2005/6/24-25 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38278 Activity:nil |
6/24 Sen. Kennedy: "There have been a series of gross errors and mistakes. Those were on your watch. Isn't it time for you to resign?" Rumsfeld: "Senator, I've offered my resignation to the president twice, and he has decided that he would prefer that he not accept it, and that's his call." June 23, 2005 \_ Did Mcnamara ever try to resign? Just wondering. |
2005/6/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:38279 Activity:moderate |
6/23 Is there anything fun to do at Channel Islands or Catalina Island? \_ Sure, puke your guts out for 3 hours trying to make it back to the mainland in storm weather in a tiny boat. -- ilyas \_ Channel I's. are a national park. Use your imagination. \_ Channel Islands is a nationnal park. Use your imagination. \_ sex on the beach? |
2005/6/24-25 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:38280 Activity:kinda low |
6/23 I have a monitor with a 15-pin connection. It's old and the image is distorted (it often undistorts when I hit it, but now it's cracking from all the abuse). I have another monitor with what looks like a 15-pin connection, but there are only 12 or 13 pins. When I hook it up to my computer and run windows, the image is completely screwed up. Is this because it's not compatible (probably because it doesn't have all 15 pins), or is there some setting I need to change in my PC or in the monitor to get it to work? Assuming it's not possible to get the other monitor to work, is there anyone around West LA or the South Bay of LA looking to get rid of a 15-inch monitor? \_ who is this? \_ Who are you? \_ What's the relevance of this question? \_ You're asking for a monitor. Doesn't it make sense to know the buyer/gift recipient? \_ VGA doesn't actually require all 15 pins, it's pretty common to see monitors that are missing a few in the connector. That said, it you know you have your colors and resolution set low enough for the monitor (try 600x480 @ 16 colors as a test), it's probably just broken. However, people throw away old 15" SVGA monitors all the time. You should be able to get one for free. |
2005/6/24-25 [Reference/RealEstate, Science/Electric] UID:38281 Activity:kinda low |
6/24 Maybe house contractors will be outsourced to robots in the future: http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn4764 \_ old. There was a Discover mag. article about this 6 mo. back. \_ So? It's still interesting. Go stick your head in a pig. -!op |
2005/6/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:38282 Activity:nil |
6/24 Interesting. CA is one of a handful of states which have enacted further eminent domain protections than the federal law requires. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0506240150jun24,1,7295148.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed \_ Yeah, my reading is that states can define how much "for public use" encompasses, and the Supreme Court will respect that. |
2005/6/24-26 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:38283 Activity:moderate |
6/24 Anyone have a car key that slides out of the plastic holder by a switch? http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/21/business/21road.html \_ Yes, and I am actively avoiding any unnecessary travel to the US because I do not like being hassled by fat, stupid airport "security" monkeys (although to be fair the ones in SF have become far better than the morons in the Midwest I've dealt with.) A lot of friends and colleagues are doing the same. Must be nice to not have to give a shit about lost business/tourist travel revenue in return for some perceived security. -John \_ The airlines are so successful that they don't need to worry about the few whiners who don't care about natl security. Oh wait... \_ What do they have to worry about? The same dumb-ass government that imposed these moronic security measures will bail their bumb asses out as soon as they whine loud enough. \_ Boy, don't get me started on US airlines, at least not major carriers--they're inofficially shitlisted by a lot of business travellers for being crap. -John \_ Seen on a Korean message board: "I think United is racist, they were really rude to me." reply: "No, they're not racist, they treat everyone like that." \_ You have just been put on the full body/cavity search list for the next time you fly into America, for uttering such unpatriotic sentiments. |
2005/6/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:38284 Activity:nil |
6/24 Tell me again that there is no bubble: http://www.condoflip.com \_ Bubbles are for baths. \_ I thought it's a humor site until I clicked a few times and realized it's a serious site. My god, what have we become? \_ What really gets me is that they have trademarked the term "flip". |
