2005/1/21-22 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:35832 Activity:high |
1/21 Can you guys help me out? I'm trying to expose the Amway business model and I'm doing research. What are some past companies that operate like Amway? I remember there was one in the 70s and one in the 80s but they're defunct because of lawsuits. I can't remember their names. Any info you guys have, like the people behind it, and how they got sued, etc would be great. Thanks. \_ http://www.amquix.info/quixtar_los.html I was approached by this guy from INA. \_ Herbalife \_ Market America \_ http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/dsotour.html \_ expose Amway? What part are you trying to expose? I don't get it. They're obnoxious, but I don't think it's illegal. \_ expose that while a very few percentage of people actually do make money, more than 97% of them never made more than $100 a year, and in fact, more than 50% of them lost money because they were buying Amway products for themselves so that they could meet the money quota for bonuses. \_ Aren't you about 30 years late with this news?! \_ try 50 years late. Well I'm just annoyed because I just found out my sister and my aunt joined it. HOW STUPID!!! I always thought only uneducated ppl joined these things, but boy, was I wrong. \_ According to the DSA, in 1996, 59.3% of American distributors were female, 23.4% male,and 17.3% couples... The restraints for women still in the regular workforce in addition to the pressure to help the family have made direct selling very attractive to women. Many DSO's directly appeal to this need. -from the article above \_ Cutco \_ Do those encyclopedia or vacuum cleaner (Kirby) salepeople count? Or those water filter people I saw once. Man, the Kirby guy I saw years ago seemed sooo annoyed when we didn't buy his fancy vacuum and he cleaned our large living room carpet for free. |
2005/1/21-22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:35833 Activity:nil |
1/20 Can you guys recommend some good photo gallery software? I have lots of pictures that I'd like to put up on a personal server, but don't have any experience in this field. I hoping for something simple and elegant and hopefully with thumbnails on an index page of some sort. Any thoughts? \_ Gallery. -John |
2005/1/21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:35834 Activity:very high |
1/20 NY Times opinion username/pw: nty42322 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/21/opinion/21herbert.html "In January 1945, with World War II still raging, Franklin Roosevelt insisted on a low-key inauguration. Already gravely ill, he began his address by saying, "Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. Vice President, my friends, you will understand and, I believe, agree with my wish that the form of this inauguration be simple and its words brief." Times have changed. President Bush and his equally tone-deaf supporters spent the past few days partying hard while Americans, Iraqis and others continued to suffer and die in the Iraq conflagration. Nothing was too good for the princes and princesses of the new American plutocracy. ... As the well-heeled Bush crowd was laughing and dancing in tuxedos and designer gowns, the situation in Iraq was deteriorating to new levels of horror. The Black Tie and Boots Ball was held on the same day that 26 people were killed in five powerful car and truck bombs in Baghdad." \_ I don't know if I agree with your point, but I think it's pretty darn cool and considerate that you posted a user/pass. -John \_ As if you cared when sanctions were killing Iraqis. C'mon you won't admit it but if Kerry won, there'd be just as many balls, just as big of a parade, and with Kerry's tone - even longer speeches. \_ It's obvious that the NYT and you, the poster, obviously know nothing about history. May I remind you that William Henry Harrison died from pneumonia due to giving out a 2 hour speech in bad weather and having attended no less than half a dozen balls commencing that night? This kind of commentary is the usual leftist drivel is the sort of crap that just plain undermines the Democrats. Before you believe in something, or before you post, try actually doing some research on the history of inaugration. And lest you be too ignorant to forget, LBJ's inaugration was hardly a small affair. The point, for the denser of the crowd, is that there is nothing different about this inaugral that is different from those performed since the beginning of this country. Attempting to dredge up one which actually IS and attempting to discredit the current one, however, is just really bad journalism. (William Henry Harrison, for the clueless on the MOTD, was our 9th president and served for some 30 odd days before dying). \_ So your point is that it's OK for Bush to have an extravagant inauguration while Americans and Iraqis are dying in his mistaken war because most other presidents are just as bad? Or is your point that Harrison was stupid and so its OK for Bush to be stupid too? Why shouldn't people who have loved ones in Iraq be upset