2005/4/18-19 [Industry/Startup, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:37233 Activity:kinda low |
4/17 United is in chapter 11 and has been asking to lower the pension obligations to persons already retired to keep the lameass management in power. United had its most profitable years in the years the union owned them and operated them. What do you think about a major US company renegging on pension promises? and about the bankruptcy court backing them up? \_ just goes to show, don't trust pension/retirement plans run by third parties. I bet other bankrupt airlines will follow suit. Pension plans are a thing of the past anyway. suit. Pension plans are a thing of the past anyway, just like social security. \_ Company pension plans probably are, at least to some degree. I think the underlying phenomenon is more what we've been seeing for a long time now--that companies, because of apathy, shareholder value, excessive costs, and other reasons no longer feel it expedient to treat employees as long-term assets. No news here, move along. -John \_ where is psb#1 fan when you need her? \- ??? --psb \_ Not the general employees, no... they figured out that only a few key folks are really necessary and the rest are just a mass of replaceable cogwheels. They still take care of the top people which in the case of an airline probably doesn't apply to anybody actually operating planes etc. \_ Practically everyone is replaceable, and the ones who aren't are usually not management. \_ "If you think you're indispensible, check your appointment book a week after you drop dead." \_ Yup, fact of life. Best way to deal with this is to be aware of it and replace the concept of "company loyalty" with pure professionalism, i.e. I'll work as long as they pay, but no more. -John |
2005/4/18 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:37234 Activity:low |
4/18 OKC Bombing Linked to al-Qaida http://newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/4/17/112700.shtml \_ find a non newsmax link and i MIGHT click on it. \_ Hillary Clinton killed Vince Foster to keep this from leaking out. \_ But HRC is merely a pawn in the game masterminded by the Freemasons and the Jews! \_ Yeah, whatever. How much did the Illuminati pay you to post that red herring? |
2005/4/18-19 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:37235 Activity:kinda low |
4/18 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,153586,00.html Is this a sign that I should be shifting my tech stocks into energy stocks? \_ Yes, you are reading Fox News, so you should follow the herd. \_ Because there's sooo much individuality in knee-jerk slams of Fox News. \_ "Again, the Fox New audience showed the highest rate of misperceptions -- 45% -- while the NPR/PBS audience showed the lowest -- 11%." http://www.pipa.org/OnlineReports/Iraq/Media_10_02_03_Report.pdf http://www.pipa.org/OnlineReports/Iraq/Media_10_02_03_Report.pdf Why do you keep deleting this? Can't handle the truth? Oh, I forgot. You are a Fox News listener. \_ I'm not deleting it. And I don't listen to Fox News, I watch it about 90 minutes a week. \_ That's only because the facts rarely coincide with what fox news reports. \_ Because this could destabilize energy stocks for years to come. \_ if everyone does something, then you better follow the crowd \_ Exactly the opposite. Energy stocks are overvalued now while tech stocks are finally at reasonable valuations. \_ IBM is one company |
2005/4/18-19 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:37236 Activity:low |
4/18 My laptop is really weird. Occasionally, after I suspend it for 30sec to a minute, it automatically turns back on! I've turned off Wake-up on LAN and other things but nothing's working. What could be causing this? \_ poltergeist \_ demonic posession \_ Are you closing the cover? Sometimes on my laptop, the cover will press a key when it closes, which causes it to wake up. -tom \_ Totally and utterly possible. Thank you, I will check for that -pp \_ Which is totally possible, demonic posession or key issue? \_ demonic posession |- i heard daemons and eunuchs run the Internet! |- i heard their are daemons and eunuchs on the Internet! \_ Is it using ACPI? Some ACPI implementations are just plain odd. Try using APM only. I've had similar trouble. -John |
2005/4/18-19 [Recreation/Pets] UID:37237 Activity:low |
4/18 Why did the big cats survive (Tiger, Lion) but the big dogs didn't? \_ maybe the big dogs were in areas good for human agriculture, and so were actively hunted, whereas the big cats were either on continents not as effected by widescale agriculture, or were in niches that helped them survive like jungles and mountains. \_ This happened to lions in Europe and elsewhere... the African ones survived because of the vast wilderness areas. But now they're relagated to dwindling preserves. Tigers survived in some large jungles but humans have caught up to them now too. Those animals all need very large habitats and herd animals to prey on. Those herds will all be replaced with McDonald's cow factories. \_ Survival of the fittest-- homo sapien. YAY we're ALL WINNERS! \_ For tigers, I think it needs several sq. miles of territory *per tiger* to survive. For lions, since they live in groups, I guess the area needed is smaller. \_ They need pretty huge areas too. In