2005/7/11-12 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:38513 Activity:nil |
7/10 Taliban Halloween: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=36157 \_ Crashed my browser. \_ Use Firefox! \_ I do. It crashed Firefox three times, the third time giving some crazy error that destroyed all my browser-related data. \_ Use Internet Explorer! |
2005/7/11-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:38514 Activity:nil |
7/10 Nope. Sorry jblack. No post for you until you answer our questions. \_ Please email me at jblack@eecs.berkeley.edu jblack@csua.berkeley.edu I am a Republican and I hate immigrants, nigers, and chinks. You're free to disagree with me but I think you libUral fuckers should just go fuck yourselves. You guys lost, get over it. God Bless. -jblack \_ Go fuck yourself, censor. -!jblack \_ Yes, and don't you believe the Dear MOTD Readers should be allowed to decide that for themselves? -John \_ Pathetic, small-minded herd animal. -- ilyas \_ I like how you figure the way to show jblack how to be intelligent and well-reasoned is to be an even bigger flaming jerk. You = teh awesome! \_ come on, where's your sense of being a Republican? Let's use his logic on himself-- jblack's opinion differs from that of mainstream motd and spreads dissent, therefore, he is a motd terrorist who has no right to speak. Since he's a motd terrorist, let's torture and humiliate jblack for a while like what we're doing in Guantanamo Bay. Maybe we can even extract useful information. Bring it on. God Bless. \_ And if someone does something *really* devastating to the motd, we can always invade OCF. \_ good one! :) \_ I don't understand how you think that selective censorship makes your point. Let jblack post his Freeper posts, they do more to discredit him than anything you could possibly say. -ausman |
2005/7/11-12 [Recreation/Food] UID:38515 Activity:nil |
7/11 The eat veggie-save earth thread has got to be the most stupid thread I've ever read on motd. The best thing to do is not consuming more veggies. The best thing to do is to consume men, which would the most ecological and logical thing to do to reduce pollutants. First of all, eating existing men would save you the cost to transport grains for cows or use our precious water suppry for crops. Secondly, you reduce population that would otherwise use up more resources and pollute the earth. Consuming men would be killing two birds with one stone. I propose we start by first eating idiots who post stupid threads on motd, and then eating SUV drivers, then the fanatic Republicans, and finally all the communists and Democrats. \_ Yes, and don't you think the Dear MOTD Readers should be allowed to decide that for themselves? -John |
2005/7/11-12 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:38516 Activity:low |
7/10 A fast car is nice, but a fast road is even better. How's the traffic in Europe (Switzerland and Germany), compared to average Bay Area traffic? For example, what is the highway speed limit in small towns, suburbs, urban, etc. \_ Way more fixed speed cameras and speed checks, way longer traffic jams, generally not as horrible rush hour on a daily basis, speed limits off highways usually a bit higher, fines worse. -John limits off highways usually a bit higher, fines worse, people drive in a more consistently and orderly fashion (no passing on right, fewer idiots in SUVs yakking on cell phones.) -John \_ I ENVY YOU. No, I hate America. No, I hate you. \_ Why does Fräulein John hate America? \_ What do you think the US should do to make its transportation system better? I hate our system but I don't want to move to Europe. \_ You do realize there are entire university departments devoted to this question, right? I honestly dunno. Maybe higher gas prices & better public transit is a start; drive fewer automatics so there are less brake lights, so fewer traffic jams, make driving tests harder, make living in city centers more attractive, I really dunno. If you've ever been in a 25km German traffic jam on $4 gasoline, you might think there are good sides to everything... -John \_ I would love to raise the max tax to 50% and raise gasoline price to $3 a gallon to fund super metropolis with superior mass transit system but our fucking Country music listening Red Necks that prefer suburbian lifestyle (so that they can fuck their cousins and nephews and nieces) will not let that happen. \_ This is a parody, right? Is this jblack? \_ They can't fuck their cousins and nephews and nieces in super metropolis? |
2005/7/11-12 [Reference/Religion] UID:38517 Activity:low |
7/11 Which Berkeley prof said religion was good to keep poor people nice and happy (like the nice Black grandmother who goes to Church) and poor people who are not religious grow up to be like animals (like some punks and whores in Oakland). This was only about the United States, so it doesnt apply to suicide bombers, also it was about manners and politeness, not about politics. \_ Do you mean Margaret Singer? http://tinyurl.com/clxml - danh \_ This idea is probably a lot older than Marx. -- ilyas \_ Religions are for the weak minded. \_ I find your lack of faith disturbing. \_ Do you mean Margaret Singer? |
