2005/2/3 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:36044 Activity:moderate |
2/2 This is a really really cool CPU fan: http://www.newegg.com/app/viewproductdesc.asp?description=35-106-043&DEPA=0 \_ Meh. All that metal and yet they use a central fan. Which means their fins aren't getting near optimal air flow at all. \_ WHat's so cool about it? \_ This supermega CPU fan reminds me of those supermega spoilers kids put on their souped up Honda Civic. It is both funny and ridiculous at the same time. |
2005/2/3 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:36045 Activity:high |
2/3 Can someone explain to me why no car mfgrs. produce a sports car with a turbodiesel? I rode in a friend's A6 TDI, not a small auto, which went like shit off a shovel. Just curious. -John \_ Probably because not a lot of people like diesel, it's not even economical anymore. Plus a sports coup with a turbo diesel would probably not meet emmission standards, after all, diesel is dirtier than regular unleaded. \_ I think we've had this discussion before, about diesel vs. gas. We're not talking about a diesel tractor engine, but something like a CRD or TDI with particle burner, which runs very clean. As far as I can tell, the main differences between a sports car and small high-end coupes are the chassis, suspension, gearbox and maybe performance tweaks to the engine, but not the fundamental engine (i.e. where in between BMW 316 and M3 CSL does it become a "sports car"?) Anyway, after some research I found the C30 AMG. -John \_ I _have_ heard that acceleration is one of the disadvantages of diesel engines, but I am not an engine expert by any means. -- ilyas \_ Sure you can probably get diesel to be as clean as regular unleaded. That's not really the point. The point is, why bother when diesel is as expensive as gas for the end-user. Plus, it would cost more to maintain since you'd have to get special parts for it, etc. Diesel tanks also corrode over time with mold/bacteria/etc. There are reasons why diesel never became popular in the U.S. for consumer level vehicles, and why it's still not necessarily as popular as it could have been in Europe. \_ Provincial fool! You're talking to Eurojohn. Euros love diesel. Diesels tend to generate tons of torque but not too much HP. But gas engines still get better performance for a sports car. They can build the engine lighter and run higher rpms without blowing up. And they sound cooler. Sports cars don't need to pull stumps. A turbo gas engine of the same displacement would probably go like even faster shit off a faster shovel. \_ Related, are there any manufacturers besides VW selling TDIs in California? I was very interested in one but I've nixed those plans on account of VW's quality problems. TIA. \_ Heil Eurotrash John! \_ For one thing, diesel engines usually require more space to generate the same HP as regular engines. Secondly, new technologies such as the Accord Hybrid prove that motors in fact generate a lot of torque which really helps you get to red-line quickly even if your engine is starting from near-idle speed. The new Accord Hybrid engine is small, goes 0-60 in 6 seconds, is less than $30,000, and has 37MPG. I doubt conventional diesel technology has all the combinations of form size, torque, mileage, and price range offered by hybrid technologies. |
2005/2/3 [Uncategorized] UID:36046 Activity:nil |
3/2 Bottom 50 blogs http://www.chickenhead.com/bottom50/blogs.asp |
2005/2/3 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:36047 Activity:low |
2/3 When should I expect to see 'Sonoma Centrino' laptops become available from the major vendors? \_ It already is. They did a trade fair showing it off. Retail should already be available or within the next month or so. |
2005/2/3 [Uncategorized] UID:36048 Activity:nil |
3/2 I just got a spam which contained this body (and a bunch of HTML) "Our only aim is to get more money into own pocket at the end of each month" I thought it was refreshingly honest. |
2005/2/3-4 [Finance/Investment] UID:36049 Activity:insanely high |
