2005/5/23-25 [Computer/Networking] UID:37799 Activity:nil |
5/23 Has anyone played with carp/pfsync on OpenBSD? I have a simple two firewall setup, one fw running 3.6, the other running 3.7. Right now the 3.6 system is the "master" and everything seems to work properly except that I can't ping the virtual ip from the master system. Any ideas? \_ I've seen this with a lot of virtual IP/failover/load balancers. Can you ping it from a box on the external local segment? -John \_ A box on the external segment can ping the two fw, but they can't ping each other. I can't seem to figure out why. Anyway, I figured out the original problem, apparently not being able to ping the virtual ip from the master was a bug in 3.6. thanks. |
2005/5/23-26 [Science/Electric] UID:37800 Activity:nil |
5/20 Has anyone installed an attic fan? Does it REALLY cool down your house while saving 3X the AC electricity fee? \_ I don't know about attic fans, house fans are pretty good. Pull all the cool air into the house over night, and you usually don't need AC during the day. \_ In general, you want to make sure your attic has enough ventilations, and you have enough insulations in the attic to keep the house cool. The insulation will make the biggest difference. Here in the bay area, you need about 12-inches of fiberglass or cellulose to have an R-value about 30+ for the attic. Some utilities company will do a free energy audit, have them come out and take a look. |
2005/5/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:37801 Activity:nil |
5/23 "After it happened, all the people in positions of authority went out of their way to script this. They purposely interfered with the investigation, they covered it up. I think they thought they could control it, and they realized that their recruiting efforts were going to go to hell in a handbasket if the truth about his death got out. They blew up their poster boy." -Father of Pat Tillman http://csua.org/u/c5u (Post) \_ I like this quote: ``Maybe lying's not a big deal anymore,'' he said. ``Pat's dead, and this isn't going to bring him back. But these guys should have been held up to scrutiny, right up the chain of command, and no one has.'' \_ "Pat isn't with God. He's fucking dead. He wasn't religious. So thank you for your thoughts, but he's fucking dead." -Pat Tillman's youngest brother, at his funeral |
2005/5/23-25 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:37802 Activity:low |
5/23 There used to be a company called Arts(sp?) Digita or something like that. Anyone knows what happened to it? Thx. \_ Ars Digita \_ http://www.assureconsulting.com/articles/arsdigita.shtml \_ I like this part: "We bought a Ferrari to give away to any employee who recruited 10 friends. In reality the car only cost $2,000 per month, the person who won it only got to drive it for as long as he or she was employed, and the cost of a Ferrari is much lower than 10 headhunter commissions." \_ commissions were what, $25k each back then? still probably around that number today. 10*25=250k \_ http://csua.com/?entry=23835 \_ i used to work there ... they got bought by red hat. pretty much everyone got laid off at some pt or another except for i think 1 guy who went to red hat w/ the technology purchase (also a berkeley grad). many of the berkeley people now work at another berkeley consulting company that uses some of the open source software. I dont know what happened to the boston employess. |
2005/5/23-26 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:37803 Activity:nil |
5/23 Does WinXP or Win2000 have a built-in "take a screenshot" function? \_ PrtScn copies whole screen to clipboard as BMP. Alt-PrtScn copies currently focused window. Interestingly it doesn't work with DVDs. \_ Probably your DVDs are being played using hardware overlay and that is bypassing Window's regular window-drawing system. Try to go into your DVD software and disable hardware overlay (though you'll take a perfomance hit). \_ Not just DVDs. Any video you play that uses hardware acceleration and a video overlay. \_ Thanks. |
2005/5/23 [Computer/Companies/Ebay] UID:37804 Activity:high |
