2005/1/17-18 [Reference/History/WW2] UID:35741 Activity:low |
1/16 Are harddrives 100.00% axis-independent? In another word, will they get 100.00% same efficiency/reliability if you run them the right side up, up side down, side-ways, etc? \_ The chimp says ***Evil Axis*** must die \_ No, they're only 99.99% axis- independent. Due to gravity there are slight fluctuations on the rotational axis of the drive which the internal logic attempts to compensate for, but is not 100% effective. Also, moving the drive around to different parts of the room will affect it because of the magnetic field of the earth. We spent about 10 years measuring this and we know that the effect can be as high as .0000001% of the drive speed. So, get out your magnenometer and start optimizing the placement of your hard drive! |
2005/1/17-18 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:35742 Activity:high |
1/17 My DMA is in fact turned on, but I'm hardly getting the 133 rate in my ATA133 as claimed by my motherboard and hard-drive. What are some culprits in the lack of performance? ok thx. \_ How are you measuring the throughput? \_ You know nothing can sustain ATA133 throughput, right? \_ And you're running which OS? \_ Bottleneck is hard drive heads reading data off the spinning platter. I think you max out around 20-30 MB / second these days for a 7200rpm drive for not too fragmented large files. Heck, notebooks have ATA133, why are their hard drives slow? Duh. \_ I've tried transfering 50Gig of content (mostly movies, very little HD head movements) and according to the XP estimation it will take 160 min. So that means the rate is approx 5.2M/sec. That is nowhere close to 20-30MB rate you're saying. I'm very dissappointed... \_ if your source hard drive is defragged and your dest hard drive is empty, you are not doing this across a 100Mbps network or some crappy FireWire / USB 2.0 controller, and 5.2 MB/s turned out to be the user-measured result (as opposed to what Windoze estimates), I'd be disappointed too. \_ yes. Drive 1 is Maxtor 250Gig drive, empty. Drive 2 is WD 200Gig drive, no fragmentation. Both are on the same ATA133 cable. Transfering from 2 to 1 is about 5MB/sec. WHAT IS GOING ON? Why is it so slow??? \_ That *is* slow. Do you have any anti-virus apps doing on-the-fly scanning? \_ nope! Disabled the "real-time" scan. ARGGGGGGGGGGG \_ Okay, now why didn't you give this information from the start? If they're on the same cable, you're running in half-duplex. So your theoretical best is half the max. \_ no. 133ATA means 130000Mb/sec, or 16.6MB/sec. So theoretical limit is 16.6, and assuming half-duplex, it's 8.3MB/sec. I'm getting 5.2MB/sec. I guess 5.2 out of 8.3 is not too bad, but still very disappointing. -op \_ 133 means 133 MB/s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_device_bandwidths Anyway, re-install Windoze and measure again. \_ Is your NTFS drive compressed? \_ NOPE -op \_ Did you check your primary/secondary IDE channel settings (in Manage Hardware) and verify that DMA is in fact selected? \_ I have run performance tests on literally dozens of drives and they are all like that. 5MB is kind of slow, but you are never going to see 10MB/sec. \_ I just timed a dump of a 2 GB DVD image from drive to /dev/null on my Thinkpad T41. Average 20 MB/s, and watching a realtime monitor it was more like 24 MB/s and then a pause at 0 MB/s while Linux did some poorly timed swapping. I am sure I get better speeds than OP copying from drive to Ipod over USB2. \_ There's also seek time when the sectors you try to read are non- contiguous in the same track, and when the sectors are in different tracks. \_ I believe it's called "latency" when the data resides in the same track. Seek time is moving heads, as you noted. Access time is the overall result. \_ The only time you'll see 133 is when it's reading data that's in the drive's memory buffer. \_ if the little pixies are on strike there will be some slow down \_ Dude where are the true SCSI-files? ATA has always make outrageous claims. It is a combination of the fact ATA just not "robust" enough to support that many drives and Windoze sucks at FS. |
2005/1/17 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:35743 Activity:insanely high |
1/16 Dear libertarians (ie "all man for himself") and conservatives (ie "flat tax means equality"), what is your opinion on the following article and why is it flawed? -moderate http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/01/17/wealth.gap.ap/index.html \_ Dear moderate (ie "I am too dumb to make up my mind"), please fuck off. \_ I'll bite. The article points out that the income gap has closed but the wealth gap has not. It seems intuitive that if the gap in income and wealth were to both close, that the income gap will come first. That we haven't seen the wealth gap close yet does not indicate a market failure. Also, doesn't take into account that regional variations in wealth/income and regional variations in race are highly