with the president for celebrating while people are dying? -!op \_ I don't think that's his point. Not that I particularly like the idea of any Bush inauguration, low key or not, I think his point is that you're being hysterical. -John \_ You're right. They do have the right to party it up while Iraq is turning to shit. \_ FDR was Stalin's best friend. In fact FDR was jealous of Stalin because he was a more effective collectivist. So perhaps if FDR spent more time reflecting on his objectives rather than worrying about appearances, Eastern Europe would have not been subject to 50 years of Soviet rule, who were equivalent if not worse than the Nazis, and the Cold War may have been averted. Let's not forget the NYTimes glorified, almost deified, Uncle Joe during the '30s and '40s. \_ And the Republicans used to be for the little guys, and the Dems were the party of choice for crypto-Klansmen. So what? You think the same guys who were writing those glowing reviews of Uncle Joe are still writing the OpEd page for the NYTimes? \_ In spirit yes... except they are secular Jews and gays. \_ +5 self troll! \_ have you ever seen any of the board of NYTimes editors? It is not a troll just a simple fact of life. \_ Is William Safire a gay Jewish man? \_ you leftists are fed this propaganda from the NYTimes and you don't even know who ths source is. Yes Safire is Jewish. \_ This thread has really diverged. If you wish, you may start another thread about your argument, since it's hard to tell how serious you're even taking yourself. \_ Does anyone know when the motd anti-semite came on board? I don't remember all these weird tinfoil hat-ish rants about Jews starting until very recently... \_ How do you know I'm not Jewish? I am moderately pro-Isreal... But I am not going to ignore obvious constructs of our society. Do you really think AIPAC is larger than any other lobby except AARP for fun? |
2005/1/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:35835 Activity:nil |
1/20 Anyone else having problems with email redirection via http://gandi.net? |
2005/1/21 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:35836 Activity:moderate |
1/20 Someone was asking for eggs? http://www.hundredpercenter.com/sitebuilder/images/P19-361x232.png \_ That's a snowball dork! Anyway, the security was way too tight for eggs. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25250-2005Jan20.html \_ A snowball?! Obviously my elementary school teacher was not on Bush's security detail. I was told those things were really dangerous. Repeatedly. \_ It must be hard being so stupid. |
2005/1/21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:35837 Activity:nil |
1/21 Inauguration marred by cultural misunderstanding: http://csua.org/u/as8 (Yahoo News) |
2005/1/21 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:35838 Activity:high |
1/21 The 50 Most Loathsome People Of 2004 Nice to see Bush and Kerry both made the list! <DEAD>www.buffalobeast.com/66/50mostLoathsome2004.htm<DEAD> \_ Along with Jenna Jameson and You. \_ Bizzarely so far left that sometimes he actually end up on the right. \_ Was this written by aaron? |
2005/1/21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:35839 Activity:moderate |
1/21 Turn Your Back on Bush is ineffective. What a bunch of stupid hippies. Why didn't they just do Throw-Eggs-And-Tomatos on Bush? That would have been more interesting. \_ Because they'll then get arrested. \_ All the tomato-throwers moved to Canada, duh! |
2005/1/21 [Recreation/Humor] UID:35840 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
1/21 For the Motd Jew-hater. You may need one of these to protect against the Zionist conspiracy: http://www.stopabductions.com/main.htm |
2005/1/21 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:35841 Activity:very high |
1/21 Remember I was talking about my O'Reilly watching younger brother who was thinking of joining the National Guard? He signed up a couple days ago: Six years active duty, two years reserve, requested duty is Infantry. (Could've signed for less, but he thought, why not?) He's shipping out to Ft. Benning March 1. I also think Starship Troopers (the book) played a big role in his decision. \_ Hmm. Your little brother doesn't sound mature enough to have been making decisions like that. \_ He also said most of the people there were 18-19 year old jittery chain smokers. (not to disagree with you) And it was also true he was a lot brighter than the average recruit. He did qualify for pretty much anything on his exams. He also said they told him requesting Infantry is rare. \_ Yah. I completely believe that. As for 18-19 year old, etc, well...that's the best age for the army to get 'em, when they're still young and programmable. \_ I know a guy who scored in the 99th percentile on the army intelligence test and requested... infantry. He said he wanted something to toughen him up. As luck would have it he spent a year in Hawaii and the last 2 in a quiet corner of Afghanistan. \_ What is it with these guys? I know somone who did exactly what you described. He spent four years driving