2005/4/1-2 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:37014 Activity:nil |
3/31 Oh great all knowing motd, what's the deal with CD-R/RW quality and possible degradation? Does it matter? What's the best value for bulk purchasing of CD's that won't degrade? Costco? Fry's? Oh, and ditto for DVD+R's. \_ Conventional wisdom says to avoid the cheapo bulk ones. Spend a little more and get Taiyo Yuden manufactured media (basically look for a Made in Japan label). Brand names don't matter; the actual media supplier is what matters, and brands often changes suppliers. \_ The chemical layer is very important. Better manufacturers will use a gold dye (best) or a silver dye (good). Less stable are the blue-green dyes which I believe are cyano-acrylics. For DVDs there are also good and bad dyes, but I don't remember which is which. \_ The TDK cheapos at CostCo have served me well. I put them and a bunch of Imation disks in a container that held 80 CDs and the plastic of the container appears to have damaged the CDs. The Imations were nearly unreadable (some were unreadable). The TDKs were just fine. |
2005/4/1-2 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan] UID:37015 Activity:nil |
4/1 And this is supposed to be the #1 English language paper for Taiwan http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2005/04/01/2003248585 \_ Huh? What's wrong with the article itself? |
2005/4/1-2 [Finance/Investment] UID:37016 Activity:moderate |
4/1 Are you living in a bubble area? Now you know from our good 'ol reliable http://cnn.com: http://money.cnn.com/pf/features/lists/home_valuations \_ I wonder if the author has taken into account the immigrants. In the Bay Area, many of them buy houses with all cash. \_ The local Chico paper investigated our ranking and the study has some serious flaws. For one, it considered the "fair price" based on historical trends and population density--but they used the population density for all of Butte County to come up with the population for Chico (and Chico has by far the highest population density in the county). I don't know how much stock I'd put in it. -emarkp \_ I agree. I noticed this for Portland. Essentially, the study concludes that expensive = bad value and inexpensive = good value, which is useless. This is similar to the studies that calculate 'affordability' based on the average salary. True information, but useless. \_ I don't think you understood the study. \_ I think you have a point, but I think the study is more useful than you think. Let's take an example so everyone understands: E.g., let's say my West Los Angeles home was worth $250K in 1999. Let's say my salary back then was $62.5K/year. Let's say today the house is worth $800K. Let's say today the house is worth $640K. Let's say my salary today is $80K/year. The multiple in 1999 was 4x. The multiple in 2005 is 10x. The multiple in 2005 is 8x. This means buying a new home in the area is a bad value. (ignoring the obvious case of a buyer who thinks the multiple will rise to 10x in a couple years and turn a tidy profit) |
2005/4/1-2 [Computer/Networking] UID:37017 Activity:low |
4/1 This year's April 1 RFCs: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4041.txt ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4042.txt -John \_ Okay, those are hilarous...in an embarrassingly geeky sort of way. -mice \_ OK here's one for the non-geeks: http://csua.org/u/bk3 -John |
2005/4/1-2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:37018 Activity:nil |
4/1 So I keep hearing from people I know that my soda account randomly bounces email. The only thing I ever get now is spam. Is it time to retire the soda account for good? Will soda ever be well? \_ I think /var was full the other day. Some people had trouble emailing me and I couldn't send email from soda. |
2005/4/1-3 [Uncategorized] UID:37019 Activity:nil |
4/1 Okay, you got your commodities pullback. Now it's going back up. |
2005/4/1-2 [Recreation/Media] UID:37020 Activity:nil |
4/1 LEGO Star Wars! http://media.ps2.gamespy.com/media/694/694419/img_2667786.html |
2005/4/1 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:37021 Activity:nil |
4/1 Seriously, the last post on the Schiavo Circus: http://csua.org/u/bjt (St. Petersberg Times) \_ It can't be the last one. I declared a 5 day discussion period before we can forget about it forever. |
2005/4/1-3 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:37022 Activity:nil |
4/1 Is there a way to delete just the attachment in gmail? -ray \_ not that I know of, but on a related note: is there anyway to determine the size of a message in gmail? I'm using ~25% of my quota and would like to delete some crap but have no easy way to see what the large msgs are. \_ I agree, a size field would be nice. -ray |
2005/4/1 [Uncategorized] UID:37023 Activity:nil 60%like:37029 |
4/1 Yay! We're running out of oil. http://news.ft.com/cms/s/d5213f46-a21a-11d9-8483-0000e2511c8.html |
