2005/4/27 [Uncategorized] UID:37376 Activity:nil |
4/26 Has anyone used the combo of Gmail/pop3/Thunderbird/EnigMail? How's that working out for you? |
2005/4/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:37377 Activity:nil |
4/27 kchang, why doesn't your motd set cookies to /~kchang/blah instead of to / \_ dwc, is that you? I didn't specify root. I just used whatever CGI.pm defaulted to, which I guess is /. Is this giving you problems? Also, are you using the HTML feature, and what do you think about it? |
2005/4/27-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:37378 Activity:moderate |
4/26 X-Com UFO Defense is an awesome game. \_ is this 4/26/94? \_ nope, it's 4/27/10191 \_ Seconded. I reinstalled it on my laptop (there is a nice launcher to make it work under XP as well as a multiplayer add-on) to play on planes and places w/out wifi. Let me know if you want pointers to the XP patch/multiplayer stuff. Also, if you're into old timewaster games, remember Worms? -John \_ Ooh, please! Last time I tried installing it there were wierd ploblems from timing loops being out of whack on modern hardware problems from timing loops being out of whack on modern hardware which made it unplayable. -dgies, !op \_ Worms 2 works okay on most new windows boxes. \_ Yup, and worms 2 is the best incarnation of the game, especially in the area of interface design. \_ I was talking about X-Com -dgies \_ You can always try using moslo \_ I run it under dosbox, and it seems to work pretty well. When I just ran it under XP it was funky. -op \_ Yes, pointers please! \_ http://ufo2000.sourceforge.net for multiplayer. http://f0dder.schwump.net for the bugfixed version. Worms is technically still sold by Plan19 so you're going to have to find that yourself. If you still have problems with x-com, drop me a mail at john@zog.net -John \_ you shouldn't put email addresses as email harvestors are collecting emails to sell to spammers \_ <generic-sounding first name>@three letter http://domain.net? We get about 3500-4000 spams to this email address per day and stop almost all of them. Am I worried? -John |
2005/4/27 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:37379 Activity:moderate |
4/26 Is CNN reading the motd? Sometimes, occasionally, the facts of the matter are spelled out cleanly to the people. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/04/27/iraq.main/index.html It is unlikely Iraq shipped banned weapons material into Syria before the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, according to a report released by the Iraq Survey Group, a CIA/Pentagon team searching for Iraqi weapons programs. In October, the group said that the 1991 Persian Gulf War likely destroyed Iraq's capabilities of producing weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq had none when the United States invaded. After the October report, Vice President Dick Cheney and other U.S. officials said they believed Iraq possessed such material before the war and had moved it across the border into Syria, where the weapons may have been transferred to terrorists. The group's final report -- released Monday on the U.S. Government Printing Office's Web site -- threw doubt on that possibility. The group also said it had been unable to complete its investigation because of security concerns and couldn't rule out an "unofficial" transfer of material. The report said that 12 years of international sanctions against Baghdad after the Gulf War had damaged Iraq's scientific community and these experts' skills were in a state of "natural decay." The group added it was unlikely that scientists were capable of recreating the destroyed weapons programs, meaning Iraq would have possessed little, if anything, to transfer. \_ How does all that add up to CNN reading the motd? When I see a headline that someone in the Senate "illyased" a debate, I'll believe they're reading the motd. \_ What does it mean to "illyas" a debate? Are the Dem's currently illyasing the judge debate in the Senate? I know the Republicans are thinking of nuking it... \_ WTF?? I went to the link just now and http://CNN.com removed all of this stuff from the URL. Oh well, at least it's here: -op http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/04/26/iraq.main/index.html |
2005/4/27-28 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:37380 Activity:nil |
4/27 I want to add memoory to my compaq presario R3000z. Various sites let me choose between pc2700 and pc3200 for this model. Will pc3200 be actaully faster for this system? I couldn't find any info from hp that clarifies this. ok tnx. \_ Yes, although if you mix and match I believe that it doesn't matter, I believe that it defaults to the lower speed memory. It also may not matter if the mobo maxes out the speed, it has something to do with the multiplier that affects both your cpu speed and the memory speed. YMMV. \_ I am sure there is a place where one find technical publication on the ram for my laptop but just don't know where to look for. I can't find anything using google. Where else should I look? \_ http://crucial.com appears to suggest that there are two models -- one with 2700 and one with 3200. They have a "system scanner" that might tell you what you have now. |
2005/4/27-28 [Computer/HW/Languages, Computer/HW] UID:37381 Activity:nil |
4/27 What's a good replacement for the Byte magazine? I want something more technical than PC Magazine, but less extreme than the art of computer programming. \_ Uhm, Dr. Dobb's? Maybe too technical? Are you doing only a software mag or do you want a hardware mag? If you want pure hardware, you can try circuit cellar (for ee in general, not only for computers). |
