2005/1/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:35781 Activity:nil |
1/18 In C network programming, say I have a variable frame_var of type ethernet frame struct. Ignoring what uint is actually, let's say the frame struct is "struct frame {uint preamble, uint dest, uint source, char data[1500], uint crc};". Then in order to put stuff into data, I'd do casting as follows: tcp_data = (tcp_struct *)&frame_var->data From this point, I can put fields into tcp_data->source, tcp_data->etc. How would I achieve the same thing is Java since I can't do crazy dereferencing/crazy casting? And is it actually possible to do such low level (data link layer) programming in Java? \_ If I'm understanding what you're wanting to do, you may want to look at the serializable interface, and the corresponding writeObject, readObject methods. -mice \_ StringWriter maybe? Or just write to the socket directly. \_ You might be able to do some of this using reflection. I don't think that you can manually set the tcp src/dest addr on a pkt in java though. \_ I'd create a class TCPData with instance vars matching the tcp_struct, and then add a method TCPData::writeOnBuffer(char[]) to shove the data into the char*. If you want to be a bit more efficient with memory, you could do it differently -- have the TCPData constructor accept a char[] and have the getter/setter methods do the offset arithmetic to put and retrieve values from the char[] correctly, but I'd only do that if absolutely necessary. |
2005/1/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:35782 Activity:kinda low |
1/18 What do you guys use to split MPEG files? \_ I use TMPGEnc. \_ What about combining? Thx. \_ Uh, also TMPGEnc. |
2005/1/19 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Airplane] UID:35783 Activity:insanely high |
1/18 Regarding the A380 airbus/French engineering troll... if I were to pick machineries based on reliability, branding, and engineering history, I'd pick in the following order: Japanese > German > American > French It's too bad that Germans and Japanese don't make aircrafts. They really know how to make machineries that are efficient and/or high performance. As for French engineering, when was the last time they built anything reliable and/or worth driving? Peugeot? Renault? No thanks. \_ Honda has always wanted to get into the aircraft engine business, and it has started doing it already: http://world.honda.com/AircraftEngines \_ I just saw the Honda Jet video, it is AWSOME!!! I LOVE IT. \_ German machines tend to be slick but fragile. \_ and I suppose Americans are much better? Say you got a 100 mile drive to a wedding/job interview, would you drive a 20 year old Pontiac or a 20 year old Mercedes? \_ You do know that JD Powers polled 293 problems per 100 Pontiacs after 3 years ownership, and 318 problems per 100 Mercedes Benzs in the same period. The MB has fewer initial quality problems (132 per 100 vehicls) than the Pontiac (142 per 100), but the Caddy, which is more comparable to the MB anyway, has just 103 initiali problems per 100 vehicles, and just 209 after 3 years. To back it up with personal experience, the 2 MBs I've owned (ML320 and E430) are pure crap with electrical and vibrational problems too numerous to list. \_ The previous poster said 20-year-old Pontiacs and Mercedes, not late model year ones. 20-year-old Mercedes are much more likely to keep on running today than 20-year-old Pontiacs. I agree that today's low-end Mercedes are craps for their price tags. \_ Yes. But I fail to see how the reliability of 20- year-old cars applies to current German ability to design and manufacture reliable machinary. Low end? A friend's SL500 dash lit up like a Christmas tree 2 hours after he picked up the car from the dealership. "Dude, your check engine light is on... Now the empty gas tank light too... What does *that* other light mean?..." I had a great laugh over it and he was pissed at me for a couple months. Of course, he also has the Land Rover that has never ran for 3 months in a row, including the time when it would not go into reverse, which made leaving a parking spot somewhat entertaining. \_ Mercedes has ran their reliability into the ground. Who knows why this is, although I've seen (somewhat troll-ish) claims that it is related to their move into East German factories. BMW seems to have kept up to speed, however. One factor here is that car reliability is much higher than it has been in the past, and the differences between makes is not nearly as great as it used to be. Car makers have to work very hard to keep up their standards, and of couse Lexus sets a very high bar indeed (too bad they make such boring cars). \_ As a BMW owner I can call their cars 'adequate'. The engine itself will run forever, but everything else (including transmission) is delicate. My BMW has been in the shop more times in 3 years than my Honda has in 10 years. I prefer