2005/7/15 [Uncategorized] UID:38628 Activity:high |
7/14 Shalom ilyas ma shlom-kha ata medaber, mishehu po medaber ivrit? \_ ken. - !ilyas \_ ma sh lom cha? ma shim kha? \_ No I don't. I used to know Deutsch once, does that count as Yiddish? \_ ani lo mevin eich omrim et ze be'ivrit? zdayen mi po ya zevel! \_ such language! \_ Translate please, thanks. |
2005/7/15 [Uncategorized] UID:38629 Activity:low |
7/14 Do any grocery stores around here sell San Pellegrino Chinotto? \_ http://csua.org/u/cpt |
2005/7/15 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38630 Activity:moderate |
7/14 If Rove did nothing wrong please explain why the White House isn't shouting out their love for him right now? Gee, funny how waiting to see how the wind blows makes you look bad. \_ If Rove is found guilty, then the Dems would make fun of Reps for supporting him. So it's probably better to be quiet. However, if Rove is NOT found guilty, then the the silence would work to Reps' advantage-- they're more gentlemen like. Also it would just make Dems seem stupid, when he's not found guilty, which I think will be the most likely outcome. \_ So they think there is a decent chance he will be found guilty? \_ They probably just think there is a decent chance he'll be tossed for being caught red-handed doing something unscrupulous while blowing someone's wife's cover - not necessarily found guilty. That is, unless you believe all the talk about Rove not really leaking Plame's identity but merely confirming it for snoopy reporters. \_ It seems to be a pretty standard thing for the Bush admin to keep quiet in crisis. It seems to work well for them. \_ Yeah, true, imagine if they'd actually made rousing passionate speeches instead of cowering in bunkers the morning of 9/11. \_ If Rove did something wrong, how come he hasn't been charged yet? \_ patience, grasshopper. |
2005/7/15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38631 Activity:nil |
7/14 Rehnquist to public: "Nah, bitch!" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050715/ap_on_go_su_co/rehnquist \_ Sounds to me like he might not survive to the end of Bush presidency though. |
2005/7/15-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:38632 Activity:nil Edit_by:auto 50%like:36687 |
7/15 is kchang's motd script down or it it just me? does anyone else find this liberating? \_ you think kchang is the only one running identification scripts? \_ Eh. If you haven't figured out by now that the 'user guessing' is useless, you might feel that way. \_ What does "down" mean? There are many features, which one is "down"? \_ http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=down \_ down, or downe? |
2005/7/15-18 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:38633 Activity:kinda low |
7/15 OTM (Other Than Mexican) crossings have nearly doubled this year, after a record year in 2004. http://csua.org/u/cpu [reuters] \_ Great policy: "Mexicans caught by U.S. border patrols trying to enter the country illegally are usually immediately returned to their native land. Many simply wait a day and then try to sneak into the country again." Even greater policy: "If their (OTMs') names do not appear, they are normally released on their own recognizance and told to appear at a deportation hearing often months in the future. Some 85 percent fail to show up for the hearing and are never seen again." What a great country!!! \_ what should we do? maim them? rip off an arm? "hey don't let that guy with 1 arm in here!" \_ That's cruel. How about a 1 month tattoo, or taking their eyebrows out? \_ I've had worse! \_ Why do the other 15% even bother to show up for the hearing anyway? \_ We should just shoot them. \_ Cane them! \_ ... left nut? It doesn't seem to hurt Lance! \_ Oh shit--millions of really fast bicycle-riding illegal immigrants? The border patrol will never catch them now. -John \_ What do other countries usually do to people trying to sneak in through the border? \_ Plane back to Africa as that's where most of the illegal ones in Europe come from (since they made most of Eastern Europe part of the club.) The Mediterranean is kind of more difficult to cross 5 times than the Rio Grande.. -John |
