2005/7/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:38715 Activity:kinda low |
7/20 Hi guys. Adding to emarkp's comments ... according to Wikipedia, Rehnquist is a strict constructionist, and Scalia and Thomas are originalists (textualists). Let's say California enacted a law saying "Only marriage between a man and a woman of the same race is valid or recognized in the state of California." Would that be constitutional according to these three judges? Is there an amendment which makes this decision easy? \_ Uhm, the text of all the amendments is available on the net. They aren't a national secret or anything. Is this some bizarre troll attempt? \_ No, I read all the amendments prior to posting -op \_ Rehnquist is more of a "pragmatic conservative" as opposed to a strict conservative; he's one of those that's less concerned with what the constitution precisely says and more concerned with making the supreme court and government work efficiently and smoothly. making the supreme court and government work efficiently and smoothly. \_ I hadn't seen the term "originalists" before. But I'd say that when pretty much all marriage laws were enacted, that law wouldn't be necessary. Checking my OED, the word "marriage" means "the union between husband and wife". -emarkp \_ I hadn't seen it either. But when a http://freerepublic.com poll from last week came out with 70-80% of voters supporting an Originalist SCOTUS nominee, that was interesting. Scalia is supposed to be the representative originalist (textualist). -op \_ Then maybe I'm wrong in saying I align with "strict constructionists" because I see Scalia as a model jurist. I'll take a look at the wikipedia article. -emarkp [Postscript: I guess I'm an "originalist" according to the wikipedia article.] \_ Assuming you are not a troll the 14th amd makes it pretty clear that this is unconstitutional - "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States." \_ Hi guys, op here ... Considering what you've written already, would the state law "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in the state of California" be constitutional or not (for a strict constructionist and originalist)? We're _assuming_ the law does not violate the state Constitution, and we're now employing the Supreme Court check. \_ I think for an originalist it would be seen as redundant because that's what marriage means. -emarkp \_ But the word "marriage" (of people in matrimony) isn't in the Constitution (including amendments), is it? Anyway, the question was whether a strict constructionist or originalist would see such a state law as unconstitional or not. \_ Okay, as a newly identified originalist I'd see it as constitutional. -emarkp \_ This is a far more interesting question b/c it goes to the heart of equal protection. A possible interpretation under the original purpose of the 14th amd (prevent discrimination based on race) would be that the statute does not violate the constitution b/c it does not deprive any person of equal protection under the law - ie any man can marry any woman protection under the law - ie any many can marry any woman and visa versa. An alternate view is that equal protection was always intended to protect people even if they made unpopular choices (say they chose to be a Jew/Quaker instead of a Protestant), thus discrimination based on the gender of the person you wish to marry would be unconstitutional. I'm pretty sure that an "originalist" would go w/ the 1st view but the 2d could work as well. \_ "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States" Marriage is, at its heart, a contract between two adults. Such a law, ultimately, says that only a man and a woman make this contract. See Chicago, B. & Q. R.R. v. McGuire, 219 U.S. 549, 567 , 570 (1911) \_ "The liberty mentioned in that [Fourteenth] Amendment means not only the right of the citizen to be free from the mere physical restraint of his person, as by incarceration, but the term is deemed to embrace the right of the citizen to be free in the enjoyment of all his faculties, to be free to use them in all lawful ways; to live and work where he will; to earn his livelihood by any lawful calling; to pursue any livelihood or avocation, and for that purpose to enter into all contracts which may be proper, necessary and essential to his carrying out to a successful conclusion the purposes above mentioned." 165 U.S. 578, 589 (1897) \_ Okay, person posting judgements from 1911 and 1897, what do you think strict constructionists and originalists would write as an opinion? -op \_ While this court has not attempted to define with exactness the liberty thus guaranteed, the term has received much consideration and some of the included things have been definitely stated. Without doubt, it denotes not merely freedom from bodily restraint but also the right of the individual to contract, to engage in any of the common occupations of life, to acquire useful knowledge, to marry, establish a home and bring up children, to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, and generally to enjoy those privileges long recognized at common law as essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men. 262 U.S. 390 (1923) |