correlated (see <DEAD>www.csua.berkeley.edu/~darin/upload/black.PNG<DEAD> --Darin (moderate libertarian) \_ user/pass? I tried moderate/libertarian and it didn't work. \_ I'll go in as well. Again, they point out that the income gap has closed, but not the wealth gap. In the article they attribute this to racism in companies giving morgages. BS. Lack of loans don't stop people from investing in the stock market or any other sort of saving. Basically, America has a big problem with people not saving. There's an epidemic of people living beyond their means in America, and blacks seem to be particularly susceptible to the lure of conspicuous consumption. This is cultural, if your parents didn't save money, you probably won't either. (In this case, it may be their parents didn't save money because some white guy would come and steal it. It doesn't matter, the result is the same now.) I think we should make a class in money management a high school requirement. -jrleek \_ I agree with everything you say, and yet I am a liberal. This may be one of the first jrleek posts I would say that about. \_ Ahh! You used the b**** word!!! Racist!!! \_ People keep saying blacks don't save money. Then you go look up life expectancy of black males and it's like 69. The amount of money one needs to save for retirement is vastly different depending on whether one is going to live to 69 or 82. to 69 or 82. White people complain a lot, but it's they who live a long, unproductive, useless post-retirement life on government subsidies. They should learn to die earlier like black people, and stop wasting my tax dollars. These days, you start getting social security at like 67, so the average black male is only gonna get two years' worth, whereas someone who lives till 87 is going to get 20 years' worth. So, please stop dissing on black people. \_ Sigh. This is why a little knowledge of statistics is such a dangerous thing. \_ well, the same thing can be said of jrleek's post, which is my point. \_ I must have missed it then. Could you explain where my post goes wrong in more detail? Your post makes a number a wierd logical fallacies that I makes a number of weird logical fallacies that I don't THINK I commited, which you claim to have understood when you posted. Please be more specific. -jrleek \_ Please explain what weird logical fallacies were in my post? \_ I don't think you know how life expectancy works. - !jrleek \_ That's the main problem. The way you apply life expectency is criminal, and the resulting argument is horrifying in it's circularity. -jrleek \_ This is the first time I've heard of the notion of African Americans in general not saving money vs. other Americans. I read last night in the Post editorial on Social Security that the average U.S. household saves 1.5% of disposable income, compared to 11% two decades ago. So ... that must mean blacks are dragging down the average, even though they make up ~ 10% of the U.S. population? (That was an absurd statement; of course I don't believe that.) \_ I was just using the stats from the article. I guess you could say that blacks are "dragging down the average" but I wouldn't. It's a huge probelm in every race. Blacks just seem to be particularly afflicted with it. -jrleek \_ I just updated my stats for you since I remembered my source. Anyway, if you said, whiteys played more stocks than black people, even if they make the same money -- I'd agree with you. But I think the numbers don't lie, for all Americans, when it comes to annual savings. I don't know if the Post's result intelligently classified some stock market investments as savings, so I can't argue there. \_ Again they focus on equal outcome rather than equal opportunity. The goal is clearly socialism. \_ socialism is equal income. communism is equal outcome. \_ capitalism is equal cum. \_ no, capitalism is equal outcome when you have enough income \_ "Victims!" |
2005/1/17-18 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:35744 Activity:low |
1/17 Does anyone have experience with a cell phone retailer called Orange Digital Land? I saw its newspaper ad saying they have a T-Mobile plan when I can get two phones, five lines, everything free for one year after rebates. It just sounds too good to be true. Is the store trustworthy? \_ If you sign up for 5 lines, I'm sure you can get 2 phones for free. The lines are *not* free, although activation may be. \_ I think the shop is simply using part of their "new customer" comission to work the deal. You are basically getting a 5-line family plan. The shop gets couple hundred dollars for each new line they open. I did something similar before (switching from Cingular to T-Mobile). I only switched 2 lines and got 2 new phones (around $250 retail each) for free. Oh, I didn't use Orange Digital Land. I think all Chinese/Asian cell companies are pretty much the same. \_ So if I sign up and then cancel after one year, I get everything for free, the retailer makes a little profit, while T-Mobile loses money for the commission, phones and lines? Doesn't sound like good business plan for T-Mobile. \_ Are they offering this in the bay area now? My sister did it last year, and my parents just did it a couple weeks ago, but they are in LA. \_ Yeah, the ad lists five store addresses, all here in the Bay Area. \_ That's pretty much it. It's the cost of acquiring a new customer. Since most people don't change their carrier on a regular basis, T-Mobile is hoping that you'll stay for > 1 year. |