2005/4/1 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:37024 Activity:nil |
3/31 Hey small Chinese guy. Did you know you could add 5 inches in one year for only $6K? (of height, not length) http://csua.org/u/bjo |
2005/4/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:37025 Activity:kinda low |
4/1 U.S. Soldier Convicted of Killing Iraqi Walks Free http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=578&e=4&u=/nm/20050401/ts_nm/iraq_courtmartial_dc \_ your url is long and tax free \_ I'm amazed he was convicted of anything. I don't know how we have a military that can accomplish anything when this kind of thing goes on. \_ Yep, it's GOOD to be the invader isn't it? \_ FOAD. It's a question of ethics on the battlefield. \_ It's a sad case. If you were in Infantry, it would have been drummed into you that if there is a mortally wounded enemy lying down in front of you, defenseless, and probably suffering terribly (this happens a lot when you're a U.S. soldier), you JUST CAN'T PUT THEM OUT OF THEIR MISERY -- even if you personally think it's morally justified. However, the guy was trained as a tank commander, so he probably didn't know. He's a poor guy, since he did what he thought was right and probably spent a lot of time securing the role of company commander. His Army career is over, he can't even be a desk jockey. \_ It doesn't say what kind of discharge he got. If it was a dishonorable discharge, that will be a huge burden on him for the rest of his life. \_ http://basic.armystudyguide.com/benefits/after_the_army.htm 6. Including Commissioned and Warrant Officers who have been convicted and sentenced to dismissal as a result of General Court-Martial. [included with Dishonorable Discharge] |
2005/4/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:37026 Activity:nil |
4/1 http://newscenter.berkeley.edu |
2005/4/1 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:37027 Activity:nil |
4/1 Yet another April fools post that pissed some people off http://www.sswug.org/columnists/editorial.asp?id=623 |
2005/4/1-2 [Recreation/Media, Recreation/Humor] UID:37028 Activity:nil |
4/1 New Dr Who announces that he is quiting (no joke) http://news.bbc.co.uk/entertainment/tv_and_radio Weird to quit after your first episode is shown and got good reviews and ratings |
2005/4/1-3 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:37029 Activity:nil 60%like:37023 |
4/1 Yay! We're running out of oil. http://csua.org/u/bjv (Financial Times) \_ cf yesterday's http://csua.org/u/bjk (Yahoo! News) \_ FUD comment. While we may or may not be running out of mail, the article talks of measures in terms of possible crisis and to alleviate economic shocks in case of price spikes (general price rises if you prefer) like we have now. -John |
2005/4/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:37030 Activity:nil |
4/1 What happens when you combine Yahoo and Google together? You get a dual powered search engine called http://yagoohoogle.com \ now i just need a firefox searchlet for it... - danh \_ now i just need a firefox searchlet for it... - danh |
2005/4/1-2 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:37031 Activity:nil |
4/1 So wrong...: http://600673.com -dans \_ Google seems to be going crazy with the whole April Fools thing today. \_ no description, to be deleted in 10 min \_ no brain, to be euthanized in 3 h \_ 600673=GOOGLE in hacker speak (or they say, 3733+ hax0r $p33k) \_ I think you mean 1337 h4x0r \_ He means H07 42N CH1X. \_ The other major google april fools joke: http://www.google.com/googlegulp |
2005/4/1-3 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:37032 Activity:low |
4/1 I'd like to play my favorite EA game on the laptop. However, I don't have a CD player for my laptop and I'm wondering if it is possible to mount the CD on my desktop and access it via wireless. I know that EA has really weird CD protection schemes, that's why I'm wondering if anyone has successfully done this. -ok thx \_ Never tried that, and I suspect it won't work. You can install VirtualCD or Alcohol 120% on the laptop, then make a SafeDisc-aware rip of the CD, put the image whereever, and then mount it in the virtual drive. \_ Does VirtualCD or Alcohol "simulate" bad sectors or weirdness in CDs that EA games use for protection? Which one is better? \_ A120% has never failed to deal with any copy protection I've encountered on CDs. Daemon Tools also has some good copy protection emulations. -John \_ Rip with discdump and then mount the ISO with Daemon Tools. \_ CDAnywhere is a tool to do this too, mounting a disk image as a virtual CDrom device. |
2005/4/1-3 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:37033 Activity:nil |
