2005/7/22-25 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:38763 Activity:nil |
7/22 Say I have a database with two rows, one is name (VARCHAR) and the \_ you mean cols other one is date. Let's say the entries look like this: joe 5-10-2005 joe 5-11-2005 mike 1-1-2002 How do I make one single SELECT statement that'll sum up all the entries for unique names? I want it to return joe=2, mike=1 without having to write 2 separate SELECT count(*)... Thanks. \_ select name, count(*) group by name |
2005/7/22-23 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:38764 Activity:kinda low |
7/21 I'd like to buy 10-20 heat sinks in arbitrary shapes. CPU heat sinks are OK, but they always sell them with a crappy fan. Anyone know where I can get custom sized heat sinks, or CPU heat sinks without fans? ok thx. \_ There's a store called Wierd Stuff in Cupertino or Santa Clara or somesuch which sells all kinds of old/salvaged/strange computer and electronics parts. You can probably get a bunch of random heatsinks for cheap. \_ It's "weird." Of course, they knew people can't spell worth %(*#& to save their lives, so they used to own http://wierdstuff.com, too. I don't know if they still do. Anyway, also try http://halted.com, another surplus store. They have all kinds of heatsinks, or stuff with heatsinks on it that you can break apart. %(*#& to save their lives, so they also bought http://wierdstuff.com. I don't know if it's sad or funny. Anyway, also try http://halted.com, another surplus store. They have all kinds of heatsinks, or stuff with heatsinks on it that you can break apart. \_ Yeah, I knew about them too but couldn't think of the name -pp |
2005/7/22-25 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:38765 Activity:moderate |
7/22 Plain-clothes police shoot bombing suspect dead at Tube station: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4706787.stm Hey, I'm for stopping terrorists as much as the next guy, but plain-clothes cops putting five in the guy at close range? I mean, way to get your man and all that, but... plain-clothes cops? \_ "Another passenger on the train, Anthony Larkin, told BBC News the man had been wearing a 'bomb belt with wires coming out'." Please give your preferred method for dealing with terrorists wearing bomb belts running into crowds of people. Also, what does it matter what the cops were wearing? They gave warning. \_ Peace. I don't know what the solution is, and I'm sure the cops acted within reason. Still, plain-clothes cops creep me out, especially since I was searched by one in Tijuana once. I mean, how the hell do you know they are who they say they are. \_ Probably the poster before you is worried as he is a tall Asian guy who wears a backpack to school/work and takes BART and is anti-establishment - but doesn't wear bomb belts \_ Probably op is worried as he is a tall Asian guy who wears a backpack to school/work and takes BART and is anti-establishment - but doesn't wear bomb belts. op probably doesn't need to worry, though. If the guy was innocent and just didn't understand English, this will come out eventually - but it sounds like he wasn't innocent. I'm not ignoring that it could be a 'spiracy and they had one "passenger" say he had a bomb belt and the other "passenger" say he was wearing a thick jacket. \_ Haven't you played Max Payne? Sometimes plain clothes cops armed w/ dual Desert Eagles or Ingrams are the only ones who can properly deal with the situation. \_ PAYNE!!! \_ You can't wield dual "desert eagles" in the game, it's duel berrettas (sp?). I have eaten the flesh of fallen angels! \_ You can't wield dual "desert eagles" in the game, it's dual berettas (sp?). I have eaten the flesh of fallen angels! \_ In Fall of Max Payne, I thought they fixed it so you could. What would have been really k3wl is dual shotguns reloaded Terminator style a la Marathon 2! \_ I think we've been underreacting. Time for some overreacting. \_ I'm kind of amazed at the fact that every time something like this happens, we hear about mass fear of repraisal attacks. It kinda comes across as "I'm cool with Muslim terrorists blowing up 50 people on a subway, what worries me is that some redneck will throw an egg at my house." I hope these are the words of a few idiots and not the general feeling. http://csua.org/u/ct2 \_ They've got a point, and it needs to addressed, if only by the police issuing a reassuring statement. We can support tracking down terrorists AND be worried about overreactions at the same time. \_ How many times have we heard about a suicide bomber blowing up a bus or train or whatever full of innocent people and everyone thinks "Why couldn't the cops do something to protect us?". Now we have a story about cops blowing away one of these bastards, probably saving at least a dozen lives, and people are UPSET? WTF? It will be *really* obvious if the guy was a suicide bomber or not ... If not, then it's a tragic mistake. If yes, then the cops are heroes! are heroes! Besides, it's a win-win situation ... The suicide bomber gets to become a martyr with his 72 virgins and the people who actually want to live don't die in the process. \_ They've got a point, and it needs to addressed, if only by the police issuing a reassuring statement. We can support tracking down terrorists AND be worried about overreactions at the same time. \_ Don't you know who it works? When the cops kill an innocent it is overreacting and police brutality - not an honest mistake during the performance of what must be one of the most difficult civilian jobs. When the cops kill a terrorist it is overreacting and police burtality - obviously the cops let their bitter hateful anti-muslim retribution rage overwhelm them and were blinded to the fact that maybe this was just a misguided youth how could be brought around to the love peace dope lifestyle with enough love peace and dope. \_ You're an idiot and you overwrote my post. |
2005/7/22-25 [Politics/Foreign/Canada] UID:38766 Activity:high |
7/22 When did police in Britain start carrying guns? Thx. \_ a long while ago \_ About how long? 10yrs? 20yrs? Because I remember that when I was a kid I heard that police in Britain didn't carry guns. \_ Except for the Hercules team in NYPD, some police in London carry MP-5s out in the open. \_ Some police, some definition of carry, since the 70's at least. http://www.polfed.org/0703firearms-and-police.pdf \_ "In the UK there are about, 100 firearms deaths a year in the recorded crime statistics, about double that number in Canada and, under 50 in Japan. The figure in the United States is more than 10,000. Even adjusting for population, this is a huge difference." Firearms deaths a year per million people, and population: UK: 1.7 60,441,457 Canada: 6.1 32,805,041 Japan: < 0.4 127,417,244 US: >33.8 295,734,134 What a great country we're in. \_ it is difficult to compace just on the basis of deaths per capita. there are way too many confouding factors at work here. Try comparing areas based on pre/port at work here. Try comparing areas based on pre/post gun law changes. \_ True. It's like apples and oranges. I do seem to recall a study that showed that crime went up in Austrailia after they banned guns. Either way most studies on this sort of thing are highly biased anyways. I believe that the right to own guns is a crucial freedom and just because some people abuse it doesn't mean you take that away from everyone. If you really want to reduce crime, actually enforce the laws we have now. For starters, take guns away from known criminals. This is something the NRA has been pushing for for a while now. \_ That is nice you chose to omit how many people's lives are saved by gun ownership per year. Just ask any criminal what they think about gun-control. Also, have you ever questioned just what majority of those people who die are? Gang members. \_ We need guns to protect ourselves from the government. When did Japan or Canada revolt? Canada still swears by the Queen for God's sake. Guns make this country what it is, for better and worse. \_ Canada is a completely independent country from the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland since 1982. \_ "Canada is a ... Commonwealth Realm with Queen Elizabeth II as its reigning monarch." (from Wikipedia "Monarchy in Canada") \_ Yeah. QE II reigns UK, and QE II reigns Canada. But UK and Canada are separate independent countries. It just happens that their monarchs are the same monarch. \_ From the Wikipedia "Monarchy in Canada" page you're referring to: "Although Queen Elizabeth II is also monarch of the United Kingdom and several other Commonwealth countries, each nation - including Canada - is sovereign and independent of the others." \_ Yes, and they swear to the Queen as I said. They are still ruled by the Queen of England, even though they are not England. \_ Well, you also said "When did ... Canada revolt?". Canada already revolted in 1982 without guns. And if you are to say Canada is ruled by the Queen of UK, then it's also valid to say UK is ruled by the Canada is ruled by the Queen of UK, it's equivalent to saying UK is ruled by the Queen of Canada. \_ This is funny because the Queen of the UK is also the Queen of Canada. Ha! \_ The two are not equivalent. Canada was a colony under the King. It still is. At no point was England subject to Canada, nor did Canada have their own King. You know this. \_ That must be why when England invaded Iraq, Canada had to go too, they had no choice. \_ Are you talking about the Anglo-Iraqi war in 1941 or Op. Iraqi Freedom? \_ The latter \_ Then the UK had no control over Canada, since Canada was completely independent by then. \_ Sigh \_ http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/abstract/319/19/1256 "Although similar to Seattle in many ways, Vancouver has adopted a more restrictive approach to the regulation of handguns... [T]he relative risk of death from homicide, adjusted for age and sex, was significantly higher in Seattle than in Vancouver." \_ Yup and I'm sure you can choose another Canadian city, match it up with a different US city and get the opposite results. In fact, if those numbers are accurate above (6.1 vs 33.8) it has to be true. \_ Why do you believe that? Tell me the Canadian city where the risk of homicide approaches America. \_ They chose Vancouver and Seattle because they seem so similar culturally, financially, etc. \_ Yes, they seem, but they are quite different culturally. Canadians think quite differently than Americans about many things, guns included. They also seem to not mind having less freedom. Just look at their health care system. What a mess. |
