2005/1/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:35628 Activity:nil |
1/10 http://www.columbian.com/01072005/clark_co/230560.html |
2005/1/10-11 [Health] UID:35629 Activity:very high |
1/9 I would like to hear a good argument for the proposals to limit non-economic damages in medical malpractice suits to $250,000 as suggested by president Bush. It seems to me that if a doctor is drunk, high, or otherwise clearly negligent and kills a family member, $250,000 is a paltry amount for punishment/compensation. Thanks \_ Fine. Put the max at $500K then. Or a mil. Or two. \_ Would you adjust this for inflation, cost of living, etc.? Why not just let a jury decide or pass some guidelines instead of choosing a single number for all situations? \_ I was trying to figure out if the op is sensitive to the level of a max or to the concept of a max altogether. His original post gave the impression he was questioning the value of max but not the existence of max. \_ How about setting the max to (doctor's insurance coverage + 5 years previous gross earning)? \_ What is the minimum amount of malpractice insurance required by law, if any? \_ A better proposal is to have all lawyers talk about Plato and Kant. And only yale law graduates + psb can argue cases before jury. \_ I'm fairly sure killing a family member has more economic damage than $250K. Basically, punishing one doctor punishes *all* doctors. Doctors are people and they make mistakes. If they're criminal mistakes, they shouldn't be allowed to work again in the field. That's pretty heavy punishment already. \_ If the family member is not working and had no plans to work I don't think you can claim economic damages. For example, if it was your child that died, you can't claim economic damages. \_ Actually you may be able to get some damages based on future earnings and loss of consortium. I agree that doctors are people too and can make mistakes. Also, medicine is a practice not a science and sometimes things go wrong through no fault of the doctor. The problem is that a small percentage of doctors are responsible for the majority of malpractice insurance payouts. This is because the medical profession is self-regulated and doctors rarely are prevented from practicing even after gross errors. For example, most state medical boards do not share information. So if a doctor in Nevada screws up so bad to get his license removed, he can just move to CA and continue practicing. It seems to me that politicians should focus on preventing bad doctors from driving up malpractice insurance rather than protecting them from facing the consequences of their mistakes. \- another approach to the problem is to allow punative damages for negligence BUT the $ doenst go to the plaintiff. he would only be compensated for his losses. he is not "owed" that money, but the fines exist to incentivize correct behavior. --psb \_ That seems quite reasonable to me in principle. I think the only practical difficulty is that preventing $ from going to the plantiff reduces the plantiffs ability to hire lawyers. While this may be good in the sense that everyone seems to hate lawyers, our justice system is definetly biased towards deep pockets. Attorneys I know have told me that they often try to bury the opposition in paperwork. If the opponent is poorer then they win, and if the opponent is wealthy then the lawyers on both sides win. Still, this approach seems worth debating while the hard limit on punitive damages seems indefensible to me. \-i have not been following the news about this closely but i thought it was "emotional damages" not punative \-meaning non-economic but compensatory damages. like if a doctor accidentally gives you a penectomy you dont have to be a male ho to claim compensatory damages. damages that were capped. i assume the guiding principle that people should not be allowed to benefit from a crime is still preserved. the other possibility is to have "expert juries" in complex cases. some of the testimony in the ford pinto case was pretty amazing ... like there was a conversy over what one burned victim said before he died in the hospital and ford clained something like "his lips were too badly burned to have said word X". i no longer have to energy to discuss the incetive alignment problem. --psb \_ It all depends on where you focus. For the sake of argument lets focus on the doctor rather than the family. When a kid comes to a doctor and is in need of some procedure, do you want the doctor to think, if I do this procedure today this kids mom might sue my pants off b/c I took a sudafed this morning and the family lawyer will say that sudafed == high if something goes wrong? Or do you want the doctor to think about the kid and focus on the kids problem and how best to resolve the problem? If you don't cap non-economic damages (usually pain and suffering), you are likely to get huge jury awards even in cases where the defendants behavior wasn't all that bad. This acts as a disincentive to many doctors. They would rather not take action b/c of the fear of getting sued. This leads to lots of patients not getting timely care and suffering many complications that could be avoided. If you cap non-economic damages, doctors may take some risk in the care of patients which could result in many patients getting timely care and avoiding complications. \_ Why not limit the civil suit damages across the board and then expose perpetrators to the criminal justice system? The gross negligence resulting in death sound a lot like manslaughter to me. If anything, the licensed doctor should be MORE guilty than the unlicensed practitioner, IMHO. (The latter can get hit w/ additional fraud charges). Put 'em in prison instead of suing their pants off. |
