2005/5/16-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:37699 Activity:kinda low |
5/16 Why is bonnie@csua calling me her bitch? \_ Why do you believe everything you see in the From: line? \_ If you are/were karen's bitch (and who isn't), you are, by \_ At least one CSUA alum comes to mind... extension, bonnie's bitch. - jvarga \_ Really, it's explained in the email. \_ And I, for one, welcome our new CSUA overlords |
2005/5/16 [Uncategorized] UID:37700 Activity:low |
5/15 Poll: What is your Michael Bolton prediction? Nominated: . Filibuster success: Fili-busted (unsuccess): . Vote taken, not-nominated: . \_ steel bars, wrapped all around meee.... i've been your prisoner since the day you found meee... i'm bound forever 'til the end of tiiiime... steel bars, wrapped around this heart of miiiine... |
2005/5/16-17 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:37702 Activity:nil |
5/16 Netgear Storage Central, at $129 it seems like a good deal for a home network file server: http://www.livedigitally.com/?p=166 \_ Google NSLU2. It runs Linux, I have one and I spool media to my Roku audio player a-la: http://www.fibiger.org/musicserver/nslu2-mtdaapd-howto.html It also acts fine as NAS. The advantage over the NetGear is that it's a Linux server. The downside is you supply your own external USB drives. -ax \_ Google NSLU2. It runs Linux, I have one and I spool media to my Roku audio player a-la: http://www.fibiger.org/musicserver/nslu2-mtdaapd-howto.html It also acts fine as NAS. The advantage over the NetGear is that it's a Linux server. The downside is you supply your own external USB drives. -ax \_ I wanted to avoid externa usb/fw drives, but this sounds pretty cool. |
2005/5/16 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:37703 Activity:high |
5/16 Newsweek lied and people died. \_ Lied? \_ Yes, lied. They claimed that the military confirmed something that they didn't confirm. Now they aren't even retracting their story. \_ They claimed that the military confirmed something that they will no longer confirm... \_ So where were you when the New York Times was hyping the war in Iraq with hundreds of lies about Saddam's huge arsenal of WMD? \_ You do understand that a mistake by one news organization does not justfiy another mistake by a different organization. \_ I'm not defending Newsweek. I think they fucked up and they should own up to it. However, I think all the right wing blustering and rage about it is pretty silly given that we got into a useless war on track to cost more than Vietnam in constant dollars based on a huge tissue of lies that was printed in the NYT amongst many others. Don't hear much blustering and rage about THAT. It seems like lies are perfectly all right as long as they justify your desired ends. \_ Well, I don't think NYT lied, nor did Newsweek. They made mistakes, but so does everyone. The best they can do is to own up to their mistakes and correct their processes so that future mistakes are less likely. Also, I find it somewhat sad (if it is true) that there is only "right wing blustering and rage". We should all be upset about the Newsweek error, just as we should all be upset about errors in NYT and elsewhere. \_ Okay, what was Newsweek's mistake? They got this tidbit from a "knowledgable source", one they had used before. They asked two DD officials for confirmation. The first declined to comment. The second said another part of the article was wrong, but didn't question the part about flushing the Koran. So newsweek ran it. This sort of thing used to be called journalism. Two weeks later, their source backs out and the pentagon gets pissed. Something's fishy. --scotsman \_ Good journalism requires at least two sources for a story. \_ Sounds to me like they thought they had two: Their source, and the official who read the story and didn't object. It wasn't a positive assertion that "yes, this is in an upcoming report from an investigation", but it certainly seems they checked it out. It just really smells too much of shoot-the- messenger for me. \_ I'm not sure "no comment" and "That sounds like something I heard once" count as confirmations. \_ What about "I've reviewed your piece and you can't print this [other unrelated part]"? \_ That would be confusing 'not denying' with 'positively affirming'. \_ Which, in an admin that funnels all FOIA requests through the white house, seems a line that needs to be crossed. \_ This would be the "it's good enough because doing more is hard" standard? \_ Which is why they