2/3 Do you put money in savings accounts, money markets or CDs? \_ 99% checking, 1% cash. \_ All of the above? \_ how do you divide your money? \_ stocks, mutual funds \_ don't you have an emergency cash reserve? \_ yes, it's called the wife \_ But she has to compete with yermom on the streets \_ For savings accounts, I really like ING. You won't find better interest rates. Then I put some in CDs, and the rest in the market. About a third evenly all around. \_ i-bonds! http://csua.org/u/ay9 (treasury.gov) \_ There is no point to CDs right now with rates so low. A savings account and a money market are roughly the same in most aspects, but the MM returns more. I only bother with a MM and put very little in a savings tied to my checking. Most goes into mutual funds of varying sorts (including MM-like types). \_ Bleh, mutual funds are near worthless. Might as well just buy QQQ on your own or just get the stock index fund. \_ QQQ is an exchange traded mutual fund. Same idea as the mutual fund with expense ratios and all. \_ Thanks for the advice, Peter Lynch! If you really want to know, I have an international fund, an index fund, a bond fund, and a government bond fund and I am very happy with them. You can feel free to put all of your savings into GOOG. \_ I don't really give a shit about what funds you personally have. The point was that mutual funds in general are worthless and the only funds you should invest in are index funds such as QQQ. Just an FYI to people who might be reading this and deciding on what they should invest in. The bottom line is: If you have the time buy bluechip stocks and hold them. If you don't have the time buy an index fund. All other funds are worthless because they consistently UNDERPERFORM the broad range bluechip market. In other words, you're paying someone to do worse than simply buying the index. Frequent trading is worthless. Owning stock in one single company may be worth something, but you might also lose your shirt. \_ Your point is idiotic. How will you get exposure to the bond market without a bond fund? Buying the NAQDAQ, Russell, Wilshire, or whatever index is smart. That's why I bought it. It's also: 1. A mutual fund, 2. Only part of a portfolio. Your statement that mutual funds in general are worthless is retarded, especially when you advocate buying an index fund. \_ Try actually reading the statements, moron. Mutual funds ARE worthless, because the ONLY funds that consistently perform as well as the market are INDEX funds, duhhhh! If that's the case all you have to do is just buy the index, that means buying and holding the bluechip stock individually. It's not hard, it doesn't take a fucking Math PhD to do this, and with Ameritrade it's cheap. All you need is either a paper with stock prices in it (i.e. Wall Street Journal people!) or look it up on the web (again, not fucking hard to do people!) If you know absolutely NOTHING about buying stock for $5 a trade and are afraid to manage your portfolio or are too fucking lazy and want to pay someone to do BASICALLY 20 HOURS OF WORK A YEAR that's fine, go buy QQQ or Magellan or whatever index fund you want. Capiche? Capiche, now stfu and go comment on something you know about. \_ You are a fucking retard!!! How will you get exposure to the international market or to bonds or to government-backed securities without a mutual fund?! Your statement is narrowly applied to the universe of US equities. You use a lot of foul language, but it doesn't conceal your stupidity. Mutual funds are an easy way to get broad exposure to different markets and as such are very useful. You *can* buy T-bills and individual stocks and perhaps even ADRs for every region in the world, but mutuals make it cheap and easy. \_ I'm too ignorant about finance to tell which of you two knows more about the subject, but you're both very entertaining. Thank you. \_ I would just like to point out that if you had invested any money in QQQ from 2000- 2003 or so you got burned! Not that mutual funds performed that much better ... \_ You are an idiot. \_ Bought QQQ at $100, eh? \_ Sure. I DCA into the NASDAQ and have since the early-mid 1990s. I don't worry about a 3-4-10 year period and neither should you. \_ to both of you: please make a distinction between actively traded mutual funds, and index funds. Also, there are index funds which track different indices such as bonds or international or sectors. Foul language is also not necessary. There are those who support the idea of using index funds only. \_ Often an index fund is a good buy. Many actively managed funds do not beat their benchmarks. There is no debate about that. The problem is when you are trying to track 'microcap companies in a particular