5/23 So, I'm curious. With all the risks associated with using Paypal, why do people do it? If you don't think there are risks, try contacting a real person at customer support sometime. The contact isn't even an 800 number. \_ I have never had a problem and I have used it for five years for all my EBay purchases. It makes both paying and accepting EBay payments very easy. Why don't you just use email? \_ So far, I've not found anything that emails to a real person. Please divulge. \_ Yeah, so far all my emails just seem to go to a very complex eliza program. \_ Why do you say your emails just seem to go to a very complex eliza program? \_ You sound like M-x doctor. \_ Your emacs fu is weak, young padawan. \_ Earlier you said you are only truly alive when you are covered in polka dots and taco sauce? \_ Are you sure? \_ Ahh! M-x kill-buffer |
2005/5/23-26 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37805 Activity:nil |
5/23 Ok, this is pretty funny (Star Wars joke) http://www.shortpacked.com |
2005/5/23-26 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:37806 Activity:nil |
5/23 Macs use IBM chips, but IBM laptops use Intel chips? How ironic. \_ No such thing as an IBM laptop anymore. \_ No more Thinkpads? \_ IBM sold their whole PC business (including ThinkPad) to Lenovo. There are still ThinkPads, but now they're Lenovo ThinkPads. \_ Not yet. Under the agreement, IBM will continue making the ThinkPads for some time. \_ ArsTechnica is suggesting they probably just want XScale chips for small devices. \_ And XBox 360 uses IBM chips, demo'ing on Macs. \_ Even better, today there are rumors that Apple is looking into using Intel chips in its Mac computers. \_ I assume that was just posturing on Apple's part to force IBM to do Mac-able versions of Power5/6. It probably meant anxious moments at a certain startup though. |
2005/5/23-25 [Health/Men] UID:37807 Activity:nil |
5/23 Medicaid covered sex offenders' Viagra http://csua.org/u/c5p (Yahoo! News) \_ That's awful. But how do I get my medical plan to cover viagra? \_ Well, first you have to turn 65.... |
2005/5/23 [Recreation/Media] UID:37808 Activity:nil |
5/23 EP3 SPOILER ALERT: So is the reason why Vader can't shoot the lightning in eps 4-6 because he doesn't have any real hands? Or because the lightning would fry all the hardware that's basically keeping him alive? |
2005/5/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:37809 Activity:kinda low |
5/23 http://csua.org/u/c5y (Post) A certain and clear pattern has emerged when a damaging accusation or claim against the Bush administration or the Republican-led Congress is publicized: Bush supporters laser in on a weakness, fallacy or inaccuracy in the story's sourcing while diverting all attention from the issue at hand to the source or the accuser in the story. ... Some will argue that such questions are irrelevant or miss the point because Bush's bold action in Iraq got rid of a tyrant who was abusing his own people and because it will eventually lead to the spread of democracy in the area. Both may be true. But the case for war was built neither on humanitarianism nor on spreading democracy. Those arguments were, at most, used to bolster the main case, which was that Iraq was building weapons of mass destruction and presented an imminent threat to America and its allies. \_ Bud Day doesn't appreciate your tone of voice. \_ If you really respected BUD DAY you would always capitalize His name. \_ You've obviously never served. \_ If he did, it would destablize the middle east for generations! \_ Are you Chinese? Do you understand the effect BUD DAY had on the American War effort in China? \_ Heh, I missed this one. |
2005/5/23-24 [Recreation/Media] UID:37810 Activity:high |
5/23 Do it somewhere else. How about /tmp/ep3 like someone suggested before? \_ Why? As long as it has a "spoiler tag" I think it's time to shut up. Seriously this movie does not have that many "spoilers" for anyone who has followed the Star Wars stuff so far, which is most people. \_ SPOILER ALERT! Anakin becomes Darth Vader. Padme gives birth to twins and names them Luke and Leia. Yoda and Obi Wan are the only surviving Jedi. \_ NOOOOOOOOOOO! That's impossible! \_ It seemed that she didn't hesitate when naming her kids. Is it revealed anywhere (online, elsewhere) why she picked the names Luke and Leia? \_ The force told her. \_ She saw them in a movie once. \_ They were the only Jedi Counsel members that survived. There may have been many more Jedis that never went back to the temple. So if they wanted to hide the twins, why take 'em to A: A senator or whatever high position the NYPD guy had B: a living relative \_ Because theoretically, anakin wiped out all the jedi, as instructed by the emperor. \_ Eh, fuck you. All the hardcore nerds have seen it by now. The film, while not quite awful, probably should have a warning label. In the interim, reviews will suffice. -dans \_ The secret nobody wants to let out is that Natalie Portman's character is really a dude. In the last scene you get to see her cock. |