2005/7/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38518 Activity:moderate |
7/11 Dear Osama Bin Laden and crazy Islamic fundamentalists, I know you guys are pissed off and want the US to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan. How about a complete cease fire for a year or two so that George Bush can declare victory and pull out troops completely? Afterwards, you can resume your attacks and blow everyone up as usual, and declare your victory. This proposal is a win-win situation. What say you? Jesus Saves, and Allah Akbar! \_ Bush has declared victory about five times now. \_ How many times did senior Bush delare victory? You know, I miss \_ How many times did senor Bush delare victory? You know, I miss the old Bush. He was so much more methodical and wiser. \_ He also had better grammar than you. \_ You mean spelling? \_ What, gramatically, was wrong with the previous post? I'm amused at self proclaimed motd grammarians these days. Like the guy who claimed the BTAF apostrophe comic had an error... Sigh. \_ Well, it depends on the meaning. It's a little awkward to have e.g. "so much more fat and taller" versus "so much more fat and tall". The former would better be expressed "was taller and so much more fat" because it removes ambiguity over the "so much more". \_ You're an idiot. \_ Why don't you learn English or go back to your fucking motherland Scotland, scotsman. \_ How do you know he's a Scot, laddie? He might be black or hispanic adopted from his Scotish parents. Yo bro, whaddup? \_ I'll explain in detail why you're an idiot. You're a prescriptivist who's long on commentary and short on facts. "more wiser" wouldn't make sense, so "more" is obviously grouped with "methodical". "So much wiser and more methodical" would be unwieldy, but would be the only way to duplicate the original stmt. Your example fails to duplicate the original statement. And if you want to pay my way to move to Scotland, I'd love to. But it wouldn't make you any less wrong. \_ The reason you're both idiots is that you're taking part in this lame assed thread. \_ FYI there are multiple anonymous people you are arguing with here. I didn't claim it was strictly wrong, just a little awkward. Someone else made the original grammar comment. Still, there are two possible ways to interpret it: "so much more methodical" "so much wiser" "so much more methodical" "wiser" You know-it-all dumbfuck. \_ Someone claimed it was grammatically incorrect. I asked what was incorrect. You offered a point that was not incorrect. Ipso facto... \_ Well you're an idiot. I'm the original critic (not pp) and the original phrase is ambiguous at best, retarded at worst. Did he mean: "wiser and so much more methodical"? or "so much more wiser and methodical" \_ Keep digging. \_ You'd love to move to Scotland? Why do you hate America you unpatriotic fuck tard? Get the fuck out of my country. \_ Ever been to Scotland? Edinburgh's an awesome city with friendly people and beautiful women. Given the chance, I'd love to live there. \_ I missed a chance to go to Edinburg. Perhaps unwisely. -- ilyas \_ If it's not Scottish, it's crap! \_ I don't see anything gramatically wrong, but "delare" should be "declare". But a typo is no big deal unless the poster is picking on someone else's English, which was not the case here. -- !PP |
2005/7/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38519 Activity:nil |
7/10 Rove's attorney linked to money launderers in hilarious fashion: http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/week_2005_07_10.php#006045 \_ Beautiful. I'm sure it's hard to find good, honest representation, but, Shirley, you'd think they could try a little harder. \_ Check the top post on tpm. someone in the gaggle rediscovered their balls. \_ Scott McClellan makes Ari Fleischer seem honest and forthright, although I have to feel some sympathy for the "white house press secretary." It must really suck to have to speak publicly for these jokers. for these jokers. -lewis \- why do you feel "sympathy" for them again? \_ Sort of the same "sympathy" I would feel for, say, a Kamikaze pilot. Gee, sucks for him. \_ But do you feel sympathy with the imperial stooge back in Tokyo who lies to justify sending the kamikaze pilot to his death? That is Scott McClellan, not the pilot. \_ Our very own Beltway Bob. Little weasel. \- right, i feel more sympathy for the troops and some of the mid/high level military. \_ TalkingPointsMemo has become *the* must read blog out there. Joshua has broken more political scandals than the Washington Post over have broken more political scandals than the Washington Post over the last six months. |
2005/7/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Computer/Companies/Google] UID:38520 Activity:low |
