2005/6/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38216 Activity:moderate |
6/21 Boy, it's a good thing Bush knows how to support the troops! "Marine Units Found To Lack Equipment" http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeast/articles/2005/06/21/marine_units_found_to_lack_equipment \_ I'm glad you rely on the fourth estate for all your military information. You'll make a fine draftee because you buy into the lies much easier than way. Don't let reality get in the way and believe that under a Republican President the military has more supplies and more of what they want. \_ Yeah, it pisses me off when the press goes to people who know nothing about the situation for their information. I mean, c'mon.. The Marine Corps Inspector General... What a liar. \_ So you think missing Humvees and tanks that don't work while hundreds of billions are siphoned from the taxpayers wallets is normal and acceptable? \_ Um.. there's a war going on. But even before that, ask any soldier serving under Clinton, things were scarce. \_ How many soldiers were killed in their un-armored humvees by roadside bombs under Clinton? \_ How many engagements did Clinton start w/o UN approval also? Don't know? Ever wonder? Your argument is like gun control. Blame anyone else but the crook. \_ Other than kosovo? dunno. \_ Bush has gotten every cent he's asked for on Iraq. It doesn't take 5 yrs to backorder flak jackets and humvees. Hell, it doesn't even take 2 years. If supplies were low at the start of the war, why not send up an appropriations bill to pay for them? Don't pass the buck. It stops @ Bush. \_ Actually, it's probably more accurate to say it stops at Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld is the highest up guy who is a believer in the 'leaner military.' I would be interested if anybody did any homework on WHY on earth there would be shortages in the military. It might well not be a money issue at all. Blaming Bush might be satisfying, but it doesn't really explain anything. -- ilyas \_ Didn't we already have this discussion? The suppliers of vehicle armor came out after Rumsfeld said they were producing armor at full capacity and said "Uh, no. We could boost output if the Pentagon ordered it." They tried to do this on the cheap and have failed because of it. In WWII domestic car sales were stopped so the factories could be repurposed to provide new war vehicles. Have we been asked to sacrifice? At all? No. We were told to go out and shop. They don't want us to notice that there's a war. \_ So I don't understand. The \_ This article does not imply the shortages the Marines are experiencing has anything to do with fundamental industrial capacity issues, but with poor planning regarding replacements. Is there actually an insufficient production problem, or a money problem? -- ilyas \_ Sorry, I sort of talked against myself there. I believe it's poor planning, period. I don't think it's a production capacity problem, and for money, Congress has been more than willing to loosen the purse strings. I think it's the civilian authority not listening to their military which I think stems from political concerns. \_ I agree that it's a poor planning problem, and I am interested to learn where the problem actually lies. I wouldn't be surprised if a part of it was just large bureaucracy overhead the military always seems to incur. I think the military just has the same kinds of horrendous inefficiency issues which plague NASA, for much the same reasons. I am not sure if this can explain all shortages though. I would be interested if there was, indeed, the tradeoff between sacrifices the civilian population makes and sufficient stuff for the military. I am guessing not -- the US isn't that poorly off. -- ilyas \_ But it's all systemic. I think the administration under-requested because they're trying to keep the costs low. I think they're trying to have their cake and eat it too, what with taxcuts in wartime and big pushes of war dollars to private contractors. If the war had been necessary, we could have accomplished it without going far deeper into debt, by asking the people to tighten their belts for the good of the nation. Instead we're heading for a point where we can only afford paying interest on our debt. I wouldn't be surprised at the level of inefficiency in the military. But I think looking at the troops as a bottom-line item that can be squeezed is