2005/7/14-8/4 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security] UID:38609 Activity:nil |
7/13 Scotch will be coming down tonight. Expect disruption in CSUA service between 7pm and wheneverweactuallyfinish. We don't intend on bringing soda down for more than a few minutes to rotate it in the rack (so that it cooks evenly). Probability of list disruption will be high. Office accounts will be unavailable. Njh will be piss drunk. - jvarga \_ 7/14 Soda is back up, scotch is back up, lists are down, office accounts are down. We're working on things, but I have to be up at 6am for work. - jvarga \_ 7/15 Office accounts are working again after much mudwrestling with all systems involved. Debian mirror and other services on screwdriver are back up. Send booze to root. - jvarga \_ 7/24 Just realized that soda's FTP was being mounted off of scotch (wtf?) and that's the cause of people's complaining. Am looking at possible solutions. Please be patient. - jvarga \_ 7/24 Lounge machines should be working again for the most part. Still screwing with xterm logins. Send booze. Now. - jvarga / / July 12, 2005 Root is planning to swap out scotch.CSUA for a newer machine in the next few days as part of planned server upgrades. Scotch serves DNS, NIS for the office, mailing lists, and is soda's backup mail server. During the downtime, some or all of these services will be unavailable. The length of the outage depends on our luck, but we hope to have everything back available within a few hours with as little disruption as possible. Note that the soda motd will continue to be as troll-filled as usual. Additionally, the scotch replacement will bring in phase 1 of the new soda upgrade. We will be unifying soda logins and office logins (but not home directories), which means that I will be pulling the password database off of soda to serve as the master list for office logins. This means that if you have an office account, your office password will be the same as your soda password. If you did not have an office account before, this change will not grant you an office account. The exact date and time of this switchover will be announced soon. Please direct all questions/comments/concerns to root. jvarga |
2005/7/14-15 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:38610 Activity:nil |
7/13 Dear German John, I'm learning German and it's a lot of fun. Grammar is very similar, and some words are similar. However, I have problem pronouncing certain words, like (how you spell in English) "IcHHHH SpriHHHHHen NicHHHHt English" probably cuz I don't normally use the throat often. In fact, I find that after only 20 mins of practicing, my throat gets really dry. Is this normal, or am I using my throat the wrong way? Danke Deutche John. \_ Drink a lot of hefeweizen and smoke some stinky eurofag cigarettes, the next morning you'll get that special born & bred in der teutonic vunderland hockaloogie sound. -John \_ Are you serious this works? I tried it but my throat sound is still weak. I want to sound very throaty like those speakers on my language CD \_ You don't have to sound throaty. My german relatives never had that deep throat thing. It varies by region too. They were from Bavaria. \_ So is it better to use lots of throat or little throat? Just as I don't want to learn Ebonics English, I also don't want to learn German that sounds low-class. I do like the idea of using a lot of throat. It sounds aggressive, persuasive, somewhat charming, and really gets your attention. In another word I really like the way Hitler talks even though I disagree with his methods. \_ He was Austrian. They've got more of a jolly rolling vowel thing than an "ACHTUNG, ZE PANZERS ARE ROLLING" accent. Same with Bavarians, but they have sort of an edge to it--like they can get the entire Hofbrauhaus to jump up and go invade Poland. Scotch & Sodas, Los! -John |
2005/7/14-15 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security] UID:38611 Activity:moderate |
7/13 Soda is back up, and the rest of the servers are slowly being brought back. We're fixing lots of errors on all machines. We'll keep you all posted. - jvarga \_ DikuMUD doesn't work anymore. Can you please restore it, or if you can't find it at least install a new version? I'd like to start as level 29, one level before immortal. Thanks jvarga! \_ Office accounts are going to be dead until I can figure out why the *(#)&^*)#$ debian doesn't like netgroups. Anyone with insight on this, please email me/root. Thanks. - jvarga \_ Looks like I've fixed office accounts on everything but martini. Problems to root. Moving on to the next stupid issues that came out of this move... - jvarga (needs a life, and a raise) \_ Great work. Thanks. \_ Thanks for the time and effort you've put into this. \_ Many thanks for seeing this through. \_ Come now, all this nicey nice is unbecoming. Where's the obligatory alumni bitchfest? \_ Err, I still remember what it was like being a ugrad in cs. I appreciate the work being put in for little reward. -mice \_ Perhaps most of us are used to the trials and tribs of this sort of thing. \_ Awesome, thanks. But when do we get new soda? \_ This is the first step to getting new soda online. But in the interim, new soda needs to stop doing things like playing the "OS not found" game on boot, and tell me why sshd is dead. - jvarga |
