2005/3/31-4/3 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:36989 Activity:nil |
3/30 For Treo 650 owners: I just installed shadowmite's bluetooth dialup hack and it works great. Forget about paying for PdaNet. |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:36990 Activity:moderate |
3/31 Cal alum donates $30 mil. to UC Irvine: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2005/03/31/financial/f061332S04.DTL ... continuing the well-documented pattern of low alumni giving at UC Berkeley. Question: Why don't alumni donate to Cal? Speaking for myself, (1) I'd rather give to specific groups (CSUA, PAAC, UC Jazz) which may not report their receipts to the university, and (2) a decade of benign institutional neglect left me bitter. -elizp \_ This guy gave to UCI because they named their biz school after him. That's something Haas would have never done. He can frame it any way he wants, but that seems to be the reality. He got his BA and MBA from Cal, but his ego meant more. \_ Haas school would have never done because this guy didn't donate as much as Haas. \_ Or maybe he was just pissed at Cal. \_ Having just graduated, I haven't given anything to Cal yet, but if I were to give something it'd be vastly more likely that I'd give to CSUA/EECS/CS than Cal itself, simply because my experience with the services provided by the CSUA and the department have been that much better than the services provided by the bureaucrats in Sproul/associated buildings. \_ Maybe he's Republican... \_ He's iranian. Iranian republican under this administration? A rare bird, indeed. \_ Not true. I know many wealthy Iranians who vote with their pocketbooks. Many others still reminisce of the good old days of the Shah and want regime change. --iranian dem \_ I paid out-of-state tuition every semester until I graduated. Should I still donate? \_ Do I think back warmly on my experience at Cal? Do I think I received a good education here? If I donated money, do I think it would be spent effectively? No, no, and no. Why in the world would I donate my money to Cal? If Cal wants donations, maybe it should start treating its students as future donors rather than unfortunate inconveniences. \_ I keep getting this annoying mail from CAL saying I pledged to donate $50, can I just keep ignoring it? It doesn't have a # to call or anything. |
2005/3/31 [Computer/HW, ERROR, uid:36991, category id '31298#0.5' has no name! , ] UID:36991 Activity:kinda low |
3//31 http://flag.blackened.net \_ your point is? \_ Big to-do lately about subpoena of server logs. Was on slashdot I think. -John |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:36992 Activity:high |
3/31 Terry Schiavo dies. http://www.cnn.com \_ Any guesses on coverage ratio of this vs. the scathing WMD report that came out today? \_ Well, on the major news sites, it's in big print, but it's invariably #2 to the Schiavo story. \_ is it over now or do we have to put up with weeks of bickering over who has burial/disposal rights? \_ I give it about 5 days of additional bickering, and then everyone will totally forget about it. \_ Her name was Terri. Short for Theresa. If you don't give a damn about it, please don't comment on it. \_ woke up on the wrong side of the bed, did we? \_ I've been following this case for 2 years. I never saw it as a "right-to-life" or "right-to-die" issue. It was a "can a husband kill a wife" issue. I'm sad that a single judge was able to order her to be killed. I "woke up" to find out that Terri was dead and all our futures are in danger. \_ can a husband kill his wife and get away with it? \_ ask oj \_ If you could exchange places with someone terminal in excruciating pain in the last few weeks life for an hour I'll bet your entire viewpoint of the situation would change. All our futures are in danger -- what is the % chance of ending up on life support for 15 years while in a PVS? \_ Of four neurologists who have done a neurological exam on Terri, three said she was in a persistent vegetative state. That's how it is. \_ Actually, it was 8 doctors, 7 concurring. \_ I'd read from CNN or AP (can't remember which) that evidence from 5 doctors was used, 2 from husband, 2 from the parents, and one appointed by the court. Unsurprisingly, 2 from parents said she could recover, 2 from husband as she wouldn't, and the court appointed doctor said she wouldn't. So, bascially 3/5 with 4/5 giving largely meaningless testimony. \_ How about letting a hospital kill a six month old boy, following a law signed by then governor George W Bush? Um, right, that's somehow different. \_ "a single judge"? the u.s. supreme court refused to hear the case multiple times. 9 judges there. an appeal went to a 3-judge panel on the 11th circuit court. 