2005/8/19-20 [Finance/Investment] UID:39174 Activity:nil |
8/18 San Diego, San Jose, Santa Ana and Oakland -- had a more-than 50% likelihood of price declines, according to the index. http://tinyurl.com/ap6bm (WSJ) \_ We've been hearing about this for years. |
2005/8/19-22 [Reference/RealEstate, Computer/Companies/Google] UID:39175 Activity:low |
8/18 http://tinyurl.com/alu76 How rich are Googlers? Now you find out. \_ Crap! If you can afford a $12 million dollar home, RETIRE! \_ I don't know a lot of really rich people, but in my observation truly retiring is always a bad idea. Changing careers later in life is one thing, but ending all productivity is a great way to have your health go downhill and die young(70's instead of 90's) and bitter, even if you have enough money. I'm just basing this on observations of older family members who've kept working in some capacity forever vs. those who truly became retired. I'm never going to totally retire, even if I have enough money to never work again. \_ I basically agree. I don't really think 30 year-ld googlers are going to retire in the "sit around and watch TV all day way," anyway. But there's all kinds of things I'd like to do/work on other than showinging up here 8-5 everyday. I would at least ditch the bay area. -op \_ I basically agree. I don't really think 30 year-ld googlers are going to retire in the "sit around and watch TV all day way," anyway. But there's all kinds of things I'd like to do/work on other than showinging up here 8-5 everyday. I would at least ditch the bay area. -op \_ I know a woman with a few million in cash and many millions more in real estate. Even though she made the money doing other things (real estate, businesses) she's also a psychologist. She continues to run her practice on a small scale (accepts no new patients) even though it only makes her $60-70K per year. Why bother? I've never asked her, but I'm sure she does it because she enjoys it. If the GOOG guy enjoys his job then that's all that matters. \_ No, a good capitalist keeps working until he owns everyone else, like Gates, Rocketfeller, Walton, and Lay. Capitalism is what makes our nation so great! Haven't you learned anything in grade school? \_ I find it hard to believe that you'd compare someone like a Rockefeller, who at least believed in a work ethic and just about gave away most of his fortune to a Ken Lay. -John \_ I have an acquaintance who owns his own business. Last year he bought a house in Beverly Hills for $4 million in cash. He owns many cars, including a Cayenne S and a Bentley. Another acquaintance of ours asked him why he bothered to keep working at this point when he and his family are set for life. His reply: "I don't want to have to drive a BMW 5 series, which is what I'd be limited to if I stopped working." So there you have it. \_ Huh, I'd be interested in talking to him about diminishing returns. What's the real difference between a BMW and a Bently? Why is it worth 10 hours of every day? \_ It's an example. What he is saying is that he'd live a good life, but not his current lifestyle. \_ No duh. The law of diminishing returns extends to pretty much all areas as well. \_ Sure, but who is to say what when returns are not worth it? Is it when you own your own home? Whether it is worth it or not is an individual decision. You might be happy with a 5 series. This guy is not. You don't think it's worth it. He does. Lots of people could get by with less, but they want more. Right? Are you going to decide for them when enough is enough? \_ Did you take too much meth this morning or something? I said I'd like to ask him about his motives, and what he thinks; I did not say I wanted to tell him what to do. \_ I didn't read the question "Why is it worth 10 hours of every day?" as an honest question, but as criticism. If it was an honest question I apologize. \_ No, it was quite an honest question. I'm surprised more people don't ask it. \_ I've had the privilege of test driving a $150k sports car and of receiving an upgrade to a stupid $$$ hotel room (no clue why) and being invited to try some really expensive delicacies, stuff which I can't-but-would-like-to afford. Even if there's no intrinsic motivation to work, there are some pretty definite material benefits that I imagine I could really get used to. -John \_ I think owning your business is different. The business becomes your baby, and you can't just let it die. My girlfriend's mom runs a business and makes a few million a year, but she works like crazy (15 hour days, 1 day of rest per month). My gf is more tired when she goes home for vacation cause she has to help her mom and follow her schedule. \_ The grape is very sour to me. :-( |
