2005/3/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:36574 Activity:moderate |
3/8 I am thinking of switching to cygwin, but I'm afraid of certain things that bit me in the past. For example, will I run into problems with DOS's stupid \r\n vs \n compatibility? How about file names with caps? Say I tar up file names from DOS and bring it to Linux, will it all get messed up because DOS is case insensitive? Any other comment before I dive into cygwin? ok thx. \_ Switching to cygwin from what, exactly? cygwin is designed to help Unix people cope with Windows. It's not a complete port of the Unix userland to Windows, and it's not a complete replacement for the Windows shell (although it's getting better, on both counts). You will notice assorted oddness that points out just how not-Unix it is. Still, it's better than being stuck with cmd.exe if you find yourself flailing with the normal Windows UI. (I know I do.) To answer your particular questions: you can tell Cygwin what to use as the end-of-line sequence; cygwin commands and filenames are case-sensitive; tarballs will be extracted with the same capitalization as is used on the Windows machine; beware of absolute paths (cygwin represents C: as /cygdrive/c, which confuses many Windows apps) and the direction of slashes (most Windows apps handle / as a directory separator, but Cygwin doesn't like unquoted, unescaped \ for same). All in all, I'm quite happy with it. -gm \_ I also need basic scripting like Perl and Bash. Are those included in the cygwin distribution? \_ They're available. Bash is in the default install. For perl, expand the "Interpreters" tab in the installer and select it. \_ Yeah, I use Cygwin with Windoze too. It's great. I'm usually in a cmd.exe window and hardly ever use tcsh or bash shells. Most frequently used commands are zip, unzip, tar, and grep. Your biggest challenge will be figuring out which packages to download. \_ I'll second it being great. I use tcsh almost exclusively instead of cmd.exe now. The rootless Xserver (X-windows mix with your regular Windows-windows and don't take over the whole screen) isn't stellar but it works fine. Command line scp, globbing, xterm.. lots of nice stuff. --dbushong |
2005/3/8-9 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Physics] UID:36575 Activity:nil |
3/8 RIP Hans Bethe http://www.indystar.com/articles/9/227610-2979-010.html |
2005/3/8-9 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:36576 Activity:moderate |
3/8 Very cool cane for blind people: http://techdigestuk.typepad.com/tech_digest/2005/03/ultracane_for_t.html \_ Try being blind for a day, I don't think there is any cane in the world that can make up for the gift of vision. \_ I completely agree, however this is better than nothing and in some ways it is proof that science and technology can make the world a better place for the disadvantaged. \_ YAERH, THAT D00FUS TRIVIAALIZED BLINDENESS! \_ I think you've missed PP's point. Train harder, grasshopper. \_ I doubt it. I fully understood pp's point. \_ No, *I* doubt it. You completely missed it. \_ Please see post from someone else below: \_ Yup -- my point exactly. Maybe williamc will pay for a permanent trip to canada for you if you complain a little bit more. \_ What in the world are you talking about? \_ What in the world are /you/ talking about, Mr "I fully understand the point but not enough to tell the difference between an attack on the utility of the cane and an attack on my 'insensitivity'"? \_ I think you lost it at "permanent trip to canada" and randomly identifying williamc. Buh-bye. \_ I got one more out of you, though, didn't I? Sucker. \_ What are you talking about man? Didn't you know that people go blind on purpose so they can get one of those "wicked canes?" |
2005/3/8 [Uncategorized] UID:36577 Activity:moderate |
3/8 Anyone seen john or know where he is? He hasn't logged in for a while \_ He posted on the motd just yesterday. |
2005/3/8 [Uncategorized] UID:36578 Activity:nil |
3/8 500K+ protest in Lebanon AGAINST Syrian withdrawal, when are they covering this on the front page of http://cnn.com? |
2005/3/8-9 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:36579 Activity:high |
3/8 500K+ protest in Lebanon AGAINST Syrian withdrawal, when are they covering this on the front page of http://cnn.com? I see a prominent link of Dubya saying how "freedom will prevail" in Lebanon, but it doesn't mention anything about the protest. Also, if you're confused how they could get so many people, most are Shiite -- most anti-Syria are Sunni + Christian + Druuse. And the protest is just as much about being pro-Syria as being anti-Israel and anti-U.S. \_ Someone needs to write reliable software and come up with a reliable way to use it that estimates crowd size. I'm tired of hearing about protests that have "between 20,000 and 200,000 people". As to http://cnn.com, the story is at the top on http://foxnews.com, bbc.co.uk, link:english.aljazeera.net and http://nytimes.com. I think http://cnn.com is just being slow here. I can't believe that they have become more censored than foxnews. \_ It's there on CNN, it's just not on the front