_ Huge Chavez is a clown. -- ilyas \_ Hugo Chavez is a clown. -- ilyas \- So? Who would you rather have as your ruler, Hugo or Pat? \_ Well, I was gonna say you, Partha, but then I remembered you would feed me ankles first into a woodchipper. -- ilyas \- in spite of your psb-persecution complex, you'ld probably be pretty low on my reeducation or beyond reeducation, convert to fertilizer list. --psbpot \_ I don't know, Partha, you haven't seen me with a lot of money. -- ilyas \- ok i'll keep my options option to have your bones scraped with a rusty file. \_ When Pat ran for President in the 80s I distinctly remember him saying that one of his first acts as President would be to nuke the USSR. So I'd rather have Chavez. \_ We need to keep our mullahs in line ... Maybe Venezuela should ship off Robertson somewhere, say Egypt. I love the automatic assumption that Venezuela's oil belongs to us because it is in our "hemisphere" ... Isn't it property of the people of Venezuela? \_ But they are Brown and Catholic, therefore subservient to Anglo-Saxon Jesus. \_ Heh, yeah, it Belongs to the People. -- ilyas \_ No, actually, it's properly owned by PDV, which is at least majority- if not entirely owned by the government of Venezuela, which is, at least pro forma, a democracy, so yes, it Belongs to the People. If you want to argue that knocking off that fucker Chavez is a good thing due to geostrategic interests (and, well, because he's a fucker) then that's entirely different (this is what I think we should have done with Saddam and couple of other places if we were honest about it). However, there is _no_ argument that Venezuelan (or any other) oil supplies "belong" to anyone other than whoever's got the drilling rights to them. -John \_ I am fairly sure the oil in Venezuela belongs to Chavez. Personally, I am in favor of knocking off Chavez _last_ among the world's head-of-state fuckers because, hey, at least he's funny. -- ilyas \_ Let's see... Chavez is aligned with Iran, Ven. is becoming a client state of China, and Chavez provides extensive military support to the FARC narco-terrorists. Without oil Venezuela = Zimbabwe. I'd say pat is exactly right, but shows poor judgement to say such things in public. \_ Fair enough. Nonetheless, the point isn't who it belongs to, rather who it doesn't, i.e. us. And careful, Partha "the Mulcher" is watching. -John \_ Let's see... Chavez is aligned with Iran, Ven. is becoming client state of China, and Chavez provides extensive military support to the FARC narco-terrorists. I'd say Pat is exactly right. Without oil Venezuela = Zimbabwe. \- still crazy after all these years ... *Boredcast Message from 'john': Thu Oct 13 15:47:45 1994 || ||ok...straw poll: ||If anyone on soda was to become the evil dictator of a small ||country, who would it be? ||(assuming I get to be chief of the secret police) || *Boredcast Message from 'alanc': Thu Oct 13 15:48:30 1994 || ||Probably psb || \_ I am pretty sure that this is an act of terrorism as defined by the Patriot Act. I won't hold my breath waiting for him to be arrested. \_ Let's see... Beaner is aligned with Turbin, Venezuela is becoming client state of Chink, and Beaner provides extensive military support to the Turbin wearin terrorists. I'd say Pat is exactly right. Without oil Venezuela = Bin Laden. Fuck immigrants, blacks, and Jews. !jblack \_ "Can anybody understand what this duck is saying?" \_ Pat in 2003: "How dare the president of the United States say to the duly elected president of another country, 'You've got to step down.'" http://csua.org/u/d55 |
2005/8/23-24 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:39223 Activity:nil |
8/22 Google search 36.5%, Yahoo 30.5%. Who the hell still uses Yahoo? No one I know uses Yahoo anymore. \_ Yahoo search has actually gotten pretty good, and is sometimes better than Google. Try searching both for "http". \_ A lot of people, especially people who are Joe Average consumers and have an SBC/Yahoo DSL account. I still utilize Yahoo maps vs. Google maps just out of habit. \_ I do too, because Yahoo maps is better than google's, at least when it comes to giving directions. \_ driving directions to dense urban areas with google maps totally suck. i hate them. \_ The CSUAers who work for Yahoo! Search. \_ I use Yahoo! I only use Google for Google Groups. \_ I use Yahoo for email and sports and news. I just use Google for sea \_ I use Yahoo for email and sports and news. I just use Google for search. \_ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla quis massa eu mauris placerat tincidunt. Mauris interdum pellentesque urna. Nullam non mauris sit amet leo hendrerit mollis. \_ I have Yahoo DSL. I use Yahoo for news (including Japanese and Chinese), maps (including Japan), stock quotes, and looking up things in its Web Directory section. I use http://www.google.com for searching, and http://images.google.com for porn. |
2005/8/23-24 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Recreation/Travel] UID:39224 Activity:nil |
