2005/8/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38902 Activity:kinda low |
7/31 Btw, how are those charges against Rove coming along? I haven't been following the news lately. \_ Everything is speculation at this point, with no big revelations after the story about the Air Force One memo and so forth. Either Fitzgerald and the Grand Jury are much better at controlling leaks than Kenneth Starr was, or there isn't much going on. \_ Reporters covering it say the former. \_ Bush bashers are failing. Democrats are fucked and Republicans are winning: http://news.yahoo.com/s/usnews/bushbashingfizzles are winning: http://lin.kz/?vprls are winning: http://news.yahoo.com/s/usnews/bushbashingfizzles \_ is US News a conservative news source? \_ Duhhh... \_ Strength through Purity! Purity through Faith! \_ Stupidity through Partisanship! \_ Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Partei! \_ Yeah, that 43% approval rating is just knockin' em dead! \_ Faith Based Politics. Actual results don't matter, just faith in your leader. \_ Commodisation of news-- if Rove reports are not selling, move on. http://www.wcfia.harvard.edu/fellows/papers02-03/shaw.pdf http://lin.kz/?i3myr http://www.wcfia.harvard.edu/fellows/papers02-03/shaw.pdf |
2005/8/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:38903 Activity:nil |
7/31 the new burger king commercials with fucking punk chickens is annoying enough that i never will darken their door in the future \_ I don't have a TV, can you please describe the commercial? \_ You're totally right. as if it wasn't shitty enough, it has to be a super long commercial, too. |
2005/8/1-2 [Computer/Rants] UID:38904 Activity:kinda low |
8/1 Another nice economist article on china, which among other things, provides some investment insights: http://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=4221685 "the entry into the world economy of China, India and the former Soviet Union has, in effect, doubled the global labour force ... The new entrants to the global economy brought with them little capital of economic value. So, with twice as many workers and little change in the size of the global capital stock, the ratio of global capital to labour has fallen by almost half in a matter of years: probably the biggest such shift in history. And, since this ratio determines the relative returns to labour and capital, it goes a long way to explain recent trends in wages and profits." \_ China has been making huge investments in capital. The former Soviet Union had a lot of capital. I don't think a shortage of capital is the problem. I think it has more to do with the ratio of consumers to producers. That is, those countries produce more than they consume. I'm speaking of course about the types of globally desirable products that bring in profits, like iPods, and not commodities like rice. \_ nah, china, russia and india doesn't have much capital. that's why they all try to grab the fdi from the west, and japan, korea, taiwan. china/india pop >> usa, but china/india cap << usa. \_ It's not about population or about comparisons to the USA. China has a large (and getting larger) manufacturing capacity, perhaps even too much. If China had the manufacturing capability of the US it would make things worse, not better. I believe the problem to be (as I stated) that China (and India for that matter) produces much more than it consumes. If the domestic populations of those nations consumed at a higher rate than they do now there would be less product to export and more desire to import high quality products. It's not a numbers game in terms of ratio of workers to capital, especially since most of the populations of these countries can't seriously be counted as 'labor' by Western standards. \_ why does it have a "larger [and growing] manufacturing capacity"? because capital rich west and developed asia keeps pumping in capital to exploit the abundant labor. \_ I think maybe we are working with two different ideas of capital. I am thinking capital in terms of equipment, not in terms of dollars. The two are related, in that dollars can procure capital, but not identical. The West is investing in China, agreed. However, I am not sure it is relevant where the dollars are coming from. I would also replace 'abundant' with 'cheap'. There is no labor shortage even in the US. Why is the labor so cheap? Because they are not consumers in the way US labor is. \_ yes, I am referring to dollars when I say capital. there may or may not be a labor shortage in the US, but wages are not growing even though companies are doing well, which is the point of the article. wages are not growing in the US because 3 book keeping kindly grandmas who don't like to touch computer can be replaced by one indian college grad paid at 1/5 their salary. big winner: US capital holders, countries with lots of natural resources; small winner: labor in developing countries; big loser: labor in developed countries. \_ But *why* is the Indian grad willing to do a grandma's job for 1/5 the salary? I would argue it is only partly a supply/demand issue and has more to do with standard of living. It's not that capital is static and labor has increased. The labor has always been there, right? For how long will that Indian grad accept a 3rd World lifestyle? \_ Or for some kinds of labor it has to do with being in countries where you can get away with killing people who try to organize unions. \_ Thanks for the link. I'll need to read it again and think a bit more about it, but it's definately an interesting article. |