the BMW because of performance and styling, but that's it. \_ The decline of Mercedes started with its merger with Chrysler. \_ But interestingly, Chrysler has had something a comeback since the merger... \_ which means, crappiness and quality are both conserved, and that Chrysler owns Mercedes, not the other way around? \_ Concur. Also, the Swedes are good engineers. What about the British? Certainly they made good planes in WW II. \_ Britian used to make passenger planes, but a very famous set of myserious crashes in, the 50's (I think) ruined them. It turned out the metal they had used would fatigue and eventually break off in flight. They did, however, figure out the cause via some very impressive detective work, so they at once lost their reputation fro building aircraft but gained one for good aviational detecive work. I think the plane was called "the Comet." Addendum: Here we go: http://www.pbs.org/kcet/chasingthesun/planes/comet.html \_ Scotlandyard? \_ The Spitfire was the best fighter.... \_ Our Boeing 747s use Rolls Royce engines. \_ Really? I heard Volkswagon engines lasts a long time. \_ Volkwagen is near the bottom in reliability. German cars are high performance, but break easily. Japanese are durable. American cars are... uh...? \_ Cheap. The world you are looking for is cheap. \_ German engineering is the best! Panzer >>> Shermans. V1/V2 rockets were state of the art. Their ME262 fighters flew faster than any WW2 prop fighters. And they have the Autobahn, which tests German cars under great stress. I love German engineering. ALL HEIL GERMAN!!!!! \_ Airbus > Boeing (not a troll) \_ Yeah, Boeing never crashes their demo planes into the trees due to faulty design. Airbus = r0x0rz! \_ The Airbus was foolproof. Basically, if you are 50 feet from the ground the computer assumes you're landing and takes over the throttle/controls and guides you to a gentle landing. During the Airbus demo, the pilots were instructed to make a low level pass from the ground (common aviation demo), and when they flew it, they flew 30 feet from the ground. The computer thought they're landing, and took over. So yes the Airbus is foolproof, the pilots are not. P.S. All Boeings have an option to turn off fly-by-wire. None of the Airbuses have that option. \_ If you make something foolproof you will breed greater fools. \_ Trusting computers that completely is blatantly stupid. \_ That is true, but trusting humans completely is even worse. cf. the collison in Switzerland. It really comes down to a choice between trusting the people who designed the plane/machine (ppl like you) and those who pilot them. Contrary to popular myth, the latter are not that reliable. Contrary to popular myth, the latter are not more reliable. \_ That's hilarious! URL please? \_ as an engineer, I have reservations on the latest and greatest technology. First of all, the A380 is GIGANTIC so it requires longer runways and more complex systems to accomodate for its size. If there's a problem, you can only land in certain airports so if you have to reroute or land due to weather or mechanical problems, you're screwed. Secondly, big systems have more points of failure, and even when you add redundancy, they crash more catastrophically than smaller systems due to bigger mass and less available land (you can land small planes in a dessert, but with A380 you'll generate so much spark/fire and leakeage the chance of surviving is minimal.) Thirdly, big systems tend to be complex than smaller ones and in general complexity introduces new and unforeseen problems. Lastly, I just don't know enough about French engineering to really trust the A380. \_ Must be a really small plane or a really big dessert. \_ I prefer fudge sundaes, myself. \_ I knew people who adored American engineering, boarded a Boeing or MD, and migrated to the big aquarium. |
2005/1/19-20 [Recreation/Media] UID:35784 Activity:high |
1/19 Film Review: Elektra: Jennifer Garner is always nice to look at, but this does not a good movie make. Director Rob Bowman once again takes a great idea and blandifies it to the point of silliness (cf. X-Files). And the Grand Lake Theater didn't even have the Fantastic Four trailer, so disappointment all around. \_ Golden rule: any comic book character not good enough to get their own comic book will not make a good movie character (c.f. Robin). \_ Ah, but can you imagine what a talented director could do with Bill Sienkiewicz as a creative consultant on Elektra: Assassin? \_ Robin has his own comic book, he just changed his super hero name first. \_ Holy Hollywood Jews, Batman! Robin has his own comic book?! \_ Yeah he is called Nightwing now. \_ I thought Robin was dead? \_ Second Robin -- Jason Todd -- yes. First Robin = Nightwing \_ Third Robin -- Tim Drake -- has had his own comic book series for the last decade. \_ Jennifer Garner is a hardbody, but I don't really understand her appeal. She's