2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:37998 Activity:high |
6/7 Los Alamos Whistleblower Beaten http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1417842/posts Similar to the whisteblower on Loral / Clinton \_ Wow, freepers are blaming it on Clinton... amazing... \_ Obligatory snort of derision at use of freeper link. \_ The photos at top were worth it. Do the Liberal Elite always snort with derision at freeper links? \_ The photos are available elsewhere as well. Any sane person should snort with derision at freeper links. \_ Wow, the Bush goons will stop at nothing to cover up evidence of their wrongdoing. I love how the Freeper all try to pin it on the "unions." Are there even unions at Los Alamos? \_ Are you a dumb liberal? You sound like one. The likely culprit is one or two specific Los Alamos employees -- identities unknown. Remember Los Alamos was the place where two workers were put on investigative leave for misusing government credit cards (one had spent $30K on a customized Ford Mustang) to a total of $900K. \_ Go check your facts. This was how it was reported but is not the truth. Of course your media won't report the truth. Later in 2002 two other people in LANL bldg maintenance were accused by 5 co-workers for using LANL funds to buy camping equipment, GPS tools, a picnic table and lawn chairs, etc. for their own use. University of California oversees LANL, so possesses blame for allowing the situation to get to the point where someone hires thugs to fuck up the whistleblower. Whether or not a union is involved, well, that's just freeper talk. \_ Which is exactly why it's really lame to post a freeper link when the info is available just about everywhere else. \_ This is a Federal Lab, therefore funded and under control of Federal authorities. When did "The Buck Stops Here" go out of fashion? go out of fashion? Are you a brainwashed Bushbot? You sure sound like one. \_ Step back Troll! I have a +5 Flaming Sword & Oil Flasks!!1 \_ Hey, I am giving an eye for an eye. \_ Hey, I am just giving an eye for an eye. |
2005/6/7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:37999 Activity:nil |
6/6 Historical Evidence of US Home Price Booms and Busts, 1978-2003: http://www.fdic.gov/bank/analytical/fyi/2005/021005fyi_table1.pdf \_ Those who bought homes before 1998 will live like lords over the peons who failed to buy. Anyone who has not purchased a home yet is doomed to live forever in bondage, and their children and children's children too. |
2005/6/7 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:38000 Activity:low |
6/6 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8124325 US has 2% of the world's oil reserve. Sucks to be US. \_ Actually it doesn't suck. The US *was* endowed with more oil than almost any country in the world, and that is one reason for our current superpower status. We have just used most of it up. \_ I do not think the above statement is true, sorry. \_ Duh.. \_ We are still the #3 producer of oil in the world, after Saudi Arabia and Russia. \_ http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0922041.html |
2005/6/7 [Uncategorized] UID:38001 Activity:nil |
6/6 Damn! |
2005/6/7-8 [Transportation/Car] UID:38002 Activity:low |
6/7 5th subway car is the man-boy love car! http://flakmag.com/rejected/train.html -John \_ http://gelatinous.com/idisk/danh/dropbox/bartm4m.JPG - danh \_ "the Greater New York Association of Single Parents dubbed the fifth car of each train the "single parents car" on Monday, seemingly unaware that the North American Man-Boy Love Association had already identified the fifth car of every train as the "man-boy love" car." \_ It's also "parents without partners" Car!: "It was awful," said one single mother who asked not to be identified as she got off the A train at 14th Street. "My 12-year-old son and I boarded the fifth car of the train hoping to meet a suitable male role model. Instead, I found myself using my pepper spray to fend off four overweight middle-aged men in leather pants who assumed I was Jeffrey's pimp." [ reformatted - formatd ] |
2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:38003 Activity:high |