2005/8/1 [Uncategorized] UID:38905 Activity:nil |
8/1 Has anyone in history ever escaped the Alcatraz prison? |
2005/8/1-2 [Finance/Investment] UID:38906 Activity:low |
8/1 I placed a limit order on eTrade to sell at $20.80, and later it was exercised at $20.85. That's nice. eTrade could have bought my shares at $20.80 and sold to the other party at $20.85, pocketing the $0.05. \_ Um, that's what traders do all the time. That's one of the ways they make money. \_ So eTrade decides not to make money this way? \_ how do you know they didn't exercise it at $20.95 ? \_ No I don't, but the point is that they could have satisfied my order by giving me only $20.80 in exchange of my share. \_ nah, I don't think they can do that. you can see the bids and asks right? however, etrade does (or at least used to) play games with orders made before the market opens. they say datek doesn't do it, but datek is now part of ameritrade, so I don't know if it's still true. \_ I don't know about this, but I read that some brokers do the thing where if they see large number of buy orders for a stock placed during the off hours, they would place their own buy order first, and then send in the larger number of buy orders. same for sell orders (or they would buy after first sending in all the sell orders). all the sell orders). that's why you should place your orders only during market hours, and try to avoid the first hour after market opens, and possibly also the half hour before market closes. |
2005/8/1-3 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:38907 Activity:nil |
8/1 Does anyone here participate in FightAIDS@Home? I've been running it for about a year. But its web page never changes except the timestamp, and my mail to support@fightaidsathome.org always bounces back. Is the project real? \_ AIDS KILLS FAGS DEAD!!11!!!! --Fred Phelps \_ But it kills others too. \_ Collateral damage \_ Heh. When/if an effective HIV vaccine becomes available, you can bet your bottom dollar the Christian Right will opppose it. \_ I have a hidden wish that all creationists who want the state to teach it to children are struck by a drug-resistent bacterial infection. \_ It's God's will whether an antibiotic be found to save the children. \_ Why hidden?! \_ I consider myself a Christian conservative and do not oppose an HIV vaccine. It could do wonders in Africa. -emarkp \_ But they only get AIDS when they commit adultery! \_ Or get raped. Go away troll. -emarkp \_ Raped? That doesn't stop the abortion crowd. Anyway she was asking for it. Women should be completely covered outside and be accompanied by a male at all times. Go ahead and fight AIDS, it's merely the warning! \_ The trolls are really dumb today. You must be more subtle in your baiting, Daniel-san. \_ You are aware that in Africa it's a widely held belief that having sex with a virgin will cure you of AIDS? And that children are being raped because of this? \_ I take it back, I guess people ARE dense enough to fall for this trollbait. +1 for the troll. |
2005/8/1-3 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:38908 Activity:nil |
8/1 What's a reliable website that tells me approximately where an ip address is from? \_ whois -a will give you the ARIN registry entry. \_ use <DEAD>dnsstuff.com<DEAD> - danh \_ use http://lin.kz/?u4f1e - danh \_ use <DEAD>dnsstuff.com<DEAD> - danh |
2005/8/1-2 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:38909 Activity:nil |
8/01 And the JEWS are POISONING your BANANAS! http://csua.org/u/cvq But I guess it's a step up from learning to kill Jews at summer camp: http://csua.org/u/cvr |
2005/8/1 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:38910 Activity:nil |
8/1 Is eBay a gay friendly company? Their logo is so... gay. And whatever happened to Apple's gay friendly logo in the 80s? |
2005/8/1 [Finance/Investment] UID:38911 Activity:nil |
8/1 Tell me if this is legal and feasible. We all know about the housing boom and possible bubble. The bubble hasn't happened yet, but if it happens, it'll burn a lot of individual investors. Since it's a risky business, how about starting a corporation that borrows money from banks and from individual investors to buy up huge amount of properties, and maybe even buy sections of big cities? They can make huge profits by renting out properties or flipping them to other individual investors? If things go sour, the corporation shares the risks so no one gets burned badly, and worst case comes they can always declare bankruptcy. Is this legal? Possible? Can corporations buy blocks of land or buy cities and make huge profits since they have no competitors? |
