2005/2/25 [Uncategorized] UID:36409 Activity:nil |
2/25 w00t! |
2005/2/25 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:36410 Activity:low |
2/25 No more bittorrent for me :( http://money.cnn.com/2005/02/24/technology/hollywood_lawsuits.reut \_ eek. how does that work though? let's say someone puts up a web page with his "free e-book". But it's really an illegal copy. Clearly he's liable for the illegal distribution but what about users who downloaded it? Granted this isn't plausible in all cases. \_ just don't use bittorrent for those blockbuster movies, it seems |
2005/2/25 [Health/Women] UID:36411 Activity:high |
2/24 Hey ilya, is it true that in Russia, women <24 are skinny twigs, and over 40 old Olgas are "Mother Russia"? \_ I don't think ilyas is Russian \_ That's what I keep hearing. However, I left russia when I was young enough to not be paying attention to women, so I didn't really notice. -- ilyas \_ I was in Moscow and St. Petersburg ~2 years ago. I wasn't really all that impressed. What did astound me, though, was that a lot of very young girls were seriously jailbaiting (many of them while hanging out with mom.) -John |
2005/2/25 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:36412 Activity:very high |
2/25 Ever wondered what it's like to be a soldier in Iraq? What it's like to roam around the Iraqi street, to interact with the Iraqi people, and to be ambushed by enemies that you can't even see? Ever wondered how our soldiers retaliate? And ever wondered if the Iraqi people are really pro-USA or secretly pro-insurgents? I recommend "PSB Frontline- A Company of Soldiers." Watch it on PBS. If you can't then get it on torrent: http://www.mininova.org/get/10752/frontline022205.torrent This is neither pro-war or anti-war, it just shows you the way it is. \_ Some of us don't have to wonder. Some of us keep in touch with people in Iraq and Afghanistan. -- ilyas \_ Note you can know exactly what's going on in Iraq and Afghanistan and be either pro- or anti-Dubya. Bush is a moron, but he's a good guy. This tends to lead to mostly defendable intentions in foreign policy, but incredible mis-steps in execution occasionally. \_ Occasionally? name a non-misstep. intention is shit when one is so royally imcompetent. \_ He's not a "good guy". Who's not a good guy anyway? Who has mostly indefensible intentions in foreign policy? Idiotic. \_ I have an acquaintance coming back from Iraq this weekend for leave (US Army). He has told me before that the Iraqis are overwhemingly pro-USA. It only takes a few dufuses (Saddam's ex-dufuses) to create trouble. I'm sure he'll have more to say than fits in his usual letters. \_ I think it entirely depends on where you are stationed. The Kurds love us, the Sunnis hate us, in Baghdad it depends on the neighborhood. \_ Please tell him thanks and that he's appreciated. \_ poor guy, he's a victim of Bush's incompetence \_ 1. He is career military and it beats paperwork. 2. He find values in doing things like handing out books to kids who never had them. \_ Seconded. There are lots of us back home who really value his service. \_ Thanks for sharing this info. In the video an Iraqi civilian gets killed and one of the soldier said "Shit, I got a ... collateral damage. God damnit, someone call civilian ambulence." Then they quickly run away as to not get ambushed. Later on there was some intelligence that indicate that the family of the killed civilian is pretty mad at US soldiers and is planning to do something for revenge. So let me ask you this, is there really a fine line between the good guys and the bad guys? I mean, couldn't it be possible that regular civilians get mad and join the insurgents, or the other way around? \_ You're a few wars behind.. Welcome to the reality based community. \_ No. In the Crusades you had the good guys and the bad guys and it's easy to distinguish between the two. In WW1 WW2 you had the Axis vs. the Allies, and it's easy to distinguish between the two. \_ Were the Crusaders the good guys or the bad guys? \_ The answer is in Indiana Jones. \_ Uh, oh, you're going to overload ilyas' binary reasoning circuit. \_ what reasoning is that? That he's right and you're wrong that I'm hollier than thou Bush-like reasoning? \_ Sure, it happens but not in large numbers. Most of the people there are like people here. They just want to be left alone to live their lives. They don't want to be a part of anyone's revolution, but they certainly hated Saddam. \_ 100,000 is not a large number??? \_ Try >200k. \_ 25 million people live in Iraq, and I doubt the number of peaceful civilians who suddenly took up arms is 100,000. They are ex-military, foreigners, and others with an agenda. \_ Hint: the insurgency has grown steadily. The longer we are there, the more we're seen as occupiers, the more people will take up arms. Yes, there are outsiders, but the majority are iraqis. They gave us a year of relative calm. When the electricty and water didn't come back on, they came at us harder. \_ What makes you think it has grown in numbers? Links? |