2005/8/19 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:39176 Activity:nil |
8/19 Two Illegal Immigrants Win Arizona Ranch in Court Fight http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/19/national/19ranch.html?hp |
2005/8/19 [Health/Sleeping] UID:39177 Activity:high |
8/18 Eminem cancels show due to dependency on sleeping pills: http://csua.org/u/d38 (CNN) If this doesn't debunk his street cred, I give up; sleeping pills are so... SUBURBAN. \_ Well, considering that he is originally from St. Joseph, MO... \_ What? I was told he was from the ghetto! \_ Ice Ice Baby! -John \_ He's white white baby |
2005/8/19 [Computer/HW] UID:39178 Activity:nil |
8/18 Hey Ilyas. Re: Intelligent Design. Please prove that P(C)<0.5. For extra credit prove P(C) << 0.5. |
2005/8/19-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:39179 Activity:low |
8/19 Hmmm, right-wing columnist writes in favor of the Gaza withdrawl. http://www.townhall.com/columnists/charleskrauthammer/ck20050819.shtml \_ Krauthammer is sounding more and more like something out of a Kubrick film. \_ Mr. President, we must not lose the mine-shaft race! \_ You are destroying the humor content by butchering the quote! "Mr. President, we cannot allow a mineshaft gap!" -- General Buck Turgidson \_ Just out of curiosity, why? His historical and political are completely sound. -John \_ Were you planning on modifying something with those adjectives? \_ Were you planning on modifying something with those adjectives? \_ Yah, seriously. The suspense is killing me -- John always does that: teases you with interesting adjectives, then leaves it up the reader's imagination to fill in the blanks. I'm going to be thinking about it all damned day now! That bastard! -mice \_ "analyses"? "comments"? "arguments"? \_ "tunafish"? "storms"? "triffids"? \_ "storms"? "tunafish"? "triffids"? \_ "xxxxxxxx"? "storms"? "triffids"? \_ Deleted for national security purposes. -John |
2005/8/19-22 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:39180 Activity:moderate |
8/19 http://compilers.cs.ucla.edu/~kchang/interesting/shortcar.jpg What kind of car is this? I'm trying to find more info like name, model, mileage, and other things. Thanks. -kchang \_ If you're interested in a small car, you might want to read http://www.bridger.us/2002/12/16/CrashTestingMINICooperVsFordF150 http://www.gladwell.com/2004/2004_01_12_a_suv.html -- mini owner \_ Note that is from 2002. And the Neon, Cavalier/Sunfire, and Civic and Corolla do all have higher driver deaths than even the midsize cars. The Jetta is also not "tiny" as they say; it's a bigger car than a Civic. \_ But in general, some of the most dangerous cars to be in are SUVs (or light trucks as some people call them). http://tinyurl.com/cwp5w (NHTSA/DOT) \_ 3 of the 4 worst performing cars are subcompacts. Indeed, it seems like midsize cars had the best ratings. --mini owner \_ SMART car. Owned by the greater DCX corporation. \_ I saw quite a few of them in Canada. I wonder if they're in US \_ You buy it, and you go straight to Dr. Yeung. \_ I believe the guy driving the car is a 25 year old Bengali. \_ http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5217861 and http://akasa.ca/smart \_ When you get into an traffic accident, it conveniently crushes into the shape of a coffin, saving you funeral expenses further down the road. \_ And the solution is to have everyone buy bigger and heavier cars, thereby, starting an arms race and making everything, in general, more dangerous? \_ What solution? Is there a problem here? \_ The problem is that people getting bigger cars to make themselves safer is a fallacy because once other people start doing that, your "big" car will become dangerous to be in because of other bigger cars on the street. Meanwhile, your car will become more difficult to control because of the extra weight and size and you're more likely to get into an accident in the first place. \_ The problem with modern light (small is irrelevant) cars isn't being crushed; they have really strong frames (good ones do). The problem is just inertia. Your car will be hurled by the big SUV and when you then hit something else you and the pinball car will come to an abrupt stop. This is why buses don't have seatbelts. In general they don't need them. \_ When a bus rolls over, big inertia doesn't help. When you don't have seatbelts, you hit the roof and break your neck and die. BTW there are usually seat belts for the bus drivers. So I think buses should have seatbelts for passengers also. \_ Sure sure. There are lots of ways to get hurt and die in a car. Sometimes the seatbeltless guy who got ejected