2005/7/22-25 [Recreation/Food] UID:38767 Activity:nil |
7/22 Does anyone know of a program for optimizing pizza topping selection? I'm thinking of the situation where you have N people who each have some number of preferred and shunned toppings, and you want to pick P pizzas such that everyone can find a pizza without a shunned topping and you maximize the number of prefered toppings people get. This seems like the sort of thing geeks would have worked out already... \- potential arrow impossibility theorem problem \_ Can you clarify the "maximize the number of prefered toppings people get" part? |
2005/7/22-25 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38768 Activity:kinda low |
7/22 Rep. Tancredo (R-CO) says that we shouldn't rule out bombing Mecca if the terrorists nuke us: http://rockymountainnews.com/drmn/state/article/0,1299,DRMN_21_3937059,00.html [ Go Crazy! ] \_ Wow, they like to make 'em crazy up in Colorado. It's just too bad Hunter Thompson was never elected sheriff of Aspen. \_ If I was a Muslim who believed that there was nothing more important than Mecca, then I would be working hard to make sure my country was building up a big arsenal of nukes. \_ Paul Harvey said something similar a week ago. http://nihlist.blogspot.com/2005/06/no-one-ever-accused-paul-harvey-of.html - danh http://nihlist.blogspot.com/2005/06/no-one-ever-accused-paul-harvey-of.html - danh \_ Yes but Harvey is not an elected representative of the people of CO (or anywhere else AFAIK). \_ The reason this is stupid is nuking Mecca is not a terrorist deterrent. Terrorists couldn't give a shit about Mecca. If anything, the destruction of Mecca will help them. Actual Muslim states might care, but it's unclear how much extra pressure this kind of rhetoric puts on them. -- ilyas \_ If nuking xyz _was_ a terrorist deterrent, would you do it? \_ Would I nuke something as a deterrent? Do you know what a deterrent is? -- ilyas |
2005/7/22-25 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:38769 Activity:nil |
7/22 Eco Friendly Bling-Bling Rides: http://www.laweekly.com/ink/05/35/a-lewis.php |
2005/7/22-25 [Transportation/Airplane, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:38770 Activity:nil |
7/22 In case you haven't heard, Longhorn is called Windows Vista: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/default.mspx \_ And like the flying car, it's always just around the corner... \_ I would like to preemptively proclaim my hatred of flying cars. The same fucking retards who drive around in 5000 pound SUV's while talking on cell phones, blast through crosswalks at 55 mph without looking and park on sidewalks (i.e. the American public) should NOT EVER be alowed to fly. They WILL park in trees over sidewalks, which will break causing even more pedestrian slaughter. They will park on roofs where it is unsafe, run into power lines causing outages, crash into office buildings (out of sheer stupidity at first, then the terrorists will start using them as bombs), get stuck in trees and have to be choppered out, and break down over crowded areas and crash like stones. FUCK FLYING CARS!!! \_ so trolled. \_ This is for you (mp3). link:tinyurl.com/89xnk -- ulysses \_ Go ahead and laugh. We'll see how funny you think it is when some fucker crashes their flying SUV into the side of YOUR house, or after a flying car parked in a tree falls and kills YOUR dog. |
2005/7/22-25 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:38771 Activity:nil |
7/22 "Indian Muslims wear scarves printed with the national flags of Britain and the U.S. during Friday prayers in a mosque in the northern Indian city of Lucknow ..." http://news.yahoo.com/photo/050722/ids_photos_wl/r2882339481.jpg That's weird. \_ Weird? |
2005/7/22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38772 Activity:insanely high |