2005/7/20-22 [Computer/Companies/Ebay] UID:38716 Activity:nil |
6/20 I just got my Citibank with unlimited One Time Virtual Number that I can use and dispose. Does this mean I can now create many eBay accounts? |
2005/7/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38717 Activity:nil 71%like:38725 |
6/20 Do you soda liberals agree Larry Kramer is a homosexual liar? \_ who is he, why should we care? unless you're mimicking the WH's favorite distraction strategy. \_ If you don't know I am not interested in your opinion. I am jut wondering if you blindly support liberal, like the "I lurve George Bush" guy blindly supports Bush. \_ Why do people not know that July=7 \_ I am pretty sure the guy is married. What does his sexual orientation have to do with anything anyway? -soda liberal \_ Some liberals could not stand to see Larry Kramer discussed so they are changing to Tucker, who I dont like. |
2005/7/20 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:38721 Activity:nil |
7/20 I lived at this cabin last week where everything's powered by a portable generator. The owner said the biggest hog is the refrigerator, which got me to wonder... most of the power consumption from an AC or refrigerator is from the compressor right? It seems to me that it is a lot of waste to have to generate electricity first (+50% energy lost?) then use that electricity to crank the compressor (another +50% energy lost?). Is it possible to create a frig where the compressor is cranked directly by small engines like the ones used in portable generators? \_ Ice is civilization!!!! \_ Of course. That's how very early refrigerators worked. It's just that most people don't like to have internal combustion engines in their homes. \_ Maybe not in their homes, but in places like the wilderness where power is more precious and fresh air is easily and readily to be polluted, it would seem to make sense to place an engine powered refrigerator. \_ Ok, sure. All I meant was, yes they exist. Down below is a link to how they work. Google for "propane refrigerator" if you want to buy one. \_ There are natural gas powered refrigerator. Kinda anti-intuitive. NG is used as a power source to turn the compressor. \_ http://home.howstuffworks.com/refrigerator5.htm |
2005/7/20 [Transportation/Car] UID:38722 Activity:nil |
7/20 Does anyone know if it is possible to go to a shady dealer to add freon to a really old car? I don't want to pay a lot of money to convert my old AC to the new one that uses 0 freon. Thanks. \_ Yes, but it'll leak out within a couple of years. R134a (non-freon) systems are much higher pressure than the old R12 systems. \_ And while you're at it, can you find me someone to buy crack from? Oh yeah, and I'd like a hitman to kill my annoying wife. Please leave your name, email address, home address, and phone number with all responses! thx! \_ Sir, I need to confirm your address... \_ The best way I know is to buy an old car or parts of a wrecked car. That's what I did. Someone sold me a junk car for $50 and I was able to get the freon out of it. I then sold the junk car for $50. Auto body shops do this a lot (salvage freon from totalled cars). |
2005/7/20-21 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Reference/History/WW2] UID:38723 Activity:moderate |
7/20 James Doohan, RIP. Insert obligatory Scotty jokes here. \_ He's been beamed up? \_ Guess there were some miracles he couldn't work. (laddie) \_ If life was a TNG episode, they'd just manipulate a previously unknown effect of dilithium crystals, the transporter, and a newly discovered time travel effect in order to bring him back to life. \_ Damn, the guy was machine gunned down trying to take Juno beach during D-Day. I guess Scotty was pretty tough after all. \_ The shot that went for his chest was blocked by his cigarette case ... So smoking CAN be healthy. \_ Wearing body armor is even MORE healthy. http://gojackarmy.castpost.com/156.html \_ What %tage of WWII soldiers had body armor? \_ You are one piss-poor troll. \_ Nah, but carrying a cigarette case can be. \_ How many nonsmokers carry cigarette cases? |
2005/7/20 [Health/Disease/General] UID:38724 Activity:nil |
7/20 Alzheimer's disease is mental deterioration. What's the elderly disease called that's about deterioration of muscle control, but not mental ability? Thanks. \_ Parkinson's? \_ That's it! Thanks. |
2005/7/20 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:38725 Activity:kinda low 71%like:38717 |
6/20 Do you soda liberals agree Tucker Carlson is a homosexual liar? \_ I am pretty sure the guy is married. What does his sexual orientation have to do with anything anyway? -soda liberal |
2005/7/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:38726 Activity:low |
