2005/1/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:35565 Activity:very high |
1/5 Dear Neocons, I resent your censorship. Since I don't know who you are I'll have to delete the entire motd. Sorry guys. Find out who the fucking neocon is and problem solved. \_ Restored. \_ Restored, again. \_ why don't you restore everything? \_ I restored the motd to the way it was right before it was nuked, because I'm too lazy to go back through the archives and track down everything. If you know an easy way to do better, let me know. \_ Haha. Where's the outrage, meyers? -- ilyas \_ You do realize that meyers has a life with higher priority things than riding the motd (unlike other denizens of the motd, ilyas...and, er, me *cough*) don't you? \_ Yeah, maybe he does... though he had this mysterious knack for always materializing whenever a nuke war involving myself was in progress. Funny, that. -- ilyas \_ get a life ilyas was in progress. Funny, that. WHERE'S THE OUTRAGE!? -- ilyas |
2005/1/6 [Politics/Foreign] UID:35566 Activity:kinda low |
1/6 Numerous news articles talk about Colin Powell singing the YMCA at a meeting in Indonesia on July 2, 2004 and doing a rap on December 4, 2004 at a ceremony honoring Warren Beatty. Where can I find videos of these? \_ I don't know, but the YMCA song was pretty funny... |
2005/1/6 [Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity, Recreation/Humor] UID:35567 Activity:very high |
1/6 So, the neocons deleted my post on Alberto Gonzales' appointment. This is why I hate neocons. They will always rally behind their leaders regardless what he does, and if they can't win an arguement, he simply make them silent. The mentality behond those who deleted my post and those US marines fire missles at Al Jazeera TV station... sigh... \_ http://www.filibustercartoons.com/archive.php?id=20041229 \_ Wow, I was going to point out the error in the assumption, but this cartoon does it so much better. \_ Does this cartoon ever get good? \_ I mostly disagree with it politically, but I have to admit this particular strip has a point. --liberal \_ What? that both sides have crackpots? Duh.. \_ I think it's pretty funny, as far as political cartoons go. Political cartoons aren't usually laugh out loud funny. Why don't you post some cartoons you prefer? \_ http://www.workingforchange.com/comic.cfm?itemid=18323 \_ A guy complaining about an un-funny political cartoon posts "This modern World?" Irony lives! \_ I thought it was funny. I think the point is, if you're a liberal you enjoy liberal viewpoints, if you're a freeper/libertarian you enjoy those, etc. |
2005/1/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:35568 Activity:moderate |
1/6 Schwarzenegger proposes introducing democracy to California. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/06/national/06arnold.html Could the rest of the U.S. be next? \_ As much as I agree with his proposals, I'm a little worried about the appeal to legislation by direct democracy. We have a republic for a reason--though I think the republic model is hurting right now, and this may be the way to shock it back to being useful. \_ What advantage does the republic model have? The only one I can think of is that we don't need to spend millions of dollars conducting statewide voting for each proposition that appears. \_ Because the masses are too stupid to know what's best for the state. The elected representatives are supposed to be smarter and spend all their time figuring out this stuff for us. \_ If they're too stupid to know what's best for the state they are too stupid to elect a smart representative. \_ Or rather, they'll be so stupid that they'll be fooled by smart representatives who don't do the public good. \_ The crime in this article is painting redistricting as a purely partisan issue. BS. Gerrymandering has to be fixed for the health of the democracy. What party that "helps" in a given state _should_ be irrelevent. I'm not sure if judges are the best canidates, but it's certainly a step up from having the legislators elect themselves. -jrleek \_ I don't think they really portreyed it that way. I thought they were more saying that politicans from both parties are pretty much against it for obvious reasons, and that the majority party is more against it, again for obvious reasons. It seems to me that since the nytimes is pretty openly democratic, that when they say that the democrats are the main obstructionists, it's not really that partisan. obstructionists, it's not really that partisan. This seems to me like an issue where everyone of any political affiliation should be on the same side except for the weasel politicians of both parties who get a free ride by bullshit gerrymandering. How many times in your life have you voted for a member of a state assembly or for U.S. representative where the incumbent's job was even remotely threatened? I never have, and I've lived in quite a few places. That's not democracy. \_ Agreed. It's all well and good for one side to say, hey, the other side does it too, but it's reprehensible to let that logic prevent meaningful reform. |
2005/1/6-7 [Reference/Languages] UID:35569 Activity:low |