disgusting. \_ As I said, I am not at all sure this is a real tradeoff (troop supply vs belt-squeezing). We aren't Russia, we have mind boggling industrial capacity. -- ilyas \_ What do you suspect is the problem then? \_ I think the real problem is inefficiency and corruption, not any particular conscious evil ploy. -- ilyas \_ What would you say to a Truman-like commission \_ Creating oversight is good, but I would be more interested in what is it about the military structure that caused this sort of thing to happen. Commissions might be a good short term solution, but I am more interested in building a government robust to corruption and inefficinecy is good. -- ilyas \_ You're correct, but what pp is saying is that it's a politically motivated trade- off, not an economically motivated one. -!pp \_ So we agree there's a planning problem. That makes it Rumsfeld's problem. I hold the view that Bush should be held accountable for poor planning that's been ongoing for 2 years. which I think stems from political concerns. been ongoing for 2 years. -!pp \_ Bush? Naw! He's a good guy. He can't help it if some hardworking Americans under him make mistakes now and again. What's important is that they're good people working hard for America. \_ You can blame Bush for almost any given thing that went wrong during his tenure, and be right. But, again, it's not a helpful thing to point out because you don't explain any particular failure -- usually a complex affair. -- ilyas \_ Bush changed 80% of his cabinet for his second term. He declined to change Rumsfeld. You're argument is like blaming the Director of IT for a 5 year IT systems debacle while exculpating the CEO. \_ Nice diversion. Now let's talk about "support the troops" Bush. -tom \_ God, that was classic Bushie: if you haven't got a point, blame Clinton. |
2005/6/21-23 [Consumer/Camera] UID:38217 Activity:low |
6/21 Has anyone seen Triumph of the Will (1934)? What are your thoughts on it? Should this piece be banned from the film studies class or does it actually have substantial historical and educational value in it? \_ Nazi propaganda film? I think you are a troll. \_ No, I'm asking because it's included in many film studies classs and I'm surprised it's not banned or anything like that \_ "If we fail to know history, we are doomed to repeat it." \_ also, she did a lot of very interesting things with the editing that were kind of mind-blowing at the time, but are taken for granted nowadays. It's educational from a film history perspective, even if the content does make me want to vomit. -sax \_ I don't really recall, I think I saw it when I was 12. I remember it being interesting from a historical and film technique perspective. Very effecitive propoganda. Worth seeing. Another similarly influential/horrifying file is "Birth of a Nation." I remember that one with a lot more ire, but I saw it much more recently as well. I especially liked presdient Wilson's quote at the beginning calling it "history written in lightning." THAT made me want to vomit. \_ The cinematographic techniques in it are absolutely fascinating, as is the whole thing as a phaenomenon in and of itself. There are far spooker Nazi propaganda films, such as "I accuse" (forget the German title) and most of the not-so-in-your-face ones. They're extra-scary because of the banality with which they present what to most people is plain evil. If the topic interests you, there are some rare late interviews with Leni Riefenstahl that shed some light on her motivations. As for "Birth of a Nation", it's much plumper in its propaganda. -John \- Do you read Hannah Arendt? \_ No, nor her books. I assume you're referring to her idea of the destruction of familiar social contexts as a basis for totalitarianism? I think the "scary shit" I'm referring to would better be described as "chutzpah". \_ "Eichmann In Jerusalem" should be required reading for anyone, but I'm a little confused as to how it would apply in this case. \- the expression "the banality of evil" is most tightly bound to HA. |
2005/6/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38218 Activity:nil |