nation' or similar. Indices do not exist for all situations. A mutual fund can identify those companies which are excluded from the index (or which make up a miniscule % of the index) and purchase shares. Sometimes individual investors cannot even do that because of foreign regulations. If you decide to weight heavily in small sectors like that then mutual funds are great. Whether this is wise or not depends on tolerance for risk, but one can certainly see where individual equities or bonds might not be a fit and no index (or only a poor approximation) exists. \_ I don't keep a reserve. It is all in stocks and bonds. My wife keeps a 2 month reserve though and she puts it a savings account. I think she is being overly conservative. \_ Are you nuts? I've got an 8-month cash reserve. \_ This is all moot w/o knowing how much you make and how much you spend. It's easy to save 8 months of burger flipper salary. It's more difficult to save 8 months of MD salary. Expenses come into play, too. \_ 8 months of my current lifestyle EXPENSES. \_ Of course, but saving 8 months of burger flipper expenses is pretty easy. For most people, as income rises so do expenses. If you live with a roommate in a studio apartment and ride bike to work then you can have 8 months worth of expenses saved easily. If you have a mortgage and a car and such it is much more difficult. Thus this x month penis size comparison is lame. \_ It's said that liars tend to assume other people are lying. I guess burger flippers make a similar mistake. \_ I think the point here is that if your expenses are $120,000 per year (say) then keeping 8 months as a reserve is $80,000. That's a lot of money to invest in low risk investments "in case of emergency." One can do something better with that money than a cash reserve. If it comes to $8,000 it's quite different. \_ $8,000 to someone earning $12,000 a year is a lot more than $80,000 to someone earning $120,000 a year. -tom \_ Expenses, not earnings. \_ "saving 8 months of burger flipper expenses is pretty easy." That may be true for a fat sysadmin, but it's not true for a burger flipper. -tom \_ I think you missed the point. Saving 8 months of burger flipper *expenses* is easy on a fat sysadmin *salary*. Most people here are in the latter salary category, but expenses are a choice. \_ 8 months of expenses as single (no SO) vs single (w/SO) vs married vs married (w/children) are very different. \_ Perhaps I am nuts, I don't know. My job feels pretty secure, we could live on either one of our's salary and I have enough in stocks and bonds equal to about 3 years salary, so even if the market takes a dive, I can live for a long time on that. I prefer more risk than you. on that. Maybe I prefer more risk than you. \_ I second that. Besides, if I get laid off, company gives like 10.5 weeks of salary. That's good enough for 5 months of expenses. Add to that unemployment insurance, and I can last 6-7 months. Also, if you are invested in a diversified portfolio, with ETFs, mutual funds, long, short bond funds, etc., it's not that volatile, so there's always something one can sell without too much of a bad effect. Then there's always family, if worse come to worse. I don't buy the 8 months emergency cash advice, unless you are rich and it represents just a small portion of your liquid assets. But in that case why worry? I think the idea is to have an emergency reserve of liquid assets as opposed to an emergency reserve of plain cash, and to not have any credit card debt, or be living month to month due to too expensive a lifestyle. \_ Just because many mutual fund managers suck doesn't mean there aren't good ones. I believe active management still makes a difference if the fund manager is good. And like one of the above posters have pointed out, if you are interested in certain markets (eg. eastern europe / russia / china / emerging asia, bonds, or even Japan), you often have to buy a mutual fund. |
2005/2/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:36050 Activity:very high |
