2005/5/26-31 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:37840 Activity:nil |
5/26 http://www.pcgameworld.com/top50.php Are you bored? Want to download cool game demos? Here are top 50 games to try. Make sure you have a nice PC (Athlon 64, +1G RAM, vid card). \_ Umm, are you saying if it's not a P4, it's not a "nice PC?" I take you on any day with my three Athlon 64 machines on games. \_ It's just a rough guideline, chill. |
2005/5/26 [Computer/SW/OS/VM, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:37841 Activity:very high |
5/26 Is it possible to create an image file from 5.25" or 3.5" drive? I'd like to create images of all of my 80s/90s diskettes, with games like Star Control II, King's Quest, etc and see if they play on VMWare or some emulator. \_ http://ntrawrite.sourceforge.net \_ I remember playing old 8088 (4.77Mhz) games on a 80386 (33Mhz) computer and the difference was amazing. Some old games didn't have speed controls built in and were actually unplayable. I just can't imagine playing them on a 4Ghz (4000Mhz) computer. \- Yes, you had to have jedi reflexes to play things like 8088 defender or stargate on the machines that were .5-1 order of mag faster. It was good training. \_ DOSBox lets you slow things down. There also are TSRs that would insert a lot of no-ops everywhere. \_ Whoa! Archon (1984) is supported!!! Now if only they'd tell you how to rip from protected Archon disk to DOSBox... \_ Just go download it. http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?gameid=1784 http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?name=Archon+Ultra \_ Image or EXE? \_ http://chitchat.at.infoseek.co.jp/vmware/vfd.html Create an image from a floppy, mount a virtual floppy (now that they're going away), etc. \_ Yes: dd if=/dev/fd0 of=./floppy.image \_ IBM used to have a utility called DSKIMAGE around 1986-87. I just searched the web and saw that Win Server 2003 has a utility with the same name. |
2005/5/26 [Consumer/Camera, Computer/HW/Printer] UID:37843 Activity:nil |
5/26 Workarounds for problems on Canon DSLR w/ Lexar 80x CF cards: http://tinyurl.com/85qnq |
2005/5/26-27 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:37844 Activity:high |
5/26 Hybrid Gas Savings Calculator: http://www.mixedpower.com/modules.php?name=Gas_Savings \_ I think it's off. Toyota representative in Japan (Toyota City) told my brother that realistically, one couldn't really recover the initial cost differences with fuel savings within the life span of the car... for now. \_ Wow! I guess my next car will be a hybrid. \_ DUMB. The best way to save money is to USE LESS ENERGY. What is it with you SUV loving Liberals trying to spend an enormous amount of time and money trying to extract cheaper forms of energy? The best way to save economically and ecologically is to simply USE LESS ENERGY. Drive less, bike more, move closer to work. -Bike Liberal \_ Yes, this makes absolute sense. In fact, the best way to utilize less energy is to just stop producing electricity. That way all of society uses less energy. I think that's a really great solution. Or we can just depopulate the earth. The less people there are the less energy we will use. Of course, depopulating the earth may cost a bit of energy up front, but I'm sure we can find efficient ways to do this. \_ And what exactly do you think a hybrid does? it USES LESS ENERGY. it uses energy more efficiently than others. For some people a bike is not an option. Try carrying two kids to day care safely on your bike. \_ I'm not the above poster, and I own no car and never will, but I've been wondering about something. What is the gas mileage of a bike, really? It took a certain amount of energy to make my bike, and a certain amount to transport it from the factory where it was assembled, to transport the various parts, etc. I try to take decent care of my bike, but it certainly has a finite lifetime in terms of total miles ridden over the lifetime of the bike. Divide energy in gas equivalent by miles, and you get a gas mileage. What is that number? Does anyone here know? lifetime of the bike. Divide energy in gas equivalent by miles, and you get a gas mileage. What is that number? Does anyone here know? Does anyone here know? -lafe \_ http://bicycleuniverse.info/transpo/beef.html \_ I can safely tell you that the best way to save energy is to reproduce less people, and to die earlier. If you don't exist, you don't consume, and if you don't consume, there's more energy for other people, hence less shortage. So please die. And PS your question is STUPID. \_ it's not a number; it's amortized by the number of miles you put in on your bike. It is fair to say that it is well down in the noise, in any case; a truck that used a gallon of gas delivering 20 bikes to a bike store would contribute (number of miles ridden over the lifetime of 20 bikes) per gallon. You can also talk about long-haul trucks, trains, and ships, but there the concentration of bikes is even greater. You could probably fit several hundred bikes in a shipping container. -tom \_ Not a number? You are truly a jackass. -lafe \_ Calling tom a jackass when you disagree? You are the real jackass. I mean seriously, wtf. You ask a pretty stupid question and then get all pissy when tom actually attempts to answer it. "Does anyone here know?" Ha ha! No really you're stupid. \_ thank you, anonymous coward. The point is that there is no one number for MPG for "a bike." It depends how much you ride it. Shithead. -tom \_ Apparently you didn't bother to read my post, asshole. No bike has an infinite lifetime. After a certain number of miles it's either going to become scrap metal or need spare parts to be added all of which have a finite energy cost. Given that the bike has a finite lifetime in miles, one can divide energy cost by miles and that is in fact a number. Is it going to be remotely comparable to a car? Of course not, but it seems interesting anyway. -lafe \_ Obviously it's non-zero, but it's so small as to be negligible. And the way you asked the question is meaningless; you would, at least, have to tell us how much you ride. -tom \_ That's where the "miles" come in, tom. \_ Bikes don't expire after a certain number of miles. Depending on the care taken etc. one can replace parts... and then it depends on what parts you choose. But why are you asking this about bikes and not trying to apply this "MPG" reasoning to cars, which obviously have a much much higher production, xport, maintenance, and disposal