2005/8/2-4 [Recreation/Dating] UID:38923 Activity:moderate |
8/2 Dear obliviously happily married for 9 years guy-- how's the sex life? What do you do about it? \_ Have sex! Be respectful, sensitive, honest, and adventurous. \_ Not as good since my wife has been gaining and losing pounds at the wrong spots. -- some other guy \_ Here's a wacky question: Am I the only guy whose tastes are aging along with my body? I'm not saying I'm not attracted to an 18yo hard-body, but women my own age are simply much more attractive. \_ My tastes are aging, but not as fast as I am. \_ Ditto. What's hard for most women is that after 45 or 50 they lose their ability to have babies and thus lose sex appeal. That's a generalization, of course, but I can't imagine being 65 and being physically attracted to a 65 year old as much as I would be to a 35 year old. However, looks aren't everything. \_ Um, I think it's safe to say the loss of sex appeal has nothing to do with the ability to have children. Has the fact that in our culture sexual attraction is completely conceptually divorced from having children completely passed you by? -- ilyas \_ I don't think that is always true under the surface. \_ I don't think that is true under the surface. \_ I don't think that is true under the surface. -foo \_ Yeah, I really think it is. What about beautiful, but sterile women? What about fertile ugly women? Have you ever been, you know, attracted to someone? Are you some special kind of Christian or just stupid? -- ilyas \_ I think you are confusing a hidden common cause (the breakdown of the body due to aging) with directional causation. -- ilyas \_ Well, this is a kind of subtle subject to go on about on the motd. I'll just maintain that I don't think the ideas are "completely divorced". Obviously an animal wouldn't be able to learn the concept of being sterile on that level. However I think I saw some study where if partners go without children for too long then attraction is harmed. So I wouldn't be surprised if there was a subtle biological link. But there's also an intellectual link in humans. Humans are able to understand explicitly the "child bearing" qualities of a woman, and nowadays can understand the sterility thing too. I think that sexual attraction or at least excitement can definitely be affected by ideas related to getting pregnant. I'll leave it at that. -foo getting pregnant. I'll leave it at that. Oh and I'm not a Christian. I don't give a shit if you think I'm stupid. -foo \_ The idea being that whether or not a beautiful woman is sterile we are hardwired to want to breed with her. I'm talking about primal urges, not about 'attracted to someone'. We find younger women sexier because they can give us babies. I disagree that sexual attraction is divorced from having children. The two are tied together fundamentally, even now. \_ Ok, I am afraid I stand by my assessment of your argument. Animals and people cannot afford to be attracted to binary attributes. The reason is very simple, almost any adult animal is fertile. Being attracted to fertility itself means the engine of natural selection cannot function. Thus, animals are attracted to 'secondary characterics' that correlate with producing a lot of fertile offspring (the biological definition of fitness). Notice that this definition has nothing to do with fertility of your mate per se. Or rather, the fertility of your mate is the bare minimum that isn't even taken into account by the forces of attraction, because it is _assumed_. Are you a Christian? Your argument smacks of the kind of vague feel-goodism you get from certain kinds of Christians who see God's plan in everything, without truly understanding what it might be. -- ilyas forces of attraction, because it is _assumed_. Are you a Christian? Your argument smacks of the kind of vague feel-goodism you get from certain kinds of Christians who see God's plan in everything, without truly understanding what it might be. -- ilyas \_ Being attracted to fertility itself is the reason dirty old men like nubile young women. You can feel free to disagree, but this seems fundamental to me. There is no biological gain having sex with a female partner over 50. \_ Do you honestly not see the fundamental flaw in your logic? -- ilyas \_ No. Please point it out. \_ Your argument: 'Old men like nubile young women. Nubile young women can have children. Therefore old men like fertility.' This is fallacious. -- ilyas \_ Your opinion. I don't see any flaw in the logic, though. \_ Uh, wow. Mr. Gerasimatos, you are one amazing guy. -- ilyas \_ Thanks. Now prove to me why line #3 *cannot* follow from #1 and #2. It's an observation, not a mathematical proof. Whether it is fallacious or not is only your opinion. You are saying that #3 does not necessarily follow from #1 and #2, but your statement that #3 is thus fallacious does not follow. \_ Maybe you should reread what the PP originally said. His point seems far less extremist than your interpretation. -mice \_ No, mice, at this point I am staggering from the 'I see no flaw' comment. \_ Hmm. Okay, up to that point, I think you're a little off in your read -- but I'll concede that the PP seems to wander out into the weeds after that point. -mice \_ For the record, I think pp is wrong in a wider sense as well, for reasons I stated. Almost all animals are evolved well enough to be healthy and fertile as a norm. Thus, the great reproductive game is centering around centering around how well reproduction will work, not whether it will. whether it will. -- ilyas \_ I disagree. I think animals have preferences, too. There is an age at which animals are too young or too old to be considered good partners for breeding. \_ Old men like nubile young women. Nubile young women can eat prunes. Therefore old men like regular bowels. -geordan \_ Stop -- you're turning me on! Oh geordan, you animal, do I have an unexpected *back door* delivery for _you_!! \_ Depends how much you believe in the Selfish Gene. \_ Stifler's mom. \_ Exactly -- I don't find her attractive at all. \_ Great. We've learned over the years how to pleasure each other more and more. I know what makes her happy and she knows what makes me happy. --9 years happily married \_ I haven't been married for so long, but I've found sex with long term girlfriends gets better. Practice makes perfect. me happy. --9 years and happily married \_ Sex is always better with the long term girlfriends when you're married. |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:38929 Activity:nil |
8/2 Can someone define "social justice" for me? \_ "Social Justice" is someone's idea of how things ought to be run. Depending on that person, it could mean universal health care, or executions for all murderers. \_ A simple definition would be "A fair society" where 'fair' is a matter of debate, but it is more commonly used by Liberals to refer to helping some disadvantaged group. |
2005/8/2-4 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:38930 Activity:nil |
8/2 Apple debuts multi-button mouse: http://www.apple.com/mightymouse Will wonders never cease? \_ http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000450052910 Reviews on the mouse. "I've never seen a mouse with a clitoris before. Looks like it would be good digital stimulation practice for most men." \_ Hell froze over! \_ Wow! What an innovation! I wonder if the one who wrote the marketing text feels embarrassed. \_ Multiple buttons isn't the innovation: the lack of *buttons* is the innovation. It's like the clickwheel on the iPod. also it can be configured as single/multi depending on who logs in. \_ No wireless version. Poo. \_ Yeah, and its not l4z3r powered like my 1337 logitech mouse either. I'm getting a dell! |
2005/8/2 [Uncategorized] UID:38931 Activity:low |
8/2 To the guy who replaced all the links with girl pics: I like the girl pics, but I probably would have liked to see the original links too. Next time, would you please just add your links instead of overwriting others? --PeterM \_ I restored what I had. -jrleek \_ Thanks for all the links. I just got a hard-on in my cube. \_ Thanks for all the links. I just got a hard-on in my cube. Amanda is the best! |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:38932 Activity:nil |
8/2 Go Hillary Go! http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2005/0507.cannon.html \_ Well, the article does lay down all the reasons for !Hillary pretty well. \_ I'd do her. \_ Yup, considering how hot she is. http://www.bigcheesepress.com/jones/hillary.jpg \_ All the chicks Bill sleeps with on the side are less hot than Hillary, maybe she's really bad in the sack. |
2005/8/2-4 [Uncategorized] UID:38933 Activity:nil |
8/2 Probably old news to some of you, but: http://www.google.com/ig |
2005/8/2-4 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:38934 Activity:nil |
8/2 Save CBGB's! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050802/ap_en_mu/music_cbgb_eviction |
2005/8/2 [Uncategorized] UID:38935 Activity:low |
8/2 Crosswalk button hacks. Anyone tried this? "Instant Walk." Three short clicks, followed by two long, one short, two long, and three short; turn any crosswalk signal from "don't walk" to "walk" http://www.bbspot.com/News/2005/06/crosswalk_button_hacks.html \_ You do know that bbspot is a parody site, right? \_ If you hadn't posted your reply, I was literally minutes away from running around town like an idiot pushing sequences into crosswalk buttons. \_ Oh, darn :) \_ I guess by the time one finishes that sequence, it's time for the signal to change by itself anyway. \_ Well, you punch it in and nothing happens. So then you try it again, figuring you got the pauses wrong. And then again. And then the light changes so you tell everyone it works... |
2005/8/2 [Uncategorized] UID:38936 Activity:nil |
8/2 cfarivar@ocf: Spoilsport or journalist? http://slate.msn.com/id/2123673/?nav=ais |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:38937 Activity:nil |