2005/2/25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:36413 Activity:nil 66%like:34944 |
2/25 Clean up /csua/tmp |
2005/2/25 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:36414 Activity:nil |
2/25 Hey, I got my second FireFox 1.0.1 (WinXP) seg fault within 24 hours. Can someone with 1.0.1 try this link and tell me if it crashes their browser? http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/05/breaking2453427.0368055557.html \_ Does it seg fault in 1.0? \_ 1.0 only crashed once a week or so for me. I'll try to re-install 1.0.1 given what people wrote ... \_ No seg fault, but the pop-up blew right past the pop-up blocker. \_ No seg fault for me despite the nasty popups. \_ yeah the pop-up stopper is broken, and in fact I've noticed this for a while. I thought the pop-up stopper was superior over any other pop-up stoppers. I guessed wrong :( \_ I run FF 1.0 and LavaSoft Ad-Watch together. FF 1.0 blocked many more pop-ups than Ad-Watch. I guess I won't switch to FF 1.0.1 until its problems are cleaned up. \_ 1.0.1 on OSX also allows this pop-up through, FYI. \_ Okay, it was crashing because I had the flashblock extension installed (prevents Macromedia Flash ads from running unless you click on them). They released a new version of flashblock on Feb 23 that fixes crashes. Now Firefox + flashblock doesn't crash with that link. (Yeah, that's the only extension I'm running.) -op |
2005/2/25-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Python] UID:36415 Activity:low |
2/25 Any python guys on the motd? I'm trying to find a python equivalent to $/ (the perl input record separator) so that I can parse a file with odd record separators (ie, not \n). The data I got on google suggests that no such thing exists, but those posts were from 2003. Has support for this been added of late? \_ string.split('record_sep_char') I think. \_ Problem with this is having to read in data blocks from the file, because otherwise there's an implicit split on \n (which my records contain). \_is the file really big? f = open("/usr/dict/words") f.read().split('record_sep_char') I'm curious too if there's a better answer \_ I don't do much work in Python so I don't know if this will actually work, but my copy of Python in a Nutshell mentions the os module has an attribute linesep which is set to '\n' on Unix and '\r\n' on Windows. What happens if you try to set that attribute to your desired separator before sucking in your file? -dans |
2005/2/25 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:36416 Activity:high |
2/25 Wired, how far you have fallen: http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.03/view.html?pg=5 \_ What the fuck are you talking about? \_ Wired used to be techno-libertarian, this is written by a Euro Socialist. \_ Lessig is a Euro Socialist? Wow. \_ Op-ed piece about tech stuff, mildly sensationalist, about something of import to geek types? Sounds like Wired. -John \_ Once again the invisible hand of the "free" market gives us the finger. \_ OK, dude, very basic again for those of you who were asleep in Econ 100A&B: collusion, government lobbying, anything like that is NOT the invisible hand, the free market, capitalism, or anything along those lines. Thank you, you may now go back to sleep. -John \_ in other words, there's no such thing as the free market, thus we can stop relying on it to solve our problems. -tom \_ Haha. Let's play a game called 'spot the flaw.' -- ilyas \_ w00t! \_ How about "spot the twit." Hey, it's ilyas! I win! -tom \_ w00t! You both get a "w00t!" for entertaining the rest of us. A grateful motd thanks you both. \_ This is how every implementation of capitalism has been. \_ Yeah, this kind of sounds like the people who defend communism. But in a perfect world... \_ Whyis a regular op-ed column by one of the most respectable legal scholars on constitutional and cyberspace law a problem? -dans \_ An article showing corporate corruption in government, applicable to tech stuff, this is inappropriate/wrong for what reason? \_ I agree with the article. The government can do something better than private enterprises because they are fundamentally different. Private enterprises are there to make money, governments are there to serve. If a company can suck $100 out of you, they will not sell for $99. Governments on the other hand just need to cover their cost. \_ At the same time, governments are technically not looking for max profit, so they have less of a incentive to minimize cost and maximize efficiency. The company may want to sell it for $100, but could sell it for $80 and a competitor is selling for $85 so it sells it for $80. The author has a point that if the government CAN do it cheaper/better and it is for a service/product that makes sense, it should. Making laws prohibiting it from doing that just because it eats into the bottom line of some corporation is not a good enough justification for not doing it. \_ Thanks for the link, it is somewhat interesting. While we're on this topic, may I suggest an excellent documentary that talks about similar topics? "The Corporation" is an extraordinary film about the creation of the American corporation, its legal organizational model, its global economic dominance, and its incredible ambition to influence every aspect of culture in its unrelenting pursuit of profit. You can rent it in Blockbuster, Netflix, or buy it on http://Amazon.com \_ you can get a preview here: http://www.mininova.org/get/4719/The.Corporation.DVDRip.XVID.avi.torrent |
