2005/4/15-16 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:37198 Activity:nil |
4/15 Google now has autocomplete: http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1&hl=en \_ This was mentioned on /. several months ago. \_ All the news way too late. |
2005/4/15-17 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Apps, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:37199 Activity:nil |
4/15 http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/science/04/14/mit.prank.reut/index.html The lead author is a (recent) cal alum. |
2005/4/15 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:37200 Activity:very high |
4/15 Unix Wizards, how would I sort a list like this in numerical order? I can't figure our the sort syntax. I am not a programmer! +0.04gb +0.11gb +1.98gb +10.94gb +17.88gb +2.72gb +21.02gb +3.31gb \_ The regular "sort -n" will work, except you need to remove the plus signs first: tr -d + | sort -n --mconst \_ I am trying to figure out how to sort in that format! Otherwise I will have to sort and then re-add the plus sign and that seems lame. \_ newsflash: you seem lame. \_ whine whine whine. \_ OP already said he's not a programmer. \_ and using unix utilities is not programming. \-gee maybe we should give an awk test before giving people sloda accounts. giving people sloda accounts. obviously "not programmer" = casual unix user. i've met people who are technical people who never thought about the fact you could "grep a web page" by doing soemthing like lynx -dump | grep, so things obvious to some arent necessarily immediately obvious to others. \_ How about: sort -t "+" +1 -n <filename> \_ Yeah, as long as the sign's always +, that's simpler. (You could also do "sort -n +.1".) --mconst \_ cat file.txt | perl -ne 's/^\+/ /g;print;' | sort -n | perl -ne 's/^ /+/g;print;' \_ sed 's/+/ /' file.txt | sort -n | sed 's/^ /+/' \- those are redarded. learn to use sort, if it is in a shell script and not already in a perl data structure or some such. \_ Oh fuck you. Those handle negative numbers too. \_ so does sort -t + +1 -n <file> | sort -t - +1 -n -s -r \_ Wow, and I always know what the -s and -t options for sort do. Not to mention - and + \_ That's what man pages are for, man. sometimes it does pay off to reinvestigate old tools.... |
2005/4/15-17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:37201 Activity:high |
4/15 This is Bush's idea of a diplomat: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/4/15/101542/050 \_ Why dont you just put a link to the DUmmies while you are at it? \_ Do you actually think sending a guy like this as UN ambassador is good? \_ "let alone such a critical posting to the UN". What? \_ eh? \_ Those DemocRATS, at it again! [freerepublic.com channeling is now complete] \_ So what? Personally I think that Bolton chasing a bunch of UN losers around and hounding them b/c they are complete jackasses would be a good thing. The UN is a complete sham even being involved in it is a waste of US time and resources. \_ Didn't the UN help us get a coalition together for Gulf War 1? \_ Yeah, but they tried to stop us once, so now we must all hate them forever. \_ So what? Once in nearly 50 yrs they were remotely useful for America. Our involvement in the UN is a complete and utter waste of time and money. \_ Didn't the UN have inspectors in Iraq before Gulf War 2? Didn't the inspectors say they haven't found anything yet, and we went ahead and attacked anyway -- asking the inspectors to leave because we didn't think they were doing a good job? Didn't we already know there was a big oil-for-food scandal before we attacked, but cited "no doubt" of Saddam having WMDs as the #1 reason for attacking? Didn't the U.S. inspectors sent after the invasion say that it was their judgment that Saddam destroyed his existing WMDs and put to sleep all his arms programs? WMDs and put to sleep all his WMD programs? Didn't we spend MUCH LESS on Gulf War 1 than on Gulf War 2 because of direct contributions of cash, equipment, and personnel from our partners, both Arab and Western? \_ So what? Yes, there were UN inspectors in Iraq before we invaded. Big Deal. They were doing a lousy job and wasting US time and money. Yes we knew about the oil-for-food scandal, but w/o the UN diplo-nuts there would never have been a stupid oil-for-food program in the first place. Yes OUR investigators think that Saddam destroyed his WMDs prior to the invasion, but if we had waited for the UN to get its act together who knows what might have happened? Clearly OUR investigators wouldn't be there and the UN inspectors would have kept up their keystone cops routine. So what if we spent less for Gulf War 1? We didn't finish the job. The UN was part of the problem, Bush I was the other part. Bush I should have sacked Saddam back then and not left it for his son to complete the job. BTW, how come pretty much ever UN operation is a unmitigated failure (Sudan, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, E. Timor, Angola, Bosnia, &c.)