apologized, but haven't retracted. \_ Newsweek retracted. \_ Indeed. Sigh. \_ We should apply this standard to more things. \_ And how did people die from Newsweek's lie? \_ do you even watch any news? \_ Oops! I read about the Quran flushing and the riot, but I missed the news that it was a Newsweek lie. -- PP \_ Watching the news is a big mistake. Reading the news isn't much better but at least print media sometimes pretends to take it's job seriously. --!pp \_ You missed the riots and deaths? \_ Those were terrorists, not "people"! \_ The Afghani government claims that the riots there had nothing to do with the Koran story. Don't know if there were deaths elsewhere. \_ (not a troll, really) Afghani == currency. Afghan == citizenship. \_ American Newsweek writers didn't know how inflammatory "flushing Koran down a toilet" was compared to getting nekkid CIA officers to sit on detainees laps - otherwise they would have done more vetting. \_ Newsweek already killed Admiral Boorda. \_ I posted a long quote from Gen. Myers stating that the US definitely placed Koran's on the toilet, but can't confirm yet whether any actually were flushed, but some asshole stomped it. You and the whole Powerline/LGF crowd are going to look pretty stupid when it turns out Newsweek was correct. \_ Where is the quote? \_ The post may have just been overwritten. Why don't you repost or post a link? \_ http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2005/05/mil-050512-dod01.htm \_ http://csua.org/u/c31 Important stuff is at the very bottom. Perhaps I am misunderstanding what Myers is saying though. What do other people take that last paragraph to mean? \_ For the most part he seems to be denying the Newsweek report. I have no idea what he was trying to say here though: "There are several log entries that show that the Koran may have been moved to -- and the detainees became irritated about it, but never an incident where it was thrown in the toilet." \_ Yeah I take that to mean that the Koran was moved to the toilet, but not flushed down it, though it is not entirely clear that he meant that. \_ "They have looked through the logs, the interrogation logs, and they cannot confirm yet that there were ever the case of the toilet incident, except for one case, a log entry, which they still have to confirm, where a detainee was reported by a guard to be ripping pages out of a Koran and putting in the toilet to stop it up as a protest. But not where the U.S. did it. ... That's still unconfirmed; it's a log entry that has to be confirmed. There are several log entries that show that the Koran may have been moved to -- and the detainees became irritated about it, but never an incident where it was thrown in the toilet." -Gen. Myers Okay, so there are logs that say the Koran was moved "to" the toilet, which means to me on the seat (open or closed) or on top of the water reservoir. The point of debate is not about stomping on or putting Koran's "on" the toilet, the latter point the military concedes there are logs about. The issue is flushing Koran's down the toilet, for which the military says there are no logs showing this. \_ So they were "really disrespectful" but not "ludicrously disrespectful"? The WH puts out a statement saying that Newsweek is hurting America's image. I say America is hurting America's image. \_ You don't get people killed because of Korans moved "to" the toilet. Flushing Korans is another thing. Anyways, like I wrote earlier, American Newsweek writers just didn't understand how inflammatory this was, or they would have vetted it more. \_ As noted above, the afghan gov't said that the report was incidental to the violence. Not a cause. People are pissed. at us. enough to blow up themselves and innocents to get to us and those who are linked to us. And you say it's because newsweek printed an article... \_ Let's put it this way: If Newsweek's anonymous Pentagon source didn't back down and Gen. Myers said "Yeah, we actually do have logs of our guys flushing down Korans", then the U.S. military would be blamed. \_ Y'know what. The US Military is already blamed because we are OCCUPYING THEIR COUNTRY. Because we are holding people thousands of miles from home in a legal limbo. The status of the qu'ran in a gitmo prison is just another speck on our filthy image. \_ The one point I can agree with you on is that Dubya's administration has committed many more serious mistakes than Newsweek has. \_ How many other surfaces are there in a military latrine where one can put a copy