7/20 Ann Coulter really doesn't like Roberts http://www.drudgereport.com/flash3acj.htm Roberts' "footnote to a 1994 law review article that said: '... In the interest of even fuller disclosure, he would also like to point out that his views as a commentator on those cases do not necessarily reflect his views as an advocate for his former client, the United States.' This would have been the legal equivalent, after O.J.'s acquittal, of Johnnie Cochran saying, 'hey, I never said the guy was innocent. I was just doing my job.' ... Finally, lets ponder the fact that Roberts has gone through 50 years on this planet without ever saying anything controversial. That's just unnatural." \_ Ann of Green Goebbels doesn't like him? Shocker! \_ She's probably just trying to get him elected. ("Ann Coulter doesn't like him? Quick, vote him in!") \_ Exactly, my first thought was "maybe he's not a rightwing nut" -- if Coulter doesn't like him. He seems to be a reasonable choice from everything I've read/heard. \_ I also heard that floating Edith Clement for two straight days was a Roveian plot to take the Dems by surprise with the real nomination. \_ My guess is that Coulter is gearing up for the "I told you so" in case he pisses off the base later on (Souter). If he's more to the right than Thomas, then everyone will forget Coulter's original article and will be latching onto her new article, "See!! He's a fucking genious and he agrees 100% with us so that makes us all geniuses! America needs more real men like John C. Roberts!1!" If you have the "loyalty" of Coulter's fan-base, it's always win-win. -op \_ More to the point, this is precisely why Bush nominated him: he'll stir up enough controversy that we'll forget about Rove's involvement in treason. \_ Yeah, that's precisely it. -- ilyas \_ I say it's a great side effect that protects his old buddy and general, not the main reason. He could have nominated Janice Rodgers Brown if he really wanted to see and break the filibuster. Then again you could say Dubya created enough goodwill nominating Roberts that people would stop being so pissed off and forget about Rove. Side effect. The main point is that Roberts could be the next Rehnquist, and this could last for decades. (I'm not saying there's something necessarily wrong with that, don't read too deeply.) \_ Ah, unless he's saving up Rodgers Brown to replace Rehnquist. \_ We know that he rushed the nomination to get the press talking about something else, but I can't imagine a less controversial nominee. We will start talking about the Plame thing again once Fitzgerald starts issuing indictments. \_ Speaking of Ms. Tax Free Dick, she's been accused of plaigarism: http://rawstory.com/news/2005/coulter_caught_cribbing_column_720 \- look, ann COULTER's "objective function" is to distinguish herself from the pack of her ideological brethren by saying extreme and freakish things. these weird women who have watermelon sized breast implants arent under any illusions they are attractive ... ann COULTER like those other freaks is in fact putting on a freak show. i suppose in both cases they find "true fans" on sloda. |
2005/7/20 [Uncategorized] UID:38727 Activity:nil |
7/20 What is the maximum and minimum GPS values possible? I'm asking so that I know whether to use short, double, or whatever type I need for a database. Thanks. \_ Lat can be -90 to +90, Long can be -180 to +180. Useful precision is probably no more than 6 decimal places, so I generally just use DECIMAL(8,6) and DECIMAL(9,6) respectively. \_ Is it in deg, min, sec or decimal degrees? -not op \_ I was assuming decimal degrees. \_ THANK YOU |
2005/7/20 [Uncategorized] UID:38728 Activity:nil |
7/20 Do you hate/love the http://ThePolyphonicspree.com band? Why? \_ I really enjoy their stuff. Heavily layered, well orchestrated stuff. --scotsman \_ while I find the music interesting on a conceptual level, it's too cheery for me to listen to. It makes me feel dirty. -sax \_ What the, they're all wearing white robes and the audiences wave and get happy like the church I used to go to. Is this a fucking gospel group? \_ I saw them open for David Bowie. As Bowie said between songs, "Really nice group of people, but don't let them give you any Koolaid." --lye \_ It's about the worst band I've ever seen. I couldn't believe they were serious. -tom \_ P.S.: You know it was a bad show if there was a long harp solo, and no one was playing the harmonica. -tom \_ Wow, you have interesting requirements for a good show. \_ Harp solos are a sufficient (but not necessary) requirement for a bad show. I didn't say anything about my requirements for a good show. -tom |
2005/7/20-22 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:38729 Activity:low |