7/11 only tangentially related to the below: Does anyone know what the term is for "the name given to people/things from a place"? For ex, peopl from Los Angeles are Los Angelinos, people from New York are New Yorkers, people from Glasgow are Glaswegian, etc. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to how these names are derived and I've been curious to find a list of tons for all kinds of strange place names but no idea how to google. thanks \_ "demonyms"!! fantastic! thanks. this has bothered me for years. \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_adjectival_forms_of_place_names - danh \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_adjectival_forms_of_place_names - danh \_ "demonyms"!! fantastic! thanks. this has bothered me for years. \- What about people from Niger? |
2005/7/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:38521 Activity:low |
7/11 What's the "short form" for the name Patricia (like "Don" for "Donald")? Also, what's the formal term for "short forms" of people's names? It'll help me googling. Thanks. \_ wikipedia says "diminutives" - danh \_ wikipedia says "diminutives" \_ That's the term! Thanks! \_ It's Pat! \_ Patty? \_ nicknames? \_ Trish? \_ Patty, Pat, Trish, Tricia, Trisha, etc... I've even heard Peg. \_ You might like to read Bill Bryson's books: American Made, and Mother Tongue. Fun stuff. gabriel |
2005/7/11 [Uncategorized] UID:38522 Activity:nil |
7/11 Agriculture nerds, guns germs steel is on PBS tonight - danh |
2005/7/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38523 Activity:kinda low |
7/11 Transcript of today's White House regular news briefing http://thinkprogress.org/2005/07/11/briefing-711 (this gets pretty insane, IMO) \_ CSPAN video http://www.michaelmoore.com/_images/splash/scotty_rove_71105.wmv \_ I have no respect for any commentator who calls McClellan "scotty". It's amazing what a dipshit MM is. \_ Nice to see the press grow a pair. (this gets pretty insane, IMO) \_ C-SPAN video (Real Audio/Video) http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/07/20050711-3.v.smil (better quality, more complete, less troll-worthy, use RealPlayer to view) (better quality, more complete, less troll-worthy) \_ Nice to see the press grow a pair. \_ Are you a complete moron? They've been haranguing McClellan and Bush for quite a while. Their consistent whiney dumbass questions have gotten pretty old. \_ The Karl Rove info has been boiling for the last two weeks. This is the first time anyone brought it up at a press conf. \_ Yeah, McClellan is clearly a weasel. He doesn't need any diminutives applied to him. \_ Hey now. No reason to be insulting weasels OR dipshits like that here. \_ Whereas if MM doesn't have a diminuative applied to him hey may balloon up to the size of a house. \_ huh huh... yeah. michael moore is fat. huh huh... \_ Yeah, treason and high crimes, such whiney topics from that whiny liberal media. Why can't they focus on important stuff like if Bush got a blowjob and lied about it. \_ The press has given Bush a pass since 9/11. About time they started doing their job. Do you remember how much grief Clinton used to get? |
2005/7/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38524 Activity:nil |
7/11 So now that we know Rove is the leaker, any bets on whether Bush will actually follow through on his own statements that anyone involved in the leak should be fired? \_ He said that anyone who did anything illegal would "be dealt with". \_ "Listen, I know of nobody -- I don't know of anybody in my administration who leaked classified information. If somebody did leak classified information, I'd like to know it, and we'll take the appropriate action." \_ Its pretty funny to see how http://foxnews.com and http://cnn.com are covering all of this. Its huge news, and all of the headlines are about Bush's platitudes on the London bombings. \_ here are some amusing, admittedly slanted commentary on Fox's anchors comments about the bombing: http://www.democraticunderground.com/top10/05/205.html -danh \_ my bad, I wasn't sure if it was "be dealt with" or something else. But I'm pretty sure the verbiage has changed from "leak classified information" to committing an "illegal" act. You know, like how "WMDs" changed to "WMD related programs"? You know, like how "WMDs" changed to "WMD related program activities"? \_ Make that "knowingly leak classified information." Rove is using the "I didn't inhale" defense. \_ Oh. So Rove gets s spanking? The least they could do is make it a public spanking. \_ Can we get the Bush twins to substitute in for Rove for the public spanking? I don't want to see Rove's pasty white flabby butt, thank you. |
2005/7/11-13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:38525 Activity:low |
