2005/6/10-11 [Recreation/Music] UID:38069 Activity:high |
6/9 Previously unknown Bach aria found: http://edition.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/Music/06/08/bach.ap/index.html \_ Nice except most Amerikaners don't know the difference between an aria and a sonata. Heck most people don't even know the difference \_ One's a Hyundai, or something. between Baroque, Classical, and Romantic music. And they certainly don't know the difference between Bach and Rach(maninoff). How pathetic can they get? The only culture they ever get is from eating yogurt, and maybe some culture from unfiltered beer while watching football and basketball games, while waiving patriotic Amerikan flags and praising George W. Bush. \_ I bet you don't know what the difference between synecdoche and metonomy is either off the top of your head. \_ metonymy? Or for a closer reference, you probably don't know the difference between bebop and jazz. Oh no, you're a chimp! \_ You've been trolled. Not very smart are you? \- E_RATCHET \_ If I hear it on 91.1 and it gives me headache, it's bebop. If I hear it on 91.1 but no headache, it's jazz. :-) \_ I think you are trolling but do you really think in order to appreciate a musical composition you need this sort of knowledge? (I'm not sure, but wasn't a lot of "classical" music original designed for a lay audience who wouldn't have had this type of knowledge - no more so than the ave. NASCAR fan of today) \_ I think you are trolling but do you really think this knowledge really relevant in order to appreciate a musical composition? \_ "Classical" music was generally commissioned by either the monied class or the church. Joe Q Laborer wouldn't be going to the concert hall, but if he was lucky there was a good organist at his church. "Classical," though, in your usage here, would cover a long period of time. In fact, Bach is baroque. \_ The classifications into Baroque, Classical and Romantic is based on the century in which the composer lived right? Baroque is something like early 1700s, Classical is late 1700s/early 1800s and Romantic is 1800s right? I don't really know/care, but I can't really figure out I'd don't really know/care, but I can't really figure out how knowing this particular piece of trivia makes the music more beautiful. \_ Baroque, classical, and romantic music aren't partitioned arbitrarily by the time of composition as you suggested. There are quite distinct stylistic differences. \_ BART aria? What? \_ There's this really annoying hippy chick that walks up and down the length of BART trains going through the transbay tube at commute hours. She waves around a cup spare changing while singing scales at extremely high volume. What's weird is that I've seen her do it three or four times now, and she always gets lots of money - it seems like there's always a bunch of suckers who think its some kind of spontaneous display of creativity. I guess that would qualify as a "BART aria." \_ It's also possible they just think she's insane. \_ "Do not offer sympathy to the mentally ill." - WS Burroughs |
2005/6/10-12 [Transportation/Car, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:38070 Activity:low |
6/10 it looks like Los Alamos man made it all up to cover running over someone in the parking lot of a strip club http://tinyurl.com/alsw9 - danh \_ Well, you know, I was really wondering why whistleblowers would decide to meet in a STRIP club. Really sounds like something you'd say to throw your wife off. \_ ok, wow, that makes more sense now I guess I've been seen The Insider too many times I guess I've seen The Insider too many times \_ Where is the Freeper link to this? I won't believe it until I read it in the Free Republic. \_ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1419964/posts |
2005/6/10-13 [Uncategorized] UID:38071 Activity:nil |
6/10 DIY Stormtrooper Costume: http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/stormtrooper |
2005/6/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38072 Activity:moderate |
6/10 A case made of fans (from /., in case you're not reading that): http://www.peteredge.orcon.net.nz/casepics.htm \_ What is it with /. and their obsession with running Linux on unusual devices and stuffing cheap PCs into unusual cases? \_ In the world of honda civics and other run of the mill cars it's called "ricing". as in riceboy. \_ Is it just me, or does this whole "rice burner" term smack of racism? \_ Vin Diesel in The Fast and the Furious is not Asian. \_ Only if you think the fact that asians consume lots of rice is racist. \_ Don't be stupid. \_ It does. So? -John |
2005/6/10-13 [Health] UID:38073 Activity:nil |