2005/1/10-11 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:35630 Activity:high |
1/9 I have a question. I've heard at least 1 person on the motd refer to the military occupation of Palestine, or some similar term. I've also seen signs that say, "End the Israeli Occupation of Palestine" around campus. What are you suggesting when you say this? That all the Israelis should leave Palestine? A two state solution? -jrleek \_ There are a range of possible meanings depending on who is saying it. Some folks (most notably the group behind Internat'l A.N.S.W.E.R.) advocate no Israeli presence in Palestine at all. As you might guess, this is not very many people, even among poll of Palestinians. For most folks likely to say this, I believe this means a roll back to the pre-1967 border, including abandonment or at least, demilitarization of the settlements in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Israelis could remain. They would become citizens of the new state the way Arab-Israelis are citizens of Israel. That's my understanding, anyway. Does that help?-- ulysses \_ Yeah, thanks. -jrleek \_ Middle east is the land promised to the Jews by God, just like America is the land promised to Mormons by God. Are you an atheist? \_ aaron, is that you? \_ It might be an incredible simulation. \_ My grandma believes that (Middle East -> Jews) \_ I think we should rollback to when Great Britain controlled it. Wouldn't that be so much better and also historically appropriate? Look what happens when you give these people their own government. Hmmm. Maybe cede it back to Italy (Rome). While we are at it we should give California and Texas back to Mexico, or is that to the Native Americans? \_ Ah, let's just send all of these newcomers back where they came from. Half of me can be sent to Denmark, while the other two quarters can be divided equally throughout Ireland and Poland. \_ The BEST argument I've heard re the two state soln is that the the land belonged to the poor Palestinian and the EVIL JEWS took it from them in 1947. How would you like it if someone came to your house and took it from you I'm asked. However this view of history is quite wrong and overlooks the historic possession of Palestine by the Jews going back to the time of David (some 3000 yrs ago). The better question to ask people who believe in no Israel or a two state soln is: If you were driven from your house and wrongfully imprisioned for a long time, when you finally made it back home and you found some squatters claiming that your land was really theirs WTF would you do? Leave them to it? I'll bet you would. \_ No I would slaughter them all and rape their women and feast on their goats. \_ But the fundamental difference is that the people who were forcibly ejected from their homes in 1947 are still around, or at least some of them are. Things that mythically happened 2 or 3 thousand years ago can't be followed with a clear title claim. We can right the injustice of the wrong to an indvidual, but at some point, you have to let the past be the past. Do you think the US should give all its land back to the Natives, too? \_ Not only that but who knows but that some of those Palestinians are also descended from some ancient Jews? And In the Roman empire some Jews voluntarily moved around. \_ I think the point here is that the land belongs to the Jews now because Britain, which conquered it, essentially gave it to them. The Palestinians have no more claim to the land than the Spanish do to Mexico. Just because 'they were living there' does not make it theirs. Jews were living there, too. \_ If we are talking about title (and I was not), perhaps you should consider that the current inhabitants have acquired clear title via adverse possession. I was simply pointing out that the argument of priority is ridiculous and when taken to its logical conclusion it yields as result not favorable to those who expouse it. Personally I don't think that the US should give land back to anyone and I don't think Israel ought to yield one single inch either. |
2005/1/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:35631 Activity:very high |
1/10 As much as I like 24, I find its portraying of us liberals and the mention of moore interesting. Is the producer hard core republican? -curious 24fan \_ Is this from yesterday's episode? Didn't you find that they played the Sec. of Defense as a caricature too (on the right)? Also, have the good guys stopped using Macs? \_ yes, macs are kind of non-mainstream now. \_ Has any past U.S. Defense Secretary been a non-republican? Trollish, but I'm also curious. \_ Harold Brown might have, president of Caltech at one time Director of Lawrence Livermore. Ph.D. in physics by age 21 \_ Some of FDR's Secretary of Wars were Democrats. George Dern for sure. Louis Johnson, appointed by Truman must have been a Democrat, too. \_ Was Palmer rep. or dem.? \_ I never really watched 24 before last night. I thought the acting and drama was good but several things left a bad taste in my mouth. The stuff with the hacker "stealing software" was laughable. The \_ no, concluding that someone was "corrupting the internet" from looking at a scrolling series of hex numbers is laughable. defense guy's security was incompetent. The stuff with the terrorist's kid and his evil parents and the American chick was ridiculous. He wants to invite her over to kill her? Like that's \_ how did you draw this conclusion? \_ From the "scenes from the next episode" teaser they played afterwards. not