2005/2/7 [Computer/Domains, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:36082 Activity:nil |
2/06 [Trimmed.] \_ yep. here's some spamassassin debug output: debug: SPF: checking HELO (helo=soda.csua.berkeley.edu, debug: SPF: trimmed HELO down to 'berkeley.edu' debug: SPF: query for / result: softfail... \_ Ouch, that would do it. You might want to report this as a bug to the spamassassin people. \_ Well, we should also add an spf record for http://soda.csua.berkeley.edu, instead of just for csua... \_ open bug since last october :( http://bugzilla.spamassassin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3859 \_ Yeah, I saw that. I'd submit a new bug report, though -- yours is a much clearer-cut case, and might be more likely to get a response. |
2005/2/7 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:36083 Activity:nil |
2/6 One of those "programs" that must be "redundant" http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/07/politics/07budget.html |
2005/2/7 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:36084 Activity:nil |
2/7 Does anyone else have a gmail account with 50 (yes 50) gmail invitations to give out? Last time I checked, which was probably friday or so, I only had 6. \_ Huh. You're right. I know I had 6 last week, but now I have 50. |
2005/2/7-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Python] UID:36085 Activity:nil |
2/7 What's the point of having os.getcwd() and os.path.abspath() in python? It seems that abspath() does everything getcwd() does and more. Is that not true? \_ Yes. Probably abspath calls getcwd and getcwd was implemented first. Probably just artifacts left over from language development, like deprecated crap in Java. |
2005/2/7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:36086 Activity:high |
2/7 I thought it was just me, but yes, the Superbowl was that boring (ads included) that there is nothing to post on the motd. At least last year the half-time show was exciting. \_ So I take it Paul McCartney's pants didn't fall off? \_ Yes, it was boring and painful to watch. \_ You didn't see ilyas on the motorcycle in the truck commercial? \_ Uhm, last I met ilyas he had more than 2 teeth. \_ The only thing I know about the Superbowl is when I came into the office this morning, and my colleague told me I've won $25 on the Superbowl pool. To think that back in the old days, I can memorize the entire Cowboys, 49ers and Packers rosters. \_ Got yourself a life, did you? Congrats. \_ I don't know about that. These days I have 3 bosses - work, church and my smart, beautiful and kind hearted girlfriend who is, unfor- tunately, also ambitious career-wise and rather demanding of me, so I still don't have a life. She is currently back in Taiwan for the holidays, so I get to have a one week break. I already miss her though. Sigh ... I even missed the Cal-USC game to go shopping with her and her roommate. The things you do for love .... \_ Sounds like "life" to me. What you said is pretty much what I meant. \_ Way to sneak in the fact that you have a gf. \_ Where's bdg when we need him? \_ My guess: married again. \_ I would rather be boiled in oil with molten lead being poured on my head than be married. \_ Your "kind hearted" g/f forced you to go shopping with her during the Cal-USC game??? You are so pussy whipped dude. \_ :( She didn't force me. I just decided not to mention about it. My gf is very kind. I mentioned some dish that I like, and she made it the day before she left for Taiwan. She's so sweet. But you are right, I usually listen to my gf. \_ How long have you been going out? You just sound infatuated to me. Which is nice, but it doesn't last forever. \_ 5 months. I am infatuated. She's the love of my life: The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. - Matthew 13:44-46 \_ Please report back in 5 years. \_ I will keep my soda brothers posted every now and then. \_ You are confusing lust with religion. That's okay though, lots of people do. \_ I think you may be projecting your own lust onto someone else. \_ Where's the right-wing "all women are whores" guy? \_ You don't have to be a right-wing nut to think that all women are whores. The fundamental relationship reality is that the male is essentially an ATM card, there to be exploited to provide material comfort and security. The trick for the female is to suffer the least amount of inconvenience and discomfort while extracting the greatest gain from the male. \_ Hey, BDG is back! \_ The thing is my gf actually comes from a rich family, but she is herself very thrifty. She disapproves when her brothers spend too much money. I also thinks she spends too much time returning stuff to walmart, meijers, outlet, etc. due to her finding a better price somewhere else. I have to keep reminding her that time is money. She gets a lot of joy from finding really good deals ($14 boots, $4 dress pants, etc.). However, she is very generous towards others. She is bringing back 140lbs (2 max weight luggages) worth of gifts for her family and relatives in Taiwan. I make fun of her and says she looks like a refugee with the 2 huge luggages. She is also generous to friends here in the US. She cooks food for others when they get sick, etc. That's why I say she is my dream girl. \_ I found the opening ceremony disturbing because of the facist overtones. Am I