2005/8/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:38912 Activity:nil |
8/1 The healthy human flesh alternative. http://www.eathufu.com/home.asp |
2005/8/1-3 [Consumer/Audio] UID:38913 Activity:nil |
8/1 Bush Alba Corporation to make MP3 players for kids: http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000633052745 |
2005/8/1-3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:38914 Activity:moderate |
8/1 I'm surprised there has been no Bolton discussion yet. Any bets on how China will react when our UN Ambassador is taken out in handcuffs for his part in the Plame matter? \_ Let me get this straight, if the Congress doesn't want to approve a nominee under any circumstances, the president can just say, "oh well, we'll just wait until those pesky lawmakers go home" and appoint him anyway? Am I the only one whom this strikes as a bit, oh, I dunno, REALLY FUCKING DEFECTIVE? -John \_ Yeah, I was wondering about that myself. -jrleek \_ Yeah, it's part of the legacy of the constant give-and-take between Executive and Legislative branches; the correct response of a responsible congress would be to block all nominations made by the President until he withdraws Bolton as Ambassador; this would send a clear message reminding the President that he is, in fact, a President and not a King. Odds of this happening? Zero to none. \_ Because Bush is the first prez evar to use a recess appointment. \_ But he _is_ on target to use it the most. Also, Clinton did 140 or so. Can you name any of them other than the gay Ambassador to Luxembourg? I can name a number of Bush's.. \_ I remember Bill Lann Lee's appointment by Clinton. Here's an old article on recess appointments http://slate.msn.com/id/1002994 . Interesting recess appointments include Thurgood Marshall, Earl Warren, William Brennan, and Potter Stewart. \_ You mean you got this slate article on your first google hit (rather than "remembering BLL"). If you had just said "Bill Lee" you wouldn't sound so phony. \_ Bill Lann Lee has always been referred to with his full name. I'd be the phony *if* I called him "Bill Lee" (and, indeed, I probably would not have remembered his name were he plain old Bill Lee). Try googling "Bill Lann Lee" him "Bill Lee". Try googling "Bill Lann Lee" if you wish. I take it you were unaware of his confirmation drama. \_ Comparing the ambassador to Luxemborg with the ambassador to the UN really only demonstrates how silly you are. \_ Now, if only we can decide which post is the more important... \_ Burn. -- ilyas \_ There is no real evidence that Bolton has anything to do with the Plame investigation, just a lot of speculation. \_ Okay then, how 'bout when he's cuffed for perjuring himself in his confirmation hearing by saying he wasn't interviewed by Fitzgerald \_ No no no. Perjury is ONLY bad when a D POTUS does it. \_ And then only if it's about something that has zero to do with running the country, say, hypothetically, consensual oral sex between two adults. \_ You know, people always make this remark. But I think it's fairly natural to think the POTUS, in some sense, 'represents America.' In particular, the POTUS ought to conform to American cultural norms, which involves avoiding things like infidelity and borderline perjury. -- ilyas \_ See, this is where I'm always surprised at your idealism, ilya. I have never expected personal perfection from a politician. This remark does color the validity of impeachment. He did not misuse the office to perform his bad act. He did it all on his own. It tarnishes _his_ presidency, but not _the_ presidency. I agree with your choice of "ought". Yes, the president ought to behave, but Clinton was wrongly impeached and rightly not removed. \_ I don't expect personal perfection from a politician -- far from it. But it is surprising that the bar is set so low that those Bad Things I mentioned 'get a pass' so to speak. I mean does it really take so much character to avoid compulsively lying and sleeping around outside your marriage? -- ilyas \_ Who said to give him a pass? A more appropriate action would have been censure. I bet they could even have worded it to get it to pass unanimously. \_ I don't understand. Tarnishing 'his Presidency' deserves censure, but tarnishing 'the Presidency' deserves impeachment? Are these things written down somewhere, or is this just your personal opinion on what should be done? -- ilyas \_ Of course it's just my opinion. \_ You know, there sure as heck was a lot of criticism of the EVIL REPUBLICAN WITCHHUNT at the time, and even now, for a matter that reduces, ultimately, to a matter of opinion. Thanks for discussing this civilly, Ben. -- ilyas \_ Stop harassing that nice man from the oatmeal commercial! \_ Appoint Bolton as ambassador. It's the right thing to do. |
2005/8/1-3 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:38915 Activity:nil |
