2005/5/14-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Database] UID:37675 Activity:nil |
5/14 Jobs available in my group at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/jobs/pre-sales-marketplace-management/-/1/103-6511325-3219840 Interested? Send me your resume -larryl \_ Leisure Larry? \_ No location? |
2005/5/14-17 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:37676 Activity:nil |
5/13 Looking for a free web site that shows you a listing of houses sold in the neighborhood with price/date/location, thanks. \_ Yahoo! Real Estate. Also, possibly your county assessor, depending on what your county is. \_ http://sfgate.com publishes a list of bay area homes sold with city, address, price \_ http://sfgate.com/homesales if youre looking at Bay Area. \_ Thanks. Looks like there's no end to housing bubble. I will just wait a few more years and see what happens. \_ http://csua.org/u/c3e What bubble? |
2005/5/14-16 [Computer/SW/Mail, Recreation/Woodworking] UID:37677 Activity:nil |
5/14 Buy a "dinosaur" pine: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/05/wip_wollemi_pin.php http://www.wollemipine.com |
2005/5/14-16 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:37678 Activity:kinda low |
5/14 ausman-- curious about your survival. How did you crash, and at what speed? Was it a direct-on or a side-wipe? What did you ride at the time and what kind of gears did you have? Was it a typical left-turn, I didn't see you type of accident? High-side or low-side? \_ I was going too fast, probably about 40, down Fell street in SF (a four lane one way) and some parked car pulled out in front of me. I hit my brakes hard, skidded to about 20, realized that I was going to hit her anyway, pulled my brakes harder and did a flip over my handlebars, hitting the pavement face first. My full face helmet saved me. And to think, I used to be against the helmet laws. I probably had a minor concussion (a saw a flash when I hit the ground) but I walked away. Oh, I was riding a race tweaked Honda F600 at the time with super sticky tires and steel brake lines. Probably why I was able to stand my bike on its front tire like that. I was pretty lucky the bike did not end up on top of me. I was wearing a Shoei F900 and a First Gear ballistic nylon I was wearing a Shoei F700 and a First Gear ballistic nylon jacket with pads in and jeans. I got pretty good road rash though the jeans. I don't know what I was wearing on my feet, probably sneakers. -ausman \_ HOLY SHIT. Glad you're ok! Did you try swerving instead of a stoppie? Are you skilled at doing stoppies? Did you hit the car at all? And is this an F3/F2 you're talking about? \_ I don't ride a motorcycle, but even in a car I'm always wary of swerving. If you swerve to avoid a Yugo and get creamed by a Mac truck instead that's no good. And if you have enough time to check your mirrors, there is probably enough time to brake properly. \_ Idealy, you should know what's around you and try to keep your sides open for swerving when riding a motorcycle. Some people are quite good at this. Unfortunatly, this rarely works out in RL, especially in SF. \_ Let me get this right. You were riding a motorcycle and you fell down on Fell street? \_ Ha ha! Did he get his motocycle license from that DMV on Fell Street too? :-) \_ No, I thought I could stop in time and there was a car next to me. Once the bike started sliding/skidding I didn't feel like I could try and split lanes. I actually didn't even think of it, I was just trying to stop. I have no experience with stoppies, except for this one not particularly enjoyable one. And no, I did not hit the car. It was an F2 that I had bought from a racer. |
2005/5/14-16 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Transportation/Car] UID:37679 Activity:nil |
5/14 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/05/14/world/main695223.shtml Tiananmen Square, Uzbekistan style. |
2005/5/14-16 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:37680 Activity:nil |
5/14 http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=8345 While the Christians kick ass, millions more Muslims around the world are getting pissed off. I don't know about you but I think this is beginning to look more and more like the Fifth Crusade. \_ that's not exactly "massive" protests \_ No, but demagoguery + uneducated masses + aggressive ideology + media coverage can certainly lead to these. -John |
2005/5/14-16 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:37681 Activity:low |
5/14 "Where a government has come to power through some form of popular vote, fraudulent or not, and maintains at least an appearance of constitutional legality, the guerrilla outbreak cannot be promoted, since the possibilities of peaceful struggle have not yet been exhausted." --Che Guevara \_ try to go through that once yourself, then, you might have a different reaction. Overthrowing Taiwan's government never went across my mind until I personally went through the election in 2004. \_ Are you saying Taiwan is ripe for a guerilla takeover? \_ not yet. just that the government is no longer legitimate. \_ Gorilla takeover? I thought the Chicoms were trying Pandas.. \_ You tried to shoot President Chen in South Taiwan? |
2005/5/14-16 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:37682 Activity:kinda low |
