2005/1/4 [Recreation/Dating] UID:35533 Activity:high |
1/4 When you buy something online with CC, does the shopping site transmit the ip/domain name you are using along with the card info to the bank? \_ Not to the bank AFAIK, but the payment processor gets it. \_ look, just buy your porn already, no one cares. \_ married, don't want this popping up on the credit card report. \_ They have these buildings where they accept little pieces of green paper in exchange for goods such as porn. \_ Sheesh, it's not like there isn't pleanty of free porn on the 'net. \_ It will show up on your CC statement as a transaction. \_ Buy one of those gift cards that work as a credit card. \_ You could save everyone a lot of trouble by just being faithful to your marriage vows. \_ gee I didn't realize "no porn" was in the marriage vows now. -tom \_ If the bitch won't put out what are ya gonna do? \_ I think if you have to be deciteful your marriage is already screwed. You could at least be honest about it. \_ Most people don't understand that marriage is both a social contract and a financial contract. Just because the social part of it has broken down doesn't mean you are willing to dissolve the financial component also. \_ That may be, but in that case op should work on fixing the social part. Doing otherwise is just pathetic. Anyway, I think this subthread has already read too much into this guy's personal life. \_ I'm going to guess you are either not married or have been married only a short time. \_ Your advice is well and good, but there are times when one partner or the other may not be interested in sex as much as the other (due to stress, work, school, kids, etc.); this is usually temporary, and trying to talk about it is just as likely to increase the stress. In times like these, pr0n is a much better alternative to professionals, affairs, or coercion. \_ Which is why I said we were reading too much into this post. \_ Doh. Teach me to read everything. |
2005/1/4 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:35534 Activity:nil |
1/4 When is Bill Gates the philanthropist going to donate millions of dollars worth of Windows XP license to the tsunami victims? They really need an OS right now. How about the super wealthy Walton/Republican families? \_ Why bother, the countries affected probably already have i pre-release versions of Longhorn pirated. |
2005/1/4 [Recreation/Food] UID:35535 Activity:nil |
1/4 What makes corns pop to turn them into popcorns? Is it because they have something that's flamable inside and less flamable outside? How about rice, sunflower seeds, ants, and other things, can they be popped as well? I'm interesting in inventing, producing, and marketing a new genre of food and I'm wondering what is possible, ok thx -amateur chef \_ Popcorn pops because of the water inside the kernel. Once you heat it to above boiling the water turns into gas, causing a small explosion and the resultant piece of popcorn. - williamc \_ A more detailed explanation is that popping corn (a special variety) has been bred to have a hard outer seed coat and a large 'horny' endosperm high in protein, and a small starchy endosperm at the center. What heated, the water in the center turns to steam and dissolves the protein that makes up the bulk of the kernel. When pressure gets too high, the seed coat pops, and the steam-hydrated proteins of the horny endosperm expand and cool rapidly. Once it cools and loses steam, the protein sets into a dry foam. Through a lot of selective breeding or gene splicing, it might be possible to create other seed varieties that pop, but I can't see how it could recoup the R&D. In any case, it's not something you can do by just cooking. \_ (To myself) I got that slightly backwards. The horny endosperm holds most of the water and the puffy texture is expanded starch, not a protein foam. \_ I don't think that popcorn was specially "bred" to be popcorn. Native Americans have been popping corn since 5000 years ago. Perhaps it was a lucky discovery, perhaps it was bred, nobody knows. \_ Corn has been bred a very long ways from its natural form. Some bred variety along the way could pop. It was later specialized into a corn that is good for popping, but lousy for masa harina. The indians probably grew something similar to modern 'dent corn', which makes up like 98% of the U.S. crop, and is not a very good popper. \_ Almost all corn has been bred by humans. |
2005/1/4 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:35536 Activity:moderate |
