2005/3/25 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:36867 Activity:moderate |
3/24 I keep hearing the news pronounce the name Schiavo as shy-vo instead of ski-avo (like the word for slave). Which is the correct pronounciation? \_ Should I say "Al Kay-Da" or "Al Kay-Ee-Da"? Should I say "Bin Lah-Den" or "Bin Lay-Den"? I really want to get it right because I don't want to disrespect them or anything. -tom because I don't want to disrespect them or anything. \_ Actually, it's Ahl Qah-ee-da. "Q" is more guttural than the English "K". \_ In the language of origin (Italian), it's "ski-avo". \_ True. In Italy bruschetta is pronounced brusketta but in the US it is almost universally pronounced brushetta. \_ The news pronunciation is the way the family pronounces it. \_ "zom-be" |
2005/3/25-28 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:36868 Activity:nil |
3/24 Where can I dispose of a dead CRT for free? Office Depot had a free service, but it looks like it's over. Thanks. -slow \_ http://csua.com/?entry=25428 \_ In a dumpster. Seriously. Otherwise, wait for one of those days where you can dispose of toxics for free. I favor a random dumpster, though. Yes, I have done that. \_ Free on Fridays at http://www.accrc.org |
2005/3/25-28 [Uncategorized] UID:36869 Activity:nil |
3/24 T. Rex soft tissue found: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/7285683 \_ CLONE THE BITCH! They can always replace the missing bits with frog DNA or something. |
2005/3/25 [Recreation/Food, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:36870 Activity:high |
3/24 Anyone else in the mood for some Wendy's chili? \_ Yes, but I can't put my finger on why... \_ The quality of Wendy's finger foods is well known. \_ You've got to hand it to them: they make a decent meal. -gm \_ I hear the tip is included in the price of the meal -eric \_ Do you have a point? \_ It's finger lickin good. \_ This is a real nail-biter. \_ I bet you think you're cute(icle). \_ Oh, stop carpaling. \_ Do you expect us just to knuckle under? \_ Oh, give it a wrist already. -gm |
2005/3/25 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:36871 Activity:nil |
3/25 Doing the jobs Americans won't do FAA licensed 5 arrested at TIMCO - airplane mechanics! http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1370361/posts |
2005/3/25-29 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:36872 Activity:nil |
3/25 In Perl, how do I specify a SIGHUP and SIGKILL handler? I want to clean up stuff when I press CTRL-C on my Perl script. -ok thx \_ RTFM. Look for %SIG in "man perlipc" \_ STFW: http://www.unix.org.ua/orelly/perl/cookbook/ch16_16.htm \_ Above trolls should STFU. \_ Methinks you need to STFW for the definition of "troll" \_ ROFL LOL, WTF!? |
2005/3/25-29 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:36874 Activity:moderate |
3/25 US military deserters seek refugee status in Canada. http://csua.org/u/bhq I'm basically just posting this article to reference this awesome quote by the deserters' lawyer: "We don't believe that people should be imprisoned for doing what they believe is illegal." \_ I think what the lawyer meant was "... for NOT doing what ...". \_ I figured you should just replace 'illegal' with 'right.' \_ This is all kinds of irrelevant, but if I think carefully about the original statement I agree with it. If someone does something they think is illegal, but it's not, then no, they should not be imprisoned. But I think the first responder was right, the lawyer meant "for NOT doing". \_ That's not how criminal law works. People are tried and convicted for doing something which they think is illegal but it is not for some time now. The mens rea is sometimes more important than the actus rea in certain crimes according to some courts and commentators. The concept here is that we wish to deter criminal intentions for such crimes as conspiracy. \_ Conspriacy requires an agreement, an overt act and the mens rea to join an unlawful scheme. The unlawful scheme part is impt. Simply thinking that what you are doing is illegal is not enough. It has to be unlawful. Ex. If you didn't know that the 21st amd had been passed, but you concocted a scheme w/ your buddies to smuggle booze from Canada into the US thinking that you were breaking law, it wouldn't be a conspiracy, regardless of the fact that you thought it was a crime. FYI, an actus reus is ALWAYS required in order to get a criminal conviction whereas there is no constitutional requirement that a mens rea be shown (See Robinson v CA). \_ Ah, I see. Because Iraq was an "illegal war." \_ I agree with a pp that there is nothing wrong w/ the lawyer's statement. In order to be criminally punished a person must have violated the law. If a person thinks that they have broken the law but really they haven't, it is irrelevant whether the person thought that he was breaking the law. \_ No, you're