6/7 Turns out Kerry and the "Chimp" were equally bad students at Yale: http://tinyurl.com/dco6d (boston.com) \_ yeah 4 Ds vs 1 D \_ 5 (Kerry) vs 1 (Bush) \_ Same grades, but Kerry raised up his GPA in his junior and senior years while Bush kept it the same. \_ How about Clinton and Senior Bush? Were they good students? \_ Supposedly Clinton was pretty smart, don't know about Bush. I'd have to say that the last well educated president was Carter (PhD Nuclear Engineering). \_ Someone claims Carter says "nukular" \_ Carter was a nuclear engineer, but he did not have a PhD in it. Clinton was a Rhodes scholar. \_ I've heard that Clinton was #2 at Yale, and his wife was #1. Never seen any reports backing this up though. \_ And Reagan? \_ BA Economics Eureka College. Okay student and football player. \_ Didn't realize his PhD was honorary - sorry. \_ If anything this proves that Kerry is a lot dumber than Bush. If Bush joins the frat, drinks beer, and parties all day and still manages to gets a C average than studious Kerry, then Kerry is just plain dumb. |
2005/6/7-8 [Science/Electric, Recreation/Humor] UID:38004 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
6/7 Lonely dateless geeky Asian men invent ballroom dancing robot. If only they'd make Geisha bots... http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/06/07/robots.ballroom |
2005/6/7-12 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:38005 Activity:nil |
6/7 Is there a way to run more than one instance, at the same time, of Mozilla Firefox in Windows? When I try to run an instance using a different profile, a new window running under the old profile is spawned. - danh \_ http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/profile - gerald \_ Doesn't allow them AT THE SAME TIME. -not danh \_ I haven't tried this, but this turned up by searching Google for "Firefox multiple simultaneous profiles": http://www.techzonez.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-14218.html \_ Hey cool. This works. Thanks. -not danh Oh awesome. This also works for thunderbird. \_ wow, thanks motd! - danh |
2005/6/7-8 [Recreation/Humor] UID:38006 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
6/7 Asian rap: http://www.funnyjunk.com/pages/asianpride.htm |
2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:38007 Activity:low |
6/7 Hey Swift Boat Troll! Kerry finally signed Form 180! Aren't you happy? Oh, woops, the records show his service was exemplary... http://csua.org/u/c9t (boston.com) \_ "No after-action report for the incident has been found." Guess he got the records "taken care of" before signing the form. \_ That's right, he got his dad, the former head of the CIA, to pull strings to have the report removed. Whoops, my bad, I'm obviously talking about the other candidate in 2004. \_ Because a current Senator has *no* pull at all with anyone. \_ I'm curious to see whatever comes out about his discharge. \_ When is GWB going to sign his Form 180? \_ Maybe on the Friday afternoon before he leaves office? Just a guess. -emarkp \_ Well, yeah, except Dubya doesn't have to because he's not eligible and angling for another presidential run. \_ Exactly. Which is why I guessed that. Or he may not sign it at all. -emarkp \_ Probably not != I guess \_ Uhm, huh? What are you smokin'? \_ Maybe on the Friday afternoon before he leaves office? Probably not. -emarkp \_ essentially Kerry released exactly the same records he did prior to the election. 180 does not mean all records are automatically released, they are still sent to Kerry first then he chooses. \_ In another Boston Globe article: "Late last month, Kerry gave the Navy permission to send the documents to the Globe." One of these new documents was his Yale transcript. Yeah, not much to do with Vietnam service, but embarrassing nonetheless. |
2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:38008 Activity:nil |
6/7 Good Intentions Gone Bad - last thoughts on Baghdad http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8101422/site/newsweek \_ The world would be better if the US media didn't hate America. \_ Obviously, you don't watch Fox News, the most loved and watched news in America, except in the West Coast and New England. |
2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38009 Activity:nil |
6/7 When will the Chimp admit that he dodged service? \_ When will all the people who call Bush dumb realize he's no dumber than Kerry? \_ Can't speak for them; never thought it myself. As for honesty and integrity, however, Bush has shown over and over that he has none. \_ Make your own Bush-Bashing thread. Here, I'll help you. |
2005/6/7-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:38010 Activity:nil |