8/2 In Europe, ground floor is 0 instead of 1. \_ No, Ground floor is "ground floor". Not "0" \_ The question is whether the "first floor" is 1 or 2. \_ Survery: Countries/regions where the floor above ground floor is: 1st floor: Europe 2nd floor: USA Hong Kong Japan \_ What makes people think this is regional? I have been in both types of buildings even in the same office complex. \_ The architect should be shot. \_ Not the same building, but the same campus. I'm sure there were different architects. \_ My apartment in Oakland (~1910 hotel) had G, 1, 2, 3 \- the ground floor convention depends on whether the bldg was designed by an analyst or a number theorist. |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:38938 Activity:nil |
8/2 Best headline ever: http://soccernet.espn.go.com/headlinenews?id=337901&cc=5901 \_ Seconded. \_ Thirded \_ How about this one: http://csua.org/u/cw5 \_ AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!! \_ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha \_ Yuck! |
2005/8/2-4 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:38939 Activity:nil |
8/2 How do you create an NDMP user/pass on a netapp? The docs seem to tell me how to check a given user for a password but not set up a new user. thanks. \_ Just use the admin/root user. |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:38940 Activity:nil |
8/2 That's pretty funny. Last week Iran said they would resume uranium enrichment. Dubya called them on that. Iran backed down. Then we have reports yesterday of the National Intelligence Estimate saying the consensus is that Iran is 10 years away from a nuclear weapon -- at best. Now Iran today says, fuggit, we're enriching. Diplomacy at work! |
2005/8/2-4 [Finance, Finance/Investment] UID:38941 Activity:nil |
8/2 This was an interesting read about an rich vs. poor riot in China. http://csua.org/u/cvy \_ Note to self: If surrounded by an angry mob, do not smirk and wave dismissively. \_ I hate to say this, but... I'm with the people. I don't agree with the senseless destruction of precious goods like Toyota sedans, but I think they really should have beat the shit out of Wu and his two body guards who act like mafias in the 40s. \_ herein lies the answer to the question "what's social justice [or lack thereof]" below. \_ Note how the rich dude and his two bodyguards got through completely unscathed (except for rich dude's car), while the computer-guy bike rider was left needing wires for his jaw and a nose job. The only person who lost out was the supermarket owner, who actually did the people a service having lived there 20 years. \_ If you're rich in China, you can get away with beating people. If you're rich in America, you can get away with murder. If you're rich in Mexico, you can do anything you want. It is good to be rich. \_ Not in a real communist country. Check out what happened to the rich in China in the 50s. All rich guys were automatically labeled "evil" and tortured. \_ Well, most of the wealthy rich people escaped to HK Taiwan or Phillipines so that they can continue using their wealth and power to influence politics that support their agendas. |
2005/8/2-4 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:38942 Activity:kinda low |
8/2 What happens when your pilot doesn't know how to land a plane correctly: (Paris -> Toronto, 309 passengers, Airbus 340) http://csua.org/u/cw6 (Yahoo! News slideshow) "Leah Walker, a radio reporter in Toronto, said she saw a third of the plane fall and that the rest became a fireball." ... Marx said he initially didn't think anything was wrong. But then, "The guy I was with piped up, 'You know, he's getting pretty close to the end.' Immediately afterward, right off he went." \_ Isn't the A340 supposed to be auto-everything? \_ Wheew. Apparently no one died: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8801366 \_ The pilot has killed himself: \_ The pilot has killed himself: --danh http://csua.org/u/cwc \_ Some of you guys have wierd senses of humor. \_ I laughed. Does that mean I'm demented? \_ Yermummy! \_ Whoever enjoys signing my name to the motd, I do \- "Whomever" --psb not add "--" to the beginning of my name, try only 1 dash next time. - danh \- The time has come for: http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/News/SQ-crash1.txt http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/News/SQ-crash2.txt \_ I don't get it, why was this posted? \_ I dunno but it made me look up the real facts: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2000/nov2000/air-07n.shtml Oh and haha, I just noticed it's from "world socialist" web site. Whatever. I guess this is better: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/issues/taiwancrash If anyone cares. \_ CNN - complete waste of airwaves... they can't report anything on happening in real-time. -cnn_sufferer anything on real, happening events. |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38943 Activity:nil |