2005/7/14-16 [Uncategorized] UID:38612 Activity:low 60%like:38656 |
7/14 The ultimate rice mod: http://tinyurl.com/bmg7k (ebay.com) \_ Throw in an afterburner, and you can be sure no other drive dare to tailgate you even if he has enough horsepower to keep up. \_ Is this real? Where can you find jet engines so small? \_ Helicopter or a UCAV? \_ "I think its street legal" - ha ha ha! |
2005/7/14-15 [Transportation/Car, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:38613 Activity:low |
7/14 Cost Guard building a bio-diesel boat: http://www.uscg.mil/hq/uscga/newsstoriesread3462.htm \_ Something's wrong, the whole point of biodiesel is that it works as a replacement for petroleum diesel without any modifications. This seems like PR spin. \_ Isn't biodiesel a lot cruddier? \_ I believe it has a little bit less energy per unit volume, but has better lubricating properties. \_ ObYermom |
2005/7/14-15 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:38614 Activity:nil |
7/14 Follow up re Gravity Wave lecture - mostly intended for a lay person, though the answers to the technical questions re objects that could generate gravity waves did have some info I didn't know about (apparently gravity waves have been detected indirectly by observing the rate of change of the orbits of a binary puslar and seeing that the change is exactly the amount that would be caused by radiating energy in the form of gravity waves). |
2005/7/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:38615 Activity:kinda low |
7/14 Does anyone know of a solution allowing s/key for Windows logons? \_ You mean other than this? http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/skey \_ Logons _to_ Windows boxes. Interested in whether there are any similar OTP solutions not requiring one-time pads, exact time or communication between the target host and the one generating the response to auth challenge. -John \_ You should have specified that. I've never heard of such an animal. \_ Sorry--thought "Windows logons" was pretty clear. -John |
2005/7/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:38616 Activity:nil |
7/14 Happy Bastille Day \_ obFrenchBashing. \_ Vive la revolution. |
2005/7/14-15 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/CC, Recreation/Dating] UID:38617 Activity:low |
7/14 http://sportsbybrooks.com/Denise1.html - more Denise! \_ so what? fake tits and a vacant stare? there's no shortage of that in Hollywood. \_ Here's a more interesting pic: http://sportsbybrooks.com/events.html \_ Hot chicks sorted by ... \_ Is there some significance to this particular cheesecake? \_ Looks like a chick I met in a Reno stripclub who came to visit me in the Bay Area, but this was before the boob job. |
2005/7/14-15 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38618 Activity:high |
7/14 "A suicide car bomb exploded next to US troops handing out candy and toys yesterday, killing 27 people, including 18 children and teenagers. A suicide car bomb exploded next to US troops handing out candy and toys yesterday, killing 27 people, including 18 children and teenagers." http://csua.org/u/cpn (boston.com) \_ It's odd that they didn't include "1 US soldier" in the "including" list. \_ Yeah, I saw that, just in case you thought for a millisecond that these suicide bombers weren't total human slime. \_ Just read an interesting article reinforcing the point that (a) the "western world"'s response to "terrorism" (no you can't fight terrorism, it's neither a group nor an ideology, just a method) is self-defeating, as it undermines what sets "us" apart from "them", and more significantly, that (b) it's being seen as fighting criminal incidents while "they" are seeing this as no less than a global war. Now if someone can come up exactly with who "they" are, we win. -John \_ It's just upsetting beyond words. \_ There's probably a surat that says somewhere that innocent children killed in jihad, go directly to heaven. I'm not saying it's cool, but it's the justification their dark overlords use. \_ My acquaintance serving in Iraq said that there were always many threats directed against kids that accepted gifts from American soldiers. \_ The main thing I'm concerned about is whoever was stupid enough not to think suicide bombers would kill children too. Duh. Everyone manning those two humvees that wasn't guarding an angle is partially responsible. Yes, you don't have to tell me that the suicide bomber is ultimately responsible. \_ You're an idiot. \_ You're the idiot, idiot. \_ "Everyone manning those two humvees that wasn't guarding an angle is partially responsible." That's quite possibly the dumbest thing ever written on the motd and that's saying a lot. \_ Your new post still doesn't suggest to me that you're not an idiot. Give it a rest. You think I'm saying something that I'm actually not saying. Let me spoon feed it to you. Remember that story a couple days ago about how a lot of recruits got blown up by a suicide bomber while waiting in line? Those recruits were protected by tall concrete barriers. The suicide bomber was dropped off at a gap in the barriers, where he squeezed through and blew up. In the same vein, whoever was responsible for setting up that barrier system is partially responsible for those