2 ruled against the schindlers, one for. the full 11th circuit court later upheld that ruling. of the 12 judges, only 2 dissented. and lest you argue the "evil liberal judge" tack, the majority of these judges are republican. \_ "can a husband kill a wife"? please. are you one of those religious zealots who relies on the bible for the law (as opposed to the constitution), who doesn't believe in the multiple clinicans who thoroughly evaluated her, who doesn't believe that she made a living will...who, when all those failed you, resorted to a smear campaign against the husband? it sure sounds like it. don't worry about our future so much, it'll be ok. \_ Theresa? Can they still make her a saint? Since there's already Mother Theresa on the saint track. How do they deal with ambiguously named saints? \- there is already a famous st. theresa [of avila]. theresa isnt mother therasa's orgiginal name. you are a doofus. --psb \_ I take pride in not knowing about saints. --dufus, patron st. of MOTD \-it's not a matter of being versed in the history of the church. do you really think they turn down people because there already is somebody with the same name canonized? ... "you should have considered thomas beckett, before you started writing summa theological, thomas aquinas". you have never heard of them or st. thomas more? there are like 50 or a 100 st. marys. what is sort of weird are the nuns who pick a man's name after taking holy orders. --psb \_ I was being facetious with the saint question and asked about the names since it came to mind and I'd never considered it. I was thinking in type, so to speak. After that I went to http://catholic.org/saints and saw the multiplicities of certain saint names, many don't even have "of Rome" or anything else to disambiguate. I guess they divinely know to which one the prayers are directed. \_ Wait...St Dufus of MOTD or of CSUA? Which? Or are they the same? Shit...now I'm all confused. \_ It's "Dufus of the CSUA, patron saint of MOTDs and trolls". \_ You shall be named: St. Dufus of the CSUA \_ Surely there is already a St. Dufus of CSUA? what's the next level of disambiguation? Almighty and eternal God, grant we beseech Thee that, through the intercession of Saint Dufus the lesser of CSUA troller and nuker, during our journeys through the MOTD we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those trolls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen |
2005/3/31-4/3 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:36993 Activity:nil |
3/31 First of all I hate Microsoft and Bill Gates, but I have to give them credit for integrating something that is actually somewhat usable. I just bought my first Tablet PC, with Tablet XP installed. It's got a lot of cool features that don't exist on regular XPs. After about an hour playing with it I can almost do everything without a keyboard. I love how you can dictate simple voice commands and how you can write in Traditional Chinese (with amazingly good recognition rate). I love it. I'm never going back to regular non-Tablet PCs again. \_ gimmick. \_ Is that what you said when GUI came out? \_ What Tablet PC did you buy? \_ Try writing code without a keyboard. \_ Yes it's a bitch to write code without a keyboard, that's why I got a Toshiba M200 that has both. I get the best of both worlds |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:36994 Activity:high |
3/31 "We conclude that the intelligence community was dead wrong in almost all of its prewar judgments about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction" -Bi-partisan Commision on the Intelligence Capabilities of the U.S. Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, in letter to Pres. Bush \_ What fucking difference does it make? "The world is better without Saddam", no shit! \_ I wonder if this will significantly change the 56% of those polled in mid-March that still think Saddam had WMDs. \_ That would require people actually paying attention. \_ you misspelled "with brains". \_ You don't need brains. All you need are conservative talk show hosts talking about how "EVERYBODY was wrong" how Dubya ain't a liar, EVERYBODY thought Saddam had them. Instead, they're all talking about a vegetable, but that's life, uh, the culture of life. \_ "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. ... The United States and other nations did nothing to deserve or invite this threat. But we will do everything to defeat it. Instead of drifting along toward tragedy, we will set a course toward safety. Before the day of horror can come, before it is too late to act, this danger will be removed. ... Recognizing the threat to our country, the United States Congress voted overwhelmingly last year to support the use of force against Iraq." Pres. Bush, 3/17/03 \_ "The commission said it was ``not authorized to investigate how policy makers used the intelligence assessments.''" I thought that's what this one was supposed to be... \_ Nonono ... they were authorized to investigate whether policy makers