6/7 Who the hell is toshi? 92998 toshi -22 0 21652K 7340K swread 0:04 1.60% 1.56% perl 93677 toshi 60 0 22400K 11632K RUN 0:03 1.92% 1.51% perl 92893 toshi 62 0 25020K 7788K RUN 0:09 1.80% 1.42% perl 93173 toshi 62 0 25060K 17216K RUN 0:07 1.22% 1.22% perl 93020 toshi 63 0 25048K 15072K RUN 0:08 1.17% 1.17% perl 92957 toshi 62 0 25028K 11168K RUN 0:08 1.03% 1.03% perl 92988 toshi 61 0 25020K 9380K RUN 0:08 1.30% 1.03% perl 93074 toshi 61 0 25028K 15584K RUN 0:07 0.98% 0.98% perl \_ Isn't he the dinosaur that Mario rides? \_ nah, that's yoshi \_ Yeah, was Toshi the evil cat-child in 'The Grudge'? \_ I think you mean Toshio, though I don't speak Japanese so for all I know that might functionally be the same. \_ http://www.toshireagon.com |
2005/6/7-9 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:38011 Activity:nil |
6/7 Anyone else use forwarding from procmail & unix mail? I'm been having a problem with something that used to work. I forward email from another account to csua via procmail. Mail headers come with a format that looks like: From sender@sender.com Tue Jun 7 13:30:20 2005 Status: RO >From mds Tue Jun 7 13:30:20 2005 ... Normally I use POP for email, but sometimes when I'm in a rush I use command-line "mail". When I read/delete some messages and enter 'q', it saves the resulting messages with a space between the "Status" and ">From" lines. Haven't been able to find anything via google, but I know that it didn't previously do this (e.g. a month+ ago). Has anyone else had the same problem? Thanks! \_ read your email with mutt like a real man. \_ Consider setting up a procmail rule to pipe everything through formail before further processing. -dans |
2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38012 Activity:nil |
6/7 Marla Ruzicka artile in Rolling Stone: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/_/id/7371965 - danh |
2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38013 Activity:nil |
6/7 Doesn't today's marijuana decision from the SCOTUS effectively mean that the federal government can dismantle any state or local law that differs from federal law through enforcement? \_ Uh, Alabama? Civil Liberties? Hello! \_ Yeah, despite my conservative bent, I'm pretty sure this whole idea went out with the civil war. \_ What do you mean? I have/had no idea, so I'm curious. !op \_ I'm not 100%, but it sounds like he is talking about the 14th amd which made due process applicable to the states. WRT the original question, yesterday's decision doesn't really break new ground. Congress has always had the power to enact legislation that preempts state law as long as the legislation falls w/in one of its enumer- ated powers. |
2005/6/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:38014 Activity:high |
6/8 [ Re-posted after deletion by motd censor. It's not even 24 hours old fer chrissakes - originally from 6/7 ] http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4616043.stm Taiwan assembly passes changes: Future amendments will have to be decided by referendums, which means the Assembly has effectively voted for its own abolition. But, later on, it says this: However, analysts point out that the threshold for passing amendments - 50% of the entire electorate, not just those who turn out to vote - is very high, making it difficult to pass any controversial changes. Here, it says, typical turnout is around 60%... http://csua.org/u/ca0 That means, in the future, for any amendments to pass, 82% of voters need to approve, unless turnout is abnormally high. \_ The failed assassination attempt on Ah Bian proves that Four Eyes can't shoot. \_ Yes, DPP has set up Taiwan for Buku-Bucks and big time detente. Politically they're capitalizing on the KMT's pro-China visits. You know how GOP folks complain about Democrats co-opting their goals and vice versa? Same thing. \_ Can you explain, elaborate, and/or provide url's? How does this generate cash(Beacoup Bucks?). How does this represent the DPP co-opting KMT's goals? As far as I understand, this just makes it practically impossible to pass any kind of amendment. Does it also make it impossible to pass other legislation? -op \_ http://csua.org/u/cal (Post) It makes it harder to pass changes to the Constitution, such as: Taiwan is an independent and sovereign country, separate from China (PRC). \_ That's what it sounds like... then why did the DPP do it? I thought their platform was independence. This legis- lation basically cements the current status quo forever: no independence, no merger, no changes, period. I know that the KMT wanted this, in fact, this was part of their election platform, but I thought the DPP ran on change. \_ They saw a dead-end following a hard-line approach. \_ it's more than that. DPP want to do it mainly because this "reform" will squash smaller party, Taiwan Solidarity Union," headed by Li Deng Hui. the TSU has becoming more of a threat to DPP than an ally. Further, you would argue