7/22 Best 2 articles describing Plame Rove treason I've read so far, since it is a confusing story. One political, one from inside ... One from a Democrat, one from a Republican. http://tinyurl.com/7qmra \_ This falls to pieces with: "Another false claim is that Valerie sent her husband on the mission to Niger." No one is claiming that Plame sent him. The claim is that she **RECOMMENDED** him. The Senate Intelligence Committee has a memo in her handwriting proving this. And of course this: "The President has flip flopped and backed away from his promise to fire anyone at the White House implicated in a leak." What a putz. \_ From above URL: "The Senate Intelligence Report is frequently cited by Republican partisans as 'proof' that Valerie sent her husband to Niger because she sent a memo describing her husband's qualifications to the Deputy Division Chief. Several news personalities, such as Chris Matthews and Bill O'Reilly continue \_ Neither of which are R's AFAIK (but I don't watch either of them). Show me the quotes from R partisans. \_ To paraphrase someone else on the motd, you've provided a great demonstration of "being obtuse." \_ Nah, it's just hard to read something which sounds intelligent yet disputes a key point which you thought was 100% true. \_ Read carefully, dude, it's ALL THERE: The addendum in the Senate report was Republican, the spinmeisters (not necessarily Republican) quote the addendum. \_ I DON'T BELIEVE THIS. Is that too hard to understand? I think this guy is spinning, and I want to see what he claims to be quoting. This whole issue has been more heat than light and everytime I get claims like this I ask for source documents. EVERY FUCKING TIME THE RESPONSE HAS BEEN SILENCE. So if he can't back up his claim, or you can't, then SHUT THE FUCK UP. \_ Is "SHUT THE FUCK UP", "EVERY FUCKING TIME", and "I DON'T BELIEVE THIS" supposed to be more light than heat? Besides, your post, "Neither of which are R's AFAIK ... Show me the quotes from R partisans" was completely answered by the the "Read carefully, dude" response. Your emotional response seems to be on another topic entirely. \_ Repeating what's in the quote sure isn't. If you have a source, let us know. \_ All caps boy deleted my question, but I'll ask him again. Do you think typing in all caps helps your case? \_ No, I didn't delete your question. to repeat this nonsense as proof. What the Senate Intelligence Committee does not include in the report is the fact that Valerie's boss had asked her to write a memo outlining her husband's qualifications for the job. She did what any good employee does; she gave her boss what he asked for." \_ Show me the statement from Plame's boss that confirms this. From danh's link: Seven months after the appointment of the special counsel, in July 2004, the Republican-dominated Senate Select Committee on Intelligence issued its report on flawed intelligence leading to the Iraq war. The blame for failure was squarely put on the CIA for "groupthink." (The Republicans quashed a promised second report on political pressure on the intelligence process.) The three-page addendum by the ranking Republicans followed the now well-worn attack lines: "The plan to send the former ambassador to Niger was suggested by the former ambassador's wife, a CIA employee." The CIA subsequently issued a statement, as reported by New York Newsday and CNN, that the Republican senators' conclusion about Plame's role was wholly inaccurate. But the Washington Post's Susan Schmidt reported only the Republican senators' version, writing that Wilson was "specifically recommended for the mission by his wife, a CIA employee, contrary to what he has said publicly," in a memo she wrote. Schmidt quoted a CIA official in the senators' account saying that Plame had "offered up" Wilson's name. Plame's memo, in fact, was written at the express directive of her superiors two days before Wilson was to come to Langley for his meeting to describe his qualifications in a standard protocol to receive "country clearance." Unfortunately, Schmidt's article did not reflect this understanding of routine CIA procedure. The CIA officer who wrote the memo that originally recommended Wilson for the mission--who was cited anonymously by the senators as the only source who said that Plame was responsible--was deeply upset at the twisting of his testimony, which was not public, and told Plame he had said no such thing. CIA spokesman Bill Harlow told Wilson that the Republican Senate staff never contacted him for the agency's information on the matter. Key words: (partisan) "addendum by the ranking Republicans", "CIA subsequently issued a statement ... Republican senators' conclusion about Plame's role was wholly inaccurate", "CIA officer ... that originally recommended Wilson for the mission ... was deeply upset at the twisting of his testimony ... told Plame he had said no such thing" \_ Show me the statement from Plame's boss that confirms this. \_ Show me the statement from Plame's boss that disputes this. \_ He makes the claim about Plame's boss. Show me the claim or SHUT THE FUCK UP. \_ Why so angry? \_ Unfortunately, her boss is probably covert as well. How CONVENIIEENT ... I know ... but we do have: http://csua.org/u/ctc (Newsday) "A senior intelligence official ... said [Plame] did not recommend her husband to undertake the Niger assignment." LA Times (7/15/04, article archived): "A senior intelligence official said the CIA supports Wilson's version: 'Her bosses say she did not initiate the idea of her husband going. They asked her if he'd be willing to go, and she said