the small preserves they get under pressure from hyenas etc. and easy prey is harder so they get injured more. If you consider the area of the whole ecosystem it needs to be friggin huge. \_ Several hundred square miles is more like it. It depends on how food-rich an area is. Tiger territories are anywhere from 8 to 400 square miles. Lions need about 15-100 square miles per pride. I assume it is less because big game is plentiful in most of Africa. \_ bigger teeth? dumbed downed by human domestication? \_ God didn't want them to. \_ the big dogs did, they're called wolves. - danh \_ I was under the impression that dogs and bears are relatively recent relatives, evolutionarily speaking. So the primordial dog-bears diverged into wolves/jackals/coyotes on one side and bears on the other. \_ Bear dog! http://www.bbc.co.uk/beasts/evidence/prog3/page5.shtml |
2005/4/18-19 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:37238 Activity:moderate |
4/18 Can we please stop it with the political correctness already? http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/42923.htm \_ who's being politically correct? \_ the City Commission on Human Rights. \_ how is defending someone's rights over popular objection "politically correct"? -tom \_ Allowing a man to define himself as a woman is politically correct. \_ It's also politically stupid, ergo being politically correct is equivalent to being politically stupid. Anyway, the constitution doesn't provide for equal protection of stupidity. No matter how man fags try to tell you otherwise, sex is a "physical" attribute. \_ This is true for most people, but not everyone. There's a whole range of transgendered people, including some who were born with ambiguous gender and some who take hormones and have had a lot of surgery. The actual sex-changing operation is a pretty small part of the whole process, and I'm not sure we should define people's gender based on that. Of course, I'm not sure we should let them pick arbitrarily either, but it's not as unreasonable as it sounds. Keep in mind that, in a civic sense, gender doesn't make that much difference anymore -- gender doesn't make too much difference anymore -- nowadays it's pretty much marriage, affirmative action, and bathrooms, and the first two seem to be on their way out. --liberal \_ This is great! So can I define myself as a Native American so I can benefit from affirmative action? \_ It worked for Ward Churchill. \_ touche -pp \_ Awesome, so now I can saunter into a woman's dressing room in a store and claim I'm a woman. 50 years of civil rights and look at the progress we've made! \_ Well, unfortunately for you, that still only applies to (a (woman's dressing room)), rather than to ((a woman's) (dressing room)). |
2005/4/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:37239 Activity:nil |
4/18 If a conference deadline gets pushed again and again (from 4/14 to 4/18 to 4/26), does that mean it's a bullshit conference? \_ It's reasonably often that, for a reputable conference, this happens _once_ for any given deadline. I'd guess it's not impossible that there's a rare instance of it happenning twice. Any more than that is quite suspicious... but then, really, if you've never heard of the conference before and neither has anyone else you talk to who works in the same field, it's in all likelihood bogus. Academia is too small of a world to not notice such things. And if the "conference" makes its name by spamming every damn person in the field several times a month, the rest shouldn't even be a question. And no, "SCI" is not the' only name that these scammers go by. Do a little digging online, and you'll notice that there's upward of a dozen fronts that these assholes advertise under. -alexf \_ All other things being equal, this is a bad sign. But there are legitimate reasons to do it (publisher becomes more flexible, many people ask for extensions and the organizers feel it's fair to give one to everyone, etc.). |
2005/4/18-19 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:37240 Activity:low |
4/18 Just curious, who (what country, where) has reminants of Hitler? Is it Russia? Or is it still in Germany? \- Brazil \_ There are rumors that Russian soldiers removed his charred body to Russia after his adjudant burned him & Eva Braun in front of their bunker on 30.04.1945. Other eyewitnesses say that he was thrown into an unmarked hole & buried. As far as I can tell, the NSA is keeping his brain alive inside a jar next to Kennedy at the Smithsonian. -John \_ I heard a story second hand from a Russian soldier who was there that he saw a whole room full of dead hitler lookalikes at one point. So if that's true, who knows what body was what? \_ Lord knows I'm not one to let a straight line go to waste, but this one's just too easy. :-) -John \_ I'm trying to remember this joke correctly ... During the US invasion, one of Saddam Hussein's generals meets with Saddam's 20 body doubles. He tells them "I've got good news and bad news. The good news is, even though American bombs hit the palace Saddam was hiding in, he's still alive so you still have your jobs. The bad news is, he lost an arm in the attack." |
2005/4/18-19 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:37241 Activity:nil |