completely wrong. It does matter in crimes of conspiracy. In fact, it's been ruled in the past that crimes of conspiracy don't even require that the other parties involved are agreeing to break the law, only that the defendant believes he is conspiring to break the law. \_ I am sorry, but this is just fucking stupid. Not you, the government for prosecuting people for not breaking the law. \_ I don't think that you understand how conspiracy works. \_ Well, you're wrong. I certainly do know how conspiracy works in general. How it works in your particular state is another matter. Conspiracy is an independent crime from subtantive crimes. What is required for conspiracy is agreement to an unlawful scheme. Once a party has agreed to an unlawful scheme, that party is responsible for the general intent version of any stubstantive crime committed by all other parties to the scheme. Note The underlying scheme must be unlawful, if you and I agree to stop watching FOX news and then you go off and kill someone, I'm not liable for voluntary manslaughter even though I thought that not watching FOX was a crime. \_ Actually, that's completely wrong. If you actually went to law school you'd have heard of the "empty pocket theory" in which a pickpocket can be convicted of attempt when he tries to pickpocket an empty jacket. The same applies for conspiracy. It doesn't take much to charge someone with conspirac. What you are describing is actually techinically a conspiracy, however, due to the inherent impossibility of committing the crime by watching FOX, it is not conspiracy. Your reasoning for why the above fact pattern is wrong is simply wrong. If you had actually studied conspiracy, you'd know about the "voodoo curse" doctrine in which inherent factual impossibility excuses conspiracy. \_ What about what the above person claims? What if you and I conspire to say, sneak across the Nevada border, a perfectly legal act, but one that I believe is unlawful. Can I be prosecuted for conspiracy? \_ The empty pocket theory mainly relates to attempt is applicable to factual vs legal impossibility. In attempt what is being punished is an act that is close to being a complete crime w/ the mens rea for that crime. A factual impossibility does not excuse b/c a crime would have been committed except for an external circumstance (the cops caught you in time, the pocket was empty, &c.) A legal impossbility is different. Consider a plan to steal a laptop from someone's backpack during class. Let say you sit down next to the target and you stick your hand in his bag, but he left his laptop at home. You are guility of attempted larceny. However, let's say that you both have the same sort of backpack and you happen to reach into your own backpack. Even if the cops slap the cuffs on you right at that point, you are not guilty of an attempted crime b/c stealing from yourself (regardless of the mens rea) is a legal impossibility. WRT "voodoo", if you conspire to kill someone, and one of you happens to use voodoo and the other uses a gun, you are both still guilty of the conspiracy to commit murder. However, if you conspire to kill someone only via voodoo you are not guilty of the conspriacy b/c killing via voodoo is not a crime. (I believe you are referring to the Ivy case, in which the brothers did time for trying to kill a judge via a voodoo hex). BTW, I got a decent grade in crim law. However, if you and I agree to put up a web site that lists all the locations of police speed traps in real time so that people can avoid speeding tickets, a conspiracy exists b/c the object of our conspiracy was to help ppl exceed the speed limit which is unlawful. Now if you kill someone, I will be liable for VMS. \_ CALLAHAN: Hypothetical situation, huh? All right, I'm standing on the street corner and Mrs. Grey here comes up and propositions me... that if I come home with her, for five dollars she'll put on an exhibition with a Shetland pony. MRS. GREY: If this is your idea of humor, Inspector... BOARD EXAMINER: All right, what are you trying to do here, Callahan? CALLAHAN: I'm just trying to find out if anybody in this room knows what the hell law's being broken... besides cruelty to animals. \_ What does this have to do with conspiracy? \_ It's one of the laws being broken in the hypothetical situation. \_ I'm not sure I understand how what you're saying applies to this case. Desertion is illegal, and I'm pretty sure the deserters knew it was illegal. \_ My comment is directed at statement itself w/o regard to the context. I agree that in the context of the desertion, the statement makes no sense. \_ Weren't there a bunch of CO cases during Gulf War I that rested on the argument that the US military service oath required you to 'defend the Constitution...' (yeah, yeah, I know, that whole 'following orders' thing. -John |
2005/3/25 [Finance/Investment] UID:36875 Activity:low |