very 'girl next door' and yet they sell her as a tough chick in movies and as glamorous off the set. It just doesn't work for me, because she seems like neither. \_ She is a classic beauty: http://csua.org/u/ars \_ Not like Liz Taylor, Grace Kelly, Rita Hayworth, etc http://glamournet.com/legends/Rita/bw/rhglam2.jpg http://glamournet.com/legends/audrey/gallery/_bkft4.html \_ You think this is bad, wait until Keanu Reeves soils your good memory of Constantine. \_ If he fucks up A Scanner Darkly I'm going to be outside the theater with picket signs and leaflets. I'm not even fucking kidding. \_ Better get your picket signs ready. Did you see Johnny Mnemonic? \_ Honestly, I think Reeves will probably be ok as Arctor. I'm more concerned about Winona Ryder's portrayal of Donna, and whatever horrible shit the writers and director may have done to the plot. That's a *really* dark novel, and in my opinion one of Dick's best. So yes, I am basically expecting to become "Crazy Philip K Dick Pamphlet Man" when it comes out. You can read about me in the police blotter after the movie comes out. \_ Direction and Screenplay by Richard Linklater: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000500 None of the movies he's written to date have borne the mark of Hollywood, so maybe this one will work out. \_ Can you recommend one of his movies in particular? \_ Slacker or Waking Life --!pp \_ Trivia you may know: Philip K Dick went to Cal \_ And dropped out quickly. \_ I live in fear of Constantine, in trepidation of FF, in hopeful optimism for Batman Begins, and in the true ecstasy of the faithful in the face of Sin City. \_ Elektra had her own book, at least for a while in the 80s. |
2005/1/19-20 [Computer/SW, Computer/HW/Memory] UID:35785 Activity:kinda low |
1/19 What's the difference between an instruction cache and a target branch buffer? \_ This is the fucking csua, we talk about politics and girls, who do you think we are? bunch of nerds? \_ Doing your CS152 homework? Oh wait, now it's semester break. Been out of school for too long. \_ I am guessing. an intruction cache stores previous instructions, whereas a target branch buffer fetches the instruction which the branch prediciton logic anticipate. (thus the target branch) \_ An instruction cache also stores next instructions if, say, the cache only reads from memory 16 bytes at a time and the instructions are less than 16 bytes each. \_ a branch target buffer is a place to store metadata about recently used branches, e.g. profiling statistics to inform branch prediction logic. it's analogus to a TLB in that it holds the scratch state for hardware logic meant to accelerate the typical case execution beyond the worst case one. |
2005/1/19 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:35786 Activity:nil |
1/19 Rice playing fast and loose with nuclear evidence, including transcripts of her problem statements. http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/politics/administration/whbriefing If such a smart and accomplished individual can't get this right ... |
2005/1/19-20 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:35787 Activity:kinda low |
1/19 Is this unethical? Filming of GG Bridge suicides? http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/01/19/MNGENASPH31.DTL \_ I, personally, don't have any problem with someone filming the suicides, but I do have a problem with him lying to the officials about his motives. \_ It's unethical to lie to get permission to place your cameras on GG land, but not unethical to film suicides in a very public place. They may have had an ethical obligation to try to prevent any suicides they saw in progress, and it sounds like that's what they did. \_ Does the "Good Samaritan" law in France apply to people trying to commit suicide? \_ Faces of Death |
2005/1/19-20 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:35788 Activity:low 75%like:35658 |
1/19 Does the Mac Mini have a cooling fan? How quiet is it? \_ Yes. The reports I read say its inaudible, but also took pains to point out that the Macworld expo floor has a lot of background noise so ymmv. -dans \_ There's no way to have dual monitors on a Mac Mini right? \_ Yes. \_ From the pictures it looks like the mac mini has the same fan as the iBook. When it comes on full force it is probably audible. My mac mini should be here this week (or by early next week). I'll post on the motd re noise when it shows up. \_ According to the Mossberg guy from WSJ, it is rather quiet, but the DVD-RW drive is noisy when in use. Also, when he puts stuff on the mini mac box, the DVD-RW drive would have problem operating. Overall, he liked the mini mac. |
2005/1/19 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:35789 Activity:insanely high |