the only one? fascist overtones. Am I the only one? \_ Yes. Bill Clinton, the men who landed in France on D-Day, and the Tuskegee airmen = Fascists? Oh, this is Berkeley. \_ You don't know much about the history of fascism, do you? The marching out of war vets, the honoring of the aged, now retired leader, the ranks of troops lined up with precision, the airplanes screaming overhead, the chorus singing songs of national pride in a reverent, almost religious fashion... these are all straight out of fascism's playbook. I am really disappointed in your education that you do not recognize this, but I am not surprised. You probably never get out of a computer lab. \_ Uhm, use a dictionary and look up: patriotism, nationalism, and fascism. You sound like a happily indoctrinated berkeley liberal. -!pp \_ You sound like you are ignorant of history. Pick up _The_Rise_And_Fall_Of_The_Third_Reich and read about the use of mass spectacle as a means of political indoctrination. And if you seriously don't think that nationalism and fascism are just differences of a degree then you are more ignorant and dangerous than I realized. nationalism: the doctrine that your national culture and interests are superiour to any other http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism \_ The difference is that I can actually think critically. \_ Maybe you can and maybe you can't. But you haven't demostrated that ability so far. \_ Wow, so because I don't agree with your wack opinion, I'm not showing 'critical thinking'? I may or may not have used good critical thinking, but it's absolutely clear that you have no clue what it is. It's okay to admit that you're wrong, dude -- it won't make you look any sillier than you already do. \_ Critical thinking is not demonstrated by hurling one sentence insults at people, which is all you had done up until this point. At least now I know you can construct an entire paragraph, but you still cannot develop an argument that consists of anything other than an Ad hominem attack followed by a logical fallacy. So no, you have still not demonstrated any evidence of "critical thinking." Here's a hint: display the slightest willingness or inclination to consider anything other than the spoon fed mainstream stance you have so far will show you have taken the first step. PS Go back and re-read the initial question that prompted your overemotional reply and consider that the aforementioned statement was actually very tentative and personal and asked a question. Any belief that it inferred anything else was a comprehension error on your part. \_ Uhm, it's the motd. What is there to get emotional about? You're the one that's posting novels after receiving replies repudiating your patronizing assertions to berkeley u/grads. If the tone of the conversation is upsetting to you, perhaps you should look to your own comments first. \_ No, it is not upsetting me. I am just having fun with the discussion. Hopefully, mr. critical thinking is too. \_ Truthfully, Mr Critical Thinking thinks the whole conversation is amusing and silly. -MCT \_ Proof that a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. \_ Proof that ignorance is bliss. \_ Yes, remembering the Tuskegee airmen is going to mobilize our country into a totalitarian state. You are so wise. \_ Is that all you saw in the warm up show? A memorial to Tuskegee airmen? \_ From the people who brought us 'Dick Cheney = neocon'. Btw, I think if Americans can truly be indoctrinated into something evil with circuses we are truly fucked regardless. Trying to fight spectacles would be like trying to fight a symptom, not the disease. -- ilyas \_ I...I...think I agree with this. How can this BEEEEEEEE! DEAR GOD, HOW?!? \_ If your talking about the re-enactment of the Declaration signing I would say, not facist, but definitely corny and stupid. The actors were bad, and this is a footbal game, not the freakin' inauguration. I like the people today reciting it though, that was cool. \_ Did they punt the Bill of Rights, that unruly little brother to the Constitution? |
2005/2/7 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:36087 Activity:kinda low |
2/7 Does anyone have actual experience using Visual SourceSafe with non-exclusive checkouts? I've heard that it's bad at merging, but nothing specific. \_ We used to use VSS for years only doing non-exclusive checkouts. Works fine for the most part. Occasionally a merge will be tricky, but unless two people are editing the same exact lines it's not so bad. Eventually we switched to a different system for other reasons. -bz \_ What did you switch to, and for what reasons? --darin \_ I'm most interested in whether VSS barfed at any time, like two checkins getting garbled, etc. \_ Used it for ~4 years for thesis work with other folks. Never any barfage. Sometimes we'd have to clean up a failed merge, but that's true of any src control system. It was really solid. I'd recommend it. |
2005/2/7-8 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:36088 Activity:nil |
2/7 Trying to get a Windows-based ER tool for PostgreSQL that supports both reversed and forward engineering, any suggestions? Sybase sales guys just won't call me back on PowerDesigner. Is there mature modeling tool for PostgreSQL available? I will try QDesigner, which I heard is just a repackaged product of PowerDesigner. \_ It's not terribly advanced or mature, but you can do simple schema to-and-from graph work with pgsql through Visio. --dbushong |