yes,' the official said." http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A30842-2003Dec25 "CIA officials have challenged the accuracy of the INR document [used to claim that Plame suggested Joe Wilson's name], the official said, because the [CIA] agency officer identified as talking about Plame's alleged role in arranging Wilson's trip could not have attended the meeting." \_ And the White House has flip flopped on whether they would fire anyone who leaked Plame's name to a reporter. First they said they would, now Bush says only if they have broken the law. \_ fyi, an old friend of mine who's a loyal Republican voter wrote in his blog that, after the flip-flop on Rove, he has decided that his vote for Dubya in 2004 was a mistake. \_ The article falls apart? Try reading it again! http://tinyurl.com/dx3ok \_ I really like the first story, where the author also says that he voted for Dubya in 2000. \_ Countdown to someone mentioning Clinton in 5, 4, 3... \_ Author of first story also said he voted for Dubya because he understood what the meaning of "is" was \_ Obviously you've never served. \_ Are you a troll? Do you have any understanding of the effect of the methamphetamine trade on southern Michigan? \_ obviously you think your trolls aren't that stupid \_ I bet BUD DAY makes _excellent_ trolls. \_ BUD DAY! |
2005/7/22-25 [Uncategorized] UID:38773 Activity:nil 75%like:36248 |
7/22 Do they still call them Freedom Fries? http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/07/20/french.fry.case.ap \_ Why was this posted? |
2005/7/22-25 [Uncategorized] UID:38774 Activity:nil |
7/22 What happened to /ftp? It's empty. |
2005/7/22-25 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38775 Activity:high |
7/22 If the military is having such a horrible time finding new recruits, why don't they just raise salaries/benefits? I think this was the tact that the Clinton admin. took with the college scholarships after military service. Also, I'm sure it would have helped recruiting if the Bush administration hadn't pushed reservists I meant "national guard"_/ into service in Iraq or extended the enlistment of soldiers who were supposed to return home so that they would be forced to stay in Iraq longer. I think you reap what you sow. -mrauser http://csua.org/u/ctf \_ Where does the money come from? Also, do you raise salary/benefits across the board, or just for the new recruits? The former costs a lot, the latter (or in the form of sign-on bonus) pisses off people already in the service. \_ They are. In the form of signing bonuses, for new recruits and re-enlistment. Variable bonuses depending on MOS and experience, just like in real life. \_ In my home country, the best and the brightest work in or around the government sector, and the really good people who don't, already applied to those government positions. I hate to insult military men on motd but it seems to me that this country is run completely reversed. Perhaps to compete with the powerful industry of America, the US military branches should offer stock options (ticker: ARMY, NAVY, USAF). For every unit of resource we pillage from another country, the military stock price goes up. \_ I'm glad you think we still went into Iraq to pillage their oil. Oil prices sure are at an all-time low. I bet you even think Vietnam was a military action for pillaging. I'm glad you disparage one of the fundamental engines of capitalism, the stock market, and compare that with a constitutionally-required service. Your grasps of these facts surely make you the best candidate to advise the military on recruitment, and what the heck, run the country. advise the military on recruitment, and what the heck, run the country. \_ ohh, I'm sorry. we are there for WMDs... I forgot about that. Wait... was this about WMDs? \_ USMC. \_ I do not think tha this will help because I think that the problem w/ recruitment is indicative of larger societal problems - (1) most people don't feel that it is their job to defend america, thus they see no need to volunteer for service and (2) most people see no personal benefit from miltary service. Additionally with the success of technology in the battlefield the historical perception that a large standing army (navy, &c.) is not needed during peace-time has been reinforced. I would contend that this is not peacetime, its just that most people haven't realized that (in no small part b/c of TPTB). Sadly, unless something happens that affects the direct survival of each and every person in this country, there will likely be no change in present attitudes. One prays that by then it will not be too late for the republic. \_ By "something happens" perhaps you mean "a real threat happens"? My guess is people aren't signing up because they know damn well they would not be contributing to the safety of the US, or of the world. That they're just there as a policing force to contain a massive fuckup. \_ It is certainly plausible to think of 9/11 a one time occurance, but I see it more as the