lives. Small nimble cars are more likely to completely avoid accidents but less likely to survive head-on collisions, yadda yadda. driver. \_ http://www.smart.com They are actually quite safe. Very rigid frame, tons of airbags. You see a lot of them in Europe (use almost no gas, very roomy--a colleague has one and we carpool regularly.) Not very much storage, fairly zippy, and there's a 4-door (which sucks), a roadster (which is cute but being discontinued) and the crossblade (which is an awesome idea-- http://www.smart-j.com/e/cb.html ) I think they even make some bizarre Brabus mad turbo version. The company's at least co-owned by DaimlerChrysler, and they sell them here in these giant glass towers that look like 10 story car vending machines. Pretty cool, and you can wedge them in perpendicularly into many gaps in parking spots. -John \_ That crossblade doesn't look safe. \_ OK granted, but I don't think "safety" is entirely the point with something like that. -John |
2005/8/19-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:39181 Activity:nil |
8/19 Sight Seeing with Google: http://perljam.net/google-satellite-maps |
2005/8/19-20 [Reference/Military, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:39182 Activity:low |
8/18 Really, I probably wouldn't admit to this attack http://csua.org/u/d3a (Yahoo) \_ Why not? Terrorism and guerilla warfare rely only in part on intimidating your military opponents into thinking they can be attacked from anywhere; a large part of the point is to gain credibility with the kind of gullible young thugs who're easily impressed with this sort of thing--and what's more daring and impressive than hitting a US navy warship? -John \_ Except they didn't. They just killed some random innocent Jordan soldier. I would file that under "screw up." I see what you're saying though. \_ terrorism is weak , nothing more absolute than dropping a nuke on mecca \_ That would just incite more retributive attacks. How about nuking (or really just conventially blowing up) one of those extremist Islamic schools for every terror attack. \_ Yeah, cuz killing children doesn't piss anyone off. |
2005/8/19-20 [Consumer/Camera, Recreation/Humor] UID:39183 Activity:nil |
8/18 Practical photography lesson: "Funny thing about angles and webshots" http://csua.org/u/d39 \_ Slightly NSFW. |
2005/8/19-22 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:39184 Activity:nil |
8/19 Apple: Free speech? Pshaw! http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=1238 \_ The 1st amd provides a right, but rights can be waived. By signing an NDA, the people who recv'd the dev kit gave up their right to talk about it. They can't get this right back. The NDA also bound them to prevent the dev kit from getting into the hands of those not covered by NDA. While it is arguable that the posters never agreed to the NDA thus are not bound by it, the possession of the dev kit is comparable to the knowing possession of stolen goods and should be treated as such. |
2005/8/19-22 [Uncategorized] UID:39185 Activity:nil |
8/19 More on the gorelick intelligence wall http://thinkprogress.org/2005/08/19/gorelick-ignorance |
2005/8/19-22 [Reference/BayArea] UID:39186 Activity:nil |
8/19 Explosion on Post and Kearney in SF; probably a transformer: http://cbs5.com/topstories/local_story_231131708.html \_ autobot or decepticon? \_ Okay, I laughed. |
2005/8/19-22 [Uncategorized] UID:39187 Activity:nil |
8/19 Poll: Seehan's peace movement is: 1: the start of a lasting anti-war movement: 2: a fleeting summertime story: . 3: in-between: . 4: A good place to pick up hippy chix: . 5: A good place to practice off-road driving: . \_ All of the above: . |
2005/8/19-22 [Science/Biology, Science/Physics] UID:39188 Activity:moderate |
8/19 Hey Emarkp. Re: Religion. Please prove that there is God. For extra credit prove Joseph Smith was telling the truth. \_ Someone deleted this along with a post about ID. I'll note that I'm not presenting God or Joseph Smith as a falsifiable scientific theory. ID proponents /are/ claiming their theory as science. -emarkp \_ We had a long discussion about this already. In the narrow sense of \_ Please prove there is no god. For extra credit prove Joseph Smith was not telling the truth. \_ The burden of proof is on someone who claims God exists. (Just like the burden of proof of evolution being on someone who claims evolution is real.) \_ Absence of proof is not proof of absence ;-) \_ yup, Rumsfeld can tell you that it worked well with Iraq. \_ You are confusing a syntactic distinction with a semantic one. You seem to be saying that existence statements are 'special' and require more proof than their negations. But almost anything can be phrased as an existence statement (e.g. there exists a sequence of physical events giving rise to a bacterium while starting from raw chemicals). \_ What about "One can't prove a negative."