PRESSURED the intelligence analysts / agencies while the intelligence was being analyzed. If you were right, then Condi "centrifugue tube" Rice would be out as the moronic Stanford Provost that she was. \_ Listening to NPR's freshair made me really depressed to hear how many morons are in the State Department and how good they are at squashing people who actually come up with good ideas. Damn depressing. \_ I told you so. -motd thought leader \_ So it was for oil right? Yeah prices are at record lows. So it was a distraction right? Yeah Iran is going to nuke Israel A narrow vision \_ It was to assert America's military strength, and change US policy to one of aggressive intervention, per PNAC. -tom \_ which is yet more proof that republican men have bad sex lifes and take it out elsewhere just like the famous quote from Good Morning Vietnam ... The world would be a safer place if there was alot more sex (and the condoms to go with it) \_ say WHAT? tom holub is a hard core left wing socialistic dweeb and he's not getting any. \_ wrong, kchang. -tom \_ Tom does seem to take the MotD awfully seriously. Tom, do insults here keep you up at night? \_ No, but yermom does. \_ It is not George's fault he trusted the most important decision of his life to a guy code named "Curveball." http://csua.org/u/bjl |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Uncategorized] UID:36995 Activity:nil |
3/31 Alan Dundes dies \_ Who? \_ famous Cal folklore professor, maybe you had a class with him. - danh |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Recreation/Shopping] UID:36996 Activity:low |
3/31 you know when you go to a really nice tailor they ask you "which side do you dress on?" what this means is "on which side does your cock normally rest when you have pants on?" \_ BOTH sides \_ Holy Forked Phalluses, Batman! \_ Serious? What's the tailor going to do with the info? Make one side of your pants more loose than the other? \_ Yes. Unless you want a schlong-bulge, in which case, if your tailor really is a pro, he'll do it without blinking. Also, you're more likely to hitch up your pants differently depending on which side--he should even that out without anyone seeing your throbbing veiny bang stick. Or you could just get a prince albert. -John \_ right side, would it have anything to do with whether i am left/right handed? |
2005/3/31-4/3 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:36997 Activity:nil 50%like:37159 |
3/31 Job available at ISTI in Santa Monica, CA. Check out /csua/pub/jobs/ISTI. Thanks |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:36998 Activity:nil |
3/31 Yay! Wolfowitz elected as World Bank president! When you're on the right team, Dubya takes care of you! \_ May actually be a good thing. Wait and see. At least he's not afraid of pissing people off who can use a good pissing off. Problem is, he might just piss off everyone else too. -John |
2005/3/31-4/3 [Uncategorized] UID:36999 Activity:nil |
3/31 Is there a PDF reader installed on soda like xpdf or acroread? |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:37000 Activity:nil |
3/31 How to get the best MPG out of a Toyota Prius: http://www.mixedpower.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=448 Look under "Speed, braking, acceleration, and anticipatory driving". \_ Reading about the EPA requiring the battery charge to be the same at beg. and end of mileage test made me wonder: Has anyone ever investigated any way to charge the battery using solar or heat energy? We all know that cars get baked in the sun during the day. If there were some way to simply charge the battery with this energy, you'd have a remarkably low fuel-consumption automobile. Perhaps some process similar to what idealab did with the Stirling engine. \_ You could charge using solar, but you;d have to install solar cells on the car (of course). Using heat only works if there's a heat difference and some sort of Carnot cycle to exploit it, such as a Stirling engine. That's even more of a pain to build into a car than solar panels. \_ Plus each square meter of solar panel only captures about 120-150 wattHour of energy at full sun. That is not a lot of energy. I think the Prius has about 70-80 kWh of stored energy in the battery. That'll take a long while to get any meaningful charge into the battery. Probably cost way too much to do it feasibly. \_ There is no good way to do what you say, or we'd build power plants that way as well as recharge car batteries. \_ Put solar cells on the car roof. But that adds weight, so how efficient it is depends on the driving time vs. parking time under the sun. Another way is to put solar cells at the parking location. But then it's no different from ordinary solar cell applications, which is not specific to charging vehicles. |
2005/3/31-4/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:37001 Activity:nil |