8/2 You gotta love the more...direct qualities of international news outlets. For instance, Hong Kong's Standard on Bolton nomination: http://www.thestandard.com.hk/stdn/std/Focus/GH03Dh02.html |
2005/8/2 [Recreation/Media] UID:38944 Activity:high |
8/2 Which came first.. the South Park episode about special olympics and steroids? Or the Family Guy episode about special olympics and steroids? Someone has got to pay. Dammit, don't nuke this, I must know. \_ since Family Guy looks like Michael Moore, i'd have to say South Park came first \_ Family Guy episode first aired 12/20/2001. Dunno for the South Park, but I would guess it was later. \_ Family Guy episode first aired 12/20/2001. South Park was 3/24/04. Some day you will realize Parker and Stone for the hacks they've always been. And you shall walk in the light eternal \_ While I don't disagree about South Park, I have to note the vast majority of Family Guy plots were ripped from the Simpsons. Except the Family Guy doesn't have the notion of a Halloween Except Family Guy doesn't have the notion of a Halloween special. They are all like that. -- ilyas \_ I think trying to evaluate shows like Family Guy or The Simpsons based on "how original is the plot" is missing the point. They both ironically poke fun at standard sitcoms by recycling their plots, so pointing out that they have similar plots doesn't mean the Simpsons is "being ripped off". by recycling their plots, so just because they have similar plots doesn't mean the Simpsons is being "ripped off". \_ Eh, if SP had stopped after a handful of seasons, they might have managed to remain funny. \_ Simpsons started making me sad when all the writers left for Futurama. -- ilyas \_ I will answer your questiong with another question: "Which came first the chicken or the egg?" I believe it is provable that this more general question implys your question. CS170 buffs are welcome to comlete said proof. -mrauser \_ This is such a stupid false dilemma. Eggs evolved before chickens. |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:38945 Activity:nil |
8/2 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050802/ap_on_hi_te/fox_in_myspace From Fox News to the Internet, Rupert Murdoch is dominating media. Now, all your anti-Murdoch messages beyong to us. |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:38946 Activity:nil |
8/2 Can we PLEASE get a petition of Douglas Adams fans together to name the 10th Planet "Rupert?" http://csua.org/u/cwb (yahoo! news) \_ Dear god, I hope your petition not only fails, but is subsequently taken out back and shot. twice. \_ you mean 9th, amirite?? \_ Someone didn't read Mostly Harmless. \_ Someone is going to be a pathetic geek all his life. \_ There's an irony in calling someone a "pathetic geek" on the CSUA motd, but it may very well be lost on you. |
2005/8/2-4 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:38947 Activity:nil |
8/2 New drug blocks HIV from entering cells http://www.asahi.com/english/Herald-asahi/TKY200507070204.html "[T]the drug sticks to a protein called CCR5 that acts as an entrance into human cells for the AIDS virus. When the new drug becomes attached to the protein, it can prevent HIV from entering, and thus stop the virus from spreading." What does this protein do when it's not being used as a gateway? \_ I don't get it, why was this posted? \_ I'm curious to see what effect blocking this protein would have on a human being. -op \_ [reply moved to correct thread] |
2005/8/2-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:38948 Activity:nil |
8/2 XP question. The C function CreateThread() returns both a thread ID and a thread handle. What's the difference between them? Thx. \_ A thread handle lets you do stuff with the thread, like kill it (TerminateThread) or get its exit code (GetExitCodeThread). A thread id is just a number, and all you can do with it is call OpenThread to get a thread handle. Thread ids and thread handles are exactly analogous to filenames and file handles -- CreateThread is like a function that creates a new file, and returns both an open file handle and the name of the file. Usually all you care about is the handle. --mconst \_ Very helpful! Thanks! |
2005/8/2-4 [Science/Biology, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38949 Activity:high |