2005/2/7-8 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:36089 Activity:nil |
2/7 Dear graduate students who attend(ed) Berkeley, when you got admitted to Berkeley, how much did your department (EECS or not) pay for the visit to campus? How much did they pay for travel and how much (if any) did they pay for housing you if you're from out of state? I'm conducting an informal survey, thanks. |
2005/2/7-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Compilers, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:36090 Activity:moderate |
2/7 http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~kohler/pubs Read the first paper. Not too technical and quite readable. I hope it gets accepted into the prestigious WMCS, C&I conference. \_ That rules. \_ i guess it's nice to know that it's not just me. \_ Heh, ditto that. Maybe Phillip should write up a more in-depth study on the subject? \_ Cute. \_ The log graph on page 10 rocks. \- Did you actually submit that? \_ PROFESSOR Kohler doesn't have a csua account. |
2005/2/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic] UID:36091 Activity:nil |
2/7 I was reading about how the US budget is ~$2.5 trillion. The debt is ~$7.5 trillion. Why not cut budgets 10% across the board and pay this back in the next 30 years? 10% cuts are not nice, but not crippling either. \_ your oversimplification starts with forgetting about interest. \_ An oversimplification that would make a libertarian proud! \_ Not forgotten, since interest is part of the budget. In fact, assuming that the debt gets paid back faster that will mean > 10% available in later years. I am assuming that there is not a *deficit* so the cuts have to be larger than 10% in reality. \_ I can't remember the numbers, but Cameho had a similar argument when he ran for CA governor, which went something like this: We have a $20B deficit, but only 6 years ago our CA budget was $40B and now it is $100B. We should be able to cut some stuff and have a surplus. I think the simple explanation is that there is too much pressure (mostly promises to constituents) to spend money, and little political benefits to actually saving money. Just like how many people could get out of credit card debt just by not buying lots of crap for a while, but they won't do it. \_ heck let's tax the Iraqi people while we're at it. \_ I can't remember the numbers, but Cameho had a similar argument when he ran for CA governor, which went something like this: We have a $20B deficit, but only 6 years ago our CA budget was $40B and now it is $100B. We should be able to cut some stuff and have a surplus. I think the simple explanation is that there is too much pressure (mostly promises to constituents) to spend money, and little political benefits to actually saving money. Just like how many people could get out of credit card debt just by not buying lots of crap for a while, but they won't do it. |
2005/2/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:36092 Activity:nil |
2/7 Does anyone have an archive of the Boondocks strip where he accuses someone of being of "terrorist descent" ? TIA. \_ look in http://www.livejournal.com/community/boondocks_comic |
2005/2/7-8 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Dating] UID:36093 Activity:moderate |
2/7 See the full Go Daddy superbowl ad: http://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/superbowl05/landing.asp?isc=bpshdr001 \_ well I thought the girl was OK. Big boobs but otherwise just ok, what do you guys think? \_ She was hot. Hotter, though: tabasco chick, girl #1 in the pepsi singing bottle commercial. \_ I only find four commercials: Diddy Truck, Ladies Man, iTunes, and Pop the Music. No tabasco girl. \_ http://www.tabasco.com/arts_pavilion/tv_ads/tabasco_tanlines_ad.cfm \_ I'd like to see *your* gf. \_ She was hot, with the added advantage that she might be useful as a flotation device in emergencies. \_ Does silicone float in water? |
2005/2/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:36094 Activity:insanely high |
2/7 If human beings have gay genes, how about other animals? Is there such a thing as say, gay monkeys or gay dogs? Is it documented in any reputable scientific journals? \_ My gay dog was always humping other male dogs. \_ There are hundreds and hundreds of documented species engage in gay sex -- In fact, there are way more bizarre forms of sex in the animal kingdom than in just humans -- the only kind of sex life I know of that has NO counterpart in the animal kingdom is voluntary celibacy when willing mates are available (think priests) \_ This is also not true, some animals mate for life, and if their mate dies, do not take a new mate. -- ilyas \_ That's not *exactly* the same thing but I'll concede that my original statement wasn't precise enough. \_ What about this? http://csua.org/u/azg 23 year old virgin gorilla \_ Does it wear comfortable shoes? -John \_ Yes, gay animals exist. -- ilyas \_ Gay as a preference or gay out of necessity? It seems unlikely there is a 'gay gene' since it would not be passed on. 