3/25 Is there any disadvantage to placing a limit order when the market is closed vs. waiting for it to open? \_ The only disadvantage is that news which occurs before the market opens could hurt you; if the stock gaps up or down on the open you could wind up missing a transaction, or getting the transaction filled at a less than optimal price. -tom |
2005/3/25 [Academia/Berkeley, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:36876 Activity:high |
3/25 Ward Churchill is coming to Berkeley! http://tinyurl.com/6prrz (resipsaloquitor.blogspot.com) \_ i think he was at codys a few weeks ago, no one died. - danh \_ That's unfortunate. -alexf \_ Do you really oppose academic freedom of speech? -ausman \_ Yes. I realize it's extremely difficult to judge such any particular case where the "academic freedom of speech" argument is invoked, but I do believe there ought to be bounds on the use of the academic pulpit to advocate terrorism or other forms of utterly unjustifiable, by any remotely rational argument, violence. How to adjudicate such cases is a different problem, and I (or anyone else, it seems) do not know of a complete answer. But that does _not_, in my mind, render the behavior immediately immune from justice. -alexf \_ A lot of idiocy could be prevented if these bullshit "studies" departments were eliminated. The arguement that because "ethnic studies" or "african american studies" are new warrants new departments is specious. When someone invents a new field of math, they are still in the math department, and still have to prove to other mathematicians that they're doing real work in order to get tenure. Yet these people in ethnic studies operate with no real peer review outside their tiny, politically charged world. I don't think this asshole would have gotten tenure in a history department at a school like CU. \_ Sure, because history departments are dominated by the elite white man genocidal oppressors and subject to their agenda! \_ I'm not sure how expressing disappointment or criticism of an individual whose views one disagrees with can be characterized as ``opposition to academic freedom of speech.'' Perhaps you could enlighten the rest of us? Unless, of course, you're the one opposed to academic freedom of speech. -dans \_ Do you believe that murder is speech? Alex said that it is unfortunately no one died. I think it would be it is unfortunate no one died. I think it would be great if a bunch of protestors showed up to express disagreement. I think it would be a tragedy if someone was killed over it. -ausman \_ Ah, I parsed that as ``That's unfortunate [that Churchill was at codys a few weeks ago].'' It appears you parsed it as ``That's unfrotunate [nobody died attending Churchill's appearance at codys a few weeks ago].'' Eh. What can I say, natural language parsing is a bitch. I assumed the former because I know alexf to be a generally reasonable individual who is not prone to making part-serious statements like ``So-and-so needs killing.'' And of course I don't think murder is speech. Don't be a git, who do you think I am, Tim May? -dans \_ Interesting thread, guys. Somewhat contrary to dans's assessment, I did _not_ mean to say it's unfortunate that he was at Cody's, but rather that no one died. However the statement, need this be clarified, was meant as humorous hyperbole, although I do think the world would be an appreciably better place if Ward Churchill did not exist. -alexf \_ I was amused. You get a gold star. -dans |
2005/3/25 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:36877 Activity:high |
3/25 Anyone who uses Mac OS X and Firefox, how can you map CMD-click into "Open window in new tab in the BACKGROUND." Current behavior opens the tab in the foreground, which is very annoying. \_ In Preferences->Advanced->Tabbed Browsing, uncheck the option labeled `Select new tabs opened from links.' I use a Mac for my primary machine so I may be mistaken about this, but I'm pretty sure this is the same thing you would do to get Firefox to behave in this manner on any other OS. -dans |
2005/3/25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:36878 Activity:kinda low |
3/25 http://csua.org/u/bhu [nytimes.com] More on the housing bubble, comparing it to dot com bubble. From the article: "South Florida," he said, "is working off of a totally new economic model than any of us have ever experienced in the past." Sound familiar? \_ Yay, it's Sour Grapes Housing Guy! Thank you for your brilliant insight! -tom \_ Oh, no. Thank you for *your* brilliant insight, Mr. Pyramid Scam! \_ And just like the dot-com bust, for some reason I still haven't gotten into this game. (Dot-com: Bought some shares in Yahoo! with plans to sell it for a 50% profit several months later.) Real estate: Sold my $700K house with plans to come back several years later to buy another one for $500K). Real estate: Sold my $700K house with plans to move back into the same neighborhood several years later for $500K). \_ Actually it sounds like you have gotten into it and out of it. |