that DPP gained a small victory because in the past, changing the soverign territory (such as remove the Chinese mainland) impossible. With new rule, it's highly improbable, but not impossible. \_ Is there any significant difference left in between the two main parties, then? As far as I understood the recent elections, the biggest difference was their stance vis-a-vis re-unification/independence. Now that issue is no longer on the table, so what's left? I guess this also pretty much resolves the entire reunification/independence debate. \_ in my eye, the differences is still there. KMT still calls for eventual unification with the mainland, under the condition that China would become richer and more democratic. DPP still want to be independent. If it requires USA to nuke China off face of the earth, then they will do everything they can to drag USA into it. The blurr you see is more to do with the fact that lousy economy has made people to think "may be getting a job is better than pursuit my own identity;" And the fact that DPP was ran on a "reform" platform... and it turned out while KMT was corrupt, it left technocrats to run most of its government / economic policies; DPP is more blatently corrupted, and it has essentially destroyed the civil servant machines. Major government post are fill by those who are loyal to DPP or made significant contribution to the campaign. Political correctness overrides any economical / political consideration. This is why under DPP rule, TW went from a meager 1% fiscal deficit to 30+% deficit today. -live in TW now. \_ thanks for all the replies. What party, if any, do you support? -op \_ i am completely disillusioned with democracy for Chinese in general now. I prefer rapid unification with some degree of self-goverance for three reasons: 1. so TW can jump onto the Chinese economic bandwagon. People in taiwan can make most differences, AND benefit most from China's boom. 2. DPP build its power based upon fueling racial tensions. Want to get rid of that before this racial tension turned into sectarian violence 3. it is only way to remove this potential flash point which may cost hundreds of millions of Chinese lives... i.e. full confrontation with United States. - denizen of Chinese Republic. \_ I'm not Chinese, and I know very little about this. However if I were Taiwanese, I think I would be very nervous about reunification until China makes some democratic reforms and builds up a better track record. Can't argue with 3 though. \_ I agree with you. Not many people in Taiwan is in a hurry to "re-unite" with PRC. However, it is important to get a dialogue going, and not constantly provoke PRC (mostly by DPP, etc. for domestic political consumption). It would also be nice to reach some form of understanding with PRC on some guidelines, necessary conditions, etc. for co-existence and possible eventual unification, while Taiwan still has the political, economic, and military capital to do so, cause unless you think PRC will suddenly collapse, time is on PRC's side, unfortunately. Very few in Taiwan are willing to pay the price for dejure independence. The best thing to do is to maintain defacto independence, not unnecessariy provoke PRC, set guidelines and conditions on what PRC needs to do before unification can be considered, and observe and bid time. The problem is everytime someone tries to do that, the more extreme TI supporters will start yelling "traitors", "sellouts", and fan emotions and fears. \_ I concur. \_ Interesting. These Taiwanese conservatives sound just like the NeoRepublicans of America. \_ Huh? What do you think then? \_ DPP, because they don't buy votes and they're not full of wackos who think Chen shot himself. \_ I don't know whether he shot himself or not, but I wouldn't call people who think so wackos cause the whole incident and how it was handled do smell fishy. \_ ^wackos^Wackjobs DPP's biggest problem is it doesn't know how to handle corruption among its own. \_ wacko's version of assassination: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article5911.htm \_ Wackjob. If Chen really wanted to stage the shooting, don't you think he would have done a lot better job acting? Not, "Oh, what's this blood on my shirt?" but "Shit, what the fuck was that that just blew into my stomach?!" \_ huh? the wikipedia article pretty much supports the claim that the whole thing smells fishy. \_ Okay, I took out the URL and gave you the reason why they're all wackjobs. \_ otoh, it could just be ah bian being his usual self: a clown and a bad actor sorry, but I don't buy your "he couldn't be so