Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2005:August:05 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2005/8/5-6 [Recreation/Dating, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:39010 Activity:nil
8/5     The problem of / filling up has been fixed.  When I permanently
        unmounted the /vol/backup drives I forgot about the cron job to
        back them up.  Every morning the script was trying to sync 20GB of
        home dir love to a drive only capable of holding a little bit of love.
        Shouldn't happen anymore. - jvarga
2005/8/5-7 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39011 Activity:nil
8/4     Americans DO love America!
2005/8/5-7 [Uncategorized] UID:39012 Activity:kinda low
8/5     Baidu (BIDU), the new search IPO up $120 in one day.  Bubble again?
        \_ Are you short-GOOG-at-$100-guy?  -tom
           \_ Cant you just see tom getting all excited at the prospect
           \_ Cant you just see tom getting all relishing the prospect
              of bashing some random guy he has never met? Do you think
              he wakes up each day excited by the prospect of saying "I
              told you so" or jumping on somobody best ignored?
              \_ And it's so much better to remain anonymous when
                 personally attacking someone!  -tom
                 \_ Attacking someone non-anonymously doesn't make the
                    attacker a saint either.  It just starts useless flame
                    wars best kept to email or better yet, kept to silence.
                    \_ I bet BUD DAY doesn't get into useless flame wars.
           \_ I shorted GOOG at $300 and even though I've made money I think
              GOOG stockholders must be idiotic fanatics.
           \_ No - op
        \_ anyone gonna short it?
2005/8/5-6 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:39013 Activity:nil
8/5     I remember when we had 8Mb homedir quotas, and we liked it.
        \_ You probably can get an 8 MB quota again if you really want.
        \_ I remember working on a product where the whole OS, apps (word
           processor, spreadsheet, graphic, browser, e-mail, news, games...),
           templates, help files, sound files, etc. fit in 15MB disk space
2005/8/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:39014 Activity:nil
8/5     So, what's wrong with NIS?
        \_ You mean in general? Anyone on your network can get your password
        \_ I think it's also possible to spoof logins via NIS.  Not sure
           of this though.
           \_ There are lots of security-related bugs. Also, if someone hacks
              one workstation then they have hacked them all.
2005/8/5-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:39015 Activity:moderate
8/5     Jvarga, don't listen to the flaming idiots. Most people in the CSUA
        appreciate what you are doing, even if not all your decisions are
        perfect. In particular, I would ignore tom, whose only purpose in
        life is to piss on other people's work while contributing nothing
        of his own. Thank you for contributing your time and effort to the CSUA.
           -- ilyas
          \_ gee, thanks ilyas.  now take your foot out of your mouth, since
             I'm not one of the people flaming jvarga.  Fuckwad.  -tom
             \_ I thought your 'commentary' on jvarga was, if not outright
                flaming, pretty abrasive (this is on wall). The problem is,
                your abrasiveness is such a part of your personality, you
                don't even notice when you are like it anymore, it seems
                normal to you.  -- ilyas
                \_ what, where I compared NIS as a possibly questionable
                   technical decision, to paolo being a complete fucking
                   idiot?  And where I said he was doing better than the
                   last N VPs?  -tom
                   \_ Tom, I am sorry, I misread what you were saying.
                        -- ilyas
             \_ Hey tom, which of jvarga's actions were "fucking idiotic"?
                In all the time I've used soda so far (since 1998 or so),
                jvarga seems to be the friendliest and most active csua
                official ever. Well in terms of soda, I dunno wtf goes on
                with the actual, you know, group stuff. But in general
                insulting someone who is helping our asses for free makes
                you the fuckwad.
                \_ Read it again.  I was calling paolo a fucking idiot, not
                   jvarga.  -tom
                   \_ oh, I guess ilyas had me going.  ilyas is back to
                      fuckwad for the day.
                       \_ He is NOT a Jew, so he has no credibility. -jew #1
        \_ I agree, maybe not about tom, but running soda is a tough job,
           and I appreciate all the work that is going into it. --jwm
        \_ I would say, you're doing it for free, thanks.
           Nothing's perfect, but if shit starts breaking that used to work,
           we're coming for you, jvarga!  Is that fair?
           \_ What is to not agree about tom? Everything ilyas says is
              correct or has been proven to be correct in general. He
              hates everything, and replies "this sucks" to everything
              we do. Take the google/housing map for example.