8/1 The China thread below is interesting. Why is it that neither of the major political parties seem to talk about globalization from any perspective? This is probably the most important issue we face as a nation and a planet at the moment, yet nobody talks about it besides some nutty neo-Marxists. It seems to me that the first political party that articulates an effective response to the uncertainty we are faced with will reap huge benefits... \_ Peak oil is actually the most important issue we face, followed closely by global warming. \_ I disagree. A substitute will be found for oil and there's nothing we can do about global warming, if it's even real. Terrorism is important, but fundamental. Globalism is something that affects us now and will affect us in the future. It is the nothing we can do about global warming, if it's even real. Terrorism is important, but fundamental. Globalism is something that affects us now and will affect us in the future. It is the largest looming threat to "the American way of life". \_ Yep. Now again my question - why isn't anyone really addressing this? --op \_ This substitute for oil better show up real quick because many predict global oil production peak within 5 years. \_ People predict all kinds of things. \_ there are many substitutes for oil already. it's just that it wasn't cost effective to use them when oil price is low. that's not to say I don't support energy conversation. \_ The Democratic Party opposes NAFTA, CAFTA, etc, mostly because of union pressure. The Tancredo wing of the Republican Party is always griping about immigration. These are two facets of what are you calling "globalization." If you read The Economist, every other article is about globalization. But you are generally correct, both parties don't really want to talk about it, probably because it is too complicated to expliain in 10 second sound bites. |
2005/8/1-3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38916 Activity:nil |
8/1 People keep talking about "BushCo" but is he actually a CFO or chairman of something? I'm not talking about Cheney/Halliburton but Bush/Some-other-real-company. ok thx. \_ Motd will not do your homework for you. But here's a hint. google for "ceo president" \_ Nope, no evidence of him running a Halliburton-like company, nothing of the scale or the threat. I only find info that he was a failing CEO at insignificant companies. No connection to Walmart or huge threatening corporations. This BushCo phrase is catchy but false. It should be updated on factcheck. \_ You're an idiot. Motd is disappointed, but not surprised. You will be forgiven if you can show you were in Jr. High in 2000. |
2005/8/1-3 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:38917 Activity:kinda low |
8/1 Fuck you. go speculate on real estate somewhere else. \_ To repost the original question... "Tell me if this is legal and feasible. We all know about the housing boom and possible bubble. The bubble hasn't happened yet, but if it happens, it'll burn a lot of individual investors. Since it's a risky business, how about starting a corporation that borrows money from banks and from individual investors to buy up huge amount of properties, and maybe even buy sections of big cities? They can make huge profits by renting out properties or flipping them to other individual investors? If things go sour, the corporation shares the risks so no one gets burned badly, and worst case comes they can always declare bankruptcy. Is this legal? Possible? Can corporations buy blocks of land or buy cities and make huge profits since they have no competitors?" \_ Why not just sell crack, you worthless fuck? \_ You seem to have a lot of anger. What's wrong? \_ I've had to move three times in three years because of places that were bought out by real estate speculators who drove all the tenants out. In one case, a place I moved out of three years ago is still vacant because the soulless motherfucking cunt ass shits who bought the place are simply sitting on it, presumably to sell later. I know, I should have just bought a place like everyone else, blah blah blah. Well, I'm sorry I commited the crime of wanting to get an education and delaying my entry into the workforce at the time whenn all the bloodsuckers decided to fuck low income renters with their little speculative shitfest. \_ I'm sorry you hate the spirit of capitalism that makes United States the best country in the world. If you \_ We lived in my grandfather's basement until he asked us to leave. She couldn't find an apartment. She had some savings and used them to buy a cheap house so we'd have a roof. She didn't "owned her own successful business", she took over my grandmother's failed business and made it work again with 16-20 hour days when said grandmother died and my father divorced her and she had to move back to the US. She made it, I made it, and I know people whose family had far more than we ever did who got financial aid. Enough of a sob story for you? Who are you to ask? -JOhn hate America so much, you should