cost? \_ I'm not original poster, but yes, I would compare total energy cost of both systems. \_ Fuck off, tom, really. -lafe \_ the fact that you sign your posts does not change the fact that you are an asshole. if you're going to sign other peoples posts, at least bother to be consistent about it. -anonymous coward(lafe) \_ Yeah, but what about all the fossil fuel that goes into producing the food that you eat to power the bike? Did you consider that? And what about transportation costs to bring that food to market? I bet if you eat beef, the total energy cost of moving a bike is higher than a car. \_ Hint: The person driving the car eats too \_ Yeah, but the cyclist burns extra calories. \_ But the cyclist also gets exercise; how many "MPG" do you get in spinning class? -tom \_ Yes, but we are talking about energy efficiency here. \_ Yes, the point is that it is more efficient to get exercise while also getting somewhere than to sit on your ass in your car, and then go to spinning class. -tom \_ Riding bike to work is great if you don't wear a suit, work on multiple customer projects, have a lot of meetings, or have to transport lots of equipment Otherwise, I agree with the guy who advocates walking to look at girls :-) -John \_ Spinning class is indeed a very inefficient method of transportation. \_ How many kCal in a gallon of gas? \_ Who is this lafe guy? He's a hoot. I'm laughing my ass off on how funny this thread is. BTW, if you really want to save the environment don't even ride a bike, just walk. You'll have to walk barefoot because the manufacture and transportation of shoe products utilizes fossil fuels. So do the clothes you wear. Guess you'll just have to walk around naked and barefoot. I advocate this for all the hot cute chicks out there. \_ Plus public transit and carpool. \_ Using less energy isn't the answer. The answer is to use energy more efficiently and to use renewable srcs. |
2005/5/26-27 [Science/Physics] UID:37845 Activity:low |
5/26 LED capable of emitting exactly one photon each time: http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn7420 \_ Two questions: 1) The idea is that the receiver will know that a message is intercepted because a photon can only be received by either the interceptor or the receiver, not both. But what if the intercepter then injects a different photon with the same wavelength back to the stream right away? Then the receiver won't notice, right? 2) Regardless of #1, isn't it more important to prevent a message from being intercepted, than to know that the message has been intercepted after it happens? It doesn't help much to find out that someone has intercepted your SSN when it is transmitted this way. \_For quantum criptography you need a PAIR of coupled particles, one for the sender and one for the reciever. Then both sides make spin measurements on either the x & z axis randomly. By\ comparing a subset of those measurements you can determine if some-\ one was listening in. The rest is used for a key. -scottyg \_ You don't send your SSN that way, you send a random string of bits over the quantum channel, throw away the ones that get read by the evesdropper, and use the remaining bits as the key to a one time pad that you use to send the SSN over a classical channel. \_ This answers #2, thanks. What about #1? \_ Not an expert, but wouldn't there be a machine-perceptible delay as the intercepting device receives the photon and stores its identifying info, then recalibrates and sends a different photon with the same wavelength to the originally designated receiving end? |
2005/5/26-31 [Recreation/Dating] UID:37846 Activity:nil |
5/26 Is it true that if you grow up on a farm, you have sex with animals? http://csua.org/u/c70 \_ only if you vote republican. \_ Is it work safe? \_ There are no pictures, if that is what you are asking. It includes some Hannity and Colmes quotes though, which is pretty offensive to humanity. \_ Wow, those user comments are as stupid as free republic's. |
2005/5/26-31 [Recreation/Media] UID:37847 Activity:nil |
5/26 Star Wars related Darwin award nominees: http://news.yahoo.com/s/eo/20050526/en_movies_eo/16633 \_ You're a few days late, dupe-master. \_ That's Darth Dupemaster to YOU. \_ Clearly you don't understand what the Darwin award is. Train harder, grasshopper. \_ It could still work if they burned their private bits off. \_ *shrug* Article said nothing about that; if it had, I wouldn't have posted my original comment. |
2005/5/26-31 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:37848 Activity:nil |
5/26 How hard is the Mac OS X Support Essentials exam? Is a $1500 class really necessary to learn the stuff, or is there a book somewhere that covers the same info. \ you mean $150 \_ No, I mean $1500. The class is $1500, the test is $150. \_ I haven't taken it, but I know some good people who've failed it. It's not a rubber-stamp certification like you'd get from Dell. -tom \_ Cool. Thanks for the info. -op |
2005/5/26-27 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37849 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
5/26 This old ad is great. http://www.boardsmag.com/screeningroom/commercials/235 \_ This is sick. \_ Am I right assuming the above is NWS? \_ Not in particular really. \_ Oh ffs, it's fine. Do you work for the moonies? "Oh dear! She showed an ankle!" Sigh. -John \_ It's not risque or anything, but it came on without a prompt when I looked at it and I would suggest having the volume turned down. (I hadn't noticed that my wife had the volume up before watching and got a bit of a shock.) BTW, it's not all that. -- ulysses |
2005/5/26 [Transportation/Car] UID:37850 Activity:high |
5/26 Car Insurance question: If an insured car is damanaged beyond what they claim is the value of the car and they want to pay you off for the car value instead of repair cost, do you always have the option to settle for a lesser cash amount but keep the car? Like if the damage is cosmetic and expensive to fix but the car is drivable and you dont mind getting it fixed on the cheap or leaving some cosmetic damage? \_ What you can do is allow them to pay off the car as if it were totalled and then offer to buy it back from them. They will usually sell it back to you for something like $500. \_ Yes, but the car will have a salvage title. This is OK if you aren't going to sell it, though. |
2005/5/26 [Uncategorized] UID:37851 Activity:nil |
5/26 lafe, you're an idiot. |
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