of the Koran? \_ Well, the issue is whether they did it on purpose to piss off the prisoners. \_ Is it? I thought the issue was the location of the of the Koran. The Myers quote made no mention of the state of mind of the military guard(s). Never been in a military prison latrine before, but I'm not coming up with many better locations to put a copy of the Koran than on top of the can. \_ Why did they bring one there in the first place? \_ Ah, that's a different question. I don't think I've seen any reference to *who* brought Koran into the toilet. Was it a guard or a prisoner? But once the book is in the toiilet, where else better should you put it? \_ Every prisoner gets a Bible, Koran, or whatever holy book you want. \_ Would they give free Playboy subscriptions if you said you worshipped Hugh Hefner? \_ What is inferred is that the state of mind of the prison guards was as you stated: They were innocently placing the Koran on the john because it seemed like a good place. But Myers didn't say that explicitly. \_ These are supposed to be diaries of interrogations remember. It makes no sense to respectfully place the Koran "near" the toilet as an aside in an interrogation interview. My guess is that they threatened to flush them as a way to antagonize the "interviewees." But that is just a guess. the "interviewee." But that is just a guess. \_ I don't know, the pentagon guys didn't say the Koran was "moved to the toilet" during interrogation, just that it was moved there. You're assuming this was during interrogation, but it's also possible that a gaurd may have picked up a Koran to get it out of the way and just used the toilet tank as a convinent place to put it down. Heck, I read my bible on the can, and rest it on the tank sometimes. I can see a gaurd doing this with a Koran inadvertantly. It's a possibility. \_ I assumed that it was in a cell that had a toilet in it, like most jails. \_ Apparently, some prisoners are kept in en suite cells, and others are kept barrack-style, presumable with an attached communal latrine. \_ I don't understand this logic. Regardless whether it happened, if the military denies it, then they mustn't be blamed? \_ This is hardly the first time this claim has been made: http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=6058 |
2005/5/16-17 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:37704 Activity:moderate |
5/16 I am looking for recommendations for a how-to-assemble-one's-own- computer-book. I would just buy a Dell but I want something quiet. The system will run XP and SuSE. -- ulysses \_ Buy Dell, donate to Republicans. It's as simple as that. \_ Is that worth it? One standalone copy of XP is so expensive. \_ Worth it? Probably not. Fun and instructive, yes. Also you don't have to pay full retail for XP. -!op \_ My Dell is very quiet. \_ My Dell is very noisy (the power supply) and the replacement from Dell is not much better either. I hate the fact that I cannot put in a standard ultra-quiet power supply because it won't fit Dell's propretary case!! I am never getting a Dell computer again. \_ Who sells cheap standard PCs? Tiger Direct? \_ Tiger Direct? Only if you take their rebates into account, and that might not be an entirely wise thing. \_ I build my own now. I enjoy doing it and once every few years gives me the opportunity to be informed about the latest PC building trend. There are tons of places that sells standard PCs. \_ Care to recommend one? \_ My Dell dual Xeon at work is noisy, but my home machine is silent. I can't hear the fan or hard drive at all. It was a Dimension 4600. \_ The Dell OptiPlex GX280 (Small Business only) is reviewed by http://cnet.com as very quiet, due to its new BTX case design (which funnels air down a central corridor as my Geek Squad friend tells me). http://csua.org/u/c2w Our office is buying them, but I'm too lazy to walk over and check how loud they are. These are standard Dell Small Business desktops as of ~ half a year ago. Don't get the Small Form Factor version, which only has 2 DIMM slots (I would get the Mini Tower). Don't get any Pentium 4 above 3.2 GHz. \_ The Precision series is pretty quiet. In spite of the above advice, the desktop is even quieter than the minitower. \_ Do you stand the Desktop on its side like in the picture? How do you insert CD-ROMs? The Precision series is a "workstation" series right? \_ You can stand it vertically with a plastic stand you order or use it horizontally. Yes, Precision is the workstation series. Like someone else noted, the Xeon systems are loud. So it would be the 3x0 series which is quiet. \_ And the Dimension 4600's. Just watch http://slickdeals.net for a good deal to come up. \_ http://endpcnoise.com has great parts and complete custom systems. \_ Has anyone used "Zalman TNN-500AF Noiseless Case" at $1200? Is it worth the price? |