7/20 Do you care if the Chinese buy Unocal/76? \_ No. As long as gas price is not affected and my tax is low I don't care if the Chinese takes over. \_ Hah! Your poor grammar gives you away as a FOB Chinese. \_ You should just go all Deadwood on us, and call them "Celestials and dirt worshippers." \_ It really doesn't matter. In the next 5-10 years, all that will matter who has the best military outpost in the mideast to secure oil supplies. \_ Let's rename Iran to New Texas when that happens! \_ Just out of curiousity, why were the Chinese all upset that we might have a problem with this transaction? Is it even possible for one of our large corporations to buy a large Chinese corporation? \_ where did you get the impression that the Chinese were all upset? it seems to me it's the US who got all upset. \_ There were stories about the Chinese being upset that we have a problem with THEM buying a US company. \_ url? \_ Where did you get the impression that the Chinese are into fairness? |
2005/7/20-22 [Uncategorized] UID:38730 Activity:nil |
7/20 I found two small and a moderate sized beehives in my backyard. Got any specialists in the South Bay that you can recommend? What about the San Leandro area? Thanks. \_ hunny! |
2005/7/20-22 [Science/Space] UID:38731 Activity:nil |
7/20 That's no moon: http://csua.org/u/cs7 [ebay] http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5789263206&fromMakeTrack=true \_ Do not be too proud of this technological terror you've created \_ 300W? Good for masturbation. http://www.celebritymoviearchive.com/tour/movie.php/4684 http://www.admarchive.com/n_s/private_parts/lynn |
2005/7/20 [Science/Space, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:38733 Activity:nil |
7/20 Own your own death star sub-woofer: http://tinyurl.com/c3pos (ebay.co.uk) \_ Your URI is broken. Try http://csua.org/u/cs7 \_ seems to work for me. anyway full url is: \_ It failed for me in Opera 8, Firefox 1.0.6, and even IE 6. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5789263206&fromMakeTrack=true |
2005/7/20 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:38735 Activity:nil 80%like:38718 |
6/19 Firefox 1.0.6 is out: \_ Why do people not know that July=7 http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/releases/1.0.6.html \_ Yay, Firefox is turning out to be just as broken and bug-ridden as IE! Woo! \_ Err.. that seems like a bit of an overstatement. \_ Is it? Six major patches in as many months, correct? \_ IE still runs ActiveX. \_ Have you done any significant programming? You ought to know how damn hard it is to get all the bugs (esp. security) out. The FF team is doing a very good job considering that for many of them it is not a paying job. \_ I think the PP was referring to the fact that so many security holes existed in the first place (rather than how fast/slow they were fixed), which means Fx was not more secure than IE after all. (I understand that 1.0.6 is not about security fixes.) \_ 1.0.x vs 1.0.y is a "major patch"? I don't think so. \_ When upgrading Firefox for your Windoze clients, do you just install over the old Firefox; or do you uninstall Firefox first, then manually delete the leftover C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox directory like the official download site recommends? \_ What I do for every upgrade is: exit Fx and all other apps, start Fx, Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> Clear All, exit Fx, uninstall Fx from Control Panel, reboot, delete "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox", install new Fx. Actually, now that I've learned about the profile folder, I'll also delete that from now on. \_ Related question: How do I uninstall all the extensions and themes when I uninstall Firefox? |
2005/7/20 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:38736 Activity:nil |
6/19 Re: "strict constructionist" below. I can't see how anyone would want \_ Why do people not know that July=7 a SCOTUS judge to not be strict constructionist. If they follow the document then we don't get wonky rulings like the expansion of eminent domain and the excuse of interstate commerce to trample on states' rights. Furthermore, it means we the people change the consitution through elected officials (many of them have to act together) rather than 9 or so appointed judges. So, if you disagree with the strict constructionist philosophy, please argue your case. I really don't see the other side of it and I'd like to change that. -emarkp \- "strict constructionist" or "fundamental fairness" and other such terms are can get universal agreement but they mean different things to different people. to take a geek turn, two people can think 'object oriented programming' is good and mean different things by it. a judicial philosophy is more than two words long ... and isnt even a list of "two words phrases" ... "i believe in 'original intent' and 'strict constructionism' and 'stare decisis' and the 'plain meaning' of the constitution." see e.g. Cardozo: Nature of the Judicial Process. \_ Let me preface my comments by saying that Justices ought to primarily interpret the law not create it. However, in some cases they need