gonna get noticed by anybody? \_ If you analyze it like that, then I am sure you'll find flaws. What I like about the show is the non stop suspense and twist and turns and the fact you have no idea what will happen next. A lot of shows are too predictable. I feel they've done a good job at 24. whether they are going up hill or down hill, hard to say at this point... \_ Yeah I said the acting and drama was good. I can't help analyzing stuff but I can generally overlook it. It doesn't take that much to appease me... if for example the feds put up even a slight bit of fight instead of getting completely wasted, or the hacker stuff was slightly plausible. \_ The toughest part for me to overlook has always been that the characters never seem to notice that something cliffhanger-ish always seems to happen every hour on the hour. At some point you'd think they'd look at their watches, see it's 9:59, and brace themselves for something really really bad to happen. It's still a lot of fun though. \_ The part that's always funny to me is the technical stuff. Looking at hex scrolling by is an example, maybe they thought we geeks can read machine code or something. Or they are so fancy/advanced I go \_ you can't? "you can do that?" Guess that's true with most movies as well. \_ I'm amazed at how quickly people can get from place to place in LA. |
2005/1/10-11 [Reference/Tax] UID:35632 Activity:very high |
1/10 Flat tax: how does this make sense? If you make over $100k, 15% may not seem like a lot of money, but if you're making $25k, that 15% could be necessary for feeding a child or paying for health insurance that your employer's not giving you. Serious replies, please. \_ I think even in the proposed "flat tax" scheme it's not absolutely flat. There is still some basic exemptions and deductions that everyone will take. After those exemptions and deductions, a flat percentage number is applied. \_ I see where you are coming from, but on the other hand 40% of $x million is a buttload of money, right? It's not like that doesn't hurt a very rich person, too. \_ True, but it hurts in a different way. 40% of $xm still gives you 60% of $xm free and clear, which will still support a very generous lifestyle, whereas 15% of $25k could result in welfare. I agree that 40% may not be fair to the very rich, but I'm not sure a flat tax answers that. \_ Yes, flat taxes are regressive. Yes regressive taxes are bad for society and bad for the economy. Yes, the people calling for flat taxes don't give a damn. \_ Flat tax is not regressive by definition. You are an idiot. -- ilyas \_ Everyone knows sales tax is regressive, even though it is a fixed percentage. So, is a flat federal income tax regressive, progressive, or neither? Neither, you say. But, when a flat federal income tax is combined with a sales tax, the overall system is regressive. I think both of you can agree with the above. \_ True, sales tax is regressive. Flat tax is not. I favor a flat tax and abolition of all other taxes -- i.e. a non-regressive, non-progressive system. -- ilyas \_ This also includes eliminating all capital gains and corporate taxes, right? Finally, are you including eliminating all deductions? \_ I would subject corporations to the same flat tax as individuals, since corporations seem to enjoy a legal personhood status, and can earn money just like people. I would eliminate deductions. I would tax all effective income at the same rate, which would include some form of capital gains tax. -- ilyas \_ I agree with this. Even though my rate would effectively go up (I have a mortgage, 2 kids, and charitable contributions that are worth itemizing under the current system). -emarkp \_ What do you two think of a two-bracket progressive system? E.g., eliminate all deductions and sales tax, but have an income tax of 10% for < 30,000, and a rate of 40% for > 30,000? \_ Nope. Any progressivism is bad IMO. And where did you come up with 40%? And why 30K? -emarkp \_ Currently, wealthy people and corporations pay most of the taxes in the U.S. Let's say they pay a 50% rate. Let's say the non-wealthy pay at a 25% rate. If you have one rate, the loss in taxes from the wealthy is huge versus the gain you get from raising taxes on the non-wealthy. Hence, "40%" for everyone. These are guessed numbers, along with the 30K number, but the basic idea is as stated above. \_ That's the long way of saying you pulled them out of the air. But thanks for answering. -emarkp \_ No. The extra information here is that the wealthy carry most of the tax burden in the U.S. Since the wealthy are few, then if you have a flat tax rate, this rate will be closer to the high end, assuming no efficiences and the government stays the same size (whereas in the rest of this discussion, the assumption is you gain efficiences, and the government gets smaller). \_ Corporations have been paying less and less taxes year after year, now they only contribute a sliver to revenues. About equal shares come from payroll and income taxes. \_ I disagree with any non-flat tax on principle. -- ilyas \_ emarkp/ilyas: If you have one bracket, this means you increase taxes for the poor and decrease taxes for the wealthy. Perhaps this is the way it should always have been. Can either of you suggest something that would alleviate the additional burden on the poor? \_ I no more believe the poor should receive compensation for 'additional burden' of paying their share than I believe african americans should receive compensation for having to compete on equal footing for college admissions in CA, since the time affirmative action was struck down. I think the effects of