2005/2/25-27 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:36417 Activity:nil |
2/25 http://www.tennis-x.com/story/2005-02-25/n.php Proper courting behavior indeed http://www.elitestv.com/pub/2005/Feb/EEN421f5ecb61b68.html |
2005/2/25-27 [Industry/Startup] UID:36418 Activity:moderate |
2/25 I heard a rumour that Yahoo was deliberately targeting employees with lots of stock options to make their bottom line look better. Is there any truth to this??? \_ Targeting how? \_ Firing them. \_ And how would that help their bottom line? \_ They need to exercise their options within 30 days of getting fired or they lose them? -!op \_ Stock options are now expensed. \_ The company already issued them so they are going to take the one-time charge whether they are exercised or not. I don't see how firing people prevents this after-the-fact. |
2005/2/25-27 [Consumer/TV] UID:36419 Activity:low |
2/25 What is the standard resolution of NTSC and PAL videos? How about DVD and HDTV (is HDTV the same resolution as DVD?) How about those new S-video plugs, what kind of signal/resolution do they carry? \_ google wikipedia { NTSC | PAL | DVD | HDTV } have phun It's roughly ntsc 640x480, pal 720x486, dvd 720x480, hdtv 720p=1280x720, 1080i=1920x1080 interlaced. S-video? That's NTSC era. If you are going to use HD, you want HDMI, DVI, component in that order of preference. -ax \_ NTSC DVD is 720x480. PAL DVD is 720x576. NTSC video and PAL video are both analog formats and don't have "pixels". NTSC has roughly 480 horizontal scanlines (and PAL, 576), but the resolution in each row is highly dependent on the quality of the source. --jameslin |
2005/2/25-27 [Science/Battery, Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:36420 Activity:nil |
2/25 Stupid question, how is the 2300mah on my AA battery different from the 4500mah on my laptop battery? Is it the voltage? If I take 2 of my AA NiMH battery and add it up, the capacity is larger than my laptop battery's rated mah.... \_ mAh is basically how much charge is available at a rated voltage. Total energy stored is maH*Volts. Since your AA batery is 1.5V and the laptop's is around 15, the laptop's battery has about 20 times as much energy as an AA battery. You could approximate a laptop battery with 2 columns of 10 AA batteries in series. (DO NOT attempt this) \_ what will happen? \_ Laptop batteries have 3 or 4 pins to allow them to monitor and control charging. Leaving these pins free is not in the laptop design. Also, laptop batteries are not exactly 15V, some are 13.2 and others are 18.6 or whatever. Getting it wrong could let out all the smoke in your circuits. \_ Feed the columns of AA batteries to the inlet for the AC adaptor. \_ OK, if you got the voltage and polarity right that would work. -pp |
2005/2/25-27 [Computer/Networking] UID:36421 Activity:moderate |
2/25 What is the smallest (physical and price) cisco router that can handle BGP? It should be able to have more than 256 ram. \_ When you say ``handle BGP'', do you mean supports the bgp protocol or supports enough ram to keep a reasonable (what do you consider to be reasonable) number of routes in memory? Do you want to be peering at PAIX, or do you just need a router to run the T1 line for your house? 256 megs is a *LOT* of RAM for a router and more than you would ever reasonably need to run your home T1 line. The 1760 is a reasonably good entry-level/consumer grade router, but it maxes out at 96 megs. The 2691 appears to support 256 megs. -dans \_ I mean "supports enough ram to keep a reasonable number of routes in memory." I shouldn't have mentioned price, I have changed it to be just physical. I don't understand why a router running bgp between two networks memory needs to be multi-u. Isn't one of the advantages of having a "do one thing" box is that it can be small? Anyway, I want a commercial grade cisco router. I do plan to multi home my IP address, so that if one colo goes down my precious pron server will still be up at ISP number 2. (I know, the ISP has to cooperate, and i'm kidding about the pronness) \_ You need to define what you consider to be a reasonable number of routes. Based on that you can calculate the amount of memory you need. My (still largely uninformed) off the cuff answer based on the above would be something from the 2600 series, which, I believe, are all 1U. -dans \_ why would you run BGP out of your house? is there any reason to run BGP unless you are multi-homed? Don't you need some unique ID (ARIN or something-erother) to be multi-homed? \_ so he can learn how it works? \_ Look, I'm not the one asking for the ``smallest ... cisco router that can handle BGP [that] should be able to have more than 256 ram.'' As for why one might run BGP out of one's house: a) maybe you're a practitioner of the better homes and colo facilities phenomenon b) yes, there are other reasons to run BGP than being multi-homed (details left as an exercise for the reader, hint IBGP) i) Those reasons aside, I said something about using a router to run a T1 line, *I* never said anything about running BGP out of your house. The `unique ID' you are referring to is an Autonomous System Number or ASN. You need one if you want to announce a routeable ip address block on the internet. -dans |