humvees, and standing around guarding stuff in various god forsaken countries...and now he has a JD from a top ten law school. \_ Do they teach you to drive? He can't drive yet, even though he's 26. \_ uhhh...I guess if this is a contest to see who's army infantry friend is more eccentric, I just lost. Yes, he could drive. \_ GOOD. If he gets killed, that's one less Reddie voting. \_ You just told someone you hope their little brother gets killed. I assume this is some sort of parody. \_ Nah, it's just a friendly troll. I took it in full humor. -op \_ Of course it's a friendly call Dimitri! Of course I like to call and say hello! \_ sowings, I presume. \_ Hi paolo! \_ I wish your brother good luck in his assignments. When he realizes that he doesn't want to be another statistic, remind him to take as many tests as he can-- the higher rank he gets, the less likely he is to end up in a bad place. \_ He says if he gets promoted he wants to deserve it -- because he may be in charge of people who die. Under this reasoning, he didn't bother to submit proof of college credit for the automatic pay grade increase. \_ Tell your brother that at least one sodan wishes him the best, thanks him for his service, and understands that he's fighting for the freedom I enjoy. \_ I actually want to tell him his commander-in-chief is a moron, and it isn't very noble to die or come back maimed under a moron's leadership, even with the best of intentions. Instead, I told him his family would support him no matter what. I won't tell him what you asked me to tell him, since I think he needs to understand the more important point. \_ Yes, it's much more important to be a self-absorbed prick trying to 'teach' people 'lessons' then actually conveying a genuine show of support from people. Btw, I wish him the best also, and thank him for volunteering. -- ilyas \_ What part of me telling him his family would support him no matter what is not conveying a show of support from people? What part of not telling him my true feelings that he is going in for the wrong reasons is trying to "teach" people "lessons"? I think you are assuming a lot. And I think you are much too rash in calling me a self-absorbed prick. -op \_ I think it's the 'I think he needs to understand the more important point' phrasing that set me off. I don't think you are in any position to be teaching this guy anything, certainly not 'life lessons,' but that's my opinion. -- ilyas \_ ilyas, I think you're much too emotional right now to think clearly. This is also his problem. \_ Here's what I don't understand. If you liberals hate Fox News so much, why don't you ask why liberal media anchormen don't look as good as say, Sean Hannity and Brit Hume? I mean, everytime I think about liberals, I think about this fat guy wearing shorts and sandles and baseball cap shouting for social reform or green power or something like that. \_ What liberal media anchormen are you talking about? \_ Because it's not PC to have good-looking people to appear on TV. \_ Your brother is a hero. You should be proud. \_ Actually, I'm not proud at all. I'm more disappointed that perhaps I didn't argue with him more. Then again he did not relent in shouting down everyone when the family was watching the Democratic National Convention as much as my mom and I said, "If you don't want to listen, don't watch", but he kept on yelling. Yeah, my mom and I weren't saying anything at all -- we just wanted to watch, but that wasn't possible. And he still thinks there's WMDs, because he knows "how the world works", even though I told him everything in the Kay and Duelfer report, and the reasons why Saddam wanted to play "Yes I have it, but you can't actually prove I do." \_ I hope your brother survives, and wakes up. The whole thing of not submitting college credit to forgo the pay increase... He's got a misplaced sense of nobility. I hope he survives and doesn't see too much. And I hope if he does see too much, that the VA can actually get itself more funds so they can help him. Does he know that O'Reilly didn't serve? |
2005/1/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:35842 Activity:nil |
1/21 Could static electricity break a PCMCIA type3 ethernet card? |
2005/1/21-22 [Recreation/House] UID:35843 Activity:kinda low |
1/21 I want to grow some tomatoes this summer but haven't done so before. The variety I want is 'Black Prince' which is '70 days, indeterminate' When should I plant the seeds in the little germination pots? This is for growing in the SFBA. Thanks. \_ In California you can grow tomatoes year-round. Start them indoors if you can. Heck, I have even grown them on a window sill. Digitalseed says plant seeds March-July, with April and May being optimal. \_ Ignore the above. Plant any time you are sure nights wont get below 50. Temperatures lower than that can really hurt a maturing plant. Even one night can be bad for the plants. They wont die but they will take longer to grow to maturity. Longer than if you had just waited till the temperatures got warmer. If you know what you are doing you can shelter them in