3/31 You'd think a "liberal" media would be all over this. As it is you have to do your own searching of various Texas newspapers to learn about Sun Hudson, the six month old boy who was put to death by a hospital, despite his mother pleading for his life. Sun Hudson had a fatal disease, but was alive and conscious when the hospital staff, following a law signed by George W Bush, killed him. And Bush says: I urge all those who honor Terri Schiavo to continue to build a culture of life where all Americans are welcomed and valued and protected, especially those who live at the mercy of others. Unless "others" excludes hospitals in Texas, and "all Americans" excludes six month old boys from poor families. \_ Well, don't forget: They were black and not Christian. So others also excludes non-white pagans or atheists. \_ What law signed by Bush ordered the hospital staff to kill the boy? \_ The Futile Care Law. It didn't order them to. It allowed them to make the decision, without recourse. I'm not so much bothered by the law, but by the hypocrisy in having signed such a law, then sweeping in to the aid of Ms. Schiavo. \_ I saw it here: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=43311 but of course people dismiss worldnetdaily because it's full of right-wing nuts, right? \_ It seems like it would at least be worth mentioning that the law this action was taken under was signed by the President. \- i think this episode does show the republican controlled legislature has gone nuts ... considering they were repeatedly chastised by multiple judges with solid conservative but not populist credentials. As John Dryden wrote: The moderate sort of men, thus qualifi'd, Inclin'd the balance to the better side: ... But when the chosen people grew more strong, The rightful cause at length became the wrong. --psb |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:37002 Activity:high |
3/31 So I heard this 'rumor' from someone that a bunch of Hispanic people ate at a Chinese restaurant, and decided to make a run for it and not pay. The restaurant stopped the last person and called the police, but the police fined the restaurant and let the person go because the restaurant does not have authority to detain anyone. Does this sound right to you guys or am I missing something here? What should the restaurant do? This supposedly happened in Chicago recently. \_ Bah. They're buying too many houses anyway. They deserve to be dined-and-ditched. \- The restaurant may be in the wrong, but that doesnt mean the dine-n-dasher gets off scott free. Both parties can be guilty/liable for different things.--psb \_ So what's the proper course of action for for the restaurant? Is this different from shoplifting? \- There is probably both a civil and criminal claim they could persue. I dont know what they should do. This is one of those stories where you probably hear a bunch of upfront stuff that gets people outraged but you never hear the followup [like the $20million jury award which ends up being whittled down to $1.2m]. --psb \_ can't you citizens arrest them? \_ This largely depends on local statutes and the circumstances. Generally, skipping out on your bill is a petty larceny (unless you're a dining at the Ritz). A private party generally does not have the right to restrain someone they suspect of this low level of crime. If this person was detained against their will and that detention was wrongful, the detained party has a false imprisonment or false arrest claim to which there is no defense. The restaurant's best bet for recovery is in small claims ct under a breach of contract theory. \- dont you think if you were in the shoes of the restaurant you would be more interested in the dasher beinf punished than getting your $30. if the da office will take it [broken window theory], that's what i would do. --psb \_ I agree that I would prefer a criminal conviction, but a DA will probably not take the case b/c he has no interest in wasting a bunch of time to get a conviction or plea bargain for a crime that carries w/ it a max penalty of $500 or so. It would be much easier to show up in Small Claims w/ the bill and the name of the dude you detained and ask for damages for breach of contract. This would be a 15 min deal. \- yes but then you have to rely on the sheriff or whoever to enforce the $30 collection. i doubt these people really care about having a judgement against them. maybe if something like that can affect their credit it would be worth it. in the economic pale this is a non-starter. i assume DAs offices spend some amount of resources on "broken window" crimes, and if this becomes high profile [i.e. race card] that could work in your favor or against [vandalism to your restaurant]. --psb \_ Hmmm.. Interesting. My question remains, how is this different from shoplifting? You mean the store cannot stop me from walking out with