smaller burden on the investors, along with the vastly simplified tax code would have a hugely positive, liberating effect on the economy overall -- ilyas (just as I think the lack of affirmative action has a positive effect both on the quality of the student body, and the academic performance of african americans). -- ilyas \_ So you're saying if we move to a purely flat tax system, the efficiencies gained will be so great as to not create an additional burden for the poor? \_ I am saying the additional burden on the poor is something I am willing to live with, since it's only a burden in comparison to the current system, which I view as unfair. As a completely separate comment, I think the positive benefits of flat tax are vastly under- estimated. -- ilyas \_ I understand now. The wealthy and middle class are are being forced to subsidize the poor through a progressive tax system. Such charity should be voluntary, not government- enforced. This is speaking from the viewpoint of fairness. Economically speaking, you think a flat tax system will have a hugely positive, liberating effect overall for the reasons you mentioned. \_ Yes, this is correct. -- ilyas \_ See, we CAN have a reasoned discussion on the motd! \_ Unfortunately, it all only works in theory. Like all the big libertar- ian ideas. \_ As if anyone ever tried this. I wonder if any monarchist nobles who read up about read up on democratic governments in Plato wondered: 'democracy sounds nice in theory, but it would never work.' -- ilyas \_ Oh, and I agree with ilyas. -emarkp \_ Okay, I've probably been trolled but I'll ask anyway. So you're for revoking tobacco taxes? Sales taxes? Social Security (I love how that's been renamed "payroll tax")? \_ This is one of the things I think is funny. If we were really in favor of reducing taxes on poor people we'd lower tabacco taxes and eliminte the lottery. \_ Exactly. Also, poorer people tend to die sooner, so private SS accounts would allow them to have some inheritance to give to their children. \_ *All* taxes are bad for the economy. Progressive taxes, too, if not more so. As for society, I am not sure. Lots of people address the poor by proposing a negative income tax along with a flat tax. I actually think a flat tax might be a better idea, since our current 'progressive' system has so many loopholes that companies like MSFT pay nothing. Just have them pay 15% flat with no deductions and you might get some money from them. Charge them more and watch them leave the US. \_ While MSFT pays nothing (or rather, a lot less than its size suggests it should), in order to qualify for all of those deductions it has to spend an inordinate amount of money on charities, non-profits, and the public sector. While some of that money may go to questionable causes (i.e., toward increasing MSFT's market share), it's still money spent on the public good; taxes are supposed to be collected for similar reasons (although, of course, Joe Taxpayer doesn't get to decide where his tax money actually ends up). A Flat Tax would seem to remove the need to spend all of that money on charities and other social programs; the money could instead be hoarded and passed on as dynasty (cf. the repeal of the Estate Tax). \_ While many large companies do spend money on charities and whatnot, most of the deductions are because of capital depreciation, capital losses, stock options, and so on. I don't think this money is going to charities, since that's not a big allowed deduction anyway. \_ oh my, 100 million dollars worth of Windows XP donated to schools. How generous!!! Thank you Bill Gates. \_ would you rather they run Linux? MacOS ain't free either \_ No, *all* taxes are not bad for the economy. If this idiotic belief were true, then countries like The Congo would be booming economically. Taxes are necessary for roads, armies, police and the functioning of a safe and sane society. Take your libertarian BS elsewhere. \_ I didn't say taxes were unnecessary, just that they are bad for the economy. This is not me talking, but Nobel Prize winners in Economics who have studied this. \_ I understand that taxes may, on their face, be bad for the economy, but the benefits reaped from the proper application of collected taxes can create the infrastructure to actually boost the economy. Cf. Roosevelt's CCC programs and their effect on transportation, et. al. \_ Perhaps, but then you are saying that people do not recognize the value of such investments. I believe that the free market will provide infrastructure if it really is an economic benefit. A tall $30 million bridge serving a remote part of Wyoming is not really a benefit, but the Bay Bridge is. If you believe that the free market will not provide those things truly of benefit then, yes, you need to tax. \_ Let's just say that I believe the current system holds the best chance for properly allocating funds for the greater good, insofar as it holds within itself the means of reform. The free market has the properties you've mentioned, but the deficits are very difficult to overcome. \_ Most taxes, other than income tax, are regressive. See Social Security, sales tax, use fees, etc, so no, I think replacing income tax with a flat tax would be unfair. If all taxes were replaced with a single flat income tax (with a largish deduction), that would be fine with me. It sure would put a lot of accountants out of work. -ausman \_ under progressive tax where the rich pay more, they will suffer at a disproportionally rate. Imagine you making 5 million dollars a year and you get 50% tax. Now you'll only make 2.5 million dollars. That means you'll only be