2005/2/25-27 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/Networking] UID:36422 Activity:low |
2/25 Hi motd. A friend of mine wants to keep her AOL e-mail address (or set up forwarding) since she got a cable modem. From what I found on http://aol.com, it sounds like she wants to switch from AOL Dial-up ($24/month) to AOL Broadband ($15/month). Is this the right way (I guess via AOL account management or calling them up)? Is there a cheaper way? Anyone have any experience? Thanks! \_ Tell your friend to let go and get a better permanent email address. @aol.com is a sign of stupidity. \_ What do you recommend? I was thinking @cal.berkeley.edu, but when you send e-mail from your ISP account, people will start using the ISP e-mail and forget about the @cal.berkeley.edu account. Yahoo! e-mail (gmail still being in beta) is all that comes to mind. -op \_ Umm, google doesn't seem to have the same concept of "beta" as the rest of the world. To steal a joke from some blog: You should just think of "beta" as a hip type of product. like "loose-fit" vs. "boot-cut" jeans. \_ Don't be so dense. You set it as the reply to address, or better, the from address (though those loser webmail services may not let you do that). \_ Set the From address in outlook. \_ To the two posters above: reply-to is something I thought of already -- basically the issue is that some friends will see the ISP e-mail address in the From: and a number end up using that. I thought you would be smart enough to see this problem, at least without insulting me, which is why I didn't write about it in the first place. As for From:, don't most ISPs these days have blocks on modifying this? modifying this? -op \_ No, they don't block modifying the From: header since it's something damn near every mail client on the planet has been able to do for nearly a decade, and if they started to block mail based on From: headers it would cost them literally millions in customer support calls, and, yes, you are dense if you believe this is happening. Perhaps you're confusing it with the increasingly common and far more lame practice of an ISP blocking port 25 outright forcing customers to use its own smtp servers sxclusively. \_ No, I'm not confusing modifying the From: header with blocking port 25 outright by default (which SBC Yahoo! DSL just enacted as you already know). I honestly think Comcast does the From: checks to alleviate spoofing, but I guess I can check up on this to see if it's still true. -op \_ Comcast != most ISP's. Perhaps you're thinking of SPF (or the functionally equivalent thing Microsoft is (was?) pushing)? -pp \_ No I am not thinking of SPF or Microsoft's thing. When I say "most ISPs", I am not referring to absolute number of ISPs, big and small -- I am referring to ISPs that users are most likely to be using, such as Comcast cable Internet or SBC Yahoo! DSL. Perhaps I should have written "Comcast and SBC Yahoo! DSL" instead of "most ISPs". Anyways, I didn't just dream up of From: address blocking. It did happen, with something that wasn't out in left-field. ... was it uclink? -op \_ Bugger if I know, I barely ever used uclink even when I was on campus regularly. -pp \_ Anyways, looks like with Comcast cable, custom From: addresses works fine. And she can use that with @cal.berkeley.edu. -op \_ I have comcast and have my own From field. It works fine. \_ Thanks! -op \_ I have just given up and started using SMTP forwarding from my email provider rather than trying to munge from addresses. If your ISP blocks SMTP, try it w/ TLS or get it unblocked? Where there is a will, there is a way. \_ meant to add, I use "msmtp" sendmail replacement to use w/ a linux mail client. \_ My folks did something like that ... just call up customer service and they can switch you to a bring-your-own-access type service. |
2005/2/25 [Science/Physics] UID:36423 Activity:very high |