dumb" defense. \_ Wackjob. Go home. Think about it. \_ wikipedia article reposted: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3-19_shooting_incident \_ what is the big deal? we got a president who staged an assassination; his wife made millions in stock markets, put his house servant on government payroll, sued and searched opposition newspapers and magazines, and allow cronies to escape island after embazzled millions, flare racial tentions for his political gain and completely ignore the Consititution since the it states One-China policy... are you trying to say this "reform" is significant in some way? \_ Oh gawd, you're still on the assassination theory? \_ don't know about that, but ah bian's fat belly (supposedly scratched by the bullet) is certainly world famous now. \_ not to mention the suspect they "caught" died one year ago. the will which suppose to proof he was the assassint was burnt... and that is the official end to this assassination... you don't call this a cover up? \_ ^cover up^conspiracy theory \_ url for these accusations? \_ google is your friend. |
2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38015 Activity:kinda low |
6/7 Poll on your perception of Mark Felt. Put "d" if you're a Democrat, "r" if you're a Republican, and "i" if you're Independent, "." if you're not sure: Hero: .ddid Traitor: .r \_ Why is he a traitor? They say Veritas vos liberabit, the truth will set you free. Mark Felt was honest and told the truth, freeing America from lies and deceptions. \_ The poll is a false dichotomy anyway. !Hero != Traitor. It looks like what he did was motivated not by doing the right thing but by being passed over for promotion. -emarkp \_ Damn you and your sensible observations. They have no place here in my senseless invective!! \_ I love the old crank conservatives coming out of the woodwork with their long essays about how Nixon wasn't so bad. \_ Compared to Bush, Nixon was a choirboy. \_ He divulged information that was protected and broke the law and his oath as an FBI agent in doing so. This to me is treason. \_ to me this falls under the same heading as civil disobedience. sometimes in order to make change for the better, one has to question the letter of the law. If the intention of the law is to make the world safer for individuals of our nation, what do you do when living by that law allows others in power to threaten the rights of individuals in our nation? \_ ah, yes, one shall not tell a lie, ANY lie, even if it does greater good. \_ What greater good? Personally I don't think that what Nixon did was wrong. He was trying to run cover for some stupid idiots. While the right cover for some stupid flunkies. While the right thing to do would have been to not get involved, its not like his actions were all that bad. \_ B&E, plans for arson, blackmail, use of Federal Agencies for political vengeance-- these do not constitute wrong? Physician, heal thyself. \_ And when are we having Robert Novak's public execution by firing squad? You can't eat your cake and have it too. \_ You need a dictionary. \_ It's clear to me that the Republican party of today hasn't changed much from the Republican party of The Crook 3 decades ago. They still keep dirt on all of their enemies. The real only difference is that the Republican party of today conceals activities a lot better. \_ It shits me to tears to hear the so-called liberal press fall over themselves to tell us what great presidents Nixon and Reagan were. Mao never had it this good. Kim Il Sung is turning over in his grave with envy. |
2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, ERROR, uid:38016, category id '18005#14.6967' has no name! , ] UID:38016 Activity:high |
6/7 Monkey Business (NYT article on monkeys and economics): http://csua.org/u/ca5 \_ How can the Freakonomics authors have any credibility with what's left of their "when abortion is legal, crime goes down" theory? http://www.freakonomics.com/ch4.php http://www.isteve.com/abortion.htm With a dubious claim on an inflammatory topic from people degreed to such a high level, the burden is clearly on the authors to demonstrate their theory with very high confidence, and I don't see that. \_ The http://isteve.com link is playing very loose with its comparisons. I haven't seen the freakonomics research, but their synopsis indicates a wider data base than the age 14-17 homocide rate data on the http://isteve.com page. Just at first glance, this page is doing serious apples to oranges crap. \_ Not that I'm necessarily disagreeing with you, but abortion is is an incredibly inflammatory topic and the involvement