6/10 "We were doing drugs in the dressing room when suddenly the tour manager stuck his head round the door and said: 'The Police are here'. We all panicked and threw our drugs down the toilet. And then Sting, Andy Summers and Stuart Copeland walked in." --Ronny Wood, Rolling Stones |
2005/6/10-13 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38074 Activity:low |
6/10 http://csua.org/u/cbk (wapo) Finally, we drive that final nail in the coffin of the libidinous, treasonous PBS. \_ Oh, I read that as treasonous PSB. \_ Oh, I read that as libidinous, treasonous PSB. \_ Less PBS funding, less children's shows that promote diversity. Translation: Less PBS funding, less toxic exposure to my kids on topics such as faggots and AIDS. This is definitely good news for the Religious Right. All Heil GWB, bring them on, and God Bless. \_ Yeah, because Sesame Street was the prime target. Sure. Please apply for the job below, because you seem to be qualified. \_ Would it make it better if SS _were_ the prime target? \_ No. Though SS has declined dramatically in quality in the last 5+ years, it's not exactly leftwing drivel. \_ Oh, I read that as treasonous PBS. \_ So to what, other than Bill Moyers (who may be leftwing but to call drivel is your own failing), would you object? \_ There is too much left wing drivel on public broadcasting. They got all these brit shows like Red Dwarf, HG2G, Antiques Roadshow, etc. They need to put on more quality programming like the 700 Club. I mean, Dr. Who is definitely gay and that whole Tardis thing is just obviously phallic. \_ I want to think this is a troll, but since it's williamc, i'm never quite sure. \_ No, it's not a flame, we're all serious here. Especially you. Down with Wall Street Weekly! \_ It's cute when you try to be funny. :-P \_ Wasn't this just about the dumbest thing the Republicans could have done, politically? I mean, what with all this hugely wasteful billion-dollar pork everywhere and a trillion-dollar war that nobody wants, they decide to kill a very popular and very visible $500M program in the name of "cutting costs." Way to go guys, I hope you enjoy President Hillary. \_ Hillary is unelectable. Come on, after the previous election, it's clear that this kind of stuff doesn't sway enough votes. They vote on gay marriage and stuff, and how the candidates look. I guess it all depends on what candidate the pubs come up with next time. \_ Rudy? \_ Powell? \_ jeah right! \_ McCain \_ Destroyer of the 1st amendment. \_ Could you give a reference or some context for that? I'm not as savvy about McCain as I'd like to be. -mice \_ Think "McCain-Feingold" restrictions on political speech. As in "congress shall make no law..." \_ Huh? \_ The votes of the republicans on that sub-committee do not reflect the opinions of many republicans. Personally I feel that PBS is the most unbiased source of information currently available (I'm mainly speaking of things like the NewsHour, Nova and Frontline) on television. \- for the cockroaches in power, "fiat lux" is not especially desirable ... like televised hearings on judges, john bolton etc. and when they want to be on TV, its easy enough for them to get airtime. --treasonous psb |
2005/6/10-12 [Industry/Jobs] UID:38075 Activity:low |
6/10 Job opening at the White House, Media division. Job description: "The White House is seeking a dynamic marketing candidate to manage our Media and Relationship division. Consider this excellent opportunity to grow with our team. Responsibilities include providing leadership and vision to our team success, recruit and train media personnel, execute an effective sales and marketing strategy, and to market ideas that retroactively justify our war on Iraq. We offer a competitive compensation package, health, dental, 401K, ESPP, as well as an atmosphere conducive to achieving excellence. Submit resumes to: marketing@whitehouse.gov" \_ Is there a link to this? \_ Nice try. White House doesn't issue stocks, hence no ESPP. Unless you're talking about http://whitehouse.com which may issue stocks, but then you're not according to the e-mail address. 401(k) is not for govt. employees. \_ Probably not the case @ the White House, but how's this work with govt. contractors? -John \_ Haven't you heard? The gov't's been for sale now for a long time. |
2005/6/10-13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38076 Activity:nil |