8/2 Bush comes out in support of teaching "intelligent design": http://csua.org/u/cwg (yahoo! news) \_ "People might cite George Bush as proof that you can be totally impervious to the effects of Harvard and Yale education." \_ It's those damned C students! \_ 55% of Americans (including 47% of Kerry voters) believe "God created humans in present form". 27% believe "humans evolved, God guided the process". A mere 13% believe "humans evolved, God did not guide process". About 2/3 of Americans want creationism taught along with evolution. "Intelligent design" is solidly in the mainstream of American thought. \_ It's safe to say that Bay Area is the opposite of mainstream. I'm not sure if this is anything to be proud of anymore. \_ We shouldn't be proud of teaching our students um, science in science classes? \_ 95% of Americans don't know what "Intelligent Design" means. \_ Yes, I lent her my assault rifle? Sorry, did I miss something? \_ Creationism IS taught alongside evolution, just not in the same school. \_ The ironic part is that most Protestant denominations, the Catholic Church, and a fair chunk of Judaism have accepted evolution as part of God's plan. \_ What's amusing is that, when I was at a fairly religious (protestant) jr. high school, the biology teacher, who was an extremely religious man, made it clear that he felt it was his duty that we were taught evolution even if he himself believed otherwise (he never ever said this in the context of a class, and even outside of class only when we pressed him on the matter.) We had to take religion classes, but even then they made very sure to only present creationism and its ilk as "something some people believe in". -John \_ Wouldn't that make it "Intelligent Design"? \_ No. Intelligent Design is a creationist critique of evolutionary theory. It has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with Biblical literalism. \_ Huh, well, stick me in with the other 95% of Americans I guess. According to Wikipedia, I was thinking of Theistic evolution. \_ Um, ID is formulated as a scientific hypothesis, from what I understand of it. There was a long ass motd what I understand of it. There was a long motd discussion about it a while ago, complete with tom making an ass of himself and everything. -- ilyas |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:38950 Activity:nil |
8/2 In 1998, Susan Cummings, heiress of the late billionaire arms dealer Sam Cummings, murdered Roberto Villegas at her 2.3 million dollar vacation home. She was proven to have shot him in the back, withdrew her self-defense claim, and was found be guilty of voluntary manslaughter. She was sentenced to 60 days in jail and a $2500 fine. In 2005, a rich Chinese lord had his 2 bodyguards beat up a peasant boy who now needs wires for his jaw and a nose job, was not guilty of anything and gets away clean. All hail great Capitalism! I guess China is catching up to our great nation. \_ Ooo Susan was born in Switzerland. Did you know her, John? \_ Yes, I lent her my assault rifle? Sorry, did I miss something? \_ http://www.washingtonfreepress.org/65/crimeBeingPoor.htm In the same county a year before Cummings' trial, a cow killer was sentenced to 9 months in jail, woman who shoplifted got 135 days, a car thief 5 years, a purse thief 15 months, and a man who fired into an empty dwelling got 2 years. Hmm... |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:38951 Activity:nil |
8/2 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050802/ap_on_re_mi_ea/israel_palestinians Palestinians fire on pissed off Israeli mob. Maybe it's time the Israelis start suicide bombing the Palestinians. \_ "Militant attacks against Israelis had dropped off after a February truce between Israel and the Palestinians. In recent weeks, however, as the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza approaches, militants have stepped up attacks to try to portray the Israeli pullout as a military victory for the Palestinians." Dur! \_ Why use suicide bombers, when you can just fire rockets from a helicopter? The whole story is actually rather amusing, in a morbid kind of way. \_ The whole story has a great morbid humour to it. Those two sides deserve each other. |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:38952 Activity:nil |
8/2 French men can bike but they can't fly. \_ Do we call French airline passengers Freedom Fries now? |
2005/8/2-4 [Consumer/Camera, Politics/Domestic/HateGroups] UID:38953 Activity:nil |
8/2 Is Jessica Lynch hot? http://csua.org/u/cwe (Yahoo! News Photo) \_ White Trash extreme makeovers! \_ Something done to her face and hair for sure. Damn Hollywood. |
2005/8/2-4 [Recreation/Humor] UID:38954 Activity:nil |
8/2 Read them all, they are all pretty funny: http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/archive/show-them-the-code \_ Man, my geek-fu is weak. I don't get any of these. |
2005/8/2-4 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:38959 Activity:nil |
8/2 Here's one for you mr. short g00gle guy. The reasonable person uses google: http://www.internetcases.com/archives/2005/08/google_and_the.html \_ I'm not the short-google guy, but what does this have to do with google being priced high, low, or just right? \_ google is such an integral part of the world that its current valuation is probably TOO low. |
2005/8/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38960 Activity:nil |
8/2 Ok, all you Bush-haters, in case you haven't seen this clip: http://www.toccionline.kizash.com/films/1001/138/index.php |
2005/8/2-4 [Uncategorized] UID:38961 Activity:nil 50%like:38955 |
8/2 FTP back. Quit yer complainin. - jvarga \_ Yeah!!! Thank you thank you!!! |
3/15 |