their merchandise without paying too? I don't think that's the case but I don't see the difference here. \_ Generally, in order for a merchant to detain a person suspected of a crime, the crime must have been committed in their immediate presence (watching a crime on video counts). If the crime is not witnessed by the merchant, then they can still detain you but they risk a false arrest/imprisonment suit. As an example, say that you go to Fry's and you pick up a copy of Chaos Theory put it in your backpack and try to walk out the front door. Unless they saw it all on video or a clerk saw you give yourself the 5 finger discount, the highlighter dude can't stop you from walking out of the store w/o risking a possible false arrest suit. \_ So you're telling me that there's no legal basis for all detainments made by store detectives for shoplifting? I know there was some discussion about this 2-3 years back. -John \_ Thanks! I am gonna try that with a PSP, isn't this country great! ;) \_ Yup, this country is great for lawyers. \_ Before you do this, please realize that if they choose to detain you, they might call the cops who can arrest you for real. You would not have an action against the cops b/c they acted under probable cause. Note that the cops could probably arrest you even if you had proof (ie a receipt) that no crime was committed b/c it is not the cops job to judge the proof. BTW does the PSP cost more than $500? If so, suspicion of swiping one would be a Grand Larceny and you don't want to go there. \_ Yes and no. Police (in CA) aren't empowered to arrest you for a misdemeanor crime that they didn't witness taking place. On the other hand, if a citizen wishes to make a citizen's arrest, they can sign the 'citizen's arrest' form that the peace officer has in his car. Of course, if it turns out that the accusation is false (and therefore a false arrest) ALL the liability falls on the person that signed the form. If the cop is a good one, he'll warn you if he thinks you're making a mistake. So, be wary of detaining someone, then signing them into custody on the basis of a citizen's arrest form -- if you can't prove your case, you could lose your shirt. -POC \- look the law is more likely to work in the case of serious offenses and against people \_ serious offenses? like, say, felonies? felony != misdemeanor. who are not "judgement proof"... either because they have money, they have informal or formal reputations etc. this is even more the case with "de minimus" one shot economic stuff. what ever happened with sloda' LA vigilante who went after the bus driver or whatever it was. --psb \_ reread, please. Police can make an arrest for possible felonies without being there to witness the crime. it's not very complicated. -POC \- i'm talking about pratical outcomes, not what is theoretically possible. after my car was stolen the people who stole it left a time stamped receipt for a jack in the box drive thru where i am sure they have a video camera. i am also sure the police have no interest in pursuing this one i got my car back. the above was (clearly i thought) a general comment on minor minor crimes [broken window]. --psb \_ I'm sure BUD DAY has the authority to detain those damn dirty wetback spics. \_ Are you Chinese? Do you have any of idea of the effect of Chinese food on Hispanics? \_ Remember those Korean guys with rifles on top of the grocery stores during the Rodney King riots, when it turned out that the protection rackets would actually have to provide protection for real? Other alternative is to bring their food into line with mediocre Chinese food in a lot of places and make the remaining check-skippers regret they ever ate there in the first place. The regular college crowd will keep coming regardless, all that cold pizza and stale beer makes you immune to whatever ChiCom biological warfare agents they put in that shit. -John \_ it's just MSG. \_ Walgreens often encourages their managers to run shoplifters down with their cars in the parking lot, and to engage them in highspeed chase if they get away. dumb? yes. Illegal? almost certainly. But I know a manager who was yelled at for *not* engaging in a car chase after a shoplifter. \_ Bah. They're buying too many houses anyway. They deserve to be dined-and-ditched. \- The restaurant may be in the wrong, but that doesnt mean the dine-n-dasher gets off scott free. Both parties can be guilty/liable for different things.