1/4 Why did Sweden lose so many more people in the tsunami compared to other countries like Australia, Germany and France with much larger population? Are Indonesia and Thailand extremely popular tourist destinations among Swedes? \_ Yes. There were a lot of Swedes there. \_ Yeah my Swedish relative told me they have lots of flights there from Sweden at pretty good rates. Swedes have long dark winters so they like to go to warm places then using their long communist vacations. Speaking of Swedes, http://thepiratebay.org is a great bittorrent site! \_ Can't speak to Sumatra, but Phuket and Krabbe have (had?) a lot of Aussie and German tourists. |
2005/1/4-5 [Finance/CC] UID:35537 Activity:high |
1/4 Forget porn for a moment: if I want to buy something for my wife without her knowing about it, and it's too late to establish separate credit cards/bank accounts, will most online vendors (including PayPal) accept a Gift Debit Card? Are there other solutions? \_ I think the question of how to spend money on the credit card system without using a tracable credit card is a useful one for everyone regardless of this whole hiding from the wife thing. It seems to me that the main application for this would be to use a card with a vendor you don't trust. \_ Trust to do what? What are you afraid might happen? \_ Steal my money. Also, I don't want the feds and the corporations to be able to track me. I'm not the op, btw. My wife is just about the *only* person in the world I trust with my financial information. \_ If they steal your money then you complain to the CC company. If you don't want to be tracked then use cash. \_ If you have no answer then don't bother posting. \_ That is the answer. No one can steal your money and if you do not want to be tracked then you must use cash. \_ Cash will not be around forever. There are exactly two possibilities for the future of currency: anonymous digital currency and slavery. \_ uh, right. \_ Have a friend buy it for you and pay him/her back with cash? What in the world are you buying??? \_ Buy it on the credit card and give it to her soon after. Most people do not check their statements daily. \_ You could also time the purchase just after they send a credit card bill. Unless she checks online, that should buy you a month \_ Set up a checking account at a different bank under your name only and have the statements mailed to a PO box. Then get a check/debit card on that account. \_ Forget porn ... forget porn ... OH FUCK! I'VE FORGOTTEN ALL MY PORN, THANKS A LOT! |
2005/1/4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:35538 Activity:high |
1/4 If Washington wants to boost America's image in the Muslim world, why didn't Powell go directly to Indonesia instead of Thailand? Better yet, why didn't Bush send someone higher like Chaney or even go there himself? That would've been a big boost if Bush show himself there even if he leaves the real work to someone else. (The prime minister of Singapore went to Indonesia himself, for example, not that Singapore has an image problem.) \_ Powell got sent because they're building him up for something big later on-- it's pretty much the same reason he presided over the NYC New Year's Eve apple-dropping. Thailand is a strong US ally, and BushCo have a pattern of recognizing allies first, potential allies second; it's their way of rewarding loyalty. \_ OK. I'll bite. What are they building Powell up big for later on? Is he running for U.S. President in 08? Or the U.N. Secretary General in 06? I thought Clinton wanted that position? \_ I'll bite too. What could they build him up for, since he has vowed to leave politics? \_ Pope. \_ Because our image can't be changed in the Muslim world until the Mullahs stop preaching hatred of the USA, or the people have enough freedom to learn for themselves that we're not the great Satan. \_ If Washington wants to change their image in the middle east, they should simply not overthrow any more mossadeghs, not support israel, and not invade any more iraqs. \_ You've never spent much time with Arabs have you? \_ You mean "crazed, fundamentalist Arabs". Lots of Arabs are perfectly rational people. \_ In my small experiance, most of the ones who come to the states are perectly rational people. The ones stuck in fascist hellholes are nuts because all they hear is propoganda 24-7. It's hard to be rational when your whole life experiance is insane. That's what I was trying to get at above. \_ you forgot that 53% of the Americans don't really care about what the world thinks about U.S. Only sissy peacenik gay liberals care what other people think about themselves. -conservative |
2005/1/4-5 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:35539 Activity:moderate |