5/14 As of 4:40PM, the followings are respective headline news: "Offensive Over: U.S. says insurgent strongholds ... 'neutralized'" -- MSNBC "U.S. Marines complete offensive on insurgent staging area" -- CNN "U.S. Wraps Up Border Sweep: 9 Marines And More Than 125 Militants Killed, U.S. Says" -- CBS News "U.S.: Matador a Success: Insurgent sanctuary 'neutralized'" -- Fox "U.S. Calls Iraq Border Operation a Success" -- ABC News "Syrian military build up on Iraqi border, as US calls western offensive 'successful'" Same news, very different political overtones from CBS, ABC, and Fox Conservative. Fuck American media. \_ They all sound the same to me. Fuck stupid motd people. In the ear. \_ He apparently doesn't know what ':' means. \_ At least all the different overtones can co-exist, unlike in countries with govt-controlled media where there is only one tone. \_ What's wrong with those headlines... Should they all be the same? |
2005/5/14-16 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:37683 Activity:high |
5/14 This is just depressing stuff. Woman kicked like a soccer ball dies. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/05/15/MARIA.TMP \_ Tragic, but you'll note that her family offered to buy her a home in Chicago and she refused because of the weather. Yes, homeless is so much better. \_ The woman got stomped to death after living a life that would break just about anyone. How about you just shut the hell up and stop trying to score some meaningless points. \_ I think you got trolled. \_ She has mental problems. Give her a break. \_ Trolling is also trying to score meaningless points. \_ She had mental problems. Give her a break. Besides, there is this line in the article: "Calls home became less frequent, and more desperate for money." I doubt if her family was really so generous as to buy her a home. Otherwise she wouldn't need to sound desperate for money. Maybe her family only offered a small downpayment and she was supposed to handle the mortgage. Some people like to exaggerate their goodness when there's no one to counter them. \_ You might be correct, but people are often reluctant to give money without strings to crazy/drug addicted people. This is not unreasonable. \_ well, in my country, they say that America is a great country with lots of opportunities IFF you're young and fit, because if you're not, there's no one (government) to take care of you. In this case, she got a physically debilitated and things seemed In this case, she got physically debilitated and things started to go downhill. In my country, this would never happen. But then again, my country isn't as big and powerful as America. \_ What's your country? I was very surprised to see how many homeless and despondent people I saw on the streets of "functioning" places like Vancouver, London, Tokyo and Frankfurt. Even Sweden & Denmark have the pooor, broken bastards that just fall through the cracks. -John \_ Simple response - Move back. Seriously. \_ I will gladly get out of your facsist imperialistic country and move back when I've made enough money for retirement. I'll reap social benefits of my country while enjoying wealth that I earned when I was young and healthy. You on the other hand are stuck with broken infrastructures and national deficits. Anyways, this is what I love about America. I get free education (scholarships), I make lots of money with only 30% tax, and I get to take everything from America back home. America IS a great country. \_ I was going to say "Yeah, but how much tax do you pay in your country?" But then I just remember that we pay lots of tax here too. \_ US is 15% for the poor, 40% for the richest. I am personally paying 30%, and I wouldn't mind paying 50% if 1) my government would stop squandering money on pointless war, propaganda, and Corporationally aligned agendas and 2) my government starts improving things INSIDE the U.S., like better (more organized) mass transit, better road systems, better education, and infrastructures in general. I personally prefer a country run by Denmark/Switzerland like government with lots of accountability and a sense of duty and ethics than see it run over by private corporations like it is now. This whole talk on privatization on every little thing is sickening me. \_ I think the word you're looking for is "accountability." Be wary of using places like .dk and .ch as examples--they have a lot of problems too, they just don't show up as much because they're generally on a smaller scale. -John \_ Tell us about their problems. Percentage-wise, is it worst than U.S.? Do they also privatize social security, electricity, water, and other things? Is the quality of education level more "flattened" thoughout the country, or is it very aymmetrical like the U.S.? -Curious liberal red-neck \_ I dunno about Denmark, althoug they have a m4d immigration backlash. .ch privatizes most utilities to heavily regulated companies. The problems are way different (mainly to do with immigration/integration and heavy-handed bureaucracy stifling business and innovation.) You can't draw comparisons between ethnically and culturally homogenous countries of < 20 million and the US. -John |
2005/5/14-16 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:37684 Activity:nil |
5/14 Fuel cell that runs on vitamin k3: http://tinyurl.com/d6oef \_ ketamine? |
2005/5/14-16 [Computer] UID:37685 Activity:nil |
5/14 Virtual Bubblewrap: http://www.nonstop.lv/files/bubblewrap.swf |
3/15 |