2005/4/27-28 [Transportation/Car] UID:37382 Activity:high |
4/27 I drive down 280 alot and everyone is going >> 65; with cops rarely seen stopping people. Is it still worth it to buy a radar detector if you stay under say 80 and drive sanely ? \_ 79 mph on 280, don't change lanes, you'll be fine. my buddy got a ticket last week going 85mph. \_ If you drive North, like I do everyday, be careful when you hit 92, I see people get busted EVERYDAY around that section. Just a few days ago I saw 3 police cars/bikes spaced out around 2-3 miles each. damn. I slow down when I approach 92... \_ i can't drive 85! do 100 \_ A friend with a BMW 745i routinely takes it up to the maximum governered speed on 280 (roughly 145, I believe). He's pretty stupid, but he hasn't been busted yet. \_ governed by... a microprocessor? \_ Yes, I realize that sentence is unclear. Almost any street legal car sold by the Germans that is capable of doing over 155mph has an electronic governor that prevents it from going over that speed or some speed close to it. I believe it's sort of a "gentleman's agreement" between the German auto companies. Of course, the speed governors can be removed by a knowledgeable auto mechanic, but I'm not sure what this does to your warranty. As an example, I believe a Mercedes E55 with the governor removed can do 170+. \_ Mercedes E55 AMG, the fastest sedan in the world. \_ Is this still true? I've done 162 in mine with no \_ Is this still true? I've done 162 in my !E55 with no problem, coincidentally on 280. \_ Are his tires rated for that speed? I think normal tires go to around 100 MPH safely? \_ on a 745i you'd hope he has Z rated tires. \_ Actually, V rated, which is still safe, although you can always suffer a blowout. \_ I don't like breaking the law... I just wish the speed limits would be raised where it makes sense. 280 can easily be limit 70 at the least. But it isn't. What bullshit. \_ 65 MPH is just 5 MPH less than 70 MPH ... And everyone (including me) just goes 70 MPH anyhow. \- isnt 280 supposed to be pretty accident-prone? maybe because of the curvature and/or banking? \_ My understanding is that 280 was designed by a guy who also designed racetracks. All the curves are banked so that you can travel quite fast on them without fear of spinning out. Assuming dry weather of course. \_ 280 is nothing compared to the Autobahn. At any rate, my \- apples and oranges. although one thing that may explain 280 and autobahn is large speed differentials. i do enjoy passing people on the right an glaring at them on 280. European friends say that accidents rates are lower there than in the US because cars cost more [relative to how much you save]. So people who buy cars and drive tend to be older, more cautious, and have much more courtesy than in the US. People feel privileaged to drive. In theUS cars+gas+repair+insurance are so cheap that driving is a God given right. What say you EuroMotders? \_ You're looking too deeply into it--esp. in Germany it's a "right" like in the US--driving tets are harder, and a "right" like in the US--driving tests are harder, and people just grow up being used to high speed goose- stepping regimented traffic. Oh and passing on the right, hogging the fast lane and tailgating are fined (fines tend to be higher.) Additionally I have a theory that, because more people drive stickshifts, you have fewer brake lights as people decelerate, causing more orderly traffic flow. Just a thought. -John \_ I think in Germany the cars and roads are better regulated. A lot of junky or modified cars here, or cars with maintenance issues like misaligned headlights etc. would not be allowed on the road. I think they have like periodic maintenance inspections you have to pass. Highway design is another issue... like on 101 there are several exits where there's no space at all for people to accelerate up to the proper merging speed or to slow down to make a sharp turnoff. They even constructed a new on-ramp from Moffet in MV just recently and it has a sharp turn right as you're trying to get up to speed. Or while you're accelerating, on the same small strip of asphalt other people are braking to exit. Also the Aryan race is better than you stupid Americans. \_ I saw this documentary on The History Channel (I think it's called Road Engineering or something). Basically, after the Allies went into Germany, they noticed that the Autobahn was mainly straight with occassional big turns. The Americans laughed at crappy German engineering. 10 years later the Americans found out that curves help keep drivers awake and alert esp. late at night, and renovated Route 66 (which at the time was mainly straight) to include nice curves. That actually helped reduce accident rates by 1/2. Yeah, crappy Aryan engineering. \_ Denser population = more villages to have to build curves around. Although given who built them, I dunno whether that was really a concern. -John \_ i can't drive 85! do 100 \_ This reminds me of the time when I was 5 years old and my dad got pulled over by a cop. The cop asked my dad if he knew how fast he was going, and he said 60 [miles]. Well as a kid I didn't know any better and shouted "No you weren't, you almost hit 100! [kilometers]" We had a very long talk after that. \_ Remember that 280 is now a part of the CHP's "focus routes", which means they are doing more patrols on that highway. So be careful. I think a radar detector wouldn't be a bad investment. \_ Any reccomendations on models and where to get a good price? And do cops still use radar these days? \_ The best radar detector is still the V1. |