'Bisexual' maybe. \_ There are documented cases of exclusively gay animals that have normal mates available. In particular one zoo has a pair of gay male penguins that seem to have mated for life and ignore females. \_ There was a well-documented case I read about gay necrophilic ducks-- one drake chased another into a window, then fucked it in front of some biologist. \_ Some animals are gays by 'preference,' and will not mate with animals of opposite sex at all (although I don't like the word 'preference' since it implies this is a behavioral issue, rather than genetic). I don't know how this gene gets passed -- genetics are complex. A gene for homosexuality does reduce fitness, but it might be linked with a useful gene, a la sickle cell anemia/malaria immunity, etc. etc. -- ilyas \_ gay is a preference. what's wrong with gay being a preference? some men prefer having a dick up their anus, or put their dick in your anus. You have a problem with that? \_ Nothing, if you consider heterosexuality a preference also. I don't consider my heterosexuality any more a preference than the fact that I have to urinate, or breathe. I consider it builtin hardware stuff. -- ilyas \_ And why are you so convinced that being gay is also built-in hardware stuff? \_ Have you read any of this thread? Your brain = small (sorry psb). -- ilyas \_ I haven't seen anything in this thread that's convincing. How come so many people in Ancient Greece engage in gay sex. Are gay genes particularly prevalent among ancient Greeks? \_ Homosexuality in Greece was likely mostly behavioral. Some homosexuality is behavioral. Some is genetic. You are really dense. The existence of homosexual animals should put the doubts about that last part to rest, unless you believe animals have the capacity to sin (not supported by the Bible), or that homosexuality is only sinful in humans, even if God 'made them' homosexual. -- ilyas \_ Greeks were not homosexual. They were bisexual. Most had wives and kids. They just thought REAL LOVE was with a man. \_ you are being silly comparing animals and humans. some animals have many husbands (eg. queen bee), so the queen bee must be a big sinner. why do you want to model your behavior after animals? Hey, it's okay for a pig, so it's okay for me too? \_ Because if my preference is inborn, it's not a sin? Unless you somehow feel genetic homosexuality is part of that whole original sin deal... in which case why are only some people genetically gay and not others? God, some motd Christians are dumb in a scary way. I am hoping someone like emarkp will comment on this. -- ilyas \_ You are running in circles. I asked you why do you think being gay is in born. You gave me all these examples in the animal world, but we are talking about humans. Just because some spiders are cannibals doesn't mean humans should be cannibals, and no, Jeffrey Dahmer is not genetically a cannibal. \_ I didn't choose my heterosexual preference. It was pretty much built-in as far as I could tell. Are you telling us you made a conscious decision to feel attracted sexually to your own sex rather than the opposite? \_ Yeah but hetero is normal. If you're going to be all weird and gay, you have to choose it, right? \_ You should spend more time exploring your gay side and gay potential. You will discover a whole new world, and new sexual yearnings. \_ The motd made me gay! \_ anonymous trolling made me gay! \_ There is some scientific evidence that there is a "likes to have sex with men" gene which causes women to have more sex and therefore more children but in the rare case of a double expression in a man causes homosexuality. It is probably even more complex than just that. \_ There is also evidence that homosexuality is a way that overpopulation is controlled, at least in humans. Younger brothers are more likely to be gay than older brothers, and people in cramped conditions are more likely to be homosexual. -tom \_ Citation or Reference? \_ http://www.marcbreedlove.com. Marc Breedlove (formerly of Cal) has published tons on the subject. -tom \_ Tom, are you gay? \_ yer mom doesn't think so. -tom \_ oh, very mature, what we expect from a mature 38 year old man. i hope to be like tom when i grow up -anon coward \_ I think tom gave the best possible answer \_ Okay, we have *got* to have all women tested for this one prior to marriage as part of the blood test. \_ We? Fuck you and your government mandated blood tests. \_ There was a well-documented case I read about gay necrophilic ducks-- one drake chased another into a window, then fucked it in front of some biologist. \_ My dog humps stuffed animals. I guess the 'Furry' fetish is found in nature. \_ gay is sick! \_ I'm waiting for Christians, Republicans, and Conservatives to say something about this topic. emarkp? jrleek? \_ Most if not all of the cases of homosexuality arise from stress on the population in some way, such as overpopulation, environmental changes or the toxins. overpopulation, environmental changes or the introduction of toxins. \_ Hormones in factory-produced chicken. Chemicals released from Tupperware and styrofoam containers to food. These are less widespread in less-developed countries. \_ I know of an insect who after mating with a bunch of females will change its apperance to look like a female and allow other males to 'mate' with it so they don't mate with females and only his genes get passed on. That is an example of gay sex by necessity I guess. |
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