? The reason is simple, the UN is filled w/ a bunch of jackassess who are all about lining their own pockets and don't give a damn about what actually happens. \_ The UN does a great job all the time all over the world. I am not going to bother trying to explain it to you because your mind is already made up. Just google for UNICEF and World Food Program for dozens of hits and you will see what I mean. Just because they don't grind your ideological axe doesn't mean they don't keep millions from starving every year. Most people think this is useful. I guess you would rather see these people starve. \_ Even these so called "successful" programs are so grossly mismanaged that hardly any of the money actually reaches the people who need it. When UN money reaches a 3d world country it goes straight into the pockets the local politicians and their families and not into the hands of the poor starving people who need it. Don't tell me this is red-state non-sense. My family is from one of those poor 3d world countries and I've seen how the programs are implemented first hand. If the goal was to keep millions of ppl from starving, then the UN would have worked w/ local gov to implement self sufficiency programs decades ago. The UN bureaucrats don't give a damn about ppl, they just care about themselves and the nice new benzs they can buy w/ the money. \_ We went into Iraq because we had "no doubt" Saddam had WMDs. I don't remember Dubya saying on the eve of the invasion that we attacked because we weren't sure. If you really think Bush Sr. should have went into Iraq, well, it's a nice thought, but the conversation would have gone like this: "Help us, we'll only do Kuwait." [half a year later] "Oh, y'know, we did so well, fuck you all, I'm going in for the kill. BTW, thanks for the dough, Bush1 p0wnZ U 4ll!1!" \_ The conversation would have gone like this: Saddamn is out of Kuwait. He is on the run. The Iraqi ppl are rising against him. There will never be a better time to deal with him. Either we go in now, or you fools let him regroup, rearm and attack on a larger scale. As for the other UN missions, I don't think you've thought through these either, which is clear after your Bush Sr. comment. Whether you like it or not, and as much as you see it as a failure and I do not -- the UN is here to stay, especially now that the U.S. is overstretched militarily and financially. Bush Sr. knew HOW to use the UN, and Bush Jr., not knowing how to use the UN and seeing it in the same way you did, fucked it up. Thank God Condi is there now to resume Powell's goal of international cooperation -- except this time, Dubya really trusts Condi (to Dubya, Powell was just daddy's good friend there to make sure Dubya didn't fuck things up too bad). We need international cooperation for Iran and North Korea, because we don't have the guns, the money, the proof, or the people to do it ourselves. \_ Not to mention the fact that Bush I didn't go into Iraq because he didn't want to deal with all the shit we're dealing with now. \_ Saddam also actually HAD the WMDs at that point, too. \_ Just FYI, there are much more sane and reasonable liberal blogs out there than the mixed nuts at Kos. Try Josh Marshall or something. The Kossacks are just as bad as the Powerline nutjobs, but less influential. --lib \_ Uh, Marshall will refer to Kos all the time. If they're putting out verifiable, factual information, what's the problem? Is it because they allow comments and Marshall doesn't? \_ They don't just allow comments. They promote rabid comment nuts into full time contributors to the blog. \_ Is anyone else coving this specific story from this woman? Kos was breaking this one this morning when I posted it, so they had the best info. I would post (have posted in fact) Drudge when they were breaking news. Let the Right Wing Nutjobs blow it off because they don't like the source. They will just be that much more surprised when it blindsides them. |
2005/4/15-16 [Reference/Tax] UID:37202 Activity:kinda low |
4/15 Happy tax day. \_ April is the cruelest month. \_ When my first company was located on Shattuck, we had an outing where on every April 15th at around 11pm, we grabbed donuts and coffee and headed down to the post office on Allston and watched procrastinators rushing to mail the forms. A lot of them wore suits and looked like accountants. We cheered and applauded and they usually liked it. \_ That sounds pretty entertaining, actually. \_ It makes sense to file at the last possible minute if you owe money. \_ I get a net refund every year, yet I still procrastinate. \_ InktomiP \_ No. Geoworks. |
2005/4/15-17 [Reference/Tax] UID:37203 Activity:insanely high |