8/22 Just wondering, how much vacation do military servicemen in Iraq get? \_ free paid vacation in Mosul. \_ All service personnel are guaranteed 1 month vacation a year. |
2005/8/23 [Health, Health/Women] UID:39225 Activity:moderate |
8/23 Utah police go nutzoid: http://www.buzzlife.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62975 \_ So, were all of the bits in the Sherriff's Dept. official statement complete fabrication? \_ Yeah, the police never fabricate anything. \_ This is nothing. The Czech police used a tank! \_ No, but when you have 2 versions of events on the internet, and one requires the police to just be EVIL AND HATE FREEDOM and the other that the people reporting this were on drugs (while at a rave, no less), Occam's Razor says... \_ Well the police's version (paraphrased) is that a large party somebody is probably doing something illegal, so they decided to bust it up and include the SWAT team because regular cops are no match for raver kids. \_ No, the police version is that something was probably illegal, then that they didn't have the right permits, then that they surveilled and there WAS illegal stuff going on, then they went in. \_ So do you suggest Gestapo tactics for other gatherings that include illegal activity, such as rock concerts and frat parties? \_ And you just know at a left-wing political rally somebody's going to be carrying drugs. \_ Right, and at a right wing political rally you know somebody is going to be carrying loaded automatic weaponry without the proper permit. So either way, yay! concealed loaded automatic weaponry, so either way, yay! \_ Um, read some of the local press articles linked to from the various web forums. Guns, Drugs, and note how they bring up the possibility of rape, and how there may be many minors (won't someone think of the children!) there. They make it sound like a Hell's Angels 666th anniversary grill party and baby sacrifice. Occam's razor also says that mindless police brutality and excessive force are not unknown. But then it's just a bunch of drug-addled children, so... -John \_ Heh, I like this: "I saw a dog signal out a guy who obviously had some drugs on him....They had liscenced security guards at the gates confiscating any alcohol or drugs found upon entry (yes, they searched every car on the way in). Oh, I suppose I should mention that they arrested all the security guards for possession." |
2005/8/23 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:39226 Activity:moderate |
8/23 I saw a commercial for Geico Motorcycle insurance yesterday. I guess this is new since I've never known geico to do motorcycle insurance. Anyone given them a try? \_ I have them and am quite happy. Don't even get one point though, or your rates will go up. -ausman \_ Geico and Progressive provide motorcycle insurance and are not always the cheapest. If you have an auto insurance, they often offer "recreational vehicle" insurance, which includes your yacht, motorcycle, and in some cases your LearJet or Citation X. They usually don't advertise this but they do that. I have my motorcyle insurance through AAA but I'm switching to something else because they keep raising the price. Here is my biggest gripe with insurance. For the first year or two it's pretty cheap, then they figure you're sticking with them (even without a single accident) and they keep raising the price. Fuckers. \_ capitalism at its best. same for my sbc dsl service. they offer new users at $14.95 per month, while old users have to renew their 1 year contract at $26.95 per month, or they will raise the price to $49 per month. fairness and customer loyalty means nothing to them. they just want to milk as much as possible out of you, and have a very short term view on running a business. so you either pay more or call them and complain, switch, etc., wasiting your invaluable time. \_ Left wing socialist rant alert!!! Under capitalism the nature of competition drives down the price. If you don't like your provider, you switch to something cheaper or better. Stupid liberal rant. !jblack \_ You know, if you ignore the first sentence of pp's post, it is completely apolitical. Don't have to be a socialist to hate SBC. \_ hehe, call it whatever you like. I just don't like to play games with these companies. they keep setting various traps for their customers. for instance, if I missed the letter saying that if I don't renew the contract at $26.95 for one year, I will suddenly see my bill increase to $49. I am the type who will gladly pay a little more as long as I don't have to deal with these types of crap. And a lot of the things these phone companies do like some of those fees they tag on to your phone bills turned out to be illegal. and of course the switching of your carrier without notifying you. another example was MCI whose long distance service I had been happily using for some time, until one day, after WorldCom bought MCI, they suddenly decided to increase the rates through the roof. We all know where Ebbers is headed. |
2005/8/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:39227 Activity:nil |
