2005/6/15-17 [Health, Health/Women] UID:38131 Activity:low |
6/15 I know there was a discussion a couple of weeks ago about RSI and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but I wasn't paying attention. Now my SO has developed wrist pain after using the computer for a couple of hours (we're guessing it's RSI not CTS but we're not sure) and I'd like to know: a) is this something people go to see a doctor about and if so does anyone have any recommendations for a good doctor (preferably in the south bay)? b) any specific advice besides "take breaks every 10 minutes" etc, especially about setting up an ergonomically healthy computer desk setup? \_ You need to approach this problem from all sides. I had RSI and the pain was so severe that after an hour typing I'd have so much pain that I'd have to stop. I took frequent mini vacations but after a while they no longer worked. I finally filed for worker's comp through HR and they'd set me up with 2 chiropractor appointments a week. By the way, despite what you hear, worker's comp for RSI is very very common in Silicon Valley and in many cases the HR shields this information from your peers and boss. Anyways, here is the 411 from my doctors and chiropractors. As you get older, the ability for your body to regenerate muscles, cartilage, etc diminish. Many short distance runners have to quit because they can no longer regenerate some parts at a rate they used to, and eventually their body parts wear out that it hits the nerves. Same with typing. You're getting older. You'll never feel as good as flexible and agile as when you were 18, but you can do a few things. First, increase the rate at which your body regenerates-- EXERCISE! Cardio is the best. Do this twice a week, you'll notice dramatic differences in a few months. You should also STRETCH your hands once every 30 min when you type. Make this mandatory! Lastly, as a temporarry but immediate relief, use Kinesis-Ergo keyboard. I did something drastic and even used Dvorak layout on top of my Kinesis, but there is a lot of commitment involved. Finally, do all of the above and do it CONSISTENTLY. It's been 3-4 years since I started my therapy and according to my doctors and chiros I'm 80-90% healed. \_ I'd email you exactly how I got rid of my RSI but you're anonymous \_ I'd email you and tell you my login so you can e-mail me your advice but you're anonymous... oh wait. \_ you're the one asking for help, dude. \_ email me please. !op kngharv \_ maybe you should email williamc@csua.berkeley.edu because he says there is no correlation between RSI and typing. Maybe he can give you advice on what he does that prevents him from getting RSI, like proper diet or just having fewer neurons that dulls your sensation. \_ I found that not resting my wrists below the level of (or for laptops, on) the keyboard, trying to work in not-too-cold temperatures, using a wrist pad, using a low-impact keyboard (easy to push keys, not too clicky) and just doing wrist/hand/forearm stretching exercises every few minutes helped a lot. -John \_ I think John's suggestions are all good. I use the Soft Splints from http://www.mousemitt.com to keep my wrists at the proper level and keep my hands warm while typing. You may end up looking like a Hobo or Glenn Gould or something wearing them, but I prefer them to wrist pads, especially for laptops. - ciyer \_ I find this mouse very helpful, eventhough it may look like an obscene sex toy: http://www.animax.no or, if you can't find it anywhere, try amazon and look for: http://www.3m.com/us/office/myworkspace/mos_ergo.jhtml \_ That looks good. I might get one of those. It's funny that it looks a lot like a good ole fashioned joystick. Incidentally, I bought a rollerball mouse. It's good in that I can actually do CAD work for more than an hour at a time now, but I still get pain when I have long projects. -- ulysses \_ I got one of those bowl keyboards. http://www.kinesis-ergo.com/essential.htm and yes they are espensive and yes it took several weeks before I could really type and over a month before I type well but I was having serious pain in my right hand before I switched and as long as I use that keyboard the pain is totally gone now. -aspolito \_ You can find utilities that remind you to take rest breaks, or just set a kitchen timer. Learn about stretches specific for keyboarding http://www.askergoworks.com/about_erg_stretch_breaks.asp has a downloadable .pdf with