2/13 We just got SBC yahoo DSL and can't send http://socrates.berkeley.edu or
calmail mail with Eudora anymore. We already changed SMTP server over
as per help page suggestion. Anybody else had trouble with this?
\_ http://support.sbcglobal.net/article.php?item=4640
\_ Thanks but we already changed the SMTP server over, which is what
above article is mostly about, and we still can't
send via socrates or calmail. I'm wondering whether we should just
cancel before the intro period is over.
\_ They pulled this shit on my mother last week, and I wasted a good
4 or 5 hours of my life trying to figure out how she could have
screwed up her email. Instead it was SBC fucking things up.
\_ You should be angry at the spammers for forcing SBC to do
this, rather than SBC.
\_ wrong. there were any number of ways SBC could have
approached the problem. they made the most brain-dead
decision which would piss off the widest array of
\_ The truth is actually a little worse. They approached
the problem by making it conspicuously more difficult to
send email by means other than their proprietary
browser/mailer...which exists primarily to harvest
marketing data and re-direct people to sponsored material
a la AOL. I suppose that's what to expect from the
cheapest DSL provider, though.
\_ Are you the kind of person who feels ok stealing online
music because "that's how it ought to be anyway"? Use
the service as it's provided, or don't use it at all.
\_ It's against the TOS, the TOS are stupid, there are
better ways of doing this, this has nothing at all
to do with stealing music, switch ISPs and tell them
to go fuck themselves sideways, tell all your
friends to switch (I would--remember that maxim
about each dissatisfied customer equalling 13 p.o'ed
customers? SBC might not..) write them a letter
explaining that you're switching and why, and wash
your hands of it, don't give money for shitty
service, don't argue with braindead "take-it-or-
leave-it" morons, enjoy your day. -John
\_ This was a change in service that breaks a commonly
used feature. Do you liken Dynamic DNS and running
your own mail server to stealing music? Or even if
running your own server was against TOS, connecting
to an authorized SMTP server with your browser was
not. This was stupid. Plain and simple.
\_ Would you say that it's ok to race in a rental
car, even though it's against the TOS? The SBC
TOS is clear in that customers are not to run
*any* servers. If you don't like it, find another
dsl provider.
\_ Meyers, are you being obtuse deliberately?
Yes, it stops spammers from sending out mail.
But they had infinite options to curb the
problem, and they picked the one that pissed
off the most people. And did you just not read
the post before answering? Are you getting
kickbacks from SBCi?
\_ See, this is where you have your head up
your ass. They do not have infinite options.
I have run an ISP and stopping your users
from sending spam is techinically very
from sending spam is technically very
hard. I am curious what you think would
be easier to implement that would work
just as well and would piss off less
\_ I agree that running a private mail server
for the household is hardly a strain on
the bandwidth you pay for, but SBC (and
Comcast, etc) spell out what they allow for
how the connection can be used. It's
funny listening to how much motd-types are
sticklers for the exact letter of the law
or a contract, until it becomes
inconvenient for them. But hey, let the
free market decide, right? -meyers
\_ You're missing the point; SBC is blocking
*outgoing* connections to port 25, not
incoming connections to mail servers.
(They might be blocking connections to
mail servers, too, but that's not the
issue posed.) I'm sure using Eudora is
not against the TOS.
\_ No, the point is SBC defines what
their service includes, and if you
don't like it you can find another
provider. Where are the defenders
of the free market?? -meyers
\_ The free market has been
mathematically proven to produce
sub-optimal results. -tom
\_ Wow, you seem really smart.
\_ Read the op's post below. Reread the
above post.
\_ Although I'm sure the SBC policy is
very clear on this one wonders what
actually constitutes a "server" vs.
a "client" when everyone is utilizing
P2P to distribute crap. Remember, the
letter of the law is hardly ever
clear, which is why lawyers get paid.
\_ Why don't you just put together a
fund to deport the whiny users to
canada? Then you don't even have to
really address the issue at all.
\_ Actually, I'd rather you apply for
the fund. It's better to deport
morons like you who attempt
non sequitor comments.
\_ How's this for a non sequitur:
\_ Oooh! I like that one!
\_ Speaking of morons, maybe you
should learn to spell.
\_ Woohoo! The old
spelling insult! There
should be some law
similar to Godwin's that
refers to spelling.
\_ And pronouncing Nuclear.
\_ Oh, wait...how did you
pronounce that again?
I'd ding you on it,
but since motd is
I'll just have to
assume that you
pronounced it wrong.
\_ I was replying to
the "Godwin's law"
comment. I guess
some dumbass used
motdedit. Dumbass
\_ MOTD inded has become the
lowest form of what Cal has
to offer when one is atacked
on a typo. Here's a quartur,
go buy yourself a brin,
atach it to your moth,
learn how to use the former
with the later, and stop
spewing out BS. -williamc
\_ *yawn* Train harder,
\_ Of course, this rather
assumes that I think
you're worth the effort.
\_ Exactly. I think the cable modem
TOS forbids running code from a
remote machine. Woudln't this mean
the customer can't run Java applets?
\_ Oh good grief. We're not running a server. My
wife is just trying to send and receive email
on her university accounts. But, as you say,
we may cancel SBC since the port 25 blocking
may make it more trouble to use than it is
worth. -op
\_ All you have to do is make a very slight
change to Eudora to send your wife's email
through the Yahoo mail proxy. I am pretty
surprised that it took you 4 hours to
figure this out.
\_ Good man. I think ISPs taking this sort of
action are lazy and technically ignorant.
They're not interested in a solution; there
are other, better ways of doing things if
they were, but rather, want to sell
"business" connections. Please write them
a very clear letter _why_ you are switching
providers, and that you are telling all
your friends to do the same. -John
\_ I'm not sure that expecting email to work is
that unreasonable. -!pp
\_ SBC is now blocking port 25 traffic to SMTP servers other than its
own. You can request to have your connection unblocked. -tom
\_ Got it. That must be the "Abuse of Service" form. Thanks, tom.
\_ Alternatively, some servers also offer port 587 for sending mail,
the idsg pages mention that (and it worked for me when SBC
started blocking, I didn't know about that form...)
\_ Would some of those servers include, say, calmail?
\_ Why don't you check for yourself?
\_ Or just try it - I'm using gateway.eecs, but another
server at UC Davis was configured the same way, it might
be a default server config now. Just change from port
25 to 587, and see if it works... |