able to buy a LearJet 4 instead of LearJet 5 (plus pilot and maintenance and storage), or you can get a LearJet 5 but you may have to fly it yourself. Progressive tax is unfair and flawed. \_ Boy, you really have NO idea what you're talking about, huh... \_ Yes, comrade. We should divide all assets equally among the citizens. \_ Fair or not, very high income taxes for the rich reduce their incentives to invest money into riskier business ventures potentially hurting the economy. \_ Unless, of course, you offer tax deductions for investments in certain key industries. Taxes and loopholes can be a powerful tool to guide an economy; they can also lead to huge abuses of power. \_ I'm against that; I don't think the tax system is the right place to provide such incentives. It makes the system too complicated and seems hard to manage. Incentives for e.g. better environment-friendly tech. can be handled under a different umbrella, and new-industry development done through competitive research grants and other stuff. \_ So're Bush and most of the super-wealthy. They'd prefer to keep the goods for themselves. Estate taxes help ensure that their money reenters the general pool now and then, and the current tax system makes them more likely to do something with what they've got rather than just building up legacies; as the adage goes, spend it while you've got it, and you'll know where it goes. |
2005/1/10-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:35633 Activity:low |
1/10 Someone please suggest a nice STABLE version of Fedora? Thanks. \_ As stable as what? The whole point of Fedora is that it is a development base for RedHat. \_ FC3 seems pretty good. FC2 was not bad either. For customers who can't afford RHEL or won't try SuSE we usually ask them to install FC3. \_ If RHEL is what they want but they don't want to pay, why not tell them to use White Box Linux/CentOS etc.? |
2005/1/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:35634 Activity:very high |
1/10 John Fund explains some of what happened in Washington's recent race for governor. http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110006139 \_ Restored. \_ He omits that Rossi won the first two machine counts and only after a hand recount only in overwhelmingly Dem. King County did Gregoire come out ahead. The Dems. have refined their election stealing skills since 2000. \_ Source? Everything I've read indicated that the dem led in all the recounts, which was why the repub. wanted a "re-vote" \_ Are you kidding? I've never read anything like that. http://csua.org/u/anl (5th paragraph) Also just search on http://news.google.com. \_ Seriously, where did you hear this? \_ I suspect he just mis-read the articles. Since they usually just use the names of the canidates, it could be easy to mix up. \_ They recounted the whole state. Pretty funny to watch the Republicans whine when the shoe is on the other foot. Want some cheese with that whine? \_ And pretty funny to see the Dems who were all worked up about making sure everyone got their vote be suddenly silent in the face of ACTUAL fraud. \_ You mean like all the Florida fraud in 2000? Admit it, you are just a big fat hypocrite. \_ Honestly, I was out of the country during that time, and I completely missed the whole 2000 controversy. I don't know how that makes me a hypocrite, but you're welcome to try to come up with something. -jrleek \_ I read the full report about FL. There was absolutely zero evidence of fraud. \_ You don't know how to read then: http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/vote2000/report/exesum.htm "After carefully and fully examining all the evidence, the Commission found a strong basis for concluding that violations of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) occurred in Florida." \_ You don't know how to read the whole thing: http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/vote2000/report/dissent.htm -emarkp \_ Did you say "zero evidence of fraud" or not? There is certainly plenty of evidence. \_ Um, no there isn't. There's a lot of handwaving, but no evidence. -emarkp \_ Wow. You know how to present the dissenting opinion and claiming it's fact. I think I remember you posting the same link before. From now on, I'm going to live life according to the body of law made up by Clarence Thomas's dissents. \_ I see you haven't read the dissent. Show me in the conclusions what the evidence was then. -emarkp \_ There are none so blind as he who will not see. It is right there in front of your face. "It is impossible to determine the total number of voters turned away from the polls or deprived of their right to vote. It is clear that the 2000 presidential election generated a large number of complaints about voting irregularities in Florida. The Florida attorney general?s office alone received more than 3,600 allegations 2,600 complaints and 1,000 letters" Here is a whole bunch more evidence you can deny ever seeing: http://csua.org/u/anq \_ Error 404 \_ Facts are such inconvenient, stubborn things. \_ Yes, especially when made up. -emarkp \_ So your contention is that all the people who claimed that they were turned away and not allowed to vote are lying? \_ Hey assmonkies! Why don't we let the politicians and pundits shout at eachother about who "committed fraud"? Us techies should be sticking to a single message: "voting in America is innacurate." It can be fixed with common sense, better laws, technology and hard work. Claiming that the "other guy", whoever he is, is at fault really helps nothing. Both sides did that for four years, and in 2004 the voting was just as broken. Sure, there was a clear winner, since he won by such a large margin, but the system is still broken, and shouting like children/pundits helps nothing. \_ I don't know if John Fund is a Republican, but he his pretty famous for being an expert on voter fraud. He's pretty bi-partisan in that area. |