examples of stretches. I also find that a split keyboard helps. I switched to vim for editing so I don't use ctrl-alt chording as much as I did with emacs. I also started mousing with my left hand (I can play FPS's now, though it took a while to adjust). Finally, strength exercises for back and shoulders help your posture and force your body into a position that's better for your arms. \_ I went to the Stanford hand clinic when I had a problem with my ulnar nerve. Had physical therapy, which was almost all just hot paraffin wraps of my forearms. They also had me do exercises with silly putty and elastic bands to strengthen my wrists, and I use softcasts whenever I type for extended periods. All that seemed to work, and I've been pain free for years now. The paraffin wraps helped calm down my inflamed ulnar, and I think my longer term nerve-healthiness is due to the softcasts. I am not sure the exercises helped a whole lot, but I wasn't terribly diligent in doing the exercises in the first place. BTW, I had a grand old time talking the clinic resident into ordering all kinds of expensive nerve induction tests, all of which were paid for by my insurance. There's probably some kind of insurance-reform parable in there somewhere. \_ Try these busty mousepads: http://www.dvorak.org/blog/?p=1498 \_ I haven't tried the Kinesis kb's, but I personally use a normal MS ergo split key with the 3M ergo mouse. The mouse made a huge difference for me. One of my coworkers with more extreme RSI uses something called a touchstream keyboard. It's pretty nice since it requires near zero force to type and mouse. Make sure you get your desk ergonomically evaluated and do wrist stretches ever day. |
2005/6/15-17 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:38132 Activity:high |
6/14 If money is not a concern, where would you settle down for retirement? And why? I'll start: \_ Florida: . \_ Because it's old people friendly. And people speak English. And there are lots of places built for ACTIVE and healthy old people. Weather is nice. And you won't get lonely because there are lots of other old people just like you. \_ *shudder* everything I know about Florida says that it is hell on earth. There's a *little* bit of hyperbole there. A little. -dans \_ Not sure about all parts of FL, but Orlando seems to be okay. \_ No, all of Florida sucks. Weather is bad. People are conservative. If I had to choose, the keys or Gulf Coast are the best. Orlando is a swamp, man! \_ Isn't the keys in the state of FL? \_ if he had to choose somewhere in FL \_ Bay Area: ... \_ Uh, how about Bay Area minus Berkeley? \_ Great weather, good transit system, reasonable culture, amazing restaurants, can walk everywhere I want to go, tolerant social climate, diverse mix of people, safe, beautiful, top notch research hospitals. \_ the transit system sucks, but other than that the Bay Area is hard to beat. -tom \_ It certainly has one of the best mass transit systems in the nation. There are far better ones in Europe, granted, but for the US, it is above average. You cannot even get around without a car in most of the US. \_ Speaking as someone who gets around without a car, you're wrong. The combined Bay Area transit miasma is one of the most expensive and least effective systems in the country, and it shows no signs of abating as the biggest, most expensive, and least effective part of it (BART) keeps sucking up all the mind share and funding. Woo hoo, a billion dollars for an extension to Warm Springs, that'll help! -tom \_ Uh, compared to Los Angeles, BA transportation is like, totally and utterly superior. Have you ever been to Los Angeles? \_ Yes, Los Angeles transit sucks. There is a world outside California, you know. NYC, Chicago, Boston, DC, and Atlanta spring to mind as US cities with better transit than SF. -tom \_ Hi Tom, just curious, where do you live? \_ near Piedmont Ave in Oakland. \_ sheesh, buy a car already \_ yeah, there's a great solution to a shitty transit system. -tom \_ I don't have a car, I get around just fine without one and I think BART is great. Have you ever tried to get around LA or Las Vegas or Phoenix without a car? The Bay Area is much better. In fact, outside of NYC, no place that I have ever visited in the US has a better mass transit system. BART won an award as the best transit system in the country, so your opinion is obviously in the minority. car? In the Bay Area it is much easier. In