1/6 Is 'pekid' (pee-kid) a word? I remember it meaning pale or unhealthy looking, but I can't find it in any dictionaries. Is it a 'real' word or just some dialect I've been exposed to? \_ 'peaked' -niloc \- also pique \_ pallid? Pronunciation: 'pa-l&d Function: adjective Etymology: Latin pallidus -- more at PALE 1 : deficient in color : WAN <a pallid countenance> 2 : lacking sparkle or liveliness : DULL <a pallid entertainment> |
2005/1/6-8 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:35570 Activity:moderate |
1/6 A relative is opening a small (family) store and asks me what software can be used to keep track of everything, like inventory, sales, suppliers, statistics etc. Are there good and cheap commericial (database?) programs for this? Can she use some open source solution? Right now she uses a Mac though that can change if necessary. \_ While I hate it with every bit of my soul, for small business, Peachtree Accounting will do everything you've asked for. It only runs on Windows, though. \_ Why do you hate it? \_ Why do you hate America? \_ Once you grow and have multiple computers connecting to the database, things get less stable. It uses its own form of lock that breaks if you try to host the file on Samba server(don't even think of trying this.) Too many maintenance operations require the database be in single user mode. Basically, it's fine and dandy for a small business that intends to stay small. It's the growing pains that I don't like. \_ Thanks for the info. What would you have used instead? Even very small business may want to have multiple user access. \_ why not quickbooks? a small biz is still a lot of work, and getting someone to balance the books every now and then would be easier to find since qb is the standard. |
2005/1/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:35571 Activity:very high |
1/6 Someone please list possible neocons who post on motd. I'll start. Remember this is just a suspect list, and they're innocent till proven guilty: emarkp (believes the war has made the world safer, preemption, etc) jblack williamc \_ Nope, wrong. I'm not a neocon. I've already stated publicly that I was against the Iraqi war. I also have stated that I'm a \_ some neocons, like that fujimoron, are against the war devout atheist, support universal healt-care, same-sex marriages, and abortion. I just don't like non-criticial self-rightous \_ neocons are all secular and mostly atheist, unlike con. radicalism of the left. It's funny, but a reporter friend of mine (who is by no means a republican) stated that after having interviewed a number of people, she found that liberals are basically "stupid" because they spout off their dogma without checking facts. Having said that, my offer to help you be deported to Canada still stands -williamc \_ Right, and the Other Facilely Labelled Team *ALWAYS* does. Can you at least try for some objectivity here? \_ Well, I don't hear libertarians nor conservatives whining when they lose. They don't threaten to leave the country. OTOH, very conservative people I know who belong to a Churcn and are devout Christians DO put their money where their mouths are and actually take sabbaticals to 3rd world countries to spread their faith. I don't agree with their religion, but I admire their faith. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of the liberals. I find it somewhat fascinating that someone like John Kerry can vote FOR the Iraq war and then claim he's AGAINST it during his campaign run. And not only that, he actually ALLLOWS the right to paint him into a corner. The world is hardly ever black-and-white. Both sides contain valid criticisms of the other side. However, not practicing what you preach makes you look very stupid. Let this be a lesson to you liberals, what comes out of your mouth is considered, weighed, and judged. If you want to be taken seriously by the American public, speak seriously, think seriously, and most important of all, practice what you preach. Otherwise you will continue to be targets of ridicule. -williamc \_ I thought Kerry voted to authorize the use of force in response to terrorism. Since Iraq HAD little to do with terrorism directed at us, how would that be voting for an Iraq war? Granted, he said some stupid stuff after the vote where he tried to have it both ways. \_ Uhm, no, he voted to authorize the invasion of Iraq. You're getting his "spin" confused with the actual vote. If you don't believe me you can go read the resolution online and see what he voted for. If he thought that the resolution stated otherwise then shame on Kerry for not actually reading the resolution before voting for it. Sorry, you can't have it both ways. What you vote for is what counts, not what you say after the vote. \_ He voted to agree to allow the President to take action in Iraq. That's not the same as authorizing the invasion. \_ Wrong point. Kerry voted to give Bush the authority to go to war if he exhausted all other options to disarm Iraq. Bush didn't. Specifically he didn't fulfill section 3b of the resolution. Nor has he performed any of section 4. \_ So if I happen to get a job in Canada, will you pay my relocation costs even if I don't become a Canadian citizen and am not moving for political reasons? This sounds like a potentially sweet deal. How does one qualify for the Williamc Canadian Fellowship? \_ Nope, the conditions of the Alec Baldwin Fund are as follows: \_ Nope, the conditions of the James Baldwin Fund are as follows: 1) We pay you to relocate to Canada 2) You have to sign an affadavit that you will renounce your American Citizenship and never return to the U.S. or any of its territories. 