2005/1/8-9 [Computer/Networking] UID:35597 Activity:kinda low |
1/7 Some literatures say the OSI is 7 layers while some say it's 4 layers. What accounts the difference? \_ OSI is 7 layers, the older view networking was only 4 layers: physical, mac, transport (tcp/ip), application. \- and then there is implementation reality/practice ... \_ yermom doesn't mind 3 layers, and accepts all out-of-band traffic. |
2005/1/8-10 [Computer/Networking] UID:35598 Activity:low |
1/7 What's the best firewall/nat/router/(ethernet/wifi) these days? \_ Best for what purpose? \_ Soekris running OpenBSD. [restored by psb's #aleph_0 fan] |
2005/1/8 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:35599 Activity:moderate |
1/7 This is one of the worst SUV trolls I've seen on SF Gate: http://sfgate.com/columnists/morford \_ It wasn't that much of a troll -- the author didn't even include the obligatory Small Penis Syndrome in the article. \_ I wonder if the author ever commutes by carpool or public transit. \_ "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public" \_ It is kind true. Most people I know who buys SUVs thinking it gives them more ego and power. It's stupid. Some people I know needs an SUV, they do a lot of camping, biking, and off road type of deals. But most are the idiots who commutes with it and thinking that it will allow them to pick up girls. I've seen some big ass SUVs lately and it bothers me, these fuckers are the reason we are madly at war... \_ I think a significant fraction are the people who really should have gotten a mini-van, but couldn't deal with that as their automotive self image. So they bought something that weighs as much but is less safe, convenient, comfortable or practical because they're in denial about being middle aged parents. \_ I bought my first SUV 12yrs ago, years before the term "SUV" was coined. \_ I bought my first SUV 12yrs ago when I was in Cal and single, years before the term "SUV" was coined. A friend of mine bought a minivan 9yrs ago when he was single, years before the minivan craze. \_ 9 years ago was pre 80s? \_ It's that "new math." |
2005/1/8 [Computer/Companies/Ebay] UID:35600 Activity:high |
1/7 My parents were recently burgaled. How good are most pawn shops at keeping an eye out for (easily identified) stolen goods? \_ hahahahaha \_ I didn't know Nelson Muntz was a CSUA member. \_ Decent, they have to be. But these days the fence of choice is ebay. Get with the times. \_ while you are on ebay, get a uv-light pen \_ Oh, I'm already watching eBay and craigslist -op |
2005/1/8-10 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:35601 Activity:nil |
1/7 Anyone know why my 700MB (80min) CD-ROMs show up as having only 676megs free when I put them into my apple (OS X), even when they are brand new? I want to burn a disk image, which is only 680megs, but it won't let me. Thanks. \_ Perhaps because 676*2^20 = 708837376? \_ Ah, fascinating. So this is MeBi vs MB? -not op |
2005/1/8 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:35602 Activity:moderate |
1/7 psb are you a lawyer or trying to be? \- no, i want to be a judge. a hanging judge. \_ Yeah! Chief Justice Partha! - #1 psb fan \- motion to kiss my ass. http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Humor/Kiss_my_Ass.txt |
2005/1/8 [Recreation/Dating] UID:35603 Activity:high |
1/7 omgwtf, Brad and Jennifer are separating after 5 yrs of marriage!!$!1 \_ Do you have a link, or are you just mouthing off? \_ http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory?id=394429 \_ Thanks. \_ "Gavin is dreamy." -B. Pitt \_ Probably getting bored fucking each other. \_ Wow, you really don't know jack shit about relationships, do you? \_ He only knows yermom, and he's pretty bored of fucking her. |
2005/1/8 [Uncategorized] UID:35604 Activity:nil |
1/7 U.N. Troops Exploited Congo Girls (from 13yr old and up). I say we do a regime change of UN now! |
2005/1/8-10 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:35605 Activity:nil |
1/7 Where in the Linux kernel can I find out the structure of say, ethernet frame structure, APR, IPv4, ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP? And which header files contain the type/protocol constants? Thanks... \_ linux/skbuff.h. struct sk_buff; --jwm \_ jwm, any comments on the recent 2.6.6 kernel? --kngharv \_ Nope. I don't really like Linux. I use it at work, and I have be working w/ most recently. Vadim is the one to talk to about Linux. |
2005/1/8 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:35606 Activity:nil |
1/7 U.N.'s rape for food program exposed. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=42088 |
2005/1/8-9 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:35607 Activity:very high |
1/7 Before you people start mouthing off about the law, i.e. PSB, I suggest you pick up a copy of "American Courts" by Daniel John Meador. It's put out by West Group, probably the same people behind Westlaw. It's required reading at some law schools for entering 1Ls, and it's short and simple enough for the layman. And no, you can't go and find a pdf copy of it online. Unfortunately you can't become a lawyer by googling. Now STFU. \_ FYI, West Group is the same people behind Westlaw. \_ FYI, West Group are the same people behind Westlaw. law schools for entering 1Ls, and it's short and simple enough for the layman. And no, you can't go and find a pdf copy of it online. \- it's amazing what PDFs you can find via google... http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/tmp/Texts1.jpg Unfortunately you can't become a lawyer by googling. Now STFU. \- You know for the legal topics that interest me, I think I have a reasonable background. I'm not interested in the vocational practice of law ... so no, I dont know jack about civil procedure but I do know a little about Constitutional Law, Law and