6/21 Tim Russert interviews VP Cheney on his predictions on post-war Iraq prior to the invasion http://csua.org/u/cg6 (Post) \_ It's amusing how quiet the motd conservatives are now that they've been shown to be wrong in so many ways. \_ We've learned that there's no point trying to discuss things rationally with crazy wing-nut lefties who don't give a shit about facts. -conservative \_ Facts that are verifiably untrue don't help in a rational discussion. \_ "Ah. I'll have to think about that more carefully. That does suggest a problem in my reasoning." -emarkp (From yesterday's thread) \_ w00+! +5 points for using someone's desire to learn and be rational as an insult! \_ hey, it's not a crack @ emarkp. At least he gives "a shit about facts," unlike the previous nutjob conservative above. -nivra \_ Yeah, you could scarcely conceal your glee on wall though. You are pathetic. \_ Wow. anonymous ad-hominem attacks. I'm honored. -nivra \_ There was no attempt to insult. I will spoon-feed it to you: "there's no point to discuss things rationally with crazy wing-nut lefties" conservative guy wrote. Yesterday, emarkp (another conservative guy) was discussing the Lancet article with nivra (lefty). They had a rational conversation, and emarkp (conservative) left saying nivra (lefty) had a point. This contradicts the idea that "there's no point to discuss things rationally with crazy wing-nut lefties". Got it? \_ Are you implying that nivra is a "crazy wing-nut lefty"? I'd guess that the "It's amusing" guy is (but have no knowledge of nivra's political leanings). \_ I'm liberal. And yes, conservativeguy(TM) will probably view me as a "crazy wing-nut liberal" as long as he's stuck in his warped, faith-based right wing echo chamber. -nivra \_ http://csua.org/u/cg9 (kchang's archive) |
2005/6/21-25 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:38219 Activity:low |
6/21 Most SUV drivers do not have any environmental guilt: "Not surprisingly, few SUV drivers have been buying them. Most have gone to owners of fuel-efficient cars that produce relatively few pollutants." http://www.cnn.com/2005/AUTOS/funonwheels/06/17/car_smog_pay \_ If they had any environmental guilt/conscience they wouldn't buy an SUV in the first place. QED. \_ I am an SUV owner, and I can say I have more enviromental conscience than many people in my company because I use public transit to commute to work even though it takes longer than driving, while other co-workers living in the same area drive to work. \_ I saw a "BIN LADEN USED YOUR GAS MONEY" bumpersticker last week. \_ Do you know who our largest oil importer is? \_ Your momma's scalp? \_ Seems kind of pointless. Just tax gas more and people will drive more fuel efficient cars or take the bus. \_ Ah yes, I'm sure our awsome Governator would be amenable to that \_ it's not fair to SUV drivers. Most people do not have any environmental guilt. how many people willing to leave their car at home and seperate garbage for the sake of environment? \_ I do. -ausman |
2005/6/21-22 [Science/Electric, Computer/Companies/Google, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:38220 Activity:nil |
6/21 Does anybody have current contact info for blojo@csua? I've tried to email him, but I'm not sure he still pays attention to the CSUA mail. -vadim \_ google has his web site as first hit mailto:jon@number-none.com whois the site shows his name/address/phone/email address \_ Thanks, I was googling for the wrong thing. -vadim \_ That should have gotten lots of hits on google too. |
2005/6/21 [Uncategorized] UID:38221 Activity:nil |
6/21 Has anyone seen Triumph of the Will (1934)? What are your thoughts on it? \_ Nazi propaganda film? I think you are a troll. |
2005/6/21-22 [Reference/Military] UID:38222 Activity:low |
6/21 Draft these people http://tinyurl.com/b3bpe \_ HAH AH A this is HILARIOUS thanks for the joke (fyi it's about Confederates fighting Star Trek guys) \_ Highly amusing, thank you. Check the date on it as well. |
2005/6/21-23 [Uncategorized] UID:38223 Activity:nil |
6/21: Is there a way to tell diff to diff the two lines it finds different rather than just listing the two lines and leaving it to me to figure out how they are different (these are really long (>>80 chars) lines) Thanks \_ ObUsePerl \_ you could probably use a combo of diff + {od/hd} to do this |
2005/6/21-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38224 Activity:nil |
6/21 US 'concealing' Saddam's secrets http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4115976.stm \_ The world needs to know Saddam's brand of undies! |
2005/6/21-23 [Reference/Tax] UID:38225 Activity:nil |