--psb \_ So what's the proper course of action for for the restaurant? Is this different from shoplifting? \- There is probably both a civil and criminal claim they could persue. I dont know what they should do. This is one of those stories where you probably hear a bunch of upfront stuff that gets people outraged but you never hear the followup [like the $20million jury award which ends up being whittled down to $1.2m]. --psb \_ can't you citizens arrest them? \_ This largely depends on local statutes and the circumstances. Generally, skipping out on your bill is a petty larceny (unless you're a dining at the Ritz). A private party generally does not have the right to restrain someone they suspect of this low level of crime. If this person was detained against their will and that detention was wrongful, the detained party has a false imprisonment or false arrest claim to which there is no defense. The restaurant's best bet for recovery is in small claims ct under a breach of contract theory. \- dont you think if you were in the shoes of the restaurant you would be more interested in the dasher beinf punished than getting your $30. if the da office will take it [broken window theory], that's what i would do. --psb \_ I agree that I would prefer a criminal conviction, but a DA will probably not take the case b/c he has no interest in wasting a bunch of time to get a conviction or plea bargain for a crime that carries w/ it a max penalty of $500 or so. It would be much easier to show up in Small Claims w/ the bill and the name of the dude you detained and ask for damages for breach of contract. This would be a 15 min deal. \- yes but then you have to rely on the sheriff or whoever to enforce the $30 collection. i doubt these people really care about having a judgement against them. maybe if something like that can affect their credit it would be worth it. in the economic pale this is a non-starter. i assume DAs offices spend some amount of resources on "broken window" crimes, and if this becomes high profile [i.e. race card] that could work in your favor or against [vandalism to your restaurant]. --psb \_ Hmmm.. Interesting. My question remains, how is this different from shoplifting? You mean the store cannot stop me from walking out with their merchandise without paying too? I don't think that's the case but I don't see the difference here. \_ Generally, in order for a merchant to detain a person suspected of a crime, the crime must have been committed in their immediate presence (watching a crime on video counts). If the crime is not witnessed by the merchant, then they can still detain you but they risk a false arrest/imprisonment suit. As an example, say that you go to Fry's and you pick up a copy of Chaos Theory put it in your backpack and try to walk out the front door. Unless they saw it all on video or a clerk saw you give yourself the 5 finger discount, the highlighter dude can't stop you from walking out of the store w/o risking a possible false arrest suit. \_ So you're telling me that there's no legal basis for all detainments made by store detectives for shoplifting? I know there was some discussion about this 2-3 years back. -John \_ If the Store Detectives did not witness the shoplifting, then the detention was probably not valid. However, there are some conditions under which there might not have been any detention. If the detective tells you to stop you don't have to comply. If he physically bars you from leaving the store it can be a false imprisonment. If he says he is going to call the cops if you leave, then that can also be false imprisonment. But if you can leave at any time and you remain to clear your name, then it is not false imprisonment. Also it can make a difference if you are suspected of a felony (grand larceny) vs a misdemeanor (petty larceny). \_ Thanks! I am gonna try that with a PSP, isn't this country great! ;) \_ Yup, this country is great for lawyers. \_ Before you do this, please realize that if they choose to detain you, they might call the cops who can arrest you for real. You would not have an action against the cops b/c they acted under probable cause. Note that the cops could probably arrest you even if you had proof (ie a receipt) that no crime was committed b/c it is not the cops job to judge the proof. BTW does the PSP cost more than $500? If so, suspicion of swiping one would be a Grand Larceny and you don't want to go there. \_ Yes and no. Police (in CA) aren't empowered to arrest you for a misdemeanor crime that they didn't witness taking place. On the other hand, if a citizen wishes to make a citizen's arrest, they can sign the 'citizen's arrest' form that the peace officer has in his car. Of course, if it turns out that the accusation is false (and therefore a false arrest) ALL the liability falls on the person that signed the form. If the cop is a good one, he'll warn you if he thinks you're making a mistake. So, be wary of detaining someone, then signing them into custody on the basis of a citizen's arrest form -- if you can't prove your case, you could lose your shirt. -POC \- look the law is more likely to work in the case of serious offenses and against people \_ serious offenses? like, say, felonies? felony != misdemeanor. who are not "judgement proof"... either because they have money, they have