2005/5/16-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:37705 Activity:nil |
5/16 I have a multithreaded Java application which calls some native libraries through JNI. I'm looking for a good way to do profiling of it to see where the various Java and native threads are holding each other up. What tool(s) would you reccomend? |
2005/5/16-17 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:37706 Activity:moderate |
5/16 Make sure you get the firmware updated on your Prius: http://tinyurl.com/cfd5r (cnn.com) \_ Wow. Didn't expect this kind of things to happen on a Toyota. \_ Pretty scary if it happens when you're trying to cut in front of a semi while entering a freeway. \_ I personally think the increased use of software in cars is a bad trend. Most software is nowhere near as reliable as mechanical controls or electronic controls and the potential for unintended or undetectable failures is high. I'm thinking by next car should be a willy's jeep :-) \_ Maybe you should stop flying then, because new Boeings and ALL Airbuses are controlled by electronics, without the possibility of manual over-ride. \_ I pretty much avoid airbus flights whenever possible. Computer control on the new Boeings does have me worried, but the way I look at it a failure of the computer control on a plane means I'm dead, while the failure of the computer control in a car means, I will probably live but will lose a leg an arm or be bound to a wheelchair. I prefer dead to cripple. \_ Yeah, I heard the Jeep Willy could run even with a punctured radiator. My Cherokee has only okay reliability, though. \_ Yermom likes to download the firmware in my Penis. |
2005/5/16-17 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:37707 Activity:moderate |
5/16 I'm looking for software (free or shareware) on windows that can help me manage information found on the web. Usually I find some useful info and if I forget to bookmark it or write down the address somewhere else, it'll take me hours to find it again one month later. Also bookmarking is not really scalable. I can't write my own notes etc. There has got to be an easier way to classify and take notes and store links (or save HTML pages locally) in an indexable and searchable manner. Thanks. \_ Well, firstly I would agree that bookmarks could use some improvement. But I think you can use normal Firefox bookmarks to sort of do this. You can open the bookmark manager which is searchable, and lets you attach a longish description to any item. What it really needs is a one-button "bookmark this" which includes the description field. Basically a UI issue. Actually, I just tried this and noticed the search function doesn't look at description text. What a POS. \_ just create subfolders in your bookmarks \_ What we need is kchang's auto classification motd tool for firefox!! We just bookmark a page and based on content, it gets classified under a particular category! You should be able to get different 'views' of your bookmarks based on category, date, etc! \_ Hmmmm, interesting, I will have to spend some time doing more feasibility study on this and afterwards consider this feature... \_ I use a plain text file for this. \_ Not sure about Windows, but at least on OS X some of my friends use a product called Sticky Brain. I use text file and a bunch of nested directories. |
2005/5/16-17 [Reference/BayArea] UID:37708 Activity:low |
5/16 Explanation please: why were people throwing so many tortillas at Bay to Breakers? I mean, it was cool and all, but wtf? \_ They're cheaper than frisbees. That's it, really. -gm \_ Uh... It's the tortilla toss. duh. \_ Is this some new addition? I was in the Bay to Breaker in 1998 but I didn't see any totilla throwing. \_ I've only ran the past 3, but each year they've done it. \_ Uh... It's the tortilla tossing contest. duh. \_ I don't know where you were standing, but I know they had it in 98. My first one was either 94 or 95, and they've had it everytime I've gone. |
2005/5/16-17 [Industry/Jobs] UID:37709 Activity:high |