2005/6/24-27 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:38285 Activity:nil |
6/24 In my procmail log file, it says: csh in malloc(): warning: recursive call Out of memory. What is the meaning of this? \_ helps if you show us your .procmailrc \_ It's hundreds of lines long. I was thinking it was not something specific to my .procmailrc but that the system was just out of memory. Assuming it's something within my .procmailrc, would could cause a recursive call? |
2005/6/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38286 Activity:nil |
6/24 http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/06/23/veterans.budget.ap/index.html With support like this... \_ What the hell? So they increase the budget to make up for the shortfall. |
2005/6/24-26 [Uncategorized] UID:38287 Activity:low |
6/24 I heard that we are going to see similar list in Oakland. http://www.chicagopolice.org/ps/list.aspx \_ What happened to being innocent until proven guilty? I think the http://www.oaklandsnews.com guy does something similar somehow. - danh \_ The website clearly says they're innocent until proved guilty. \_ "So, when did you stop beating your wife?" -John \_ http://www.northoaklandpolice.com -tom |
2005/6/24-26 [Uncategorized] UID:38288 Activity:kinda low |
6/24 Even if you never sell out, the effect is the same: http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/news/05-06/23.shtml \_ That's infuriating, yes, but it's not as bad as selling the music to advertisers. When I hear "Out of Step" playing on an SUV commercial \_ How is outright theft not as bad as an exchange between two at least marginally consenting parties? -John \_ One affects my ability to enjoy Minor Threat and the other doesn't. on TV, that's when I start smashing stuff. \_ When I was 16, this probably would have infuriated me. Now its just funny. \_ I wonder why they didn't link to the whole ad, if you look at the whole ad, you will notice they even ripped off the other 'minor threat' font ad - link:tinyurl.com/9sva6 cover of original Minor Threat 7" http://www.fuzzlogic.com/flex/gallery/dischord/minor7.jpg - danh \_ Dang, just looking at the first picture, I assumed Nike would get away with it, but that font is EXACT. How is that different from Nike putting Mickey Mouse on an ad w/o permission? I hope Ian MacKaye sues their pants off. \_ Uh, not that I disagree it's a rip-off, but no, the font is not the same. Check the Os and Rs. The font Nike used is narrower overall than the Minor Threat one. \_ Hmmm... I admit I'm not measuring it, but the Rs look pretty much the same to me. Nike's T is a little closer to the H, and the O is slightly narrower, but I just attributed that to the fact that "AJ" is wider than "IN". Certainly most things are the same, the tops of the A's, and I would say, the Rs. \_ They're different fonts. Look, the 'R' in "Major" is boxy. The negative space in it consists of rectangles whereas the negative space in "Minor"'s 'R' consists of a semicircle and a triangle. Anyway, the fonts are hardly "exact". \_ http://www.dictionary.com "nitpicking". -John |
2005/6/24-27 [Uncategorized] UID:38289 Activity:low |
6/24 On Win2K terminal server, how do I find out who else are also logged on at that time? Thanks. \_ Use the terminal service manager and see who is connected and active. \_ Where can I run the terminal service manager? Do I need admin rights to run it? I don't have admin rights. |
2005/6/24-26 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:38290 Activity:high |
6/24 pictures of paintings by Korean school children about how much they are displeased with Japan. http://uqmgp.hp.infoseek.co.jp - danh \_ "the government ordered the public schools to tell the students the Korean view without actually backing it up." Doesn't this sound like how communist governments control the views of their youths? \_ I don't know, Japan seems to be doing the same thing with this issue, and others. \_ They're either incredibly sheltered or incredibly stupid about the whole WWII thing. Those new textbooks don't really help, nor does half of E. Asia flogging a dead horse. -John \_ Recently, Japan start to expand its territorial water, which pissed off both Korea and China. There were navy vessle stand off between Korean and Japan about a month ago. China, by comparison, official reaction has been much restrained. Having said that, if Japan continue its current path, it will repeat its imperial ambition... and this time, USA will support it. \_ Hahahaha. \_ All these while the Japanese start to love Korea because of its heart-touching TV dramas in recent years. |
2005/6/24-27 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:38291 Activity:low |
