2005/5/25-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Editors/IDE] UID:37829 Activity:nil |
5/25 Any Eclipse users out there? Is there a plugin or anything to get pop-up tips for Java keywords the same way it does for properly JavaDoc-supported variables/methods/classes? |
2005/5/25-27 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:37830 Activity:moderate |
5/25 Help rebuild the Gaza home that Rachel Corrie gave her life to defend. Our special guests: Cindy and Craig Corrie - Rachel's parents Samah and Khaled Nasrallah - The Palestinian family whose home Rachel was trying to protect Friday, June 10 7:30 p.m. First Presbyterian Church 1140 Cowper Street, Palo Alto $10 - $20 sliding scale - Wheelchair accessible A portion of the proceeds from this event will be used to rebuild the Nasrallah Family's home, then the next home and the next in Gaza, where 3100 Palestinian homes have been demolished. \_ The report also states that the army had\ not, in fact, intended to demolish a house, but was searching for explosives in the border area designated a security zone or "no man's land" by Israel. No houses were demolished on the day of Corrie's death, but one of the houses she believed she was protecting the home of pharmacist Dr. Samid Nasrallah was damaged six months later when the IDF knocked a hole in one of its walls. The IDF eventually demolished the house in January 2004, according to the charity Rebuilding Alliance, because it stood in the security zone. No tunnel. It was simply in the "security zone." The whole tunnel defence is merely a lie the apologists made up after the fact. \_ Minor language point: I'd say she "lost" her life. She didn't really intend to give it up. \_ Why would anyone want to donate to a people who actively resent the U.S.? I don't get it. If they want to get the U.S. out of the Mid-East, why would they take our money? That's like giving a quarter to a bum and having him spit in your face in return. \_ "I" am not "the U.S". So the analogy does not hold. \_ So you are not part of the U.S.? What else are you not part of, the species Homo Sapiens? What the hell... \_ I live in the U.S., but I'm not responsible for U.S. middle east policy and in many cases I disagree with it and understand some of the resentment. I don't apply judgement based only on set membership. I don't judge all Palestinians the same either as you appear to do. \_ When I visited there, people seemed pretty nice to me and a couple of complete strangers invited me into their homes to eat after just a few minutes of conversation. "They" might not like the U.S. but they liked me just fine. The U.S. does a pretty piss poor job of representing me throughout the world, to tell you the truth, especially these last five years. \_ Will it include a tunnel for smuggling weapons? You know, just to be accurate. \_ No tunnel was ever found under Nasrallah's home or ever even accused of being there: http://rafahpundits.com/2005/03/from-the-nasrallahs http://csua.org/u/c6m \_ Yeah, a few blogs really prove anything. Checking for stories in the past, I can't find anything reliable which states there was a tunnel or not. \_ link:tinyurl.com/cww2a is a link to an editorial in the Jerusalem post that claims there were no tunnels found under the home that was about to be bulldozed. I find it interesting that the IDF didn't finish bulldozing the house until 6 months after Corrie's death (according to the article). - danh \_ Learn to format to 80 cols danh. \_ "Today, March 16, marks the one-year anniversary of the killing of our friend and colleague Rachel Corrie." That sounds like a real unbiased source. \_ hey i did hunt around a lot, and I couldn't find anything authoritative that claimed that there was a nest of palestinian weapon smuggling tunnels under the house, I also think the IDF's policy of bulldozing orchards and houses just creates more problems later. - danh \_ You're the one who claimed they would need a smuggling tunnel to be accurate. How 'bout you put up some evidence that that's true. Or how 'bout you just fuck off. \_ Yeah, this is pretty funny, they are trying to get you to prove a negative. \_ The IDF said there was a tunnel. There has been no credible rebuttal. \_ Because they're SO unbiased... \_ Didn't say they were unbiased, but they're the ones who would say why they were performing the operation. If someone's going to say there's no tunnel, it'd be nice if they'd say how they