3) You need give us documented proof that the U.S. Government has received and accepted your renouncement either in the form of an official document from the INS or other State Dept. office. 4) You need to submit your cancelled American passport to us. Failure to meet these terms will disqualify you. Thanks for playing. -williamc \_ Devout atheist? \_ Did *anyone* move to Canada, France, or some other paradise of neo-liberalism? \_ No. \_ I find it somewhat ironic that you're looking towards making a blacklist of people and refuse to sign your own post. Perhaps you should put up or shut up. \_ Being a neo-con is a crime? \_ Restored. When someone can tell me what a neocon is, I'll let you know if I'm one. -emarkp \_ As far as I know, the standard left-wing definition of neocon is just "evil." So I guess the question is, are you evil? \_ well I don't care about politics but this is time for shameless self-promotion. You can find past posts and definitions here: http://csua.com/?entry=12748 Political posts go in endless & pointless circles so why not just read past posts and not create any more trash? thanks. \_ It was a rhetorical request. The definition isn't exactly settled. The wiki lists: - militant anticommunism: yep - more social welfare spending: nope - sympathy with a non-traditionalist agenda: nope - being more inclined than other conservatives toward an interventionist foreign policy and a unilateralism that is sometimes at odds with traditional conceptions of diplomacy and international law: yep So what does that make me? -emarkp \_ You are a conservative. What I would call a "rightist" conservative, to be exact. This discriminates you from, say, libertarian conservatives. \_ Hmm. What about if I add this? I believe we should drill in ANWR but also that we should put a huge boatload of money into researching nuclear fusion for power generation and hydrogen for power distribution. And I bike to work. -emarkp \_ People called me a neocon before. Heh. I love how the motd meaning of 'neocon' drifted from 'hawkish jew' to 'believes Iraq war was a good idea.' I always thought neocons were people who wanted to drill for oil in Alaska. -- ilyas \_ I never saw "hawkish jew" and "neocon" is a set including some but not all of "believes Iraq war was a good idea". Neo = new and "con" is conservative. It's for people, like say David Horowitz, who were liberals (or radicals, in his case) and are now conservatives. I'd like to see where this "standard left wing definition" appears. I've only heard it from people who are not left in the least, like the poster above. -- ulysses \_ I am sorry, I don't know whose fault it is exactly, but the 'neocon' label has been hijacked and misused to such an extent, that it's really kind of laughable to use this word seriously. In my opinion. -- ilyas \_ I respect your opinion and certainly the poster above has provided a perfect example of misuse (or at least erroneously broad use). I don't believe the term has been as badly hijacked as that. The most common misuse I see is right here by one or more posters who never sign their names so who can say? -- ulysses \_ Wiki suffers from some of the same problems as the motd does. There was a /. article on this very subject recently. -- ilyas recently. People seem to use wiki as a 'mainstream authoritative source' these days. -- ilyas \_ I can categorically state that I am not now and never was a member of the Communist Party, er, I mean neocon. \_ Conservative = Small government, lower taxes mainly; family values Neocon = Everything that happened in Afghanistan, Iraq \_ See the wikipedia article, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoconservatism_%28United_States%29 \_ http://www.csmonitor.com/specials/neocon/neocon101.html. |
2005/1/6-7 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:35572 Activity:nil |
1/6 How can I make Mozilla never play background music for any websites? |
2005/1/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/Election, ERROR, uid:35573, category id '18005#2.2175' has no name! , ] UID:35573 Activity:nil |
1/6 Stewart wins, CNN cancels Crossfire http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20050106-4509.html \_ No, I think we all win. \_ Eh. It would have been better if they had just replaced the pundits with people who could actually think. |
2005/1/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:35574 Activity:high |
1/6 Too much politics on the motd. Can we talk about girls? \_ In Soviet Union, girls talk about you! \_ If this were the case, most of the those here would have relocated by now. \_ Nobody said they're saying good things about you. \_ But if it can get them a green card, I bet they are! \_ Well, they might say ONE nice thing about you, then. \_ Yeah, "I do" \_ That would be nice for a change. \_ What is a girl? Is it some new linux distro? |
2005/1/6-7 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:35575 Activity:nil |