latest in a series of calculated strikes against the West and Democracy in general by radical Islam (do not forget the orig. WTC bombing, USS Cole bombing and the US Embassy bombings). Also, I think that by focusing on WMDs and Iraq the real threat that Iraq under Saddam posed is being missed. IMO, after the fall of Afganistan, the only countries in the region w/ any infrastructure to support AQ were Iraq and Libya w/ Iraq being the more logical choice for AQ to run to b/c it could be reached quickly by land routes. To "liberate" Iraq was essential in order to prevent AQ from regrouping and rearming. Under normal wartime circumstances, there would be no dispute that the CinC could authorize an invasion to halt the enemy. The problem here is that the traditional notions of war are built on the assumption that the enemy is a nation-state, not an organization - which is why the invasion of Iraq is not seen by many as a separate action rather than a new "front" in the war. I also do not see Iraq as a massive screw up. I did not think that in my lifetime I would see any hope of a demo- cratic Iraq. Now there is some hope. Yes it is not perfect, yes it might have been better managed, BUT it is still a TREMENDOUS accomplishment. Rome wasn't built in a day. \_ If they hadn't stolen Florida 2000 and then followed up by robbing Ohio 2004, none of this ever would've happened. \_ I fail to see how the current administration had anything to do w/ either the original WTC attack, the USS Cole bombing or the Embassy bombings. 9/11 would have likely have happened under Gore's watch as well. The difference, I think, is that Gore's response would have been akin to "peace in our time." While I would hardly characterize the current administrations handling of the war as stellar, at least they recognize that we are at war and are trying to fight it rather than deny it all together. |
2005/7/22-25 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38776 Activity:nil |
7/22 Profile of Victor Hanson, a popular conservitive essayist: http://www.hooverdigest.org/052/kay.html \_ "...Hanson doesn't play so well with others. At a recent meeting at Hoover, he strained to remain polite..." This sounds just like a Conservative Bush lover in my lab. He is somewhat shy, stubborn, and rude most of the time and doesn't get along with anyone else. Fucking Neocons. |
2005/7/22-25 [Recreation/Celebrity, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:38777 Activity:nil |
7/22 A bunch of grannies tried to enlist in the armed forces and got arrested. This is not good media exposure. Why can't the armed forces just ask them to fill out an application and hold their files as "pending" forever, instead of arresting them and creating this media debacle? Secondly, why doesn't the armed forces just send them to Iraq and have them cook, or clean up barracks and toilets? http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/07/22/raging.grannies.ap \_ "The group has protested every week for the last three years outside the recruitment center." \_ "This was not a performance, a joke or civil disobedience," she said. "This was an enlistment attempt." That is total BS. |
2005/7/22-25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:38778 Activity:nil |
7/22 I'm bored and depressed and I need my dosage of idiocy on motd to cheer me up. jblack, please come back and post something stupid, I promise to not make fun of you this time. Thanks. \_ Why don't you just go to freerepublic? |
2005/7/22-25 [Computer/Companies/Google, Industry/Jobs] UID:38779 Activity:moderate |
7/22 I've found Google to be a good company. If you want a full-time job or internship and I happen to know you on a first-name basis, contact me via phone or email and I'll see what I can do to get you in. darin @ csua, 314-283-1234. \_ Can you get them to stop calling me? \_ Don't bother applying if you're conservative. \_ Let me guess. You blew the interview due to poor social skills, and now you want to blame it on the liberal conspiracy to keep the white man down? \_ No, just following news reports. Have never interviewed with Google. \_ Which news reports? \_ http://csua.org/u/ctm \_ From that you assume that they "discriminate against conservative hires?" You are really really stupid, and you have likely never dealt with IT hiring. \_ Is it "jump to conclusions" day? I said don't bother applying. I didn't say they were discriminating, I just got the impression that they're raging lefties and you wouldn't want to be around them. And you'd have to work with aaron. Ick. \_ Ooh, anonymous personal attacks. You are a bright one. GOOD. Kudos to Google for rejecting religious -/ and conservative ads. We're fed up, and it's about time us liberals stand up to the bullying of religious fuck heads. \_ Don't compound "news reports" guy's stupidity with your own. \_ I think it's probably fair to say the Google workplace is fairly apolitical, but I do think the founders have a left-wing bias, and this does reflect in some company policies I