? \_ I don't understand what this means. In mathematics, as in empirical science, 'a negative' is just a syntactic distinction. In math what you can prove usually has little relation to its syntactic form. In empirical science you can prove nothing. \_ Apparently you flunked Science. The central tenet of science is that if you can't empirically prove that it does exist, we will assume that it doesn't. Science has traditionally followed such principals as Occam's Razor, in which the simplist explanation (we assume that things do not exist until they are empirically proven to be as such) is usually the most \_ Uh no, science says that if something cannot be empirically proven, it means that it cannot be empirically proven. Whether that implies "yet" or "at all" is up to the observer. Last I checked, science made allowance for, say, circumstantial or observational evidence not obtained through proper empirical experimentation, even though you wouldn't necessarily rely on these as proof. Note that I'm not implying that ID and friends are complete and not implying that ID and friends aren't complete, utter intellectually dishonest bunkum, I would just like to point out the flaw here. -John likeliest. Also, in science, it's not merely a syntactic distinction, that's why it's referred to as empirical science vs. religious wizardry. And math != science, because yes, math IS pure syntatics. \_ 'Empirically prove'? 'Pure syntatics?' 'Simplist'? 'Likeliest'? You such at science, you suck at English, you suck at trolling, and you suck at life. \_ Since Science can't explain the change from "nothing" to "something" in the universe should we assume that Science doesn't exist or that the universe doesn't exist? Please explain further. ;-) \_ Science CAN explain how the universe could have come from nothing: http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/question.php?number=541 \_ Nonsense. Did you even read your own link? It not only doesn't attempt to explain how the universe was created. It makes it quite clear that we have no idea and presents a bunch of ideas that don't rise above the level of hypothesis. These non-explanations are no better than "God did it" or "it fell out of a magic hat with a rabbit". By the standards mentioned earlier in this thread not only does science not exist, but the universe doesn't either. Your link (that you apparently didn't read or expected others not to) says something entirely different from what you claim it says. \_ Alexander Vilenkin (mentioned in the link above) has written many papers about this. You can google for more detailed info. \_ Well the universe does exist to science since we observe it. \_ http://www.yfiles.com/y3nf.html |
2005/8/19-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:39189 Activity:kinda low |
8/19 I'm about to replace all original windows and glass doors at my 30-yr \_ eh, I was about to say, run linux old home with dual-pane ones. Any recommendation? Are prices at Home Depot reasonable? What about <DEAD>www.customs-exteriors.com<DEAD> TIA. \_ Stay away from Home Depot. Go to a window and door store. Also consider laminated glass instead of dual-pane gas-filled, depending on the application. My house is 76 years old and I wanted to keep the original windows while also soundproofing and insulating. I went with laminated glass to preserve the look. Your house is 1970s, so maybe you don't care so much. IMO, lots of replacement windows look like shit. I'd go wood instead of vinyl, too. \_ If you're going to paint the wood, why? \_ Aesthetics. Also, what if you later want to change the color? Most high-end houses use wood or aluminum-clad wood. \_ My windows have metal frames in gray color and no paints. They're not broken, but they don't look good and my wife thinks it's too chilly in winter. How does laminated glass work? How does it soundproof and insulate without two panes of glass trapping a layer of air/gas? -- OP \_ Two panes of glass with a layer of carbonate between. They do not insulate as well as, say, argon but they are better for sound. The look better because you cannot tell they are really two panes. This is important when having, say, divided lights. \_ What in particular is Home Depot bad for? Thx. -- OP \_ Get the Linux brand. Red Hat is good. \_ If you're living in the bay area, vinyl should be decent enough. Get the Milgard windows. Aluminium is better for colder environment. \_ I live in north Fremont. -- OP \_ I have