5/16 When an interviewer asks about your weakness, what do you usually say? \_ "i'm outta of a job and i have to come to you to get one" \_ "i'm too weak to answere questions about myself" \_ I cry when I masturbate. \_ Well, I could always use more upper body strength to impress the girls. \_ "I've been told that I work too hard, but I've never considered it a weakness." \_ Do not try this. Any non-moron interviewer would pick up on this sort of thing. I guess since he asked this question, we may deduce he IS a moron though. But anyway I divebombed an interview when some high-end VP asked this and relentlessly discarded my non-incriminating answers. The "correct" answer is really to have a pre-memorized set "things you're doing to improve yourself", under the assumption that anything where you're not your best is a weakness. Yeah it's stupid. I guess you could turn the "work too hard" thing into a real weakness if you say like you sometimes get fixed on a problem and if you don't get enough sleep you aren't as bright as you can be blah blah. \_ I agree that you should NOT give a canned response, especially the one above. IT'S TOO FUCKING OLD. It's like walking into a single's bar and asking "What's your sign?". Be thoughtful. \_ "That's a stupid question. I'll go somewhere else where the interviewers aren't morons." \_ Translation: "My weakness is I kneejerk sometimes at the risk of pissing off other people." \_ No, I'd just rather not work for a company who wastes my time like that. \_ You might want to consider the fact that there's more to being a true professional than your (very high) opinion of yourself. \_ Alternate Translation: "I'm a very, very poor candidate." \_ I just answered honestly. Just list some real weakness you have. \_ Yeah, I tried that once. Apparently, they weren't interested in people who don't like to be micromanaged. \_ Sounds like you came out on top of that one. \_ I get distracted too easily by eye candies. \- Just say "I wish I could be more organized." \_ I'm a lazy fuck. \_ I tell them that sometimes I am too optimistic about how much work I can get done and that therefore I take on too many tasks and that sometimes this causes frustration in other people who are waiting around for me to get things done. It is a real weakness of mine (and just about every other engineer and sysadmin I have ever worked with) and just indicates a normal kind of failing that you can cop to. I don't tell them that I drink too much and call in work sick all the time on Monday because of it or anything like that. \_ This is a smart man. (or woman) \_ Yeah, good call. During my interview for my current job, I was asked this and answered a couple of things off the top of my head -- one was "I have a hard time saying no (to client requests, management requests)" -- it's a genuine problem, and one that I work on. This led into a brief discussion of dealing with those sorts of dynamics, and probably did give them a better idea of how I think & work. Which is the point. \_ Well I'd still laugh at you both. It's still an obvious cop-out basically, just a clever variation of "I work too much/am too eager to work". It shows you're good at lawyerly bullshitting. Good job. \_ This is a foolish man. (or woman) \_ No, I honestly don't think it is 100% bullshit. Super awesome programmers accurately predict how much they can get done in a certain amount of time and when they screw up, they bust their ass to get back on track. I am not that conscientious. Yes, it is BS, in the sense I am not that hard working. Yes, it is BS, in the sense that I believe I have worse failings as a human being, but none that I think appropriate for a job interview. If I was really pressed, I could come up with some others like "sometimes I can be too terse for people" but I rationalize that as me just not liking to be interrupted when I am deep in thought. \_ My last boss has a restraining order on me, but I learned from that experience. \_ That rocks. \_ I have a hard time with the line between sexual harrassment and harmless flirtatiousness, but I've been taking sensitivity classes and higher doses of medication, so it's less blurry to me now. \_ I ask this question. Not looking for an answer but how they react. That tells me a lot more about a person, esp. for a high-profile position. \_ Just out of curiosity, what does it tell you about a person when they walk out of the interview telling you it's a stupid question, and that you're a moron for asking it? \_ So what are you hoping to see from them? What kind of responses to this cliche question impress you? \_ Two pp's above should watch "The Assassination of Richard Nixon" \_ Why? \_ "I can't stop my bosses' wives crawling onto my bed." |