              \_ Tom can be very abrasive, agreed.  But I wouldn't say
                 "[his] only purpose in life is to piss on other people's
                 work while contributing nothing of his own."  Those of us
                 that have a long history with the CSUA know this isn't true.
                 \_ No matter what someone has done for the CSUA, that is
                    *never* an excuse to mistreat another human being.
                    \_ DUde!  It's a GREAT excuse to mistreat a human being!!1!
                       I can't think of a better reason to kick the walker out
                       from under some old lady in the middle of an
                       intersection!  "I gave $100 to the CSUA....BITCH!!!
                       <whap!>"  Goddamn, now I feel like donating to the
                       CSUA again.....
                 \_ Fine, we can't agree that tom's an asshole. Let's try
                    to agree on something else, like, iff CSUA were run
                    like Survival the TV show, then tom would be the first
                    to be voted out. Can we agree on that?
                    \_ Actually, I'd vote your ass off first, since tom
                       has actually done something more useful than whine like
                       a little puppy.
                    \_ Tom has actually given quite alot of good technical
                       advice here.  He may be caustic at times, but he
                       knows his stuff and is willing to share information.
                       Personally, I'd be sorry to see him gone.   -mice
                       \_ No matter what someone has done for the CSUA, that
                          is *never* an excuse to mistreat another human being.
                          \_ I see far more people mistreating fellow human
                             beings (tom, ilyas, emarkp, to name a few) than
                             I see defending them or their rights.  It seems
                             strange to me that you'd be quick to jump to the
                             defense of their (often vicious) detractors, and
                             yet be silent when they come under attack
                             unprovoked.  Not two posts up there's someone
                             mistreating another human being....where's your
                             outrage for that?  Or is your outrage only
                             reserved for those that defend people that you
                             personally don't like?
                       \_ The ratio of useful comments over caustic remarks
                          so low, it's almost 0. So, I'd be happy when he
                          gets a life and moves on, or get squished. Wait
                          I'd be happy when I get a life so I don't have
                          read and post on the stinking motd.
                          \_ You know, the ratio of useful comments over
                             {caustic, stupid, bullshit, whatever} remarks on
                             the motd is pretty low.  As for the weenies who
                             attack people randomly and anonymously, that's a
                             whole different story.  -John
                             attack people randomly and anonymously, that's
                             a whole different story.  -John
                          \_ He knows a little bit about this and that and
                             all are certainly entitled to shoot the breeze
                             about the political issues of the day.  But he
                             goes beyond that.  He sometimes has valid points
                             limited to user interface issues, but given the
                             actual programming is well-beyond his abilities
                             he should offer them in a more humble spirit.
                             And on plenty of occasions he is simply
                             wrong in his design criticisms, and is either
                             unable to admit to the errors or is unwilling to
                             see things from a non-Tom centric perspective.
                             It would be smartest to just ignore the pompous
                             and ignorant comments about technical matters
                             (relating to filesystems, programming language
                             design, networking protocols, operating system)
                             in the face of many humbler and better informed
                             people on soda, but I find it difficult to do so.
                             \_ I am also a pompous ass with strong opinions
                                on language design.  Why I rant about the
                                loathsomeness of Perl practically daily.
                                  -- ilyas
                                  \_ Okay ilyas, show us  on the doll where
                                     perl touched you....
                                  \- Aren't you a graduate student in
                                     computer science who presumably has
                                     taken a compiler class and a class
                                     on abstract languages? That seems to
                                     give you at least nominal qualifications
                                     to make informed judgments. When it
                                     come to some of your out-of-core-competency
                                     opinions, we'll ignore you. ok tnx.
                                     \_ prz be to stick an ice pick in your
                                        eye for using 'core competency' in a
                                        non-ironic way.  kthxbai. -- ilyas
                                        \- do you love I BERLIN? business
                                           people [jim collins] have coopted
                                           his HEDGEHOG.
                    \_ Yes, that seems likely. But we have consider that
                       a fair number of people have already been voted off.
                        \_ who?
2005/8/5-19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:39016 Activity:nil
8/5     NIS Removed due to some very loud complaints.  If you changed your
        password or shell between Wednesday night and now, it has been
        reverted.  Sorry.  Working on other possibilities. - jvarga
        \_ Oh, and just for the record, the rest of root was notified a year
           ago about the impending change to NIS.  And they were periodically
           notified in between.  And over all that time, no one said a thing.
