Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2005:June:06 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2005/6/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:37975 Activity:nil
6/5     Avoid a DUI conviction in FL by asking for the Breathalizer's src:
2005/6/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:37976 Activity:nil Edit_by:auto
6/5     I would like to remove a couple of links from a gold bracelet.
        Is there a place somewhere near the campus where this can be
        done, hopefully reasonably well and affordably?
        \_ There is a jeweler in the north Shattuck/gourmet ghetto area.  The
           name escapes me, but they are pretty much across the street from
           the French Hotel cafe.  They sized some rings for me, and I was
           very impressed with their work.  That said, they're not
           particularly cheap. -dans
2005/6/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:37977 Activity:kinda low
6/6     "In a 6-3 vote, the justices ruled the Bush administration can block
        the backyard cultivation of pot for personal use":
        So what are you faggot-loving drug-using tree-hugging protesting
        LIBERALS gonna have to say about this? Ha ha ha ha
              \_ If you're really a conservative (as opposed to one playing
                 this game of "this is what conservatives think"), we don't
                 want you on our side.  This tramples on state's rights.
                    \_ In emarkp's defense, he's not commenting on the topic
                       at hand (he may be either for or against both medical
                       marijuana and gay rights) but rather on states' right
                       to deal with these issues.  -John
                  \_ I bet you'd have a different tone if the case is not about
                     marijuana, but about sodomy and gays and lesbians, since
                     the justices would be spreading the word of God for you.
                     \_ You'd be an idiot then. -emarkp
                     \_ In emarkp's defense, he's not commenting on the topic
                        at hand (he may be either for or against both medical
                        marijuana and gay rights) but rather on states' right
                        to deal with these issues.  -John
                     \_ I don't want to think about how you would get
                        sodomy filed under "interstate commerce."
                        \_ I do! 1. the reputation of a sodomy-loving state
                           would disrupt trade routes when people avoid it
                           \_ This must be why Las Vegas is depopulating faster
                              than any other city in America.
                           2. when the LORD blasts the cities like the Sodom of
                           old, this might damage interstate highways etc.
                           \_ Then again, I'd think he has pretty good aim and
                              could avoid them. -emarkp
                              \_ Maybe he could, but I doubt he would. In any
                                 case, the smoking wasteland would definitely
                                 be disruptive to interstate commerce through
                                 the area with respect to gas stations, public
                                 accomodations, and so forth. Anti-sodomy also
                                 falls under the "provide for defense" and
                                 provide for general welfare" clauses. But,
                                 perhaps we might instead expand the National
                                 Missile Defense program to include Supernatural
                                 Punishment Defense (to zap the raining frogs,
                                 locust swarms, and burning sulfur).
        \_ Since when did the motd become /.?  You must have missed the
           "Medical Marijuana, RIP" post.
           \_ Yeah I did, thanks                -op, conservative
              \_ If you're a real conservative, we don't want you on our side.
                 This tramples on state's rights. -emarkp
              \_ If you're really a conservative (as opposed to one playing
                 this game of "this is what conservatives think"), we don't
                 want you on our side.  This tramples on state's rights.
                 \_ I bet you'd have a different tone if the case is not about
                    marijuana, but about sodomy and gays and lesbians, since
                    the justices would be spreading the word of God for you.
                    \_ You'd be an idiot then. -emarkp
                    \_ In emarkp's defense, he's not commenting on the topic
                       at hand (he may be either for or against both medical
                       marijuana and gay rights) but rather on states' right
                       to deal with these issues.  -John
                    \_ I don't want to think about how you would get
                       sodomy filed under "interstate commerce."
                       \_ I do! 1. the reputation of a sodomy-loving state
                          would disrupt trade routes when people avoid it
                          \_ This must be why Las Vegas is depopulating faster
                             than any other city in America.
                          2. when the LORD blasts the cities like the Sodom of
                          old, this might damage interstate highways etc.
                          \_ Then again, I'd think he has pretty good aim and
                             could avoid them. -emarkp
                             \_ Maybe he could, but I doubt he would. In any
                                case, the smoking wasteland would definitely
                                be disruptive to interstate commerce through
                                the area with respect to gas stations, public
                                accomodations, and so forth. Anti-sodomy also
                                falls under the "provide for defense" and
                                provide for general welfare" clauses. But,
                                perhaps we might instead expand the National
                                Missile Defense program to include Supernatural
                                Punishment Defense (to zap the raining frogs,
                                locust swarms, and burning sulfur).
        [ threads merged ]
        \_ O'Connor complaining that it's not repsecting state rights?  I'm so
           confused.  Is this the Bizarro SCOTUS?
           \_ States rights are only good if we like what the right is, like
              citizens owning anti-tank weaponry and the government not knowing
              who those owners are.
        \_ Interesting that Justice Thomas dissented.
                \_ Along with O'Conner and Rehnquist (he's still alive I
                        \_ Is this in line with Rehnquist's record? Does
                           anyone think he's changed his priorities because
                           of his health?
                           \_ They're voting as "state's-rights" ideologs.
                              O'Connor also wants to be perceived as the
                              compassionate/sensible conservative.
                              Scalia is not a buffoon so will judge according
                              to law, along with the other 5 in the majority
                              opinion, even though it hurts people.
        \_ There's that all-inclusive "interstate commerce" line again. Just
           like "provide for the general Welfare", it's broken.
                \_ The reasoning in the opinion seems really weak.
                   \_ I read the opinion last night and I think that
                      Scalia's concurrence probably is more illuminating
                      than the majority opinion.
                      The way that I understand it is that the decision
                      is based on the 'necessary and proper' clause that
                      allows congress to regulate intrastate activities
                      to the extent that they affect interstate commerce.
                      As Scalia states the test is whether the means used
                      by congress are "'reasoanbly adapted' to the ...
                      legitimate end[s] under the commerce power."
                      Since Pot is a Schedule I drug (you may dispute
                      classification, but that was not at issue) and
                      Congress's desire to eliminate Schedule I drugs
                      from interstate commerce is legitimate (again
                      you may dispute this, but it was not at issue),
                      the question is whether it is possible to distin-
                      guish local pot from "imported" pot. Since it is
                      not, Congress's desire to restrict pot growing
                      preempts state law.
                      (1) I have not taken Con Law yet, so my understa-
                          nding of the commerce power and the necessary
                          and proper clause is a bit weak.
                      (2) The real problem is that pot is misclassifed
                          as a Schedule I drug. If pot is reclassified,
                          then the outcome should be different and these
                          people can go about their business.
                      (3) My agreement of w/ the outcome is colored by
                          my general dislike for things like pot,
                          cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, &c.
        \_ If nothing else I enjoyed hearing "The evil left-wing liberals
           are trying to steal our pot" on right-wing talk radio this
2005/6/6-7 [Politics/Foreign, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:37978 Activity:nil
        Why am I not seeing these stories in US papers?
        \_ As Dick Cheney correctly pointed out, America has done a lot more
           good than evil. So we Americans feel justified to do whatever
           it takes to achieve our objectives. God Bless  -Average American
           \_ Click your heels three times...
        \_ 'Cos you're not looking hard enough:
2005/6/6-7 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:37979 Activity:nil
6/6     Looks like you can't refuse a feeding tube if you want to.
        \_ The article describes it as a "hunger strike," but that isn't
           how I would describe it.  Usually you would have to be
           striking for something to call it a strike, not just staving
           yourself because you feel guilty.
                \_ You know the sep between church & state is alive and
                   well when the judge has "the sanctity of life" in his
                   ruling.  Why don't they just provide cyanide capsules
                   to prisoners -- think of the cost savings!
2005/6/6 [Health, Health/Disease/General] UID:37980 Activity:nil
6/6     Medical Marijuana, RIP:
        \_ O'Connor complaining that it's not repsecting state rights?  I'm so
           confused.  Is this the Bizarro SCOTUS?