6/21 Is it worth winning a trip on a gameshow when they set the prize's worth to like $4000 to make it sound good when you can just book a the same vacation for like $1500? since you have to pay taxes on it and all anywayz \_ took me five minutes to find, but here it is: http://www.boingboing.net/2005/06/03/aa_free_plane_tix_co.html \_ what gameshow? You also have to consider that it might be fun participating in a gameshow. |
2005/6/21-25 [Finance/Investment] UID:38226 Activity:nil |
6/21 I can understand why GM's stock is in the dumps, but why is Toyota's (symbol TM) stock so cheap, with trailing PE of 11? \_ Yeah, HMC is even cheaper, which is why I loaded up on a bunch back in 2003. Japanese stocks in general are very cheap, mostly for good economic reasons, but these two have solid growth prospects. |
2005/6/21-23 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:38227 Activity:nil |
6/21 Regarding the Killen trial. He was tried in the 60s and the jury deadlocked (11 for and 1 against conviction). How come we can try him again? Is it because there are new evidence? \_ Was it declared a mistrial for the hung jury? If so, there's no statute of limitation on murder. The plaintiff can refile. IANAL |
2005/6/21-22 [Finance/Investment] UID:38228 Activity:moderate |
6/21 How aggressive are you in your stock portfolio? \_ so aggressive that i quit jobs just so i can put all my 401k into Iras so I can buy individual stocks \_ very aggressive with my own money. more conservative managing my mom and my girlfriend's money. while their holdings are beating \_ My company's 401k has an option to buy individual stocks myself instead of mutual funds. But I chose a mutual fund anyway. \_ very aggressive with my own money. more conservative managing mom and my girlfriend. while their holdings are beating the market, mine have been hitting home runs since oct 2002, when I regrouped after the bubble. \_ So what are your 'home run' picks past and present? \_ gains or losses > 30% homeruns: crxl 8/03 ~ 540% nvda 10/02 11/02 66% bby 11/02 12/02 31% hele 11/02 10/03 123% hele 11/02 11/03 123% utsi 3/03 9/03 91% gric 3/03 5/03 75% fosl 5/03 6/04 111% vip 8/03 10/03 46% tlk 8/03 10/03 40% cyd 7/03 11/03 277% ivan 9/03 10/03 95% arlc 10/03 2/04 132% ach 10/03 1/04 55% bhp 11/03 5/05 47% mbt 11/03 4/04 75% rio 7/04 ~ 84% pbr 12/04 ~ 31% crxl 8/03 ~ 540% ifn 11/03 ~ 47% eurox 11/03 ~ 55% maptx 11/03 ~ 35% strikeouts ysp.ca 11/03 12/03 -44% cyd 11/03 11/04 -48% utsi 12/03 11/04 -53% nxg 2/04 6/04 -30% asx 2/04 11/04 -35% spil 2/04 6/04 -33% current holdings - held for some time: held for some time: crxl, rio, pbr, tsm, mbt, rtp, ifn, mchfx, epp macsc, eurox, mjfox, maptx, tavix, dvy, bjbix macsx, eurox, mjfox, maptx, tavix, dvy, bjbix current holdings - bought in the last 2 months: recent buys (few days to 2 months) desc, nile, sgtl, atyt, mot, snda, tm, fdx, vz |
2005/6/21-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:38230 Activity:high |
6/21 My math and/or perl fu is weak. Is there a way to get integer multiplication in Perl the way it's done in C? i.e. limiting to 32 bits. Like 1588635697 * 1117695901 = 1166976269 in C. \_ Can't you just multiply and then mask all but the last 32 bits? \_ I don't think so; that's not the same as mult overflow. > perl -e 'print (1588635697 * 1117695901)' > 1.77561160671918e+18 > perl -e '$foo = (1588635697 * 1117695901); printf("%u",$foo)' > 4294967295 > perl -e '$f=(1588635697*1117695901)&0xffffffff;printf("%u",$f)' > 4294967295 I guess I could call C from perl but I'd rather not. Or construct my own slow 32-bit binary multiplier in Perl, haha. \-ObUseLISP \_ People sometimes give me a hard time for disliking Perl, but I really do feel it's not a well-designed programming language. This is one example of why. Most other high level languages have a notion of a native integer and native floating point type. Lisp and ML languages certainly do. By the way, what you want to do is 'use integer;'. In other words: perl -e 'use integer; $f=(1588635697*1117695901);printf("%u",$f)' -- ilyas \_ Perl never claimed to be strong computationally. It's a text munging engine at its core. That "use integer" is required isn't all that surprising. \_ Neither Lisp nor ML claim to be strong computationally either (they are both meant for symbolic processing). This does not stop them from having good design, and a GC that doesn't leak. Matlab, which is often used for numerical tasks, has a base numeric type that is a complex-valued matrix! This