6/24 Thoughts on Duke Cunningham? selling one house to a company with business in front of him for $700k more than market value. Buying another house from another campaign contributor under fraud investigation for $2-3million below market value. And the real estate "agent" and "appraisor" who had never sold a house before and managed both sales just happened to be a big contributor as well. It's breathtaking. \_ Why do you hate successful investors? \_ Yeah, successful investors who live for free on their military contractor friend's yacht. Why you gotta be a hater! contractor friend's yacht. Why do you have to hate! \_ Look! Over there! A missing blonde chick in Aruba! \_ If it is not covered by Fox News, it didn't happen. |
2005/6/24-26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:38292 Activity:nil |
6/24 Hello, I'd like to join the craze and flip houses for huge profits. However, I don't have enough capital or expertise to do this. Does anyone know if there are companies out there that manage time-shared house flipping? For example, if 10 people buy a house and flip it, each person gets 1/10 of the profit (minus commission)? \_ Post your home address, and I'll volunteer to come over and beat the shit out of you. \_ Yeah, there's definitely no real estate bubble. Sheesh. \_ I'd be interested in starting a company like this. Professional Flipping Management Corporation. We take in a lot of cash and try to flip a house or two, and even if the market goes bad, we can still get by with management fees that we charge. It's a win-win situation for whoever starts this company. \_ Yeah, it's a win-win as long as none of the victims from whatever neigborhood you end up ruining don't come knocking at your door with a tire iron. \_ Is there such a thing as real estate mutual fund? \_ Perhaps you're interested in REIT's ? \_ sadly enough, http://condoflip.com (from http://sfgate.com/columnists/lloyd \_ dude, I put that on the motd yesterday |
2005/6/24-25 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:38293 Activity:moderate |
6/23 John, how do you know so much about Germany? Were you a German Studies major? I'm impressed. -newbie \_ I live next to it. I also probably spent time at Cal hanging out a lot with heil cherman john guy. Where is he, by the way? A good troll farmer should always make sure his troll herd is in good health. -John \_ Who is the heil cherman guy and what does he do? Is he a skinhead or a neonazi? Why the hell would anyone at Cal, the most liberal and antinazi university, do something as stupid as heiling nazis? |
2005/6/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38294 Activity:nil |
6/24 Bush's War, Myths and Reality, on Fox News: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,160556,00.html \_ Why isn't this posted on The Free Republic yet? |
2005/6/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:38295 Activity:high |
6/24 [from the thread way down below] \_ FWIW, I think this was John "I covered Lady Justice's Titties" Ashcroft's doing. \_ He might not have bothered if it weren't the case that so many photogrophers liked to snap pics of him with the titties in the background. \_ Possible, but it's still unbelievably stupid. \_ Really? Check: http://csua.org/u/cij \_Really?http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1430134/posts Maybe stupid of the photographers. \_ It's so fun watching freepers implode. I really liked the "IT WAS JANET RENO" kneejerks. wow. \_ Whatever the photographers were doing, covering the status is a petulant, stupid response motivated by Puritanism of the worst kind. Why should he be embarassed to be in front of Lady Justice? Anyone who finds that statue to be "lascivious" has got real problems and should seek help. \_ The slew of photos designed to frame a breast in the same image as Ashcroft's face was nothing more than junior-high school level sniggering. An alternative could have been to ban photographers. I see covering the statues as a reasonable way to deny the juveniles their fun at his expense. \_ You're as much of an uptight prude as Ashcroft, apparently. By the way, the Gonzales Justice Department has "disrobed" the statue. \_ You clearly don't know anything about photography. The statue of lady Justice has *symbolic meaning*. Photos will be more interesting with something from the background included in the frame than if it's just Ashcroft's head or the podium. Only an idiot would think it's done to specifically highlight the breast. -tom \_ I won't defend Ashcroft, but I'm certain the picture of Ed Meese delivering his report on pornography with those breasts in the background was meant to feature that feature. -mel \_ The more Ashcroft was shown to be a prude, though, I wouldn't have put it past photographers to do it intentionally. --dbushong \_ I can think of a lot of reasons John Ashcroft should be ashamed to be seen in front of Lady Justice. |
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