           \_ States rights are only good if we like what the right is, like
              citizens owning anti-tank weaponry and the government not knowing
              who those owners are.
        \_ Interesting that Justice Thomas dissented.
                \_ Along with O'Conner and Rehnquist (he's still alive I
2005/6/6-7 [Transportation/Car] UID:37982 Activity:nil
6/6     I just read an old-ish Economist article about how a lot of US gas
        is actually E10 or E20--10-20% ethanol "gasohol".  I noticed that,
        while our (European) gas is usually 95-100 octane, US gas seems to
        be 87-93ish.  I don't think we get so much ethanol additive here--is
        the lower US octane count related to ethanol content of gas?  (I'm not
        very knowledgeable about this sort of chemistry, so this may be a
        stupid question.)  -John
        \_ How much are you paying for gas in Europe? And why do you say "we"?
           Aren't you as much an American as everyone else on motd is?
           \_ perhaps he meant "We, people in Europe,".  Why are people so
              damn touchy about the word "we"?  Sometimes it is just meant
              as a factual group-identification, not as some divisive
              statement of politics/ethnicity/whatever.  Jeesh. -phuqm
           \_ "We" as in I'm a dual citizen, relax.  And I always thought
              Cal students were a pretty mixed bag, citizenship-wise.  "We"
              (.ch) have some of the cheapest gas in Europe--ca. 1.50 CHF per
              liter, do the math.  UK is probably most expensive, at about
              twice that (ca. 1 GBP/liter, last I checked.)  -John
              \_ What's "ca."?
                 \_ Seriously?  Wow.  Who's teaching these kids.  It's
                    an abbreviation for "circa" meaning "about, around,
                    approximately".  Seriously, this is like asking "what
                    does & stand for?"...
                    \_ What does &...
2005/6/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:37983 Activity:kinda low
6/6     Does anyone use FreeBSD on laptop for daily use? I'm thinking
        about replacing my iBook w/ a ToughBook or a ThinkPad b/c I
        need to occasionally dual book Windows and I want to get an
        idea of how well FreeBSD works on laptops before I do this.
        I'm open to Linux but based on my experiences at work, I just
        don't think I can get along w/ it for personal use on a daily
        \_ Be very careful about your choice of Thinkpads.  I have used
           4.10-R beautifully on an X20, but had no end of trouble getting
           it running on an X31.  There are plenty of FreeBSD-on-Thinkpad
           pages, though.  For hardware quality, they're great.  Drop me
           a mail @my other address (in my .plan) if you need some hints.  I
           found that Debian is actually very nice in terms of usability as
           well as wireless support (some Prism stuff under FreeBSD is a bit
           b0rked, but it depends on what you intend to do with it.)  One of
           the main problems I've seen with TPs is that ACPI is just weird,
           and Atheros card support can be spotty under FBSD.  -John
        \_ Is Linux an option? Linux has a plethora of drivers for
           wireless available through ndiswrapper. Sleep and hibernate
           also work if you tweak the kernel. Is there a compelling
           reason to stick with FreeBSD?
           \_ FreeBSD-stable-5 has ndiswrapper. - danh
              \_ Which is shit if you're trying to do passive sniffing.  -John
                 \_ How so?  can't do AP/monitor mode?
                    \_ Don't believe so.  You shouldn't need ndiswrapper
                       unless there are no native drivers available.  This
                       is often the case with some Atheros cards, although the
                       madwifi package is getting there.  -John
                       \_ ditto for centrino
           \_ But how many piM-qatas does it have?
           \_ I'm just more comfortable w/ {Open,Free}BSD, but I guess
              I could go back to running Linux.  My main problem w/
              Linux was that I could never keep track of patches, &c.
              and everything needed some sort of "unofficial" patch
              in order to run and I just got tired of having to keep
              everything patched in order to keep it running.
