2005/2/4 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:36060 Activity:nil |
2/4 http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/sports/AP-BOX-Obit-Schmeling.html?oref=login nice obituary about cool dude Max Schmeling, German boxer who fought Joe Louis twice during the Nazi era. Didn't know he was such a great human being. \_ what is the csua login/pwd for NYT again? \_ u: dykewhore p: dykewhore |
2005/2/4-5 [Recreation/Dating] UID:36061 Activity:high |
2/4 Does it look ok to your date to request for a doggy bag? ok thx. \_ If a date asks, I say it's ok. If I eat thai or some place that may have leftovers (see below, you dont do this for fine dining), I'll get a box and if I'm in SF or Berkeley, will usually find an anworthy bum to give it to. \_ Real men finish their meals. \_ do you care more about the food or her? if she really likes the food, save it for her.. \_ On an early date, no. You can do this later once you are both done impressing one another. \_ It depends on if you go dutch or not. \_ Yes. Asking for a box is okay. Asking for a doggie bag is right out. But seriously, if you're going somewhere after dinner, do you want the food smelling up your car? \_ Where I live, my trunk is colder right now than my fridge. \_ Depends on where you are dining, too. Fine dining it is right out. A place like Cheesecake Factory then sure. \_ aka "The Factory" \_ I thought you said "Does it look ok to your date to request a doggy style?" \_ Would you use a 15%/$3 off coupon on a date? \_ $3 off coupon for doing it doggie style? Or do you not understand how to indent properly? \_ Where can I get *that* coupon?! \_ That's, uh, that's a pretty good coupon. -geordan \_ If something that insignificant could change the direction of your date then 1) you need a lot more going for yourself or 2) she's too high maintenance and not worth it. \_ Are you looking to marry this one (or any of them)? If so, just be yourself right from the start. If you want a doggie bag get it. If she reacts negatively to this, remember its her loss. There are plenty of fish in the sea. \_ Sure, just break wind in front of her, belch, and otherwise be yourself. If she's not impressed then to hell with her. |
2005/2/4 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:36062 Activity:very high |
2/4 Whoa, this is the first time I've heard anyone dying from H2O intoxication: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/02/04/fraternity.death.ap \_ Wooooo, Chico! Home sweet home! -jrleek \_ The folks I did get out the vote beat-walking with in Reno were all Chico students. I liked them. -- ulysses \_ You shut yer mouth boy. You don't live here no more. -emarkp \_ now i see where jrleek & emarkp's conservatism come from. \_ Nah. I moved here in 2000 after marrying his sister in 1996. -emarkp \_ Chico was the liberal big city where I went to high school, Red Bluff. -ausman \_ Yeah, actually Chico has a big liberal element to it. It is very Berkeley esqe in some ways. Maybe it's Red Bluff meets Berkeley. (I actually just went to Jr High and High school there.) -jrleek \_ I was at the library the week before the election and saw a group of Kerry supporters meeting to discuss strategies on election day--including how to stop Repub. voting fraud. I wanted to go in and ask how well their foil-hats fit. -emarkp \_ you're so cool. -tom \_ Sounds like they might be a little too tight. \_ So I am curious. Do you believe that Republicans never ever engage in voter fraud? \_ Was wondering if that question would come up. Of course not. But the topic was on the blackboard, etc. Butte county votes very conservative usually and so I'd see little reason for vote fraud. Especially in a presidential election in which everyone knew the Dem was going to win. Aside from that, it appears that when Dems pursue vote fraud, it's by excessive votes. Repubs seem to favor disqualifying votes. -emarkp \_ Would you be willing to agree that, regardless of any intentional wrongdoing by either side, that voting is a pretty broken system right now, which needs both legal and technical fixes? I would like to see a system where we could hold a mock election with hackers of various types intentionally trying to break the voting, but failing. Of course, we'll never have a perfect system, but I think the present system is a disgrace to this country. I've done some research on this since 2000, and I'm convinced that most overcounted or undercounted votes are caused by idiocy, not malice. However most politically active people seem to be more interested in malice than simply fixing the idiocy. \_ Best things to do in Chico: Get Drunk, lie on train tracks. Get Drunk, swim in dangerous river Get Drunk, drive into walnut tree. (Friends cut down tree in revenge.) Drink self to death. (alchohol) Drink self to death. (water) \_ I read about one of those now and then. Not too long ago there was someone on ecstacy who drank too much water because she was worried about dehydration. There was another woman who had some strange phobia about dehydration and always drank tons of water until one day she overdid it. \_ It is actually more common than people think. Hits folks who hike in hot/dry areas and don't understand the dangers of too much water. \_ It's common (especially in hospitalized people), but unless there's a specific reason it rarely makes it into the news. \_ When one drinks that much water doesn't one just urinate it back out? How much and how fast would one have to drink to be in danger? \_ It's not that hard to drink more than you can pee out; it's not easy, but also not impossible. try it and see (don't, obviously). \_ The cause of death isn't explosion. The cause of death is all that water flowing through your system leaches out stuff from your system via osmosis. Peeing the water out won't change that. \_ More to the point it causes your body's sodium and potassium to become too diluted, and that interferes with nerve and muscle function. \_ not exactly. osmosis causes the water you drink to move INTO your cells. but the cause of death is cells swelling up in your head, causing convulsions and other nasty conditions like that. it also pushes your brain through the one hole in your skull. \_ maybe Michael Moore should have a documentary on how he prevented suicidal people from drinking too much water. \_ Mmm, dumbass, and you nuked two people's posts |
2005/2/4 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:36063 Activity:high |
2/4 What do you sodans think if an Alien race came and claims that our democracy is inferior than their whatever system. Does that give them the right to attack us? Will any of you be working for the "Alien" for a "better America"? \_ definitely. i'd embrace their culture and worship their kind \_ let me be the first to welcome our new alien overlords. \_ damn, you beat me to it! \_ What would you sodans do if a stupid troll was posted on the motd? \_ ilyas wrote the question so it's not a troll. anyways, yes, they will have the right to attack us, as long as it's done in the name of Jesus Christ. God Bless. \_ Actually ilyas wrote one of the replies. But don't let me get in the way of the infallibility of your spy script. P.S. You are an idiot. -- ilyas \_ Well. That would depend on whether it is _actually_ better. \_ this is a matter of opinion, and if the Alien race used their \_ No, it's not. Some forms of government are better than others. You = Lenin's useful idiot. super media power to convince us, YES, so be it. But if the alien race failed to convince us at first and then attacked us, then it's their fault. Case in point: http://www.cnn.com/2005/ALLPOLITICS/02/04/web.us The point is that information warfare is just as important as traditional warfare, and in this case, the US failed to win information battles and has a hard time catching up \_ No, it's not. Some forms of government are better than others. You = Lenin's useful idiot. \_ Better in terms of what? Freedom? Economics? Military Power? Control? And better for whom? Your brain has been classified as: American, self-centered and self-righteous \- you must pay me 5cents \_ American! Now that stings! Your brain has been classified as: European, relativist, and morally bankrupt. This game is fun. \_ Your brain has been classified as: Russian Jew, \- you must pay me 5cents sarcastic, not funny, and attention whore. (seeking attention on motd. how pathetic) \_ Wasn't my brain American a second ago? Make up your mind! And yes, I stand suitably humbled your brain! And yes, I stand suitably humbled by a fellow motd poster, who clearly is not limited by any kind of whoring himself. \_ But is democracy _actually_ better than what was in Iraq before? \_ your brain has been classified as: small. \_ wait... whose brain? \_ The brain of anyone who disagrees with ilyas on any subject. \_ We are the Americans. You will be democratized. Resistance is terrorism. \_ Hahahahaha, you've made my day! This about sums it up!! \_ ARe you Chinese? Do you understand the impact of the opium trade on Cnina? \_ I think that you fail to understand something fundamental about how the world works. Behind the protective wall of civilization people are free to argue about this right or that, but outside of those walls, a man's rights are based on his ability to defeat and destroy all those that oppose him. If the Aliens are stronger than we are, then we may have no choice but to live by their rules. Personally, given a choice between American and the Alien, I would fight and die for this nation b/c I believe that no better alternative can exist in this life. \_ My country right or wrong! -John |
2005/2/4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:36064 Activity:high |
2/4 "The United States would dispatch 690,000 troops and 2,000 warplanes if war breaks out on the Korean peninsula, according to a South Korean defense policy paper released Friday" \_ That seems like a lot. Anyone know how many troops we have? \_ I think if you count everyone in training, on leave, resupply, and doing 'back end' work it's about that many. We have 125k active duty in Iraq and that's a stretch. \_ We won't need troops soon. We'll have armored death robots within a few years. -John \_ I think we should make Imperial Walkers. Why not? Unlike missile defence I'm pretty sure they would actually work. \_ I, for one, welcome our new robotic overlords. \_ Link? \_ doubtful. Marines fall short of recruitment, and is in trouble: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/02/03/marines.recruiting.ap \_ Did you actually read your own link? It doesn't say they're in trouble. It says they were 84 recuits short of their 3270 recruit goal in January, but they were 184 over the goal for that quarter. \_ There are only 450k active duty soldiers in the entire Army, so that seems like a bit of a stretch. I am sure we would activate the Reserves and pull in the IRR though and they number at least another 1/2M. |
