2005/7/6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38427 Activity:high |
7/6 Bush nominates Judge Vandelay to replace O'Connor. \_ url? \_ it's a Seinfeld reference \_ duh. thx. |
2005/7/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:38428 Activity:nil |
7/6 Jesus can cure inmates! If only they do the same with gays: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/06/30/eveningnews/main705598.shtml |
2005/7/6-8 [Science, Politics, Science/Electric] UID:38429 Activity:nil |
7/5 When I unplug my Uninterruptible Power Supply to simulate power outage, it makes this light buzzing sound. Is this normal with UPS? \_ it sure is. UPS is letting you know normal power flow has been interrupted, please fix! \_ I'd guess this is the result of DC power being converted to AC. |
2005/7/6-7 [Health/Women, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:38430 Activity:low |
7/5 punky brewster way pregnant http://tinypic.com/6rrkld.jpg \_ Cute little Punky Brewster... the good 'ol 80s when I grew up. 2 decades later, she got fat, ugly, and too busy endulging herself with latte fratte & capuccino that she doesn't care about anything else except with things concerning herself. In a way, that is like many of us, a typical apathetic and lazy Gen-X that our media accurately stereotype us to be. Gen-X is one the most pathetic generation out there. You heard me right. Whereas our parents were in-tune with the environment, were sensitive to social inequalities, and were filled with a sense of honor to change the world for a better place, the Gen-X were too busy buying the latest Yuppie toys, drinking Starbucks and obsessed with making money without doing hard honest work to earn it. Shame on Gen-X. It's TIME FOR INTROSPECTION. \_ You need to take off those rose colored glasses about the Baby Boomers and stop listening to what your parents told you about the 60's. \_ Our parents protested against war, bombed institutions, dropped out of school, and did drugs. They made big news and caused our politicians to think twice. Maybe the effects were not always what they intended, but the fact of the matter was that they had guts and passion. Fast forward to us Gen-X. We were too busy with ourselves and our Atari, Colleco, Nintendo, and Sega. We don't give a damn about anything but ourselves. They say that there's always a bit of truth in stereotypes, and the media is right on target. P.S. The fact that there are many GenX on motd and only 1 addressed or came to their defense says a lot about the so called apathetic GenX. \_ Just out of curiousity, did YOUR parents do those things? Also, most of that crap was in response to the draft. You see a draft these days? Also, most hippies became yuppies. Big protest. \_ I read on this liberal blog the other day that women often gain weight during pregnancy. \_ Go see the movie, Wallstreet. That is your parents' generation. Thankfully, I was born after the Boomers but before their kids, the so-called Gen-X kids so whatever you and your horrible parents do to the world is not my fault. There aren't enough of us "in-betweeners" to even get a catchy media created label. \_ Just curious, what year where you born? I was born in 1965 and I consider myself part of the first Gen-Xers. \_ Go find a chart showing how many new borns there were for each year from 1945 to now. 1965 is the very tail end of the baby boomers. Between 1966 and about 1972 or so births were way down (comparitively), then they shot up again as the post-WWII boomers started having kids. From ~67 to maybe 71 or 72 you're neither boomer nor "gen-x". \_ My impression is: 1950: Boomers 1960: In-Betweener 1970: Gen-X (video game generation) 1980: Gen-Y Correct me if I'm wrong \_ I thought: Gen-75, Gen-Y: '80+, also the kids of the boomers are Gen-Y, not Gen-X. I was born in '76, and consider myself young for Gen-X, but too old for Gen-Y. \_ You are wrong .. j/k. I think t is: boomers: 45-65 Gen-X: 65-80 Gex-Y: 80+ I qualify as a Gen-Xer mostly because I went to college late, so all my friends are born in 1970 or so, but I really think 1965 is right on the cusp. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X |
2005/7/6-8 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:38431 Activity:nil |
7/6 For OS X users, TextWrangler 2.1 is out: http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/11009 |
2005/7/6-8 [Computer/SW/Unix, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:38432 Activity:nil |
7/6 Woohoo! Otherwise clueless Euros nuke software patents! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4655955.stm -John |
2005/7/6 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:38433 Activity:high |