2005/3/25-27 [Politics/Domestic] UID:36879 Activity:nil |
3/25 I'm a moderate because Democrats are socialists and Republicans are greedy corporate capitalists. I am a little Chinese. -moderate and proud of it \_ Hey, do you have a little Chinese in you? Would you like some? \_ I know a little German. See, he's right over there! |
2005/3/25-28 [Consumer/PDA] UID:36880 Activity:kinda low |
3/25 Getting a blackberry for work. Is one provider better than another? If so which is best. \_ Do any Blackberries include a camera? I'm planning to replace my Treo 600 in the near future, and am debating between a Treo 650 because the screen kicks ass and the camera does not suck (but email handling is still not anywhere near up to snuff) and a Blackberry for email support that does not suck. -dans \_ Get the Treo 650. It is everything that a phone and a pda should be. \_ I second that. The Treo 650 is outstanding. -- peterl \_ What's the status of bluetooth support? That was the other major feature my 600 lacks, and it would be rad to be able to sync wirelessly (plus bluejacking amusement to be had). I recall that it wasn't enabled because it wasn't stable when the 650 first shipped. -dans \_ Bluetooth is enabled and works fine on my treo 650 (cingular). I have heard that there were some problems w/ the sprint version initially, but a software updated released last week supposedly fixed those issues. \_ does it have 80211 wlan capability? cause a pda should. \_ I have heard that you will be able to get a 802.11 sd card for the treo this summer. If you have the unlimited data plan there isn't really a need for 802.11. \_ As a Treo 600 user with an unlimited data plan, I beg to differ. Browsing the net on a Treo 600 is kind of like browsing the net on a 9600 baud modem. Useful in a pinch, but painfully slow because modern web designers design web pages for people browsing with modern browsers and broadband connections. So I could see why it would be nice to have 802.11 in the event that you are near a WiFi hotspot. That said, unlike the PP, I don't think its a necessity. -dans \_ I'm not sure (I don't have a data plan), but friends w/ data plans tell me that the data transfer on the 650 is MUCH faster than on the 600 (supposedly btwn 128-384Kbps). |
2005/3/25-26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:36881 Activity:moderate |
3/25 Poll, in your deep desire, you wish housing would do the following. Also, put a number to indicate the number of houses you have: \_ pop the bubble: 0 \_ pop the bubble: 000 \_ I want interest rates to go up to around 8 so there isn't so much easy money flying around. I want to see people get burned on their $500k, no-money-down-interest-only-loan'd shitty condos and desert houses in arizona where water restricts growth more than the desert land area. \_ I'm the bitter housing guy and I'll tell you why. I'm a strong believer in meritocracy. Take the dot-com for example. Some people got rich just because they happened to get in and out at the right time, regardless of how much good work they've contributed to the society. That's not meritocracy, that is lotteritocracy. Life is already random as it is, and when you have people making 2X in speculative Arizona housing, that just feeds on lotteritocracy. Is that the kind of message we want to give to our children, that hard work and contribution to society is secondary to just getting lucky? \_ It is very rare that anyone makes money investing (whether in stocks or real estate) because they got lucky. People who don't know what they're doing (who haven't put in the work to learn about investing) get fleeced. -tom \_ You're an idiot. \_ keeps going up: 2 \_ and I'm considering buying a small apartment complex \_ You are obviously a landlord in SF \_ The more you own, the more you get to own. I love this country. -pp \_ Decline 10% and remain flat for a few years: 0 \_ Same as him: 1 duplex \_ Fall by 50% so that I can buy more: 1 \_ Crash by 70% so that I can buy 5 houses. I sold my house at a very nice profit 1 yr ago. Local market is down about 10 pct since then. No houses now. \_ do you live in vegas? where has the market fallen? |
2005/3/25-26 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:36882 Activity:kinda low |