page. *shrug* http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/03/08/lebanon.syria/index.html \_ CNN has been trying to out-Fox Fox News for quite some time now. \_ Meh, it looks like some editor decided that after days and days of protests, this wasn't front-page newsworthy. I'm not saying I agree with that call, but sometimes conspiracies can be attributed to plain stupidity. \_ No. The largest anti-Syria demonstration was 70,000 people. The pro-Syria demonstration numbers 500,000, and finally occurred today. Today, Dubya also made a speech trumpeting freedom in Lebanon, and cited the mass protests against Syria. On http://cnn.com, there is a link on the front page on Dubya's speech, but no link to the much larger protest on the front page nor mention of it in the "freedom" article. In contrast, http://washingtonpost.com, http://nytimes.com, http://latimes.com, http://foxnews.com, and http://msnbc.com feature the pro-Syria/ anti-U.S. / anti-Israel protest prominently. -- No one every said "conspiracy", but between being -- No one ever said "conspiracy", but between being afraid of being branded as part of "the liberal mainstream media", falling ratings, getting spoon-fed articles from the White House for easy posting, potential loss of access to the Administration, and likely internal turmoil at CNN while they struggle with these issues, I would say things like this are the natural result. In contrast, leading print media like the ones I mentioned above have a much larger roster of seasoned professional journalists, so they just print the important news when they see it, and at least try to be fair. At CNN (specifically the web site -- CNN cable seems to cover everything anyway) I just see paralysis and confusion instead of "conspiracy". \_ Hmm, fair enough. \_ Look, even Fox News has it on the front door. CNN is just being lame. \_ Occam's Razor, baby. The "No." guy seems to need a lesson in this basic concept. \_ I think you mean to say, "Yeah, I meant all that, but in fewer words." Unless you think http://CNN.com really is intentionally keeping the protest off the front page. \_ No, I'm saying that there's a simpler explanation for this (mismanagement) that doesn't require a five page essay to explain. \_ So in other words, you meant what I did, but in fewer words? I am essentially saying mismanagement as well, but listed what specific things characterize it. \_ Are you the 'No.' guy or the 'Look, even' guy? This thread has confused me horribly. \_ Is it normally this hard to agree with you? If it is, I think I'm gonna switch sides and argue for a conspiracy theory or whatever. \_ So why don't you say, "I agree with the guy, but he could have been more concise". It wasn't clear if you were agreeing or not. \_ Because it's a conspiracy -- CNN is so clearly hiding information to help boost ratings and to pander to its political readers that I'm surprised it doesn't just put an elephant as its logo/ mascot. *sheesh* \_ I can't help but feel I'm being trolled by yet a 3rd person. \_ Either there's 2 idiots trolling each other in this thread, or there's like, 4 or more people posting - none of which are very coherent or reading- comprehension-enabled. \_ Could it be composed of the millions of Syrian's who come to work in Lebanon, or the thousand of Palestinians in refugee camps? Naaa |
2005/3/8-9 [Finance/CC] UID:36580 Activity:high |
3/8 Kinda funny how this horrid bankruptcy bill, that was essentially written by the credit card industry, is going to pass without almost a single mention in the press. \_ hey, can we get a similar corporate bankruptcy bill, which says that board member's assets are seized to pay off employees and shareholders in the case of chapter 11? -tom \_ Can you give specifics on this bill? I tend to think that a tougher bankruptcy bill will have people thinking twice before going into debt. I think that Americans as a whole are too dependent upon debt anyway, and declaring bankruptcy has never been easier. If the bill makes it more difficult and puts a greater stigma associated with going into bankruptcy it may result in more careful spending. \_ It implement a means test for who can file for chapter 7. It also allows for trusts to hide assets. If you're not super wealthy (i.e. can afford to set up a trust), you could very well be forced to spend the rest of your life repaying debt rather than getting the clean slate that is your constitutional right. \_ You're an imbecile if you think people don't "think twice" before going into bankruptcy. "Has never been easier"? How do you figure? This bill treats "abusers" the same as someone who goes under because of medical bills. More than 90% of filings are because of medical costs, job loss, or divorce. What will you think about ease of filing when 1 or more of these event happen to you? It allows loopholes like Asset Protection Trusts (great for joe q. moneybags. not so good for you or me). This is a boon to credit card companies and gives you or me no recourse in the event of emergency to protect ourselves financially. \_ Uhm, no. You're a moron if you think it's really difficult to go Chapter 7, it's not. If it was you wouldn't see a 360% INCREASE in 16 years. Anyway, if people actually