a variety of ways to get them to grow earlier but I'd stick with the basics. Remember good tomatoes need insane amounts of sun and rich soil. Also water them really well at first, but cut way back on the water once the tomatoes start getting ripe. The secret to firm tomatoes is don't overwater. Oh and may I suggest planting at least one Early Girl? \_ You're an idiot. -tom \_ Yes, ignore Digitalseed. What do they know over an anonymous motd poster? Plant April or May and the above is moot. \_ Why (besides faster gratification) the Early Girl? Black Prince tastes like salami! -op \_ Dude, you can grow stuff that tastes like salami? That's awesome. Do you know of any eggplant or lettuce variants that taste like mozzarella or beer? -John \_ Well it basically tastes like tomato, but there's a strong meaty-earthy-savory flavor that reminds me of salami. All ripe tomatoes contain glutamate (the 'savory' taste chemical) but these probably have more than most. |
2005/1/21-24 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:35844 Activity:moderate |
1/21 Some PC hardware questions, any advice much appreciated: 1) Anyone have experience with Maxtor Diamond 250GB SATA drives? 2) I read once that it's not smart to buy all drives in a RAID array from the same mfgr/vendor (batch). Is this still the case? \_ What a bunch of rubbish. You are MORE likely to run into problems when mixing different drives which are more likely to have different disk geometries and other parameters. Not all controllers can deal with this well. 3) On a RAID controller (in this case a 3Ware 9500-S) does the # of ports refer to how many drives can be attached, or does it have something to do with data transfer channels? http://3ware.com is a bit vague on this. Thanks for any clarifications! \_ I've been hearing bad things about the reliability of 250MB+ drives. Also, I hate maxtor drives because they all get noisy within a year or two. \_ Thanks. Any drive model recommendations for SATA 200-250GB? \_ 8 port means 8 drives. You may want to look into hitachi 300GB drives. They're supposedly more stable compared to WD and Maxtor 250GB drives. \_ Don't by CRASHtor drives unless you hate your data and love sending your drives in for RMA. I have had several 120GB drives and 250GB drives made by Maxtor die w/in six months of buying them. I switched to WD and Seagate and haven't had any problems with either. \_ Thanks for all your comments, it's nice to get 1st-person opinions. This is a great help. \_ I've had a maxtor drive that's worked for over 6 years now. I have a 120GB maxtor that's been working fine for over a year. YMMV, in many cases it's just the luck of the draw. |
2005/1/21-24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:35845 Activity:nil 50%like:34159 |
1/21 Can someone recommend a good low-priced place to provide web hosting? \_ Sitelutions is a buck a month for their basic setup, and I've had no hassles. \_ Thanks. I just checked them out, but they don't allow PHP in that basic plan. \_ I've heard good things about hostrocket but have never used them. \_ I know people who've had good experiences with http://jiffynet.net. 100M of space for $20/year. PHP, MySQL, shell, email. I haven't used them myself. -gm |
2005/1/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:35846 Activity:nil |
1/21 Do you or know anyone who has Attention Deficit Disorder? ADD or ADHD, try this: http://www.watchminder.com \_ Huh, what were you talking about? |
2005/1/21-24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:35847 Activity:nil |
1/21 I have a LaTeX file that I need to convert to Microsoft Word. I expect to cut and paste the text easily enough, and can just re-write the small number of equations, but I'm stuck on what to do with the references. Does Word have an equivalent to \cite{nameofreference}? Is there an easy way to translate the "\cite" commands in latex into the Word equivalent? Thanks. \_ everyone I know who has gone to the dark side uses something called EndNote which can import/export bibtex bibliographies. I imagine there is a lot of manual work ahead to insert all the references. \_ Thanks. |
2005/1/21 [Uncategorized] UID:35848 Activity:nil |
1/21 Jenna or Barbara? (Barbara is the blonde?) \_ The non-fat one is hot. \_ That's be Barbara. Jenna is the fat blonde. \_ Barbara is definitely hotter! link:csua.org/u/asi \_ Or Vanessa, with that big nose? \_ I prefer the Bushes \_ Among all the First Daughters, I think the Bush Twins are the best |
2005/1/21-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:35849 Activity:high |