2/25 Is anti-matter and dark matter the same thing? Thx. \_ Is our children learning? \_ No they ain't. As to original question, not at all. \_ No, you're wrong. Technically speaking dark-matter could be the "same" as anti-matter if it turns out to be composed of neutrinos. Since neutrinos are their own anti-particle you could say that dark matter is composed of anti-matter. Right now we don't know what dark matter is. Perhaps it could be composed primarily of some sort of anti-matter. Nobody knows. \_ "More seldom than not, the movies gives us exquisite sex and wholesome violence, that underscores our values. Every two child did. I will." \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimatter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter \_ Dark matter is quite different from normal baryonic matter and anti-matter. There are several views on what exactly anti-matter is, but in general it can be though of as matter that is composed of particles that are similar to protons and electrons except that they have the opposite charge (ex. positron is an electron with a + charge). Dark matter is completely different. It interacts with regular matter very weakly and is probably not composed of any sort of known particles. Dark matter's presence is mostly inferred from gravitational anomalies in the rotation of galaxies. Some newer experiments are trying to detect dark matter based on nuclear interactions, but so far nothing has turned up. \_ There was some /. story recently on something that looks like an entire galaxy composed entirely of dark matter. Dark matter has a bit of a 'magic blue smoke' quality to it, imo. -- ilyas \_ I agree. The entire dark-matter/dark-energy discussion reminds me a lot about the cosmic ether discussions prior to SR. It seems like the universe is telling us something fundamental and physicists want to shoe-horn it into the standard model. BTW, how did they detect a dark matter galaxy? \_ I am not a specialist, so I don't know (the article didn't really explain it well). Obviously using some indirect way involving gravity, coupled with noticing there are no stars there. -- ilyas \_ If you are talking about the recent results re VIRGOHI21, my understanding is that it was a radio telescope search looking for H emission lines. Also this isn't a dark matter galaxy but a dark galaxy (basically a huge cloud of H w/o many stars). \_ I would be very surprised if you could get a cloud of H to behave like a galaxy without any star formation. -- ilyas \_ How much dark matter is in a liter of the air next to you? If none, how much dark matter is there in a liter of volume of deep space? If negligible, about how much volume of deep space would you need to get one particle of dark matter? \_ IIRC current estimates are that each second every square meter of the earth passes through 1e9 dark matter particles. \_ That means 1 liter has ~ one million dark matter particles! I am swimming in dark matter! \_ In comparison a liter of water has ~ 1e25 water molecules. \_ If we take 1 liter of air, I'm getting ~ 4 particles of dark matter for every trillion molecules of air. Is that right? \_ Sort of. Dark matter is "there" but it doesn't interact w/ regular matter. It just passes through your body (and pretty much everything else) as if it wasn't even there. \_ Hmmm, so the motd is dark-matter. If we put ilyas and tom together, would they explode? \_ I think that you are confusing a few concepts. Dark matter is weakly interacting and does not affect normal matter except via its gravitation effect. The following works a bit better: the motd is space-time, ilyas is matter, tom is anti-matter. If they both meet on the motd you will get an uncontrollable burst of energy that will destroys everything in its path. \_ If the only way to detect dark matter so far is from gravitational anomalies, how do they know that dark matter is in the form of discrete particles (or wave-particles like the way normal particles are in quantum physics)? \_ If you really want to know, look online in a source that does not consist of computer science people. There is much bullshit in the above answers, and I have become tired of having flamewars with morons on the motd about physics. Look on the websites of the various darkmatter searches out there, and they should have good explanations of what they're looking for and why. \_ is dark matter like the Force? \_ Not everyone agrees that dark matter is made of particles. The leading theory is from the super-symmetry people who think that one of the particles in their theory, the neutralino, fits the dark matter bill. FYI, SciAm had some decent articles on this topic a few months back. |
2005/2/25 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:36424 Activity:kinda low |
2/25 This is what Palestinians mean when they say "cease fire": http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4299609.stm \_ The bomb was planted by a militant group that never agreed to the ceasefire, and is actively trying to sabotage negotiations. Same old shit... \_ except Arafat is dead now \_ Anyone who thought that was going to change much of anything was living in a fantasy world. Both the Israelies and the Palestinians are paralyzed by the demands of their hard line factions - the idea that the death of one man would change that seems a bit silly. |
2005/2/25-3/1 [Uncategorized] UID:36425 Activity:nil |
