2005/4/14-15 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security] UID:37186 Activity:high |
4/13 Hey, if you're going to update nethack, update angband, too. You could also install a variant, like NPPAngband: http://home.comcast.net/~nppangband \_ Interesting. Thanks for the pointer. \_ there's even a competition: http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/angband_comp/compo.html \_ Installed angband (there was a ports version) - amckee \_ NPPAngband is trivial to install. Why not install that too? \_ Because I was up until 2:30 upgrading Perl and did this between compiles? MAYBE I'll install it, though. =) amckee \_ If by 'trivial' you mean 'completely manual', yes it was trivial. I've installed it as NPPAngband, I did not overwrite angband \_Oh no! There goes my weekend/life! -scottyg \_ NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 By Stichting Mathematisch Centrum and M. Stephenson. See license for details. No write permission to lock perm! Hit space to continue: \_ Unable to replicate with my two user-land accounts, do you have any stale files around? Anyone else seeing this? Send email to amckee/root, iff you see this and want it looked at. \_ i don't think you quite understand what userland means. \_ You do realize that, in addition to OS, process, and object level privileges, root accounts can run in increased kernel priority levels? Granted, in this case the problem is most likely to do with file permissions, it is not an atypical usage of the word 'userland' to refer to non-root/non-privileged users. Thanks for the snideness, though. \_ i still don't think you quite understand what userland means. try looking it up in, say, the jargon file. root accounts are not any different from normal ones in terms of where they run (i.e., they do not run in the kernel). the kernel will allow you to do privileges things by being root, yes, but they are still done by the kernel, not because you as root are in the kernel mucking around. |
2005/4/14-15 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:37187 Activity:moderate |
4/14 Sharper Image Ionizer IS bad for you, see Consumer Reports and here: http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000477039973 http://www.mediabaron.com/test/fade_test.jpg \_ What, aside from not working? \_ The fact that sharper image releases ozone has been known for years. The fact that it causes more problems for some with asthma has also been known for a while. It really is nothing new. But it looks like not every asthmatic people have problems with it. There are many asthmatic people on-line that swear by it. Sharper Image even mentions the release of ozone on their site, though they claim that it is in perfectly safe amount. Supposedly, it's the ozone that actually makes the room smell "fresher." I've read many newsgroup articles before deciding to buy it. I personally didn't like the ozone smell at first but got used to it. What I do know is that I'm not kept awake at night due to allergies anymore, and I don't get annoyed by the noise my old air filter used to make. - happy Ionic Breeze owner \_ Ozone generation is often used as a deoderizer, but it's highly destructive to live cells, and I think a carcinogen (not sure on that) \_ Do you look more and more like Michael Jackson each day? \_ So you're accepting testimonials over science? Would you like your palm read? \_ Praise the Holy Ionizer! \_ I've always under the impression that the whole purpose of those ionizers are to generate ozone in your room, rather than ozone being a side-effect. \_ Those devices exist too, but they're much worse than what Sharper Image is selling. http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/ozonegen.html \_ Thx! |
2005/4/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:37188 Activity:nil |
4/14 I'm a bit baffled by VMWare. Inside the VM, the reported disk usage is 2G. But outside the VM, the disk size is 5.6G even though I already 1) defraged inside the VM and 2) defraged using VMware. Why is that? \_ You can specifiy whether you want to allocate a huge disk or only allocate as it's used. Which did you choose? \_ VMWare has a checkpointed file system. Good for "rollback" to known state. Not frags, but history makes the space larger than visible in the embedded OS. I believe this is an option in the vmware setup / config. \_ I found the answer. You have to go to VMWare Tools inside your VM, and then select Shrink, Prepare to shrink, and then Shrink. |
2005/4/14-15 [Industry/Startup, Finance/Investment] UID:37189 Activity:moderate |