2005/1/17 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:35745 Activity:nil |
1/17 If I want to get a wireless card for my apple (desktop, not laptop), do I need to get it from apple or can I go get one from bestbuy? (e.g. a linksys card) |
2005/1/17-18 [Health/Skin] UID:35746 Activity:moderate |
1/17 i have this big ass pimple by my ear that has been there for several months. how do i get rid of it? a lot of soap? should i boil a needle and pop it? \_ If there's a little dark spot in the center, it's an ingrown hair. Ingrown hairs are harmless. Tumors are not. Have it checked out. \_ Several months? Maybe it's not a pimple. \_ My prom date had a bump by her ear. After 6-12 months she had it biopsied and it was a tumor of one of the glands. She had it removed while under general anesthesia, didn't need to take chemo, and is fine today. She's 31 today; that was ~ 5 years ago. \_ It's funny, because the way you worded this it sounds like you went to your prom when she was 26... \_ You the mac. 18 year old taking a 26! \_ Heh, I don't think the prom and the discovery of the bump on her ear occurred during the same general time frame. |
2005/1/17-18 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:35747 Activity:nil |
1/17 For the person who asked about AFP over SSH, just start a ssh tunnel on your client: ssh -N -L [localport]:localhost:548 [user]@[afpserver] Now you can connect using ssh via the finder using the afp url: afp://localhost:[localport] \_ note: must be root to bind to <1024 |
2005/1/17-18 [Consumer/Camera, Computer/HW/Printer] UID:35748 Activity:kinda low |
1/17 What's a good photo printer to get these days? Willing to spend from $150 to $500000. \_ Canon Pixma. They are a new line and start at $100 I think. \_ Canon Pixma. They are a new line and start at $100000 I think. \_ Costco or Walmart. \_ How do the printers at Costco work? The printout looks and feels like traditional photos. Are their printers inkjet or laser? Or do the printers actually shine light on real photo paper? The printout from my Epson Stylus Photo 1200 looks good, but it looks pretty obvious that it's not traditional photo even though I'm using some so-called photo paper. \_ They are using standard photo printers that cost thousands of \_ They are using standard photo printers that cost billions of dollars. Same process as traditional photos. So you can either invest in a printer, or pay $0.20 per print at Costco. \_ Don't standard photo printers print from negatives (shine light thru negatives on unexposed photo paper)? How do they print from digital files? \_ Just a guess--they use a thin lcd panel and project light through that. Frankly I don't know, but the process is great for my digital photos. \_ Dye-sublimation? The Canon CP series are dye-sub with a clear coating. Very similar to "real" photo prints. \_ These days many photo labs print all digitally. All films get scanned by their professional printers. Oh, and the Epson R series with 8 inks are supposed to be really good. I'm waiting for the wide format version of the R series to come out this year. I think the R series is in direct competition to Canon Pixma series someone mentioned above. \_ Last I checked they charged $0.17/print. |
2005/1/17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:35749 Activity:insanely high |
1/17 Iran is next! http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?050124fa_fact \_ And Hersch (and his informer) should be executed for treason. Didn't people complain that our intelligence in Iraq was faulty because we didn't have human intelligence on the ground? \_ HOW DARE HE QUESTION OUR LEADER! \_ Let's execute all dem "newsjournalists" for tippin' off the enemy while our boys are behind enemy lines! </troll> \_ What is treasonous about this article? Specifically, I want you to point out something that was published in there that the enemy doesn't already know. Are you against the Freedom of The Press now? \_ *laugh* take a look at the right wing republican track record on any subject relating to freedom of the press and decide for yourself. Of course they don't support freedom of the press. \_ I did not know that we had boots on the ground in Iran. I did not know they were the next target (thought it was Syria). Freedom of the Press does not include shouting fire in a crowded theater. \_ You have to consider the possibility that some of Hersch's sources might be feeding him disinformation. \_ That doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't