2005/1/10-11 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:35635 Activity:kinda low |
1/10 VMware question for VMware gurus only. I've installed a WinXPsp1 on top of WinXPsp2. How do you do the followings: 1) transfer data between the two machines? I've tried mounting raw partition from WinXPsp1 but when I disable write, it doesn't boot up anymore (WinXP insists on writing) 2) communicate between the two machines? I can ping WinXPsp1 from WinXPsp2, but not the other way around. 3) Say I install VNC on WinXPsp1, how can I make it so that VNC ports go directly to it, instead of the host machine? Thanks for any help. \_ What do you mean 'on top of'? You are running WinXPsp2 natively and WinXPsp1 in the VM? \_ yes that is what I mean. \_ 1. Easiest way is to do it through a network share. \_ 1. Easiest way is to do it is through a network share. \_ I did that, but it is slow upon connection. It waits for user/password, then hangs 10 seconds. Windows XP bug? \_ Probably. 2. Well, how do you have your network configured? \_ well right now I have two IPs, each going to diff machines \_ So the guest is using bridged networking with a static IP address? \_ yes it's bridged with static, is this the best configuration? Or you have another idea? 3. Not a VMware issue. You need to get something to do port forwarding. \_ thanks I configured my router to forward to the right one |
2005/1/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:35636 Activity:high |
1/10 No mention of the CBS firings here? Well here: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/01/10/national/main665727.shtml Read it for yourself. Find out on page 153 they cite Freerepublic! Woohoo! At least the Democrats can say they are winning at the box office as a consolation. \_ Actually, they can't even say that, unless you consider Shrek2 or Spiderman 2 to be Democrat movies. http://www.imdb.com/Sections/Years/2004/top-grossing \_ I am talking about NOW. Meet the Fockers, Streisand and the so-called People's Choice Awards for Moore F9/11. \_ Please, "Mett the Fockers" is a sequel to a very funny movie. \_ Please, "Meet the Fockers" is a sequel to a very funny movie. It has absolutely zero competition. I won't see it because I can't stand Streisand. Oh, and because reviews of it suck (a whopping 39% on rottentomatoes). Did they miss The Passion at the awards? \_ Mmm.. why don't you do a little research. they gave it the best drama award. \_ Um...that was the point. How did the lefties miss that one and claim the lead? \_ This is how a professional organization deals with mistakes. Too bad the White House promotes people and gives them medals when they screw up. \_ Tenet was what? \_ Already on his way out. \_ So who was given medals? General Franks screwed up? \_ All right, Tenet and Bremer screwed up. Franks was smart enough to get out of TMTA^H^H^H^HDubya's administration while the getting was good. \_ Actually, Franks was replaced for offering a candid assessment of the situation on the ground. \_ That was Shinseki. Franks retired because he promised his wife he would. He was offered Shinseki's job as CoS of the Army. Get it right! \_ URL please. Everything I read was that he got out while the getting was good. \_ Didn't he and the proconsul get a Medal Of Freedom? |
2005/1/10-12 [Uncategorized] UID:35637 Activity:nil |
1/10 Jabber people, which Linux client do you use? There's about 27 of them. \_Psi. \_ Gaim. |
2005/1/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:35638 Activity:nil |
1/10 Update on google scholar Erdos number calculator request. I got an automated reply, which I translated as 'no.' Ah well. -- ilyas |
2005/1/10-11 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:35639 Activity:very high |
1/10 This is so fucking childish. What's next, they going to register the potential democratic presidential candidates? http://csua.org/u/anp (Yahoo News, link substituted, http://csua.org=good) \_ Bah! Both sides do this. Realistically, if I had any kind of polical aspirations, I would have registered mynameforoffice.uld five years ago. His dumbass fault for not doing it. As long as the Forces of Good have http://www.whitehouse.org I'm not going to complaign. \_ Oh the horror! A Republican might win in MA! Last time that happened was Weld, but he was a RINO. \_ This will be deleted by one of the censor happy conservatives. \_ I agree with the op (that it's childish). Why do you think conservatives will censor it? -emarkp \_ Because they censor anything that criticizes the Republican Party. I get at least one motd post censored every day. \_ I think you might be wrong in assuming that everything critical of the Republicans which is censored is censored by conservatives. Think about it. -emarkp \_ Well I considered the possibility that it is just someone who hates politics in general, but stuff like the CBS firings entry stays up for at least a day. \_ And yet I had to restore the John Fund reference. I suspect the majority of deleted posts are simple mistakes. -emarkp \_ by dipwads like you who don't use motdedit? -tom \_ Fuck motdedit. In the ear. \_ Possibly by others who don't use motdedit. However, I don't value people by whether they use 'motdedit' or not. My editor complains if the motd has changed while I was editing. I copy my changes, reload the motd and paste the changes back in. -emarkp \_ who died and made motdedit the standard? \_ Since this mostly happens late at night when there is little editing activity going on, I doubt it. But you might be right. \_ Where is outcry on the DDOS attacks on the littlegreenfootballs blog that helped bring down Rather going on at the moment? \_ http://lgfwatch.blogspot.com What part of "stop it guys" don't you understand? \_ HA! A blog to "watch" a blog. Police ur own. Esp. with the suggestion the writer killed himself. \_ Obviously a joke. |