4/1 At my job I can plug in my own laptop ; but they block the mail ports for all machines but the mailserver. This is windows/outlook. I want to be able to use my laptop at work just as I could at home. Any suggestions on something that is a minimum of fuss? \_ ssh port forwarding. \_ Is this sending or receiving e-mail? \_ sending only. Everything else works fine. I just want a combo that I have to do a minimum amount of work to use |
2005/4/1-3 [Computer/Companies/Apple] UID:37034 Activity:nil |
4/1 Jobs to take helm of IKEA: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/04/01/steve_jobs_joins_ikea \_ He's keeping CEOship of Pixar and Apple. Jobs for Dictator For Life! |
2005/4/1-2 [Computer/Companies/Ebay] UID:37035 Activity:nil |
4/1 What is a good alternative to paypal for selling stuff on ebay? It must be able to take international payment. \_ Small, unmarked non-sequential bills. E-Gold. Western Union. What are you trying to do, commit fraud or become the victim of it? |
2005/4/1-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:37036 Activity:nil |
4/1 How come Palestinians want luxury homes demolished? Do they have plans to build grass huts on the same land? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4401921.stm \_ I don't know, this sounds right in line with their usual antics. They're more interested in hurting the Isrealis in any petty way possible (including a measly $20 mil demolition fee) than they are in helping their own people. \_ What a scam. The settlers got paid money to move to Gaza, free luxury homes paid for by US tax dollars, and now they are getting paid 1/4M (or is it 1/2M now) to move. |
2005/4/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Academia] UID:37037 Activity:moderate |
4/1 I wonder if that's Jewish salad dressing? http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/04/01/buchanan.attacked.ap/index.html \_ I really don't like either one of those guys, but it sounds like they handled it with class, and the students look like jackasses. \_ My thoughts exactly. \_ "Could 10 of the largest College Republicans start walking up and down the aisles and start removing anyone shouting? Otherwise, this lecture is over." -A. Coulter, Kansas University |
2005/4/1-4 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:37038 Activity:moderate |
4/1 VMWare gurus, please help. I've configured my VMWare on my laptop and everything seems fine at first until I unplug my eth100 and wireless. All of a sudden, my host system (XP) and VM (Linux) can no longer reach each other. How do you configure it so that it doesn't rely on having a connection? -ok thx \_ Well, how is the virtual NIC configured for the VM? If you're using host-only or NAT, then it should work fine. If bridged, then it's not surprising if it doesn't work, especially if you're using DHCP. \_ I'm using automatic bridging, and by default it already selected VMnet2 and VMnet8. It gave me subnet for vmnet2 and for vmnet8. Is there something I have to do? \_ What do you mean "it automatically selected VMnet2 and VMnet8"? What is "it"? Selected them when? How did "it" select both? And how is your host configured? And BTW, VMware does have support forums on their website... \_ I didn't configure ANYTHING, it's the way it is when I installed it. What do I do? Thanks. -pp \_ Uh, I thought I made it clear already that you can try setting the VM to use host-only or NAT networking. You still haven't said whether your host OS uses DHCP or not. \_ Yes, host OS uses DHCP, what difference is that gonna make? If it's not DHCP it renders my laptop portability to "pain in the ass to reconfig" \_ Well, I don't know what Windows does when it can't obtain a DHCP address, but it doesn't surprise me that it would suddenly become unaddressable. Anyway, you always could try adding a second virtual NIC to your VM that uses host-only networking. I'm not sure if that would work; I've never been in your situation. If not, then ask on VMware's support forums. |
2005/4/1-4 [Uncategorized] UID:37039 Activity:nil |
4/1 What's a good place to buy music CD online? Cheaper than Amazon? \_ I like http://cheap-cds.com. They have good prices, a simple website, and they show you the shipping costs up front. \_ http://half.com? |
2005/4/1-3 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:37040 Activity:nil |
4/1 I don't get it. How is the Schiavo case going to lead to more restrictive laws? The vast majority of the public was against all the last-minute theatrics and interventions. Or is this the New York Times being a bunch of hacks again? (not the liberal use of the phrase "may be") http://csua.org/u/bk2 (nytimes.com) |
2005/4/1-3 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/HW/Drives, Computer/Rants] UID:37041 Activity:kinda low |
4/1 Man killed over virtual sword: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4397159.stm \_ I thought you wrote "Man killed *with* virtual sword". Now that would be cool. \_ But he sold it for non-virtual cash, and screwed over the guy who lent it to him. What an asshole. |
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