4/18 How do I do all that dsa_id public thingie so that I can ssh/scp into my cluster of machines (that happen to have the same NFS mount) without having to type password? -dsa ssh idiot \_ http://www.arches.uga.edu/~pkeck/ssh \_ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~ranga/notes/ssh_nopass.html \_ Assuming that all of the systems in your cluster mount your home directory the following will probably work for you: 1. Generate a dsa key pair (can be on any system): $ cd && ssh-keygen -t dsa -f .id_dsa -P '' This creates .id_dsa (private key) and .id_dsa.pub (public key) in your home directory 2. Copy .id_dsa.pub into your nfs accessible home directory: $ scp .id_dsa.pub user@host:.ssh/authorized_keys $ scp .id_dsa.pub user@host:.ssh/authorized_keys2 (This assumes that you don't have authorized keys already) 3. Test it out: $ ssh -i .id_dsa user@host You should not be promted for a password. If you are try ssh -v and/or make sure that the authorized keys files are 0600 and the .ssh dir is 0700. 4. If you always want to present the same id to all hosts add the following to your ~/.ssh/config: Host * IdentityFile ~/.id_dsa If you want to restrict (on your cluster systems) the hosts from which you will accept a particular id, try adding 'from="ip range" ' before ssh-dsa. |
2005/4/18 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:37242 Activity:very high |
4/18 Am I a conservative or a liberal? I'm actually quite confused. I don't believe in war for ANY reason (liberal), and I don't believe in gay marriage (conservative). I do I believe in separation of church and state (somewhat liberal), and that religious text like Intelligent Design should be taken out of public schools (very liberal). On the other hand, I also believe in smaller, more efficient government (conservative), and at the same time they should provide more public infrastructures for us, like better roads, more redundant power grids, equal education across States, etc (liberal). I think SS and housing projects should go away, and let low-lives learn how to be productive members of society (conservative). I do however support better public education and opportunity so that there will be less need for SS and housing projects (conservative). I don't mind more taxes, in fact, I'd delight in seeing a pre-Reagan tax rate (liberal) as long as there is a lot more accountability in the government. I totally support in programs that strengthen family values, like going to church or community centers (conservative), but not at the cost of public funding (liberal). So what am I, a liberal or a conservative? \_ "Smaller" and "more efficient" are two separate parts. When R's say "smaller" (at least in the last 30 years) they mean less regulation, not necessarily less in outlays (and usually exactly the opposite). They also most definitely do not mean "more efficient". These stands are indeed "conservative" values, but they are rarely expressed by R's. \_ Neither, you're what's known as the "typical American", who is a moderate. \_ The typical american is real dumb, with an IQ around 100. \_ precisely. \_ you're just a wuss \_ Sloppy with your labeling. \_ So when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, you would have just ... uh, what would you have done? I think what you meant to say was, "I believe war is always morally wrong, but it's at times necessary as a last resort, such as when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor." \_ Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?! \_ You are, for the most part, socially moderate and economically conservative =~ libertarian. \_ except that he wants high(er) taxes. \_ I agree: Wanting less waste in government, while being for higher taxes spent wisely makes him moderate. However, wanting to get rid of social security pushes him to the Dark ^H^H^H^H^conservative side. \_ I don't know anyone who is for less "efficient" government spending except the politicians who favor pork barrel spending to keep their jobs. \_ Until Democrats work "more efficient government" into their platform, this property is squarely in conservative-land. Sorry, that's just public perception - I'm not really disagreeing with you. This is especially true now that Dubya has begun real implementation of performance-based pay in the area of "cushy government jobs". \_ Don't you remember Al Gore's "re-inventing government" initiative? He made some headway with it, too, but I guess he didn't get any credit. \_ you forget he invented the INTERNET \_ Actually he wrote the bill to fund APRAnet. The big "I invented the Internet" Lie never happened, and would have been mostly true if it had. Take a contrast with the Goerge Bush whopper to take credit for the Texas Patients' bill of rights, which was passed over his veto. He got a pass from the press on that one...liberal media my ass \_ I like how even in this age of unprecedented communication and recording, something like this so easily becomes folklore and fact, yet people have no problem believing ancient religious texts. \_ do you believe in civil unions, then that makes you moderate-liberal on the gay marriage issue. As someone moderate on the gay marriage issue. As someone pointed out above, everyone would like more efficient government. As for "smaller government," you need to decide which you value more: that or "public infra- structure, ... education, ... funding." If the latter, then overall, you are on the liberal side concerning the "size of government." Liberals also believe in "family values, ... church, ... community centers." The only issue above that is a firmly conservative value is your dismissal of "SS and housing projects." Given that, I would say you are a moderate liberal. A lot of what you believe to be "conservative" values that you listed are actually media distortions that make you think "liberals" don't approve. For the current US political situation, it would seem that Democrats are the party of smaller government. \_ What happened to the party of 80 character columns? \_ fixed. |