Milgard windows that the previous owner installed and I cannot wait to remove them. Ugly and also the double hungs have this habit of coming untracked. I hate them. \_ I second Milgard windows. My parents had all the windows in our about 5 yrs ago w/ Milgard windows and they have worked great. I would get the work done by a experienced installer, most of problems I've heard about re new windows are due to inexperienced installers goofing things up rather than manufacturing defects. \_ I just recently remodeled my house and replaced all the windows with Jeld-Wen windows (from Home Depot). These windows cost 50% less compared to other brands. To make it look nice, I spent another $1k for the custom stucco molding around the windows offered by my contractor. Overall, I like the looks and efficiency of these windows. I got the low-e type windows. Jeld-Wen windows (from Home Depot). These windows cost 50% less compared to other brands. To make it look nice, I spent another $1k for the custom stucco molding around the windows offered by my contractor. Overall, I like the looks and efficiency of these windows. I got the low-e type windows. \_ I got Simonton double paned vinyl windows. I wanted wood, but they would have cost 2-3X as much and I could not get my wife to agree to the extra cost. I used to have single paned aluminum windows which were cold and noisy. The vinyl is a huge improvement, but looks kind of tacky. A couple of contractors recommended Simonton over Milgarde. over Milgarde. -ausman |
2005/8/19-22 [Uncategorized] UID:39190 Activity:nil |
8/19 My root partition is pretty filled up, what are some quick and dirty ways to remedy this? I don't know which /var/log files are safe to delete, though I'd like to delete unnecessary packages like X, etc. How to go about that, safely? \_ rm -rf / \_ Assuming /tmp is in your / partition and not its own mount point, almost anything in /tmp should be safe to delete if you're in single-user mode. In /var/log: if you're not going to be reading them, any files with .0-9 at the end (e.g. messages.9 or messages.9.gz) are safe to delete. |
2005/8/19-12/2 [Uncategorized] UID:39191 Activity:nil |
8/19 Motd.official cleaned up, here is a summary: - Home directory quotas went up... way up... and are bound to go up again soon. Soda is not almost free of the oppressive TDA. - NIS was put on soda, and then promptly removed. We're working on LDAP - We're working on some serious issues with new soda's OS. Just be patient - I think we've fixed most of the csua lists. Most of you got a "Welcome to the CSUA mailing list" email recently because we forgot to use the "don't send welcome messages" flag when importing the old majordomo lists into the new software. Sorry. \_ jobs@csua migrated. email jobs-leave@csua to unsubscribe yourself from it. -mrauser 9/13/05 - jvarga |
2005/8/19-22 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:39192 Activity:nil |
8/19 Looking for news feeder/reader on the web. I'd like to use a browser so that I can keep up while I switch between a Mac and a PC. \_ an RSS reader or a NNTP reader? \_ i use jwz's portalizer [http://www.jwz.org/cheesegrater/] |
2005/8/19-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:39193 Activity:nil |
8/19 Okay, when are we *really* going to have to worry about storage of yottabytes? http://www.thedailywtf.com/forums/41025/ShowPost.aspx |
2005/8/19-20 [Science/Physics] UID:39194 Activity:high |
8/19 Anybody who knows any physics, what's the deal with QM being based on the notion of an 'observer?' Does anybody understand what an 'observer' means in QM context? I mean of course the standard interpretation of QM usually taught. -- ilyas \_ Once you *know* the cat is in the box, the cat can't not be in the box. \_ all of modern science builds models with a latent component and an observable component. QM isn't "based" on an observed. Its models just follow the latent-observable dichotomy. It's healthy. There are things you see, and things you want to know. \_ As I understand it under the most widely accepted interpretation of QM, the Bohr-Heisenberg Copenhagen Interpretation, the state of an atom is indeterminate prior to observation. Note that CI is not the only interpretation of QM (some others I've heard of are the hidden variables theory, the many-worlds theory and decoherence) \_ It's a probability function and where on the function the atom is can only be known when you observe it. By observing it you "give" it a state. \_ The problem, as I understand it, is that you can only give something a state via observation if that thing is in a closed system. However, no such system exists anywhere in the universe. Also the implication