know that. \_ Do you have a like for the IDF \_ Do you have a link for the IDF statement? \_ Yeah, their penis is so big and foreskin free. \_ No, the IDF never said that. You are just making shit up to try and make yourself feel better. \_ "Don't believe the news, it's controlled by Jews!" -Berkeley protesters. (no joke) \_ did she get a Darwin award for this one? \_ Person vs. Bulldozer. \_ Cf. Person vs. Tank, Tiananman Square, 6/4/89. \_ If you stfw for "corrie +idf +tunnel" you'll be hard-pressed to find anything that even remotely purports to not be a propaganda site (pro- or anti-Israeli) albeit one that isn't really worthwhile claims the Israeli consul to SF said the IDF were engaged in clearing bushes used to cover tunnels. Whatever; running people over with bulldozers is bad, standing in front of bulldozers is stupid. -John \_ it worked for Arthur Dent! \_ "Don't believe the news, it's controlled by Jews!" -Berkeley protesters. (no joke) \_ did she get a Darwin award for this one? \_ Person vs. Bulldozer. \_ Cf. Person vs. Tank, Tiananman Square, 6/4/89. \_ Actually, his house didn't make it either. \_ If not for froody Ford Prefect Arthur would have been flattened. \_ He would have been vaporized before he got a chance to be flattened. \_ Some people have tried to claim that the building demolishment was part of an IDF tunnel clearing program. Perhaps that is true, in any case, no tunnel was ever found underneath or near the house she was trying to protect. \_ I can't believe no one has tried to troll this post. \_ I can't believe you weren't awake yesterday. This post had a big followup to it yesterday. I guess the MOTD censor trimmed it all. FYI, contributing to middle east causes may be dangerous to your potential status as a U.S. citizen. If you are a green card holder be careful about what you donate to. \_ Just give cash. \_ Why would you give money to people who hate America? Only George Bush is allowed to do that. |
2005/5/25 [Uncategorized] UID:37831 Activity:high |
5/25 What's the difference between a Centrist and a Moderate? -dumb \_ What's the difference between sex and love-making? -l0s3r \_ Extremism in the defense of vice is no vice! -obscure \_ Whether or not yermom is charging \_ They are synonyms, at least in American politics. \_ that sounds like the beginning of a joke. \_ My guess: Centrist: Everything should be done in moderation. Moderate: Everything should be done in moderation, including moderation. |
2005/5/25-26 [Uncategorized] UID:37832 Activity:nil |
5/25 RIP Ismail Merchant: http://tinyurl.com/cu257 |
2005/5/25-26 [Computer/Theory] UID:37833 Activity:nil |
5/25 The latest on efforts to decipher the Archimedes palimpsest: http://tinyurl.com/9feoa \_ So if we discover that Archimedes discovers something before someone else, are we obligated to rename theorems? Like instead of the Turing Theorem (or stick in whatever name), we'll have to call it the Archimedes Theorem? \_ Probably not. However, Archimedes seems to have alternate (some would say better) derivations of many modern theorems so maybe these will be taught in schools. It is also possible that the palimpsest contains theorems that are completely unknown to modern mathematics (considering Archimedes seems to have known about integral calculus ~ 2000 yrs before Newton and Liebniz). \_ Probably not. We still celebrate Columbus Day after we discover that Columbus wasn't the first (nor the second) to discover the New World. |
2005/5/25-26 [Health/Disease/General] UID:37834 Activity:kinda low |
5/25 "Experts estimate a fifth of the world's population could be affected, with 30m needing hospital treatment and around 7.5m dying. It is estimated that up to 60% of humans infected by the [bird] virus have died." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4579777.stm \_ "I have here some very scary numbers that I made up. I really think you should give me some money." \_ "Scientists are working to develop a vaccine against bird flu, but are hampered by not knowing what form it would take, should it spread amongst humans." Yes, I can see where there might be some issues to creating a vaccine for a disease that doesn't exist. \_ Just because the big one (earthquake) hasn't happened for almost 100 years doesn't mean it'll never happen. What are you, stupid? \_ Did you mean to respond to a different post? \_ No, I mean you, Mr. Mormon. \_ Ummm... right. I didn't say it couldn't mutate, I just thought