2005/4/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, ERROR, uid:37243, category id '18005#6.34125' has no name! , ] UID:37243 Activity:nil |
4/18 It Can Happen Here: http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0719-15.htm \_ Reasonable point. Problem with the presentation, though; such a phaenomenon in a "western democracy" would be unlikely to take the shape of Hitlerism. Conjuring up images of Nazism immediately makes Joe Average think "oh, a kook" and look away. -John |
2005/4/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:37244 Activity:moderate |
4/18 Ms. Right - Time Magazine features Ann Coulter Cover: http://www.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,1101050425,00.html Story: http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/04/18/ann.coulter.tm/index.html Quotes: http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101050425/what_did_she_say "I think we ought to nuke N. Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning. Boom! ... They're a major threat. I just think it would be fun to nuke them and have it be a warning to ... the world." - Jan 2005 "They're terrible people, liberals. They believe -- this can really summarize it all -- these are people who believe," she said, now raising her voice, "you can deliver a baby entirely except for the head, puncture the skull, suck the brains out and pronounce that a constitutional right has just been exercised. That really says it all. You don't want such people to like you." The couple at an adjacent table -- which, this being Manhattan, was a handsbreadth away -- visibly stiffened, and the man groaned. The woman looked at Coulter with white-hot hatred, and Coulter ... blushed. \_ Ann Coutler is a nut job, not a conservative. \_ Ann Coulter is a typical Republican. \_ No she's not, she's typical of a segment of smug, dogmatic Republicans the same way some of the Berkeley fucknuts you see being plain stpuid at protests are typical of a segment of smug, dogmatic Democrats. -John \_ Can someone explain to me how the term "conservative" and "liberal" came about? I would consider myself conservative/traditional in the normal sense, but politically it seems that I matches that of a liberal. Which part of "nuking NK" is being conservative? I don't see how aggressive = conservative but apparently that is the case... \_ They were financial terms. Liberals were okay with deficeit spending with a pay later attitude. Conservatives wanted to run surplusses for a rainy day. Now the \_ They were financial terms that have sponged up so much extra political baggage as to be uselss. Useless terms are of course, the preferred terms of the media. The Republican party is no longer conservative. The Democrats are still liberal, but not as liberal (in the original financial sense) as Republicans \_ Well, not really. Deficit Spending as we know it today pretty much didn't exist until the last few decades. The terms liberal and conservative get very muddy when applied to different arenas. I tend to look at it as the level of involvement you want from the government. This tack breaks down, though, when considering the term "social conservative". In any event, Conservatism has generally comprised of: laissez- faire domestic policy making for smaller necessary government, isolationist foreign policy, making for smaller necessary military expenditures, and a federalist tendency. Of these, only the first seems to still be a tenet of the R's. only the first seems to still be a tenent of the R's. \_ Liberals=compromise with your enemies, lay down weapons, smoke weeds and make peace. Kind of like what wussy French people did when Hitler attacked. Conservatives=no compromise, stand up to your principles, increase defense (Republican president=expanding military), you go our way or else. Nuking N Korea is just a figure of speech. \_ the French didn't lay down. All of their fighting adult men were killed in WW1. - danh \_ And they still lost 800,000 in WW2, about the same as all US combat casualties from all US wars combined. \_ I guess that lots of German soldiers survived?! This seems like a poor excuse. The French haven't had any soldiers worth a damn since Napoleon. \_ It's more complicated than that. The French lost almost 5 percent of their population fighting a vicious 4 year trench battle in Northern France during WW1, and then in WW2 they first fought a defensive war against the new German army, an army that was running around all over Europe with their new blitzkrieg tactic that the French defensive line was unable to handle. Actually just about every other European army at the time was unable to handle it that I can WW2 they