1/6 http://www.thenausea.com/elements/usa/AC130_GunshipMed_a.wmv Want to see our awsome military capabilities? Look at this video with precision guided weapons destroying the bad Afghan warlords. Video like this makes me proud of being an American. \_ ob group masturbation of hooded prisoners at abu ghraib video; also: "I went down to Tier 1 (the cellblock where much of the abuse is said to have occurred) and when I looked down the corridor, I saw two naked detainees, one masturbating to another kneeling with its mouth open," he is quoted as saying. "I thought I should just get out of there. I didn't think it was right, as it seemed like the wrong thing to do. I saw Staff Sergeant Frederick walking towards me, and he said, `Look what these animals do when you leave them alone for two seconds.'" |
2005/1/6-8 [Computer/Domains] UID:35576 Activity:kinda low |
1/6 Can someone tell me how to transfer the ownership of domain names? thx \_ Depends on the TLD. Which one do you want to transfer? \_ I have http://godaddy.com, the guy who's buying my domain name hasn't chosen a registrar yet. \_ BTW, does anyone else think http://GoDaddy.com sounds like a porn site? \_ I thought it sounded funny too... hahahahaha |
2005/1/6-7 [Recreation/Sports] UID:35577 Activity:kinda low |
1/6 WTF, you can't defend a child hit with a water bottle at a football game now? The sailor guy is lucky the kid's friends didn't have guns! http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2005/01/06/state1916EST0140.DTL \_ I think you're confusing "defense" with "revenge" \_ You must be some kind of liberal. You'd sit by and do nothing while some clown is throwing things at a kid you're with?? \_ The guy throws an empty water bottle. You and two of your friends beat him unconscious. Does that seem like a valid response to you. And yes, I am a liberal. The guy was an ass for not apologizing if he hit the kid on purpose. But, funny thing, I have some modicum of self control, and I would hope others do too. \_ You must be some kind of idiot. Almost killing a guy because he threw an empty bottle at a kid is never justified. Not only are these three morons going to get a year in the pen, they're going to be slapped with a huge assault and battery tort lawsuit by the sailor. I mean, are you going to go and slash someone's throat because he took your parking space? If you think this behavior is justified, I think you need to go seek professional help. \_ The article said the sailor refused to apologize. If that's the whole story, I think he's a dick and deserve to get beaten up. However, this being civilized society, I think the three men went a bit too far. I think the fair thing would be to charge the sailor for "assault" as well for hitting the kid with the bottle. \_ And that they didn't should give a clue that it probably an accident. |
2005/1/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:35578 Activity:nil |
1/6 What is the difference between the rated and unrated versions of 9 1/2 Weeks? \_ half a week |
2005/1/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:35579 Activity:high |
1/6 "Yahoo! News - On the trail of 400,000 fugitives" http://csua.org/u/am1 80 agents trying to catch 400k fugitive immigrants out of 8M illegals. No wonder it didn't work. The "catch and release" policy is also amazing. \- if anybody was serious about cheep labor immigration, one would move toward more pursuit/prosecution/penalties for hiring them. but nobody is going to go after big farmers, construction companies and the yuppie employers of domestic help. and now we return you to the war on drugs. hiring them. |
2005/1/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:35580 Activity:nil |
1/6 Arrgggg I told you lazy ass to bike ride but NOOOOO! Now we're trailing Seattle: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,143460,00.html |
2005/1/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:35581 Activity:nil |
1/6 Inflation disinformation: http://csua.org/u/am2 \_ Oh yeah, objective research from Gold Bullion dealers. C'mon, people, let's get facts from credible sources, eh? \_ Why don't you refute their claims instead of the source. Do you believe oil prices can jump 40% year over year and have no effect on everything else, even though oil underpins every aspect of our economy? |
2005/1/6-8 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:35582 Activity:low |
1/6 Does anyone have Cingular? Does it offer Busy Forwarding (not Call Forwarding) services? For AT&T it's *73 and for Verizon it's *92 but I can't seem to find this info for Cingular. Thanks for any help. \_ generally this is controlled from the phone w/ GSM by going into the call-forwarding setup menu and adjusting the different classes of forward. but I discovered that T-Mobile at least has taken upon themselves to override this in the network because too many newbies didn't realize they were screwing w/ the same mechanism used to send callers to voicemail. so on T-Mobile you have to call customer service and plead with them to change forwarding rules for your GSM phone! (this is also why voicemail shows as extra calls from your phone, and how they gouge you for calls you DON'T answer while roaming internationally!) \_ WHOA!!! So does this mean that we shouldn't switch to GSM (Cingular/AT&T) yet? And that we should stick to CDMA (Verizon) or TDMA (old AT&T)? |
3/15 |