SAVED their money instead of carrying large credit card debts they wouldn't have to declare bankruptcy when they lose their jobs. I know plenty of people who go through divorces who don't have to go through personal bankruptcy. The Medical Bills is also a red herring. Many institutions will grant waivers for medical bill debt if the person is indeed needy. Let's face it, America has become a nation of constant debtors, the average credit card balance is $7000, people are buying overpriced homes with 30 year APRs. The whole thing is out of hand, and personal savings is at a near all-time low. We didn't have this problem a generation or two ago. It was because people back then had this concept of not living beyond your means, of not incurring more debt than assets. Other countries, most notably Japan, have exceedingly high savings rates. In most asian cultures it is deemed a great shame to go into bankruptcy, which is why Asians are some of the best savers around. People are living longer these days, they earn more, and enjoy a higher standard of living than ever before. They should learn to plan financially as a result, and begin taking responsibility for their assets. Why you got into debt actually should be somewhat immaterial. Are lenders supposed to lose their shirts because of unfortunate circumstances? Well, then, human nature will dictate that EVERYONE will claim unfortunate circumstances. Aruing about a bill that makes it more difficult for people to avoid paying back their debt isn't the real issue. The real isssue is getting consumers to honor their committments and avoid debt in the first place. I bet you've never been owed money. Well I have, and it's not fun to go after people. It's even less fun when deadbeats get away without paying you back for resources they've consumed. Dead beats will give you every excuse under the sun to get out of debt, like their grandparents died, their cat died, etc. To hell with the system of excuses, I say, and let's make people responsible for debts they incur. \_ OWNERSHIP SOCIETY! \_ There were big articles in the LA Times, Post, and maybe the NY Times. Is it really passing? \_ Check your cspan \_ Yeah, I did. Closer to passage in the Senate, after votes to limit debate and to remove a poison pill amendment on abortion (that killed the bill the last time, when the Dems had 4 more Senators, and yes, the margin this time was within 4 x 2 = 8 votes). I guess people will be voting party line? \_ Likely. Shame on the dems who voted for cloture \_ Do you think the Dems are going to counterattack? I think Dubya will say it allows rich people to declare bankruptcy, cheating the system, but I think the Dem attack wins ("... a bill written and funded by credit card companies ..."). IMO, this is fish in a barrel. They're probably wondering whether it's a set-up, and now I am, too. \_ I'm trying to figure out just what they're trying to save their non-existent political capital for. This is one they should have filibustered. This was bad. \_ Not to disagree with you, but perhaps they think it's a red herring which would distract from the social security debate. |
2005/3/8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:36581 Activity:moderate |
3/8 Why do conservatives have such a deep personal hatred of Hillary Clinton? I've seen her referred to as the "Evil One" on freerepublic, and I'm a little confused as to why the hatred for her is so personal. \_ She's feminism, pro-choice, and lying bitch all rolled into one. They do have some regard for toughness, so in this respect think she bests Bubba in this respect. \_ Her power makes their penis seem even smaller. \_ From what I remember in the early 90's, it was because she was very active in pushing her health care reform plan even though she was never elected as a policy-maker. At least that's when the hatred began. |
2005/3/8-9 [Consumer/Audio] UID:36582 Activity:nil |
3/8 http://www.ipodhacks.com/article.php?sid=1261 http://csua.org/u/ban New iPod updater displays advertisements on the screen. I knew there was a reason I haven't bought one yet. \_ This is a poorly executed joke. |
2005/3/8-10 [Industry/Jobs] UID:36583 Activity:moderate |
3/8 How accurate do people find the figures from http://www.salary.com to be? I'm deciding on a job offer, and was hoping someone can help me evaluate. Thnx. Oh. Job is software engineering, of course. \_ I find them accurate. \_ I don't find them accurate, but it's hard to say. I was being paid $10k less than what http://salary.com said, and when I brought it up to management they said my company does extensive market research to make sure we are paid at Market or better, based on individual skill set, experience, blah, blah. \_ Man, that's a shitty way to find out that you're being screwed by your employer. \_ Did you expect them to apologize for underpaying you? \_ No, I expected them to adjust my pay to a fair amount. \_ Didn't work, did it? Next time ask for something more achievable, like world peace or blow jobs from the receptionist. \_ 10% less than the median or 10% less than the 25th percentile? I have pretty much always been paid around the 75th percentile according to their job