be printing it. \_ I know we have boots on the ground in North Korea and Pakistan, unless the SEAL who told me he had been there in the last year was lying to me, a distinct possibility. I assume we put Special Ops or CIA agents in places like this. That is their job, after all. And Hersch job as a journalist is to make sure we have a national coversation about war against Iran before we say, bomb the crap out of them. If Hersch had not exposed the Abu Gharib torture, it would probably still be going on. Would that be the best thing \_ do you really thikn we have forces in NK right now? do they disguise themselves as bowls of gruel? \_ Are you a moron? The Army had already started their investigation. Why do you think it would still be going on? The process was working. \_ If you think it's not STILL GOING ON RIGHT NOW, you, sir, are the moron. \_ So there are still people being abused in Abu Ghraib right now? What is your proof? \_ hey guys, I'm confused, are you talking about waterboarding, pyramid pileups, forced masturbation, sexual humiliation in general, or forced positions? thanks \_ I think he is talking about the gang raping of minor boys. raping of minor boys. Cons always hate sodomy, except for the non consensual kind. \_ I don't know, are you ? We were still toruring people at Gitmo for quite a while afterwards and the only reason we stopped was because of the public outcry over Abu Gharib. \_ Please show a reputable reference that there was continued abuse at Abu Ghraib after the military began its investigation. \_ I meant that torture would still be going on, not necessarily torture at Abu Gharab. We continued to torture at Gitmo. If we had not had that national conversation about torture, where even "Torquemada" Gonzalez repudiated it, it would still be going on. for America? How bad would it have gotten before it was exposed then? \_ do you really thikn we have forces in NK right now? do they disguise themselves as bowls of gruel? \_ Syria isn't dangerous. There's no point wasting time with them. By the way this article is the first time I've noticed the use of an umlaut in words like cooperation and preemptive (pree:mptive). Is that an established thing? \_ It's a New Yorker mag thing, don't worry about it. - danh \_ Doesn't Syria have WMDs? Aren't a non-negligible number of insurgency leaders in Syria? \_ So you think Hersch should be executed for treason because he published a report that the US was sending Special Ops teams into Iran. Is that your serious contention? I think you are a loon. \_ "I'm absolutely convinced that the threat we face now, the idea of a terrorist in the middle of one of our cities with a nuclear weapon, is very real and that we have to use extraordinary measures to deal with it." -VP Cheney \_ Was that the line against Iraq or Iran? \_ VP debate, Oct 5 2004. \_ I don't think that he should be executed, like the loony Con up there, but I think he should have kept his mouth shut. It is not like he is exposing government wrongdoing, like at Abu Gharib or in the OSP case or numerous other times. -liberal \_ Does the article say whether any special ops teams are there in Iran right now? \_ "The American task force, aided by the information from Pakistan, has been penetrating eastern Iran from Afghanistan" \_ thx! -khamenei \_ Next time RTFA! |
2005/1/17-18 [Computer/SW/Virus] UID:35750 Activity:nil |
1/17 Update on the Win2K box that couldn't get DHCP or resolve DNS. I tried installing NetBEUI, removing TCP/IP, rebooting, installing TCP/IP, but that didn't work. Then I installed Ad-aware and it found and removed "VirtuMonde", an adware infection. Everything worked after that. Removed everything else found by Ad-aware, and installed about 10 critical updates. Looks like "VirtuMonde" tried to install and it screwed everything up. I guess I'll run the adware scanner first next time. :-P Thanks for all the help. \_ LSP were f*cked. Ad-aware has a fix for that. Also look for LSP fix |
2005/1/17 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:35751 Activity:high |
1/17 http://www.cnn.com/2005/BUSINESS/01/17/airbus.380.reut/index.html Why I think this is a stupid idea. You usually have one point of entry and exit per plane, and the time for all the passengers to get on/off the plane increases greatly with 500 passengers. Second point. Say you fly 1 plane that hauls 500 passengers vs. 5 planes that haul 100 passengers. If there's malfunction on the jumbo 500 seater plane, you're fucked, but you still have options when you have 4 other planes. In short, I think the bigger something is the dumber it is. -csua armchair pilot \_ But with 5 planes, your overall failure rate is multiplied by 5. Anyway I think Boeing's 7E7 Dreamliner thing is more interesting. Their idea is that people want to go direct, not always get routed through giant hubs. Although I think most people will still put up with hubs if it's noticably cheaper. \_ Is your 100 passenger airplane overall operating cost 1/5 of the 500 passenger version? I would think it would cost a lot more to operate 5 100-passenger airplane across the Atlantic vs. 1 500-passenger airplane. \_ It would cost a lot more to operate a 500 passenger plane filled with 200 passengers than it would be to operate 2 100 passenger planes. How many routes do you think have that kind of demand or the ability to service a jet that large? |
