2005/8/18-22 [Reference/Tax, Reference/BayArea] UID:39157 Activity:low |
8/17 I went to Seattle for the first time in my life, and I have to say it really blows. The city traffic sucks as badly as SF, and the freeways are almost as congested as Los Angeles. The freeway signs are really fucked up and curves too much to be newbie friendly. The mass transit doesn't take you anywhere. The $1.75 ticket for a 1 mile stretch on the famous Seattle Monorail is utterly pointless. What's up with the Space Needle? It is expensive, the queue is over 1 hour, and it's really stuffy & crowded. When you leave the city, 1/2 of the roads have huge pot-holes and many don't even have signs, or have old signs that you can barely read. It's near impossible to drive and read the map at the same time, since the roads curve a lot and the signs suck. It's funny my flawless GPS failed ***three times*** to take me to the right places in downtown Seattle; it gets confused. One of the bridges closed down so I had to fucking drive 5 hours around the bay from Port Angeles to the city. And the weather? It is fucking 90 degrees. Food is mediocre. Bay Area is so much better. Sleepless in Seattle? That's right. Fucking lame city. \_ Everyone I know who loves Seattle, happens to be hiking and camping fanatics. They can never stop talking about how close they are to great camp-sites and all that crap. I am somewhat disabled so I don't really give a shit about hiking, or Seattle for that matter. Bay Area is still beats Seattle in terms of food, traffic, weather, and career opportunity. \_ You are correct. You should stay away from Seattle. That much is absolutely clear. In fact, you should consider not even visiting. -- ulysses \_ Good riddance. \_ Good riddance. There's nothing native seattles like more than to see Californians go home. \_ the proximity to mt. ranier, olympia nat'l park, etc. are nice but otherwise it is just another crowded city. \_ Still want to visit Seattle. Where is a good yet cheap place to stay? Ideally within walking distance of shops, cafe's, etc. \_ I did exactly that, I tried to get something cheap and close to the Market. The only thing I got was a $120 hotel with a $12 parking fee/day, the garage was a HUGE 45 degree hill \- have you ever been on a 45deg "hill"? it was probably not more than 12deg. \_ For reference, the steepest streets in SF are about 32% [18 degrees]_/ (Lombard is closer to 40, [22 degrees]_/ but uses the switchbacks) And according to wikipedia, the steepest hill in SEA is 21%, E. Roy [12 degrees]_/ Street. from the hotel, and the Market was 10 blocks aways. It turned out to be 10 HUGE blocks, with 30 degree hills all the way. The place is called The Virginia Mason Inn. According to Google Map and my GPS it's right by the ocean. It's not. It's pretty hard to find anything under $150, within 10 blocks, and is good. In fact Virginia Mason smells like a hospital. I think they converted it to an Inn a few years ago. Anyways, I booked 3 days with them, and I totally regret it. The city is small and you'll pretty much see everything in one day. There's no need to torture yourself by living closer to it. \_ We ended up booking the Crowne Seattle in downtown. $129 per night. But something like 15% hotel tax will be added. \_ Hey, no state income tax. I visited in 1998, and there were trees everywhere and home prices were lower than that in the BA back then. \_ No state income tax = no money for mass transit or basic infrastructures. \_ I don't have any facts, but maybe Microsoft generates enough tax income like Vegas is with the Casinos? \_ I visited in July. Don't forget the stench of coffee everywhere. You can't swing a cat by its tail without hitting two Starbucks. \_ I have been many times to Seattle. It's okay. The weather sucks. The 90 degree days aren't bad, but the cold, wet, and dark (short days) winters are unbearable. It's kind of a manufacturing town and I don't find it beautiful. It is odd to see so many redheaded people, though. There are worse places to be, but I don't like it too much, especially now that it is expensive to boot. You could buy a big, brand new house there for $150K 12 years ago and it seemed almost worth it then. Same house is $500K+ now and not worth it at all. I'm a California snob, though. Whether it's San Diego, Santa Barbara, LA, SF, or wherever I find I like CA better than anywhere else. \_ Yeah, I'd love to stay in SF, but the housing is too $$$. We need a one bread-winner mortgage and a decent quality of life. \_ follow-up: what neighborhoods near Seattle have decent housing prices, and walking neighborhoods (shops, cafes, etc)? I would like to avoid suburban sprawl, Wal-Marts, and so forth, and prefer independent establishments. Basically your good old-fashioned main street. |
2005/8/18-20 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:39159 Activity:nil |
8/18 help from procmail wizard. I would like to do two things with procmail. 1. if the message is encoded in CP-1251, I want to send it to spam 2. if the message is encoded in some other legacy encoding, i would like to use iconv to convert to utf-8. How to do these? TIA |
2005/8/18-20 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:39160 Activity:nil |