1/21 Thought this was an interesting read: http://paulgraham.com/noop.html I tend to agree with him, as I've seen relatively little gain from such languages as C++ and Java in terms of creating better software. \_ I thought it was pretty sophomoric, really. OOP is a tool that is often used poorly. If used well, his comments are all wrong. But that's the same of any technique. \_ Actually, I think you missed the point. If a tool is often used poorly, then why do we have the tool in teh first place? i.e. if a hammer is poorly designed so that people use it the wrong way, get rid of the hammer and find a better one. OO is often used poorly because it's been designed poorly. I.e. people think it's "cool" to use C++ or Java to program in because it's got wonky crap features in it like templates and object overloading and container classes. There are so many tacked on features in Java nad C++ now that you need tomes and tomes of printed material to just document the stuff. So programming becomes basically a websearch project, which it shouldn't really be. We don't need six layers of abstraction to get to pushing bits over TCP/IP. We also don't need six layers of abstraction to calculate the cost of a pair of shoes being bought online. \_ Ok, I'm not pp, and have absolutely *no* opinion on the relative merits of C or C++ or Java or whatever, but I have to say something about your tool comment. In my observation, the *vast* majority of people do not know how to use a toilet plunger correctly. Does that mean we don't need toilet plungers? Can you suggest a superior tool for the job? One other solution is to have a basket full of pointy sticks next to the toilet which users can use to break up their turds with a stabbing motion. This is certainly a more self-expanatory tool, but it is also inferior. First of all, it doesn't help you if the offending turd has already passed the U-bend, and second of all, it leaves you with a shit covered stick that you have to dispose of. \_ Hehe. Wonky features like container classes. I think the fault of C++ is not the amount of features it has (most of them are there for a reason) but the way they fail to come together as a coherent, organic whole. Stroustrup is a smart guy, but an artist he is not. It's telling that you think Java is featureful, Java is one of the most featureless languages I know of. -- ilyas \_ Well Strou built it on C so it can't really help being ugly. It feels like it wants to be another language but it lives in C land for practicality. Kind of how Windows lived in MS-DOS for so long. \_ In the US of A, we have the FREEDOM to use C++ poorly \_ No, I didn't miss the point. The point is crappy OOP gives crappy results. OOP used well has huge benefits. That's the difference between a beginner and an experienced SE. |
2005/1/21-22 [Academia/StanfUrd] UID:35850 Activity:moderate |
1/21 Where's the Cal Pride? http://csua.org/u/asm (SFGate.com, Stanford Freshman nudish calendar) \_ some humanitarian needs to do the rest of us a favor and buy all of those calendars to burn them \_ that chick is cute \_ Yeah, but the pictures is retarded, and it makes he looks so as well. \_ Speaking of retarded.... \_ I agree. Cute girl and bad photograph. Are there more? \_ "Co-creators ... with both holding cameras in strategic places. One camera has a telephoto lens." "A helpful friend shields her nether regions with the Time magazine Person of the Year cover, showing President Bush." Ha ha! \_ Mired in liberal bureaucracy. |
2005/1/21-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:35851 Activity:moderate |
1/21 More fun from Bus 19 in Berkeley: http://www.zombietime.com/bus_19_berkeley/part_2 "Don't believe the news, it's controlled by the Jews! " \_ Actually, I'm somewhat surprised that the Palestinians don't blame the Germans. After all, if there wasn't a holocaust there may have not been an Israel. Of course, if there had been no WWII they'd still all be british colonies. \_ The animosity from Muslims to Jews is written is the Quran. "Jews are evil" is practically part of the religion. \_ Well I KNOW news is controlled by the Jews, that's the only reason I believe it. \_ this is no different between liberals and conservatives, each with strong and incompatible ideologies. It's actually like motd. \_ What irritates me the most is not these idiots, nor the ones waving "love-it-or-leave-it" signs at NASCAR events--in fact, I'm encouraged by the fact that they're able to do this at all. I am just discouraged by the existence of people who actually believe this sort of claptrap. -John |
2005/1/21 [Reference/History/WW2, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:35852 Activity:nil |
i/21 Another related article, especially for the "Useful Idiot" lefty on the MOTD who regurgitates everything that Mike Moore says: http://paulgraham.com/say.html \_ "Let's start with a test: Do you have any opinions that you would be reluctant to express in front of a group of your peers? If the answer is no, you might want to stop and think about that. If everything you believe is something you're supposed to believe, could that possibly be a coincidence? Odds are it isn't. Odds are you just think whatever you're told." He definitely has the Limbaugh trick of starting with a ridiculous assertion down. -tom \_ So, why would this be a ridiculous assertion? Do you actually believe whatever you are taught to believe? If so, then you really do have a small mind, which many on the MOTD have already suspected of you. Of course, your failure to understand and participate in real discourse is legend. Anyway, the article is a-political. It merely points out the fact that people like you are merely monkeys trained to think the way you do and have never had a real independent assertion in your life. \_ I don't know if Limbaugh has the monopoly on that. But it's the false dichotomy that amuses me. Another reason you might not have a problem stating what you believe is that you're self-confident (that is, you know people will disagree, but you don't care). \_ So in other words you are a coward. \_ What is an example of such an opinion? That he likes little boys? |