2005/2/4 [Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Media] UID:36065 Activity:nil |
2/4 How funny someone asked about doggy bags below. Seinfeld talks about it in his stand-up routine tonight. |
2005/2/4-5 [Science/Space] UID:36066 Activity:very high |
2/4 The hottest jobs in 2005 and beyond, and why I hate astronomers (because my tax money is used so that they can watch stars? what a waste!) http://money.cnn.com/2005/02/03/pf/hotjobs \_ What the fuck are you blathering about? Astronomers aren't even on the list. \_ lafe, third GIF chart to the right, astronomers on top column. \_ Astronomy leads to advancements in basic physics, which leads to practical achievements. Astronomy gave us the theory of gravity, confirmation of general relativity, and neutrino oscillation, among others. Also, that quick chart fails to mention that many astronomers in gov't research are P.Ii's with Ph.Ds plus 20 years of experience, while those in the private sector are often recent PhDs. \_ Astronomy also leads to multi-billion dollar space missions that creates hundreds of jobs for people working at Lockheed, Boeing, &c. \_ Even The Vatican has astronomers. They use something called the "pope scope" (I'm not making that up, BTW). \_ I use something called a "poop scoop" for cleaning cat litter. \_ Woah! I just checked around on google, and it turns out the pope not only has a telescope, it's in Arizona! http://clavius.as.arizona.edu/vo/R1024/VO.html \_ Still trying to disprove that whole earth/sun thing? \_ I think the Pope apologized for the church's persecution of Galileo and accepted the Helio- centric solar system in the early 90s. \_ Who in the private sector hires astronomers? \_ Anyone having anything to do with satellites and aerospace, mfgrs. of visual navigation aids, telescope and star chart manufacturers, and do private universities with astronomy research departments count? -John \- I believe there are a couple of areas where the public sector jobs are quite prestigious and get pretty good people. In some cases decent pay goes with the jobs. It's not the dregs of the law schools who become law clerks or work for the Manhattan DA or the SEC. The Fed has some top economists [yes I know the Fed is special]. In some cases you can't directly do public/private sector salary comparisons because in theprivate sector the same sector salary comparisons because in the private sector the same person would be doing a differnt job ... you might may a Aerospace Eng prof $125k while a Aerospace Engineer makes less ... but the really smart Aerospace eng prof fro, UCB could go solve differential eqs for Wall Street instead and twice as much ... but that isnt captured in the private sector income stats for Aerospace. I'm happier about my tax money going to peer reviewed hard science research than Halliburton's passed expenses. \- BTW, to echo the fellow above, I think the astronomer case is an anomaly because they are so very concentrated in NASA, a govt angency known has being very seniority heavy ... and who knows what private sector astronomer even means ... maybe they are jr. high school science teachers. \_ Heh. When I was in junior high, I had a science teacher who taught part time who had a business card that said "astronomer". I think he had several part time teaching things going and did some random consulting. \_ How are they defining public/private? Is MIT public or private under this definition? What about Aerospace Corp. or RAND? \_ Jr. HS Science teacher is generally in the public sector. |
2005/2/4-7 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:36067 Activity:kinda low |
2/4 Say I am single and my income is around $25K and I might need to use education related deductions. Which online e-filing service would be best to use? (preferably with Mozilla/Firefox support) \_ I use TurboTax for the web, and it seems to do a serviceable job. I have no problem using it with either Firefox or Safari. Notably, it's a good $10 or $20 cheaper if you file before April one. Also, a number of banking/investment (in my case both Vanguard and BofA) have cut deals with Intuit that discount the service even further for their customers. -dans \_ this year, they redirect you to a web page that says that you're using an unsupported web browser if you try to login with Mozilla or Firefox. \_ Strange, I never received that redirect, but then I've been going via link from Vanguard and not through the front door so to speak. \_ Most e-filing services are free for individuals in your bracket and some services are free for any income level, all so long as you get redirected from the IRS's website: http://www.irs.gov I tend to use it to shop around for the services I need as you'll find some don't support the more esoteric forms if you need them. -gerald |