        \_ If you want to be able to do passive sniffing, you can do this on a
           Powerbook with an Orinoco (Prism chipset) wireless card and KisMac.
           KisMac actually installs its own drivers when you start it up, and
           removes them when you quit.  It's pretty slick. -dans
           \_ Auditor--  -John
              \_ But does it run natively on OS X?  I saw that they offer a
                 Knoppix LiveCD, which is nice, but I'd just as soon not
                 reboot. -dans
                 \_ It's no longer Knoppix based, and it's a whole liveCD
                    package--imho the single best security/wireless analysis
                    toolkit I've seen.  For a good single passive scanner you
                    want Wellenreiter (Kismet derivatives are good too.)  I
                    understand that Max is going to release a usb key bootable
                    Auditor versionsoon.  -John
        \_ Atheros cards work nicely on my thinkpad in linux.  Haven't had
           a need to try wireless sniffing, but many docs suggest this works
           \_ Some cards are great.  Some are ass.  Mine (8511?) has enormous
           \_ Some cards are great.  Some are ass.  Mine (5211) has enormous
              amounts of trouble.  -John
2005/6/6 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:37984 Activity:low
6/6     [From 6/3]
        And I really love the "guard's urine came through an air vent" rather
        than "a guard urinated through an air vent ..."  It's the urine's
        \_ No dumbass, a guard peed near an air vent.  See:
           \_ "I tried everything I could to keep my pee from going into the
              vent.  Took three steps back.  Went around the corner..  It was
              like a pee magnet, that vent."
           \_ I was commenting on the wording in the report.  It's a common
              sort of passive construction that's so absurd it makes me laugh.
           \_ Yes, and a wind "blew" his urine accidentally into the vent,
              landing on a prisoner.  Duh!!!!1! God bless.
                \_ Moonie filth.
2005/6/6-7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:37986 Activity:moderate
6/6     Swami the Magnificent is going to revise his estimate of when
        the housing bubble will start to pop, from Q4 2005 to Q1 2006.
        \_ Is salami saying NoCal, SoCal, or national, and what does "start to"
           mean?  E.g., I could say the housing bubble has already started to
           pop with what's already happened in Vegas.
           \_ What is the definition of a pop? How much do prices have to go
              down, in what time frame, for it to be considered a pop?
           \_ Speaking of Salami:
           \_ You mean the speculators cashing out?
           \_ What already happened in Las Vegas? You mean record home
              price appreciation?
              \_ (
                 "When you lose money in real estate, you really feel it,"
                 said Igor Doncov, a software engineer in Half Moon Bay who
                 bought two new houses in Las Vegas early in 2004 but sold
                 them at a loss after his builder, Pulte Homes, cut prices on
                 its new models by $180,000. "I thought I couldn't lose," he
                 said in a telephone interview. "But it turned into a total
                 disaster." ... By December, it was clear the peak of the
                 frenzy had passed. Residential building permits that month
                 were 34 percent below the previous December's, as measured by
                 the Center for Business and Economic Research, which Schwer
                 directs. And 15 percent fewer people were moving to Las Vegas
                 -- some undoubtedly spooked by the region's steep jump in
                 home prices. Pulte officials would not comment on the price
                 reductions. In the wake of Pulte's move, other builders also
                 cut prices but made no formal announcements.
                 said Igor Doncov, a software engineer in Half Moon Bay.
                 King paid $498,000 for the house, which he bought as an
                 investment. The same model now lists for $382,990 ...
                 But a major increase in the number of resale homes on the
                 market -- currently about 16,000, up from February's 1,400 ...
                 [I take this as lots of people in Vegas saying "Vegas is a
                 shithole place to live.  What?  Home prices are going through
                 the roof?  Take my house -- buh-bye!]
                 \_ Thank God. Literally. The Chinese proverb that greedy
                    people should and are punished, is coming true. Maybe
                    I should thank Confucious instead of God.