8/23 Maradona admits scoring goal by hand: http://csua.org/u/d4j (Yahoo! Sports) So much for Argentine soccer. \_ Barry Bonds doesn't even admit to using steriods.. \_ The only way most CSUAers know how to score is by using their hand. \_ That's Rosy Palm and her five sisters. |
2005/8/23-24 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:39228 Activity:moderate |
8/23 Photos from the Iraq war. Warning: Very graphic. http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2005/08/23/iraq_gallery/index.html \_ This puts some things in perspective. "Oh no, the British police accidentally and incorrectly killed one innocent person!" Now \_ Your moral equivalance/equivocation is disgusting. That's not perspective. You can call both "wrong". \_ They _are_ both wrong! But which has gotten more press? \_ It's not a zero sum game. They both should get plenty of press. That the war hasn't is a decision of the gov't and complicity by our media outlets let's look at the bit in the slideshow where the US Helicopter fired a missle into a group of 13 civilians. "Oops, our bad." I mean, it's really they're fault for _forcing_ us to invade. Stupid it's really their fault for _forcing_ us to invade. Stupid camel jockeys. \_ They did have the audacity to have lots of oil. \_ Actually it was a group of > 50-100 people. Many were partying by the disabled Bradley. Is it within the rules of engagement to lob a missile into the middle of the crowd? I don't know. -moderate/liberal \_ Not really, but unfortunately the US doesn't have a weapon that swoops down to beat people with sticks. -John \_ just admit it, we are not accountable for anything we do. It is OK to kill Iraqi at randomn. Something that we don't talk about, but it's a fact. Do you know how many people got ran over by US convoy due to aggressive driving? do you have any idea how many people died as he/she bring his blanket to the roof to sleep because electricity is not restored? Is there any consequences for killing civilian? Without punishment, people bound to do bad things, pure and simple... And at the mean time, Americans don't understand why Iraqi hates Americans. \_ Are you stupid? Yeah, that's exactly what I was implying. Kill all those non-American civilians! Woo! It's OK! Moron. -John \_ Am I saying that all US GIs are shooing at Iraqis for fun? of course not. All I am saying is that there are bad apples; there are those who are trigger happy, justified or not. The problem is that there are no consequences for any wrongful actions unless it's caught by US media. Even so, US militaries are not subject to any external scruny other than its own military justice system. Then, there is the issue of mercenaries or "private contractors." Their actions are not even subject to US law and US military. \_ Bad apples, huh? There are reports that in faloojeh, we got intel that the "bad guys" were using taxicabs. The order came down that cabs were greenlighted as targets. I won't be surprised when we hear about free-fire zones. These things happen because of orders. There may be some bad apples, but the real bad shit comes from orders that the troops are told are legal. \_ All intentional abuse of military power should be avoided and punished when it occurs. It's wrong. Nobody's saying that it isn't. I also find it odd that a lot of people say "hey, all these abuses go unreported, just look at this link!" My point was that people who dance around a burning apc or who generally celebrate that kind of violence (even if they're in the US military) deserve a fucking beating. -John \_ Put yourself in their shoes for a sec. That same APC has been blowing up _their houses_ looking for terrorists. You'd bemoan its destruction? \_ Has it? And no I wouldn't, I'd probably stay inside wishing it would end. -John \_ But if your house blows up while you are in it ... maybe safer to dance on blown up Bradleys! \_ Wow, the clever, seductive transition from 'we' in the beginning to 'Americans' in the end almost had me going for a second there. Well, aside from the atrocious engrish, anyhow. Whatever personal guilt, political/social obligations & responsibilities I may feel, I'm certainly not going to debate them with a clown like you. What's the point when your whole statement makes it clear that you're not going to listen to intelligent discourse? \_ Why the hell not? For all the billions we've flushed down the toilet for space weapons that literally contributed *nothing* to national defense we could have not only beat stick drones, but imperial walkers by now. \_ No, but we do have a ray gun that microwaves people. \_ sweet idea, had they used that instead, it would be helicopter flies up, blasts crowd with burning-pain beam until they disperse, then drop bomb on disabled bradley to destroy it. |
2005/8/23 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:39229 Activity:low |