1/19 The poll, conducted Saturday through Monday, found that the percentage of Americans who believed the situation in Iraq was "worth going to war over" had sunk to a new low of 39%. When the same question was asked in a similar poll in October, 44% said it had been worth going to war. http://csua.org/u/arb (L.A. Times via Yahoo! News) 20/20 interview last week: Walters: "But was it worth it if there were no weapons of mass destruction? Now that we know that that was wrong? Was it worth it?" Bush: "Oh, absolutely." -troll #1 \_ Why do Americans hate America? \_ These polls are completely useless. What's the point on continually posting poll results anyway? You know they're bogus and you can't rely on them. \_ Yeah, polling results are all hills and valleys anyway. Though, I think it was fully intentional that support for the war peaked at election time, when the only meaningful poll was taken. Who cares about poll results at all now? \_ Everyone who wants to live in a democracy cares what public opinion is. You can bet that Congress pays attention to the polling numbers, especially for their district. \_ No, you moron, the point isn't what the public opinion is, it's whether polls REFLECT public opinion. Polls obviously do NOT reflect public opinion. If they did then John Kerry would be President and we would've never been in Iraq. Your polls are useless because the error factor is too large. HOW you poll and WHO you poll and AT WHAT TIME you poll obviously affect the outcome. You can't say Poll A reflect public opinion vs. Poll B because neither of them do. Also, Congress isn't worried about general public opinion. Congress isn't elected by the general public. They're worried about special interest and their constituency. \_ well, the Zogby Poll around election time didn't seem pretty accurate. It was certainly difficult to tell between Zogby, Gallup, and others, whose was accurate, and that point is granted. point is granted. -troll #1 \_ I think a poll showing 39% support is pretty definitive, even if the exact number isn't quite right. It's when things are within a couple of percentage points (like the popular vote in the 2004 general) that things get squirelly. \_ I think this argument is self-refuting. Show me the polls that predicted a large Kerry victory. \_ Zogby: Kerry 311 EV, Dubya 213 EV Too close to call: NV (5), CO (9) -troll #1 \_ Zogby has now blown two elections in a row. Something tells me he won't be doing polling for Reuters in 2008. \_ Zogby was the closest pollster to accurately predicting the popular vote. \_ So if they just didn't publish the electoral vote prediction, they'd actually be fine. However, ... -troll #1 \_ Bush 48%, Kerry 47% http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews922.html Did you just make up this prediction to try and make yourself look good??? \_ I believe Zogby made both electoral vote and popular vote predictions. And no, I did not just "make up" those numbers to look good. Duh. -troll #1 \_ The individual state polls are notoriously uneven. I wonder if anyone learned a lesson about relying on them to make electoral vote predictions. \_ The point is that Zogby did not predict a large Kerry victory, in spite of your blov- ination to the contrary. Zogby was the most accurate pollster in 2000. And polls obviously do mostly represent public opinion in spite of your statement to the contrary. In short, everything you stated was 100% incorrect. Furthermore, you completely ignored the last sentence of the comment you were replying to, causing you to just repeat what I said. \_ (Nice! You just purged your "URL then. I don't believe you."!) google "zogby 311 213". There's even a dailykos log for you. The sentence I was replying to was "Show me the polls that predicted a large Kerry victory". My other reply was to "Did you just make this up ...?" I believe you are confused. -troll #1 \_ I said "especially for their district." You said "their constituency" Those mean the same things, at least in the English language. And 48/47 is not a large margin of victory, no matter how hard you try to spin it. Why do you even bother to read polls if you think they are all worthless? I believe you are an querulous ass. \_ I'm not "their constituency" guy. I have now marked all my posts with signage "-troll #1". See where I say the bit about Zogby, if they just didn't publish the electoral vote prediction, they'd be fine? -troll #1 \_ So you are defending a guy don't even agree with? Fine, you are just querulous then. \_ I didn't even bother reading what that guy said. Someone said, "Show me the polls that predicted a large Kerry victory." So I did. And then someone asked if I made that up, and I said no. -troll #1 \_ So show me the polls that predicted a large Kerry popular vote victory. \_ There is no such reputable poll. -troll #1 \_ This is a freedom Republic, not a euro democracy. \_ but the democratic underground is fighting back |
2005/1/19 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:35790 Activity:kinda low |