of American Conservative magazine here isn't exactly reassuring. \_ Not that I'm necessarily disagreeing with you either, but the Freakonomics authors aren't doing much to dispel the notion of the Liberal Elite. \_ I think the people actually running the country and making most of the policy decisions have done enough to dispel the notion that any of the Elite are particularly Liberal. \_ I sincerely hope so. To the independents at least. \_ I am not a liberal, but I find the 'abortion has a positive effect on crime rate' hypothesis interesting, and worthy of further investigation. Your comment is kind of dumb. -- ilyas \_ ilyas, are you trying to out-compete tom on calling people dumb while signing your name? \_ I called the comment dumb, not the person. Even smart people say stupid things sometimes. Tom is the reigning king of ad hominem, I wouldn't dream of trying to dethrone him. -- ilyas \_ ilyas, your comments have been kind of dumb. Even smart people say stupid things sometimes. \_ Are you talking about something in this thread or going off on a tangent? -- ilyas \_ What is tangential about your opinion that my comment is kind of dumb, and my opinion that your comments are kind of dumb? \_ he is not a liberal. He just make conclusion based upon satistics, not political correctness. If you think he is a libera, look at this: he is the same guy who said that having a swimming pool in the house is much more dangerous than having a gun in the house. you think a Liberal will allow that to published? \_ A claim from http://isteve.com debunks Freakonomics? What a load of he said she said. That having been said, the anectdotal image monkeys trading is amusing and thought-provoking. \_ The bar is very low in this case, because the theory is so spectacular as well as political. All you need to do is cast doubt. It's just as if you presented the case that black people are physiologically dumber than white people. You need to back up such a theory with very high confidence. On the opposite side, all you need to do is cast doubt. \_ I don't see why a 'controversial' theory should require any proof over and above normal. It may be good to provide more proof _for practical reasons_, but I don't think this is required for the underlying science to be good. Requiring greater burden on 'controversial' theories is a very dangerous practice, because you can always drum up controversy to silence the science you don't like. By the way, doubt is good in science. Doubt is only bad in religion. -- ilyas \_ In an ideal world, what you write would be highly persuasive. \_ No duh. |
2005/6/7-9 [Recreation/Activities] UID:38017 Activity:nil |
6/7 Does anyone use (or have familiarity with) WordPress as blogging software? What are its dis/advantages compared to Movable Type? Thanks. \_ It's been a year or two since I did an involved comparison of the two so this may be somewhat dated, YMMV, not responsible if this advice causes your CPU to catch fire, kills babies, etc... Last I looked at them, WP wasn't quite there yet vs. MT. This was shortly after the genesis of WP (prior to that it was a package called Cafelog IIRC). From what I understand, WP has been making leaps and bounds and, at this point, it is likely on par or superior to MT. Older versions of MT were written entirely in Perl. WP is and always has been written in PHP. Modern MT is a mix of Perl and PHP. As I understand it, this was done as a way to work around the fact that, in older versions of MT, you had to manually rebuild your pages regularly, which was annoying, to say the least. IMO, the MT plugins community is a little more mature than that of WP. These days, the main deciding factor I care about is licensing. Although MT is free for personal use, it quickly gets expensive for any sort of commercial or contract work. I think this is because SixApart (makers of MT) would prefer that people use TypePad, their hosted subscription-based service. My main beef with MT's licensing is that they absolutely forbid you from distributing modified versions of the MT source. So, in essence, if you write any plugins, fix any bugs, or develop any enhancements for MT, you are at the mercy of SixApart. Sure you could distribute them separately or as patches, but I don't particularly expect bloggers to be the sort of users that are willing to deal with tools like diff and patch (nor do I think they should have to). Consequently, I am inclined to avoid MT since I have little interest in doing what amounts to free development work for SixApart. WP, on the other hand, is licensed under the GPL so you can hack on it to your hearts content, though any changes or enhancements you release must also be licensed under the GPL. Feel free to email me if you have more specific questions. -dans |