7/11 "The Truth About Hillary" has made the New York Times best-seller list for the second week in a row - a development that has the Times book review spitting mad. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1440701/posts \_ Micheal Moore's books were also best sellers, and were also retarded. I think spending money on stupid books with some political axe to grind that we agree with has become a major way Americans express our political beliefs. It's stupid, but true. Now if only I could find the right axe, I'd never have to work again. \_ 1. write axe-grind book 2. buy up enough of your own book to make it a bestseller 3. since it's a bestseller, people will buy it to see what the deal is 4. profit! \_ have you read the book? even most conservatives think ed klein is a piece of shit. \_ Conservatives also said the same thing about Kitty Kelley's laughable "The Family" book. Yet the NYTimes gave that one a favorable review. link:csua.org/u/cof \_ no but seriously, the book sucks, i read most of it but i couldn't take it anymore. here is what your dark overlord John Podhoretz has to say about it: http://www.rightnation.us/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t80745.html here is my dark overlord Al Franken interviewing Ed Klein http://mediamatters.org/items/200506240007 Just bringing up this book makes you look silly. - danh \_ you don't look like such an ass in person, what happened? http://www-bsac.eecs.berkeley.edu/~jblack/eau.jpg \_ maybe you need a cruise to unwind. http://www.weeklystandard.com/banman/ads/Cruise2006a.300x250.jpg \_ I think 2 and 3 can be simplified to: 2. enrage those who disagree with you enough that they start to emit bile and spittle in their favorite media. 3. Just to stick it to those who disagree with you, those who agree will buy the book. And of course no one will argue with 4. It's sure made Michael Moore rich. \_ Skip step one, and you've described the $cientology strategy to a tee. |
2005/7/11-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:38526 Activity:nil |
7/11 Hey, jblack have you ever seen a psychologist? I think you might have OCD. http://www.ocfoundation.org/ocf1010a.htm \_ Hi lye. Are you a stalker? -not jblack \_ Hi "not jblack." I didn't post the above, but thanks for asking! Smooches! --lye \_ Oh sorry. I was using the infallible Kais MOTD diff |
2005/7/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack, Recreation/Humor] UID:38527 Activity:nil |
7/11 http://www.freerepublic.com/images/freepathon/petersvi20-vi.gif http://www.freerepublic.com/images/freepathon/DemsJumpO-vi.jpg Funny comic [jblack] \_ immature not so funny conservative comics to be deleted |
2005/7/11-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:38528 Activity:nil |
7/11 Dear Freeper Guy: When you piss all over the motd with ip address based links, we still know its you. \_ It's "it's", concat of "it is", you stupid LIBERAL. \_ Hi jblack. You have issues. Really. Seek help. |
2005/7/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:38529 Activity:nil |
7/11 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1440743/posts While Democrats say they are raising money at a faster pace than in 2003, they face a formidable challenge from the Republican National Committee, which was out-raising Democrats at a 2-1 pace through May of this year. |
2005/7/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:38530 Activity:nil |
7/11 Truth about Hillary: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1440782/posts [jblack] |
2005/7/11-12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38531 Activity:nil |
7/11 War is peace. War abroad keeps terrorist away from our homeland: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1440757/posts [jblack] \_ Better yet, just kill all pesky America-hating towelheads. -John |
2005/7/11-12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38532 Activity:nil |
7/11 The Mother of All Connections - Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein http://weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/005/804yqqnr.asp http://csua.org/u/cod [jblack] \_ "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11th" \_ A bunch of unverified crap from a bunch of Iraqi nationals with an ax to grind. Hasn't the Weekly Standard discredited itself enough peddling the WMD lies two years ago? \_ Yeah, I saw that on http://freerepublic.com too. Even they made comments about how incredibly long/dense it was. \_ so we invaded Iraq because some dude got an ak-47? Where do you live? I want to kill you \_ Bring it on. I live in Berkeley (920 Keeler Avenue) and my number is 510-527-2588 \_ Haha, pwnt! \_ Stunning. How much study does it take to be this stupid? |
2005/7/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:38533 Activity:nil |
7/11 When I buy decaf, is it 100% caffeine free or are there residual caffeine? If they can extract caffeine so easily, what do they do with them-- make No Doz pills? Caffeine patch? Coca cola? \_ Much less caffeine but not caffeine-free. See: http://howstuffworks.com \_ There was a relatively recent Nat'l Geographic piece on caffeine. Yeah they use the extracted caffeine for all that stuff. |
2005/7/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:38534 Activity:nil |