find objectionable. Are you afraid to hang out with liberals because you think they might contaminate your precious bodily fluids? -- ilyas \_ I'd hate to be in a work environment where the political opinions of the people there affect policy at work. I'd be afraid to give a conservative opinion without retribution. ilyas, you work at Google? That raises my opinion of the company. \_ No, I do not. I interviewed at Google before I went to UCLA, but did not get the job. They recently contacted me again, I guess they ran out of all the good people to hire. I think Google deserves a lot of credit for enlightened things they do as a company. I hope to see their good example followed. Having said that, I disagree with many of their corporate decisions. -- ilyas \_ Well, I'm a liberal, and gay, and whatever Google does I support them because they respect and embrace diversity. I wish the Religious dictators would just fuck off. GO GOOGLE. And fuck you ilyas. \_ You on the other hand don't seem to. \_ Want to work at PlanetOut? Email me. -ausman \_ He's a troll. Nobody is this dumb. -- ilyas |
2005/7/22-25 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38780 Activity:nil |
7/22 Did the "moderate" delete the main Plame thread again, or was it the guy who was yelling a lot? \_ Yelling guy is probably freaking out about this: http://csua.org/u/cti (nytimes.com) and probably this: http://csua.org/u/ctj (bloomberg.com) and most likely this: http://csua.org/u/ctk (bloomberg.com) But I'm sure more yelling will make him feel better. \_ I was yelling about people quoting secondary sources to prove their point. The URL's above don't bother me in the slightest. -yelling guy http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=aY51e404Lx_8&refer=us \_ Why did the post get deleted when three much better, more relevant URLs were posted? |
2005/7/22-25 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:38781 Activity:nil |
7/22 "Each time the political machine made up of prime-time patriots and partisan ninnies display their ignorance by deriding Valerie Plame as a mere paper pusher or belittling the varying degrees of cover used to protect our officers or continuing to play partisan politics with our national security, it's a disservice to this country," -retired CIA case officer Jim Marcinkowski http://csua.org/u/cth \_ SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!1!!1!1!!!! --!jblack \_ No one forces you to read the motd. |
2005/7/22-25 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38782 Activity:low |
7/22 Not bombers or insurgents, they're terrorists. http://csua.org/u/ctp \_ Total garbage. Don't waste your time reading this shit. \_ I don't know, it is one opinion from someone actually there in Iraq. I don't agree, but I don't think it is garbage. |
2005/7/22-25 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:38783 Activity:kinda low |
7/22 When I do SELECT AVG(col) FROM table, where col is integer, it takes 2 minutes and returns a float type. I'm suspecting part of the problem is that it's doing floating point add? How do I make it faster? Thanks. \_ How many rows it is querying over? \_ about ~2,000,000 \_ Try adding an index to col. (When in doubt, add more indexes): ALTER TABLE table ADD INDEX (col) \_ This won't help at all; he's doing a full table scan with no where clause. You can test your theory by using SUM instead of AVG; does it still take a long time? You also have to consider that these very likely are floating point numbers if you defined the column as NUMBER. \_ I've seen MySQL run faster with indexes on lots of things that really shouldn't have run any faster. \_ Indexes may cause the db to do fewer reads, depending on his schema. \_ Actually I found out my problem isn't with the AVG but with "join" process. For example, I have a lot of the followings like SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE table1.id=table2.id2 AND table2.id1=table3.id... I've made sure that id, id2, and id3 are all indexed, but for 2 million rows it's still pretty slow. I wish MySQL would tell you why things are slow so that you can fine tune it. ARGG!! -op |
2005/7/22-25 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:38784 Activity:nil |
7/22 I never took a formal DB theory class, excuse me for asking SQL questions. When I create a table, I can choose PRIMARY KEY to be based on a single or n-tuple column. When I do that, are indices created automatically? Second question is, if the indices are created for n-tuple, does that mean all the column have fast index, or they are all based on previous columns? For example, if I do "PRIMARY KEY(col1, col2, col3)" and I do a search on just col3, is that going to be really fast? \_ While I don't have the SQL standard committed to memory, I suspect that automatic creation of indices in response to primary key specification is implementation dependent. Look in the docs for your particular database vendor. -dans \_ this is correct. |
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