2005/5/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:37811 Activity:nil |
5/23 # Tech Support: "I need you to boot the computer." # Customer: (THUMP! Pause.) "No, that didn't help." \_ If he/she's in Tech Support, he/she should've known to say "I need you to restart your computer." |
2005/5/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:37812 Activity:low |
5/23 Sith reviews already? where's ~psb/starwarsreviews1-6.txt ? \_ ACHTUNG!! ALLE STARWARS DISKUSSION IST VERBOTEN!!! ES SPOILERS KONTAINEN!!!!! \_ i thought monday was the end of the moratorium. \_ some limp dick is still deleting it \_ What a wanker. In a nutshell, you're going to see it anyway, face your destiny. That said, you don't get those nearly 2.5 hours of your life back. Don't resist the urge to scream ``For the love of god George, make it stop!'' during the love scenes. -dans |
2005/5/23-6/23 [Uncategorized] UID:37813 Activity:nil 66%like:37356 |
5/23 /var is full! \_ Not anymore, thanks to twohey. --PeterM |
2005/5/23-26 [Politics/Domestic/President, Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:37814 Activity:nil |
5/23 Fox's angle on Star Wars vs. Republicans: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,157229,00.html http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,157229,00.html \_ I see everything twice! \_ "By and large, the rebellion's supporters were ordinary people who wanted self-determination, republican government, and free enterprise in place of the Galactic Empire's oppression, economic controls, and high taxes." Typical Fox handwaving, to imply that republican government is the equivalent of Republican-dominated government. |
2005/5/23-25 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:37815 Activity:moderate |
5/23 How Pentagon wastes 5 billion dollars: http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/05/23/super.laser.ap \_ Oh my! The horror! \_ Yeah, I hate science too. Discovering new things about fusion. Pssh. How could THAT be useful? \_ Yeah, I know. I mean, honestly, that money could be put to so many better uses -- like a solid gold monument of the 10 commandments, or giant marble statues of jesus, or maybe funding for a new religious science university and another 'intelligent design' museum somewhere. All those damned scientists spending money on their newfangled 'technology' and 'research'. They don't go to church on sundays, they don't get federal funding. church on sundays, they shouldn't get federal funding. \_ Hey, who deleted the gold plated marble Jesus? We could build that 900 foot tall Jesus that Oral Roberts is always seeing. -meyers \_ So. Are you religious right, or chicom troll? \_ I'd much rather the Pentagon spend the money building lasers for fusion than invading Iraq. \_ fusion tech would not serve republican business interests |
2005/5/23-26 [Uncategorized] UID:37816 Activity:nil |
5/23 Greedo Lives! http://www.savegreedo.com |
2005/5/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:37817 Activity:nil |
5/23 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050523/ap_on_go_co/filibuster_fight_139 "Centrists from both parties reached a compromise Monday night to avoid a showdown on President Bush's stalled judicial nominees and the Senate's own filibuster rules ..." \_ Watch freepers scream and rant http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1408993/posts \_ Bill Frist got pwnd. \- how do you figure this isnt a 95% republican victory? --psb \_ It's a delay of game penalty. When a Supreme steps down and Demos try the same thing, the filibuster will fall. In fact, I doubt it will be that close. \_ So you're saying the 7 Democratic senators in on the compromise will filibuster the next SCOTUS nominee, and for that nominee, there won't be 6 Republican senators to vote to prevent use of the nuclear option? In any case, I could see use of the nuclear option for SCOTUS nominees by both parties (initiated by the GOP and tit-for-tat by Dems in 2008-2012), but a general reluctance for appeals court and other judges. I also give it a 50% chance that Dubya will nominate a non-wacko SCOTUS candidate as the first one, obviating the need for a filibuster. \- without taking a stand on what that probability p will be [and it may depend whether it is the CJ or and AJ] i think the probability certainly is affected by how bruised he is ... over Bolton, over Social Security etc. This is obvious but the point being you can score points that have an affect down the road even if you lose early on. |