                 \_ Did you read the entire article? It gives examples
                    of other people making money during the same time
                    period and has quotes from people saying the market
                    is still healthy. Appreciation rates slowing down
                    does not equal a bubble popping. Home prices
                    actually going down might.
                    \_ Yes, I read the entire article.  Please note that
                       the criterion is "start to pop", which is a very
                       low bar indeed, especially in the context of saying
                       "A-ha!  The Swami is right!"
                       I am still waiting for the Swami to explain what
                       "start to pop" means anyway.
                       One could also argue that all red-hot-Vegas-real-estate
                       news is intended to bury bubble news, to keep the good
                       times rolling for those already in, but that's just
                       \_ I just did, below.
           \_ Nationwide, quarter to quarter decline in home prices
              continuing for an extended period.
              \_ Can you say "extended period" means two quarters? (6 months)
                 Can you say "Nationwide" means all the hot housing markets,
                 or all the hot housing markets excluding 1-3 of them?
                 \_ Nationwide means national average. Extended is deliberately
                    left undefinited because I have no idea how long it will
                    go down. Even the Magnificent Swami has his limits.
                    Certainly more than two quarters.
                 \_ no one sells their house in February; that's a seasonal
                 \_ Nice job deleting my rebuttal. Have fun arguing with
           \_ Mmmm... I want dry salami...
2005/6/6-7 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:37987 Activity:nil Edit_by:auto
6/6     I just saw an independent film called Gunner Palace. "400 American
        soldiers carry out their mission from a bombed-out pleasure palace
        once owned by Saddam-Hussein. This is their story." If you're curious
        what it is like to be in Iraq, this is the movie to watch. I highly
        recommend it to everyone. You don't know Iraq until you know all sides.
        \_ I put it in my netflix queue a month ago.  Please don't put it in
           your queue until I get my copy.  tnx.
        \_ There's a scene where the soldiers stormed into a house full of
           old women and children and the soldiers shouted "Get down! Get the
           f*** down! Didn't you hear what I said? Come on!" and the Iraqis
           just held their hands high, talking to each other and didn't
           understand what they're saying.
        \_ It's an okay documentary. Very little actions, mostly interviews.
           A better one to watch is "PSB Frontline- A Company of Soldiers."
           It's not showing anymore because it's too controversial and
           some tax payers don't want it to be shown, but you can still get
           it on torrents.
           \_ Actually pbs allows you to watch it streaming for free:
            \_ Is it worth watching? Did you feel like you were wasting your
2005/6/6-7 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:37988 Activity:nil
6/6     s/key confusion and confirmation: I must have reading deficiency.  I
        read the s/key howto over and over but I couldn't grasp the idea.  So
        maybe someone can confirm my understanding of it.  The s/key stuff
        only dictates which machine I can access the csua server from.  That
        is, if I have entered the one time password from my home desktop, then
        I can log in from my home desktop with my unix login/pass.  I can not
        log in to cusa from my work machine if I haven't entered the one-time
        pass on that machine.

        Basically, since ssh2 is in effect now, I downloaded PuTTY.  After I
        enter the login as value, it shows "s/key 92 hi97345", then "password".
        However, I used the s/key calculator, and put in 92 hi97345, and got
        a one-time pass, with that pass I can not log in.  But I tried with my
        unix password, I'm no logged in.  So I am confused why it has "s/key"
        stuff and didn't expect a s/key one-time pass phrase?  I basically
        just use my unix login/pass just like before ssh was enabled.
        \_ Same here--that is, I've been seeing the s/key stuff when logging in
           since the ssh change, but I'm loggin in via putty, and just use my
           normal login.
        \_ Thanks for overwriting my changes fucktard.
           \_ vi should have locked the file if you opened it for write. others
                can only open it read-only.  So you must not have the lock on
                the file when you tried to edit it.
                \_ 1, you're wrong. 2, you overwrote someone else when adding
                   this post.