4/15 So does anyone object to the so-called (love those names) "fair tax"? Replacing all federal tax with a 23% sales tax? \_ Poll, Yes: ........ no: \_ Worst. Idea^H^H^H^HTroll. Ever. \_ If you're rich, you love it. \_ No seriously, why would you believe this? \_ Uh, because they could accumulate wealth unhindered by ANY taxation. How much does any one person need to spend in a year, even to live (VERY) well? a few hundred thousand? so you pay the tax on that amount of consumption, and the rest is gravy. \_ So what? \_ So, because you're wealthy you get to enjoy the freedoms and protection of this country while paying less into this country than everyone around you. That sounds fair? \_ Are you seriously suggesting that the rich, under either a sales tax or under the current system, somehow pay "less into this country" than the poor? 40% of Americans pay NO income tax at all, and the top 20% pay over 80%. \_ Yes. Under a sales tax, the rich would pay less than they currently do, and far less proportionally to the rest of the people. That 40%, under a flat tax, would pay pretty much 23% in your sales tax. A person in the top 20% can afford to save and invest. They would be hard pressed to spend their entire $250k or so on sales-taxable goods. They would pay a far lower percentage of their income in this tax. Are you intentionally being daft? \_ Don't change the subject. You didn't say "paying a lower percentage of their income into this country". You said "paying less into this country". That's very different. \_ And you're an obtuse little bitch. In a discussion like this, the "fairness" point pretty much always refers to proportions. DUMBFUCK troll. \_ consider that roughly 25% of the population is below the age of 15 (2000 census numbers). Are you including all those newborns and kids who can barely get a work permit (at least in CA)? \_ He is talking about top 20% of taxpayers, not about kids and unemployed. --dim \_ You are just making up numbers now. No way does the top 20% pay over 80% of all taxes. \_ http://www.osjspm.org/101_taxes.htm Top 20% pays 81.4% of federal income taxes. Top 1% pays 38.8% alone. If you include payroll taxes, the share of the top 20% drops to 60.8%. However, you can see following the chart that the least wealthy 60% also only have 5% of the wealth. --dim \_ Compare the pre-tax income shares versus the federal tax share. It's very slightly progressive. Note that this was in 2000. Now that comparison is basically flat. For all intents and purposes, W has given y'all the flat tax y'all wanted. We'll see how long until it all crumbles.. \_ wtf? You didn't know that? You better be some bored undergrad. \_ Since the rich don't pay less than less wealthy, you're full of shit. Since "wealthy" is undefinable, you're just arguing that THEY SHOULD GIVE MORE, WAHHH! Shut the fuck up you retard. \_ This is about as incoherent as you could get. We're talking about proportions, not absolute values, you twat. \_ Here's a nice game to play with your friends. Go ask them "do you think the rich should pay more in taxes". Then ask them "what percentage of all taxes should the top 20% of taxpayers pay?" Then have some fun asking them to reconcile their answers to these two questions. \_ We don't all have stupid friends. The larger issue here is that it will be very dangerous for us as a country when a substantial fraction of the electorate pays no taxes (40% now) and thus realizes they can vote in any government program (say, prescription drug benefit) without having to pay a dime for it. \_ Yeah, it would be much better to tax them into the debtors' prisons. We could have so much cheap labor if we could bring those back. Those people who you see as freeloading are the ones who make the economy happen. They spend their paychecks like good consumers. They produce the goods that they turn around and buy. Without generous exemptions on a sales tax for the lower end, our economy would grind to a halt. \_ Don't put up the strawman of debtor's prisons. My point is that I feel it is bad public policy to have a substantial fraction of the population pay no income tax. \_ you're right. So what are you doing to increase their income? -tom \_ Because the amount of money you spend on taxable items becomes a smaller and smaller percentage of your income the more money you make. A person making $1 million might have a $100K car, whereas a person making $50K might have a $25K car, for instance. \_ So what? \_ So that's why a sales tax is a regressive tax. \_ Are you insane? A $50K/yr schlub can't affort a $25K car. \_ Well, actually -- if you have a decent credit rating, you can buy a $25k honda with only a $3-4k down. The payments might be rough, but financing over 48-60mos makes this very reasonably affordable. Welcome to the real world, son. \_ Wow, you're a DUMBFUCK. Are you the same DUMBFUCK from yesterday? \_ $25K barely buys a Honda Civic EX these days. Plenty of people making that kind of salary drive $25K cars whether or not you think they can afford to. Let's change it to $90K salary and $40K car then (real numbers from BMW). Same difference. \_ With that logic who the fuck can buy a house. It's called LOANS. \_ "Reagan's 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act is recognized as the most significant tax policy change in modern history. The bill significantly reduced the marginal income tax by roughly 25 percent over a three-year period, lowering the top rate from 70 percent to 50 percent, the bottom from 14 percent to 11 percent." http://www.pbs.org/newshour/vote2004/issues/issue_taxes.html Proportionally, Reagan still beats Bush. Why aren't you guys bitching at him instead of Bush? I know why. Because Reagan is good looking and charming and irresistable ON