2005/7/15-18 [Reference/Military, Reference/Religion] UID:38634 Activity:nil |
7/15 Okay, this is old, but good: http://www.valleyskeptic.com/dawkins.html Dawkins on suicide bombers. \_ This article contains religion-bashing. Where o where are the flames? \_ Note the date on the article. \_ gee, such dry wit: "How about using humans as on-board guidance systems, instead of pigeons? Humans are at least as numerous as pigeons, their brains are not significantly costlier than pigeon brains, and for many tasks they are actually superior." \_ Good essay. -- ilyas |
2005/7/15 [Uncategorized] UID:38635 Activity:nil |
7/15 WEAK. |
2005/7/15 [Uncategorized/Jived] UID:38636 Activity:nil Edit_by:auto |
7/15 OTM (Oda' Dan wet-back) crossin's gots' nearly doubled dis year, after a reco'd year in 2004. http, dig dis://csua. Sheeeiit.o'g/u/cpu [reuters] \_ Great policy, dig dis: "wet-backs caught by U.S. bo'da' patrols tryin' to enta' de country illegally are usually immediately returned to deir native land. Many simply wait some day and den try t'sneak into de country again. 'S coo', bro." Even greata' policy, dig dis: "If deir (OTMs') dojiggers do not appear, dey are no'mally released on deir own recognizance and told t'appear at a depo'tashun hearin' often monds in de future. What it is, Mama! Some 85 puh'cent fail t'show down fo' de hearin' and are neva' seen again. 'S coo', bro." What some great country. Right On! . Right On! . Right On! \_ whut should we do? maim dem? rip off some arm? "hey duzn't let dat guy wid 1 arm in here. Right On! " \_ Dat's cruel. How about some 1 mond tattoo, o' takin' deir eyebrows out? \_ I've had wo'se. Right On! \_ What do oda' countries usually do t'sucka's tryin' t'sneak in drough de bo'der? \_ Why do de oda' 15% even boda' to show down fo' de hearin' anyway? \_ We should plum shoot dem. 'S coo', bro. \_ Cane dem. Right On! |
2005/7/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:38638 Activity:moderate |
7/15 "I consider it the ultimate crime to hide porn on any server I administer. If you have pr0n on soda, you must make it publicly accessible or face my wrath. Pr0n is a glorious resource that should be shared freely with all who seek it. To summarize: no hiding porn! - jvarga" \_ I really like this jvarga guy. He is wise and his policy is sound. I'm no longer a student but can I participate in politburo? I'd like to vote for him to be a permanent CSUA President. I LIKE VARGA, I LIKE VARGA!!! \_ Grow up. Were the two of you in high school drama? |
2005/7/15 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:38639 Activity:nil |
7/15 Is there some kind of script that converts normal English to the one in the thread below? |
2005/7/15-18 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:38640 Activity:nil |
7/15 If I am forking a bunch of background jobs in a csh script, is there a good way to suppress the [1] 10894 [2] 10897 and "Done" type output? \_ Your first problem is using csh for this and caring about presentation. \_ will this work?: script.csh >& /dev/null \- that will throw away the output you may want to see: foreach i (a b c) sleep 1 & end echo done \_ write the output you want to a file. \_ csh is not very good for shell scripting; it's more of an interactive shell. I don't know of a way to turn these notices off. If you'll consider moving to bourne/bash, I bet you'll be much happier in the long run. I'm sorry I took so long to switch. |
2005/7/15-18 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38641 Activity:high |