7/6 Every year, Americans vacationers disappear in foreign land like Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, etc. Why is the Holloway case so much more visible on news? Why is Natalie Holloway so special? \_ Timing. It's the "Where the White Women at?" network news. DeLay's in trouble! Find me a kidnapping! \_ Its not a conspiracy. Just a good ol' American mix of racism and prurience. \_ It isn't journalism, and it's putting their ratings in the toilet. There has to be some sort of impetus for it. \_ Are you talking about Fox? In their case, they just don't want to cover Iraq anymore. Can't imagine why. \_ It's all of them. They spend more time on MJ and the latest missing woman than on our federal government, foreign affairs, local affairs, even sports... \_ http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2005/7/3/491/18474 \_ i don't think that many disappear, non english grammar troll \_ Cute white blonde chick kidnapped by black guys. You figure it out. \_ Same for the Laci Peterson case -- husbands kill wifes in America \_ http://www.wrongsideoftown.com \_ NSFW, duh. \_ Same for the Laci Peterson case -- husbands kill wives in America all the time, but this one got the media's and people's attention. \_ The Peterson case got a lot of attention because of the "prosecuting him for the death of the unborn" angle. That set an interesting precedent. \_ The Peterson case didn't set any precedent; the treatment of murderers of pregnant women is well-established. \_ I am pretty sure this is the first conviction in California for killing an unborn fetus. http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/03/26/ctv.fetal.homicide \_ And it was an 8-mo. pregnant woman who went missing on Christmas Eve, etc. \_ wow. I've self-filtered my news-sources pretty well. I've never heard of her until this. -nivra |
2005/7/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:38434 Activity:low 66%like:38459 |
7/6 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050706/ap_on_sp_ol/oly_2012_bids London Upsets Paris to Win 2012 Olympics. War pays, peace doesn't. \_ What the fuck does your second sentence have to do with the first? Oh shit, I have been trolled. \_ Every decision made in the world has had some influences from personal fetish, personal vendetta, and global politics. \_ That's a nice Super Bowl ring you got there! \_ Most of my English colleagues didn't care about the olympics, they just wanted to piss off the French. Chirac making disparaging comments about Finnish food when the difference was 4 votes, 2 of them Finnish, also was pretty smart. -John |
2005/7/6-7 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Recreation/Dating] UID:38435 Activity:nil |
7/6 oral sex instructions http://www.craigslist.org/sfc/rnr/82774241.html \_ Even better - the "ass fuck conspiracy": http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/sfo/63921265.html |
2005/7/6-8 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:38436 Activity:nil |
7/6 "And in the days and weeks that followed, racial skirmishes on this and other Southern California campuses unmasked a current of racial tension that has alarmed law enforcement and school officials" http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-jefferson6jul06,0,6512314.story \_ ""Race riot! Brown on black!" and several of his students \_ ""Race riot — brown on black!" and several of his students bolted. Outside, Bachrach saw half a dozen kids scaling the school's chain-link fence, desperately trying to escape from campus." Smart kids. |
2005/7/6 [Uncategorized] UID:38437 Activity:moderate 66%like:38440 |
7/6 Most of the time you: Eat Out Eat your parents food: . Eat your parents out Eat your in-laws' food: . Cook for yourself: . Eat wife's cooking: . Cook for self and wife: . Cook for self and whatever you are dating at the time: . \_ damn. you got low standards. I thought only Republicans fucked mules. |
2005/7/6-8 [Recreation/Dating] UID:38438 Activity:kinda low |
7/6 Dear motd. My married friend listens to his wife all the time. She controls the entire family finances. She inspects every single bit of credit card and bank transactions, and questions him. He wants to change his job, but his wife forbids him. She tells him to clean up the bathroom, throw out trash, and take a bath with the baby, and he does it. He has to drive his [yuck] INLAWS a few times a week, and dines with them every other day. The way I see it is that he is more like a slave to his wife, children, and mortgage. However, he disagrees and tells me that he's happy. Here's a question for you married men. Is this normal, and can you possibly be happy with that kind of totalitarian lifestyle? \_ How old is your friend and his wife? This sounds like people far to immature to handle marriage. too immature to handle marriage. \_ Don't know if it's normal. It sure isn't necessary. I've been married for 5 years, and we have totally seperate finances and no one tells anyone what to do. We trust eachother, but joining finances always just seemed like a waste of time. If one of us wants to give the other money for some reason, the giver will write a check. Your friend's shitty life has nothing to do with fundamental problems in the institution of marriage. \_ Assuming you're not a troll, /any/ relationship which has compulsion is in serious trouble. \_ some people like being whipped. \_ are you the same guy from a couple weeks ago complaining that you never got to hang out with your guy friend anymore? \_ yes that's me. His wife tells him who he can get to hang out with. Everytime I call, she would answer, and lately it's more and more like an inquisition or a friendship interview from