1/19 aaron needs to read this: http://www.townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/ts20050113.shtml \_ When the evil legions of Dubya dupe America with a sophisticated media campaign of misrepresentations of the truth, and we just got four more years of it, there is a reaction. \_ Sowell would do well to point out that the same sharp analysis he wants trained on the Left would be equally welcomed if applied to the Right. \_ So does Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and all the other screaming maniacs on the Right. I fight it amusing that I get an ad for Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity on this page. |
2005/1/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:35791 Activity:nil |
1/19 Does naplak (on shoes) mean leather or plastic? |
2005/1/19-20 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/Companies/Apple] UID:35792 Activity:kinda low |
1/19 USB>>Firewire or Firewire>>USB? Give reasons and specs. Round 1 START! \_ Yersister >> Yermom \_ Yersisiter + Yermom >> Yersister \_ Yersister + Yermom >> Yersister \_ Firewire has a way better plug. USB upside-down looks the same unless you look inside the plug. What a stupid design. \_ From a usability perspective Firewire wins hands down. On interface, on cpu load, etc. Unfortunately USB is cheaper. \_ Firewire has less overhead and in practice is faster. |
2005/1/19-3/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:35793 Activity:nil 66%like:12725 |
1/19 PHP upgraded. Bugs to root. |
2005/1/19-20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:35794 Activity:moderate |
1/19 "Bush begins his new term with the lowest approval rating at that point of any recent two-term president -- 49 percent in an Associated Press poll this month." (CNN.com) So, how effective do you think authorities will be at confiscating eggs prior to tomorrow's inauguration? \_ They will just shoot any dissenters. \_ Yawn. Wasn't there a thread about the same thing two days ago? Please check motd archive. \_ This reminds me of that old joke about the guys in prison who've told the same jokes so many times that they just say a number and everyone laughs. We could do that for some of these trolls. Someone posts "221342353", and the usual suspects all chime in with numerical responses, meaning things like "you're an idiot" and long rants about guns. Thanks to the motd web archive this is actually practical (and has now happened a couple of times). \_ uh, whatever. what number is this motd and what are other numbers that are similar to this one? \_ Yermom! \_ Is there a commandline interface to kais motd? i.e. "kais 23431" spits out that motd post, or "-d 2005.1.14" spits out the motd for that day. Via lynx I guess. \_ you got your wish, at your CSUA command line, type: "~kchang/bin/kais 35794" for entry 35794 (THIS ONE) "~kchang/bin/kais 1day" for today's entries "~kchang/bin/kais 2005/1/1" for new year's entries There are many other commands as well but you need an account. For a preview of account capabilities you can look at http://csua.com/?login=1 -kchang \_ um, I think I'll wait until I can see the source first. not that I don't trust you or anything... Dear anal untrusty person, this is the source -------------/ {soda}/home/apollo/kchang/bin> cat kais #!/bin/sh lynx --dump 'http://csua.com/?text='$* \_ oh, ok. nifty. now we can argue back and forth using only backreferences. since all the politics have already been discussed, according to popular belief. suggestion: allow just "1/1" for the date (default to 2004) and allow 1/1/2004. ok thanks. \_ It's how you tell it. \_ Yeah, but that was in the Washington Post. Now CNN is reporting Dubya's approval rating is even lower than Nixon's around his 2nd inauguration. Anyways, I'm asking about eggs. \_ Eggs won't be a problem, because they are only inviting the ideologically pure to the inauguration. Unless some wounded soldier from Iraq goes ballistic. And I bet they have those guys under close observation. \_ The first sentence, after the comma, is not correct: http://www.suntimes.com/output/elect/cst-nws-inaug29.html This is why you had eggs and a leadfoot limo driver in Inauguration 2001. \_ s/observation/sedation/ |
2005/1/19-20 [Computer/Companies/Ebay, Computer/Companies/Apple] UID:35795 Activity:moderate |
1/19 Thinking of changing jobs. I asked about this before but my post got trolled. And I won't post my name for obvious reasons. I'm interested in a position at Ebay or Apple. I heard the bonuses at Ebay are pretty good. How about Apple? Any current employees would like to comment on the salary/bonus and general atmosphere? Thanks. \_ If you get married Steve Jobs has the right of first opportunity. \_ It's called Prima Noctis. Ugh. Ignorant savages all of you. \_ That was the case when my pixar-employee friend got married! \_ What does it mean? \_ During feudal times, the feudal lord had jus prima noctis, the "right of the first night" with the brides of any of his serfs. \_ During feudal times, the feudal lord had jus prima noctis, the "right of the first night" with the brides of any of his serfs. \_ Wow! Better than the emperors in ancient China! \_ Yep, that's so fucking uncivilized. \_ It makes me want to rally the Scots and take on the King of England! \_ It's good to be the king! \_ It never happened. Just a story. |