get the fuck out of my country and move to Commie Europe. !williamc \_ Go fuck yourself. I couldn't get a financial need scholarship because my mom bought a cheap house with all of her savings so we'd have a roof over our heads while she spent 20 years resuscitating a failed business (successfully) that she'd taken over, only to have it triple in value. You're not a capitalist investor, you're a third-rate opportunistic tick. -John \_ Your mom owned her own successful business plus her house was paid for, yet you still felt entitled to financial aid? Who are you calling a tick??? \_ We lived in my grandfather's basement until he asked us to leave. She couldn't find an apartment. She had some savings and used them to buy a cheap house so we'd have a roof. She didn't "owned her own successful business", she took over my grandmother's failed business and made it work again with 16-20 hour days when said grandmother died and my father divorced her and she had to move back to the US. She made it, I made it, and I know people whose family had far more than we ever did who got financial aid. Enough of a sob story for you? Who are you to ask? -JOhn you? Who are you to ask? -John \_ Reading comprehension 101, padawan. "Cheap house" + "failed business" = "no $". "Cheap house" + "resuscitating a failed business" + "real estate speculators" = "expensive house" + "no $" + "people with far more but who didn't grow up not believing in debt getting financial aid". Enough of a sob story? I'm calling you a tick, assuming you're the op. -John \_ This is the anger one feels when having to spend $600K for some crap place that's still kind of far from work. \_ ObIGotIntoTheMarketInTimeGloating. \_ People are unlikely to change their investment habits and it's a waste of energy to get angry, so how you get your ass in an investment club and start investing? If you don't have enough capital, there are lots of time-shared flipping clubs you can join these days. You can buy 1/4 of a house with 4 other members and flip the house for 1/4 of the profit (minus club fees), I've made a lot of money in the past 2 years this way, and now have enough to flip a few houses of my own. If I can do it, SO CAN YOU! Don't wait! Do it while the market is still hot. All indications show that sales of homes rose AGAIN in June. Despite liberal naysayers yapping about the bubble, the Bush economy is really working and things are looking really good. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8758416 http://lin.kz/?mbl19 \_ Erhehehahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah Didn't any of you LIVE through the late '90s? \_ To answer the original poster, it seems this is done with corporate space. E.g., Arden Realty owns a whole bunch of class A office bldgs in SoCal. Big real estate companies owning lots of single-family homes is not as natural, since home buyers get a big tax break that frequently goes into the hundreds of thousands of dollars if they live in the house for two years, and if you're the big company, you don't get \_ Could you go into detail on this? I'm not quite at the point of buying a house yet (esp. in this market), but considering it. I wasn't aware that the savings were in the hundreds of thousands? \_ http://biz.yahoo.com/brn/050726/16039.html?.v=1 \_ http://lin.kz/?40lym \_ http://biz.yahoo.com/brn/050726/16039.html?.v=1 the tax break, so you're not as competitive. Persons or small/mid-size companies owning lots of apartment bldgs is more common. \_ True, rental real estate does not get the 250K/500K tax free treatment of residental real estate. However, you do get to roll one rental unit over to the next rental unit and put off paying taxes on your profits. I've always assumed that there are not companies owning and renting out many residential units because the business doesn't scale well. And of course being a new landlord today is just awful for cash flow. \_ so let's come back to the original question. Can rental (apartment) companies as well as land-owning companies merge to form a single land owning mega corporation? Can companies own and run their own cities? Will the CEOs be like kings and the people who rent or \- like Disney? pay exorbitant city fees and association fees be like... peasants? \_ isn't that what a REIT is? \_ Yes. Also, look up Irvine Land Trust. \_ There are also lots of real estate investor's groups doing this. Someone forms a LLC and each investor puts up $x . Usually it is for office buildings and the like, but investors have been doing this for residences on a large scale in places like Arizona, Florida, and Las Vegas. \_ I never understood this spectre of corporate feudalism that people are so afraid of. The government is a much more dangerous entity as far as sliding back into feudalism is concerned. -- ilyas \_ Insofar as govt. is given broad central powers, sure. But in terms of actual legal implementation of serfdom in the US, look no further than Walmart. \_ You load sixteen tons and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. Saint