deaths. And ... you don't need to tell me the suicide bomber is ultimately responsible. \_ Your utter ignorance of military tactics and situations combined with your uniquely retarded method of assigning blame labels you a complete and total idiot. \_ Like I said, you still think I'm saying something that I'm not saying. I still haven't quite spoon fed it entirely to you, yet, though. Has it occurred to you that, "Everyone manning those two humvees that wasn't guarding an angle", might actually equal 0 individuals, especially in the context of the sentence preceding that one? \_ Seriously, man -- you need to do a little more research before you can sound off in a convincing manner. You really are showing a lack of knowledge about the situation on the ground. The other guy is being kind of abrasive (to put it mildly), but he does have a point in there somewhere. \_ Dude, you're a putz and not worth my time. Reread what you wrote and not what you think you wrote. \_ I already did, and you obviously haven't gotten the point yet or are trolling. Thanks for nothing, buddy. If you really want to be serious you could take a poll on whether the ideas I put forward are "possibly the dumbest thing ever written on the motd", but I think you already have doubts about what the results would be, and would just say, "You're a putz and you're not worth my time". putz and not worth my time". \_ You're both fucking putzes. \_ Not sure about that, but you've added yourself to the list, although you should be credited for being succinct \_ Why don't we go right to where the real fault lies? To the parents of the people who got blown up. If they hadn't procreated in the first place, then there wouldn't even be someone to get blown up! |
2005/7/14-16 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:38619 Activity:moderate |
7/14 Anybody upgrade to PGP desktop 9.0? I'm wondering how the "Whole Disk" encryption is working out. Comments would be appreciated. Thanks. \_ I would also appreciate if anyone could give any feedback on this. We are thinking about using it as an encryption system where multiple users need access to the files. -mrauser \_ Go to class, mrauser. - jvarga \_ Why? Are you hiding porn from Cisco's tough anti-porn initiatives? \_ I consider it the ultimate crime to hide porn on any server I administer. If you have pr0n on soda, you must make it publicly accessible or face my wrath. Pr0n is a glorious resource that should be shared freely with all who seek it. To summarize: no hiding porn! - jvarga \_ Addenum: if I have to su to get to it, you're making me do too much work. - jvarga \_ I vote jvarga as the most humorous admin EVER!!! \_ I may have a backup of the j-pr0n archive lying around (from around the same time as safari, I think.) Let me know if you want this magnificent piece of CSUA history. -John \_ upgrading to 9.0 broke a lot of stuff. we downgraded back to 8.x. |
2005/7/14-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:38620 Activity:nil |
7/14 What is a good package to use (Perl) to draw simple lines and circles in GIF or JPG? I'd like to do something that draws lines for a CGI or PHP, thanks. \_ ImageMagik? \_ GD? \_ GD, but it'll (by default) do PNG. (Which is just as good). http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php --dbushong \_ Uh, ok. So I'm trying to install GD.pm, which requires gd (c files) to be compiles, which requires libpng, which requires zlib. I keep going down the dependency list and keep hacking, isn't there an easier way? BTW I don't have root on the machine so RPM whatever is out of the question. |
2005/7/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:38621 Activity:moderate |
7/14 Why do politicians I want to like keep trying to alienate me? http://csua.org/u/cpl (c|net) \_ A) Because you're part of a block the doesn't vote much. B) Hillary has been trying to pretend she has religious right opinions. C) Because politicians rarely know what they're talking about. D) All of the Above \_ The party of social liberalism, eh? -- ilyas \_ as a libertarian, wouldn't you agree with op in this case? \_ What, that Hillary is being venal and betraying the \_ What, that Hillary is being unprincipled by betraying the 'principles' of her party and trying to appeal to religious conservatives in a calculated attempt which also involved Rvt. Graham? You don't need to be a libertarian to agree. -- ilyas \_ forget the politics. I was asking about policy. That less legislation of business and markets the better. In this case, the legislation is targetting morality. \_ Of course I agree. I rarely agree with the democrats, this is just one of the first times I disagreed on social issues. -- ilyas \_ huh? I can't parse that. You rarely agree, yet this is one of the first times you've disagreed? \_ Well, it could conceivably make sense as a claim that social issues don't come up much, but that would also be an odd assertion. \_ It makes sense because economic issues are more important to me than social issues. -- ilyas \_ First times? Ilyas, you need to google Tipper Gore and the PMRC. Democrats are definitely not new to playing the morality-police game. \_ "Rockstar, like many video game developers, usually encourages so-called mod amateur programmers who create modifications for popular games, which often give players access to special areas, missions or abilities." Like many? Say what? |