fact, outside of NYC, no place that I have ever visited has a better mass transit system. And BART won an award as the best transit system in the country, so your opinion is obviously in the minority. http://www.bart.gov/news/features/features20040824.asp \_ so why is BART great, eh? Is it because it's expensive, loud, and slow? Is it because they offer no monthly passes, and they don't have any agreement to share tickets with any of the other transit agencies? Is it because the elevators never work? -tom \_ During rush hour, the BART goes from Glen Park BART to downtown every two or three minutes. And the ride is 12 minutes, much faster than even taking my motorcycle. It is also faster than taking a car to Berkeley. And my Fas Pass works on both Muni and BART And my Fast Pass works on both Muni and BART in The City. It is too bad that AC Transit and BART don't have such an agreement. \- i think BART is ok if by coincidence your route coincides with the end points. but to have to bus/fight to park at one end and then take another bus at the other end is nuts. If you live off T'graph and are trying to get to the Ho Theater in the 'Loin, BART works. If you live near the Moron Temple in OAK and want to visit your associate in the Richmond (SF) BART is insane. \_ BART doesn't pretend to go everywhere. Isn't a Oakland -> Richmond trip the job of AC Transit? \_ BART named #1 Transit System in U.S. by APTA http://www.bart.gov/news/features/features20040824.asp \_ Australia: . \_ New Zealand: . \_ The fact that there are so few people in NZ is very attractive to me, but if I had to restrict myself to the US, I'd go w/ the Bay Area or Hawaii. \_ I hope you're not Oriental. I've been told that NZ is terribly biased against them. My information might be skewed since a (former) relative is currently married to a NZ nationalist politician. \_ Surprised no one chose the Central Coast. It would be my choice and is the choice of many super-wealthy (like Oprah). Large tracts of land, beaches, nice weather, close to LA when you have to be but far enough away to make you forget about it. There's a reason the area from Santa Barbara to Monterey is laden with multi-million dollar homes. \_ Why didn't you choose it? \_ "It would be my choice" \_ The go like this: California Central Coast: . \_ Oh, it would have to be somewhere that is relatively inexpensive, has favorable weather, safe, and (recently added) politically stable. Morocco: Bay Area-like weather, inexpensive, politically stable (until recent terrorist attacks). Bali: ditto, plus unpleasant rainy season. Perhaps Phuket or somewhere else Thai-ish, except the rainy season is also unpleasant. Shanghai, but the air quality is awful. Buenos Aires: considered it quite seriously a few years ago, still a contender if I decide to cash it in. Since I am Chinese, that opens up some options and removes others. \_ When you're all old and wrinkled up, it's hard to tell what your ethnicity is, assuming you have a perfect English accent. \_ Alas, I expect to retire years (decades) before I become old and wrinkled up. And while it may not be obvious from physical inspection, I assume my racial information would still be in a local government data base somewhere. This would be suboptimal in places where discrimination is sponsored by the government. \_ Oh, and I forgot the requirement for world-class medical care. That removes all my options except Shanghai (the American-run clinics are very good, if expensive) and possibly Buenos Aires. Perhaps Vancouver, so long as I can winter somewhere favorable. In fact, picking 2 or 3 places that, in aggregate, provide a good year-round retirement experience might be much easier, and certainly much less expensive, than picking 1 overall winner. \_ Northern and central Thailand are gorgeous, with good infrastructure, a stable economy, nice people and you can live like a king. The highlands aren't as hot as Bangkok. -John \_ I'd definitely go to Hawaii. Island girls are exotic and the legal age is only 14. What more could you ask for? \_ Try 16, they changed the law. Pervert. \_ The Playboy Mansion. I might die of heart attack but I'd die very happy. \_ Speaking as someone who has met Hef and some of his bunnies... yuck. \_ Really? Care to elaborate? Thx. |
2005/6/15-17 [ERROR, uid:38133, category id '18005#30.115' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:38133 Activity:nil |