2005/1/10-11 [Reference/History, Reference/History/WW2] UID:35640 Activity:high |
1/10 Was there a real Trojan War? \_ Yes. -- ilyas \- google(schliemann, troy). Well, you can also read say MI Finley: World of Odysseus ... I believe some of the scholarship here is not quite up to date but it is pretty readable and should be fine for the basic stuff on the "world of the trojan war". The composition and authorship questions surrounding the Iliad has more uncertainty and is more interesting Q, IMHO. \_ An good books re Iliad/Oddessy authorship that you would recommend? \- if you live in berkeley, particularly if you are a student, there are some good classes/teachers who will cover the iliad, particularly say mark griffith. i dunno if western civ 44a is still taught at berkeley but that class gave a really fine introduction to homer, attic drama, the peloponnesian war etc. of course the reading list [of priamry material] was about 1.5ft high. BTW, you may see this book prominently displayed in bookstores: http://csua.org/u/ant Avoid it at all costs. Well, if you know your stuff and want to get angry it may be worth reading. The author says some really foolish things and is basically unqualified to write on Homer. I began a BLOGORANT on this in Aug'04 and will try to finish it in Feb'05. Ok tnx. --pater andron te theon te \_ Perhaps. There is some evidence that Meleaus was a real Spartan king and that Agamemnon of Mycenea was powerful enough to have raised a fleet to sail to the Dardenelles. However there doesn't seem to be any proof that Helen (queen of Sparta) existed or that the Greeks sailed to the Dardenelles to recover her.The evidence seems to point to some sort of trade dispute. There is some proof that the Greeks won the war w/ Troy b/c there are mentions of slaves (mostly women) being brought from the near east to Sparta circa the time of the Trojan War. WRT the fall of troy as described by Homer, the Greeks were probably not responsible for the destruction of Troy 6 (Troy of the Sloping Walls), which is the city that existed at about the time that the Trojan War is supposed to have occured. An earthquake was probably responsible, though some believe that when Homer mentioned the power of Neptune as destroying Troy he ment an earthquake. As for Troy 7, it appears that it may have been under seige for some time and was finally sacked. Troy 7 seems to have been sacked some 100 yrs later than the Trojan War. If you are really interested in this but don't have time to read a book on the topic you can get a 1985 BBC documentary by Michael Wood. It is available on DVD (NetFlix has it). \_ good suggestion. thanks. \- the michael wood show was also turned into a book. um, maybe this is a persinal bias but i'd learn the two works well first and then worry about the anthropology and philology. a lot of the technical discussion involves knowning greek. many of the translations of the iliad and odyssey have good enough introductions about the homer question, notes on composition technique [the use of epithets for metrical fits, ring composition, the work of milman parry etc]. after reading the poems 3 or 4 times you might look at Nagy: Best of the Achaeans and maybe Jasper Griffin: Homer of Life and Death. A ton of stuff Jasper Griffin: Homer on Life and Death. A ton of stuff has been written on Homer ... from ancient commentary to endowed lectures at berkeley. As Jasper Griffin writes in the intro to the book mentioned above, "nobody who writes on homer has read everything ... that has been written about the poems" and that you need to pick what to read based on your interest ... the works are so rich. if you have some particular matter you are interested in, i may have a more specific reference. [i dont know ancient greek, so i am not familar with techical stuff that is language- heavy]. --psb \_ Have you read Lombardo's Iliad translation? I liked it but I was wondering if there were better/more accurate ones. \-I have never heard of the Lombardo trans. I own Lattimore, Fagles, Fitzgerald, Mandelbaum(Ody), and Pope(Iliad) among poetry translations. I have some prose ones too [including one by T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia)] but I would read one of the verse ones. I dont think you can go wrong with any of those listed. \_ Trojan vs. Spartan. Which is better? \_ Spartans. Hoplites were fearsome warriors. \_ Better at what? In fighting? Homer would probably go with the Spartans. In art, architecture, nobility, honoring the gods? Homer would have awarded that hands down to the Trojans. \_ I think neither can beat Kimono. |
2005/1/10-12 [Academia/OtherSchools] UID:35641 Activity:nil |
1/10 So why did Gordon Moore donate $600 million to Caltech and nothing (AFAIK) to Cal? \_ CalTech is the best. (iirc Moore has given several million to Cal for EECS and MSE). \_ Gordon Moore was Cal alumnus of the year a few years back. He's given lots of technical money (see above, also maybe go look at the nice plaque in Hearst Mining with his name high up there), and he's the main guy behind funding the UC Moorea research station as well. |