to be flexible enough to mold the law into a particular direction that is favorable for society as a whole. \_ I see this as a problem. Who decides what's faborable for society as a whole? Society should. And we should do it through constitutional amendments if necessary, or by state and federal legislature if not. -emarkp \_ The judiciary has a role in molding the development of society as much as the legislature does. Often judges are asked to interpret laws for situations that were not envisioned by the the people who framed the law. Instead of automatically deferring to the legislature (when/if they get around to dealing w/ the issues instead of bonking their interns or taking bribes), it would be preferable for judges to suggest a manner in which the law should develop. If the judicary makes a mistake, the legislature can always fix it via statutory enactment or constitutional amendment. \_ Here's where we disagree then. I see SCOTUS as having a very narrow purpose, and that's making sure laws passed by congress don't violate the constitution. Of the three branches of gov't, the congress should be the strongest and the judges (not elected, not removable) the weakest. -emarkp \_ Okay. If you view the congress has having the strongest role and the judiciary as having a merely passive role, I can agree that you want \_ I don't see 9 people striking down legislation approved by 536 people as "passive". -emarkp judges who act in a limited way. I, however, think of the judiciary as a feedback system for the legislature. The legislature has the primary role in setting national policy, &c. Sometimes, the legislature doesn't do a good job and fails to think things through. This is where the ct can come in and make sure that things are running smoothly. Actions taken by the court can provide valuable feedback to the legislature to get its act together and fix things rather than just dink around discussing pay raises, and 1/2 dead people in FL. With that as a reference, here are some points re strict constructionism: (1) Often its not clear what the rule actual is - congress will frequently enact legislation drawing power from various clauses in the constitution but fail to define key terms and the circuits will split over the meaning. The Court needs to have justices who can think about the long term effects of their actions and act appropriately. Acting like a curmudgeon and applying 18th-19th century principles to things like the Internet isn't realistic - the framers had no idea about this type of communication/commerce and you need judges who can look to the past for analogies but also look to the future. \_ There is something about your rhetoric I find vaguely unsettling. -- ilyas \_ Consider Sony for example. Yes there were people using the VCR to violate copyright but it wasn't clear that Sony had done anything wrong in making a product that enabled this. The fact that the ct saw its way clear to say that producing a product w/o more wasn't enough to infringe copyright was a big deal (Sony was going to be decided the other way until one justice switched his vote, iirc b/c of the implications of just a decision). (2) Sometimes you have a doctrine that is the "law" and is defended as such but in reality is just a cover for something more insidious like racism. In these situations you need to be flexible to stamp out behavior that has no place in a civilized society. \_ Again, who defines "civilized society"? Again I argue that society should, not a panel of judges. -emarkp \_ So you would be willing to accept racism until the states voluntarily decided to outlaw it? And that was going to happen like NEVER. In some instances, the states/people need a nudge in the "right" direction. \_ So you've turned prophet and caretaker now? You can say what would or would not happen? You can decide what the "right" direction is? Here's a question: aren't you concerned about a group of 9 people deciding what's "right" for you? What if all of them were hardcore conservatives? -emarkp I would point to separate but equal as an example - clearly the intent behind the doctrine was racist and it needed to be ended, but the strict constructionism stood in the way of this. This was a state law issue, but the states weren't doing anything about it. Second, congressional intent when the 14th amd was drafted seemed to show that segregation was constitutional b/c the same congress created segregated schools in DC. The Court had to be flexible to get around the doctrine. (3) Reasonable minds can differ as to how the framers would apply or interpret parts of the constitution to modern situations. You gave the example of commercial development (Kelo). AFAIK, there were no commerical developers around when the constitution and the bill of rights were enacted. You MIGHT think you know how they would interpret the situtation, but do you really know? Esp. considering the fact that there were probably some at the constitutional