                   \_ 3, I thought we went over this, using VI will ensure a
                      lock on the file you are editing.  Or should we run a
                      command before editing a file?
2005/6/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:37989 Activity:nil
6/6     Hilarious shit.  Ten most harmful books of the 19th and 20th centuries.
        The entry under Das Kapital is particularly funny.
        \_ Hmm, now I know how the left feels when they start to imagine a
           vast right wing consipiracy.  These guys must be being manipulated
           by some liberal power.  Why else would they do something so
           obviously contrary to their agenda. -not in earnest.
        \_ I find it highly amusing that the ads are for "The Ultimate Fitness
           Program" and "electron machines" (some sort of water purifier, I'm
           guessing). More push-ups, and prevent the defiling of those
           precious bodily fluids, young conservative!
        \_ Hahahaha!
           "FDR adopted the idea as U.S. policy, and the U.S. government now
            has a $2.6-trillion annual budget and an $8-trillion dollar debt."
           That's right, ignore those huge fans of Keynes, Reagan and Bush Jr.
2005/6/6-7 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:37990 Activity:kinda low
        \_ What's that a video of?
           \_ How did you get into Berkeley without being able to read? -dans
         \_ Video of British soldiers under the influence of LSD. They start
            to relax and lost all sense of urgency during a battle simulation.
            Most started to giggle or just lie around and do nothing. Sounds
            like a perfect humane gas weapon to use on your enemies.
            \_ I never get tired of this video.  I love when the one guy
               climbs the tree.  I think all world leaders should be forced
               to take acid and hang out in the woods or camp out on a
               beach and read Pablo Neruda overnight being allowed to take
               \_ The commentary reminds me of some David Attenborough
                  documentary on gorillas--one of them takes a steaming dump,
                  grabs it, takes a whiff and starts happily munching away.
                  DA (after a pause): "sometimes it's just a case of a warm
                  meal on a cold night"...  -John
2005/6/6 [Uncategorized] UID:37991 Activity:nil 66%like:37011
6/6     [commentless url nuked]
2005/6/6-7 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:37992 Activity:low
6/6     Question for those who work at Google, how is it?  If you have a
        PhD, is it the PhD paradise it's made out to be?  Do all the PhDs
        do interesting things, or are there also PhD code monkeys?
        \_ I've heard it approaches game-company-like demanads on long hours.
        \_ Are you a PhD? What's your field?
           My professor once said that the best 1st tier PhDs do postdoc then
           eventually end up teaching at top rated universities. The 2nd tier
           PhDs teach at other colleges, or do research at corporations or
           government agencies where the result of their research is often not
           useful immediately. The rest of the PhDs do research at companies
           where their research is driven by the purpose of making money rather
           than pure research... they also have the lowest publication rates.
           I see Google as a company with a lot of bright people but the
           stuff they do is really driven by businesses rather than pure
           \_ No, I'm not a PhD.  I'm asking for a friend who is and has
              an offer from Google and another company.  I know there are
              a couple of people who work at Google here.
           \_ I've heard the same thing but some companies offer postdocs.
              A good friend of mine wants to do his postdoc (physics) in
              quantum computing at Almaden, but is also considering other
              academic institutions like MIT.
           \_ This statement that '1st tier PhDs' end up teaching at top
              universities is stupid bias on the part of your professor.
              Remember Claude Shannon?  Or the inventors of the FFT?
              Although he may be right that top rated universities will
              tend to make offers to people proven to produce stellar
              research, going to google will not condemn you to academic
              mediocrity.  There's only one thing that can do that.  On a
              vaguely related note, the Pagerank paper is one of the most
              cited papers in computer science. -- ilyas
2005/6/6-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:37993 Activity:kinda low 80%like:38032
6/6     Hello, my name is William Chow ( I never
        get any pain on my fingers while typing and a web site I found
        supports my position. Therefore, it is impossible to get CTS or RSI
        from IO. Also, everyone who disagrees with me is an idiot, and
        should get the fuck out of my mother country USA.       -williamc
        \_ You forgot to spout off about how you're the only one on the motd
           who knows any science.  Gee, I sure wish I'd spent my career
           being a fucking sysadmin instead of a physicist--then I'd really
           understand quantum mechanics.