2005/6/7-9 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:38018 Activity:moderate |
6/7 Why Intel? why not AMD? They both run on notebooks(unlike the G5) Also, does this pave the groundwork for porting OS X to all PC machines? \_ You know, you guys are trying to find good technical reasons for the move. I think it's actually simpler than that. Economics. IBM can't produce their chips cheaper than Intel, which we all know is kicking TI and other microprocessor fabs. IBM simply can't sell their chips to Apple at competitive market rate. The mundane technology of integration is driven by business, not technology. \_ Intel has the best laptop chips and once Apple has made the transition it'll be easy to move to AMD if they want to. \_ PC BIOS is a fundamentally different architecture than the Mac. \_ I wonder. Macs these days use mostly commodity hardware. What differences will remain? The BIOS? Motherboard type? \_ PC's have a BIOS. Macs have real firmware. -dans \_ Alas, not on Intel: http://csua.org/u/cae (adc) See "Specific Scenarios->Open Firmware" - ciyer \_ Each Mac will come standard with a little slice from the ego of Steve Jobs. \_ Which is where they get the hot air to blow out the back. \_ Intel has good support for DRM. (Why delete this MOTD censor?) \_ It does? Cite? \_ Apple may not want to limit itself to x86. \_ Apple is trying to get away from a marginal chipset, why replace it with another one? I haven't seen enough discussion to know about the larger implications; will OS X be able to run on Dells? There's a lot of risk for Apple either way. -tom \_ In the short/mid term, Apple is unlikely to let other PC vendors sell OS X (of course, the hackers will make it possible). NeXT took about two years to solve all the driver problems that affects most users of generic x86 hardware and peripherals. However, moving to x86 would let Apple open OS X up to Dell & other select vendors in the future if they wanted to do so. However, not likely... one of Jobs' first things he did when he came back to Apple was to end the Clone Wars. \_ This is all about laptops and Athlon 64 can't compete in that space in the foreseeable future. Also Apple probably wants to get at the pentium risc[?] core w/o the x86 microcode at some point in the future. OS X will probably never run on a non apple branded machine legally. While the x86 mac's will have a bios (so Windows might be installable on them), they will likely have a special apple boot rom (the dev machines supposedly have this already) which is needed in order to boot OS X. Unless you own an apple x86 system you can't get a legal copy of the rom so no legal OS X on dells. The bigger question is WHY you would want to run OS X on a dell anyway? Is OS X that much more compelling than Windows/Linux? \_ OS X is much more compelling than Windows/Linux. And you'd want to run it on a Dell because Dell makes inexpensive hardware. I would also run it on my Sharp laptop in a second, if it were possible. -tom \_ I run OS X on a daily basis and I still don't see why it is more compelling than Windows/Linux. I agree that it is nice and all but most of what I like about Macs has less to do w/ OS X and a lot to do w/ the hardware: ADC (w/ OSD of my monitors controls), deep sleep, power on from the kbd, low noise, multiple firewire ports, &c. I could easily buy a Dell but I don't b/c I can't get these hardware features from any vendor other than Apple. NOTE: I might not "get" it b/c I used to buy Macs for purpose of running LinuxPPC b/c I liked Mac hardware better than PC/Sun hardware (though the SS20 was a NICE system, too bad there was no IDE support). \_ Interesting. I am less enamored with Apple's hardware. I do like my G4 Powerbook's sleek form factor and large 17" screen, though. What makes Apple interesting to me again is OS X. UNIX-like and also runs applications like Office and Photoshop. It's the best melding of Windows and Linux. In fact, I run VMWare on a Windows/Linux box to achieve the same things I get with OS X. The Intel h/w is superior to Apple's, IMO. I don't even care about any of the 'advantages' you mentioned. --dim \_ Yes, it is. However, part of its beauty is its tight integration with the hardware and the lack of all the misery generic x86 hardware and peripherals imposes on its users with little incompatibilities. The "OSX on Dell" idea is kind of a cruel joke. |
2005/6/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:38019 Activity:nil |