4/14 Any ideas on why Apple stock has dropped 15% in two days? \_ People are realizing the prospects for the company don't merit the current valuation. -tom \_ why does that make sense right after they announce numbers that soundly beat everyone's expectations? i think the poster below's point is valid. also, i think ppl wanted earnings to be 20x year over year, not a measly 6x. \_ Because even with the numbers that soundly beat everyone's expectations, and even if they're able to keep that level of revenue coming in, the company's still not worth 45 times earnings. Prospects for growth from this Q's revenues are pretty small in the near term. -tom \_ yes, i understand that. but why wasn't there a selloff two weeks or two months ago when the ratios were even worse (higher stock and lower numbers)? \_ The stock market is not efficient. -tom \_ Buy on rumors, sell on news. |
2005/4/14-15 [Recreation/Dating] UID:37190 Activity:moderate |
4/14 http://www.nbc4i.com/news/4351878/detail.html Stunningly, this happened over a month ago, and we're just hearing about it. \_ Oral isn't sex. Do school officials need to report if the local school bully beat up other kids for their sandwiches or whatever? \_ It was gang rape of a disabled girl you fucktard. http://www.onnnews.com/Global/story.asp?S=3208202&nav=LQlCYeBF \_ Is oral sex? If it's not sex, can it be rape? You can call it assault if you want, but it's not rape unless oral is sex. \_ Tell me it's not rape when I break out your front teeth and strangle you with my cock. \_ The official definition of sex is "Contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person". Notice the absence of "mouth" in the deifition. Also, the intent "to arouse or gratify sexual desire" is required. All of which says that, no, in fact you would not be considered to have had a sexual relationship with me. Therefore rape would not apply here, but merely assault. \_ Then you better enjoy it when I skullfuck you. \_ You continue to be a DUMBFUCK. Try looking up the legal definition of rape. \_ Also the definition of battery vs. assault. \_ CA Penal Code Section 261: http://csua.org/u/bp6 (ca.gov) -- !pp \_ Why are you quoting CA law for a case in OH? \_ Because one poster above talked about breaking out another poster's front teeth and strangling the latter with the former's cock. It's more likely that the posters are in CA than in OH. \_ You should read your own link. 266c clearly does not apply here, as that requires false or fraudulent representation. Everything else requires sexual intercourse, which did not occur. \_ So contact between genetalia and mouth isn't sex? \_ Huh? Someone asked for the legal definition of rape and I provided it. As I signed above, I was "!pp" ("not previous poster") and wasn't any of the ones arguing above. --- one who posted ca.gov link \_ So contact between genitalia and mouth isn't sex? \_ Not for the recipient, no. \_ You need to learn to read--Contact with the genitalia of any person means contact with the genetalia of any person. genitalia of any person. \_ You are officially a DUMBFUCK \_ It doesn't matter whether or not oral is sex. "Rape" legally includes forcing a penis into a mouth. For example, even if you force a penis into someone's mouth with the sole intention of choking him/her and no thought/intention/feeling of sex comes up on both parties, it is still rape. \_ url please. CA Penal Code Section 261 just left it to "sexual intercourse". So is oral sex? \_ Coerced oral copulation is sexual battery, in the same class of felonies as rape. See section 288. Search for "oral copulation" \_ URL please. \_ http://csua.org/u/bp9 (section 288a) \_ If oral isn't sex, can you still get arrested for contracting for oral service from a professional? \_ In the dictionary under "trolled" will be a transcript of the above thread. |
2005/4/14-15 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:37191 Activity:very high |
4/14 Japan is pulling a fast one in China Sea, just before meeting of foreign ministers. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?nn20050414a1.htm Japanese government approves drilling in contested water; "the Defense Agency and the Japan Coast Guard" will "ensure the safety of the Japanese firms involved." (remarks at the very end). \_ You can't keep backing down forever. The only way to deal with a bully is to confront them at some point. \_ I agree 100%. Who's the biggest bully in the world? \_ That's what Germans said beforing invading CZ and Poland. \_ So long as you are consistent in the behavior you accept from the parties. If you accept Chinese consternation when it's thwarted, then you accept US (or whatever other nation) consternation when it is thwarted also. If you accept the Chinese military moving in to occupy the questionable areas, then you accept someone else's invasion also. \_ The url syas Japanese military is going to patrol the contested water, as they have already done there and over some islet in dispute, not the other way around. Your "China Bad" reflex is hurting basic reading comprehension. Sad. \_ That's what Germans said beforing invading CZ and Poland. Some just has a habit of calling the victim bully and the bully victim \_ Yep. The Chinese started to tap into a pool of resource that crosses into contested territory. \_ You are confused which side your argument supports. \_ it all depends on your perspective. \_ Only if you are already fixated. \_ Why is Japan pulling a fast one? China started test drilling first and would not make its plans known to Japan. \_ China drilled in a area where even Japan acknowldged to be in Chinese domain, but now Japan will drill in a contested area. A boundary between two countries is valid iff it is acknowledged by both. China asked but Japan has refused to negotiate over the dispute. \_ Unfortunately, while the Chinese are drilling in uncontested areas, they may be tapping into a pool of resource that crosses over into the Japanese exclusive economic zone. This makes the Chinese test drill a contested issue. While the Japanese may have refused China's proposal to jointly develop the area, the Chinese have also turned down the Japanese proposal to evenly divide the sea between China and Japan. Nor have the Japanese turned down the Chinese joint development as such. The Japanese government has asked for Chinese drill data before they would consider the proposal, and China has refused to provide any information. \_ Japan "claims" the reservior is connected to theirs. \_ I don't think there's much doubt that this is japan's claim. Perhaps you mean to put quotes around "connected". Saddam made the same claim about oil field in Kuwait as the reason to invade it. If the air moleculres I breathe is claimed to have passed Japan, do I have to bow to the Emporor too? As for the border, Japan simply "declared" a "middle" line between Okinwawa, which was brutally annnexed and colonized by Japan ~15 years before it did the same to Taiwan and ~25 years before it did to Korea, and some spot on mainland China. It refused to discuss this with China. \_ Saddam made the same claim about oil field in Kuwait tapping into Iraq's as the reason to invade it. If the air moleculres I breathe is claimed to have passed Japan, do I have to bow to the Emporor too? As for the border, Japan simply declared a "middle" line between Okinawa and some spot on Chinese mainland. Okinawa was forcibly annnexed and brutally colonized ("disposed" is the officially sanctioned word) by Japan ~15 years before it did the same to Taiwan and ~25 years before it did so to Korea. It went free after WWII, but Japan reannexed it in 1972. Regardless whether that is legitimate, it is clear Japan's rapidly expanding border is a grave concern for its neighbors, but it continues on a roll to impose its will. Will they next claim a land border between Korea and Shanghai, or between Pearl Harbor and Boston? \_ China proposed joint exploration and offered to negotiate the border dispute. Japan simply unilaterally announed where they want it to be. This is not how normal country resolves difference with neighbors. You are admitting the facts, but your use of 'proposal','turn down,' and 'refuse' are clever spins. Isn't it odd to ask China to provide very valuable data when Japan does not agree to form a collaboration with it? Hey, give me the source code to longhorn before I consider whether to buy it. No? You must be evil! \_ How can you negotiate over something when you don't what you are negotiating over? Of course Japan has to ask for survey data before it can consider the Chinese joint exploration proposal. \_ Wrong analogy. Source code = software. However, Survey data != actual oil \_duh, analogy is not meant to be precise. If you were serious about the discussion, you'd have gotten the point, but clearly you are not. Besides, Chinese drilling is done in uncontested water. Japan's request for data is just their way of saying "fuck you." |
2005/4/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Military] UID:37192 Activity:moderate |
4/14 So the media have all but ignored the Minuteman Project. There are claims now that the Mexican Army are escorting mexicans to other parts of the border to cross, but there's pretty much zero coverage of this. Why isn't this being investigated? \_ Almost as importantly is the lack of coverage that these illegals costs in range bombing time. \_ It's 24 miles worth of border and they have caught about 200 people so far. Of course the Border Patrol is pissed off because the Minutemen, the activists watching the Minutemen, and the reporters following everyone are setting off alarms and messing with their own tracking. The Minutemen succeeded the first day when they got their 15 minutes of free press. \_ You obviously don't understand the project. The number of illegals crossing the border in that section has dropped dramatically. That's a success. \_ Errr...You aren't really *that* dumb are you? Umm...maybe you are... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maginot_line \_ Because it doesn't extrapolate out nicely. 500 volunteers over 24 miles compared to paying X professionals over the 1950-odd mile Mexican border? Toss in Canada and you've got a bit of a budget problem. |