2005/4/27-28 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:37383 Activity:moderate |
4/27 I am seeking data backup suggestion for my wife's computer. We are talking about 4G and we have about $400 to play with. A flash drive? A standalone RAID box? A Zipdrive. What says the mighty motd? -- ulysses \_ If it's just 4G, then back it up to DVD. Plextor/TY media. -chiry \_ We have found CDs and DVDs to be an unreliable means for backing up data. YMMV and thanks for the input. -- ulysses \_ external HD and keep the external HD far away from your computer \_ Yes, just buy a USB drive for like $150. \- external drive + gtar/rsync. at 4gb, i would probably not do incrementals. --psb \_ whether you need incrementals depends on what you're trying to protect against, not how much data you have. -tom \_ Is there a windows equiv to rsync? Her computer runs XP and that ain't something I can change. Thanks for the suggestion. I was already leaning towards an external drive. -- ulysses \_ get cygwin's rsync. \_ Press the button, it backs up everything on C: http://www2.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16822144382 If you lose a hard drive partition, you need to re-install, but at least you can copy files over one-by-one. If you want to make disk images while still in Windoze: http://www2.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E1681279691SF You can also use the external drive with the software above. On my boss's T42 notebook, it did 20 GB in 17 minutes, which is kind of unbelieveable. If you have USB 1.1, it'll be 1 MB/s. \_ whether you need incrementals depends on what you're trying to protect against, not how much data you have. -tom \_ My god, somebody on the motd actually answered the actual question with useful information. You will certainly be punished. |
2005/4/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:37384 Activity:low |
4/27 Dear Java gurus, say I have the following code, where Visitor() has a method called "visit(Node n)...". I see the following code. Does it mean I'm temporarily over-writing the visit method? root.accept(new Visitor() { public void visit(Node n) { //Do stuff with n } }); \_ for a lot more on the above code, see Erich Gamma's book "Design Patterns" (introduction and visitor pattern) \_ It's an anonymous class and yup you've got it. Even more useful is the fact that as long as you have final variables in the code that calls visit, you can use those variables in the redefinition of visit. final Long x; root.accept(new Visitor() { public void visit(Node n, Long y) { super.visit(n, x+y); } }); Is valid. (I may have a few details wrong, but that's the basic idea. See documentation for anonymous classes if you want to know more.) \_ To slightly correct the above, it's an anonymous *inner* class, which is the Java version of a closure-like-thing (lamdas if you know LISP, Blocks if you do Smalltalk). If you aren't familiar with them, you should write a few little programs to explore them -- they can be quite useful. \_ Did you actually try compiling the above code or the code below it? It doesn't seem to work. \_ No, no I didn't. I just gave the concept. Note where I said I may have a few details wrong. Here, because you are obviously unable to fill in the blanks yourself... public class Foo { public Foo() { } public void a(Long a) { System.out.println("a("+a+")"); } public void doA(Long a) { final Long b = new Long(11); new Foo() { public void a(Long a) { super.a(new Long(b.longValue()+a.longValue())); } }.a(a); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Foo().doA(new Long(5)); } } |
2005/4/27-28 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Physics] UID:37385 Activity:nil |
04/27 Desktop fusion http://www.nature.com/news/2005/050425/full/050425-3.html |
2005/4/27-28 [Recreation/Media] UID:37386 Activity:nil 54%like:37353 |
04/27 Penny Arcade's take on the new Star Wars TV Show: http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2005-04-27 |
2005/4/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:37387 Activity:nil 72%like:37392 |
4/27 Meet your ideal Southern Belle today! http://www.republicanpeoplemeet.com/index.cfm?track=VT0001 And for Queer Republicans: http://dallas.logcabin.org |
2005/4/27-28 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:37388 Activity:nil |
4/27 Hi, I can't seem to find a FREE (no filesize limit) tool that rips CD/DVD into an ISO file. I'm looking at http://download.com. Is this the right place to look? Can somebody point me to such a tool if it exists? Thanks. \_ Google for discdump. \_ for movie DVD, use DVD Decrypt. \_ http://csua.com/?entry=35868 http://csua.com/?entry=26665 |
2005/4/27-28 [Computer/Networking] UID:37391 Activity:nil |
4/27 need to get new dsl service, who provides the cheapest dedicated line? (so i don't have to get local tel. service). \_ I think that's called "naked DSL". I don't know who to recommend. \_ SBC-ASI DSL is always tied to a POTS line. So you will not be able to do this with SBC or anyone who buys DSL layer services from ASI. If your goal is ideological, I think Covad offers this, and there are probably others too. If your goal is monetary, buying service from SBC or ASI-reseller and also getting a metered POTS line from SBC is likely your lowest cost solution. Well, finding a friendly neighbor with a net connection and a wifi access point would be even cheaper. You might want to check ba.internet archives for more discussion. |
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