7/11 The end of hacker publication: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4657265.stm \_ It doesn't say why the magazine is closing. Any guess? |
2005/7/11-12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38535 Activity:nil |
7/11 God Bless those who are around me here keeping me safe: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1440780/posts [jblack] |
2005/7/11-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:38536 Activity:nil 66%like:38512 |
7/5 Real lesson of Vietnam [jblack] http://www.washtimes.com/commentary/20050701-085018-1545r_page2.htm \_ uh oh, looks like our Red Neck Republican jblack figured out how to post anonymously. FEAR!!! \_ Attack the article, not the person if you have any honor. \_ "if you have any honor" (unlikely on the motd) |
2005/7/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:38537 Activity:nil |
7/11 Truth about Laura Bush: [jblack] |
2005/7/11-12 [Recreation/Dating] UID:38539 Activity:moderate |
7/11 My impression of Porsche owners is that they're mostly white hair middle-age men who need a nice car to complement their sucky life that the movie American Beauty portrays. Imagine you're in your 50s, your wife left you and/or your sex life sucks, your children are all grown up and left you (and they might even be drug addicts or gays/lesbians), and your career has been the same for the past decade or so. The only thing you have is money, so you buy something that you think would make you feel young. This is my impression of your average Porsche owners. After doing some research, my hunch is right-- men who drive a Porsche are most likely to cheat on their wives: http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2004230007,00.htm "Porsche-It's a little too small to get laid in, but you get laid the minute you get out of it." \_ Your impression of Porsche owners is quite complimentary compared to my impression of SUV owners. \_ "Porsche - It's a little too small to get laid in, but you get laid the minute you get out of it." \_ I know 3 Porsche owners and they are all women 40-60 years old. \_ Ah the joys of community property. \_ Haha! Good one! However, they all bought them for themselves. Two are single. One is a widow, one has never been married, and one is happily married. All were successful outside of their relationships (restauranteur, psychologist, attorney). These are 911s, btw, not Cayennes. \_ Mid-life crisis. (Or is it "mid-age crisis"?) \_ mid-life convertible. \_ How accurate is the portrayal of the average mid 50s American male in the famous movie American Beauty? Does life REALLY suck that much when you get to that age? If so, that is pretty depressing... To those who still have/had dads around... when they hit their 50s how did they cope with their mid-life crisis? \_ When my dad hit 45 he divorced his (second) wife and married a woman my age. I was 23 at the time. \_ That doesn't sound so bad if she was hot. \_ Lucky him!! |
2005/7/11-13 [Industry/Startup, Finance/Investment] UID:38540 Activity:moderate |
7/11 I have a confession to make. I followed Warren Buffett's footsteps and put a LOT of money in foreign money using http://everbank.com. I've lost about 10% of my assetts in the past 3 months because US dollar is going back up. Putting money in everbank was the worst decision I've ever made, ever. Now that I've told you why I'm an idiot, it's your turn. \_ You're an idiot for many reasons. hmm. this is kind of fun. \_ You're an idiot, but not because you invested in foreign money. -tom \_ Nono, I'm not asking you to reiterate what I said. What I mean is that it's your turn to tell us about your bad decision, if you've made any. I made my decision based on the fact that Mr. Buffett, my hero, invested BILLIONS into foreign money, citing Euro trend, US's huge deficit, rising oil price, war, Buffett, my hero, invested 20 billion into foreign money, citing Euro trend, US's huge deficit, rising oil price, war, instability, and huge spending and outsourcing in other countries. countries. -op http://www.forbes.com/free_forbes/2005/0110/036.html \_ You are stupid because you don't understand *why* you invested in foreign money, not because foreign money went down 10% in three months. If your investment horizon is 3 months, you shouldn't be following Warren Buffett. -tom \_ yea, but buffet was in foreign money since 2 years ago, so he still made money, and is going to make more money. \_ You should invest in foreign stocks or bonds, not cash. \_ Once something is hyped up a lot, it's probably a matter of time before the smart money cashes out and the suckers get left holding the bag. \_ Isn't there a website for this sort of thing??? \_ http://grouphug.us \_ I sold all my stock in my overhyped dotcom in 2000 and re-invested in.... you guessed it, other over-hyped dotcoms. Oh well, I lost like half of it, but did much better than if I had stuck with my company, like almost all my coworkers. \_ I cheated on my psycho girlfriend