descriptions. You have to get the title that goes with your number of years of experience though. I have pretty much always been paid between the 50th and 75th percentile according to their job descriptions. You have to get the title that goes with your number of years of experience though, which isn't always your title at work. \_ In this case it was $10k less than the median, and I used the correct number of years in the calc. \_ Unless you are a substandard performer (and you should know that from performance reviews, etc) you are being underpaid then. If you have asked them for a raise and shown them the comps, then you have no recourse but to start looking for another job. It is probably a good idea to interview every other year or so in any case, to keep yourself fresh \_ That's exactly what my manager told me when I asked four years ago. Then my company went bankrupt, and two months later I got an offer which was 20% over my old salary (I told them my old salary). If I had really been paid at market, I don't think anyone would offer me a 20% increase knowing that I was already jobless for two months. \_ It depends on the company. My old job I was < 25th percentile; my new one (pretty much same job description) I'm 75th. |
2005/3/8-10 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:36584 Activity:low |
3/8 Anyone work for VMWare here? care to comment on the how it is? Thx. \_ Yes. I like it a lot. --jameslin \_ Is VMWare related to the "VM" OS on IBM mainframes? \_ IBM mainframes did do virtualization back in the day, but otherwise, no. \_ they still do today; it's the basis of their linux server consolidation story. \_ the IBM VM is more like Zen, in that the OS is written to an appropriate virtual machine rather than trying to virtualize a hardware platform not designed for it. they also have more virtualizable hardware because of this legacy |
2005/3/8-10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:36585 Activity:nil 66%like:35387 |
3/8 Bush announces exit strategy from Iraq: http://csua.org/u/bb2 |
2005/3/8-9 [Transportation/Car, Computer/SW/Security] UID:36586 Activity:low |
3/8 "It was certainly an accident ... The car was traveling at a velocity that couldn't have been more than 40 kilometers (25 miles) per hour ... The government has a duty to point out that the reconstruction of the tragic event ... from the direct account of our secret service official who was with Dr. Calipari does not coincide, totally, with what has been said so far by the U.S. authorities." [Fini] said Calipari, an experienced officer who had negotiated the release of other hostages in Iraq in the past, "made all the necessary contacts with the U.S. authorities," both with those in charge of airport security and with the forces patrolling areas next to the airport. -G. Fini, Italian foreign minister (http://csua.org/u/bb0 CNN) Another article: [The security agent in the car] said that a light was flashed at the car after a curve and that gunfire -- lasting 10 or 15 seconds -- started immediately afterward, disputing U.S. military claims that several attempts were made to get the car to stop before shooting. |
2005/3/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:36587 Activity:high |
3/8 I'm in the process of writing a book called a Liberal's Guide To Become A Good Conservative. I need a list of suggestions. I'll start but I need your help: \_ If you post the same link to the motd enough times, everyone will eventually agree with you. If it starts to get deleted, just post the ip address. No one will think of that, because it's super-sneaky. \_ Never admit a mistake, you don't want to show your weaknesses \_ Show people that you believe God. God Bless America. \_ Religion works all the time. God Bless America. \_ You are more important than anyone else, screw what other people think. Sometimes the right decision [for me] is not a popular one \_ There is only good and evil. You're either with us or against us. \_ Use simple phrases, like MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! BRING 'EM ON!!! \_ If something goes wrong, just point your finger at someone! Like "CIA mislead me! It's not my fault." \_ Accept that you're good and that everything else is Liberal Bias. There is good and evil. Mormon is good. Everything else is evil. \_ Cut taxes. Talk about God a lot. To set policy on a particular topic such as healthcare or energy, invite business leaders to tell you what to do. \_ This should be a really easy book to write. All you need is one page, and it should just read "remove head from ass". \_ According to Tom Holub, the motd is a bastion of conservativism. And he's right -- look at all the help this thread has gotten so quickly! -- ilyas \_ uh, when did I say this? -tom \_ According to ilyas, motd is about him and tom holub. Just look at these two dominating motd. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! \_ Have some compassion for ilyas. He seems to have a very low self-esteem and he just needs acceptance. He is unsure of himself and covers up his esteem with quick snappy insults. And people like that usually have a history of being ridiculed or not being able to "fit in" in the physical world, so they find places that are less painful to be in, like motd. \_ I don't think ANYONE comes to the motd for acceptance. I come here for the laughs mostly. -- ilyas \_ yet you do not deny that you have a low self- esteem. You realise that people on motd usually laugh AT you, not with you, yes? \_ I admit everything! The motd inquisition got me, at last! -- ilyas \_ Give him... the comfy chair! \_ Don't EVER defend the queer, you'll lose lots of allies. \_ Don't EVER bring up boring statistics like "87 Billion dollars in Iraq will give you 100,000 teachers for 20 years" unless you want to bore your audiences to death. BORING!!! Instead, talk about GOD. \_ If someone makes fun of your intelligence (Democrats), they are immoral people. Talk with your gun (and oh thanks, NRA!) \_ Liberty is not free, and is the historical exception not the rule. \_ Odd one stands out, dummy. \_ Do NOT get an intern to suck your dick, it'll piss off Jesus' people \_ Remove your brain and trust your government. \_ Funny, I always thought that was the liberal/socialist view. \_ Correction: "Don't trust the government unless it trusts God" \_ If you get enough people to say it, anything, no matter how patently false, will sound convincing. |
2005/3/8-9 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:36588 Activity:kinda low |
3/8 This is funny. Italy demands US punish killers. They just don't understand us. Back in 1999 we acquitted a reckless pilot who killed 20 skiers, how DARE these fucking Italians demand anything. We Are Great, Manifest Destiny, and God Bless America. -conservative http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4328551.stm \_ The journalist they shot is very opinionated and left wing (she writes for Il Manifesto, I believe.) The whole sordid affair is a stupid, tragic mistake, and the dumb bitch (pardon me, but it really pisses me off) is really not helping anyone by agitating about it being a US conspiracy to avoid looking like they support compromises with hostage takers. I only wish they'd left her to rot and tried to free some of the poor bastard South Asian truck drivers or other innocent hostages instead. The thing with the pilot, on the other hand, was just a fucking travesty. -John \_ Do you think she's pretty good looking for a 57 year old? \_ Actually, if I got shot up by American soldiers just a half mile from the aiport when the three security guys around me were ecstatic and we had all the confidence in the world that the Americans knew we were coming -- and someone suddenly put a spotlight on our car and blasted us for 10-15 seconds, the chief negotiator died on my lap and I got shrapnel in the shoulder, I might say it was a conspiracy, too -- that the American grunts were told by someone higher up in the chain of command to expect bad guys in a car similar to ours, but otherwise naive to our arrival. But, a day or two later, I might say, you know, maybe I overreacted, and it was probably an accident. |
2005/3/8-10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:36589 Activity:nil |
3/8 Curious, did UK ever pass an anti-independence bill back in 1700's? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4331443.stm |
2005/3/8-10 [Recreation/Food] UID:36590 Activity:kinda low |
3/8 Please reccomend any good lunch spots in/around downtown Mountain View. Thanks. -foodie, but not a snob \_ When I worked on Ellis St. we used to eat at this little Italian place right off of Moffett Blvd called Mario's. Lots of reasonable places to eat on Castro as well. \_ Sushi Tomi (Dana east of Castro) isn't bad. Kapp's (Castro@Villa) has decent pizza. Amici's (Castro@High School) has good New York style pizza. Le Boulanger (next door) has good sandwiches. I would be interested in hearing reviews of the Mongolian BBQ place on Castro. Or just pick a cuisine and try someplace (and report back); you can find most reasonably-popular cuisines on Castro somewhere. (I'm more familiar with dinner places in the area.) -gm \_ Amarin Thai is pretty good. I heard Sue's is good Indian. Zucca is passable, but overpriced, but they do have decent Uozo/Rake. \_ I'd like to report the middle-eastern place on Castro between Villa and Dana is pretty good. -op \_ If you're not looking for fancy atmosphere but just want good food, check out Rose Market on Castro (a couple of blocks south of El Camino, which is not where most of the restaurants are). It's a middle eastern grocery store that has a counter in the back that serves really good Kabobs. \_ seconded \_ Sue's Indian is good, $10 buffet. \_ late post... mexican: taqueria los charros on dana (good inexpensive burritos, think la burrita, but way better, and not any more expensive), fiesta del mar, more expensive, but nicer food for the non-burrito. japanese: another vote for sushi tomi, and a vote for yakko sushi (dana, west of castro, kamei is decent and cheaper indian: sue's is pretty good, as mentioned above chinese: the dim sum at golden wok is decent, the rest of the chinese isn't worth mentioning thai: amarin has good lunches, house of krung siam is pretty good too. They kinda have to be, given that they're right next to each other and in the same price range. |
3/15 |