excuse is neither here nor there. Perl's poor quality coupled with Perl's popularity really lowered consumer expectations, I feel, which is a pity. -- ilyas \_ Thanks, that works... except I had to play around a bit. For example this case doesn't work: perl -e 'use integer; $f=1117695901*(3177271395/2); printf("%u",$f)' > 137188522 The division seems to throw a wrench in it. But it works if I put only the multiplication in a block by itself, with 'use integer' there. I'm not sure I trust this thing. \_ how do you get the C-integer behavior in Lisp? \_ Lisp, by default, uses bignums in case of overflow, but it is possible to get around this with some syntax verbosity, for instance in cmucl: (defun f (x y) (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (declare ((unsigned-byte 32) x y)) (the (unsigned-byte 32) (* x y))) (print (f 1588635697 1117695901)) There's probably a shorter way, but I don't care enough to find it. At least it does the Right Thing always, unlike Perl above. Notice that Lisp treats this issue as one of type safety -- setting the safety knob to 0 forces it to use the unsigned 32 bit integer type for the result even if it cannot prove the result will 'fit.' -- ilyas \_ well those people are idiots. Perl is not a programming language, it's a bunch of ugly hacks that look like a programming language. The fact that Perl is so popular is not so much that it is intuitive or has features of good languages, but the fact that it has one of the most comprehensive libraries out there. I hate Perl, but I also hate writing stuff in Java or scripts where I need to build or find my own CGI lib, XML parser, code generator, sql mod, and all the extra nice things that are readily available on Perl. \_ You should give Python a try. It has plenty of drawbacks, like any interpreted language, but its a million times better than Perl IMO. And you get a huge set of the aforementioned bells and whistles that are roughly comparable to what Perl has. Note that one of the first complaints about Python is usually its use of whitespace as a block delimiter, so if you can't get past that you're probably SOL. \_ I feel Python is a poorly implemented, inelegant Lisp with decent library support. See Norvig's essay on this subject. -- ilyas \_ From Norvig's site: "The two main drawbacks of Python from my point of view are (1) there is very little compile-time error analysis and type declaration, even less than Lisp, and (2) execution time is much slower than Lisp, often by a factor of 10 (sometimes by 100 and sometimes by 1). Qualitatively, Python feels about the same speed as interpreted Lisp, but very noticably slower than compiled Lisp. For this reason I wouldn't recommend Python for applications that are (or are likely to become over time) compute intensive. But my purpose is oriented towards pedagogy, not production, so this is less of an issue." Overall from what I can tell, he seems to *like* Python despite these objections, and his main objection seems to be that you can't compile it. I've done tons of useful production work with Python, so while I see where he's coming from I don't see the practical downside of his complaint. I can see why a computer scientist might object to Python, though. \_ You have to understand that Norvig works at Google now, and Google has standardized on Python, like it or not. I am not really familiar with internal politics over there, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was somewhat pressured to not hate Python too much. I feel scheme + SICP is the best pedagogy tool for CS. There are a lot of really clunky things about Python I don't like, but then again, that's true of most languages. That's why I want to roll my own one day. Also, the kinds of things I like in programming languages are fairly obscure, hard to explain and verbalize things. -- ilyas \_ Well, roll your own then. It's actually pretty easy these days. Jim Gray is quoted as wondering why everyone isn't doing it. \_ Writing is easy. Designing is hard. -- ilyas \_ "A poorly implemented, inelegant Smalltalk with decent library support," is probably a more accurate description of the language. - ciyer \_ How do you feel about ruby? -aspo \_ Yeah, ruby is a new take on smalltalk (dynamic typing, everything is an object). Python resembles lisp more than smalltalk. -- ilyas \_ So. What do you think about ocaml? \_ I don't like ocaml as much as I once did. It's a good