6/10 A top congressional Democratic supporter of U.S. action in Iraq said Thursday that President Bush should make a nationally televised speech and "level with the American people" about the long road ahead there. Faced with declining public support, Bush needs to tell Americans "it's going to take a lot more time ... at least through the end of 2006" ... after finding "a total disconnect" between the situation in Iraq and optimistic statements by Bush and his top aides. ... Premature withdrawal "in my view would be a disaster ..." http://csua.org/u/cbj (Dallas Morning News) \_ With Bush's approval rating at 43 percent, is it time for a Carter style "crisis of confidence" speech? Anyone wanna start a pool? \_ Time to start another war! \_ Hey, Gallup says he's been 48 +/- 2 percent since April! And Gallup was right on the money for the 2004 election. Don't forget this is a country where 67% say religion is very, extremely, or the most important thing in their lives. \_ I'm not sure this is as bad as you think. Even if you're just an "Easter Sunday Christian", you know in your guilty heart because it's been drilled into you that it's the MOST important thing in your life. So if someone asks you directly in a survey, I think you might be likely to say it is, even if you don't live accordingly or even particularly agree with most of its tenets. because it's been drilled into you that it's the MOST important thing in your life. So if someone asks you directly in a survey, I think you might be likely to say it is, even if you don't live accordingly or even particularly agree with most of its tenets. \_ Um, no. Gallup had Bush at 45% in April, the lowest for any second term President ever. \_ Curiously, Chirac's approval rating is at 20+%. -- ilyas |
2005/6/10-13 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38077 Activity:kinda low |
6/10 Frustrated U.S. soldiers question the Iraqis' courage, discipline and dedication and wonder whether they will ever be able to fight on their own, much less reach the U.S. military's goal of operating independently by the fall. "I know the party line. You know, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Army, five-star generals, four-star generals, President Bush, Donald Rumsfeld: The Iraqis will be ready in whatever time period," said 1st Lt. Kenrick Cato, 34, of Long Island, N.Y., the executive officer of McGovern's company, who sold his share in a database firm to join the military full time after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. "But from the ground, I can say with certainty they won't be ready before I leave. And I know I'll be back in Iraq, probably in three or four years. And I don't think they'll be ready then." http://csua.org/u/cbi (Post) \_ No one except liberals read and believe in the Post. Nevertheless, this is a pretty interesting article. Too bad it'll just get dismissed by GWB, Cheney, Fox News, and NeoRepublicans because it doesn't show what they want to hear. \_ Shrug, I'll tell my O'Reilly-watching little brother who's coming back from Basic Training in Ft. Benning. If he doesn't believe it, he'll find out soon -- or maybe he'll tell me the opposite six months from now, if he's still alive. \_ Why tell him? I mean, if he goes, he'll find out himself. It's a little late for him to do anything about it now. Why depress him before hand? \_ What would you do if it were your brother? Don't tell me "isn't it obvious". Sleep on it. "isn't it obvious". Sleep on it before coming back. \_ If I couldn't bear to be supportive, at least I wouldn't be a jerk about it. If I understand the situation correctly, he's already in. That means he CAN'T LEAVE. He's already promised. Even if you succeeded in convincing him that it's a bad idea, he still has to go. All your bugging him everytime you seem is gonna do is make him dislike YOU. Not to meantion, bad morale is a big troop killer. I don't know why you're so interested in being right you have to try to turn it into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Or maybe i misunderstood the situation. \_ I asked about you, not me. It's obvious you misunderstood that part. \_ Huh? Maybe so, I sure don't know what you mean by this. To paraphrase above, "If it were my brother, I wouldn't keep bugging him." I then went on to explain why. \_ So, you wouldn't tell him that troops on the ground think it will take longer than anticipated to train the Iraqi army, maybe as long as 4 years? You would let him "find out himself" if he goes? Yes or no, please. goes? Yes or no, please. \_ Unless it comes up in casual conversation, I probably wouldn't. No. Basically, I can't see any value in constantly rehashing political battles like this. Especially ones that can only have negative effect. If you bring it up, it's just going to look like you can't stand not getting in the last word. \_ Please also note that nowhere in my post \_ Please note that nowhere in