6/14 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,159459,00.html Pro-Democrat, somewhat Republican bashing article on Fox News. It appears that Fox News is leaning left for one reason or another. \_ http://www.pollingreport.com/BushJob.htm You don't need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows. \_ An article here or there hardly makes up for what appears on Fox's cable channel live, 24/7. I don't see a significant shift here. -- ulysses \_ Or maybe your assessment of FN is just wrong. \_ Or maybe neither of you know who Martin Frost is. \_ http://www.issues2000.org/TX/Martin_Frost.htm |
2005/6/15 [Science/Disaster] UID:38134 Activity:nil |
6/14 Magnitude 7.0 earthquake off the CA coast: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqinthenews/2005/usziae Did anyone feel it? \_ No, but I'm also 350 miles away. \_ My parents live about 20 miles North West of Sacramento and the water in their pool was sloshing back and forth. \_ There was a tsunami warning. Anyone actually saw the sea water acting strangely? \_ I'm not near the coast, but I heard on the news that it turned out to not be the sort of earth quake that causes tsunamis. |
2005/6/15-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:38135 Activity:nil |
6/15 I've been hearing a lot about XHTML and I was wondering if there were any disadvantages to converting my personal html pages (currently in HTML 3.2) to XHTML w/ either an embedded or external (not sure which is better) style sheet. As anyone done something similar? Any issues? \_ We're now doing all development in XHTML. It's not really that different, just a little more formalized. If done right, it should reduce maintenance issues, as you can remove your formatting information from the pages and stick them in external style sheets instead, reducing the sloppiness of your HTML code. -tom |
2005/6/15-17 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:38136 Activity:low |
6/15 I downloaded an AVI that requires AC3 audio. I installed AC3 and successfully played the video. However, the sound is too quiet even though I've turned up the software controlled volume. Does anyone know how to adjust the volume when playing other codecs? ok thx. \_ If you installed ac3filter, its configuration dialog lets you increase the gain. --jameslin \_ Got it, thanks. I hate how you have so many codecs to download and they don't even play on my DVD/AVI box. \_ There aren't that many codecs commonly used in practice. Usually all you need is ffdshow and ac3filter. --jameslin \_ I've seen a ton of fairly odd ones (mainly on DVD rips.) http://videohelp.com is a great resource for codec info. -John |
2005/6/15-17 [Uncategorized] UID:38137 Activity:nil |
6/15 Do any sodans use CentOS? What do you think about it? We have a whole bunch of RHEL WS desktops that I am thinking of switching to CentOS (the academic price for RHEL is like $25/box, so it's not too bad). \_ It's not worth 2 cents. haha. \- it is running on some linux clusters here at the lab. i dislike linux in general but i have not special hate for centos. i dont know enough to write a general pro/con list but if you have a specific question i may be able to give you some feedback. --psb \_ I am fine with RHEL. I just wonder if CentoOS has any additional issues compared to it. |
2005/6/15-16 [Health/Dental, Health/Eyes] UID:38138 Activity:high |
6/15 So the Schiavo autopsy shows her brain was hopelessly deteriorated and damaged beyond all hope of any recovery. What you want to bet this isn't going to change anyone's mind? http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/15/national/15cnd-schiavo.html?ex=1276488000&en=f3948639dfbb578b&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss \_ The below "debate" just goes to show that my last sentence was entirely correct. --op \_ What say we all stop feeding dgies' fanaticism right now, and save us all the pain? \_ I wrote one post, smartypants (excluding this). -dgies \_ Oops. Indeed. My bad. It's sooper-anonymous troll (emarkp? reiffin? jblack?) \_ Still your bad. Why are you naming people when you *know* it can't possibly be all 3 and likely isn't any of them? How about you just get over it or go talk to kchang about his tracker. You could have easily checked login times to shorten that list, too. Sheesh, so lazy. So presumptive. \_ The question wasn't whether her brain was undamaged. It was how she could respond given the condition of her brain. \_ midichlorians. \_ But a lot of the BS right