3/25 Why is it that the pro-life crowd is so worked up over the Schivao case, but can't be bothered with what happened in Texas because of a law signed by Mr Pro Life himself, Bush Jr? Despite the pleas of his mother, a hospital pulled the plug on a six month old boy because they were unable to pay for treatment, a move made possible by the law Bush signed while governor of Texas. \_ Because they're hypocrites. Yes, it's that simple. \_ Those so-called pro-life people should concentrate their energy on children in this world who are really dying from hunger, rather on one individual who has less than 1% chance of recovery. \- add "malaria, cholera, TB". Amen. --psb \_ Malaria would be largely solved if we simply used DDT in developing nations. \- Fair enough. Significant progress can be made on each of the above for modest policy reforms and financial outlays. In contrast to AIDS, which appears to be a hard problem. --psb \_ Sheesh. You all know, just like the ACLU, they're really interested in precedent. \_ I guess technically "less than 1%" is correct. The correct number is 0. Large parts of her cortex are gone. \_ Eh, even so, it's not quite 0. People have gotten along with very low percentages of their brains. There are a few recorded "miracle" cases. \_ And yet, with Bush's plan for Medicaid, more people will be denied life support based on a corporate profit assessment, instead of a medical one. Life is important, but the dollar is fucking *sacred*! \_ I work with medical images all the time, and I have seen no serious proof of this. Certainly not lately. Furthremore, the more I work with doctors, the more I distrust them. They can be sloppy and capricious when lives other than their own are one the line. -emarkp \_ http://csua.org/u/bi0 Some commentary on the medical issues, and a link to another site that has actual cat scans. There are large portions of her head filled with fluid where her brain used to be. It isn't a question of interpretation. \_ Not very useful. It's just a reassertion. A CT (CAT) scan is almost unusable for distinguishing structure in the brain. An MRI is far far better. Furthermore, the one tiny CT image I've seen is from years ago, and we don't actually know the state of her brain today. -emarkp \_ Clearly you did not read anything from that link, since it addresses precisely the red herrings that you are spouting. \_ No, it doesn't. It simply reasserts that the cerebral cortex is gone. I disagree with that assertion (that is, I haven't seen enough evidence to conclude the same thing). How much time have you spent looking at medical images of the brain? -emarkp \_ OK Dr. Ping, what is the alternative explanation for what appears to be a large fluid-filled area where her cerebral cortex used to be? \_ Without seeing the entire data set, I can't answer that. The single small grainy image I've seen isn't enough determine the condition of the entire cerebral cortex. I've worked with enough doctors that I don't trust one analysis when others have disagreed. Oh, and sign your name. -emarkp \_ Hey guys, I think emarkp's point is that not all of the cerebral cortex may be gone, and what's left may be sufficient to qualify as "life", especially if the leftover brain takes on a heavy load. \_ If that's his point, he should say so. So far all he's provided is red herrings that avoid the central point. \_ You failed to answer the question or provide any useful insight. Oh, and fuck you. |
2005/3/25-31 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:36883 Activity:moderate |
3/25 My team (Yahoo! login/registration/access) has several software engineer positions open at all experience levels. -atom \_ I need a part time job, please give me a flexible part time job because school sucks. -kchang \_ How about fucking change the default login to be secure login?? Every other fucking website in the world uses secure login. Why does Yahoo insist on using non-secure login as default????!!! \_ Because it is secure, dufus. Assuming you have javascript enabled anyway. They issue a random challenge string that you answer by hashing together your password and the challenge. \_ Oh wow, we don't really need SSL don't we? \_ Oh wow, we don't really need SSL I guess. \_ Wow, no, it's needed for some things. \_ Why doesn't yahoo use SSL login by default? \_ Well, the obvious reason is they don't want to buy hardware that can handle craploads of SSL connections, which is a lot more expensive than the hashing scheme. \_ Aren't you in LA? |
2005/3/25-28 [Recreation/Food] UID:36884 Activity:nil |
3/25 I'm so glad Wendy's lost business as a result of their FINGER food. They donate 91% to Republicans ($200,000). And yes I boycott Wal-Mart and Dell as well. \_ And they support cannibalism. |
2005/3/25-26 [Recreation/Dating] UID:36885 Activity:moderate |