2005/7/14-15 [Health/Men] UID:38622 Activity:moderate |
7/14 Since the penis is erected by the pressure of one's blood, do people with high blood pressure have harder penes when erect? Do drugs treating high blood pressure make the erece penis less hard? \_ no \_ Why don't you ask yermom? \_ No, especially since lots of people with high BP have poor circulation in their extremities, including their member, making it harder to have an erection. \_ Thanks. So high blook pressure is not "high throughout all blood vessels". I thought since blood is just a liquid, the pressure had to be the same everywhere within the same liquid body. body since the body is not that big and bloodflow is not very fast. \_ Remember that the body is, at best, trying to create a state of equlibrium (in this case, getting oxygenated blood to the various cells); high blood pressure results when there's something preventing the blood from effectively reaching the cells (arterial clogging, a large wound, etc.). In other words, the fact that you have high BP means that you are almost certainly NOT getting enough blood in your extremities (including your penis). As my EMT instructor put it, it's all about pump (heart), pipes (arteries), and fluid (blood). |
2005/7/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38623 Activity:high |
7/14 ok conservative pigfuckers, why does it matter whether valerie plame authorized her husband going to Niger to report selling yellowcake? How does this affect whether Rove should be punished for revealing she has been a deep undercover agent for the last 20 years? \_ Because everything is politics. There is no right and wrong. If you make everyone look equally sleazy, you can get away with anything. \_ there's an article on Salon I think today from sid blumenthal saying that Wilson's wife never authorized the trip, and in any case was not in a position to even authorize it. also I agree that who cares who authorized the trip? Does anyone remember Ed "pig biting mad" Anger? - danh \_ They don't care if anyone actually believes. They're just trying to spread FUD. Don't buy into it. \_ I'm not a pigfucker, but I'll give it a go. No one is saying that Plame authorized the trip. My understanding is that Rove was saying to Cooper, "don't pay attention to this Wilson guy, because he only got the trip because his wife's in the CIA". We now know that Plame *did* recommend her husband. I've never seen his report (which Wilson claims showed that Iraq had not been looking for U in Niger). The point is, Wilson has already been shown to be a lying sleezeball. It doesn't look like Rove really did anything wrong. \_ Who cares about Wilson. No matter what happened (And I think your whole Wilson was lieing is full of shit.) Rove LEAKED a covert CIA agent's cover. A covert CIA agent who was working with preventing WMD proliferation. Rove leaked the name for no reason other than to get back at someone. In the process he also leaked a CIA cover company and destroyed other agent's covers. Why are you trying to defend this? \_ read http://tinyurl.com/8obkt . The article says " wilson's wife did not authorize the trip." but like i said, who cares who authorized the trip? - danh \_ dan, use motdedit. you stomped on me. \_ How often does it have to be said. Repeating it doesn't make it true. What did he lie about? How does it feel to defend someone who single-handedly demolished a CIA front company? \_ You know what's really sad? Both you and pp are both just regurgitating talking points drafted by someone else. The Republicans are much better at this sort of Pravdaesque manipulation, so I expect them to survive this quite nicely. \_ you got me, I read the same stuff everyone else does. It infuriates me when someone prints in the media the exact polar opposite of what actually occured. For example read in the Chronicle: http://tinyurl.com/c77w2 I am pretty sure Wilson's report said that Niger was not selling yellowcake to Iraq. It's like the officers beating Rodney King claiming they were beating the crap out of him to help out his skin complexion. - danh \_ Wilson, through his Congressional testimony that contradicts his newspaper articles and quotes, has already been proven a fraud. Even Kerry, who initially appointed Wilson an advisor, backed away from him during the election. What you likely have here is an attempt by the Democrats and their media abettors to create a scandal during an election season that has subsequently blown up in their face. Of course time will tell. Since Wilson had extensive business interests in Africa and Middle East, including Niger, his wife's role in his selection is very pertinent. \_ did you read danh's link? \_ What's most important though, is that each of these claims is irrelevant. irrelevant to the subject at hand. Rove outed a CIA agent. It wouldn't matter if Joe Wilson was the seven-headed beast of the apocalypse. \_ Point out a lie. Please. Still waiting. \_ So, I haven't been following this too closely, but everything I've read seems to indicate that Rove did not actually leak classified info. Saying 'X' works at the CIA, especially when such fact is already known, is not a leak. It only became a 'leak' when it turned out that