implementation (which is rare), but I have been finding design problems. E-mail me if you are interested in a serious discussion rather than half-hearted trolling attempts. -- ilyas \_ Foolish me for thinking that perl used bignums instead of magically converting ints to floats. -pp \- people who think perl is good as opposed to useful typically have not been exposed to something actually good. while one can debate what is the "Right Thing" it's pretty pointless to debate what somebody else finds useful. i use perl now and then but at the back of my mind i am always a little nervous because of all the things it is doing behind the scenes [to allow sloppiness] which i dont understand. although admittedly i havent seen perl do too many really crazy things since perl 4 [where you would hit crazy implementation as opposed to design bugs like you would reorder a case statement and all of a sudden perl core dumped. it's funny how berkeley unix was the example of "worse is better" in the famous "essay" and now BSD Unix is sort of the gold standard. \_ psb, did you write some Open Source polynomial solvers in Lisp? I came across some code by a "psb" at my last job. \- um, i did write some stuff for MACSYMA a while ago. this was sort of pre-open src so it was more like i threw it out there. this actually indirectly came out of a ucb linear algebra class. a dumbass friend of mine brought us what he said was an extra credit homework problem, but turned out sort of a hard problem [maybe a Knuth 42] and this lead to some useful stuff being written. the only place i was aware this was being used was IBM. \_ My favorite thing that Perl got wrong is their garbage collector, which leaks on cyclic data structures. There is even an AI koan about this very subject. -- ilyas \_ point is valid. Luckily, most Perl programs like CGI/PHP don't persist too long. Perl doesn't scale well for real huge programs. \_ Is that a GC bug or a result of the way it was designed? \_ It was designed that way. -- ilyas \_ It was designed that way. See koan #2 here: http://foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?AI+koan -- ilyas |
2005/6/21-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:38231 Activity:nil |
6/21 Show me the love, Palestine: http://csua.org/u/cgd (jpost) \_ "Another Gaza resident responded: "May God protect us against such weird and dangerous ideas. The next thing we will hear is that we need a party for gays and lesbians." In America we call people who think this way "Republicans." Maybe Bill Frist should run for president of Palestine. |
2005/6/21-23 [Politics, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast] UID:38232 Activity:nil |
6/21 World's first solar sail in jeapardy: http://csua.org/u/cge \_ Does it say anything about the reliability of Russia's ballistic missile? Or is that an outdated missile model no longer used by the military? |
2005/6/21-25 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:38233 Activity:nil |
6/21 What's the currently accepted "best" fastest way to write a lot of little data to a file in Unix? Is it still mmap/memcpy, or is there something more advanced nowadays? Maybe send me e-mail? -- Marco \_ I'm curious as well, so please post responses here. --darin \_ I think you will find that it depends entirely on the hardware platform and in most cases the programming style only affects a few percent on the fastest RAID drive arrays. this is because RAM and CPU are so much faster than disks. trying to do high bandwidth network I/O, on the other hand can be tricky and interesting if you are into that sort of thing... zero-copy asynchronous bulk I/O. \- i agree, a lot of little details matter. is it totally concurrency domainated, what kind of device is being written to, is it ok to write to cache or do you need to flush to metal, can you use some hack like immediate data [veritas], is locking an issue? does your application only use traditional sematics [supercomputing uses have special ways of doing large i/o], can you choose your file system, is byte range locking an issue? is the rate at which you are given inodes an issue? etc. it would be interesting to see how IBM/GPFS would do at this. |
2005/6/21-25 [Science/Space, Reference/Religion, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:38234 Activity:kinda low |