with a hottie 19 year while she was out of the country... who am I kidding, that was the smartest move I ever made! I lost a pyscho girlfriend and had an affair with a 19 y.o. hottie... \_ I wired $8k to a phoney escrow site to buy a diamond so I could propose to my fiance. \_ 1) When my company stock shot up from $1 to $7 in one day because of a press release saying "Amazon.com is investing in it", I wanted to sell all my shares knowing that it would drop very soon after people realizing that the investment was just a one-time buyout, but my gf argued that I should hold because it would keep going up. I made a compromise by selling only half of the shares. The next day it kept on dropping, and she let me sell the other half at $1.43 lower. So I lost $8400 in one day. Days later the price returned to its original level. 2) Years later when my company stock went up to $48 for no real or apparent reason, I wanted to sell all my shares knowing that the company has no future, but she (now my wife) argued again, and I compromised again by selling only half. Now the stock is worth pennies. I lost $30k. Mind you that I'm not into stocks and I've only make two stock predictions in my life. In both times I was right. stocks and I don't BS about stock prices every day. I've only made two stock predictions in my life, not on some random company in the market but on a company that I've worked at for years. However she didn't listen. \_ Well, on the face of it it's stupid to listen to this gf who should know less than you since you work at the company. On the other hand, if you hadn't compromised and were wrong, you'd have had to endure lots of hell from said gf... this way you have it over her and maybe that's worth it :) \_ Why would you want to "have it over her"? I see the smiley, but really. Find someone you care about who cares about you instead of competing with your SO. \_ Dude, it doesn't matter who your SO is. You could be so besotted you'd donate an organ just for her asking; she could be a living saint. Doesn't matter. The reality is you will fight; you will act like a jerk; she will be a total bitch. Might not be all the time. Might not be very often at all. But it will happen. And when it does, you will be glad you have that you-lost-me-$30k metaphoric bazooka you can pull on her. \_ You didn't look hard enough for your SO then. \_ Not all of us are interested in a Stepford wife. Indeed, I find it incredible that there is *any* long-term relationship that does not experience some amount of conflict and disagreement. \_ You're putting your words in my mouth. There is conflict and disagreement but the answer is not to find some childish "hold" over your SO. My wife doesn't pull that garbage on me and I don't do it to her. You're still talking in terms of "winning" and "scoring points". You just don't get it. I feel bad for anyone stuck with you. \_ How enlightened of you. How do you and your wife resolve disagreements? What if she wants to buy a stantion wagon and you want an SUV? \_ Since we're both reasonably intelligent people who care more about each other than random 'stuff' like that, we discuss what would be best for our needs and do that. Is this some big shock? Why the sarcasm? Have you really never met anyone in a good relationship? You probably have and just mocked them for not abusing each other for some bizarre concept of one-upping their mate. \_ I like intelligent Stepford Wives 2.0 who is better than you at chess, driving, poetry, music, literature, AND is good in bed. Modern liberal women are bitches who don't cook and take care of the kids and run off to some other random guy to fuck when she's bored with you. \_ Conservative war-brides! -- ilyas |
2005/7/11-13 [Consumer/Audio] UID:38541 Activity:nil |
7/11 PSB, I have found your ipod! http://www.panopticist.com/archives/132.html \- what exactly are you saying? |
2005/7/11-13 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:38542 Activity:nil |
7/11 Sick of dropped calls while you're driving? Want to boost your cell phone signal by 50db? Now you can! http://www.sigmaauto.com/autodax/mobileamp.php |
2005/7/11-13 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:38543 Activity:nil |
7/11 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4673421.stm Abortion is illegal in Portugal. I bet Bush is very proud of Portugal \_ Does this mean that if you plan to take an Eurotrip to get laid, you should skip Portugal altogether? What country is the best for an Eurotrip? \_ Berlin, definitely Berlin http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050711/od_nm/germany_prostitute_dc \_ Amsterdam is good for hookers, but go to Prague for lots of hotties to score the old-fashioned way. \_ I did an OIF thing in Budapest, and half the attendees were hooking up with locals. According to one of my buddies, you can't lose with a fistful of dollars in one hand and a US passport in the other. \_ What's an OIF? \_ Optical Internetworking Forum. http://www.oiforum.com |
3/15 |