2005/5/16 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:37710 Activity:high |
5/16 Report: Suspected Cop Killer's Family Flees To Mexico http://www.thedenverchannel.com/print/4493286/detail.html |
2005/5/16-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:37711 Activity:high |
5/16 kchang, I realize this is beyond the bounds of a diff tool, but I think it would be pretty neat if when I use your diff I could get the things that have been added and then deleted, between my current and previous diffs. \_ I did have that feature in an earlier version but the output was very ugly due to the fact that there's a tendency for certain individuals to change their own stuff 5-10 times within 2 minutes. Unless there are compelling reasons and that you can convince my committee members to agree (they're on the bottom of the 24HourDiff page), I'll just leave it as it is. If you want you can just go to the 24HourDiff page and seek linearly. -kchang \_ Your fucking committee members? When did your delusions become this grand? \_ Committee Members for 24HourDiff: brain, dbushong, ilyas, jvarga, chiry, tom. And me. Committee Members for Kais Motd: they're all listed here: http://csua.com/?login=1 \_ Nowhere on here do I see who the Heroic Committee for the Glorious People's Revolution members are. \_ I think all it takes to be a member of the 'committee' is to suggest something and explain why it's a good idea. -- ilyas \_ ilyas is smart. You can thank him for a lot of ideas that turned into actual features here (like user tracking). I just implemented, that's all. -kchang \_ In Communist Russia, user tracks YOU. \_ your user tracking is beyond suck. \_ if you know how to make it better, maybe you can share your knowledge, or just shut the fuck up. And if you think you can get away with everything, you're wrong. scp, cron, sendmail, etc are all logged under /var/log/*.log, accessible by root/wheel. \_ I think user tracking is against the spirit of the motd. \_ I've got your spirit right here pal. Who died and declared you great arbiter of the motd and all matters CSUAish? -dans \_ I did. -God \_ shell> /csua/bin/finger god finger: god: no such user \_ Wow, so are you really abusing root to track who edits a world-writeable file? -meyers \_ Come now, soda has a long history of root abuse. Why break from tradition now? -dans |
2005/5/16-17 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:37712 Activity:kinda low |
5/16 Does anybody else think that optical mouse don't track as well as a good old (clean) mechanical rolling ball mouse? \_ yes they skip when I play mouse intensive games. \_ Any of the Microsoft optical mice that advertise scanning at 6,000 times per second (~ 1-2 years old now) are fine. The ones before that blew chunks \_ I used to have this problem with some older logitech optical mice, but I switched to the Kensington Pilot Mouse Optical Pro which doesn't have this problem. You might want to try the logitech laser mouse, which is supposedly very good. \_ I've got the logitech laser mouse, and it is so much better \_ I've got the Logitech laser mouse, and it is so much better than the old roller mouse I had, night and day. Way more accurate, especially in games. \_ Does it depend on any color pattern on the desk surface? |
2005/5/16-17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:37714 Activity:low |
5/16 "But don't pontificate on the floor of the Senate and tell me that somehow I am violating the Constitution of the United States of America by blocking a judge or filibustering a judge that I don't think deserves to be on the circuit court because I am going to continue to do it at every opportunity I believe a judge should not be on that court. That is my responsibility. That is my advise and consent role, and I intend to exercise it. I don't appreciate being told that somehow I am violating the Constitution of the United States. I swore to uphold that Constitution, and I am doing it now by standing up and saying what I am saying." -Sen Adams (R) NH on his filibuster of Clinton appointee Richard Perez \_ Where is that in the senate record? \_ You know, when googling this, it appears to be a quote from Senator Robert Smith on March 7, 2000, not Senator "Adams". Where did you get this quote from? \_ I got it from a discussion forum I am on. I guess the guy got the author wrong, but Sen Robert Smith is a (R) from NH, right? \_ "Mr. President, this is just one year of the Presidency I am talking about. I have