7/15 Between the several Rove announcements over the last few days it is not looking good for the Dems. Who Exposed Secret Agent Plame? http://www.nationalreview.com/may/may200507150827.asp -jblack \_ In contrast, I think things are just heating up, and I wouldn't say "the Dems" -- I'd say anyone who's anti-Rove-leak is pretty pissed. \_ Justin Black, Bush encouraged supporters of the war to hang a flag this weekend. I have a better idea. Why don't the Americans who support the war enlist in the armed services today? It's clear that our military is overstretched and our forces in Iraq are too few. It seems to me that you people would rather fight the media than the insurgents. \_ It's interesting you have linked to an article from clifford may, one of the guys who's claimed to have known for the last 50 years that valerie plame was a secret agent. - danh \_ well I guess as NR articles go, that wasn't too terrible. \_ Does you ever wake up in the middle of the night and realize that Karl Rove and his zombie army are a bunch of shitheads? \_ So was Novak just the patsy? AP poll, July 11-13: 42% of Americans approve of Dubya's job as President, 56% disapprove. 40% approve of Dubya's handling of Iraq, 59% disapprove. http://csua.org/u/cqc \_ You just don't get it. I voted for Bush because I liked his personal qualities. Unlike Kerry, Bush is straightforward \_ You just don't get it. I voted for Bush because he is a white Christian man. Unlike Kerry, Bush is straightforward and never looks down on anybody. He is not a snob. He is not French. Most importantly, he is pro-life, religious, and is tough on terrorists. There's a great sense of connection I have with Bush that I just can't explain, but as long as it exists, I trust the President to always do what is right. In the end, doing right thing is more important than doing what is popular. Darn it, I think I may have been trolled. \_ Are you familiar with the concept of a "cult of personality?" \_ Hi. You don't know what a cult of personality is. -- ilyas \_ Explain it, then. How is it different than pp's blind hero worship? \_ I am not getting into this. Read some things on existing personality cults, and think about it. -- ilyas \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_of_personality "Cult of personality or personality cult is a term for what is perceived to be excessive adulation of a single living leader." Again... how was my question to the blind Bush worshipper above unwarranted? \_ Listen, mental giant, since you insist, I will spell it out for you. He doesn't worship Bush. He likes Bush. Like inner city kids like Michael Jordan. Neither Bush nor Michael Jordan are perfect by any means, but to say they enjoy a cult of personality like Stalin or Mao is beyond moronic. Excessive adulation of Bush would be like giant portraits of him hanging everywhere, shrines in people's living rooms, etc. Cult of personality is not a relationship between a single person and a leader, it's a relationship between a people and a leader. This 'liking of Bush' that you find so distasteful is a similar thing to that famous quote by Nina Burleigh saying she will happily give Clinton a blowjob just because he kept the woman's right to choose. Is that cult of personality too? Give me a fucking break. -- ilyas \_ Uhhhh, chill man... you've been trolled? \_ Who gave Britney Spears a soda account? \_ jblack, can you EVER point a url that is not of conservative bias? Can you post anything other than http://chronwatch.com, http://federalist.com, http://foxnews.com, http://freerepublic.com, http://nationalreview.com, http://newsmax.com, http://taemag.com, http://tysknews.com, http://worldnetdaily.com, etc? I'd like to know. And if you don't think these are of conservative bias, check again: <DEAD>slantcheck.org<DEAD> \_ For once jblack has posted a nationalreview url without claiming it's impartial or balanced or nice on liberals. I think he should be exiled to Disneyland though if he keeps posting worldnetdaily/newsmax urls though \_ Which famous conservative authored the following quote: 'I know reporters and I know liberals, like I know every square inch 'I know reporters and I know liberals like every square inch of my glorious naked body.'? -- ilyas \_ That's Rush Limbaugh. I LOVE RUSH LIMBAUGH! He's funny. \_ He's also a druggie. Go druggies! \_ I consider myself liberal and every minute NOT spent contemplating Rush Limbaugh's naked body is a quality minute. |
2005/7/15-18 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38642 Activity:nil |