2/3 Obama for Pres. \_ Obama lin Saden! \_ Obama for Pres... in 20 years. \_ Seriously guys, he only just got in the Senate. Let him actually do something before you make him a saint. \_ Saint, schmaint. I just want a Pres. \_ I really don't know much about the guy, what makes him so popular? \_ Charismatic, young, liberal, good public speaker. The overachieving son of an overachieving immigrant father. \_ And yet, somehow not Republican. What's not to love? \_ Not to mention true believer \_ What does he believe in? Democracy? America? \_ Spiderman! \_ I don't understand it either. Although I'm proud to see fellow Mixed person get so much press, it seems underdeserved. If he does something like craft a balanced budget, or start a successful initiative I would take more notice. \_ The first black president (if we ever elect one) will not be a Democrat. -tom \_ To quote you, "you're an idiot." \_ He's not Black, he's Bi-racial, which means you could call him as much White as Black. But electing even a Mixed person would be an achievement for America as long as he was qualified. \_ He was raised in Hawaii by his white mother and grandmother, so I don't think he's "black" in any way that really matters. But that's not the way people in the red states see it. -tom \_ Don't you know the one-drop rule? \_ My bad, thought we were in the 21st century. \_ The Democrats would never allow Bush to get a non-White elected; I mean, just look at Gonzalez, right? \_ That's because any non-white Republican is a traitor to their race. They even have special racial epithets for them, like "Uncle Tom" or "House Nigger." \_ It's funny, but these are the horrifying words that black people give to Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell. Bush has so many 'token' minorities in his cabinet that I think they outnumber white folks. \_ Not even close, fella: http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/cabinet.html Two blacks, two asians and 11 whites. \_ This is the current cabinet excluding Powell. I was exaggerating, but the point is the same. If 1/3 of the cabinet is 'token' minorities are they really tokens? I find that notion in itself to be offensive. \_ Aren't minorities overrepresented (given population proportions) in the Bush cabinet? -- ilyas \_ the next president will be Jeb Bush, not some lame ass Democrat who has no connection, no clout, nothing, like our dumb ass losers like Gore and Kerry. -disillusioned Democrat \_ Man, I sure hope the Republicans can come up with someone better than Jeb. I really think the whole elcet Jeb thing is just democrat whining anyway. I sure do wish the dems could come up with a reasonable canidate though. Is it really THAT hard? --republican \_ Funny. My view of the republican noise about Hillary is similar to your view of the Jeb fears. I guess because the hatred is so visceral on both sides. Just thinking about Jeb raises my blood pressure, and my impression is that a lot of republicans feel that way about Hillary. I'm actually planning to register republican just so I can vote against Jeb in the primary. That's how much I fucking hate that guy. Call me irrational, but when a political leader comes out in favor of voter fraud, I consider that to be simply un-American, and worth fighting against. \_ I agree with you on the Hillary thing. The dems would have to be nuts to field Hillary. \_ Obama is a marxist. In case you motd people who don't get out much haven't noticed, Communism is dead. Even worse, he is a muslim. \_ It is funny to me that I can't tell the difference between the trolls and the Real Bush Republicans anymore. \_ yea, make the most powerful man in the world a marxist muslim. The left's wet dream. \_ Troll harder, young master. \_ trite idiocy is not going to change his politics or heritage. \_ Link? |
2005/2/3 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:36051 Activity:kinda low |
2/3 Don't dial your cell phone, jiggle it! (and the girl is kind of cute) http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/ptech/02/03/shake.it.phone.ap \_ Usually I consider jiggling my electronics to get them to work a bad thing. |
2005/2/3-7 [Industry/Jobs] UID:36052 Activity:kinda low |