only dealt with 1992 when circuit court nominees were blocked in committee. I could have gone back further into the Bush Presidency. I could have gone back into other Presidencies. I didn't do that, but these are filibusters. When you don't allow a nomination to get to the Senate floor--it may not be under the technical term ``filibuster,'' but when you block it, that is a filibuster. You are not getting it here and you can't talk about it if it isn't up here. If it is languishing in committee, then we are not going to be able to debate it, approve it, or reject it. No matter how you shake it, they were filibusters led by committee chairmen rather than the majority leader on the floor." From the same speech, Mr. Smith goes to washington and redefines the filibuster to include blocking in committee. His speech starts on page S1209, and this quote is on page S1212, March 7 2000. |
2005/5/16-17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:37715 Activity:high |
5/16 I think I'm beginning to understand the rationale behind nominating Bolton. Many Republicans think that UN is useless (case in point http://csua.com/?entry=35423 and freeper sites) hence they either don't care who they nominate for or they want to show UN how pointless they are. I mean, who the fuck writes "Darfur pretty much proves the UN as useless and that the world in general doesn't give a rip about humanitarian aid." \_ He's not really putting a fine point on it, but Darfur, Rwanda, Srebrenica, Sarajevo... starting to see a pattern? -John \_ We had to destroy the UN in order to save it. \_ The UN is an institution where if one powerful country takes the lead, the framework is there to support the leader. E.g., if any powerful country decided to spend the money, people, time, and political capital to get involved in Darfur, the UN would provide a framework where other countries could help. Unfortunately, no powerful country did anything significant about Darfur. This is how the UN works. This is how powerful countries "use" the UN correctly. \_ Nice nuke. As I said, it's also where Libya gets to chair the human rights commission. I'm not saying it's not better than the alternative, but there's a lot broken at the UN. -John \_ Nuke of what? I'm using motdedit with jove and didn't force an overwrite. Someone else using scp probably is responsible. Granted, there's a lot broken, but there's a lot broken about the American political system too. We live with the American political system and try to fix it because it's the best thing we've got. There's no one saying we can't try to fix the UN too. \_ In spite of all what emarkp wrote in the URL above, he ignores two things: (1) the number one reason the U.S. went into Iraq was Dubya's "no doubt" that Saddam had stockpiles of WMDs, and (2) rebuilding of post-war Iraq is being poorly executed. Now if the U.S. had presented evidence to the UN that there was "no doubt" that Saddam had WMDs -- and any of France, Russia, and China signaled a veto -- THEN the UN might be irrelevant. However, Colin Powell presented his shit case ("trust us" on the "no doubt" part, okay?), France signaled a veto, we went in anyway, and the CIA's judgment now is that Saddam did not have stockpiles and did not have active WMD programs. If we went into Iraq because Saddam was manipulating oil-for-food, torturing people, giving money to suicide bombers, and just because we wanted to get him while he was small before he could leverage Iraq into a global power because of his before he could leverage Iraq into a global power using his vast oil reserves and desire to restart WMDs once sanctions were lifted -- these are worthwhile goals, but none of these were presented to the UN or to the people of America as the primary reason for invading. the UN or to the American people as the PRIMARY reason for invading. ... Now, we are already in Iraq. We need to win. We need to unify America. We need to come clean. Dubya needs to do these things: (1) Be loud and clear about CIA's judgment that there were no WMD stockpiles nor active WMD programs, it being the number one reason we went in, and how the CIA did believe there was "no doubt". (2) Say we're there now, we made the above intelligence mistake, but we need to win for the sake of the people of Iraq who are being blown up by suicide bombers, for the sake of the world if Iraq devolves into a safe haven for those who would build and train people to use WMDs. (3) Say that we presented a case to the UN for which we had "no doubt", but