2005/4/14-15 [Finance/Investment] UID:37193 Activity:moderate |
3/14 Related to the below (same poster): If I open an ING Direct account for 3% yield, and people are figuring inflation is 3.2% per year, I'm actually losing money (post-inflation), right, until inflation drops below the nominal yield? \_ Yes. \_ TIPS was created to appeal to people whose rely on interest rates as income. \_ Until inflation drops below the nominal yield minux tax. \_ Foreign currency, higher interest rate AND stronger currency. I invested in Euro 2 years ago and never looked back. US dollar is FUCKED regardless of inflation and interest rate. \_ I think the Euro has appreciated about all it is going to against the dollar. They will be back nearer to each other soon enough. |
2005/4/14-15 [Reference/Tax, Finance/Investment] UID:37194 Activity:high |
4/14 So it seems like TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) are the safest bonds to buy. It doesn't seem like they're at all affected by market conditions (bad or good), and they have a guaranteed rate of return after inflation (CPI adjustments). So what's the catch? Is the only downside of this tiny risk investment a tiny post-inflation yield of ~ 1.8%? Anyone with experience? I think I can buy these direct from the government, too. Thanks! \_ AFAIK the low yield is the drawback. \_ well, yes, the catch is you can get better rates elsewhere. for example, top cd rates today are rather higher than the comparable TIPS rate. if inflation were to go crazy, TIPS could be a better deal. but otherwise... \_ Over the last few years interest rates have dropped below that of inflation. While inflation rates weren't "crazy," lots of fixed income households were hurt. TIPS is supposed to solve this. \_ If you can count on the government to report inflation accurately. I don't think you can, personally. \_ So if Dubya's people say CPI is overstating inflation and manage to drop the CPI calculations by 1 or 2 points, I get screwed right? \_ Hey, maybe one of those Bush guys took Econ 100b! "The CPI overstates rates of price increase by 1/2 to 1.5 percent per year (and the GDP deflator has similar biases)." http://csua.org/u/bpg \_ Which leads us back to Social Security which uses the CPI to determine how much to increase payouts. Messing with the CPI means messing with SS. Neat stuff, huh? \_ You know, when it shows up in Econ 100b, it's probably not a controversial issue whether the CPI overstates or not. So, the question is would you prefer to run Social Security based on a CPI you know is faulty, or would you prefer to run it based on something that economists can agree is more realistic. \_ It showed up in Jan 1996 lecture notes. I believe CPI calculations have already been adjusted downwards since then. The question is, well, how accurate is it now? \_ Well, apparently Greenspan is still pushing for using a chained CPI, which was recommended by the Boskin Commission back in 1996. \_ Makes sense. You need a big gun opposite Greenspan to challenge him. Otherwise, he's probably right on that point. \_ There have been a lot of arguments that the CPI _under_estimates inflation. I think overall it is probably a decent number if people argue both ways. \_ The catch is, as far as I can tell, that you have to pay taxes on the increased value of the bond when it adjusts, which sucks. From http://www.kiplinger.com/basics/archives/2002/11/story14.html "Another caveat: If you buy TIPS directly from the Bureau of Public Debt you're liable for federal taxes on the inflation adjustment, even though it's not a cash payout. That's in addition to the tax you must pay on the interest income. (You don't pay state or local income tax on Treasuries.) For that reason, it's best to hold TIPS in a tax-deferred or nontaxable account, such as an IRA." |
2005/4/14-15 [Science] UID:37195 Activity:nil |
4/14 NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - IBM, one of the world's largest technology companies, stunned Wall Street by reporting first quarter earnings and sales that were well below analysts' estimates. \_ Down over 5.5%. Couldn't have happened to nicer folks. |
2005/4/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:37196 Activity:nil |
3/14 The FBIs protecting your from evil duck hunt pirates: http://tinyurl.com/5xh9x |
2005/4/14-15 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:37197 Activity:nil |
3/14 does gmail's pop3 work? Is there a delay after you enable it? pop login always fails and I followed the setting to the letter. my client is outlook 2003... thanks... |
3/15 |