what the article said was amusing. Actually trying to develop a vaccine in advance is probably pretty good research. I'm just saying your post would've made more sense as a reply to the previous post. \_ 1918 \_ The 1918 flu pandemic was caused by that H5N1 flu virus? Dang, I didn't know that. \_ obviously you know very little about flu virus. \_ Did you ever take biology at Cal? Do you believe in evolution? The scientific concensus is that while the bird virus is harder to transmit than common cold, history and evidence show that virus often mutate to be more transmittable in the future while still keeping the same virulence. Now if you don't believe in evolution or think that praying to Joseph Smith cures all, then, that's fine too. \_ Ha! You're funny. This post is just a really lame ad hominem attack. I was mocking your statement that that seemed to imply that this was the same virus as the one in 1918. \_ One definition of a troll is an information amplfier. The better the troll, the higher the gain, where gain is defined as the ratio of characters of flameage to characters in the original troll. Generating all this noise from "1918" is pretty fucking impressive. Trollgain=145. \_ it seems like the person who wrote 1918 remained actively involved in the followup discussion, so I don't think it can be considered a troll. \_ So a troll is an amplifier with feedback. You sacrafice gain for stability, with the potential for massive oscillations if you screw up the phase of your feedback. \_ actually, I didn't intend for it to be a troll, just a few sentences on the 1918 pandemic and why H5N1 has people scared. I didn't have time to write all that this AM so I quit out meaning to post something later (now). Looks like I did end up leaving 1918 in my rush this morning. Anyway, This is the first anything I've posted since that aborted post this morning. --Jon \_ don't worry, crucell will save the day. buy crxl stock, buy buy buy. |
2005/5/25-26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:37835 Activity:nil |
5/25 Haha, it's about time: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/05/25/wilbanks/index.html \_ It's about time people stopped caring about bullshit non-news items that are none of their business. \_ True, but with the big deal ALL the news sources made about that bitch, it was hard not to get suckered into showing some interest. \_ Not really. Do you also consider the Michael Jackson trial to be important news? \_ Right now, no. I'll probably show some interest once a verdict is reached though. Same thing with that runaway bride. I didn't care about the updates, but once she was caught and no charges were filed against her, then I started caring some. \_ You're really that flaccid? \_ It's about time people stop posting un-descriptive URLs without a brief description of what the page is about. \_ Hey stop it, she seems like a very nice typical all American girl. \_ A very typical all American Bush voter from Georgia. |
2005/5/25-26 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:37836 Activity:kinda low |
5/25 I recorded some family reel to reel onto my computer so that I could archive it digitally. Unfortunately it was recorded at 1 7/8 in/min and I could only play it back at 3 1/4 in/min. The AIFF file I have is therefore at double time. Can't I just change the sampling rate and it will run normally? If so, how would I do this in OS X? -scottyg \_ Audacity has what I'm looking for. Thanks -Scottyg \_ Most sample-rate converter programs are careful to preserve the pitch and duration and work by interpolation. You could use an audio-editing package which offers speed and pitch control, or there may be some simple flags in AIFF you can change, but I wouldn't know about that. \_Yes, I'd like to just change the sampling rate, as recorded on the file itself. \_ Looking at http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/aiff.htm It looks like starting at the 17th byte (data[16]) of the Common Chunk "COMM" there is an 80-bit, big-endian IEEE 754 floating-point number for the sample rate. Good luck (As a hint, floating-point numbers can be divided by 2 by subtracting 1 from the exponent) \_ Just curious. What media records at 1 7/8 inch/minute? That seems very slow mechanically to me. \_ Uhh...reel to reel, that's the slowest speed. \_ ITYM in/sec. \_Ooops..my bad. -scottyg \_ I think that 'Amazing Slow Downer' will probably do what you want: http://www.ronimusic.com/amsldox.htm |