convention who would have found no problem w/ the Kelo decision. Wouldn't it be better to have Justices who can see that perhaps we need rules that help order affairs in the reality of 21st century life rather than get stuck w/ rules that were suited to 18th-19th century life? \- wasnt part of the MARSHALL J. holding in Barron v. Baltimore the takings clause didnt apply to the states but just the national govt? what you you crazy ori- ginalists think about that? \_ iirc, Barron was decided in the 1830s prior to the 14th amd. At the time it was decided it was correct b/c the 5th amd only apply to actions by the federal gov and not the states. However, the 14th amd (sec 1) made the 5th amd. applicable to actions by the states, thus the holding in Barron is no longer correct. \- so the whole idea of the absorbption doctrine, and the slaughterhouse cases and 14th amd interpretation is a big area where these kinds of originalist interpretations become difficult or break down. like the meaning of "congress shall make no law" in the 1st amd no longer has the "scope" of only applying to the congress eventhough it "plainly" says so. \_ The Founding Fathers deliberately set up a balance of powers arrangement so that the different branches of government could serve as checks on each other. If the SC turns itself into a rubber stamp for the legislature, or even worse, the executive, they will weaken one leg of the stool. Plus, even what exactly a "strict" constitutionalist changes over time, as our notions of equality and fair play and even the definitions of words change. Furthermore, technology and other changes have made parts of the Constitution obsolete. Isn't $10 still the limit for immigration taxes somewhere and $20 the limit for trails by jury? |
2005/7/20 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38737 Activity:nil |
6/19 NY Times with apparently accurate (non-biased) background article \_ Why do people not know that July=7 on Roberts: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/20/politics/politicsspecial1/20judge.html "On the other side of the political equation, he is likely to be confirmed, at least with far less trouble than many of the other candidates who had been listed as possible Bush choices. Even as Democrats were resisting many of Mr. Bush's other appeals court candidates with filibusters, Mr. Roberts was approved by a vote of 16 to 3 in the Judiciary Committee and confirmed without a roll call vote on May 9, 2003." (you can bet the 3 no's were for the abortion thing) Filibuster at your own peril. -liberal/moderate |
2005/7/20 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:38738 Activity:nil |
6/19 What is so special or significant about being part of the dissent \_ Why do people not know that July=7 (wrt the USSC's ruling)? What is wrong with having an opinion that isn't shared by the majority of other justices? \- i am sort of at a loss how to address the above, but 1. there are some famous "i told you so" dissents. one of OHOLMES nicknames was "The Great Dissenter", see e.g. Dissent in Lochner. Wouldnt you have been wanted to be known as the single dissenter in Plessey v. Fergueson, one of the cases contending for the "worst sup ct decision in history" title? [that was HARLAN]. \_ I would have preferred to have been a dissenter in Dred Scott, but Plessey would be a close 2d. 2. there are fome extremely fractured decisions where there isnt really a single maj opinion ... those as you might imagine are hard to interpret. the bakke case is one of the std such examples: POWELL, J., announced the Court's judgment and filed an opinion expressing his views of the case, in Parts I, III-A, and V-C of which WHITE, J., joined; and in Parts I and V-C of which BRENNAN, MARSHALL, and BLACKMUN, JJ., joined. BRENNAN, WHITE, MARSHALL, and BLACKMUN, [438 U.S. 265, 268] JJ., filed an opinion concurring in the judgment in part and dissenting in part, post, p. 324. WHITE, J., post, p. 379, MARSHALL, J., post, p. 387, and BLACKMUN, J., post, p. 402, filed separate opinions. STEVENS, J., filed an opinion concurring in the judgment in part and dissenting in part, in which BURGER, C. J., and STEWART and REHNQUIST, JJ., joined, post, p. 408. \- bakke had 6 opinios i believe. it;s sort of funny that current liberal bastion STEVENS wrote the relatively hostile to affirmative action "dissent" ... STEVENS ends up on the pro aff action side of both recent UMICH AA cases [concurring with OCONNOR maj opin to uphold the law school system and dissenting with RHQ decision to strike down the UG AA system]. \_ Another good example is Powell v Texas which established that a voluntary act was required under the constitution for criminal punishment but tha a mens rea (criminal intent) was not. |
2005/7/20 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38739 Activity:nil |