wingers were claiming, such as the "alleged MD" Dr. Bill Frist and her being able to follow a balloon is clearly false since according to the autopsy she was blind, which I assume is because her vision center was not there anymore. \_ Seriously. I think frist is a disgrace to harvard medical school for his completely dumbass and uninformed opinions in this schiavo situation. I think every neurologist in the country was disgusted and offended by his comments. \_ Heh. You should hear what surgeons (Frist is one) say about neurologists. Actually, you should hear what most doctors say in private about neurologists. \_ What do they say? My neighbor is a neurologist, so I hear what neurologists say about "most doctors". \_ Neurology is for people who really aren't interested in being a doctor, in the sense that neurologists rarely save lives or make real impact. Neurologists tend to have cush residencies and careers. When is the last time one has to be called in to handle a neurological emergency? Despite its cushness, neurology tends to be one of the easiest residency programs to get into, mostly because of low pay and lack of respect from doctors in other specialties, and end up attracting the least talented and/or ambitious med school grads. That's just what my brother (UCD surgery prof.), his wife (anesthesiologist), and their colleagues say (when I asked the question at one Xmas party). \_ Um, I think it has more to do with the fact that they have to interact with crazy people. I mean really batshit violent fucking CRAZY people. \_ Uh, ok, if you say so, 'cuz the people I polled didn't. Of course, I only polled, oh, 10-ish doctors at the party, and you're not a doctor at all. \_ heh, there were neurologists there saying how disrespected neurologists are? \_ Thinking back (this was a couple of years ago), I think there were 1 radiologist and 1 cardiologist at the party. The rest were surgeons and anesthesiologists. Frankly your doctor friends sound pretty arrogant and laughable. "make real impact" indeed. --not a doctor \_ Arrogant? I thought I already said they're mostly surgeons or people who have had 1 or more years of surgical training as part of their residency. \_ sounds like they think only surgeons are really worthwhile. i dunno, the whole thing about being worried about prestige and all that seems distasteful to me. \_ I think prestige from some ignorant public is silly. I think respect and acknowledgement from your peers reflect underlying reality about the nature of your job. \_ Look, everyone knows surgeons are assholes. My neighbor is very bright (Stanford) and overall it seems many neurologists are. He works with paraplegics and such, getting called to the hospital constantly. I don't know how well neurologists are respected, but - like I said - surgeons are assholes and your friends don't seem to be exceptions. FWIW, some of the best and smartest doctors I know who do all kinds of cool things (outside of medicine) like build telescopes are pediatricians. Surgeons are valuable and make a lot of money, but it gives many of them egos they don't deserve. \_ Odd you mention pediatricians. My brother's ex- is a pediatrics prof at Stanford, and she's a generally nice person. She also confirmed the unflattering characterization of neurologists. Her agreement was what led me to ask the question at the Xmas party. \_ For surgeons to pass this judgement on non-surgeons doesn't fit this criteria in my opinion. \_ And how relevant is it for non- doctors to pass judgement... \_ I'm not confident enough in any doctor that I'd believe such an assertion. We really can't know for sure because she was killed without investigation. \_ So you put more faith in Frist's (who didn't even examine her) opinion than in 1) her own doctors and 2) the ME... Fuck off. \_ Fuck off yourself. I don't put any stock in Frist's comments. I've seen the video of her tracking things with her eyes. \_ So did Frist. That was a few moments from hours of tape. What's Hecuba to him... \_ You know they filmed her for something like 20 hours and then edited it down to the one or two times where her random movements made it appear that she was looking at something, right? \_ if she can track once every 20 hours, she has more clue than you twink |_ even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day. \_ok , a broken clock has more clue than you twinky boy \_ Perhaps you should look up 'random', 'coincidence' and 