Economics, Antitrust Law [but I have more background in Econ ... but I have read a reasonable amount of Posner Redbook]. As for legal philosophy, I guarantee I have a deeper background than you do, unless you are at Yale, but clearly you are not. It would also be helpful if you deanonymized yourself ... face your accuser and all that. I think it is poor form to talk about background in a public forum but would be happy to do so by email. --psb have a reasonable background. I'm not interested in the vocational practice of law ... so no, I dont know jack about civil procedure but I do know a little about Constitutional Law, Law and Economics, Antitrust Law [but I have more background in Econ ... but I have read a reasonable amount of Posner Redbook]. As for legal philosophy, I guarantee I have a deeper background than you do, unless you are at Yale, but clearly you are not. It would also be helpful if you deanonymized yourself ... with these anonymous conversation you never know if you are speaking to the same person as before ... and then there is facing your accuser and all that :-). I think it is poor form to talk about background in a public forum but would be happy to do so by email. Somewhat ironically, my entire legal educatation, for what it is, esentially predates google.--psb \-Tangential comment: I am not familar with the book mentioned above and looked it up on AMAZONG. I was surprised to see that for what I assume is a classic, there was only one review ... allthought a 5star one. So then I looked up a number of famous law books [Martin Shapiro: Courts, Cardozo: Nature of the Jud. Process, Choper: Jud Review and Nat Pol Proc, Posner: Econ Analysis of Law, Dworkin: Taking Rights Seriously, HLA Hart: Concept of Law] and not a single one had more than 10 reviews ... it sure seems like law people spend a lot less time writing reviews than say math people ... (Baby) Rudin has 73 reviews. A lot of the std math/phyiscs textbooks have 20-40 reviews. Oh Rawls: Theory of Justice has 46 reviews. \_ I was in a law class with PSB. For the Mock Trial he was the best attorney by far. His only problem was he was a bit impatient with a dumb judge during oral arguments. That hurt his case when we voted. He would probably be a better law professor than lawyer. \-Tangential comment: I am not familar with the book mentioned above and looked it up on AMAZONG. I was surprised to see that for what I assume is a classic, there was only one review ... allthough a 5star one. So then I looked up a number of famous law books [Martin Shapiro: Courts, Cardozo: Nature of the Jud. Process, Choper: Jud Review and Nat Pol Proc, Posner: Econ Analysis of Law, Dworkin: Taking Rights Seriously, HLA Hart: Concept of Law, Bickle: Least Dangerous Branch] and not a single one had more than 10 reviews ... it sure seems like law people spend a lot less time writing reviews than say math people ... (Baby) Rudin has 73 reviews. A lot of the std math/phyiscs textbooks have 20-40 reviews. Oh, Rawls: Theory of Justice has 46 reviews. \_ psb, why do you specifically single out yale in your response? out of curiosity, where did you learn all your legal knowledge? \- in political science, philosophy, and econ departments. the one law class i took in the business school was the worst class i ever took at berkeley. it was taught by a visiting prof who was i believe a second rate practicing attorney who didnt know the subject well from an academic perspective and was just dull (e.g. he didnt know and could not understand anything about "the economic analysis of law" ... "i dont want to consider the availabilty of insurance" "what do you mean about the evolutionary efficiency of the common law"). has anybody else had really bad experieinces with a visiting prof? it was my theory that he wanted "taught at berkeley" on his resume and learned on some friend here to get him a job for the term. when i talked to prof muir with a number of specific example of what was wrong with him [like his scantron exam], muir sighed and i believe indirectly hinted he'd seen a lot of problems with visiting people. \_ Funny. I've been at Yale for the last five years and know exactly jack shit about legal philosophy. I guess the osmosis theory of learning doesn't work after all. I'm pretty sure the engineering undergrads I've TA'd all also know exactly jack shit about legal philosophy; this comment is mystifying. \_ not really. i think he's talking about, say, the people in the law school. yale's law program has a reputation for a relatively high focus on theory. \_ Well, that's even stupider. So if someone is in law school at some other top-tier school, they must automatically bow the might of the PSB? Of course given the near infinite idiocy of the op's pompous rant, I guess it all cancels out. \- sigh, it was sort of a jokey-reference to yale law schools reputation for abstractness. there is a joke that goes something like: 3 law student friends are waiting to take the bar exam in boston. the harvard student asks the umass student "what is the MA law on torts?" and the yale law student asks the HLS student "what is a tort?" only after i started meeting people who went to or were in law school i learned how "vocational" even good law programs were. you spend a lot of time on "how to be a lawyer" rather than thinking about "The Law and Justice". i.e you dont read a lot of Plato and Kant. --psb \_ Why shouldn't it be vocational? I'm not going to pay someone three hundred bucks an hour to talk about Kant. \- that was not a criticism. it was an observation. i mean to get at something like if you start up a conversation about something like "what do we owe each other" or what is a rationale for progressive taxation, a lawyer may little more to say than say an english major who has relfected some on a classist society upon reading Dickens. \_ If all our lawyers talk about Plato and Kant from now on there would be no frivilous lawsuits and our health insurance cost would come down. Everyone except the lawyers would be better off. \-SPARTAN LAWYER! O xein angellein Lakedaimoniois hoti tede keimetha tois keinon rhemasi peithomenoi (Tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here obedient to their laws we lie.) --Simonides in honor of the Spartans who fell at Thermopylae \_ I think "theory" is just a code word for leftist. \- That applies maybe to something like "Critical Legal Studies" but a big area is Law and Economics [sort of the Chicago approach] so that is not really true. Plenty of this philosophy is libertarian in flavor [contract and all that]. I think Plato is sort of like Lincoln ... everyone wants a piece of him. Well except maybe whackos like racialists. racialists. --psb |