6/19 http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1108389946956 \_ Why do people not know that July=7 Supreme Court choice John C. Roberts Jr. reported by multiple sources is sharp, but will probably vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. I say there should be no filibuster attempt. -liberal/moderate \_ Roe v. Wade *should* be overturned. And then (or even prior) congress should pass laws about privacy, etc. \_ If you're a strict constructionist, then you believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned. On the other hand, if you're Sandra Day, you would uphold it. Which is more valid? You got me. \_ The magic number is 50. Assuming everything equal, he'll be around for the next 30-odd years. \_ When a Democrat is President, he or she can also nominate a sharp 50-year-old with little in judicial opinions written down but believed to be as liberal as you can get, but also one who has stated that they support being impartial over being predictable. \_ Only if someone on SCOTUS dies or retires during his presidency. Cf. Clinton. \_ "Roe v. Wade is the settled law of the land. ... There's nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from fully and faithfully applying that precedent." \_ I also read an article today that said he was speaking for a client, and not from his personal view, when advocating for Roe v. Wade to be overturned. \_ Does it mean anything that he's a Harvard man? \- no. HLS is one of the largest law schools in the country. who he clerked for might mean more ... what ever that means. half the sup ct went to harvard. \_ He clerked for Sith Lord Rheinquist. \_ Of course it means something. You are naive. It even means more that he was editor of the Harvard Law Review. It is not a coincidence that half the supreme court and 10% of Congress went to HLS. Seven US Presidents are Harvard grads. This is how the upper class perpetuates itself. \_ Souter graduated Harvard undergrad magna cum laude, and also graduated Harvard Law. Appointed by Bush I in 1990. Scalia is also a Harvard Law grad, as well as Breyer and Kennedy. \_ And now they want to make Souter's house into a hotel. -- ilyas |
2005/7/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38740 Activity:low |
7/20 Not that it wasn't obvious or anything, but Bush really was "wagging the court" http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=washingtonstory&sid=IJWRAX1A74E9 (rich irony in that this article is based on anonymous sources) \_ Hate to channel freerepublic, but only Ed Rollins is quoted as a Republican, and he doesn't really say "Part of the reason Bush nominated fast was to distract from Rove", he just says, (paraphrasing) "Because of the nomination, attention will be distracted from Rove". No further mention is made of "Republicans familiar with administration strategy". This article is utter and complete crap currently. -moderate/liberal \_ "...said two administration officials, who spoke on the condition they not be named. The officials said those plans changed because Rove has become a focus of Fitzgerald's interest and of news accounts about the matter." \_ Shit! I blame the tiny type. Or did they update the story on me?? I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms.L \_ Does anyone see the irony of leaks coming out about scandal involving leaks? \_ Did anyone read the line in the OP about "rich irony?" |
2005/7/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:38741 Activity:nil |
7/20 Canada 4th country to legalize gay marriage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Marriage_Act |
2005/7/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38742 Activity:nil |
7/20 http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/07/20/bush.grenade/index.html Police officer killed during arrest of individual suspected of throwing live grenade at Dubya during his speech in the former Soviet republic of Georgia \_ Go Scotland Yard! \_ Did you mean to post in the London thread? |
2005/7/20-22 [Science/GlobalWarming, Finance/Investment] UID:38743 Activity:nil |
7/21 http://www.resourceinvestor.com/pebble.asp?relid=10958 Ugliest dog. \_ That thing is ALIVE? It looks like some kind of mummified rat. \_ Poor thing. yeah it's fucking ugly, but it's got all sorts of horrible diseases. old diseased, toothless, skin and bones people in their deathbed don't look too hot either. \_ Here's another picture of it: http://xo.typepad.com/blog/2005/07/another_image_o.html \_ That dog looks like Salacious Crumb. True Star Wars geeks will know who Salacious Crumb is. |
2005/7/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:38744 Activity:nil |
7/20 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22989-1702411,00.html FYI, looks like they found the actual mastermind of the London attack. Hint: It wasn't the rich Egyptian biochemistry Leeds University grad student who had just submitted his dissertation and happened to rent his apartment out to one of the suspected bombers. \_ It was Charles Clarke, seeking to ram through his ID cards? -John \_ Go Scotland Yard! |
3/15 |