2/25 Looking for mid-level desktop support. If interested, email resume to resumes@goodvibes.com \_ $14/hr? Do you get "other" benefits? \_ It's $14.07/hr \_ Wow, that's like what, $30,000 per year? \_ With the current Social Security system, you will have lost $3,651/month versus private accounts! You would have had $700,148 in your private account when you retired! \_ Actually, with private investing getting around $700,000 is not exactly hard. I'm not saying you'll get that much just sticking it in a bond market fund at 3.25%, but if you invest wisely you can easily get that if you dump around $100,000 in a well balanced portfolio for 30 odd years, as long as you are willing to ride the dips with the rises in the S&P. |
2005/2/25-28 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:36426 Activity:nil |
2/25 Looking for a webcam that is Mac-compatible and preferably comes with an easy to use software that lets you save a snap shot every 3-4 seconds to the HD so that I can put it on the web site. Again it's gotta be Mac-compatible (my Logitech QuickCam 3000 doesn't come with supported Mac drivers, and the free unsupported SourceForge driver crashes after about 10 minutes). Thanks. \_ Um, iSight? |
2005/2/25 [Uncategorized] UID:36427 Activity:high |
2/25 For those of you old enouogh to remember the 80's: Fry's has Macgyver Season 1 on sale for $20. The Fry's on Arques still has several copies left. \_ My wife and I watched the whole run on USA several months ago. Best TV show ever. \_ Your wife's name wouldn't be Aunt Selma, would it? |
2005/2/25-28 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW] UID:36428 Activity:low |
2/25 Hello video experts, I've been using DVD2AVI to convert VOBs to AVI and WAV and then combining them using TMPGEnc, which I thought was free. Today, it says "MPEG-2 expires after 30 days due to licensing issues, please buy this product." What the hell? What are other alternatives out there? \_ mpeg2 is not free. \_ TMPGEnc provides free MPEG1 encoding, but MPEG2 is not free. You need to pay for TMPGEnc Plus. Both TMPGEnc Plus and CCE Basic are around $50. Incidentally, using DVD2AVI to generate AVI files isn't a great idea. Also, if your goal is to go DVD->DVD, then why not use DVDShrink? \_ Actually my goal is simply DVD(mpeg2) to VCD(mpeg1), I got mixed up so it's cool. By the way it's quite tedious to split the DVD into AVI/WAV then combining them, is there an easier way? \_ You're not actually supposed to create an AVI with dvd2avi (despite its name; they've now renamed it to get people to to stop using that misfeature), since that's just going to be a collosal waste of HDD space. The usual way is to save the project file (.d2v) and then open that (usually using AviSynth, but I think the current version of TMPGEnc can open it directly). --jameslin |
2005/2/25-28 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:36429 Activity:low |
2/25 To people running VM Ware, how much memory do you have? I have p4-1.7 and 256mb and its slow. How much memory do I need? \_ A lot. You are running 2 operating systems. I'd double your RAM at a minimum and more is better. \_ Two OS's plus VMWare itself. \_ 256 MB of RAM is not that much. If you're using a Windows host, it's barely enough for even that one OS. \_ 1 GB. RAM is SO cheap. Get plenty. \_ My stupid machine at work uses Rambus memory, fuck. \_ I've heard that when you run VMWare, it's even faster to disable your host virtual memory so that you don't get double swapped (where your host AND your virtual machine swaps at the same time). Is this really true and has anyone benchmarked this? \_ I run a 192 mb linux server as guest with windows as host on 256 seems to work fine, though I only use the linux os remotely and haven't tried doing real work on the windows box at the same time --darin \_ I've always wondered if you can run a simple client on a P100 and hook it up on a Win based server |
2005/2/25-27 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:36433 Activity:high |
2/25 Best... Freeper... Post... Ever.... http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1350645/posts \_ What...the...fuck...? I don't even understand the intent of the post or of any of the replies enough to even make fun of them. \_ wow wtf is that? tangent: kids with flags and uniforms make me sick. \_ I feel a great swelling of pride... in not being one of those people. \_ On the other hand, you post here. \_ Touche'. \_ The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Mom in the upper right corner is just too perfect. \_ Since you all seemed unable to figure this out, the thread is for the morale of troops who visit the site, of which there are a significant number. So, my reply is you all are pricks. Do you mock the USO as well? \_ Posting morale boosters for the troops to freep is akin to having your anti-war rally blessed by UBL. I mean, sure, the sentiment is there, but it's still ick. \_ Bad analogy. There are probably quite a few soldiers who read and enjoy freerepublic, and appreciate the support. The idiocy in the freeper post isn't idiotic because it's a freeper post or because it is intended to support or entertain the troops, it's idiotic because it's idiotic. |
3/15 |