2005/1/8 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:35608 Activity:kinda low |
1/7 ilya, I'm in LA. I've never in my life been in a traffic jam such as the one I was in in the last 3 hours, 1 hour of that on a 2 mile stretch. Also I've never in my life seen so many aggressive, rude, middle finger pointing SUV drivers. My god, how do you stand living here? I hate LA. \_ I stay off the freeways, and live within 10 minute's driving distance of everywhere I need to go. When I was first moving to LA, I specifically made a longish trip down to look for an appropriately placed apartment. As for your comments on the people, the soul of LA is repulsive to me. Maybe that's why I don't like UCLA. -- ilyas \_ the sould of <insert your hometown> is repulsive to me \_ Pfft, like it's any better in the bay area. You ever been stuck on the bay bridge during rush? Anyway, if you had any sense about LA, you'd learn to get OFF the freeway during times like these. ANd yes, they drive agressive, none of this pussy ass driving you get in the bay area. \_ Agressive? In California? Yeah, whatever. Go drive around New York City for a while, and you'll learn what agressive driving means. Or Boston. Agressive driving is when you're sitting at a red light with your *left* blinker on, and someone honks at you for not running the light, swerves around you on your right, flips you off and honks again, and then cuts in front of you to turn *left* on the red. Ever see that in California? \_ learn to drive aggressively in LA. People here drive A LOT, and waste a lot of time stuck in traffic so naturally they're pissed about having to drive, let alone getting along with passive drivers like you. \_ LA drivers are not aggressive, they're just plain shitty. they don't know how to drive, period. if it rains, they slow down to 5mph. even if there's moisture on the road, they slow down to the same. if there's a cop on the side of the road, they slow down to rubberneck. they are all assholes 1) who can't drive and 2) are moronic enough to subject themselves to LA traffic year after year. \_ I find the opposite problem in NoCal; drivers treat too many drivers drive on wet roads like it's dry. It's annoying, not to mention dangerous. In any case, LA traffic is easily managed if you have familiarity with surface streets, many of which can cut your commute times in half. |
2005/1/8-9 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:35609 Activity:nil |
1/8 There is a card trick where you have someone select a card from an imaginary deck and tell you what card they selected. (Basically, they just pick any card they like) Then you pull out a real deck of cards from your pocket and the card they chose is either face down while the other cards are face up, or has a big X on it. From searching the web, I've found that you can pay $10 or $20 for a trick deck that allows you to do this trick, but I still haven't the foggiest idea how it works. Does anyone know? \_ Large pants and 52 decks of cards! \_ That trick only works on the weak-minded. Your Jedi mind tricks won't work on ME. |
2005/1/8-9 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:35610 Activity:moderate |
1/8 Is anyone having trouble sending mail from soda? I'm using nmh and I keep getting the following error: post: problem initializing server; [BHST] no servers available I tried connecting to sendmail on soda on port 25 but I can't get a response. Is the outgoing mail server different now (if so can someone w/ root update /usr/local/etc/mts.conf. tia?) \_ It means soda's load is too high and so it's MTA stops accepting new connections over the network (including over the loopback address), which is how MH sends out your message. Many other MUAs pass the message onto sendmail directly (basically "| /usr/sbin/sendmail someflags"). MH can be configured to do the latter, and this probably a better setup for Soda. ask root. \_ Isn't opening a pipe to sendmail worse than connecting via the SMTP port (in that it causes a fork() and one extra process to be spawned raising the load avg)? Would a separate box running sendmail help? I have an old Athlon XP box I've been trying to sell, but I'd donate it to the csua if it would help with mail problems. (If an Athlon XP is overkill, I can probably find an Ultra 1 or 2). \_ the sendmail daemon forks off a sendmail to process incoming mail. \_ I get strange delays forwarding my mail to gmail using procmail. "xxx@gmail.com... Deferred: Operation timed out with []" Is this the same load issue? Only seems to happen with mail from Uclink. Is this the same load issue? Only seems to happen with messages I receive from Uclink. |
2005/1/8-9 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:35611 Activity:low |
1/8 Does an iomega 250MB zip disk work in an iomega 1GB scsi JAZ drive? \_ Why would it? The disks are physically different, aren't they? \_ They appear to be a bit different. Just wanted to confirm. |
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