6/21 What is the most overrated book you have read? The #1 overrated book of ALL TIME is: ZatAoMM \- BTW, many of the 1star AMAZONG reviews are enjoyable to read and are small compnesation for this ass book. Notice the two themes: 1. the author is *actually* insane 2. feel sorry for the son. \_ anything by Jack Welch \_ The Bible. Delete this again and the thread dies. \_ Beloved by Morrison \_ The Bible. I still don't understand why, given that the whole thing is translated anyway, the English versions always have to have such awkward language and style. \_ Beloved by Morrison \_ I really enjoyed it. --scotsman \_ Cyptonomicon. God that book sucked. -aspo \_ Yeah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who hated that book. Is everything by Stepherson that bad? A friend thinks I should read Snow Crash. -jrleek \_ I think everyone who went to Cal should read The Big U. It's a satire of American college life. I think Stephenson went to BU, but a lot of the stuff is amazingly familiar. \_ snow crash wasn't too bad. \_ seconded \_ snow crash is good. Zodiac is short and amusing. \_ Zodiac's his only book with an acutal ending. \_ The Name of the (stinking) Rose. Blah blah blah blah blah -- SHUT UP ALREADY AND TELL A STORY. Whew. Glad to get that off my chest. \_ What, you don't like vicissitudes? \_ Atlas Shrugged \_ Anything by Ann Coulter \_ The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Heinlein \_ The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress \_ SICP. (ok, just kidding) \_ Dianetics. \_ The New Testament. But the old testament is wicked cool. \_ Design Patterns \_ Abelson & Sussman. Ugh. -John \_ E_TOOSHORT \_ Design Patterns \_ The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. Look, fuckhead who keeps deleting this, I am entitled to my opinion. If you don't agree then say why, don't just censor me. \_ Trouble with the motd is you are interacting with some serious idiots. Either you get censored repeatedly or you can't even delete some 4-day old dead threads without them getting restored. Maybe by the same idiot. \_ The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. \_ Stupid additions were deleted. You do not understand the question, although not as badly as the people answering "The Bible" or "Anne Coulter". I had hoped you would have realized that after a couple of selective deletions, but it looks like you are beyond being reached. |
2005/6/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:38240 Activity:moderate |
6/21 DeLay is just a good honest Republican: http://csua.org/u/cgt (Yahoo news) \_ Dan Rostenkowski, and Jim Wright, are good honest Democrats too. Please! Both sides cheat, the trick is not to get caught. If you don't know who those two are, you are yet another person who thinks politics extends back only to Clinton. \_ The point is that he's the GOP House leader, and GOP folks are more hypocritical / much less apologetic about corruption, politicking, and screw-ups. \_ Heh. -- ilyas \_ Dan Rostenkowski, Jim Wright, and Jim Traficant are good honest Democrats too. Please! Both sides cheat, the trick is not to get caught. If you don't know who those three are you are yet another person who thinks politics extends back Clinton. \_ Rostenkowski was what? Wright was what? Talk about less apologetic - look at Traficant. \_ Shock! Surprise! Politicians are all scummy! "Your politicians are scummier than my politicians! nyah!" Whatever on all of you. These sorts of "your guys are more corrupt and hypocritical than my guys are corrupt and hypocritical" noise is sheer idiocy from both parties. I vote for people who believe in what I believe in not for a party. \_ delay is much more powerful than rostenkowski or traficant ever were. my memory doesn't go back far enough to comment on wright. it is funny that the 5th in command republican is such a slimeball. - danh |
2005/6/21-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Uncategorized/Profanity, Consumer/Audio] UID:38241 Activity:nil |
6/21 Hey native russian speakers, what the hell is this: http://www.dusha.su/main.html I can't figure it out. .su is Siberia... I think? I didn't know Siberia had split off already! Who is this guy? http://tinyurl.com/72luo - danh \_ .su is leftover from soviet union. \_ Where did you hear about these guys, Dan? They are a cult, by the way. E-mail me for details. -- ilyas \_ share all the juicy details with the rest of the motd. \_ Eh, why should I? Motd treats me like shit. -- ilyas \_ motd treats us all like shit |
3/14 |