3/25 Look what bitches will do to you: http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/03/25/divorce.settlement.ap/index.html \_ BDG is that you? \_ No, just someone that can't understand why in this case the wife was owed anything, since she cheated on him. \_ No fault divorce. She actually got less than 50% of assets, which is less than she asked for. It's interesting that she was married when they first met. Once a cheating slut, always a cheating slut. \_ Is that what a "no fault divorce" means, that no matter who does what, each person is entitled to half of the assets? Is California a no fault divorce state? \_ No fault divorce means you can get a divorce for any reason. Your spouse is always entitled to 50% of the assets you acquired while married, even if she fucks another guy and lives with him after dumping you. \_ Can this be overridden by a prenuptial agreement, or does it depend on the state? Also, it occurs to me that in this example, no-fault divorce would benefit the gold- digging bitch. -John \_ Actually the above is not entirely correct. It is correct in a community property no-fault jx (AZ, CA, ID, LA, NV, NM, TX, WA, WI AFAIK). The idea is that all earnings during the marriage are considered gifts to the "community" and are held in common. When the marraige is dissolved, the property held in common is divided equally w/o considering who made the contribution. To some extent this can be overridden by a pre-nup provided that you agree to keep all prop earned by a given party separate from the community. There are difficulties in terms of property and chattels purchased during the marriage. The best way around this is to stick pre-marital assets into a trust and then agree that all or part of your earnings are gifted to the trust and to use the trust to buy the stuff you want. \_ That's why you should be careful who you marry - especially if you have assets. It works both ways, too. I know a wealthy widow (not that old) who will not date men with less wealth than she has, because there are skanky men, too. \_ Bitches are hustlers too, I thought you knew, I thought you knew. -dans |
2005/3/25-26 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:36886 Activity:nil |
3/25 Michael Schiavo lawyer on board of directors of Terri's hospice http://www.canadafreepress.com/2005/cover032605.htm \_ Yep. And she shouldn't have been put there in the first place since residents in a hospice are supposed to be terminally ill. |
2005/3/25-26 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:36887 Activity:high |
3/25 Is Ping an Asian last name? \_ No. But it is a common Chinese first name. -emarkp \-YMWTS: The Story of Ping --psb \_ Do you mean "The Story About Ping"? Read an old beat-up copy when I was a child. Have a nice new copy that I read to my kids. -emarkp \- I mean the "insightful and intuitive explanation of one of Unix's most venerable networking utilities ... The book describes networking in terms even a child could understand, choosing to anthropomorphize the underlying packet struc- ture." --psb \_ Yes I found http://yyz.us/ping.shtml Same book. -emarkp \_ Yes, it is one of the 100 Chinese last names. http://www.chinapage.com/biography/lastname.html , 6 rows down, 2nd from the right. http://www.chinapage.com/biography/lastname.html 6 rows down, 2nd from the right. \_ So is there a Chinese man named Pong Ping? \- No, but there are 500k Chinese names Lo Fat, and sloda has its own Hi Fat Pet. |
2005/3/25 [Uncategorized] UID:36888 Activity:moderate |
3/26 i feel like asking congress to trim a few lines off of the motd. \_ Don't make me file an appeal to the USSC, punk. The motd has a right to exist in its current state. \_ Make sure they buy you a calendar, too! |
2005/3/25-29 [Reference/Tax] UID:36889 Activity:kinda low |
3/25 Why the hell doesn't Wal-Mart pay to have its street widened? Spending $37 million of taxpayer dollars seems stupid when Wal-Mart can easily afford it. \_ Is this a troll? They don't do it because it's not profitable. \_ Why pay for it if the government will. sounds like sound business fundamentals. \_ No shit. Why is the government subsidizing Wal-Mart? \_ Because of the income that Wal-Mart promises. Big box stores pay a nice bit of property taxes and sales tax. Plus an anchor store like WalMart attracts other businesses. There are minuses too. It's all POV. \_ it also decimates nearby businesses and pays its humans such a low wage that they need to go on\ on public assistance. its humans such a low wage that they need to go on public assistance. \_ Funny, wasn't the the whole merchant/road thing one of the main examples in The Wealth of Nations? -John \_ url? \_ It's well known that Wal-Mart is especially adept at sucking every freebie from the government it possibly can, in addition to paying their employees so little they have to rely on government services. |
2005/3/25-29 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:36890 Activity:nil |
3/25 Insurgents looking for a way out: http://news.ft.com/cms/s/7b2a3b4e-9d4e-11d9-a227-00000e2511c8.html \_ Amnesty! \_ Stella! \_ Isn't that basically what the whole election thing was about? Give them a way to save face without strengthening them (the way Israel inadverdently did with Hizbollah when it pulled out of Lebanon-- wise move, maybe the execution could have been better)? I guess the goal right now is to alienate the real hardcore ones from the casual "oh-look-it's-an-rpg-7-in-my-closet-now-how-did-that-get- there?" types... -John |
3/15 |