8/18 Japan travel agency to offer trips to space: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050818/sc_nm/space_japan_tourism_dc It says "...... zero gravity tour, which will take participants to an altitude of 100 km for a relatively inexpensive 11 million yen." Does anyone remember at what altitude it is considered "space"? 11M yen (~$100k) seems awfully cheap for that. \_ 100km is the generally agreed upon lower boundary of space. A brief suborbital flight seems doable for 11MY. Remember that the German V2 rockets lifted 1000kg into space back in the 1940's. |
2005/8/18-20 [Recreation/House] UID:39161 Activity:low |
8/18 I'm putting up a wall in my house. I've already built the frame using mexican studs and I'm ready to put in 2 drywalls. The edges of the dry walls are tapered, so when I put 2 drywalls together they concave in. Do I simply fill them up using the gap filler, or the general purpose spackling paste? It would take a LOT of paste to make them look straight, so I'm probably not doing this correctly? Help. \_ Can you post some pics? This may help us remedy the situation. \_ Ok so the dry wall looks like this: -----------+ +----------- ___________/ \___________ ^ Is this where I put the tape and fill it? \_ Yes, but why is it tapered? I did drywall and the board was not tapered like that. \_ Some drywall is. It's no big deal, just slap a bunch of mud in there (enough that it's overflowing), put joint tape over it, then flatten the whole thing out with another thin layer of mud. It looks nice when done well. -tom \_ So, mud=joint compond=spackling paste= plaster? They all refer to the same thing? \_ No. Mud=joint compound, which is what you want to use. Spackle and plaster are different (and different from each other). \_ It's the same stuff you should be using to cover over the nails in the dry wall. \_ You use joint compound and joint tape. Just slather it on there. -tom \_ after that, you might want to put (spray) wall texture to match your existing walls. \_ Mexican Studs? What, you aren't willing to pay a decent wage so the American Studs will take the job? \_ It's for Latino porn. |
2005/8/18-20 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:39162 Activity:low |
8/18 Forget about Prius. Does the VW TDI diesel engine Jetta and Passat help save fuel costs? are there drawbacks? diesel seems to be about the same price as the lowest grade gasoline, but does it really run 30% further per gallon? \_ you can convert diesel engines to run on vegetable oil. You need to start and end the day on diesel to clean out the engine, but once it heats up you switch over to a second gas tank, which you could possibly fill for free if you know anyone in the restaurant business. ...I have no idea what level of emissions this produces, though. -sax \_ yes, and you get almost no power as a bargin! \_ The Prius seems to have even less. 76 vs. 100 BHP. \_ HP ratings don't tell the whole story. You get lots of torque at low RPM. \_ Yup. Typical for diesel engines. \_ Where are you located? Everywhere I've looked Diesel is more expensive than Premium these days. \_ chicago. maybe california has more environment tax? \_ Yep. Diesel #2 (auto diesel) is more than premium unleaded in CA and has been for about a year or two. \_ Close. It is more tax, but road tax, not environment tax. \_ Diesel has more energy per gram. I don't think it is 30% but it is quite a bit. Also, the combustion process for diesel is more efficient, extracting more of the energy and wasting less as exhaust and heat. -ausman |
2005/8/18-20 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:39163 Activity:low |
8/18 Does anyone live in Vancouver? What is it like working and living there? How easy is it to get a citizenship? What about buying properties, what is it like buying a cheap affordable condo (you can get a 2 bedroom for only $300,000 CAD) in W Vancouver? \_ Vancouver is historically a very expensive city with very expensive real estate. Be careful of any bargains you find. They may not be in a good area. \_ Parts of W. Vancouver are pretty much in the sticks. The city is gorgeous with a lot of great bars and restaurants, nice geography all around (I think they have some rule that no building built downtown can block anyone's view of the mountains or something like that) and beautiful women. I hear it gets real cold though. -John \_ In terms of weather, Vancouver is considered the Hawaii/CA of Canada. \_ Why do you hate Canada? -John \_ It rains a lot. |
2005/8/18-20 [Politics/Domestic] UID:39164 Activity:kinda low |
8/18 So what do you guys think about this "reintroduce the megafauna" to North America idea? Seems almost crazy enough to be a god one... http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050817/sc_nm/usa_wild_dc \_ Sounds like a lot of dead mega fauna. \_ Those animals disappeared because of Intelligent Extinction. We shouldn't try to interfere with it. \_ Are the Asian and African species the same species that disappeared here 13000 years ago? If not, they're not really restoring lost species, but they're only trying to prevent some other species elsewhere from going extinct. \_ No. These are different species. The native megafauna was wiped out when early humans wandered in. The African species co-evolved with humans and were able to survive a while. The American species never had a chance. \_ I am still waiting for them to recreate (clone from frozen mammoth tissue and grow in elephant womb) the woolly mammoth. that would be really cool. \_ "Yes we have a T-tex" \_ Once all the imported megafauna die out, get buried, and turn into oil under the ground in 100,000 years, we will finally be free of dependence on foreign oil! \_ Cool, elephant burgers! -John \_ Ribwich ... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm \_ "Thag, got mammoth on face" |