her. She seems like a controlling freak, and he seems like a brainwashed spineless octopus. -op \_ gee, if you're going to ask for advice from the motd, at the very fucking least don't stomp over people's replies to your own damn post. \_ I'm sorry, I'm just trying to be anonymous in case he checks the web motd \_ You don't think he'll recognize his story? \_ Sounds like you're a jealous friend. Get over it. Your account of his life is hardly unbiased. \_ Maybe his wife is so very hot that he's willing to put up with all this shit and still be happy. Seriously, I've been going through similar shit, and if my wife were hot enough I'd still be happy too. Now I'm still putting up with it, but I'm just not happy. \_ Looks fade and even great sex gets stale. This guy is in a lot of trouble. It's normal for a husband to be a slave to his wife/kids/mortgage. It's not normal when one's wife decides where you are going to work and what you are going to do. I wonder if the wife works in this instance or if she's just a housewife. \_ It's not insane to ask hubbie to have a job lined up that doesn't require moving before quitting. My buddy's wife convinced him to talk to a headhunter, where he ended up with much higher-paying job with much lower hours at a more well known company and much closer to home. \_ It's insane when his "wife forbids him" from getting another job. It's his life, too. Sure, there are circumstances where one's wife might not want one to take that job in Alaska, but "forbids" sounds take that job in Idaho, but "forbids" sounds unhealthy. Granted, the OP is probably not unbiased and maybe doesn't know the whole story. \_ Yeah, I think op is biased. Remember the story you read here has been through 2 filters. Him and his friend. Sometimes people over state things to increase effect, etc. \_ Yeah, "biased" means "forbid" might actually be "don't quit if you don't have something lined up, you dumb web designer!" quit if you don't have something lined up in this market" \_ Sure, but not necessarily. \_ That's what "might" means. \_ No shit. However, the composition of your sentence makes it seem likely. It could just as easily be "might not". \_ The context of the discussion is that "might not" had already been put forth, and that "might" was newly introduced -- not that "might" was more likely (this is left up to the reader). I don't blame you: Many CS people have contextual problems. \_ Dude, he says he's happy. Believe and leave him alone. Lend an ear if and when you can, but stop trying to mess with his life. \_ He's concerned for his friend. Maybe it's selfishness, maybe it's justified. But to watch a friend who feels trapped without saying anything is to not be a friend. \_ have you ever seen shallow hal? \_ Saving Silverman is a better example. And Amanda Peet is hotter. \_ What are you going to do? Break up his marriage? \_ Did I say that? Did he say that? God you people are too stupid to live. \_ It's called FAMILY responsibilities. \- OP: while your friend probably has problems, based what your description says about you, you have some problems yourself. You should seek professional help. \_ maybe if he just got a girlfriend, he wouldn't have to obsess about how his friend doesn't have time for him anymore. \- M-x psychonanalize-motd well look at details like this: it's one thing to say the wife makes him to all the household chores while she does none but "take a bath with the baby" [instead of "give the baby a bath"]? or to say he is the slave of not just his wife but also his children? This is even more clear in his posting of 6/30. I think it is kind of an interesting subject-object reversal. OP: instead of listing specific things your friend does, why dont you take a stab at stating in simple language what you think is wrong ... dont use meaningless words like "totalitarian" and "enslavement". Are you an Asian? \_ Heh. psb imploring the use of 'simple language.'--ilyas \-http://sundials.org/about/humpty.htm http://www.resort.com/~prime8/Orwell/patee.html \_ Are you gay? \_ You have way too much time to think about your friend's problems. Maybe you can help him out by doing some of his chores. \_ OP might be a straight woman. \_ You have way too much time to think about your friend's problems. Maybe you can help him out by doing some of his chores. \_ If you think he has it bad now, just wait till she gets him into divorce ct on some bogus claim. Then the true pain starts, the eternal fires of hell will be a welcome change after he endures the living nightmare that she will turn his life into. The reason she is driving you away is that you might be able to give him the advice he needs to put his life in order (think irrevocable trust) before she plunges in the knife. \_ W00t! Welcome back to the motd, BDG! -BDG #1 fan |
2005/7/6-8 [Uncategorized] UID:38439 Activity:nil |
7/6 Does anyone work with MQ Series? (A WebSphere product) Any guidelines or advice? How much do you like, appreciate the products features, capabilities? \_ I dont use it directly, but I now several applications groups in my company do and are quite happy with it. So much so that they plan on increasing their usage of it. --ERic \_ I've dealt with it before, but mainly the "getting it to work in weird network environments" part. Drop me a mail at my other address if you want me to put you in touch with some really hard- core MQ guys. -John |