1/4 Ranking of govt. aids: #1: Japan $500m #2: Australia $450m #3: US $350m \- this really understates what the US is doing with it's navy and such. also japan has a self-interest movtive i would guess in getting aceh back on line. they get some amount of natural gas and other resources from the Aceh area directly. \_ What are the Russians doing? \_ they're busy doing insane things nationalizing their gas/oil company and selling a chunk of it to china. \_ agreed. Maybe they should do the sane and smart thing like giving private enterprizes more power because they run the industry more efficiently. In fact they should just follow the Enron model-- ethics aside, it was a very efficient and profitable model. Produce less, make more. -conservative who totally trusts private enterprizes \_ [troll deleted] \_ pretend the US only has one oil company. now nationalized it. big undertaking! \_ Welcome to the ownership society. \_ Japan is trying to buy his way to a permanent seat in security concil in United Nation. So, Japan's contribution is not really an altrustic aid. |
2005/1/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:35540 Activity:high |
1/4 Do people try to get CA REFUND from bottles and cans? \_ Lots of people do. You can see them pushing shopping carts down the street. \_ how much do people get for recycling? \_ I assume you mean per hour, since obviously it's 5 cents per can. In a good location at a good time, you can make a good 15-20 bucks in an hour and a half of scrounging. "Good location" here partly means someplace where no one else is doing it, i.e. not Berkeley. else is doing it, i.e. not Berkeley. I have no idea what the bums in Berkeley make. \_ Uh, no. At 5 cents a can you'd have to pickup 400 cans an hour to make 20 bucks. You'd be lucky to get 400 cans a day from a restaurant. I think your order of magnitude scale is waaaay off. I used to trade in cans, after a couple months we usually had enough to buy a 24 pack of soda. \_ My numbers aren't "off," they're based on direct experience. Yes, that's 400 cans. No fucking shit. You have to be someplace where poeple will drink a whole 24 pack and then throw all the cans in the trash. Repeatedly. And yes you have to bust ass to collect them and yes you will completely fill up your car with smelly bags of cans...but my numbers are correct. \_ First off, I've never really seen any of those bums/bag ladies "bust ass." They're either incapable of "busting ass" or they choose not to. Most of them are unfortunately mentally ill or have a drug addiction problem. Second, you simply can't pick up 400 cans per hour from the trash in the real world. You might be able to do it under ideal test situations, but give me a break, you can't do it in real life. In order to get even close to 400 cans per hour you'd basically need to raid EVERY recycling bin in a couple square miles, it's simply not going to happen. The only way you could do it is to actually OWN the recycling bins, and the city owns them, so bums/bagladies are going to have to stick their hands through the receptacle and manually grab each can out of the recycling bin. It gets much much harder to do this if you're going to go through the regular trash. Third, people don't deposit soda cans in a neat little heap for you to pick up. They either are A) Tossed into the recycling bin if they're good citizens. B) Tossed into the trash, a much more likely prospect. C) Tossed into the bushes. Fourth, hauling 400 cans per hour isn't exactly easy. Have you even picked up a bag of say 150 cans? It's not exactly light at that point. Hauling 400 cans per hour is just going to be exceedingly difficult unless you're a long shoreman, and it's obvious bums/bagladies aren't exactly physically fit. In reality, I bet they get around 10-15 bucks a day worth of cans if they're lucky. \_ I wasn't talking about bag ladies or bums, and for the third time, I'm not speculating, I've done it. Do you want a fucking video tape? Your idiocy has pissed me off enough, I'm tempted to go do it this weekend, video tape the whole fucking 2 hour project and send it to your dumb ass just to put you in your place. I don't have any idea what homeless people in berkeley make. Probably not much. I never claimed that this was a viable way to make a living, I'm just telling you what a resourceful, able bodied sodan can make. \_ Okay, you've got some major issues. 1. Why the fuck are you collecting cans for a living if you went to Berkeley? Isn't the fucking concept to get an education so you don't have to PICK CANS FOR A LIVING IN THE FIRST PLACE? 