2005/5/23-26 [Recreation/Dating] UID:37819 Activity:high |
5/23 "Bottom of the barrel---white American chicks. Yecch... most women in Western countries have that cold, bitchy, superficial, stuck up attitude. A lot of Western women hold themselves as the pure center of the relationship..." http://www.nomarriage.com/why_foreign_women_are_better.html \_ Yes, but most intelligent, educated, cultured, whatnot non-American women I know probably wouldn't look twice at the Bud-swilling frat boy who wrote this. -John \_ you're absolutely right, they rather look at classy reliable sophisticated dependable well refined opera loving SwissEuro men who tick effeminately like the watch, as opposed to American men who are rough, tough, and don't take no crap off nobody, like the Brawny toilet paper. \_ No, just not assholes with "issues" like the guy who wrote that paper. Being rejected too often tends to do that. -John \_ I see. In your worldview you're either a bud-swilling frat boy or an opera loving SwissEuro? I think a far more realistic scenario is that you're a blithering idiot. \_ Errr. Right. I'm not sure what this means, and I think I like it that way. \_ 1 statement, 2 insults (to Swiss and American men) \_ I agree with most of it except: "The people there were lining the women up for him to meet...he's a rich American guy...they are considered the best husbands in the world." I don't see how foreign women marrying for money is better than American women being needy. -- guy with Chinese wife. \_ Or more to the point, rich Japanese guy trumps rich American guy these days, especially in Asia. \_ Many people work for the sake of money. But that doesn't mean everyone who work for the sake of money are equivalent. A pleasant and hardworking person working for money can be a good coworker and employee. An asshole is going to stay an asshole. \_ Just stop dating the materialistic ho-bags. Or maybe those are the only ones interested in you. \_ The OP didn't mention money in his quote, but merely "cold, bitchy, superficial, [and] stuck up". I submit that a person can be indifferent to money and still be "cold, bitchy, superficial, [and] stuck up". \_ lila are you going to respond? This site is trashing your kind. \_ if you go to thailand, you will find a lot of guys like this one: fat balding middle aged white guys in hawaiian shirts with 15 y.o. skinny thai girls on their arms, both desperately trying to look like they are enjoying themselves \_ Only one will be 'trying' right? ;) \_ Well, I don't know about that, actually. If I was a middle aged guy and the only way I could get pussy was by paying for it, I think I would feel pretty much like a loser. \_ I dunno -- I think there's alot to be said for zero-strings zero-reciprocal obligation sex. I mean, you pay for what, an hour of service and then she's gone? Christ, there were times where I'd have been willing to pay my exes are times where I'd have been willing to pay my exes just to get gone, sex or no sex. just to go away, sex or no sex. \_ you don't pay them to show up, you pay them to go away. \_ I'm...not sure what you're talking about. \_ http://www.streetmeatasia.com (NWS and somewhat eyeball searing, if you hadn't guessed) \_ Concur--I don't think I saw any attractive westerners at all in Bangkok. -John \_ Why did you go to Bangkok John? \_ To visit my girlfriend who's on a 10-week project there, and to make excursions to Cambodia/Laos/Burma and the North of Thailand (and of course to look for cheap boom-boom girls to host embryos for our Master Race Breeding Program.) -John \_ Pics for boom-boom girls please? \_ Actually I didn't see any at all. However, some of my associates assure me that there is some fairly physiologically exceptional stuff to be seen in various Bangkok back rooms. Whatever floats your boat, Thai girls aren't my thing. -John \_ What exactly is boom-boom girl? -- clueless \_ Don't you mean to bring back Master Disease back to the Master Race? |
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