first fought a defensive war against the new German army, an army that was running around all over Europe with their new blitzkrieg tactic that the French defensive line was unable to handle. Actually just about every other European army at the time was unable to handle it that I can think of right now. - danh \_ You're all massively oversimplifying. Terrible generalship, German chutzpah, poor politics & capricious fortune all played a major part. -John \_ You might as well say that anything Coulter writes/says is a "figure of speech" then. \_ Anyone who takes Ann Coulter seriously is an idiot. She writes to inflame. \_ If Time magazine had this on the cover next to her photo, they might actually have done some serious journalism. \_ "The best way to talk to a liberal is with a baseball bat." -Ann Coulter. Of course, this was a figure of speech. She meant the best way to talk to liberals is to herd them into camps and gas them. \_ Yer more like O'Reilly (conservative/traditional) Coulter is something else ... \_ Coulter is not a real conservative. She's a well educated Redneck. Rednecks!=Conservatives, althought these days they have more in common with each other. \_ Meh. I'd call her a partisan Republican. When I see her criticizing Republicans for not holding to conservative issues, I'll call her conservative. \_ This is really really well-phrased. -John \_ Time Magazine is pretty good at calling the "top" of political and economic trends. Remember when they had Steve Case on the cover? http://www.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,1101000124,00.html \_ Yeah, except it was his second cover. Look forward to two more years of Coulter dominating the national discourse: http://www.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,1101970922,00.html \_ Please stop paying attention to this woman. \_ Your cock is so BIG and TAX FREE! \_ Oh, it's taxing, baby! \_ Why don't you write a letter to Time magazine? \- AC is a hack to says extreme things to make money, get airtime etc. i think rush limbaugh deserves to be taken more seriously because i think he probably has more of an effect on things because of his greater mount of airtime. \- the CSUA should put out a "I denied Ann Coulter sex" tshirt. \_ Why don't you write a letter to Time magazine with this sentence? |
2005/4/18 [Health/Men] UID:37245 Activity:kinda low |
4/18 Surgery, with no anesthesia Fell the knife pierce you intensely Inferior, no use to mankind Strapped down screaming out to die ANGEL OF DEATH Monarch to the kingdom of the dead Infamous butcher, ANGEL OF DEAAAATH!!!!1!1! \_ Deflowering, with viagra Feel the prick pierce you intensely Superior, ecstatic for MANkind Strapped down screaming out to comply ...... \_ Grimly I dig up the turfs To remove the corrupted stiffs Trying to contain my excitement As I desecrate graveolent crypts... Fingers claw at coffin lids Eager festal exhumation Hugging your wry, festered remains With posthumous joy and elation... Body snatched, freshly interred Whatever takes my fancy To satisfy my gratuitous pica My culinary necromancy... Scrutinised then brutalized My forensic inquisition is fulfilled My recipe is now your epitaph Be it fried, boiled or grilled... |
2005/4/18-19 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:37246 Activity:kinda low |
4/18 Has anyone tried those liquid CPU cooler? How much noise does it reduce? I have an AMD and I'm not sure whether the noise is from the CPU fan, power supply fan, gaming card fan, or the motherboard chipset fan. If you have those cool liquid coolers, how much did you spend on it and do you think its worth it? \_ If you want a quiet computer, it is most effective to tackle all sources of noise at once. http://www.endpcnoise.com \_ A colleague of mine bought a Zalman TN1500A, with a bunch of super quiet fans (Papst?) from http://quietpc.com. He has a load of SATA disk in there, and the thing is dead silent. Costs a bunch, though. -John \_ they have a really quiet power supply I'd like to get (350W and less than 20db? That's just amazing). But how do I know if it will fit in my enclosure? The web site has no spec \_ Google? :) Seriously though, also look at papst fans. I've had trouble finding resellers, though. -John \_ The advertised decibal rating is MISLEADING. They claim 19dB, but don't tell you that it's under light load. If you look at specs here: http://www.nexustek.nl/nx3500.htm you'll see that at full load, it is near 30dB. |
2005/4/18-20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:37247 Activity:high |