2. I don't give a shit about your fuckiing one shot project because your one shot project proves only one thing, that a person can carry 400 cans around in an hour. The question is how mucn can people make per hour in real world situations, not in your fucking ideal setup. Get a fucking clue and STFU. If you could realistically make 15-20 an hour picking up soda cans off the street bums wouldn't be on the fucking street. Your idiocy amazes me. Hell, if you want to rent a dump truck you can pickup a couple tons of cans in a minute. I mean, what kind of moron are you, do you believe that you can actually get exactly the MPG on a car day-in-day out? Or do you believe in 100% efficiency in conversion of energy? God, why do people like you even bother to attend school? Might as well give up your seat with someone with half a brain of common sense. \_ You don't fucking read, do you? \_ I haven't posted in this thread yet, but I have to say, this is awesome. You sir, are a total moron. It's rare to see stupidity in such a pure state. \_ No shit. If he had half a brain, he could easily have convinced me to spend my weekend running around tearing through trashcans with a camcorder and a stopwatch. His loss. \_ Try it again with a shopping cart and see how it goes. |
2005/1/4 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:35541 Activity:high |
1/4 emarkp, jrleek, and other conservatives who think the war on Iraq is a good thing and has made the world safer, please read this: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6786899/site/newsweek \_ Funny, I never remember saying the Iraq war is a good thing or has made the world safer. Why do you continue to mix me and emarkp up? Are the names that similar, or are you just stupid? -jrleek \_ you're a conservative. \_ Wow, good thing you can use that word to extrapolate _all_ of my political opinions. I take it you're 'liberal?' because, you know you can only be one or the other. Oh, and don't forget, liberal = democrat and conservative = republican. -jrleek \_ Personally, I pride myself on being a raving, wingut moderate. \_ I pride myself on being a radical apathetic. \_ Why would anyone read this drivel? And what does this have to do with the war in Iraq being a good thing and/or making the world safer? \_ I envy you. -poor dumb bastard suckered into reading drivel \_ OP is an idiot. 'Nuff said. \_ Man, I wished he had signed his post. |
2005/1/4-5 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:35542 Activity:low |
1/4 I added a user to my Windows 2000 machine, and now I can't login as Administrator or any of the other user accounts. I think I changed the automatically login user without password box. I think I need to reset the administrator password. Any ideas? \_ obgoogle. try system internal's website. they got tools \_ http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd \_ Perfect! That worked very well, I'm keeping that CD in my kit. \_ Get tweakui for win2k. It will allow you to turn the proper login back on. |
2005/1/4-5 [Recreation/Dating] UID:35543 Activity:high |
1/4 http://members.shaw.ca/strafemac/bitchyhookersign.jpg \_ where was that? \_ The Chinese part mentions that she used to live on Collingwood St. in the west part of a place called Wen-something. So it was probably Vancouver, BC where there are a lot of Chinese immigrants. Yahoo Maps confirms that there is a Collingwood St. in Vancouver. It also says she now lives in/on Arbutus. Maybe that's a different city or a different street. \_ Arbutus is another street in Vancouver. \_ What does that character mean, the fourth to the left of the "Collingwood" at the top? looks like a face wearing glasses. \_ I think it means "formerly". \_ funny funny funny!!! \_ funny funny funny!!! Thanks for sharing it. \_ Here's something I don't understand. Why isn't the humorless motd guy nuking this? I mean, it's not THAT funny. I guess this illustrates that humor is subjective and the humorless nuke guy is an ass. \_ The Chinese part is more explicit than the English part. \_ No fair dropping a teaser like that and running. Share! \_ Literal translation: "Taiwan "astronaut's" (meaning immigrant who frequently flies back to the home country to work) wife, lonely horny woman, Teresa Chou Liang (maiden name Chou) has lonely horny woman, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX has \_ posting the link is bad enough Imagine you enemey putting a flier like that with your name on it. a daughter. Formerly lived on Collingwood St. in west Vancouver, now lives in/on Arbutus. Horny and easy (something ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ yinjian - whorish (sexually insatiable and immoral, cheap and lowclass) \_ slutty (and base) is more accurate fangdang - debauched \_ wanton is the word you want like that). Specialized in breaking other people's families. Shameless. In recent days she keeps on making erotic phone ^^^^^^ better translation: indecent / obscene \_ Thx. \_ should be "lewd" calls to someone else's husband, saying that she's lonely, her desire is buring, her vagina badly needs to be fucked by man's sexual organ, and she wants the cheating husband to compare whether she fucks better or his wife fucks better. Any man can fuck her, shameless. (... something ...) say all Taiwan women are the same. Please don't shame other Chinese and ^^^^^^^ huh? the correct translation should be "compatriots". \_ Thx. other women." There's no reference to "bitchy" or "hooker". P.S. "In recent days" might be "every day". I can't read it clearly in the photo. \_ Ahh! Someone please give me Teresa's address or phone \_ Ahh! Someone please give me XXXXX's address or phone number so that I can go satisfy her need! (If she's of MILF quality.) \_ You do realize that probably someone other than "her" posted flier. \_ Yeah, and I think whoever posted the flier would be more than willing to give out her contact info, either to further humiliate her or to direct other men to her so that she'll leave the poster's family alone. \_ You're an idiot - !tom |
2005/1/4-5 [Industry/Jobs] UID:35544 Activity:moderate |
1/4 I'm developing a website and would like it to look as professional as possible, but I don't have enough money to hire a web designer to design the entire site. I do, however, want to hire someone to design and create the logo and title image/logo of the home page. I can't afford to pay too much though (<$100). Does anyone have any ideas (or even specific recommendations) how to go about finding someone for this job? Thanks. \_ craigslist \_ Good plan "NSA bj in exch for web design work" should do the trick. \_ What does "NSA" mean in this context? \_ No strings attached \_ That's not the NSA I know and love. -jrleek \_ There No Such Agency, citizen. \_ http://www.megrisoft.com/services/webdesign/logo_design_india.html |
2005/1/4-5 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:35545 Activity:moderate Edit_by:auto |
1/4 Hello UNIX command line gurus, let's say I have a file called filenames.log that contains file names, like /usr/bin/hello, /media/dvd/wayne's world, /media/music/my music!.mpg. I'd like to do something like: % cat filenames.log | xargs tar rvf /backup/today.tar However, I can't do that because I need to escape characters like ', \ , \!, and many others. What's an elegant way of doing this? I thought about using sed, but I'd have to come up with a comprehensive list of characters that I have to escape, which is lame. Ideally I'd like something like: % cat filenames.log | escape | xargs rvf /backup/today.tar Got ideas? Thanks! \_ Here are a few ways to do it. Hopefully you find one elegant. sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9]/\\&/g' filenames.log | xargs tar rvf ... sed 's/./\\&/g' filenames.log | xargs tar rvf ... tr '\n' '\0' <filenames.log | xargs -0 tar rvf ... sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9]/\\&/g' filenames.log | xargs tar rvf today.tar \_ thanks. So the above sed, with "&", is equivalent to perl's $1 or \1? It's seems like it's the same as perl's s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/\\$1/g; So here is another question. How do you specify $1, $2, etc in sed? thanks. \_ Sed's & is perl's $& (the entire search string). Sed uses \1, \2, etc. to retrieve stuff from parens. Also note that you have to use \( and \) in sed, not just ( and ) like in perl. sed 's/./\\&/g' filenames.log | xargs tar rvf today.tar tr '\n' '\0' <filenames.log | xargs -0 tar rvf today.tar tar rvfI today.tar filenames.log \_ % cat filenames.log | perl -ne 'print quotemeta;' | xargs rvf /backup/today.tar \-i'd use the tr command above to NULL pad + xargs -0 OR modify a perl script called "findtar" OR use GNU tar's -T|--files-from option possibly with --null. ok tnx --psb \_ if performance is an issue would perl be slower because the executable is bigger? Or would it be faster because it's got optimizations built in? \-no offense, but this is not a question worth asking. or at least not worth answering. \_ xargs is wrong in this case. Use normal tar with -T. -vadim \- tar -rv -f mybackup.tar -T file_list.txt \_ keywords: perl escape character space |
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