2005/1/17 [Uncategorized] UID:35752 Activity:nil |
1/17 If our enemy gets rid of our satellites, can we still fight effective wars? \_ will never happen. \_ mebbe!!!! \_ most likely. MTV will be offline and a lot of Reservists will have to be called back from Iraq to keep teenagers from rebelling. |
2005/1/17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:35753 Activity:nil |
1/17 Yay, Dubya! "The president's overall job approval rating stands at 52 percent, unchanged in the past month. Of all presidents in the post-war era who won reelection, only Richard M. Nixon had a lower job approval rating at the start of his second term while the other chief executives began their second term with job ratings of 60 percent or higher." -Wash Post \_ Just wait till he starts his war with Iran and starts drafting college students. \_ AAAAGHH! The draft rumor was false last time, why would you believe it now? \_ What made it "false"? I still think Bush is going to have to start drafting people. The National Guard has not met their recruiting quota for six months running now, and they are half of the troops in Iraq! Where is he going to get the soldiers for this third front of his??? \_ !!!!?????`111`11one!!111eleven!!!!! \_ Wasn't there a "Read My Lips: No Draft" moment? Isn't Rummy anti-draft? \_ Just a WAG, but IF there's a draft, I think they'd structure it to be easy to get postponements for college. You want to draft kids of those least likely to raise a stink. \_ And Nixon also faced a press with a hard-on to publish anything bad about him. Hmm... \_ Dude, the press has rolled over for Dubya. Keep dreaming your paranoid fantasies if you want, but please remember there is a real world out there. |
2005/1/17-18 [Industry/Jobs] UID:35754 Activity:moderate |
1/17 Anyone interviewed recently, how is the job market? \_ Job? Why are you asking me about the book of Job? That's not even my field...or is there something I'm missing here? -gradstudent \_ Guess that tells you... \_ Guess that means the job market is good, everyone has jobs. \_ Or that no one is hiring.. \_ Interviewed extensively in November; end result: no one hired anyone. Am hoping January will turn out much better. \_ Just interviewed at Google, am interviewing with Joe Random Startup next week. The former was a cold call request for an interview, the latter was through a friend. I'm not even looking for a job and have told both of them so. I've had an offer of an interview at Yahoo! from a friend. I'd say places are hiring again. (Or at least interviewing). \_ You're not looking for a job, but you are interviewing?!?! \_ I'm not the previous poster, but I like to interview every year or two. It helps me keep track of how much I should be making, and reminds me that I could leave my job if I wanted to (or that I couldn't, depending). Like the previous poster, I always say up front that I'm not looking for a job. No one seems to mind. \_ So far 3 interviews and 0 offers :-( \_ I hear you. Is this a pretty common situation? \_ You tell me. |
2005/1/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:35755 Activity:nil |
1/17 I need my daily dose of troll to keep me awake and being productive. Where are the damn trolls. The motd is too bring damn it!! |
2005/1/17 [Uncategorized] UID:35756 Activity:high |
You were warned... __/~*##$%@@@******~\-__ /f=r/~_-~ _-_ --_.^-~--\=b\ 4fF / */ .o ._-__.__/~-. \*R\ /fF./ . /- /'~` - \_ * *\ *\R\ (iC.I+ '| - *- -@ )\ \ ) ) )|RB (I| ( [ / \-__ . ) ) /_/ | *)B (I(. \ `` \ \_-/~~/__/ )_ .-~ F/ \b\\=_.\_b`-+-~x-_/ .. ,._/ , F/ ~\_\= = =-*###%#x==-# *=- =/ ~\**U/~ | i i | ~~~\===~ | I I \\ / // i\ \\ ( [ (( I@) ))) ) \_\_VYVU_/ || * | | * *\ /* /I\ *~~\ /~-/* / \ \ ~~M~\ ____----=~ // /WVW\* \|\ ***===--___ \_ My God, it's full of rads.... |
2005/1/17-18 [Recreation/Dating] UID:35757 Activity:very high |
1/17 I think this is one of the most vile things I've ever seen. (worksafe, the horror is psychological) http://www.inspot.org/tell-them \_ STD checks? AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! Noooooooo! Next thing, you'll post a link suggesting the use of bike helmets, seat belts, and adequate lighting while reading! please make it stop!!!!! can we please squish this anti-social user!?!?? \_ Who's the anti-social one? op, or the guy who thinks sending someone an e-card that says, "I was checking my address book, and... hey! You've got an STD!" is a good idea? \_ what's so bad about it? \_ Shtuping someone and telling them after the fact via not- particularly-clever e-card that you gave them the clap is not the classiest thing I've ever seen. -John |
3/15 |