6/7 Where's ~psb/pub/RotS ? \- it is avail by subscription only. |
2005/6/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:38020 Activity:nil |
6/7 How'd he find a new chainsaw so fast?: http://redirx.com/?3esh \_ Uh, maybe I'm confused but I thought he chainsawed/knifed some people in Canada, and then across the border with the bloody items which were confiscated but he was let in. BTW, anyone else reminded of the evil judge in "Roger Rabbit" from his picture -- what a looney tune! |
2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38021 Activity:nil |
6/7 Amusing article on how the out of control guard urine splashed the Koran of a GITMO inmate: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05158/516835.stm - danh \_ "Deep Throat, if you're out there please save us." Amen. |
2005/6/7-9 [Consumer/Audio, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:38022 Activity:nil |
6/7 Any suggestions for saving a WM/Real audio stream that happens at the same time every day (on windows xp)? \_ 1. how do you save WM/Real audio stream at first place? 2. I don't think time of the day has anything to do with solution. you need to figure out a pattern of changing streaming URI according to date. I do this everyday using a tool called "hidownload." I have to manually cut n paste URI and feed to hidownload on daily basis. I occationally need Firefox's "View Rendered Source" plugin to figure out URI. Let me know you got better way. -kngharv \_ The URI doesn't change. They were offering mp3 downloads, but they've been heavily edited in the last week, so I was planning on recording the live stream (which isn't edited). I've used CDex in the past to simply record, but it picks up all sound on the computer (including beeps, etc.)--not just the stream. I'll look at hidownload. |
2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:38023 Activity:nil |
6/7 http://csua.org/u/ca6 (Post) The Bush administration, having found no alternate candidate or support from any allies, has given up on its attempt to force out Mohamed ElBaradei as director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, according to two U.S. officials. |
2005/6/7-8 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX, Recreation/Humor] UID:38024 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
6/7 http://s94009834.onlinehome.us/xyz/move.html Nifty Javascript. Doesn't work well on OSX Firefox but pretty well on OSX IE and OSX Safari |
2005/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/President] UID:38025 Activity:nil |
6/7 Unpatriotic news poll from Washington Post shows Americans don't think Iraq war has made US safer. This is on the headline news of MSNBC. Interestingly, Fox News uses Mrs. Robinson as the headline. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8135134 |
2005/6/7-9 [Recreation/Dating] UID:38026 Activity:moderate |
6/7 RIP Anne Bancroft Bless you, Mrs. Robinson \_ Poll, oldest SO you've ever slept with: 21: . 30: 40: . 50: Yermom: . N/A: . \_ Poll, biggest age difference of SO you've ever slept with: ('+' for older than you and '-' for younger than you): -2: . +21: . -15: . +14: . +/-0: . \_ Poll (for men), biggest age difference of women you've ever wanted to sleep with: +~10: . \_ Here is her listing on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000843 |
2005/6/7 [Uncategorized] UID:38027 Activity:nil |
6/7 Cold fusion article on /. (for people who rightfully don't check /. regularly). -- ilyas |
2005/6/7-9 [Consumer/Camera] UID:38028 Activity:low |
6/7 Using a 128 Meg sandisk compact flash card that I've had for a little over a year in a digital camera that I've had for nearly 7 years, I took a picture and when I went to look at it, it was corrupted as were a few images I had taken before. Is it likely the fault of the card or the camera? Could it be that I switched the camera to the "view" mode before the camera had time to completely write the picture to the card? If the problem is likely with the card, will reformatting it help prevent this from happening in the future, or is it better to just use a new card? \_ what are we, psychic? experiment with it and see what happens. \- metadata or data corruption? there are some recovery softwares but frankly 1. format in the camera [not on PC] and take some test shots 2. if that is ok, then cross your fingers and hope it was transient problem 3. otherwise the replacement cost of a 128mb card is so low low [<$20], just get a new one and use that for "important" pictures. \_ Nice delete. I've had this happen to me. CF cards are cheap, get a new one. -John |
3/15 |