2/2 We just IPO'd and are hiring like mad. -ausman http://www.planetoutinc.com/careers also at /csua/pub/jobs/PlanetOut All jobs are in San Francisco. \_ gay! \_ You don't have to be gay to work here, but you have to be gay friendly. \_ isn't that discriminatory? \_ No. It's pretty reasonable to require prospective employees to be able to get along with the existing employees. You don't have to love homosexuality, but if you have a serious problem with it, it will have major impacts on your interaction with other employees and customers. \_ Wow, I didn't even write that! -ausman \_ I think a great http://theonion.com story would be one about a straight guy hired to work at Saks or Neiman Marcus in SF and gets sexually harassed and made fun of by the other male employees. \_ Initial Public Out-of-the-closet? Congrats! \_ dear religious conservatives like emarkp and jrleek, what do you think about this company? Do you think it is immoral and that they will fail and go to hell? Would you consider joining their company for the purpose of converting these pagans into good Christians? \_ Mmm, anonymous flamebait directed at specific sodans! Yay! \_ The important distinction is the compnay is in the private sector. Consequently, if they want to give "partnership" benefits to random individuals, make the bathrooms gender neutral, and make workers accept cross-dressers, and promote unprotected sex with strangers congrats to them. However, when you try to force everyone to accept this, or even compensate you for your lack of resposibility, at the point of a gun, using the government as your agent, it becomes a problem. Is this really that hard to understand? \_ I nominate this as "most likely to get flamed" \_ The first entry in the list says it's in New York. \_ They just added that one. \_ have you guys considered expanding to say, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas? Just as missionaries go to foreign countries to spread their good will, maybe you guys can go abroad to spread your belief as well. \_ Not really, though the region a plurality of our members live is The South. -ausman |
2005/2/3 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:36053 Activity:moderate |
2/2 What is the exact user-agent string I shouold give lynx, wget, curl and the like to make them indistinguishable from say, MSIE browser running on a wintel? Googling led me to to things as simple as MSIE or something with parenthesized list and I am confused. Thanks. \_ tail -f /var/log/httpd/access.log \_ somebox% nc -l -p 8888 point your browser to be imitated at <DEAD>somebox:8888<DEAD> copy the part after "User-Agent: " and use that. --dbushong |
2005/2/3 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:36054 Activity:nil |
2/3 http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2005/01/24_freshmen.shtml Liberalism outnumber Bushism by more than 4 to 1, freshmen liberalism on campus the highest since 1972. "Berkeley's white students are the most liberal ethnic group, at 59.9%. That is, white female students. White women were the most liberal group of all freshmen at Berkeley, at 65.9%" Too bad this doesn't mean they will date Asian men -Asian \_ do we really have to encourage the Cal Patriot? |
2005/2/3-5 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:36055 Activity:moderate |
2/3 So, I'm really confused about this notion of computer science metrics where everything's kind of 2^n, but sometimes not. For example, if I have a 4 GIG hard drive, does that mean I have exactly 2^32 bytes of space? Does that translate to 4000000000 bytes, or some number that's close to it? How about megahertz? Say I have a 2.5GHz computer, does it run at exactly 2500000 hertz? Or 2^n for some multiple of n? \_ As a few other people have said, just about everything is ordinary decimal units now. A 4G hard drive is (about) 4,000,000,000 bytes, and a 2.5GHz processor runs at (about) 2,500,000,000 Hertz. Operating systems still tend to report file sizes in binary units, though, so a 4G file is probably 4,294,967,296 bytes. (Sometimes it's configurable: GNU du and df let you specify -h for binary units or -H for decimal.) The only hardware still sold in binary units is memory -- a 1G flash memory card is 1,073,741,824 bytes. Also note that all storage devices are sold by raw capacity, not counting filesystem overhead. \_ I'd actually argue that in computers, all standards and measurements are 10^n with the exception of RAM and addresses. HDDs, bandwidth, frequency, resolution (megapixels) are all base ten. \_ The ISO standard (IIRC) is Gibibytes for 2^30 and Gigabytes for 10^9. Memory is addressed by logic which is friendly to powers of 2. Non-memory doesn't matter. \_ Frequencies (Hertz) are not stated in powers of two obviously. You can usually find the exact frequency in the tech specs. Computer data quantities are normally referred to with binary prefixes (kilo=1024). Hard drive producers use 1000 