informal or formal reputations etc. this is even more the case with "de minimus" one shot economic stuff. what ever happened with sloda' LA vigilante who went after the bus driver or whatever it was. --psb \_ reread, please. Police can make an arrest for possible felonies without being there to witness the crime. it's not very complicated. -POC \- i'm talking about pratical outcomes, not what is theoretically possible. after my car was stolen the people who stole it left a time stamped receipt for a jack in the box drive thru where i am sure they have a video camera. i am also sure the police have no interest in pursuing this one i got my car back. the above was (clearly i thought) a general comment on minor minor crimes [broken window]. --psb |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:37003 Activity:very high |
3/31 I own a small Chinese in el cerrito.I called city hall and asked if/how I could get a copy of the blue prints. (I may want to knock down a wall or two). They told me that they would *not* make a copy of the blue prints for me as blue prints are copyrighted. Now it seems to me that, as the owner of the damn house, i have a pretty strong fair use claim to a copy of the blue prints. What gives? What should i do?? \_ you own the house, not the copyright to the blueprints. Find out who actually owns the blueprint copyright and persue a copy from them. \_ I did not imply that I did. There are lots of things that I don't own that, none-the-less, I am able to copy for personal use. Get the question now? \_ You do not own the picture that I just took of you! ;) \_ Actually, he might depending on the circumstances. \_ If he's not a public figure and he buys the picture from you, he owns the physical picture and you own the copyright. If he is a movie star or something, I don't know. \_ are you a lawyer or something? ;) \_ No, but I'm a freelance wedding photog on weekends. \_ See if they'll let you inspect the blueprints. Then take a picture with a good-quality camera. \- You could also pull a Sandy Burger. --psb \_ Hire an architect to draw a blueprint of your building. That's what I did when I remodeled my house when the city didn't have a blue print available. |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:37004 Activity:low |
3/31 Looking for a decent (and preferable free/cheap) English to Chinese and Chinese to English translation program. A while ago I saw this guy moving his mouse to select CNN articles, right click on something and a pop-up comes up with full translation. That guy is gone and now I'm wondering what he uses, and if it's free. Thanks. \_ http://babelfish.altavista.com \_ http://www.google.com/language_tools |
2005/3/31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:37005 Activity:nil |
3/31 I have no problem trusting my life to my other-half. But I DO have a problem if he/she is fucking someone else, not to mention have 2 kids with them. In that situation, I trust my parents more. Think about that for a sec, would you trust your 'loved' one if they were fucking someone else for so many years and then all of a sudden decided that you should probably die? The probability of your parents want you dead is a lot lower than the probability of your partner want you dead for whatever reason there might be. I do agree with Dubya, in a situation like this, we should error on the side of life. Even if she has no chance of recovery, what's wrong with just keeping her alive? How different is this from stopping medication to cancer patients because after all, they WILL die? Is it because the cancer patients says "oh I want to live" and she can't?? If both the parents and the husband \_ Your brain has been classified as small. believe the tube should be removed to end suffering, then I have no problem with that, but if there's a disagreement, then there's a disagreement, and I really have a problem with the fact the husband have more 'power' than the parents. If he wasn't fucking someone else then my position would be neutral. But he IS. If he's practically married to the other person, then he loses all credibility to decide her life. And why doesn't the husband come out and say anything himself? Everything is said through the Lawyer, yeah, sure, that really helps to show his sincerity. At least the parents have the guts to say things to the media themselves and for that I gave them credit and was one of the things that swing me from neutral to their side. May her rest in peace. -someone who hates GWB \_ If I have no brain response, and have no hope of recovery, and deteriorate over time, I hope to GOD my spouse would move on with her life. If I told her I didn't want to live that way, I would hope she would be my guardian until I was dead. After the shit that was this case, I would be CERTAIN to make a living will. But I sure as hell would not want my parents challenging my own decision. BTW, just how long would you want your spouse to wait before moving on with their life? If doctors told them you would not recover? \_ Dude, the bitch is dead. You and your little pro-life freaks lost. Get over it. \_ I trust the three out of four neurologists who have conducted a neurological exam and deemed her to have been in a persistent vegetative state for 11+ years. \_ Quit flogging a dead ... Oh never mind, too easy. |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Uncategorized] UID:37006 Activity:moderate |