4/18 Please stop restoring trolls that tom holub worked so hard to get rid of! Respect tom, as he is older and wiser than you -tom #1 fan \_ "Had you been as wise as bold, Young in limbs, in judgment old, Your answer had not been inscroll'd: Fare you well; your suit is cold." Cold, indeed; and labour lost: Then, farewell, heat, and welcome, frost! Soda, adieu. I have too grieved a heart To take a tedious leave: thus holub part. \_ sorry, kchang, I haven't done any deleting today. Your spy script sucks as badly as your MOTD web site. -tom \_ Tom, you really are an ass. The MOTD web site may not be perfect and kchang may be sort of an odd guy but it is much better of a hack and more of a resource than your twink script or twink points or anything else you have done for the CSUA. \_ Kchang's site is a nice service, and appreciated, but it is not perfect, and it has done a bit of munging before. And let's be honest, do a wc -l /etc/passwd for a rough idea of how many potential h0z3rz you're dealing with. I know Tom can be rough (occasionally justifiably so) but for the same reason I think he's self-confident enough to not go around wantonly nuking motd threads. Get off it. -John \_ I was considering writing an asshole script for the motd, but then tom would rate so high that it would totally skew the graph and I'd have to go logarithmic. \_ You guys should feel sorry for Tom. Anybody who takes the MOTD and wallall so seriously can't have much of a life. He's also so blind to his own problems. \_ I love it when anonymous cowards who know nothing about me comment on my life. -tom \_ Tom, deanonymizing in this case would not add anything to the discussion and would be a distraction. I don't know anything about your life beyond soda, true, but this is a big part of it, clearly. And there is a lot of material here to draw conclusions from. It appears I agree with you on many political issues, but the vigorous and vitriolic pursuit of so many petty squabbles seems pathetic to me. You can do what you want with your day of course, but we all have only 24 hours at our disposal. To spend so much of it picking on the soda little fish seems...again, the best word is pathetic--like the school yard bully who will never amount to much in Real Life. While you may add "character", I believe your conduct over the long run does harm to the soda community. I find your pompous pontificating and especially your dissing the efforts of so many others (while having so few credentials or contributions yourself) especially obnoxious. Choose to ignore that or wear that as a badge of honor. For example, it is clear kchang is a vastly better programmer than you are. As far as I know, using the geek gold standard of actual code written or bugs fixed, rather than just user interface feedback, you are a zero. \- "cipher" --psb \_ Soda community? Uh, right. For those of us who only keep our soda accounts so we can log in and watch or participate in idiotic, spittle-filled flame wars, tom *definitely* adds to the soda community. \_ gee, who's the one spending all of his time pursuing petty squabbles? -tom \_ Pathetic reply, Tom. -!pp \_ How ironic. "anybody who takes the MOTD so seriously" applies only to yourself, not tom. Tom doesn't post all that much as a rule, but since he's signs his name you jump on him more easily. Just like you dumbshits did every time ilyas posted. Which is partly why I'm anonymous. Although sometimes I wonder why I bother spending time here. I occasionally learn interesting things though. \_ Too bad. I actually support deletion of political trolls. \_ Too bad. I actually support deletion of trolls. All hail to whoever's doing that. Keep it up. |
2005/4/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:37248 Activity:high |
4/18 Here's a fun one. If you could pick any historical era to have lived during, what would it be? I would choose Enlightenment era Europe. \_ If you mean other than the current era, I would choose Ancient Greece, around the time of Socrates. \- you mean during the peloponnesian war and plague of athens which kills +25% of the population? what are your second and 3rd choices? the black death and london 1666? --psb \_ To see Socrates deliver the Apology would be worth it. The only thing that even comes close would be to see Lincoln at Gettysburg. \- Socrates was ugly and smelled bad. --fwn \_ Yeah, but he was honest about it. -socrates #1 fan \- i think it is pretty tough to pick an "old time" to actually live in [no antibiotics,anesthetics etc], but if i had to pick single day, I would rather go hear Homer the singer of songs tell of the Wrath of Achilleus. Not only would it be an amazing and unique performance, but you could answer the great "Homer Question". If I had to pick from from 5th Century Athens, tough call between Apology and something like the Pericles Funeral Oration. However, speading the day with Socrates in Pireaus beats both of those [and certainly beats Symposium] ... "I went down yesterday to Pireaus with Glaucon some of Ariston and PSB son of NGB ... Polemarchus some of Cephalus, noticed us in the distance and son of Ariston and PSB son of NGB ... Polemarchus son of Cephalus, noticed us in the distance and sent his slave to tell us to wait for him ...". If I had to spend 5 min somewhere, it's temping to be a "fly on the wall" at the meeting of Attila Hun and Leo I [one of the two "Great" Popes] to figure out what the hell he said to get Attila that figure out what the hell he said to Attila that got him to turn around and go home. There is also a story about Scipio and Hannibal meeting [in Plutarch, I believe] but I am not sure that really happened. \_ Ah but would you understand anything these people were saying? \- It would be greek to me. --pater andron te theon te \_ If I get to keep all the knowledge that I know now then take me back to 1995. \_ Only the modern era has the three most important inventions: Hot running water, air conditioning, and dentistry. \_ Just a few years back so I could take advantage of well known stock price fluctuations. \_ Sheesh, don't you guys understand the term "era"? \_ Early 1930s or late 1940s if I got a boatload of cash. -John \_ This really depends on WHAT I'm going to be. Do I get to choose to be a peasant or a war lord? \_ Let's say you keep your current relative level of wealth and power. So, if you're in the 80th percentile for wealth now, you'd be in the 80th percentile then. Bush would get to be a warlord; maybe you can be a successful merchant. -!op \_ So how do I find out what percentile I'm in? Am I above 80% by the simple virtue of having a degree from Cal? \_ In 2003, the 80th percentile U.S. household made $86,860. http://pubdb3.census.gov/macro/032004/hhinc/new05_000.htm \_ If I can keep prior knowledge, I would pick the 40s. In fact, I'd pick 1945. I'd study to be a nurse, and then work at New Haven Hospital in Connecticut. I'd wait for a new born, Georgy, on 7/6/1946. And then I'd "take care of him". By doing so, I will have saved a lot of innocent blood and revived our Great Nation. \_ Such a deep sense of patriotism, and you served when? List other government offices you've served in: \_ oh, I dunno, offing stalin might have done us better. \_ Stalin affected Russians, and I don't really care about them. I care about how US economy and US policy is fucked up, because I'm an American, and I'm here. Now. 21st century. \_ you are reason #1 why we should go back and start offing. \_ unless it is a holiday you experience relative to your real life, only a romantic fool would prefer to live in the past. born there, you will miss the context within which it seems so nice to modern daydreamers... i'd consider the future but not without some reasonable travel guides so i can pick the utopian or livable parts and avoid some b-movie post-apocalyptic cannibal feast. \_ Soylent green is PEOPLE!!! |
2005/4/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Reference/Law/Court] UID:37249 Activity:high |
4/18 Defender of Earth, Destroyer of Big Fat Ugly Hummer, sentenced to 8 years. It's a sad sad day. http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/04/18/suv.vandalism.reut \_ 8 years? He should have gotten more! Get real. Destroying SUV does NOTHING to save the earth. Neutering people will, starting with people like you and him. \_ Yes sir! Damn the Yankee Rebels who threw our pretious tea into Boston Bay. They all should be punished. All Hail Her Majesty into Boston Bay. They all should be punished. All Hail Her Majesty \_ This stupid fool is on par w/ the patriots of the Boston Tea Party? WOW. After years of being deprived of their fundamental rights w/o representation the patriots took to violent protest. This guy chose violent protest as a FIRST resort. Show me how the sovereign (ie US gov) has deprived this man of any rights w/o representation. \_ Do we get to vote out the Saudi prince, the sheik and the ben ladens, who walks all over us? \_ This has something to do w/ Hummers how? I hope you realize that most of the crude does not end up in the belly of a hummer. \_ I'm sure he'll become real familiar with Hummers while in jail. \_ I disagree with his message and certainly don't condone his method, but I am bothered by the hypocrisy behind it. Years ago it caused an outrage when Singapore gave a mere 15 symbolic caning to an American playboy who damaged private cars for thrills and then let him walk. Now a political act in the American tradition of Boston tea lands one in Sodom for 8+ years. What's wrong with America? \_ Gee, spray painting is a different crime than arson; how hypocritical! Moron. -tom \_ 2 seditious aliens who fled did the arson; at least the prosecution did not (bother to) prove otherwise. Where does your notion of justice go? And how is arson better than shipjacking and destruction of 45 tons of public property? As for the insult, you are what you are. \_ I think you need to do a little research about how any sane or reasonable court system works. It's not the prosecution's job to prove the innocence of the guy they have in custody...that's the defense's job. The \- not all countries use the adversarial system used in the US. e.g. the german system is very different. practically nobody else uses juries any more. --psb \_ True, but this divergence rather misses my point. \- in the case of some systems the judge is not passive but actively participates in establishing the "truth of the matter" including the guilt or innocence of the defendant. while that doesnt make it the prosecutions job, the state does play a role on his behalf. i'm just suggesting the "a reasonable ct system" is not code for "the us style adversarial system". BTW, martin shapiro's book courts is pretty interesting. well done "scientific study" in the social sceinces. they have in custody...that's the defense's job. The prosecution's job is to put a malicious arsonist behind bars. *Of course* the defense is going to make the claim that 'it was someone else that did it, my client was innocent, blah blah etc'. A jury didn't agree or he chose to plea bargain. I have very little sympathy for an idiot that chooses to attack the property of his fellow citizens because of an obscure and noncritical political point (which, if you're really an educated reader, should show up *at least* two major differences from the Boston Tea Party). \_ The accused is presumed to be innocent. The prosecution should prove beyond reasonable