TV. \_ And, uhm, not the current president for almost 20 years. \_ The fact that he's no longer President never seems to stop the Republicans from blaming everything bad on Clinton. \_ Oh that's easy. Clinton is an unperson. Reagan is our Glorious Hero. Get it straight, Comrade. \_ Reagan was a cold warrior; shouldn't that be 'Citizen'? \_ I'm in favor. I think our current tax code is broken and far too cumbersome. For an income tax, I'm against flat income tax. \_ Since the poor currently pay a fairly small percentage of their income in taxes, how would you reconcile that with the new system? Either you just accept you're giving the poor a massive tax hike, or you need some system of exemptions, deductions or refunds and you're right back to everyone having to file taxes again. \_ One way is to tax more heavily on luxury items and waive tax on essentially items. \_ The plan is for an automatic rebate to cover the taxes up to a floor level of consumption. Such a rebate is nothing like the current income tax situation. the current income tax situation. And it means that it's possible that the rebate ends up being more than some people actually pay in taxes. Also, wealthy people do consume more; they don't just sit on their cash and live like a poor sap. It's not a massive tax hike when you consider the massive overall benefits to the economy. \_ The wealthy consume more, but on different things and in a different way. As a percentage of income and net worth they consume far less. Most wealthy people I know bought a lot of property, which contributes to property taxes but not to the IRS. Lots of money also does get 'sat on' in the form of investments. \_ What happens when you buy a $500k house? Pay $115k tax? \_ But there's nothing wrong with that. We should only "tax the rich" to support the poor to a minimum extent. Rich people make investments, fine... they help create jobs and eventually money gets used on end products and services. They hire contractors, buy fancy stuff for their houses, etc. The level of consumption in the country is fairly stable and the proposed numbers provide for a scenario where both poor and rich are less taxed, and are better able to manage their own savings by being frugal. Personally, I'm not "poor" at 90k salary but I've had really low consumption all my working days so I'd be way better off. A consumption tax would encourage savings which economists say is sorely needed in this country. \_ What happens when you buy a $500k house? Pay $115k tax? \_ There is no sales tax on real estate and there is no tax levied by the Feds. I assume this would remain unchanged. \_ "Fair tax" is stupid. If you don't like progressive tax and want "fairness", let's just not pay any tax at all. That would make it fair. |
2005/4/15 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server, Computer/SW/Mail] UID:37204 Activity:high |
4/15 My company specifically blocks out port 995, which is pop3 over SSL. This makes me wonder, are they archiving all emails received through regular pop3 port? I don't see any other reason for blocking the port. Sending smtp via ssl is ok though... \_ Chances are they don't know about POP3/SSL. Send them a polite request to open the port. \_ What does your company do? \_ I can't retrieve gmails through pop. at home it works fine. |
2005/4/15 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/HW/Printer] UID:37205 Activity:kinda low |
4/15 Son of Newton: http://www.akihabaranews.com/en/news_9485.html \_ seriously lame \_ What's the point of running TabletPC OS if the screen is not touch- sensitive? \_ or even if it is? \_ touch sensitive is good for limited applications, like GUIs that give you big buttons (for UPS men, census poller, voting, etc). Most Win apps are not like that. In addition, the selling point of Tablet PC is not the original PC itself, but rather, the ability to draw freehand (take notes, highlight EXISTING documents, read eBooks), and character recognition. The latter is especially useful for East Asian languages. I use it to write Chinese all the time. I still find it slow and hard to type Chinese, and the char recognition program is amazingly accurate to use. Is the Tablet PC for everyone? Absolutely NOT. It tailers to a niche market, and will most likely never be main stream. But I think it's cool -happy Tablet PC user \_ Most Tablet PCs don't have touch-sensitive screens. They all require a special stylus (and as a consequence, they're usually more accurate and offer other features like pressure sensitivity, which is good for drawing apps). Even with a touch-sensitive screen, it's not like you want to smudge it up with your fingers anyway. |
2005/4/15-16 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:37206 Activity:low |
4/15 Just curious, anyone pay use tax on the ca state return for internet purchases? \_ Yes, I wrote in I spent $500 on out-of-state purchases for both 2003 and 2004 tax years. $41 in taxes for being in L.A. County. \_ No I don't. \_ No. \_ Statistically speaking, no. |
2005/4/15-16 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:37207 Activity:nil |