7/15 Rove's not Bush's brain. I've seen Bush's brain, and Rove's not it. Cheney is: http://csua.org/u/cqa (antiwar blog) Speculation that Fitzgerald will be after Cheney's office, next, as the source of the leak to Rove. \_ Too bad--of all the evil hairy trolls in the Bush administration I kind of like Dick best--he's a fat evil bastard, but at least he's an unapologetic fat evil bastard who's reasonably honest about his fat evil bastardness. You kind of have to appreciate that. -John |
2005/7/15-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:38643 Activity:nil |
7/15 How do you check what Perl libraries you have on your machine? \_ Perldoc isn't working for me to figure out command line way right now, but you can always 'perl -V' and manually look in the @INC directories. \_ If you just want to know if module Foo is installed, you can say: perl -MFoo -e '' If Foo is present, this will exit silently. If it's absent, you'll get an error to the effect of 'Can't locate Foo.pm in @INC' -dans |
2005/7/15 [Uncategorized] UID:38644 Activity:nil |
7/15 If I am fucking a bunch of underground fobs in a street, is there a good way to suppress the [1] Ooh [2] Ahh and "Gimme more, hun!" type output? \_ you're obviously a clueless-virgin because as anyone experienced in this undertaking would know, that's not the types of exclamations they make. |
2005/7/15-18 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:38645 Activity:nil |
7/15 I am curious how various employers rate job performance for SAs, S/W engineers, and similar. Lines of code, bugs fixed, bugs introduced, speed, optimization, and so on all have various problems. Is it mostly by a gut feeling or are there good metrics that can be applied? Similarly, how does one determine how many SAs, S/W engineers, and such it might take to complete a given project? I've always relied on a combination of observation (for performance) and analogies to past projects but management would like something more formalized. I'm curious how you and your company do it. Projects could be large or small. If I need Widget X in one year how would you determine how many people I'd need to start as a rough estimate? --dim |
2005/7/15-16 [Uncategorized/German] UID:38646 Activity:nil |
7/15 wenn ich ein Bündel Hintergrundaufträge in einem cshindex gabele, gibt a, zu unterdrücken die [ 1 ] 10894 [ 2 ] 10897 und "erfolgter" \_ willen diese Arbeit?: script.csh > u./dev/null \-, das weg den Ausgang Sie wirft, kann sehen wünschen: foreach I (ein b c) sleep 1 u. end echo getan |
2005/7/15-16 [Uncategorized/German] UID:38647 Activity:nil |
7/15 O.K., dieses ist alt gut, aber: http://www.valleyskeptic.com/dawkins.html Dawkins auf Selbstmordbombern. \_ dieser Artikel enthält das Religion-Heftig schlagen. Wo O, wo flames? \_anmerkung das Datum am Artikel.die Überfahrten |
2005/7/15-16 [Uncategorized/German] UID:38648 Activity:nil |
7/15 OTM arekordjahr 2004. http://csua.org/u/cpu [ reuters ]große Politik des \_: "Mexikaner verfing sich durch die STAATRANDPATROUILLEN, die zu enter das Land illegal werden normalerweise sofort zu their. Viele warten einfach einen Tag und versuchen dann sneak theland wieder.", Even grössere Politik: "wenn ihre (OTMs ') Namen nicht normally freigegeben auf ihrem eigenen recognizance und erklärt, deportationhörfähigkeit häufig zukünftig. Ca. 85 Prozent to stellen oben für die Hörfähigkeit dar und werden gesehen nie What ein großes Land!!! \_, das was wir tun sollte? maim sie? Rip weg von einem Arm? don't ließ dieses Halteseil mit 1 Arm innen hier!", \_, das grausam ist. Wie ein ungefähr 1-Monats-Tattoo oder \_ was tun, andere Länder tun normalerweise, um das Versuchen in durch den Rand? |
2005/7/15-16 [Uncategorized/German] UID:38649 Activity:nil |
7/15 ist motd der kchangs Index unten oder es es gerade ich? tut sonst find dieses Befreien? \_ wie. Wenn Sie nicht aus jetzt dem ' dargestellt haben, der useless, konnten Sie so glauben. \_, was Mittel "niederwirft"? Es gibt viele Eigenschaften, die man \_ http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=down \_ unten oder downe? |
2005/7/15-16 [Uncategorized/German] UID:38650 Activity:nil |