3/31 Nearly every metal object in my office keeps zapping me with static charges every other time I touch it. Is there something wrong with me or my office? \_ Your carpets could just suck, check the soles of your shoes (I think leather is a bit better), maybe the humidity is too low, or maybe it's the CIA brain implant malfunctioning. -John \_ Hold a key or a coin and use it to touch other metal objects before you touch them with bare hards. \_ Make sure to include some pins in your tinfoil hat, pointing outward. The sharp points will dissipate the static charge back into the air for you. \_ There could be problems with the grounding in the office. |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:37007 Activity:low |
3/31 http://csua.org/u/bjk (Yahoo! News) "... Goldman Sachs bank, the biggest trader of energy derivatives, said prices (per barrel) could ultimately surge all the way above $100." Guess I really have to think about carpooling or public transit. \_ I would much rather have seen a $4 gasoline price 2 years ago, with $2.50 of that tax going to our own gov't, than high gas prices going to pay producers and oil companies. \_ Sounds like it is time to buy commodities. Should I dump $20K into oil? \_ That could well be speculative. \_ Why not oil stocks? \_ Less potential for profit. |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:37008 Activity:low |
3/31 What's the best way to clean your laptop keyboard? \_ throw your laptop in the dishwasher. \_ Vacuum cleaner with a nossle. \_ last time I did that (with my home vaccuum) I sucked 2 keys out of it. Hahaha. Yeah I'm a moron. \_ I hear masturbating with a belt sander is fun. \_ No it isn't, and now I can't start my car. \_ Compressed air for between the keys. Clean the keys with something like the "optical care kit" available at CostCo (works great on laptop displays as well). \_ the air comes out as liquid sometimes, is that dangerous? \- only if you are a moron using it as an optical care kit.--psb \_ I just bought an LCD Cleaning System by Belkin at Best Buy for $10 and it works pretty well. It comes with a "micro-fine fibers" brush for the keyboard and screen as well as a cleaning pad that you spray the included cleaning solution onto (Isopropyl Alcohol). It also comes with about 5 extra cleaning pads. |
2005/3/31-4/2 [Transportation/Motorcycle, Transportation/Misc, Science/Electric] UID:37009 Activity:nil |
3/31 Electric Scooter: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/03/ibiza_scooter_1.php |
2005/3/31-4/3 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:37010 Activity:nil |
3/31 From the "shit I could have told you myself" department: "95% of IT Projects Not Delivered On Time" http://it.slashdot.org/it/05/03/31/1527257.shtml?tid=218 \- what %age of IT projects are not worth doing? i sure see a lot of churn which involves people trying to justify their jobs. if an organization grows 5% over 10yrs but computers become 10x more powerful and 1/5th the size, some stuff is upgraded too often needlessly. \_ Sure, but not all upgrades are needless due to continual increases in number crunching and data storage demand, and a lot of systems which really ought to be upgraded, aren't. I think most of the waste comes from inefficient process-heavy organizations. -John |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Uncategorized] UID:37011 Activity:nil 66%like:37991 |
3/31 [commentless url excised] |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Transportation/Car] UID:37012 Activity:nil |
3/31 Thieves cut off finger to start up Mercedes, which requires biometric start-up: http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000680038409 \_ Same thing happened when only the bank manager could open bank vaults-- great idea, until they kidnap that guy and his family. \_ Darn and I thought my biometric Mercedes keyed to my penis was a good idea ... back to the dealer with that baby! \_ It's still a good idea since no one can cut off your short penis. |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Uncategorized] UID:37013 Activity:low |
3/31 Fully mechanized bot, shooting 48 40mm grenades at enemies. Now you can serve at the comfort of your seat. It's like playing video games. \_ what do you do about tk'ers? \_ combine this with the remote hunting setup and we can have armchair soldiers! |
3/15 |