2005/1/10 [Recreation/Dating] UID:35642 Activity:very high |
1/10 When girls say "I don't care (whether you are the 'best' or not)" and "I just want to be with you", are they serious or they are just saying it to be nice? I know girls don't put as much importance in sex as guys do, but it's hard to imagine if they can "not care", I mean obviously this depends on the girl, but how often does a girl stay with someone who's not that great in bed in real life? I mean all guys would want to believe they are great in bed, but just like anything, some guys are better than others, and I can't quite imagine why girls would settle with someone being only OK in bed rather than someone who gives them mind blowing experiences... so what happens in real world? How much do girls care about sex? -silly sodan, not troll. \_ Women vary tremendously in the importance they place on sex. Much more so than men, in my experience. Unless I had a good reason to think otherwise, I would believe her on this. -sodan with lots of experience \_ Also, you can always work on getting better. Talk with her about what she likes and what you like. Be creative. Be communicative. \_ Would you dump a kind, attractive, compatible woman you really got along with just because she was bad in bed? Or, what if she was good in bed and then something happened (e.g. an accident)? When we choose life partners (or just potential life partners) there's a lot more important than if we have the best sex ever. That is, OK is OK if everything else works. I doubt most women would want to stay with their best fuck ever. I know most men wouldn't, since good sex equates to lots of partners in many cases and many men freak out when they find out women aren't virginal (or even close by a mile). \_ Is this due to gene or society? -serious question \_ How is an attractive woman bad in bed? I mean, you're a dude, right? \_ Dude, there's *a lot* more to good sex than mounting and thrusting; not only interms of enthusiasm, but in terms of what she's willing to do, and whether it's pleasant when she does it, or just damn painful. It also matters what she's willing to let you do, and whether she can figure out how to make it more comfortable and enjoyable for you. Otherwise, you're better off fucking a sack of potatoes, since they don't ask for dinner afterward and will at least stay moist from beginning to end. \_ Sack of potatoes? Jeez, you could at least come up with an inanimate object for which it's physically possible. Your metaphore is dumber than a wet donkey with one sail in the water. \_ heh, wet donkey with one sail in the water....that cracks me up. I'll have to remember that one. \_ Well if she doesn't seem to enjoy it that would turn me off. Of course you could say that's not the chick's fault. \_ Hahahahaha, u are funny man. \_ This was a joke, but imagine if that woman was horribly disfigured. If she'd still be worth a fuck then she's good. If not, she's just a living fantasy. \_ Would I dump a kind, horribly disfigured, compatible woman who was good in bed? Doh! \_ I prefer women with experience for that very reason. -swloe \_ At least when Anna Nicole Smith said "I don't care", she really meant it. |
2005/1/10-12 [Industry/Jobs] UID:35643 Activity:moderate |
1/10 How soon after you start working at a new place is it reasonable to ask for a raise? (assuming you had already been a contractor for them and so it's not a case of "well you didn't know how damn awsome I was before I started." 'Cause they did.) \_ 3 months. At most big companies they will have a 3 month peformance review. It is reasonable to discuss a raise w/ your supervisor during that review. your supervisor during that review (provided that you are doing much more work than was initially expected of you). \_ At a smaller place 1 year is typical. \_ Raise? My company is just laying off people. \_ Peoplesoft, huh? \_ Nope. Different company. \_ Right after you blow the CEO. \_ This is something Carly might actually be good at, but I \_ This is something Carly might actually be good for, but I doubt it. \_ Carly is hot enough to give you a "raise"? |
2005/1/10-11 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:35644 Activity:high |
1/10 This is sad. An equivalent will be someone renting out a room for 1 million $ in the US to aid workers. This is a country where $5000 can last you years. "While thousands live in makeshift camps, residents not affected are renting out homes for $5,000 a month or more to the hundreds of aid workers flowing in." \_ In China these people will be put in jail. Man I wish East Palo Alto and Oakland were part of China, then those black fuckers will get what they deserves, nothing less will fix the problem. -pissed off living in these areas \_ whee. chicom turns teeth-gnashingly racist! \_ Are you laughing from your rich neighborhood? -aap \_ Why don't you just move idiot? \_ Why do you hate the free market? This is ilyas' dream!! |
2005/1/10-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:35645 Activity:nil |
1/10 Unix Sysadmin and Storage Admin positions in SF in the financial industry. /csua/jobs/BarclaysGlobal -ERic (what happened to my original post? Are jobs listings now not appropriate for the motd?) \_ The motd will never be the same after four years of Dubya and four more to go. |
2005/1/10-12 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:35646 Activity:nil |
1/10 I have VMware 3, how do I get around the 896M RAM limit? \_ I don't think you can. Isn't it a technical limitation? Upgrade to Workstation 4.5. \_ Workstation 5 is available in beta. Release date? |
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