6/5 "Freakonomics" correlates legally available safe abortion with
reductions in U.S. crime rates. Discuss.
\_ Those guys have a nytimes column now. Todays is interesting.
Monkeys paying money for sex.
\_ I think it not only correlates, but makes an argument for
causation. I think it's fairly clever. -- ilyas
\_ I just saw the author of Freakonomics on cspan and was thinking
about reading the book. How is it?
\_ Their experiment about the monkey "prefering" one type of "gamble"
is stupid. The monkeys simply don't understand the concept
"owing", it is not proof of the truth that sometimes people value
things they have over things they don't.
\_ Many mammals understand the concept of ownership sufficiently
to fight for things they think they 'own.' For example food,
territory, or mates. -- ilyas
\- it isnt offered as proof of something humans do. the
monkey reasearcher is repeating a famous study in
behavior economics [behavioral = how people make
decisions in the real world vs. normative econ =
how people *should* make decisions.] which showed
certain kinds of "systemic irrationalities" like
people being risk averse in the domain of gains but
risk accepting in the domain of losses. you can search
for kahneman, loss aversion endowment effect prospect
theory. note also this is *behavioral* research so it
is about observation not proof. you can prove A has a
higher expectation value than B but you can only measure
the rate at which A is preferred to B. BTW, some of the
important work by d kahneman and amos tversky has UCB
roots. for more complex phenomenon, see ALLAIS PARADOX.
that is not as cool as a newcombe paradox but is still
pretty cool. ok tnx.
\_ my point is that this experiment (as explained in the
NYT article anyway), is *not* analogous to those
experiments. It makes the faulty assumption that the
animals understand that the transaction they are
entering into or turning down. Also, I am not saying
that these monkeys are incapable of understanding
the concept of "owing", just that it is unlikely that
they do in this case. Also, the transaction, as
explained, can not be considered "gambling", since
there seems to be only a win proposition and no
loss proposition. If i flip a coin and you give me
a $ if it is heads and take nothing if I lose, that
isn't really gambling. Unless the monkeys had a
chance to cash in half a grape, or I am otherwise
missing something, this experiment is lame.
(I'd like to read some other description of the
experiment, besides that of the NYT so, if you have
a link i'd be appreciative).
\- if i offer you a dollar or a chance a 50/50
chance to win 0, $2 that may not be Vega$ style
gambling but it is "decisionmaking under
gambling but it is "decision making under
uncertainty" which what is colloquially being
termed gambling. nobody is saying monkeys
do NPV calculations and have a sophisticated notion
of future discount ... this isnt like the famous
Rader POW econ paper but these are smart guys with
a sophisticated awareness of the limits of what
they are doing. you cant expect an NYT article
to have all the ness disclaimers. i think all they
are saying is monkey's seem to have some element
of pareto optimization and operating on the
production possibility frontier. nobody is saying
they are going to invent hedges against deprecating
silver disks.
\_ Many mammals understand the concept of ownership sufficiently
to fight for things they think they 'own.' For example food,
territory, or mates. -- ilyas
\_ i said Owing, not owning. |