she was actually undercover at the time, which apparently Rove didn't know. How can someone leak info they don't know? Rove's actions in trying to discredit Wilson, while not pure, are at least reasonable in that Wilson is actually not very credible. I think that's the only reason anyone cares about Wilson. I think danh's link was the most balanced thing I've read though... -jrleek \_ Did you actually read danh's link? Quote: No, Rove didn't "reveal the name." But the law doesn't cite that as a felony; it only specifies revealing the "identity" as a crime. It says nothing about a "name." Rove revealed "Joe Wilson's wife." That qualifies as an "identity." By the way, Plame did not go by the name of Plame, but Wilson -- in other words, Mrs. Wilson, or "Joe Wilson's wife." Rove seemed to know that much -- her identity." Also, what do you mean by "especially when such fact is already known"? Are you saying it was widely known that Plame was a NOC working in weapons of mass destruction for CIA? I mean, it certainly became widely known she was a CIA agent working WMDs after Novak's article. \_ The law also requires you to have learned the identity and/or status from classified sources, and have the intent to expose the agent. It appears now that Rove learned that Wilson's wife was in the CIA from Novak (not a classified source) and that his purpose was to warn Cooper away from trusting Wilson as a source because he got the Niger job not because of qualifications but because of family ties. No, Plame didn't /approve/ the job (she didn' thave the authority), but she /did/ present Wilson's name as a candidate (which Wilson denies but which has been proven in a memo found by the Senate Intelligence Committee). -emarkp \_ I think you're chewing on RNC talking points this morning. What would make Wilson more qualified? He served as a diplomat in Niger, Togo, Burundi, South Africa, Gabon, and Sao Tome, plus Iraq. The CIA claims that Wilson was chosen based on his experiences, not because of who his wife is. - danh \_ Well, the CIA _did_ screw up the pre-war intel, so we know how reliable they are.... \_ I don't think he was unqualified. But that's what Rove was trying to say. I find it odd that Wilson denies that his wife recommended him. At any rate, I haven't read any "RNC talking points" this morning. -emarkp |
2005/7/14-15 [Recreation/Media] UID:38624 Activity:high |
7/14 Transformers: The Movie directed by Michael Bay, coming in 2007. Possible new entry in Worst Movie Ever contest? http://news.yahoo.com/s/eo/20050714/en_movies_eo/16938 \_ Michael "Pearl Harbor" Bay? What a fucking putz. \_ Don't worry, you'll get an earlier chance to see one by him. The Island (Logan 5 re-make) opens next week. \_ He also directed "The Rock" which was a pretty good action thriller movie. He also has some decent commercials to his name: http://www.michaelbay.com \_ If you think "The Rock" was a good movie, you have even worse taste than Star Trek Movie Guy. \_ the WRATH OF KHAN is one of the best geek movies ever, what are you talking about? \_ The Rock was a fucking entertaining movie. -someone else \_ I like the Ferrari vs. Hummer car chase scene. |
2005/7/14-15 [Consumer/TV] UID:38625 Activity:nil |
7/14 For those who don't have TV. Here's a biased snapshot of TV screens re: the rove scandal. http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2005/7/14/133213/448 \_ Is that a fake Newsweek cover? Is all that TV coverage real? I don't watch TV anymore. |
2005/7/14-15 [Reference/Religion] UID:38626 Activity:very high |
7/14 Support for bin Laden falls in Muslim countries - Yahoo! News: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050714/wl_nm/muslims_binladen_dc BTW, it says: "In Lebanon, 100 percent of Muslims and 99 percent of Christians said they had a very unfavorable view of Jews, while 99 percent of Jordanians also viewed Jews very unfavorably." \_ Still waiting for a single fatwa against Bin Laden, al Zawahiri, Abu Hamsa, Zarkawi or similar, from any muslim cleric with recognized spiritual, temporal or popular authority. Pls. correct me if I've been living in a media cave. -John \_ Re bin Laden support falling: Except Jordan (55% -> 60% support), and Pakistan (45 -> 51%) \_ What the hell? Are Lebanese and Jordinians stupid? Jews are the best race in the world. They are smart, well educated, for the most part liberal, and funny and are best suited to run the country. The Jewish community preaches education and compassion for their own community, and if they were to run the country the country would be liberated from self-righteous religious fanatic red necks controlling our lives and screwing up the country. Fuck religious right fanatics, fuck them all. GO JEWS. -not a Jew (but totally worship them and would vote for any Jews candidate in a heart beat) \_ You need a new angle, troll. \_ You know, I am told a lot of neocons are Jewish. -- ilyas \_ What are you saying, that people of similar ethnic/religious background may not share the same core beliefs? How shocking! \_ I have not doubt that they have compassion for their own community. One question is that how do they treat the other communities. |
2005/7/14-15 [Computer/Blog] UID:38627 Activity:nil |
7/14 Someone mentioned a free (no upload limit) alternative to flickr. What was it? |
3/15 |