2005/8/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic] UID:39165 Activity:nil |
8/18 Apparently the crazy housing boom doesn't happen everywhere. For example, College Station TX, El Paso TX, Montgomery Alabami, Odessa TX, Memphis TN, etc decreased by 10% while cities like San Diego and Santa Barbara appreciated over 50%. http://tinyurl.com/b8dgq (USA Today, sources from National City Corp) \_ what a shock, prices go up in places where people want to live. -tom \_ Wait, does this imply people from Redneck states are moving out, and moving into MY liberal home town? Where my parents and great grand parents already stayed for generations? \_ heh, 1/2 of the housing fizzle come from Texas. \_ In Detroit many homes are available! http://csua.org/u/d2s \_ Man, Detroit is some shit. Downtown is genuinely spooky - boarded up skyscrapers, no working traffic lights... \_ Detroit is the most liberal city in the US -- damn liberuhls! \_ If you think that's why Detroit is so fucked up, you really don't know very much about Detroit. \_ why Detroit is fucked up has certainly caused it to become a liberal hotbed though. If that's what it takes for an area to become liberal, America's too damn prosperous to be liberal. |
2005/8/18-22 [Reference/Religion] UID:39166 Activity:low |
8/18 More students take religious and political studies, up 9.8% Take that you intolerant liberals! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/4160594.stm \_ Huh? It doesn't say Christian Studies. Religious studies sounds more like "World Religions" type stuff. Traditionally very liberal. \_ Are you forgetting that conservatives on soda like to mis- represent facts to suit their needs? represent facts to suit their needs? For example, when an article on evolution which mentions X is referenced, those sodan would go to great lengths to essentially say "The article concludes Y from X. Since it's bad science to conclude Y from X, evolution is flawed.", while in reality the article never concludes Y, let alone concluding Y from X. \_ Pot. Kettle. Black. \_ Religious and political studies are liberal. \_ Way to go USA! Because having more PolSci and Religious studies majors will certainly give us a strong competitive advantage over East Asia and the rest of the world. \_ dude, religious studies is totally full of hot babes. \_ Babes, maybe. Hot, I dunno. Wouldn't they be frigid babes? \_ I think you're confusing the Wymyn's Studies chicks with \_ I think you're confusing the Womyn's Studies chicks with with the Religious/Political Studies chicks. |
2005/8/18-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:39167 Activity:moderate |
8/18 "Welcome to the "Csua" mailing list" ??? anyone else get this email? \_ We're fixing lists. When we imported the old list into mailman, we forgot the "don't send welcome messages" flag. - jvarga \_ Well, _I_ felt welcome. \_ Yes. I guess I'm not as special as I thought I was \_ I had no idea such a thing existed until today and I've been here 12 years...oh...did I say that? \_ The CSUA is NOT just an email account! \_ Whachoo sayin? \_ Me neither, 12.5 yrs. \_ me too, 20 yrs. |
2005/8/18-19 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:39168 Activity:nil |
8/18 To the person looking for a laptop going to Iraq: I was going to say that you should find something touted as being 810F compliant but then I figured that would break your wallet and so I stayed silent but then I saw this on gizmodo: http://csua.org/u/d2y \_ Thanks, da fools didn't list the exact price on the product page, though. |
2005/8/18-22 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:39169 Activity:nil |
8/18 Why does Kanye West hate America? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050818/ap_en_mu/people_kanye_west |
2005/8/18-22 [Politics] UID:39170 Activity:nil |
8/18 "Both our children have left the village to work in the cities. The central government leaders just care about themselves - not about the masses, not about the people." Yao Min, Guizhou Province <DEAD>tinyurl.com/5kql3<DEAD> (BBC News) Ah, the wonders of Capitalism. Fuck your neighbours and help yourself \_ Great Leap Forward. \_ From the last page: "Someone from Hebei province tried to buy our land a few years ago, and the government just closed their eyes so we had to buy it back ourselves." Huh? |
2005/8/18-19 [Uncategorized/German] UID:39171 Activity:moderate |
8/18 Das haben wir gleich. In Ordnung. Ihr entkommt mir nicht! \_ Heil cherman john guy, stat! Please show this person that a _real_ German haiku would get the syllables right. -John \_ Obviously, you don't use Yahoo Messenger's new International Audible feature. \_ Nein! |
2005/8/18-19 [Reference/Law/Court, Reference/RealEstate] UID:39172 Activity:low |
8/18 A refrigerator box under the bridge: The Kelo Seven prepares for the worst http://fairfieldweekly.com/gbase/News/content?oid=oid:119000 \_ It's not chutzpah, but it's a definite case of sore winners. |
2005/8/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:39173 Activity:nil |
8/18 Please comment on the realiability and quality of comcast's internet service in Berkeley area. |
3/15 |