7/14 jemand Aufsteigen zu PGP-Schreibtisch 9,0? Ich wundere mich wie "Wholescheiben"Verschlüsselung arbeitet aus. Anmerkungen würden appreciated. Danke. \_ I würde auch schätzen, wenn jedermann irgendein Rückgespräch on dieses. Wir denken an das Verwenden es als Verschlüsselung system, wo mehrere Benutzer Zugang zu den Akten benötigen. -mrauser \_ gehen zu klassifizieren, mrauser. - jvarga \_ warum? Verstecken Sie porn von den haltbaren \_ I halten es für das entscheidende Verbrechen, porn auf jedem administer. Wenn Sie pr0n auf Soda haben, müssen Sie es accessible oder stellen Sie meinen Wrath gegenüber. Pr0n ist should wird frei mit allen geteilt, die es suchen. hiding porn! - jvarga \_ Addenum: wenn ich das su muß, an es gelangen, lassen Sie too viel Arbeit. - jvargaStimmejvarga des \_ I als der humorvollste admin ÜBERHAUPT!!! \_ I kann eine Unterstützung des j-pr0narchivs haben, das around die gleiche Zeit wie Safari, denke ich.), want dieses ausgezeichnete Stück CSUA-Geschichte. - John |
2005/7/15-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:38651 Activity:nil |
7/14 was ein gutes zu verwendendes Paket (Perl) einfache Linien zu zeichnen circles in GIF oder in JPG? Ich möchte etwas tun, das zeichnet lines für ein cgi oder ein PHP, Dank. \_ ImageMagik? \_ GD? \_ GD, aber es werden (durch Rückstellung) tun png. (das gerade http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php -- dbushong |
2005/7/15-16 [Uncategorized/German] UID:38652 Activity:nil |
7/14 entscheidende Reisumb.: http://tinyurl.com/bmg7k (ebay.com) \_throw in einem Nebenbrenner und in Ihnen kann kein anderes tailgate Sie, selbst wenn er genügende Pferdestärken zum oben \_ ist reales dieses? Wo können Sie Düsentriebwerke so klein \_ "ich denke seine Straße zugelassenes" - ha ha ha! |
2005/7/15-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:38653 Activity:moderate |
7/15 Is it possible through JNI to write a function which takes a float[] array and through the magic of c casts it to an int array and then returns the int array to Java, not modifying the actual data? If not, is there a good Java way to do the C equivalent of: int* i = (int*) f; ? Don't ask whether I really need to be doing this because there is a good (performance) reason. \_ You can modify your implementation of VMFloat, or create a new class similar to it, to provide an additional method that works on arrays of ints and floats, rather than just on individual 32 bit values. This will entail creating a new shared library, etc. This is probably the cleanest and most efficient way, but obviously will not be portable. I am assuming you know how to write the C necessary to convert the array type while leaving the bit representation unchanged. -- ilyas will not be portable. -- ilyas \_ Do you know of any in-Java way to convert float[] to int[] without using JNI or touching the underlying data? -op \_ If you thought about it, you should be shocked if there were. \_ I do not know of such a way. I think when you are starting to care about performance to the extent where you don't want to just call floatToIntBits on each element of the array, you should either forget platform independence, or use a better language. By the way, the previous poster is wrong, there is no reason Java shouldn't provide this functionality in VMFloat (it provides a function for individual 32 bit values). It just doesn't because it sucks. -- ilyas \_ Sure: for(int i = 0; i < float_array.length; i++){ int_array[i] = java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(float_array[i]); } If you want to avoid the overhead of a loop, or aren't willing to write your own shared library + class wrapper to do what this loop does in one swipe, or aren't willing to abandon Java, then you lose. -- ilyas \_ I'm already doing the above, but want to avoid an additional O(n) step, and am too lazy to write another JNI wrapper. I guess I do lose. I also saw ByteBuffer has methods for providing IntBuffer and FloatBuffer views, but I can't find a low overhead way to go FloatBuffer->ByteBuffer or IntBuffer->ByteBuffer. \_ For reference, consider how a well-implemented strongly typed language (ocaml) handles this: let float_array = [| 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 |] in let int_array : Int32.t = Obj.magic float_array in ... Obj.magic is an unconditional type cast without promotion. -- ilyas |
3/15 |