2005/1/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:35796 Activity:nil |
1/19 What's the difference between regular threads and threads created with async in Perl? |
2005/1/19-20 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:35797 Activity:moderate |
1/19 Funny review of "Hated: GG Allin And The Murder Junkies" http://www.geocities.com/outlawvern/ReviewsH.html#anchor270435 \_ GG Allin was a waste of space. \_ If I could push a button and make either GG Allin never have existed or make one of these all-sound-the-same corporate sellout bands they call punk now, I'd kill the corporate sellout. \_ I vote for GG Allin and others like him. He's a sellout of a different kind. \_ Seconded. Take your goddamn "performance art" out of my punk, please. |
2005/1/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:35798 Activity:nil |
1/19 Is it normal for the fed to release to mass media photos of terror 'suspects' who have no prior record just based on an anonymous phone call? It sounds like an excellent way to punish/kill a personal foe. \_ If the four are illegal immigrants, you have no political repercussions! |
2005/1/19 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:35799 Activity:high Edit_by:auto |
1/19 Is there a commandline interface to kais motd? i.e. "kais 23431" spits out that motd post, or "-d 2005.1.14" spits out the motd for that day. Via lynx I guess. \_ you got your wish, at your CSUA command line, type: "~kchang/bin/kais 35799" for entry 35799 (THIS ONE) "~kchang/bin/kais 2day" for past 2 days of entries "~kchang/bin/kais 2005/1/1" for new year's entries There are many other commands as well but you need an account. For a preview of account capabilities you can look at http://csua.com/?login=1 -kchang \_ um, I think I'll wait until I can see the source first. not that I don't trust you or anything... Dear anal untrusty person, this is the source -------------/ {soda}/home/apollo/kchang/bin> cat kais #!/bin/sh lynx --dump 'http://csua.com/?text='$* \_ oh, ok. nifty. now we can argue back and forth using only backreferences. since all the politics have already been discussed, according to popular belief. suggestion: allow just "1/1" for the date (default to current year) and allow 1/1/2005. ok thanks. \_ ok you got it. Now I'm interested in seeing a debate based on numbers. It'd be interesting if you guys can reduce all the pointless political arguments and counter arguments to numberical theorem/axiom/numbers \_ Do you even know what any of these words mean? \_ he is simply ridicuing us and what not. Maybe someone can write a knowledge base system on it as well. -kchang |
2005/1/19-20 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:35800 Activity:moderate |
1.19 Anybody ever used one of those auto auctions in the bay area? Good experience? What sort of admission fee did you pay to get in? Thanks. \_ I've been to the alameda county auction in Dublin. I didn't buy anything, I just went to see what it was like. Admission was free. You could buy a print out of the schedule (something like 300 cars), or print one out yourself for free online. There were a lot of people taking detailed notes. It looked to me like a very good deal. Some nice cars went VERY cheap. http://www.acauction.com --jrleek Addendum: I think if you actually wanted to bid on a car you had to register, and there was a fee for that. ($15?) That page also describes the extra fees you have to pay when you buy. \_ How can you tell what kind of condition the cars are in without taking it to a shop? You can tell the condition of the chasis but how would you know about the transmission or if there is a hole in the catalytic converter etc. Are the prices things went for available anywhere? \_ You can go ahead of time (thursday?) and check the cars out yourself. I didn't, so I don't know how through an inspection you're allowed. I don't think the prices are posted anywhere, people were there writing them down for their own reference. I can tell you 2002 BMWs went for about $15,000, and a Kia with 60,000 miles left on the warranty (transferable) went for < 3000. -jrleek \_ I never went to one myself, but a coworker did. His friend bought a car there which turned out to be a great buy BUT it was out of gasoline and the battery was dead. Getting it home was a lot of fun, since the gas cap had a key which was missing, too. People who go often know to bring a charger, gas, and some tools. They let you start the cars, but you cannot drive them. Caveat emptor. |
3/15 |