        \_ 404 Not Funny.  Troll harder. -dans
        \_ This isn't really williamc, right?  This is someone else mocking his
           RSI statements?
           \_ Obviously.  williamc uses motdedit.
        \_ the level of maturity on soda is appalling at times.
        \_ the level of maturity on soda is appealing at times.
                \_ It's a big improvement from the dickylee days, trust me.
                   \_ dickylee was a wall jerk, not a motd jerk
                        \_ The comment didn't mention motd only
           \_ I think the word you were going for is "appalling", not
              \_ It was; someone did an edit of the original post.
        \_ Error 404.  Not Funny.  Troll Harder. -dans
2005/6/6-7 [Consumer/Audio] UID:37994 Activity:kinda low
6/6     I want to buy an MP3 player as a gift. I was looking at iPods. Is
        there a better player? What about a Sony PSP? How well does that
        function as an MP3 player?
        \_ You need to define "better."  What do you find inadequate about
           iPods?  PSP might be a better gift, but probably not a better
           MP3 player(horrible battery life?)
           \_ I don't own either of them. You tell me why I'd choose one
              over another. An MP3 player is basically a Sony Walkman,
              which is why the PSP seems like it might be cooler.
              \_ An MP3 is basically a Walkman?  Please don't ever design UI.
                 For anything. -dans
                 \_ Huh? In terms of what it does, an MP3 player is a
                    modern Walkman, just like a CD player is a modern
                    LP player.
        \_ If this is a gift for a girl, they lust after the ipod-mini.
           \_ It's for a guy. Does that mean *not* to buy an ipod-mini?
              \_ Guys wants functionality, so it's better to get a
                 sense of what the guy's preferences are. If I am
                 buying it myself, I probably would not pay the
                 premium for the ipod and get something more
                 practical. But I sure would like a gift to me to be
                 the 2nd gen ipod-mini.
              \_ For a guy, get a regular iPod. --erikred
                 \_ For an active guy, get an iPod Shuffle (which is actually
                    quite competitively priced for what it is).  -tom
                    \_ apart from the fact that you'd have to change the
                       songs on it every time you go out.  as it is, I
                       regularly have to switch things around on my 20gig.
                       if form factor and price are that much of an issue,
                       I'd personally go with a minidisc player.  if not, the
                       larger ipods have a well designed user interface and
                       you can carry a good body of music in your pocket.
                       I love walking through the city while shuffling through
                       a sizable chunk of my music collection.   -sax
                       \_ Minidisc players are more expensive, bigger,
                          heavier, and less reliable than the Shuffle, while
                          not having any more capacity.  What possible
                          advantage do they have over the Shuffle?  -tom
                       \_ So, does no one vote for the PSP?
                \_ And if you're a gay guy, get a purple iPod. If you're
                   gay AND horney, get a purple/green iPod.
        \_ I like the looks of the iaudio mx5
2005/6/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:37995 Activity:kinda low
6/6     No Macs suck / Macs rule flames going today? What happened to the
        Mac/PC wars of the 80's and the futile wars of the 90's?
        \_ Most PC fanatics have used Macs or UNIX based OS and have grown up
        \_ Most Mac fanatics have used PCs or UNIX based OS and have grown up
2005/6/6-7 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:37996 Activity:nil
6/6     Apple to use Intel chips. Does this mean future iBooks will run as
        hot and as short as Intel Pentium M based notebooks?
        \_ I think a strong motivating factor behind this decision was that
           IBM cannot seem to make the G5 viable at all for laptops.
2005/6/6-7 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:37997 Activity:moderate
6/6     Okay, not very PC, but funny:
        \_ The "rants & raves" section is looking better than motd these days
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2005:June:06 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>