because they are fuckers. A frequency is not a data quantity. \_ The whole k=1024 thing was a cute hack invented by computer folks, but it becomes imcreasingly strained as you move into mega- and giga- prefixes. At some point you need to admit it's more trouble than it's worth. The computer should be the one worrying how to address it's memory in base-2, rather than the end user wondering how many bytes are in a gig. \_ Memory is sized in 2^n because that's how the chips are laid out. The capacity of a hard drive is determined by the track width and magnetic domain size. This gives you a non-binary capacity. It makes sense to therefore measure it using the SI system. The fact that CS people started calling 1024 and 1048576 kilo- and mega- when those prefixes had been in use for ages says to me that the CS people are the fuckers, not the engineers who are just adhereing to standard terminology. I personally count all file and data sizes in base-10, except when refering to memory usage. Anyway, this debate has been done to death before. \_ so 1M is what really? 1000000 or 10^20? \_ Officially, 10^6 (you mean 2^20, right?). M = 10^6, Mi = 2^20 See: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html \_ No, it doesn't make sense when you're talking about computer storage capacity to use a different meaning of GB than everybody normally uses when talking about computer storage. It's not like the drives are storing non-binary data. It's going to have a filesystem and store vanilla kilobytes and megabytes. Nowhere else does Gbyte refer to 1000*1000*1000. In a computer environment, files are loaded into memory and to disk, it's idiotic to change the terminology just because the underlying media is different. CD and DVD storage is referred to in binary. Sorry, you're wrong. \_ FWIW, floppies are counted under a bastardized hybrid system where 1.44 'megabytes' = 1440 KiB, or 1.44k-KiB \_ No. CDs and DVDs are counted base-10, as is bandwidth. The fact that the drives are storing binary data has no bearing on the method you use to count the bytes, which this debate shows, is a matter of dueling conventions, not some underlying fact. I'm not wrong, you're just an ass. \_ The orange book standard says a cd has a capacity of 650*2^20 bytes. \_ A DVD+-R(W) is 4.7*10^9 \_ Hard to argue, since they charge $5,000 for a copy of a DVD format spec ($500 for each additional spec) and require an NDA. Do you actually have access to the four specs you mention? The holder of DVD Forum's specs is http://www.dvdfllc.co.jp |
2005/2/3 [Recreation/Dating] UID:36056 Activity:nil Cat_by:dlong |
2/3 Dear soda luzer virgins, this is your only chance to interact physically with a woman: http://axefeather.com/index_pop.aspx \_ I don't think 'physically' means what you think it means. \_ virtually physical contact. TURN UP THE SOUND!!! It is so cool. it is actually my only interaction with a woman, THANK YOU. \_ Apply at ausman's company and maybe you'll meet a nice guy. |
2005/2/3 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:36057 Activity:high |
2/3 What is the most non-intrusive web site that you wouldn't mind your boss seeing you looking at? Javadoc? CNN? Google/Yahoo? I'm asking because I'm thinking of writing a program that translates controversial stuff (like freerepublic) to make it look like Yahoo email so that my boss wouldn't say something about it. ok thx \_ http://salary.com \_ http://fuckedcompany.com \_ http://m2m4sex.com \_ goat.cx of course \_ Our regression status report internal page. Actually I can imagine making it link to news stories and formatting the stories as test output. Haha. |
2005/2/3-7 [Industry/Jobs] UID:36058 Activity:low |
2/3 IGN / Gamespy is hiring. J2EE, .NET, DBA, C++, a ton of marketing and sales, some creative folks such a graphic artists and video producers. Even a lawyer. Some jobs in Brisbane and a couple are down in Irvine. All listed online. email for info. -shac http://corp.igngamespy.com/jobs.html \_ I love the qualifications: - Minimum of 5 years experience creating features for a hi-profile Windows application in widespread use. \_ and then? \_ J2EE is an acronym that stands for "Horrible Fucking Job That You Don't Want." |
2005/2/3 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:36059 Activity:nil |
2/3 Toughest sport in the world? http://sport.guardian.co.uk/news/story/0,10488,1404903,00.html |
3/15 |