2005/1/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:35853 Activity:kinda low |
1/21 saw this little exchange on a cspan call-in program: caller: I think we are powerful, and we should use that to help other. nations. host: In what way? Should we bomb them? caller: <pause> We have to sanction them. \_ Vive la libertie! Vive l'Allemand! |
2005/1/21-22 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:35854 Activity:high |
1/21 Which would you choose for a low-price car (new or used): Honda Civic, Nissan Altima, or Toyota Corolla? My priorities are low price, reliability, and low maintenance costs. \_ I have a 1990 Civic Si. I bought a Mazda Protege5 about a year ago. Civic is definitely better architected, but Mazda is better built. It's much easier to get "deals" from Mazda dealer than from Honda dealer, and rebates are much better, too, for non-Honda. It's a close call. Try different cars and NEVER be hasty. \_ Honda Civic. For about the same price maybe even Acura RSX (souped up Civic). \_ RSX is considerably more. But I'd second the Civic notion, although I'd probably check out the Mazda 3: It's got a fair bit more Zoom Zoom. \_ RSX is $20-23K. Civic is $13-21K. Can be the same price (or close) unless you want a stripped down Civic. Mazda 3 seems good. My brother's gf had one for a few months before getting a truck instead. OP didn't ask about it. \_ I have a Civic Hybrid and a 50cc scooter. I love the environment. \_ I've owned to Corollas ('96, '02) and they are great. I've never had any problems with either one. The '02 is actually quite large and still gets very good gas mileage. The routine maintenance recommended by Toyota is quite cheap. My State Farm insurance dude told me that the rates for the Corolla are lower than for a Civic by $20-$50/six months. If your are looking for something a bit sportier than a Corolla and you don't want to go the C1V1C TYP3 R1C3R route, you could take a look at the Mazda 3 or a Impreza 2.5RS (non-WRX version, still get a very nice AWD system for just a bit more money). i/21 Another related article, especially for the "Useful Idiot" lefty on the MOTD who regurgitates everything that Mike Moore says: http://paulgraham.com/say.html \_ "Let's start with a test: Do you have any opinions that you would be reluctant to express in front of a group of your peers? If the answer is no, you might want to stop and think about that. If everything you believe is something you're supposed to believe, could that possibly be a coincidence? Odds are it isn't. Odds are you just think whatever you're told." He definitely has the Limbaugh trick of starting with a ridiculous assertion down. -tom \_ So, why would this be a ridiculous assertion? Do you actually believe whatever you are taught to believe? If so, then you really do have a small mind, which many on the MOTD have already suspected of you. Of course, your failure to understand and participate in real discourse is legend. Anyway, the article is a-political. It merely points out the fact that people like you are merely monkeys trained to think the way you do and have never had a real independent assertion in your life. \_ bad troll, no cookie. -tom \_ I don't know if Limbaugh has the monopoly on that. But it's the false dichotomy that amuses me. Another reason you might not have a problem stating what you believe is that you're self-confident (that is, you know people will disagree, but you don't care). \_ or you're so immersed in a culture of people who hold unusual opinions, that everyone dissagrees all the time and thinks this is normal. Everyone I work with has several outlandish opinions that everyone else thinks are crazy, and no one cares. Of course, in the article, he does mention scientists, but for some reason assumes that none of his readers are scientists. \_ So in other words you are a coward. \_ What is an example of such an opinion? That he likes little boys? |
2005/1/21-25 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:35855 Activity:nil |
1/21 Diffie is giving a lecture about the history of information security this wednesday from 7-8:30 PM at the Computer Hist. Museum in Mt. View (best part is that its free): http://www.computerhistory.org/events/index.php?id=1105901815 \_ I _highly_ recommend going to see this guy talk. He's one of the most fascinating speakers I've seen--he'll ramble for hours about things that may only peripherally relate to the nominal topic of the talks, and it's all incredibly interesting, even if you have no clue what he's on about from time to time. -John |
3/15 |