           I don't claim to be any good at administering soda, but I don't get
           much help. - jvarga
2005/8/5 [Uncategorized] UID:39017 Activity:nil
8/5     Test 1-2-3
2005/8/5-7 [Finance, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:39018 Activity:nil
        "Corporations followed his lead, pouring a steady stream of money into
        think tanks that created a sort of parallel intellectual universe, a
        world of 'scholars' whose careers are based on toeing an ideological
        line, rather than on doing research that stands up to scrutiny by their
        "... supply-side economics, a doctrine whose central claim - that tax
        cuts have such miraculous positive effects on the economy that they pay
        for themselves  -  has never been backed by evidence."
        "...discredit research on global warming.  Despite an overwhelming
        scientific consensus, ... impression that the issue is still
        \_ Insert obligatory NYT bashing.
        \_ Supply-side economics  is pseudo-science now? -- ilyas
           \_ it depends on what he meant by "never been backed by evidence"
              \_ I think this 'never been backed by evidence' claim is pretty
                 stupid.  The problem is, doing real empirical work to test
                 'big theories' in economics amounts to experimentation on
                 humans, so people tend to invent new theories when old ones no
                 longer explain what's happening, rather than explain the
                 humans, so people tend to invent new theories when old ones
                 no longer explain what's happening, rather than explain the
                 'experimental data someone collected.' -- ilyas
                 \_ ^pretty stupid^his conclusion as an expert in the field of
                    \_ This is where I bring up that supply-side first arose
                       because Keynesian economics didn't correctly explain
                       what was happening in the 70s.  But yeah, it's all
                       pseudo-science with pseudo-scholars.  No real economists
                       are proponents of supply-side, it's all right-wingers
                       and fundies. Such utter dumbassery. -- ilyas
                       \_ No serious economist believes that cutting taxes
                          always increases government revenue. So it is a
                          bit of a straw man, but apparently believed by you.
                          \_ No, I think the original claim was talking about
                             supply-side economics as 'bad science,' it is you
                             who is now trying to beg off on some weaker
                             version of the original retarded statement.
                             No supply-sider believes the statement you just
                             made.  -- ilyas
2005/8/5-6 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:39019 Activity:moderate
8/5     Whis is UNIX time stamp messed up on NFS?
        echo hello > hello; ls -l hello; date
        -rw-------  1 bozo  csua  6 Aug  5 17:31 hello
        Fri Aug  5 17:26:08 PDT 2005
        \_ Whis is? What are you trying to say????
          \_ take a Whis..?
        \_ clearly because the NFS server has the wrong time.
           \_ Fixed NTPD on keg. - jvarga
              \_ Instead of working at internships, getting paid lots of
                 $$$, and learning important corporate skills like
                 attending long endless meetings, politicking, and
                 backstabbing... skills that you REALLY need when you
                 join us bitter engineering alumni in Silicon Valley,
                 WHY are you spending time doing CSUA stuff with absolutely
                 nothing in return? WHY?
                 \_ Because I like pain.  A lot. - jvarga
                 \_ Ranga is thanking him all night long!
                 \_ Because if he ever says he needs a job, I'll certainly look
                    around to help him out as best I can, because I appreciate
                    people who're dedicated enough for this kind of shit.  -John
        \_ Ob man touch
2005/8/5-7 [Health, Health/Men] UID:39020 Activity:nil
8/5     Should I stay away from the Bushes of Hazzard and Stealth?  I hear
        many bad reviews.
        \_ If you have to ask, then maybe not. But especially Stealth.
           Dukes' badness might have comic value. Stealth will just be
           Dukes' badness might have comic value. Stealth will just be pain.
           Bush's badness might have comic value. Stealth will just be pain.
        \_ Roger Ebert's review of the Dukes is pretty funny at least
2005/8/5-7 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:39021 Activity:nil
        How long does radiation last? Are babies born there weird? Do
        they have 3 eyes or 3 legs?
2005/8/5-7 [Recreation/Dating] UID:39022 Activity:kinda low
8/5     Horny Indian male passenger laid a blanket over a 22-year-old
        woman, unfastened her seat belt, unbuttoned her pants and started
        to touch her genitals.
        \_ Nothing we all haven't done at one time or another. Way to
           choose a flight with 4 Secret Service guys on it, though.