of CI is that w/o some sort of observers the universe does not "exist" other than as a superposition of all possible states. Many, including Einstein, felt that this cannot possibly be true. [ Note I am not a physicist, I've mostly on read about this stuff in Lectures on Physics, &c. ] \_ At a basic level you can't observe a system without changing it. You need to affect its state in some way to make a measurement. An 'observation' is really no different from plain old interference. To take the Shrodinger's cat example, observation is information, aka. photons leaving the box, and prior to that any internal state was possible. \_ I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think what you posted is really answering my question. -- ilyas \_ So what exactly changed that allows me to see a live cat? Why would a camera (or a robot) not see a live cat? -- ilyas \_ Because now the box can't not have a live cat. \_ You don't seem to understand my problem. Why am I an observer, but a camera, or a robot, or a robot that looks and acts exactly like me isn't an observer? What is an 'observer'? -- ilyas \_ Anything that alters the internal state of the box by letting photons out of it is an observer. So a robot which opens the box and snaps a picture would cause the cat to assume a single state. However if you set up the experiment with a camera on a timer inside the box then until something external observes/changes the box both the cat and the image on the film are in an indeterminate state. -pp \_ But what if the robot himself is also in another bigger box? Shouldn't the state of the at now be entangled with the state of the robot? I can setup lots of boxes like one of those russian Matryoshka dolls -- at what point does the state of the cat get settled? -- ilyas \_ In any given problem you're applying QM to you define something to be your "system". In real life it's probably an atom or something, but in the cat example it's generally assumed to be the box and the cat together. An "observer" can be anything from the rest of the universe interacting with the system. So it's a bit arbitrary. I think the point is, though, that you always draw the line between observer and system between *you* and your experiment somewhere. Another observer could put you in the "system" box and say the same things about your quantum state that you can about some cat in a box. So to I think answer your question, in the interpretation of QM I was tought the concept of observer has nothing to do with sentience. the concept of observer has nothing to do with sentience. Of course, since you've already classified my brain as:small, you might want to ignore what I have to say. \_ The camera doesn't make an observation. Until you view the film the state of the film is indeterminate - the film could be in any valid state. Only when you view the film does its wave function collapse into a particular state. In order for any of this to make sense the observer must be outside the closed system that is observed. HOWEVER, there is no such thing as a closed system w/in the universe. \_ So to summarize, there is no closed system in the Universe. So while in Schrodinger's hypothetical experiment the cat's state gets settled, it would not get settled in ours. So does the collapse phenomenon exist or not? -- ilyas \_ http://www.fishnet.co.nz/ted/murph/wpd.html#BM2Slit In the wave model, much significance is often attached to the idea that determining the position of a particle close to the slits "destroys" the "interference" because the "wave function collapses". If you measure the position of the electron just before it gets to the slit, you totally change the outcome of the experiment. A simple and elegant way of proving that the observer is part of the experiment. I will try to find a cleaner explaination of this phenomena. -ausman http://www.daviddarling.info/works/ZenPhysics/ZenPhysics_ch10.html |
2005/8/19-22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:39195 Activity:nil |
8/19 I have files full of  s that I NEED to squash, nothing I've tried works though. (shy of going in with an editor and deleting each one). They all exist at the beginning of a line and are followed by another strange charcter "»" if that helps. OS = Linux. \_ sed is your friend. \_ tr -d \_ PERL baybee PERL! It'll even copy the old file before modifying, from the command line! \_ awk me awk me awk awk awk \_ Any of many substitution processes \_ Have you tried emacs? \_ Do you know the hex/octal value of the strange character? od or hexdump might be of help to you. Then use tr -d to get rid of it. \_ perl -pi -e 's/^\xc2(?=\xbb)//' file1 file2 file3 ... --dbushong |
3/15 |