Peter don't you call me, 'cause I can't go.... I owe my soul to the Company store. -Kentucky folk song I owe my soul to the Company store. -West Virginia folk song \_ http://www.ernieford.com/Sixteen%20Tons.htm \_ http://lin.kz/?fmdj3 \_ http://www.ernieford.com/Sixteen%20Tons.htm \_ It is important to remember in discussions with ilyas that he is a tax payer supported grad student. \_ This is a similar red herring to saying tom holub or psb is a college dropout. -- ilyas \_ I don't remember either of them espousing an extremist ideology that equates dropping out of school with evil. If they had, it would certainly be relevant. What if you found out one of our local religious conservatives worked at an abortion clinic? Would that be a red herring? \_ ilyas reminds me of those old shredded wheat commercials. "The whole grain libertarian in me says 'FUCK POOR PEOPLE! POWER TO THE CORPORATION!', while the frosted side of me in the real world loves the fact that MEN WITH GUNS are forcing poor slobs like meyers AT GUNPOINT to pay for my quality education!" -meyers |
2005/8/1-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38918 Activity:low |
8/2 "When the left attacks kids, you know it's in bad shape." http://tinyurl.com/9ldmy \_ A Fox News link! Thank you sir, may I have another? \_ Here's the editorial that the above link is criticizing. http://csua.org/u/cvx (Washington Post) The FOX link is pretty dumb, but I have to admit, this editorial is pretty stupid too, and deserves criticism. \_ Do you know what makes an editorial, an editorial? \_ Stupidity and pettiness? \_ Wrong and wrong. \_ The Wash Post editoritial is moronic. Would they have been happy if the girl was dressed up as a little hooker and the boy as a gangsta? Could we please concentrate on the abuses of power going on the administration and not the dress code of family members of nominees? \_ You people have no sense of humour. \_ At least they didn't call anyone The White House dog, like Limbaugh did back when Chelsea was in her awkward phase. Limbaugh did back when Chelsea was in her dog phase. |
2005/8/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:38919 Activity:nil |
8/1 I take back (almost) everything I ever said bad about NYC. The people are generally nice and well-dressed, the food is really good, you can always get cabs, and I haven't encountered anyone who tried to bite me or who eats babies yet. Three thumbs up, it's expensive but a really cool place. -John \_ Obviously, you never lived there for a long time. How long were you there? NYC, great to visit, not so great to live. \- in my experience something really changed there post-Guilliani \_ good or bad? \_ It depends on your politics. \_ Good lord no, I thought that was pretty clear and obvious. My friends here are paying $4200/mo. for a 2rm. apartment, along with people who pay others to walk their dogs and can't find parking, EVAR. I was just commenting on how it was a nice place to visit. -John |
2005/8/1-4 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:38920 Activity:nil |
8/1 Why Germans stink, literally: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050801/od_nm/germany_fungus_dc \_ it's a glorious day for the gay community. \_ Looks like a Nazi Penis. Big, white, and stinks. \_ Heh. http://a9.com/Phallus%20impudicus \_ it's a glorious day for the gay community. \_ Looks like a Nazi Penis. Big, white, and stinks. |
2005/8/1-4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:38921 Activity:nil |
8/1 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050802/ap_on_re_us/lesbian_country_club Up yours emarkp, it's a glorious day for the gay community. \_ My anonymous troll is back! And he's making less sense than ever. Hi anonymous troll! -emarkp \_ Somehow I kinda doubt emarkp wants it "up his." \_ You'd be surprised \_ Silly anonymous troll. Homophobia is just fine here on motd, glad you could join. -emarkp \_ Dang, the trolls just get lamer and lamer. [Oh, and please don't delete my responses if you leave your troll, Mr. Anonymous Troll.] |
2005/8/1-4 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Display] UID:38922 Activity:nil |
8/1 Somehow I've been delegated by my boss to buy a big plasma screen for the department, for about $2000. The size is not specified, but he says to get it as big as possible with good resolutions. What is a good deal nowadays? \_ Are you sure it was plasma and not LCD? $2K may not be possible, or so cheep it defeats the purpose. Anyway, according to the prices in the "Best-buy LCD and plasma ..." URL it might be possible: http://reviews.cnet.com/Televisions/2001-6475_7-0.html?tag=ont.tv \_ You can probably by a decent 32" LCD TV or a really crappy 40" plasma from a no-name brand. \_ With coupon passed out instore for 8/8 to 8/16, Costco is selling the Maxent 42" plasma for $1699. Link to product, but not at Costco. http://www.monitoroutlet.com/M10551.html \_ That claims to display 1280x1024, but is that stretched to 16:9 or does it remain 5:4? |
3/15 |