4/15 Boy, all those tax cuts for the wealthy sure are paying off in the market! \_ At least our current Prez and Veep "understand energy" so our energy prices have remained low. \_ Not to mention their foreign policy decisions have been key in helping some of America's youth learn about foreign cultures first hand (e.g. in the middle east, and who knows where else next?) \_ Here we have a good example of why humor is hard. \_ No. <snort> Please stop. |
2005/4/15-17 [Science/Electric] UID:37208 Activity:nil |
4/15 Do the offices/buildings for PG&E (or other gas/electric companies) have to pay for electricity/gas bills? I don't mean little local offices, but rather the buildings that are part of the big power plants or distributing stations. |
2005/4/15 [Reference/Tax] UID:37209 Activity:high |
4/15 What could you have bought with the money spent paying taxes? \_ spent occupying Iraq Ob yermom: Nice dinner: Nice bike: .. BMW: . Hummer: Condo: . Third-world country: BA House: None, because after I paied my taxes I have nothing left. \_ Isn't this the same as ob yermom? Cute petite chick with big natural boobs: . \_ Rent or buy? \_ Buy. I don't like sharing chicks. |
2005/4/15-17 [Reference/Tax] UID:37210 Activity:low 57%like:37212 |
4/15 Dubya's 2004 Federal tax numbers: AGI: $784219 Taxable income: $672788 Total tax: $207307 Effective (not marginal) tax rate: 26.43% \_ Is he still considered a TX resident so he doesn't have to pay state tax? \_ How do you get $110,000 in deductions? \_ ~$80k of charitable contributions, I think. \_ Of that, $10k for the tsunami, as far as I remember. \_ Not that hard. Buy a $2M house and finance 80% of it. Capital losses. Business losses. Depreciation on rental property. Hell, I made 1/7 of what Bush did and deducted $30K. Seems right in line. \_ No, you can only deduct the interest of up to $1M mortgage. I suppose you can just buy a $10M house and deduct the property tax. \_ Is there a huge difference here between a $1.5M mortgage and a $1M mortgage? \_ This brings up a question; if you were the President, and wanted to paint the White House some other color, could you? \-rainbow/google coalition. \_ BLACK LIKE MY SOOOOULLLL!!!!! --rivethead |
2005/4/15-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:37211 Activity:nil |
4/15 Can I use a Java java.util.SortedSet to have a sorted set of an arbitrary object, assuming I provide a comparison function? \_ That should work from what I can tell. Try it. |
2005/4/15-17 [ERROR, uid:37212, category id '18005#5.74719' has no name! , , Reference/Tax] UID:37212 Activity:moderate 57%like:37210 |
4/15 Cheney's 2004 return: (Mr. and Mrs.) AGI: $1,734,373 Taxable income: $1,328,678 Total fed tax: $393,518 Effective fed tax rate: 22.7% \_ You're looking in the wrong place. Check out how much cash is going past taxes to Haliburton so it can continue to pump cash into Cheny so he can fund schools to eliminate original thought. http://www.factcheck.org/article261.html \_ So Cheney is the real evil, not Bush? More than twice the AGI, yet lower effective tax rate. \_ The Cheney's contributed more to charities, I think. Also, Lynn "Makes Hillary Look like a Girl Scout" Cheney made a lot of money off books. \_ Money made off writing books aren't taxable income? \_ Nah, just saying Lynn made more than Laura. \_ 40% of Cheney's profit from Halliburton goes to Univ Wyoming (his home town), 40% goes to GW University's medical faculty, and 20% goes to private and religious schools: http://www.factcheck.org/article261.html |
2005/4/15-17 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:37213 Activity:kinda low |
4/15 I'm compiling something standard and it fails. Upon Googling, the sol'n is to use "setarch i386" on my Pentium M730 processor, and everything works fine. Out of curiousity, I dumped my environment variable under "setarch i386" and outside and they're almost identical. Furthermore, uname reports the EXACT same thing. I'm baffled now. What does setarch do? \_ DESCRIPTION setarch This utility currently only affects the output of uname -m. For example, on an AMD64 system, running 'setarch i386 program' will cause 'program' to see i686 (or other relevant arch) instead of x86_64 as machine type. It also allows to set various personality options. \_ Yes I RTFM'ed too, but the fact of the matter is, under both conditions my Fedora Core 3 reports IDENTICAL uname -m results \_ I've never heard of setarch. Which *nix is it? \_ Fedora Core 3 |
2005/4/15 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:37215 Activity:high 50%like:36345 |
4/15 Fuck Reagan. Fuck his followers as well. \_ Necrophiliac. \_ That no longer legal thanks to the Governator! |
2005/4/15-17 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:37216 Activity:nil |
4/15 Firefox 1.0.3 is out. No release note yet. \_ Release notes available now. |
2005/4/15-16 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:37217 Activity:kinda low |
4/15 Retired Korean agents burn coffin of Japan ambassador. http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200504/200504150029.html \_ Sure everyone gets along so well in that region today, but what happens tomorrow when peak oil arrives? |
3/15 |