2005/5/25-31 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:37837 Activity:nil |
5/25 Does anybody in CA have experience with a wrongful termination suit? Somebody I know who was working with a bank for 26 years was sort of fired on the spot and even though this is an "at will" work state, it seems like she has a claim. She has won a lot of awards but was fired after making a mistake but it seems like people are entited to a few mistakes and they cant be used as an excuse to fire somebody a single manager doesnt like. Thanks. \_ Go seek an attorney. \_ Not answering your question, but: Doesn't "at will" mean you that you can quit for any reason, just like you can be fired for any reason (for firing, as long as it isn't related to race/gender/age/sexual orientation as long as you can prove it). E.g., you can be fired because you made a mistake, or because you refuse to remove a Kerry bumper sticker from your car, which you park on the company lot. \_ "At will" means you can get fired for legal reasons. So it's ok to fire someone for sporting a Kerry bumper sticker but not ok for refusing to suck your dick. \_ At will also means that there doesn't have to be a reason. The bar is really high in establishing grounds for a wrongful termination suit. \_ it is pretty unlikely she has a claim unless she thinks she was fired for whistleblowing or because she was black or whatever. -tom \_ (fuck off) \- I think there are probably different presumptions in the case of an employee of a quarter century standing [think "jury trial" and it will probably be expensive to respond to age discrim type claims]. I'm not sure "at will" entitles the employer to not be consistent ... if you fire one person for sneezing on the salad bar but you dont fire the 20 other people, that looks bad. Anyway, I'm just speculating. Labor law involves detail and not just broad principles. \_ If she is over 40, she is in a protected class and her chances of a win or settlement are much higher. \_ it is pretty unlikely she has a claim unless she thinks she was fired for whistleblowing or because she was black or whatever. -tom \- dont you think the fact pattern would have included either of these elements had they been relevant? i think what the OP is really looking for is "what are the grounds of the rebuttable presumption of at will employment in CA" ... not these canards about dick sucking and whistleblowing. i have to say i found the kerry bumper sticker case pretty shocking ... or course that wasnt an USSC decision ... \_ that's amusing, getting lectured by the master of irrelevancy for my answer not being relevant enough. -tom \- presumably you are trying to offer a relevant answer rather than a random "interesting" factoid. \_ Ah! You used the B word! \_ The short answer is that at-will agreements are a bunch of hooey (in CA). Seek a lawyer and thou shall see the light. \_ The short answer is that you don't have a case unless you have persuasive evidence. Seek a lawyer and thou shalt see the light. |
2005/5/25-26 [Uncategorized] UID:37838 Activity:nil |
5/25 Hey kchang--what's the difference between larger grey names with question marks and smaller (and lighter) grey names with question marks? \_ one has a slightly higher probability than the other. Both are extremely low probability. |
2005/5/25-7/12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:37839 Activity:nil |
5/25 Various insecure services have been disabled, including FTP, per departmental policy and/or request. You should be using sftp. =) \_ This should be in officia \_ When sftp shows this: s/key 98 so37989 Password: What am I supposed to type? \_ You get an s/key program, enter it, enter your soda password, and paste the result into the window, as per http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/skey-howto.html -John \_ no offense, this is about the most confusing document ever \_ You should also be getting a life, but the department does not yet enforce that one... - jvarga |
2005/5/25-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/IO] UID:37842 Activity:nil |
5/25 Does anyone have a PS2 -> DIN AT Keyboard adapter? Like this? link:csua.org/u/c6z Or perhaps even a DIN keyboard they don't use anymore? I want to buy it. Or have it bequeathed to me please. --maxmcc \_ you can get that at Fry's for $4.99 \_ I'll let you know when the cops find my stolen truck. Until then, please see above! --maxmcc |
3/15 |