6/12 Why don't I hear any leftists whining about US imperial
oppression of Mugabe these days?
Mugabe's L1m Party As Millions Face Starvation
\_ Nothing to do with leftists or rightists--the man's a shitbag,
deserving of government-sanctioned assassination, and it'd be nice
to hear from _anyone_ (including the US govt., see AIUSA thread
below) that "something" should be done about him. -John
\_ it has everything to do with leftists. He is a leftist, he
is adored by leftists.
\_ Either I'm being (badly) trolled or you're an idiot. I
suspect both. -John
\_ is this projection??? even the left leaning
wikipedia acknowledges hes a Marxist
\_ You've come from "you leftists are stupid, ha ha,
you adore Mugabe" to "wikipedia calls Mugabe a
Marxist." He's a shitbag, decent people of all
political stripes loathe him. Did you have a point?
No? Next then. -John
\_ I don't understand your vitrol. Mugabe is
a Marxist and, though you may have missed the
news reporting it, was cheered by the left during
his ascendence to power. This same Marxist
scenario has played itself countless times and
yet there are always people like yourself
pretending he is something he is not. Strange.
\_ Whatever pretenses he had to Marxism were
in line with his leadership role in the Rhodesian
civil war against the Smith regime, which was a
reasonably noble undertaking. Overthrow of
bad governments is as laudable if they are white,
oppressive and racist as if they are black,
oppressive and racist. Mugabe has given up any
"revolutionary credibility" by being a vicious
shit. I'm defending neither marxists nor thugs;
I do, however, make allowance for people of any
political persuasion to change their view of a
tyrant once his true colors show. Would you say
that anyone calling himself politically xyz is
automatically xyz? Was Joe Stalin a communist?
What would Marx have said? You tell me. -John
\_ Why don't you hear any? Probably becuase you don't bother to
read anytyhing outside your carefully circumscribed circle.
Slate and The Nation have been griping about this guy for
almost a decade. Glad you finally noticed he was a bastard.
The Right used to love him, because he was anti-Soviet.
\_ The fact that Trotsky disliked Stalin and Mao disliked
Ho-Chi Minh does not preclude them all from being Marxists.
But you are right Mugabe is really more a Maoist, having
received the most support from China.
\_ Oh, that's all right then. I got a newspaper in Berkeley
that talks all about how great Mao was. |