8/23 ilya, what do you think of Arimaa? http://arimaa.com/arimaa \_ Well, if you want an example of a game where computers do poorly, there is no need to invent a new one -- Wei Chi will do. But thanks for the link -- looks interesting. My intuition about this game, without looking into it carefully, is that one of the superstrategies is dominant (it is very difficult to balance the rules in such a way that you can have completely different looking games, and have them all be reasonable strategies). -- ilyas |
2005/8/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39230 Activity:nil |
8/23 Bush talking to veterans: "We owe them something. We will finish the task that they gave their lives for..." Finishing the task? Look out North Korea and Vietnam! We'll get it right this time! http://csua.org/u/d4l \_ Time to invade Vietnam and finish the task we started there 40 years ago! \_ Veteran with his Bullshit Protector on http://csua.org/u/d4o |
2005/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:39231 Activity:nil |
8/23 I need to setup a kiosk with a mouse and a browser. How do I make Firefox/Mozilla/whatever display the entire screen, and disable Windows format, reboot, installation, going off to improper porn sites, etc for the kiosk? Thanks. \_ STFW. There are people who have done this before. There is even a firefox package or something specifically for kiosks. |
2005/8/23-24 [Industry/Jobs] UID:39232 Activity:nil |
8/23 My brother is an engineering manager at Apple (iTunes Music Store). His group is looking to hire a mid/sr level SW engineer. We do our development in WebObjects, but a solid understanding and practical experience with appservers in general is more important than specific knowledge of Java or WebObjects. Email me if you're interested or have questions. -abe |
2005/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:39233 Activity:low |
8/23 Hi motd. I recently got a Dell Latitude D610 from work. There is a "Hard Drive Password" feature in BIOS. After setting it, now every time I boot it asks me for this before it loads the OS. Does anyone know if this password is stored on the drive or on the mobo? E.g., if the latter, I can just put the drive in an external enclosure and access all files. Thanks. I suspect the latter. Okay, I see here it looks like the former: http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/thread-1942031.php \_ Depends on the make & model. A lot of mfgrs deal with the password with a combination of bios and either an eeprom or a reserved area on the drive. Generally it's some variant of the bios being a sort of "handler" for the password info which is stored elsewhere. The good news is, there are ways of breaking this with some understanding of electronics diagrams and a degree of proficiency with a soldering iron. With some IBMs, for example, you need to nuke the password on the particular laptop it was set on before you can use it for something else (unless of course you break it, which is difficult-but-not-impossible.) I did some research on this a while ago for a project, but my info may be out of date. -John \_ fyi, I downloaded the spec doc for the Hitachi 5K80 Travelstar, and there's a whole section on this, which leads with: "With a device lock password, a user can prevent unauthorized access to a device even if it is removed from the computer." It sounds like \_ fyi, I downloaded the spec doc for the Hitachi 7K100 Travelstar, and there's oodles about password set/clear/change. Presumably this is all stored on the HD. Upon further reading, it looks like the drive supports a Master Password and User Password. Presumably the Master Password is known only to Dell and is different for different service tags, and is used to unlock the drive if the user forgets the User Password that he or she used to lock the drive. Unfortunately it looks like all you need is a keygen program to get the Master Password for Dell Latitudes: http://www.techspot.com/vb/topic18780-pg4.html&pp=20 Doh! -op I do agree that if you speak with Dell they'll probably tell you a special way of clearing the "Hard Drive Password" if you authenticate with them completely. And DriveSavers probably knows exactly how to do it without any trouble. After googling for a while, it looks like this is the only way to clear the hard drive password: http://dp.allhyper.com Much easier to clear the non-hard-drive passwords. -op \_ OK the mechanism I found consisted of soldering together a bit of electronic gymcrackery according to a set of wiring specs I found, which would slurp the password hash off the laptop via serial and let you dump it on a PC in order to crack it. I'd be very interested in what you find, so if you would like to look at the bit of poking around that I did, drop me a mail (non-bouncing email in my .plan) -John \_ Oh, it's just the link I posted -- run the keygen against the reported hard drive code, obtain the password which clears the other passwords. Apparently another mechanism involves a paperclip shorting some pins. -op \_ Good news. That keygen only works for old service tags (ending with extension -D35B). Then, I e-mailed the owner of the document that describes how to unlock passwords using a paperclip (shorting some pins). He says his method is only for the BIOS passwords, and there is nothing he knows of that can unlock the "hard drive password". Yay. -op \_ See above, offer still stands (dunno if it'll be of any use but might give you some pointers of where to look.) -John |