doubt that he took part in the arson or has full knowledge in advance. He is guilty of spray-paint, but that doesn't mean he is guilty of arson because he is a fool and cannot afford a lawyer who can "prove" one's innocence. Is your freedom guaranteed by the Constitution or provided by a lawyer for a hefty fee? guilty of spray-paint, but convict him of arson just because he is a fool and cannot afford a lawyer who can "prove" one's innocence? Is your freedom guaranteed by the Constitution or provided by an expensive lawyer? \_ What you've basically just said here is "I don't agree with the verdict, so the whole justice system must therefore be broken". Uhm, yeah. This conversation has no future. \_ A person need not be charged w/ commission of the substantive crime in order to be found guilty of it. Ex. the dude could have been charged w/ conspiracy to destroy property, which means the people only have to show that he agreed to this conspiracy and that someone else who agreed to it committed the arson. Alt. he could be found guilty on accomplice liability theories also. The motivation for this type of liability is obvious, society has an incentive to deter these type of crimes to ensure everyone's safety and welfare. This is not about needing a "expensive lawyer", this is about not being STUPID and committing crimes. Perhaps you forget, but every man who signed the declaration (and many of those who dumped tea into Boston Harbor) was a traitor to his majesty and would have been hanged if caught. Most lost their homes, businesses, assets, &c. \_ the american boy in spore only got 3 strokes of the cane. originally it was 6, but they reduced it to 3 after bill clinton pleaded for the boy. He was 18 years old at that time. \-he was more of a bratty kid than "playboy" as suggested above but there are a number of interesting details ... in a new yorker kind of way ... to the story not mentioned here (like one of the cars painted belonged to a judge). YMWTGF "michael fay". an interesting double standard is women are not subject to caning in SIN. --psb, pro-beating \_ Yeah, I'll bet you're pro-beating. \_ I think I'd rather be caned 3 times than be raped and get HIV in jail. \_ Well, of course. But comparing the Singaporian incident and the corresponding sentence to the SUV guy...man, it's comparing apples to oranges -- just in terms of property damage *alone*. \- a better comparison is to vandalizing protestors like anti-nuke people, animal rights freaks etc.--psb |
2005/4/18-20 [Computer/SW/Editors, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:37250 Activity:nil |
4/18 I'm thinking about getting a TV Tuner/Video input card for my Mac, specifically this one (AlchemyDVR ~ $120): http://miglia.com/products/video/alchemytvdvr/index.html Does anyone have experience w/ this card (or alternatives)? I'm mostly looking to convert VHS/8mm tapes into DVDs. \_ If you want to make DVDs, then you eventually have to encode to mpeg-2. The original instructions, as I recall, recommended that you either capture in mpeg-4 or MJPEG. MJPEG takes huge amounts of disk space. I have the alchemy, but I also have the eyetv200. The eyetv has better software, encodes using mpeg-2, and the built-in editor is pretty good. EyeTV also works well with toast and popcorn since the founder of roxio also founded the eyetv company. The alchemytv is pretty decent for the bucks, but if you have the bucks, the eyetv is way better. \_ So my plan was to play the tape and then use iMovie to capture and edit the video and then use iDVD to burn a DVD. Is the software that comes w/ EyeTV better/easier than this solution? \_ I haven't used those programs to do what you are trying to do. However, I was under the impression that Apple's tools work with DV. If that's correct, then DV takes up a lot of space which is one thing to consider. I did hear that the iMovie editor is kinda nice. It may be better than the eyetv editor, especially if you can cut to an individual frame, and do final cut pro style edits. The nice thing about importing directly into eyetv is that the file is in mpeg-2 (smaller file sizes), and the quality presets are pretty good (highest quality is about 3GB per hour, standard about 2GB per hour, etc.). You will probably have nicer DVDs using iDVD (nice themes, compared to toasting them). I've been using eyetv to import videos, cut with FCP, and then using DVDSP3 to build a DVD on the hard drive. Then use popcorn to burn the disk if I go over 4.39GB. \_ I think you are right re Apple's tools and DV however I'm not that worried about disk space b/c I have a 250 gb drive w/ 100 gb free and I'm going to pick up another one when fry's has them on sale. I'll think about the eyeTV but for what I'm trying to do I'm not sure the extra $100 or more is really worth it. Thanks. |
2005/4/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:37251 Activity:kinda low |
4/18 Do the Swiss ever use the 1 centime? Or are prices almost exclusively .05/.10 ? \_ .01/.02 coints aren't made anymore except as novelty items. They sell them in little glass pigs as lucky charms. I can probably find you one if you want. -John \_ it seems like the .02 is gone: http://www.swissmint.ch/e/products/index.shtml \_ When I saw that, I thought it was mint, as in chocolate. |
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