actually there was a lot of doubt on. (4) Start using the U.N. correctly. As long as we do not do the above, the U.S. we will not have come clean and we will remain a divided nation. Yet, we may still win in Iraq. I hope at least that happens. As long as we do not do the above, the U.S. will not have come clean, and we will remain a divided nation. Yet, we may still win in Iraq. I hope at least that happens. \_ What is the definition of "winning"? Did we win in Vietnam? When Israelis give up land for peace, is that winning? Sun-Tzu says that if you have to start a war, then you've already lost. What does that mean to you? \_ The principal victory condition in Vietnam was no Communist Vietnam. The victory condition was not satisfied. The principal victory condition for Iraq is no safe haven for those who would build and train people to use WMDs. I hope this victory condition is satisfied. \_ Oh wow. Cool. So we were done before we started! 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' means nothing to these people. If you don't fix it, how can you siphon money out of it? \_ What are you babbling about? \_ For this to be a victory condition, you assume that, before the war, Iraq was a haven for WMD producers and terrorist training grounds. You have a long evidence gap to cross to make this claim. However, since the war, it's getting closer to this sort of haven. Congrats. \_ The victory condition before the war was to destroy all WMDs and dismantle active programs. Dubya's assumption, as I state repeatedly above, was that Saddam had WMDs and active programs. This was clearly a mistake. The new victory condition is to prevent Iraq from becoming a safe haven for training / production of WMDs. As long as we recognize our earlier mistake -- and I have said repeatedly that Dubya needs to acknowledge the mistake loudly and clearly -- it's honest to make this new victory condition. \_ The victory condition before the war, and indeed the condition thata Bush placed upon himself, was to disarm Saddam, preferably through non-military means. Exhaust all diplomatic efforts, he said. A resolution of force to use as a diplomatic tool, he said. It was no mistake. They had decided long before, as we now know, that they were going to go in. WMD or not. \_ Actually, Dubya denied it all (the UK memo) in a statement yesterday. You can believe Dubya is a lying asshole prick who rushed to war and fixed intelligence around policy (all in the name of Freedom) and this may very well be true, but I still hope Iraq turns out all right. I'm guessing another of your beefs is: That you just don't want to call it "winning" or "victory condition", but "pulling America's ass out of the fire after Dubya fucked it all up" and "non-fuckup condition" which is actually pretty accurate. \_ No shit?! Dubya denied it? Well then, the Brits must have lied. You know, I'd love to be able to call something about this "winning". I'd love to think we're not making people's lives miserable and dangerous when they didn't do anything to us. I'd love to think that we will be able to help them create a nation with strong enough institutions to prevent it from becoming a haven for dangerous elements. And yes, we're in a catch 22 of our own making on this point. But winning this means nation building. And if you look at our history of that, it doesn't go so well. \_ Well then, you and I hope the same thing. I think what happened was that I sacrified some accuracy in terms in hopes of converting moderates and less fanatical Dubya supporters. I gave Dubya the benefit of the doubt in terms of whether he's a liar. Really, Dubya could just say the UK misinterpreted U.S. intentions, but I doubt it's going to get even that far. \_ will the Mormon troller above clarify if this is true... that you really think UN is irrelevant (and the comment that you don't give a shit what the world thinks about US), hence you don't really care if Bolton gets in or not? |
2005/5/16-17 [Academia/OtherSchools] UID:37716 Activity:nil |
5/16 Director of undergraduate writing at MIT thinks the new SAT is lousy: http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/2005/05/17/sat/index.html \- the last two lines are pretty funny. "the SAT is divided into 3 parts ... i came, i saw, i bullshitted" --psb \_ Better than "I came, I peed, I shitted". \_ Sounds like it really is measuring ability to succeed in US universities then. \_ Not to mention the ability to climb the corporate ladder. |
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