my post did I say I would "convince him it's a bad idea" or indicate that I made the assumption that he could get out. Nor did I indicate I would be "rehashing political battles". The rest of your statements about me rest on these assumptions. Obviously, you did not sleep on it like I suggested, or you wouldn't have made all these mistaken assumptions. \_ Well, I've read your previous posts. It's pretty obvious you he listens to O'Reilly, and you try to convince him he's wrong. What other value could starting conversations about Iraq with him have? Please enlighten me. \_ Sorry, but the one thing I won't be doing is "try to convince him he's wrong". Instead of making these assumptions about what I think, it's a lot easier to just ask: "Are you still trying to convince him he's wrong?" Then I would say, "Wrong about what? What are you talking about? He can't get out, he's already signed up. It doesn't matter if Iraq is 'wrong' or not, when it applies to the question of his living through it." Had you just asked before assuming, you would have saved a lot of motd posts. And then maybe you might realize what my number one goal in talking with him about Iraq is, which I'll let you figure out if you haven't already. Hint: It's not trying to "convince him he's wrong". Hint 2: What I tell him about the original topic in this thread will only be a tiny part of what I have been telling him since he signed up. \_ You're saying you're trying to "prepare him before he goes?" Since I have no way of knowing most of what you've been "telling him since he signed up." \_ Why don't you just say: "Oops, I made all these assumptions about what you think which turned out to be wrong." \_ Because now I'm curious what you WERE trying to say. \_ Okay, then mostly I tell him to get behind cover when he's getting shot at, don't be a hero - live to fight another day, and to pay attention to his training, in addition to, don't be surprised if the war takes 3+ more years. Oh, I also told him what SNAFU stands for and its origins. He was pretty surprised to hear from my other brother that he might need to buy his own body armor. \_ Then I admit my mistake. Sorry. \_ He was pretty surprised to hear from my other brother that he might need to buy his own body armor. \_ [you really didn't want to read all that did you?] \_ anything short of a fully Islamic fundamentalist government will fail in Iraq \_ Shia or Sunni? Their fundamentalists are like oil and water. |
2005/6/10 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:38078 Activity:nil |
6/10 I'm trying to write my own Java properties file reader so that I can get something similar to C's #include macro, but I'm having problems getting the properties back from System.getProperty(). For example, I'll call System.getProperty("foo") and get null back, but printing out all properties (via System.getProperties().list(System.out) ) clearly shows "foo=bar" in the output. I've tried loading the file using different charset names (ascii, utf8, several other usual suspects) but that hasn't helped. Has anyone seen something like this before? TIA. |
2005/6/10-13 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:38079 Activity:nil |
6/10 Does anyone else have this Outlook problem? Once a while the fonts in the HTML messages in my Inbox becomes very big. Then if I go to other messages and then go back to those HTML messages later, the fonts will become normal again. Rich-text and plain-text messages don't have this problem. Thx. |
2005/6/10-13 [Uncategorized] UID:38080 Activity:nil |
6/10 Awesome. I just found the following ad in my work's classifieds: Wanted: Extras to play stormtroopers in my Star Wars themed wedding. I can supply uniforms. \_ Aren't you a little short for a groom? \_ aren't you a little short for yermom? |
2005/6/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:38081 Activity:nil |
6/10 <fixed my own java properties file bug> |
2005/6/10-13 [Recreation/Pets] UID:38082 Activity:nil |
6/10 Pictures of stuff on top of cats. http://www.stuffonmycat.com \_ I think this stuff encourages cruelty. Like that cat-scanning thing from a while back. \_ Oh please, cruelty to cats doesn't need to be encouraged. \_ I can't get this page to load - do they have anything cool on top of a cat, like say a CAR? \_ Dammit, bandwidth limit exceeded. Looks like the cats were too cute for their own good. \_ It's back, as of 6/12 |
2005/6/10-13 [Uncategorized] UID:38083 Activity:nil |
6/10 Help. More and more websites are being designed to defeat Firefox's popup blocking. Is there anything that can be done besides "Don't visit those sites" ? \_ install the AdBlock extension. -tom |
3/15 |