           \_ Funny, I've never sexually assaulted someone..
              \_ You're missing out.
                 \_ I'd like to try it but I'm just afraid of the
                    consequences. There's a 99% she'll freak out and
                    put me in jail for 6 years. On the other hand she
                    might just turn out to be a horny freak and I
                    may lose my virginity.      -40 year old virgin
        \_ How is it possible a male passenger lay a blanket over a
           sleeping woman, unfasten her seat beat and then unbutton
           her pants without her waking up in the first place? Secondly
           this is pretty obvious and other passengers should have seen
           it or stop it in the first place. None of this makes sense.
           I don't think this is about the sexual assault. This is about
           a white revengeful racist Republican woman who hates colored
           people. She is the one who is fucked up and should be jailed.
           sleeping woman, unfasten her seat beat and then unbutton her
           pants without her waking up in the first place? Secondly this
           is pretty obvious and other passengers should have seen it or
           stop it in the first place. None of this makes sense.  I don't
           think this is about the sexual assault. This is about a white
           revengeful racist Republican woman who hates colored people.
           She is the one who is fucked up and should be jailed.
           \_ Okay, buddy, time to lay off of the crystal meph. You've
              got issues, suggest you seek professional help. BTW,
              I just helped an Indian guy get his criminal record
              expunged, and guess what, he was beating up on his wife.
              So yeah, Indians (surprise, surprise) do commit crimes
              like everybody else in the world.
              got issues, suggest you seek professional help. BTW, I just
              helped an Indian guy get his criminal record expunged, and
              guess what, he was beating up on his wife. So yeah, Indians
              (surprise, surprise) do commit crimes like everybody else in
              the world.
              \_ Yeah but the bitch is a Texan. Don't you have any
                 compassion for us colored people? We are and have been
                 oppressed by big oppressive white penises for decades,
                 and it's about time we rise up and overthrow self-righteous
                 right wing fuck nuts like this Texans bitch.
                    \_ I had a woman show me her boobs once on a plane.  I
                       couldn't figure out if it was on purpose or not, but
                       she had no bra on and while she was waiting for the
                       lavatory, she lifted her shirt up with one hand,  which
                       she seemed to be using to wipe her face or something.
                       Random flash of boobs.  I pretended not to notice, and
                       thought this was very strange.
2005/8/5-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39023 Activity:kinda low
8/5     Liberals: It's over.  We lost.  For real.  We're fucked.
        \_ He's got a few fallacies, but I think he's more or less
           correct.  The Democratic party has spent the last 5 years, at
           least, yelling about issues that no longer apply,  and
           re-hashing old battles that are long over.  I would love to see
           the Dems come out of the 60's.  It is, if nothing else, surreal
           to see the Republicans fighting for equality and the Dems
           squabbaling about diction.  Please Dems, wake up to the 21st
           century, we need another party.
           On the other hand, here's a suprisingly lucid piece from
           \_ Yes, and I'd like to add that Bay Area is totally utterly
              out of touch with the rest of the conservative America.
              \_ The Bay Area is out of touch with liberal America, too,
                 in many ways. Limousine liberals, mostly.
                 \_ You don't know what liberal means, dim.
                    \_ I'm the pp and I'm not dim. I'm using scp to
                       thwart the stupid John Ashcroft script.
                    \_ How would you know? I cite this as another example
                       of being out of touch with reality.
                 \_ I love driving my limo through the Fastrak lane. - danh
        \_ If the Republicans are letting corporations get away with
           evil things, how come we're seeing a bunch of CEOs and
           managers go to jail?
           \_ Because, first, there is no agreement on what evil corporate
              behavior is, and, second, a whole lot of things that are
              considered as evil corporate behavior by some are not punishable
              by law. Those who go to jail obviously were caught breaking
              the law.
        \_ What's sad is people taking someone so logically weak seriously.
        \_ Republican majorities in all three branches of government have
           definite effects.  It also has the effect of:  Knowing who to
           blame when the shit hits the fan.
           The shit is hitting the fan, if you haven't noticed.
        \_ Don't be so pessimistic. There are issues where GWB's administration
           flatly failed (E.g. Social Security Privatization and judicial and
           UN ambassador nomination fiascos). Public discontent is also
           building up in a number of other areas (Iraq, the Plume affair, etc)
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2005:August:05 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>