'probabilistic'.... \_ I know that critics *claimed* this. It's obvious the tape is edited. However I don't know of any facts that show it was "20 hours" or something like that. \_ You haven't even done the least bit of research into it then. Try Google. Here's a clue, take two and call me in the morning: http://news.tbo.com/news/MGBQ67CTI6E.html \_ Autopsy showed no evidence of bulemia. Which was Michael's stated reason for her collapse. \_ big deal. \_ Why did she collapse then? \_ She had a heart attack for some unknown reason 15 years ago. Her parents remained on very good terms with her husband, and only after he tries to pull the plug there are allegations that he had been abusing her. Someone without medical training guessed the cause of the heart attack wrong. And your point is? \_ Her blood had no trace of enzymes released during a heart attack. What is your proof that she had a heart attack? \_ um, enzymes don't hang around for 15 years. \_ They took her blood when she was admitted to the hospital. It showed depressed potassium (leading people to speculate about bulemia but the autopsy report today says it was consistent with fluids she received by IV before the blood was drawn). There were no cardiac enzymes found in heart attack victims. \_ Did they exist 15 years ago? \_ I meant that a heart attack 15 years ago might have released some enzymes at that time, but there's no way they'd still linger around till now (15 years later) \_ God, this is sounding more and more like the old .9999... == 1 free-for-alls.. |
2005/6/15-17 [Computer/SW/Security, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:38139 Activity:nil |
6/15 Attempting to sftp to http://csua.berkeley.edu. Got password from key. Entered password and got back: Received message too long 1701996907 Wtf? \_ password from key. since sftp uses ssh, shouldn't you just use your normal password? \_ Trying to do anonymous motd? \_ No, trying to send files from my PC to my CSUA account. \_ Just use scp. \_ I just tried ssh from SunOS 5 and it worked. \_ I'm trying sftp http://csua.berkeley.edu from CSUA. I'm running tcsh as my shell. \_ tunneling ftp through ssh for sftp is a total lost cause. just use scp. google for winscp \_ he's not tunnelling ftp through ssh, he's using sftp. \_ he's doomed, it's not going to work. USE WINSCP \_ I use putty's psftp all the time. As well as FileZilla for xfering files to and from soda. Why is he doomed? \_ Update: so scp seems to do the trick (on soda and from my Mac). Purely for curiosity's sake, any idea why sftp isn't working? \_ It works for me on windows. \_ sftp seems to be working fine too from freebsd machine \_ A ssh1/ssh2 mismatch? Just a guess, I have never used sftp. scp works fine for all my needs. |
2005/6/15 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38140 Activity:nil |
6/15 If I buy or rent movies like Control Room, Outfoxed, Bush Family Fortunes, Fahrenheit 911, The Corporation, Rebels With a Cause, and other similar DVDs from Amazon or Netflix will I eventually get on the Republican black list database that they use so successfully against their enemies from the Nixon "dirty tricks" era? |
2005/6/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:38141 Activity:nil |
6/15 What does M. O. in cop dramas stands for? Thx. \_ modus operandi |
2005/6/15-17 [Reference/BayArea] UID:38142 Activity:low |
6/15 How's traffic going from 280/Saratoga Ave to Hayward in the mornings? How about the reverse in the evening? \_ Where in Hayward? It's a reverse commute on peninsula side, but Hayward has pretty fucked up traffic in a lot of directions. \_ moved? Job change? \_ almost in escrow \_ Congrats! \_ Thanks! I'm hoping closing goes smoothly! \_ That's great! How big is the house and how much? \_ It's a 3/1.5/1 1300sqft 2-story TH in West SJ 95129 for $528k. Potential to add a master bath. \_ Expect lots of traffic if taking 880, especially around 280/880 & 101/880 \_ What? \_ 880N through north Fremont, Union City, and south Hayward is bad in the morning. It becomes very good from before the 92 interchange to A Street. After that I don't know. \_ I guess I can take 680N and cut back over to 880N through Auto Mall. \_ ObHousingBubble talk. \_ When you notice yourself thinking, simply label it "thinking," and go back to your breath. He likens it to a "feather touching a bubble." |
2005/6/15-17 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Security] UID:38143 Activity:low |