2005/7/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:38440 Activity:low 66%like:38437 |
7/6 Most of the time you: Serious Answers: Cook food yourself: . Eat out: . Eat what parents' cook: . Eat what in-laws cook: . Married, you cook: . Married, wife cooks: . Not Serious: Eat wife out: . Eat yourself: Eat parents: Eat in-laws: .***** \_ Mrs. Robinson Eat wife: . Cook self and wife: . Cook self and whatever you are dating at the time: . |
2005/7/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:38441 Activity:high |
7/6 Why isn't the public motd on the csua website? \_ Because "The uncensored messages below this line may not reflect opinions of the CSUA." \_ but, butbutbut, we could put the warning too. \_ After 9/11 and what paolo did, there has been a reluctance from politburo to confirm or deny the existence of motd. \_ These axes, they grind them forever and ever... |
2005/7/6-7 [Consumer/Shipping] UID:38442 Activity:low |
7/6 This is a response to the Fedex Ground guy, a response to KAIS 38390, 38366, and 38302: http://csua.com/?entry=38302 http://csua.com/?entry=38366 http://csua.com/?entry=38390 I can't say much about Fedex Ground, but I have a friend who has a another friend who works at UPS. He is a UPS delivery man based at Oakland. I played golf with them one time, and he bragged about this one time where he opened up this long box with Titleist printed on the box. He opened it up, took the clubs, demo'ed them (which were used so you can't tell who made scratches) for about a week, then finally delivered them. From what he says, there isn't a lot of security measures for these things. Pretty much everything's based on the honor system. \_ Your friend's friend is scum. \_ I agree, and actually from what he describes, it happens ALL THE TIME. They have this mentality where they think their company will just cover up losses anyways, and at any rate that's what insurance is for. Scums are everywhere, the question is what can management do about it? Put a camera in the warehouse and have someone monitor it 24x7? It's a difficult problem. \_ Criminals always rationalize their behaviour by claiming that "everyone does it." Everyone does not do it. Most FedEx and UPS guys are honest. How do I know? I have shipped at least hundred things via them and never had a problem. If they had major problems with losses, they would go out of business quickly. \_ I've heard stories that imply that theft prevetion at UPS is a pretty major effort. Fake packages/tons of cameras/stings/etc. I suspect FedEx non ground is the same way. \_ Part of the problem with RPS (now FedEx Ground) is that their drivers are independent contractors who are paid as long as the package moves from point A to point B (which might both be regional shipping centers) and leaves their truck. \_ FedEx Air is not that reliable either. I once sent out a time-senstive document using 2nd day air, it took them 30+ days to deliver it. I applied for a refund which they never gave me. -tien |
2005/7/6-8 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:38443 Activity:nil |
7/6 Anybody know of an easy way to resize images using mozilla thunderbird during the process of attaching the imagess to an email? \_ in WinXP, go to the folder and select the images that you want to attach. Then right click on them and say "send to email recipient." \_ And this will resize automagically? \_ oh yes, it's magically delicious. \_ It gives you the option to do that. |
2005/7/6-7 [Recreation/Dating] UID:38444 Activity:moderate |
7/6 After doing some research on hotels and B&B and I finally decided to call this Tudor-styled 3-bdrm B&B mansion. From there, somehow, I had a 20 min chit-chat with the owner on where I'm from, what I'm doing, etc. She's German and said would cook a hearty meal for my gf and I (which she kept refering as "my wife"). She somehow convinced me to book a room. Now I'm a bit worried. Am I expected to entertain them with my lifestory or something at the dining table for many hours? \_ I personally think you're a freak. Have you ever *been* to a B&B before? \_ No. Tell us about your experience. \_ No one is going to hunt you down and make you do anything. It's probably polite to make conversation during meals, but if you just explain that you and your gf would like some time alone they'll get that. It's okay to interact with people, even if just to tell them you want to be left alone. Plenty of honeymooners and the like go to B&Bs and just want to keep to themselves. It shouldn't be anything new and rude to the owners. |
2005/7/6-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:38445 Activity:nil |
7/6 My group at Apple (iTunes music store engineering) has several open reqs for developers and a build engineer. Cool people, fair amount of Cal alumni too. See /csua/pub/jobs/apple_itms - mjm \_ obAppleDRMSucks. \_ obAppleDRMCanBeRemovedByAnyIdiotWithHalfABrain,YouThinkMaybeThey KnowThisDumbass? \_ obITunesScrewedUpMyMusicLibrary |
3/15 |