2005/8/23 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:39234 Activity:nil |
8/23 I have a lot of problems with Google and Yahoo mail lately. I use pine with the "Roles" feature where I can set the From: field to whatever address I have. I've been using this for a while without any problem, but lately Google and Yahoo just filter all of my mails. How do I tell them that my email is legit? I don't send spam contents or anything like that. Thanks. Below is my header, generated by Pine and the mailer: From myname2005@mydomain.com Tue Aug 23 12:45:24 2005 Return-Path: <myname2005@mydomain.com> Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 12:45:24 -0700 (PDT) From: John Blow <myname2005@mydomain.com> X-X-Sender: myRealLogin@myPrimaryDomain.com \_ Is http://mydomain.com advertising SPF rules that contradict where you're actually sending it from? \_ What's a SPF rule and how do I find out? \_ 1) http://www.google.com/search?q=SPF+rule 2) dig http://google.com TXT |
2005/8/23-24 [Computer/SW] UID:39235 Activity:nil |
8/23 CS history question - are there documented instances of early PC software firms going bankrupt due to pirated software? More generally, good accounts of what prevented the early PC software firms from succeeding? What distinguished successful firms from failures in that market. Email fab. Thanks. |
2005/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:39236 Activity:nil |
8/23 Anyone know of a good way to convert from tex to decent looking HTML? \_ Um, latex2html does a fairly good job. Is this a troll? \_ Is latex2html-2002-2-1.tar.gz the best version? see http://saftsack.fs.uni-bayreuth.de/~latex2ht/current Its over 3 yrs old. I'm just wonder if there isn't something newer b/c it didn't work properly on OS X. \_ I use 2002-2-1 as part of fink on OS X. Works fine. --pp |
2005/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/Apps] UID:39237 Activity:nil |
8/23 Google IM is up. http://www.smashsworld.com/2005/08/im-on-google-talk-right-now.php \_ Great. Just what we need. Yet Another Fucking Messenger. I am so sick and tired of having to keep track of different logins and clients. I have YM, AIM, MSN, and IRC. Trillian is the solution? No. I can't get to certain features in YM like interactive games and Audibles. Fuck Google. \_ You might not know this, but you are too stupid to live. \_ I used to use AIM. Now I don't even bother logging on. If it's urgent, call me. If it's not urgent, send me e-mail. \_ Holy fucking shit. A branded Jabber server with no SSL support. Where are my smelling salts? What will they think of next?! \_ Great, only socks proxy. Woo. That's sad. -John |
2005/8/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:39239 Activity:nil |
8/23 I got some .att files that look like segmented mails with base64/ MIME data. What program can view/extract attachment from such files? \_ munpack? -John |
2005/8/23-24 [Consumer/TV] UID:39240 Activity:nil |
8/23 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4176240.stm Poll, Blu-ray or HD-DVD? Which one is going to win? Blu-ray (50G): .. HD-DVD (30G): \_ Optical data storage media are fucking retarded: .. \_ either way the consumer will lose |
2005/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:39241 Activity:nil |
8/23 Looking for a good backup software for Windows. Preferably free, or something cheap with encryption. I'm sick and tired of manually using MS's backup software to create a tar-like file and then using my pirated Nero to burn it on the DVD. ok thx. \_ Check out the backup reviews first. http://www.backup-software-reviews.com I downloaded a copy of Genie Backup Manager, trial version. It is very good. I got it from Bittorrent with serial keys but I liked it so much that I decided to buy it from them. \_ I use Acronis True Image to back up my Windoze disk to an external hard drive. It's fast: 1 gigabyte / minute over FireWire or an efficient Hi-Speed USB 2.0 interface. Image is password-protected (though not encrypted, but I think the password protection is good enough). Buy the download version off http://newegg.com. |
2005/8/23 [Computer/HW/Drives, Consumer/TV] UID:39242 Activity:high |
8/23 Do differences in PAL/NTSC formats matter when playing DVD movies on PCs? What about VCR? \_ PAL/NTSC doesn't matter when playing on a PC, just region code (unless you use a workaround). Tapes won't play right on a VCR, but you can get a converter. \_ No, doesn't matter on a PC, although you may have region issues. As for VCRs, you can't play DVDs on VCRs. What's your question? If you mean if NTSC vs. PAL tapes matter, yes. They're analog standards being played on an analog device. formats being played on an analog device. \_ What about watching a PAL DVD on a TV with normal US-purchased DVD player? \_ It's almost certainly not going to work. NTSC DVD players are rare multi-standard. |
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