6/15 Wanna have WiFi access on transbay buses, free for you and free for AC Transit? Voice your support by taking the survey: http://www.actransit.org/news/articledetail.wu?articleid=d5f2ff4a \_ If they combine it with GPS so I know where the buses are... \_ I put GPS and a coffee service in the suggestions box. \_ It sure will get your responses ignored. \_ Said the suicide bomber... \_ I hope this is facetious, and if not, I hope you never ever get your hands on a top secret DHS triple grade red classified bus schedule. \_ I already get this using my PDA GPRS/EDGE/UTMS cell with laptop You are wasting money. \_ Didn't I mention it'd be free? |
2005/6/15-17 [Transportation/Car] UID:38144 Activity:low |
6/15 Would you drive 8 miles street traffic (lots of stop lights) or 18 miles on the freeway? \_ What's the traffic like? If the freeway is stop and go, then I'd take the surface street unless it was a parking lot. Otherwise, I'd probably favor the freeway. \- is this in Fleemont? \_ Uhm, I dunno. Maybe should ask the OP. -!op \_ not fremont. \_ Drove 8 miles on freeway instead of 4 miles on streets; mpg was much better, paradoxically.... \_ paradoxically? how are there so many profoundly uninformed people on soda? \_ Yes, take williamc and emarkp for example. \_ Don't lump me in with williamc. I've got RSI from keyboard use. -emarkp |
2005/6/15-17 [Health/Disease/General] UID:38145 Activity:low |
6/15 Condom technology has reached a new thinness. Hooray for people who hate typical thick latex condoms: http://www.003mm.com \_ I think that would be everyone. Do you know anyone who actually *likes* thick latex condoms??? \_ How about "Do you know anyone who actually *likes* condoms? \_ Depends how you define *likes*. Sure sensation of sex without condom >> sensation of sex with condom, but I have to give props to the condom for cutting down on the risks of disease and/or pregnancy while fucking around. I'd say it's a tossup. \_ People who have premature ejaculation problem may last longer with thick condoms. |
2005/6/15-17 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:38146 Activity:kinda low |
6/15 A friend of mine who is in a hardware business trying to implement a relatively common feature in laptop: be able to play DVD, play mp3 without ever get into Windows. How do people usually do that? Do they have an embedded Linux somewhere where one will boot up and perform these functions? If that is teh case, where is the embedded OS? is it in BIOS? How come these things tend to have almost instant start-up time compare with desktop Linux which takes 1 minute to boot up? thx \_ Many embedded systems put the boot system on flash. I think the boot speed has less to do with the boot media and more to do with the limited kernel size/number of drivers embedded systems load. Google for Soekris. This is the hardware company many of the community wi-fi projects are using. -dans \_ pcengines.ch WRAP >>> Soekris. -John \_ thanks all. It seems that it is Intervideo's InstantOn that is behind couple of the mainstream OEM's solution. --OP \_ Check out ROM-DOS by Datalight. |
2005/6/15-17 [Computer/Companies/Ebay, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38149 Activity:nil |
6/15 George Bush bust/sculpture on eBay for only $4300. "...the artist commenced sculpting on September 14, 2001 in order to capture the strength and determination that are required to lead our nation.": http://tinyurl.com/8l7ez |
2005/6/15-17 [Recreation/Media] UID:38150 Activity:nil |
6/15 My girlfriend made me go so Batman Begins tonight. I have to admit, I enjoyed the whole movie, which I can't say of any of the others. Worth the $7.50 -scottyg \_ Where'd you find a $7.50 ticket? \_ You thought the movie where Batman voluntarily drives an SUV was better than the one Jack playing the Joker? -- ilyas better than the one where Jack plays the Joker? -- ilyas \_ I read somewhere Nicholson made 90 million off of that movie. \_ Because clearly, the presence or absence of Jack Nicholson, and Batman's choice of wheels are the only deciding factors in the overall quality of a Batman film. -dans (haven't seen it yet) \_Nothing strikes fear into my criminal heart like a SUV...although it's more of a cadillac of tanks. Jack was good, but he always plays a crazy guy, so of course he got the part right. -scottyg \_ Is Bruce Wayne a Democrat or a Republican? \_ Neither. He's more of a Teddy Roosevelt Progressive. |
3/15 |